Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( // CDILabelKey provides a constant for CDI PVC labels CDILabelKey = "app" // CDILabelValue provides a constant for CDI PVC label values CDILabelValue = "containerized-data-importer" // CDILabelSelector provides a constant to use for the selector to identify CDI objects in list CDILabelSelector = CDILabelKey + "=" + CDILabelValue // CDIComponentLabel can be added to all CDI resources CDIComponentLabel = "" // CDIControllerName is the CDI controller name CDIControllerName = "cdi-controller" // AppKubernetesPartOfLabel is the Kubernetes recommended part-of label AppKubernetesPartOfLabel = "" // AppKubernetesVersionLabel is the Kubernetes recommended version label AppKubernetesVersionLabel = "" // AppKubernetesManagedByLabel is the Kubernetes recommended managed-by label AppKubernetesManagedByLabel = "" // AppKubernetesComponentLabel is the Kubernetes recommended component label AppKubernetesComponentLabel = "" // PrometheusLabelKey provides the label to indicate prometheus metrics are available in the pods. PrometheusLabelKey = "" // PrometheusLabelValue provides the label value which shouldn't be empty to avoid a prometheus WIP issue. PrometheusLabelValue = "true" // PrometheusServiceName is the name of the prometheus service created by the operator. PrometheusServiceName = "cdi-prometheus-metrics" // KubePersistentVolumeFillingUpSuppressLabelKey is the label name that helps suppress this alert for our PVCs KubePersistentVolumeFillingUpSuppressLabelKey = "" // KubePersistentVolumeFillingUpSuppressLabelValue is the label value that helps suppress this alert for our PVCs KubePersistentVolumeFillingUpSuppressLabelValue = "disabled" // UploadTargetLabel has the UID of upload target PVC UploadTargetLabel = CDIComponentLabel + "/uploadTarget" // DataImportCronLabel has the name of the DataImportCron responsible for the labeled resource DataImportCronLabel = CDIComponentLabel + "/dataImportCron" // DataImportCronNsLabel has the namespace of the DataImportCron responsible for the labeled resource DataImportCronNsLabel = CDIComponentLabel + "/dataImportCronNs" // DataImportCronCleanupLabel tells whether to delete the resource when its DataImportCron is deleted DataImportCronCleanupLabel = DataImportCronLabel + ".cleanup" // ImporterVolumePath provides a constant for the directory where the PV is mounted. ImporterVolumePath = "/data" // DiskImageName provides a constant for our importer/datastream_ginkgo_test and to build ImporterWritePath DiskImageName = "disk.img" // ImporterWritePath provides a constant for the cmd/cdi-importer/importer.go executable ImporterWritePath = ImporterVolumePath + "/" + DiskImageName // WriteBlockPath provides a constant for the path where the PV is mounted. WriteBlockPath = "/dev/cdi-block-volume" // NbdkitLogPath provides a constant for the path in which the nbdkit log messages are stored. NbdkitLogPath = "/tmp/nbdkit.log" // PodTerminationMessageFile is the name of the file to write the termination message to. PodTerminationMessageFile = "/dev/termination-log" // ImporterPodName provides a constant to use as a prefix for Pods created by CDI (controller only) ImporterPodName = "importer" // ImporterDataDir provides a constant for the controller pkg to use as a hardcoded path to where content is transferred to/from (controller only) ImporterDataDir = "/data" // ScratchDataDir provides a constant for the controller pkg to use as a hardcoded path to where scratch space is located. ScratchDataDir = "/scratch" // ImporterS3Host provides an S3 string used by importer/dataStream.go only ImporterS3Host = "" // ImporterCertDir is where the configmap containing certs will be mounted ImporterCertDir = "/certs" // DefaultPullPolicy imports k8s "IfNotPresent" string for the import_controller_gingko_test and the cdi-controller executable DefaultPullPolicy = string(v1.PullIfNotPresent) // ImportProxyConfigMapName provides the key for getting the name of the ConfigMap in the cdi namespace containing a CA certificate bundle ImportProxyConfigMapName = "trusted-ca-proxy-bundle-cm" // ImportProxyConfigMapKey provides the key name of the ConfigMap in the cdi namespace containing a CA certificate bundle ImportProxyConfigMapKey = "ca.crt" // ImporterProxyCertDir is where the configmap containing proxy certs will be mounted ImporterProxyCertDir = "/proxycerts/" // PullPolicy provides a constant to capture our env variable "PULL_POLICY" (only used by cmd/cdi-controller/controller.go) PullPolicy = "PULL_POLICY" // ImporterSource provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_SOURCE" ImporterSource = "IMPORTER_SOURCE" // ImporterContentType provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_CONTENTTYPE" ImporterContentType = "IMPORTER_CONTENTTYPE" // ImporterEndpoint provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_ENDPOINT" ImporterEndpoint = "IMPORTER_ENDPOINT" // ImporterAccessKeyID provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_ACCES_KEY_ID" ImporterAccessKeyID = "IMPORTER_ACCESS_KEY_ID" // ImporterSecretKey provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_SECRET_KEY" ImporterSecretKey = "IMPORTER_SECRET_KEY" // ImporterImageSize provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_IMAGE_SIZE" ImporterImageSize = "IMPORTER_IMAGE_SIZE" // ImporterCertDirVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_CERT_DIR" ImporterCertDirVar = "IMPORTER_CERT_DIR" // InsecureTLSVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "INSECURE_TLS" InsecureTLSVar = "INSECURE_TLS" // CiphersTLSVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "TLS_CIPHERS" CiphersTLSVar = "TLS_CIPHERS" // MinVersionTLSVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "TLS_MIN_VERSION" MinVersionTLSVar = "TLS_MIN_VERSION" // ImporterDiskID provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_DISK_ID" ImporterDiskID = "IMPORTER_DISK_ID" // ImporterUUID provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_UUID" ImporterUUID = "IMPORTER_UUID" // ImporterPullMethod provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_PULL_METHOD" ImporterPullMethod = "IMPORTER_PULL_METHOD" // ImporterReadyFile provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_READY_FILE" ImporterReadyFile = "IMPORTER_READY_FILE" // ImporterDoneFile provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_DONE_FILE" ImporterDoneFile = "IMPORTER_DONE_FILE" // ImporterBackingFile provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_BACKING_FILE" ImporterBackingFile = "IMPORTER_BACKING_FILE" // ImporterThumbprint provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_THUMBPRINT" ImporterThumbprint = "IMPORTER_THUMBPRINT" // ImporterCurrentCheckpoint provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_CURRENT_CHECKPOINT" ImporterCurrentCheckpoint = "IMPORTER_CURRENT_CHECKPOINT" // ImporterPreviousCheckpoint provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_PREVIOUS_CHECKPOINT" ImporterPreviousCheckpoint = "IMPORTER_PREVIOUS_CHECKPOINT" // ImporterFinalCheckpoint provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_FINAL_CHECKPOINT" ImporterFinalCheckpoint = "IMPORTER_FINAL_CHECKPOINT" // Preallocation provides a constant to capture out env variable "PREALLOCATION" Preallocation = "PREALLOCATION" // ImportProxyHTTP provides a constant to capture our env variable "http_proxy" ImportProxyHTTP = "http_proxy" // ImportProxyHTTPS provides a constant to capture our env variable "https_proxy" ImportProxyHTTPS = "https_proxy" // ImportProxyNoProxy provides a constant to capture our env variable "no_proxy" ImportProxyNoProxy = "no_proxy" // ImporterProxyCertDirVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "IMPORTER_PROXY_CERT_DIR" ImporterProxyCertDirVar = "IMPORTER_PROXY_CERT_DIR" // InstallerPartOfLabel