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Published: Jan 15, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// ResourceExtensionGVK is the key for resource extension, which is used to
	// store the GVK of the resource.
	ResourceExtensionGVK = "GVK"
	// ResourceExtensionKubeConfig is the key for resource extension, which is used
	// to indicate the path of kubeConfig for Kubernetes type resource.
	ResourceExtensionKubeConfig = "kubeConfig"
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const (
	DefaultBlock         = "default"
	ProjectSelectorField = "projectSelector"

	BackendLocal            = "local"
	BackendMysql            = "mysql"
	BackendOss              = "oss"
	BackendS3               = "s3"
	EnvAwsAccessKeyID       = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
	EnvAwsSecretAccessKey   = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
	EnvAwsDefaultRegion     = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"
	EnvAwsRegion            = "AWS_REGION"
	EnvOssAccessKeyID       = "OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
	EnvOssAccessKeySecret   = "OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"
	DefaultMysqlPort        = 3306


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type AWSProvider

type AWSProvider struct {
	// AWS Region to be used to interact with AWS Secrets Manager.
	// Examples are us-east-1, us-west-2, etc.
	Region string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`

	// The profile to be used to interact with AWS Secrets Manager.
	// If not set, the default profile created with `aws configure` will be used.
	Profile string `yaml:"profile,omitempty" json:"profile,omitempty"`

AWSProvider configures a store to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.

type AlicloudProvider

type AlicloudProvider struct {
	// Alicloud Region to be used to interact with Alicloud Secrets Manager.
	// Examples are cn-beijing, cn-shanghai, etc.
	Region string `yaml:"region" json:"region"`

AlicloudProvider configures a store to retrieve secrets from Alicloud Secrets Manager.

type AzureEnvironmentType

type AzureEnvironmentType string

AzureEnvironmentType specifies the Azure cloud environment endpoints to use for connecting and authenticating with Azure.

const (
	AzureEnvironmentPublicCloud       AzureEnvironmentType = "PublicCloud"
	AzureEnvironmentUSGovernmentCloud AzureEnvironmentType = "USGovernmentCloud"
	AzureEnvironmentChinaCloud        AzureEnvironmentType = "ChinaCloud"
	AzureEnvironmentGermanCloud       AzureEnvironmentType = "GermanCloud"

type AzureKVProvider

type AzureKVProvider struct {
	// Vault Url from which the secrets to be fetched from.
	VaultURL *string `yaml:"vaultUrl" json:"vaultUrl"`

	// TenantID configures the Azure Tenant to send requests to.
	TenantID *string `yaml:"tenantId" json:"tenantId"`

	// EnvironmentType specifies the Azure cloud environment endpoints to use for connecting and authenticating with Azure.
	// By-default it points to the public cloud AAD endpoint, and the following endpoints are available:
	// PublicCloud, USGovernmentCloud, ChinaCloud, GermanCloud
	// Ref: https://github.com/Azure/go-autorest/blob/main/autorest/azure/environments.go#L152
	EnvironmentType AzureEnvironmentType `yaml:"environmentType,omitempty" json:"environmentType,omitempty"`

AzureKVProvider configures a store to retrieve secrets from Azure KeyVault

type BackendConfigs

type BackendConfigs struct {
	// Local is the backend using local file system.
	Local *LocalFileConfig `yaml:"local,omitempty" json:"local,omitempty"`

	// Mysql is the backend using mysql database.
	Mysql *MysqlConfig `yaml:"mysql,omitempty" json:"mysql,omitempty"`

	// Oss is the backend using OSS.
	Oss *OssConfig `yaml:"oss,omitempty" json:"oss,omitempty"`

	// S3 is the backend using S3.
	S3 *S3Config `yaml:"s3,omitempty" json:"s3,omitempty"`

BackendConfigs contains config of the backend, which is used to store state, etc. Only one kind backend can be configured.

type BuilderType

type BuilderType string
const (
	KCLBuilder              BuilderType = "KCL"
	AppConfigurationBuilder BuilderType = "AppConfiguration"

type ExternalSecretRef

type ExternalSecretRef struct {
	// Specifies the name of the secret in Provider to read, mandatory.
	Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"`

