An experimental package to add metadata to types.
Specify a type with -t T
and the data to extend it with as -d D
. The type
will be made to fulfill the interface:
type Dataer interface {
Data() D // Return value is the type chosen to extend T.
Example: Struct
//go:generate go run lesiw.io/dataer@latest -t superstring -d stringdata
package main
import "fmt"
type superstring string
type stringdata struct {
String string
Int int
func main() {
x := superstring("a string")
y := superstring("a string")
x.Data().String = "x"
x.Data().Int = 42
y.Data().String = "y"
fmt.Println("x == y?", x == y)
fmt.Println("x str:", x.Data().String)
fmt.Println("y str:", y.Data().String)
fmt.Println("x int:", x.Data().Int)
fmt.Println("y int:", y.Data().Int)
Example: Basic type
//go:generate go run lesiw.io/dataer@latest -t superstring -d int
package main
import "fmt"
type superstring string
func main() {
x := superstring("a string")
y := superstring("a string")
*x.Data() = 42
*y.Data() = -1
fmt.Println("x == y?", x == y)
fmt.Println("x int:", *x.Data())
fmt.Println("y int:", *y.Data())