
v1.23.0-rc.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jan 30, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 39 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	SyncStatusRunning = "running"
	SyncStatusError   = "error"
	SyncStatusSuccess = "success"
View Source
const (
	EnvironmentRoleReader   = "reader"
	EnvironmentRoleOperator = "operator"

	ResEnvironment = "environment"
View Source
const (
	ProjectRoleAdmin = "admin"
	ProjectRoleDev   = "dev"
	ProjectRoleTest  = "test"
	ProjectRoleOps   = "ops"

	ResProject = "project"
View Source
const (
	SystemRoleAdmin    = "sysadmin"
	SystemRoleOrdinary = "ordinary"

	ResSystemRole = "systemrole"
View Source
const (
	TenantRoleAdmin    = "admin"
	TenantRoleOrdinary = "ordinary"
	ResTenant          = "tenant"
View Source
const (
	QuotaStatusApproved = "approved"
	QuotaStatusRejected = "rejected"
	QuotaStatusPending  = "pending"
View Source
const (
	ResVirtualSpace        = "virtualSpace"
	VirtualSpaceRoleAdmin  = "admin"
	VirtualSpaceRoleNormal = "normal"
View Source
const (
	StatusVeryHigh = "very_high" // 非常高,要扩容
	StatusHigh     = "high"      // 高,要扩容
	StatusLow      = "low"       // 低,要缩容

	ColorYellow = "yellow"
	ColorRed    = "red"

	Ki = 1 << 10 // 1024
	Mi = 1 << 20
	Gi = 1 << 30
View Source
const (
	ResUser = "user"
View Source
const (
	ResVirtualDomain = "virtualDomain"
View Source
const WaitPerid = 5 * time.Second


View Source
var (
	DefaultChannel = &AlertChannel{
		ID:   1,
		Name: defaultChannelName,
		ChannelConfig: channels.ChannelConfig{
			ChannelIf: &channels.Webhook{
				BaseChannel: channels.BaseChannel{
					ChannelType:  channels.TypeWebhook,
					SendResolved: true,
				URL:                channels.KubegemsWebhookURL,
				InsecureSkipVerify: true,
	DefaultReceiver = DefaultChannel.ChannelConfig.ChannelIf.ToReceiver(DefaultChannel.ReceiverName())
View Source
var ResChartRepo = "chartrepo"


func AlertRuleKey added in v1.23.0

func AlertRuleKey(cluster, namespace, name string) string

func ChannelIDNameByReceiverName added in v1.22.0

func ChannelIDNameByReceiverName(recName string) (string, uint)

func CheckGraphs added in v1.22.0

func CheckGraphs(graphs []prometheus.MetricGraph, namespace string, tplGetter templates.TplGetter) error

func FillDefaultLimigrange

func FillDefaultLimigrange(env *Environment) []byte

func GetErrMessage

func GetErrMessage(err error) string

func InitBaseData added in v1.23.0

func InitBaseData(db *gorm.DB) error


func IsNotFound

func IsNotFound(err error) bool

func MigrateDatabaseAndInitData

func MigrateDatabaseAndInitData(ctx context.Context, opts *database.Options, migrate, initData bool) error

func MigrateModels added in v1.23.0

func MigrateModels(db *gorm.DB) error

func NewChannnelMappler added in v1.22.0

func NewChannnelMappler(db *gorm.DB) *channels.ChannelMapper

func NewPromqlTplMapperFromFile added in v1.22.0

func NewPromqlTplMapperFromFile() *templates.PromqlTplMapper

func WaitDatabaseServer added in v1.22.0

func WaitDatabaseServer(ctx context.Context, opts *database.Options) error

func WaitRedis added in v1.22.0

func WaitRedis(ctx context.Context, redisopts redis.Options) error


type AlertChannel added in v1.22.0

type AlertChannel struct {
	ID            uint                   `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Name          string                 `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"min=1,max=50" json:"name"`
	ChannelConfig channels.ChannelConfig `json:"channelConfig"`

	TenantID *uint   `json:"tenantID"` // 若为null,则表示系统预置
	Tenant   *Tenant `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"tenant,omitempty"`

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`


func (*AlertChannel) ReceiverName added in v1.22.0

func (c *AlertChannel) ReceiverName() string

func (*AlertChannel) ToAlertmanagerReceiver added in v1.23.0

func (c *AlertChannel) ToAlertmanagerReceiver() v1alpha1.Receiver

type AlertInfo

type AlertInfo struct {
	Fingerprint     string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);primaryKey"` // 指纹作为主键
	Name            string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	Namespace       string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	ClusterName     string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	TenantName      string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);index"`
	ProjectName     string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);index"`
	EnvironmentName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);index"`
	Labels          datatypes.JSON
	LabelMap        map[string]string `gorm:"-" json:"-"`