	// Specifies the version of the secret to return, if supported.
	Version string `yaml:"version,omitempty" json:"version,omitempty"`

	// Used to select a specific property of the secret data (if a map), if supported.
	Property string `yaml:"property,omitempty" json:"property,omitempty"`

ExternalSecretRef contains information that points to the secret store data location.

type FakeProvider

type FakeProvider struct {
	Data []FakeProviderData `json:"data"`

FakeProvider configures a fake provider that returns static values.

type FakeProviderData

type FakeProviderData struct {
	Key      string            `json:"key"`
	Value    string            `json:"value,omitempty"`
	ValueMap map[string]string `json:"valueMap,omitempty"`
	Version  string            `json:"version,omitempty"`

type GeneratorConfig

type GeneratorConfig struct {
	// Type specifies the type of Generator. can be either "KCL" or "AppConfiguration".
	Type BuilderType `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	// Configs contains extra configurations used by the Generator.
	Configs map[string]interface{} `json:"configs,omitempty" yaml:"configs,omitempty"`

GeneratorConfig holds the intent generation configurations defined in Project resource.

type GenericConfig

type GenericConfig map[string]any

GenericConfig is a generic model to describe config which shields the difference among multiple concrete models. GenericConfig is designed for extensibility, used for module, terraform runtime config, etc.

type GenericObjectStorageConfig

type GenericObjectStorageConfig struct {
	// Endpoint of the object storage service.
	Endpoint string `yaml:"endpoint,omitempty" json:"endpoint,omitempty"`

	// AccessKeyID of the object storage service.
	AccessKeyID string `yaml:"accessKeyID,omitempty" json:"accessKeyID,omitempty"`

	// AccessKeySecret of the object storage service.
	AccessKeySecret string `yaml:"accessKeySecret,omitempty" json:"accessKeySecret,omitempty"`

	// Bucket of the object storage service.
	Bucket string `yaml:"bucket" json:"bucket"`

GenericObjectStorageConfig contains generic configs which can be reused by OssConfig and S3Config.

type Intent

type Intent struct {
	// Resources is the list of Resource this Intent contains.
	Resources Resources `json:"resources" yaml:"resources"`

Intent describes the desired state how the infrastructure should look like: which workload to run, the load-balancer setup, the location of the database schema, and so on. Based on that information, the Kusion engine takes care of updating the production state to match the Intent.

type KubernetesConfig

type KubernetesConfig struct {
	// KubeConfig is the path of the kubeconfig file.
	KubeConfig string `yaml:"kubeConfig" json:"kubeConfig"`

KubernetesConfig contains config to access a kubernetes cluster.

type LocalFileConfig

type LocalFileConfig struct{}

LocalFileConfig contains the config of using local file system as backend. Now there is no configuration item for local file.

type ModuleConfig

type ModuleConfig struct {
	// Default is default block of the module config.
	Default GenericConfig `yaml:"default" json:"default"`

	// ModulePatcherConfigs are the patcher blocks of the module config.
	ModulePatcherConfigs `yaml:",inline,omitempty" json:",inline,omitempty"`

ModuleConfig is the config of a module, which contains a default and several patcher blocks.

The default block's key is "default", and value is the module inputs. The patcher blocks' keys are the patcher names, which are just block identifiers without specific meaning, but must not be "default". Besides module inputs, patcher block's value also contains a field named "projectSelector", whose value is a slice containing the project names that use the patcher configs. A project can only be assigned in a patcher's "projectSelector" field, the assignment in multiple patchers is not allowed. For a project, if not specified in the patcher block's "projectSelector" field, the default config will be used.