provides a constant to capture our env variable "INSTALLER_PART_OF_LABEL" InstallerPartOfLabel = "INSTALLER_PART_OF_LABEL" // InstallerVersionLabel provides a constant to capture our env variable "INSTALLER_VERSION_LABEL" InstallerVersionLabel = "INSTALLER_VERSION_LABEL" // ImporterExtraHeader provides a constant to include extra HTTP headers, as the prefix to a format string ImporterExtraHeader = "IMPORTER_EXTRA_HEADER_" // ImporterSecretExtraHeadersDir is where the secrets containing extra HTTP headers will be mounted ImporterSecretExtraHeadersDir = "/extraheaders" // ImporterGoogleCredentialFileVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" ImporterGoogleCredentialFileVar = "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" // ImporterGoogleCredentialDir provides a constant to capture our secret mount Dir ImporterGoogleCredentialDir = "/google" // ImporterGoogleCredentialFile provides a constant to capture our credentials.json file ImporterGoogleCredentialFile = "/google/credentials.json" // CloningLabelValue provides a constant to use as a label value for pod affinity (controller pkg only) CloningLabelValue = "host-assisted-cloning" // CloningTopologyKey (controller pkg only) CloningTopologyKey = "" // ClonerSourcePodName (controller pkg only) ClonerSourcePodName = "cdi-clone-source" // ClonerMountPath (controller pkg only) ClonerMountPath = "/var/run/cdi/clone/source" // ClonerSourcePodNameSuffix (controller pkg only) ClonerSourcePodNameSuffix = "-source-pod" // KubeVirtAnnKey is part of a key. KubeVirtAnnKey = "" // CDIAnnKey is part of a key. CDIAnnKey = "" // SmartClonerCDILabel is the label applied to resources created by the smart-clone controller SmartClonerCDILabel = "cdi-smart-clone" // CloneFromSnapshotFallbackPVCCDILabel is the label applied to the temp host assisted PVC used for fallback in cloning from volumesnapshot CloneFromSnapshotFallbackPVCCDILabel = "cdi-clone-from-snapshot-source-host-assisted-fallback-pvc" // UploadPodName (controller pkg only) UploadPodName = "cdi-upload" // UploadServerCDILabel is the label applied to upload server resources UploadServerCDILabel = "cdi-upload-server" // UploadServerPodname is name of the upload server pod container UploadServerPodname = UploadServerCDILabel // UploadServerDataDir is the destination directoryfor uploads UploadServerDataDir = ImporterDataDir // UploadServerServiceLabel is the label selector for upload server services UploadServerServiceLabel = "service" // UploadImageSize provides a constant to capture our env variable "UPLOAD_IMAGE_SIZE" UploadImageSize = "UPLOAD_IMAGE_SIZE" // FilesystemOverheadVar provides a constant to capture our env variable "FILESYSTEM_OVERHEAD" FilesystemOverheadVar = "FILESYSTEM_OVERHEAD" // DefaultGlobalOverhead is the amount of space reserved on Filesystem volumes by default DefaultGlobalOverhead = "0.055" // ConfigName is the name of default CDI Config ConfigName = "config" // OwnerUID provides the UID of the owner entity (either PVC or DV) OwnerUID = "OWNER_UID" // KeyAccess provides a constant to the accessKeyId label using in controller pkg and transport_test.go KeyAccess = "accessKeyId" // KeySecret provides a constant to the secretKey label using in controller pkg and transport_test.go KeySecret = "secretKey" // DefaultResyncPeriod sets a 10 minute resync period, used in the controller pkg and the controller cmd executable DefaultResyncPeriod = 10 * time.Minute // ScratchSpaceNeededExitCode is the exit code that indicates the importer pod requires scratch space to function properly. ScratchSpaceNeededExitCode = 42 // ScratchNameSuffix (controller pkg only) ScratchNameSuffix = "scratch" // UploadTokenIssuer is the JWT issuer of upload tokens UploadTokenIssuer = "cdi-apiserver" // CloneTokenIssuer is the JWT issuer for clone tokens CloneTokenIssuer = "cdi-apiserver" // ExtendedCloneTokenIssuer is the JWT issuer