Take the ModuleConfig of "database" for an example, which is shown as below:

 config := ModuleConfig {
	"default": {
		"type":         "aws",
		"version":      "5.7",
		"instanceType": "db.t3.micro",
	"smallClass": {
	 	"instanceType":    "db.t3.small",
	 	"projectSelector": []string{"foo", "bar"},

type ModuleConfigs

type ModuleConfigs map[string]*ModuleConfig

ModuleConfigs is a set of multiple ModuleConfig, whose key is the module name.

type ModulePatcherConfig

type ModulePatcherConfig struct {
	// GenericConfig contains the module configs.
	GenericConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`

	// ProjectSelector contains the selected projects.
	ProjectSelector []string `yaml:"projectSelector" json:"projectSelector"`

ModulePatcherConfig is a patcher block of the module config.

type ModulePatcherConfigs

type ModulePatcherConfigs map[string]*ModulePatcherConfig

ModulePatcherConfigs is a group of ModulePatcherConfig.

type MysqlConfig

type MysqlConfig struct {
	// DBName is the database name.
	DBName string `yaml:"dbName" json:"dbName"`

	// User of the database.
	User string `yaml:"user" json:"user"`

	// Password of the database.
	Password string `yaml:"password,omitempty" json:"password,omitempty"`

	// Host of the database.
	Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host"`

	// Port of the database. If not set, then it will be set to DefaultMysqlPort.
	Port *int `yaml:"port,omitempty" json:"port,omitempty"`

MysqlConfig contains the config of using mysql database as backend.

type OssConfig

type OssConfig struct {
	GenericObjectStorageConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` // OSS asks for non-empty endpoint

OssConfig contains the config of using OSS as backend.

type Project

type Project struct {
	// Name is a required fully qualified name.
	Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`

	// Description is an optional informational description.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
	// Labels is the list of labels that are assigned to this project.
	Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"`

	// Path is a directory path within the Git repository.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`

	// Generator controls how to generate the Intent.
	Generator *GeneratorConfig `json:"generator,omitempty" yaml:"generator,omitempty"`

	// The set of stacks that are known about this project.
	Stacks []*Stack `json:"stacks,omitempty" yaml:"stacks,omitempty"`

Project is a definition of Kusion Project resource.

A project is composed of one or more applications and is linked to a Git repository, which contains the project's desired manifests.

type ProviderConfig

type ProviderConfig struct {
	// Source of the provider.
	Source string `yaml:"source" json:"source"`

	// Version of the provider.
	Version string `yaml:"version" json:"version"`

	// GenericConfig is used to describe the config of a specified terraform provider.
	GenericConfig `yaml:",inline,omitempty" json:",inline,omitempty"`

ProviderConfig contains the full configurations of a specified provider. It is the combination of the specified provider's config in blocks "terraform/required_providers" and "providers" in terraform hcl file, where the former is described by fields Source and Version, and the latter is described by GenericConfig cause different provider has different config.

type ProviderSpec

type ProviderSpec struct {
	// Alicloud configures a store to retrieve secrets from Alicloud Secrets Manager.
	Alicloud *AlicloudProvider `yaml:"alicloud,omitempty" json:"alicloud,omitempty"`

	// AWS configures a store to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.
	AWS *AWSProvider `yaml:"aws,omitempty" json:"aws,omitempty"`

	// Vault configures a store to retrieve secrets from HashiCorp Vault.
	Vault *VaultProvider `yaml:"vault,omitempty" json:"vault,omitempty"`

	// Azure configures a store to retrieve secrets from Azure KeyVault.
	Azure *AzureKVProvider `yaml:"azure,omitempty" json:"azure,omitempty"`

	// Fake configures a store with static key/value pairs
	Fake *FakeProvider `yaml:"fake,omitempty" json:"fake,omitempty"`

ProviderSpec contains provider-specific configuration.

type Resource

type Resource struct {
	// ID is the unique key of this resource in the whole State.
	// ApiVersion:Kind:Namespace:Name is an idiomatic way for Kubernetes resources.
	// providerNamespace:providerName:resourceType:resourceName for Terraform resources
	ID string `json:"id" yaml:"id"`

	// Type represents all Runtimes we supported like Kubernetes and Terraform
	Type Type `json:"type" yaml:"type"`

	// Attributes represents all specified attributes of this resource
	Attributes map[string]interface{} `json:"attributes" yaml:"attributes"`

	// DependsOn contains all resources this resource depends on
	DependsOn []string `json:"dependsOn,omitempty" yaml:"dependsOn,omitempty"`

	// Extensions specifies arbitrary metadata of this resource
	Extensions map[string]interface{} `json:"extensions,omitempty" yaml:"extensions,omitempty"`