for clone tokens ExtendedCloneTokenIssuer = "cdi-deployment" // QemuSubGid is the gid used as the qemu group in fsGroup QemuSubGid = int64(107) // ControllerServiceAccountName is the name of the CDI controller service account ControllerServiceAccountName = "cdi-sa" // CronJobServiceAccountName is the name of the CDI cron job service account CronJobServiceAccountName = "cdi-cronjob" // VddkConfigMap is the name of the ConfigMap with a reference to the VDDK image VddkConfigMap = "v2v-vmware" // VddkConfigDataKey is the name of the ConfigMap key of the VDDK image reference VddkConfigDataKey = "vddk-init-image" // AwaitingVDDK is a Pending condition reason that indicates the PVC is waiting for a VDDK image AwaitingVDDK = "AwaitingVDDK" // UploadContentTypeHeader is the header upload clients may use to set the content type explicitly UploadContentTypeHeader = "x-cdi-content-type" // FilesystemCloneContentType is the content type when cloning a filesystem FilesystemCloneContentType = "filesystem-clone" // BlockdeviceClone is the content type when cloning a block device BlockdeviceClone = "blockdevice-clone" // UploadPathSync is the path to POST CDI uploads UploadPathSync = "/v1beta1/upload" // UploadPathAsync is the path to POST CDI uploads in async mode UploadPathAsync = "/v1beta1/upload-async" // UploadArchivePath is the path to POST CDI archive uploads UploadArchivePath = "/v1beta1/upload-archive" // UploadArchiveAlphaPath is the path to POST CDI alpha archive uploads UploadArchiveAlphaPath = "/v1alpha1/upload-archive" // UploadFormSync is the path to POST CDI uploads as form data UploadFormSync = "/v1beta1/upload-form" // UploadFormAsync is the path to POST CDI uploads as form data in async mode UploadFormAsync = "/v1beta1/upload-form-async" // PreallocationApplied is a string inserted into importer's/uploader's exit message PreallocationApplied = "Preallocation applied" // ScratchSpaceRequired is a string inserted into a pod exist message when scratch space is needed ScratchSpaceRequired = "scratch space required and none found" // SecretHeader is the key in a secret containing a sensitive extra header for HTTP data sources SecretHeader = "secretHeader" // UnusualRestartCountThreshold is the number of pod restarts that we consider unusual and would like to alert about UnusualRestartCountThreshold = 3 // GenericError is a generic error string GenericError = "Error" // CDIControllerLeaderElectionHelperName is the name of the configmap that is used as a helper for controller leader election CDIControllerLeaderElectionHelperName = "cdi-controller-leader-election-helper" )
Variables ¶
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var ArchiveUploadPaths = []string{ UploadArchivePath, UploadArchiveAlphaPath, }
ArchiveUploadPaths are paths to POST CDI uploads of archive
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var AsyncUploadFormPaths = []string{ UploadFormAsync, "/v1alpha1/upload-form-async", }
AsyncUploadFormPaths are paths to POST CDI uploads as form data in async mode
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var AsyncUploadPaths = []string{ UploadPathAsync, "/v1alpha1/upload-async", }
AsyncUploadPaths are paths to POST CDI uploads in async mode
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var ProxyPaths = append( append(SyncUploadPaths, AsyncUploadPaths...), append(SyncUploadFormPaths, AsyncUploadFormPaths...)..., )
ProxyPaths are all supported paths
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var SyncUploadFormPaths = []string{ UploadFormSync, "/v1alpha1/upload-form", }
SyncUploadFormPaths are paths to POST CDI uploads as form data
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var SyncUploadPaths = []string{ UploadPathSync, "/v1alpha1/upload", }
SyncUploadPaths are paths to POST CDI uploads
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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