Resource is the representation of a resource in the state.

func (*Resource) DeepCopy

func (r *Resource) DeepCopy() *Resource

DeepCopy return a copy of resource

func (*Resource) ResourceKey

func (r *Resource) ResourceKey() string

type Resources

type Resources []Resource

func (Resources) GVKIndex

func (rs Resources) GVKIndex() map[string][]*Resource

GVKIndex returns a map of GVK to resources, for now, only Kubernetes resources.

func (Resources) Index

func (rs Resources) Index() map[string]*Resource

func (Resources) Len

func (rs Resources) Len() int

func (Resources) Less

func (rs Resources) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Resources) Swap

func (rs Resources) Swap(i, j int)

type RuntimeConfigs

type RuntimeConfigs struct {
	// Kubernetes contains the config to access a kubernetes cluster.
	Kubernetes *KubernetesConfig `yaml:"kubernetes,omitempty" json:"kubernetes,omitempty"`

	// Terraform contains the config of multiple terraform providers.
	Terraform TerraformConfig `yaml:"terraform,omitempty" json:"terraform,omitempty"`

RuntimeConfigs contains a set of runtime config.

type S3Config

type S3Config struct {
	GenericObjectStorageConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`

	// Region of S3.
	Region string `yaml:"region,omitempty" json:"region,omitempty"`

S3Config contains the config of using S3 as backend.

type SecretStoreSpec

type SecretStoreSpec struct {
	Provider *ProviderSpec `yaml:"provider" json:"provider"`

SecretStoreSpec contains configuration to describe target secret store.

type Stack

type Stack struct {
	// Name is a required fully qualified name.
	Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`

	// Description is an optional informational description.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
	// Labels is the list of labels that are assigned to this stack.
	Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty" yaml:"labels,omitempty"`

	// Path is a directory path within the Git repository.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`

Stack is a definition of Kusion Stack resource.

Stack provides a mechanism to isolate multiple deploys of same application, it's the target workspace that an application will be deployed to, also the smallest operation unit that can be configured and deployed independently.

type TerraformConfig

type TerraformConfig map[string]*ProviderConfig

TerraformConfig contains the config of multiple terraform provider config, whose key is the provider name.

type Type

type Type string
const (
	Kubernetes Type = "Kubernetes"
	Terraform  Type = "Terraform"

type VaultKVStoreVersion

type VaultKVStoreVersion string
const (
	VaultKVStoreV1 VaultKVStoreVersion = "v1"
	VaultKVStoreV2 VaultKVStoreVersion = "v2"

type VaultProvider

type VaultProvider struct {
	// Server is the target Vault server address to connect, e.g: "https://vault.example.com:8200".
	Server string `yaml:"server" json:"server"`

	// Path is the mount path of the Vault KV backend endpoint, e.g: "secret".
	Path *string `yaml:"path,omitempty" json:"path,omitempty"`

	// Version is the Vault KV secret engine version. Version can be either "v1" or
	// "v2", defaults to "v2".
	Version VaultKVStoreVersion `yaml:"version" json:"version"`

VaultProvider configures a store to retrieve secrets from HashiCorp Vault.

type Workspace

type Workspace struct {
	// Name identifies a Workspace uniquely.
	Name string `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

	// Modules are the configs of a set of modules.
	Modules ModuleConfigs `yaml:"modules,omitempty" json:"modules,omitempty"`

	// Runtimes are the configs of a set of runtimes.
	Runtimes *RuntimeConfigs `yaml:"runtimes,omitempty" json:"runtimes,omitempty"`

	// Backends are the configs of a set of backends.
	Backends *BackendConfigs `yaml:"backends,omitempty" json:"backends,omitempty"`

	// SecretStore represents a secure external location for storing secrets.
	SecretStore *SecretStoreSpec `yaml:"secretStore,omitempty" json:"secretStore,omitempty"`

Workspace is a logical concept representing a target that stacks will be deployed to.

Workspace is managed by platform engineers, which contains a set of configurations that application developers do not want or should not concern, and is reused by multiple stacks belonging to different projects.

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