	SilenceStartsAt  *time.Time
	SilenceUpdatedAt *time.Time
	SilenceEndsAt    *time.Time
	SilenceCreator   string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	Summary          string `gorm:"-"` // 黑名单概要

type AlertLevel added in v1.23.0

type AlertLevel struct {
	CompareOp    string `json:"compareOp"`
	CompareValue string `json:"compareValue"` // 支持表达式, eg. 24 * 60
	Severity     string `json:"severity"`     // error, critical

type AlertLevels added in v1.23.0

type AlertLevels []AlertLevel

func (AlertLevels) GormDataType added in v1.23.0

func (m AlertLevels) GormDataType() string

func (*AlertLevels) Scan added in v1.23.0

func (m *AlertLevels) Scan(val interface{}) error

func (AlertLevels) Value added in v1.23.0

func (m AlertLevels) Value() (driver.Value, error)

type AlertMessage

type AlertMessage struct {
	ID uint

	// 级联删除
	Fingerprint string     `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	AlertInfo   *AlertInfo `gorm:"foreignKey:Fingerprint;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`

	Value     string
	Message   string
	StartsAt  *time.Time `gorm:"index"` // 告警开始时间
	EndsAt    *time.Time // 告警结束时间
	CreatedAt *time.Time `gorm:"index"` // 本次告警产生时间
	Status    string     // firing or resolved

func (*AlertMessage) ColumnSlice

func (a *AlertMessage) ColumnSlice() []string

func (*AlertMessage) ToNormalMessage

func (a *AlertMessage) ToNormalMessage() Message

func (*AlertMessage) ValueSlice

func (a *AlertMessage) ValueSlice() []string

type AlertReceiver added in v1.23.0

type AlertReceiver struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`

	AlertRuleID uint       `json:"alertRuleID"`
	AlertRule   *AlertRule `json:"-"` // 不展示给前端

	AlertChannelID uint          `json:"alertChannelID"`
	AlertChannel   *AlertChannel `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:RESTRICT" json:"alertChannel"` // 删除channel时RESTRICT拒绝

	Interval string `json:"interval"`

type AlertRule added in v1.23.0

type AlertRule struct {
	ID        uint   `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Cluster   string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"cluster"`
	Namespace string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"namespace"`
	Name      string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"min=1,max=50" json:"name"`
	AlertType string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);default:monitor" json:"alertType"` // logging or monitor

	Expr    string `json:"expr"`                                           // promql/logql表达式,不能包含比较运算符(<, <=, >, >=, ==)
	For     string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"required" json:"for"` // 持续时间, eg. 10s, 1m, 1h
	Message string `json:"message"`                                        // 告警消息

	InhibitLabels gormdatatypes.JSONSlice `json:"inhibitLabels"`                                                 // 如果有多个告警级别,需要配置告警抑制的labels
	AlertLevels   AlertLevels             `json:"alertLevels"`                                                   // 告警级别
	Receivers     []*AlertReceiver        `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"receivers"` // 接收器, 删除alertrule时级联删除

	PromqlGenerator *PromqlGenerator `json:"promqlGenerator"`
	LogqlGenerator  *LogqlGenerator  `json:"logqlGenerator"`

	IsOpen         bool            `gorm:"default:true" json:"isOpen"` // 是否启用
	State          string          `json:"state"`                      // 状态
	RealTimeAlerts []*promv1.Alert `gorm:"-" json:"realTimeAlerts"`    // 实时告警

	// eg: status: ok/error
	// reason: alertmanagerconfig lost/receiver not matched/...
	K8sResourceStatus gormdatatypes.JSONMap `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"k8sResourceStatus"` // 对应的k8s资源状态

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`


func (*AlertRule) FullName added in v1.23.0

func (r *AlertRule) FullName() string

type Announcement added in v1.22.0

type Announcement struct {
	ID      uint       `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Type    string     `gorm:"type:varchar(50);" json:"type"`
	Message string     `json:"message"`
	StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` // 开始时间,默认现在
	EndAt   *time.Time `json:"endAt"`   // 结束时间,默认一天后

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`

type Application

type Application struct {
	ID              uint           `gorm:"primarykey"`
	ApplicationName string         `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_applicationname;<-:create"` // 应用名字
	Environment     *Environment   `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`                           // 关联的环境
	EnvironmentID   *uint          `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_applicationname;"`                           // 关联的环境
	Project         *Project       `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`                           // 所属项
	ProjectID       uint           `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_applicationname"`                            // 所属项目ID
	Remark          string         // 备注
	Kind            string         // 类型
	Images          datatypes.JSON // 镜像,逗号分割
	Labels          datatypes.JSON // Label
	Creator         string         // 创建人
	CreatedAt       time.Time      `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"` // 创建时间

Application 应用表

type AuditLog

type AuditLog struct {
	ID        uint      `gorm:"primarykey"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"index"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time
	DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`
	// 操作用户
	Username string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	// 所属租户
	Tenant string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	// 操作模块 (资源类型,租户,项目,环境,报警规则等等)
	Module string `gorm:"type:varchar(512)"`
	// 模块名字
	Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(512)"`
	// 动作名字 (启用,禁用,开启,关闭,添加,删除,修改等)
	Action string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
	// 是否成功 请求是否成功
	Success bool
	// 客户端ip 发起请求的客户端IP
	ClientIP string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
	// 标签 记录一些额外的环境租户等数据信息
	Labels datatypes.JSON
	// 原始数据 记录的是request和response以及http_code
	RawData datatypes.JSON


{用户名} {时间} {操作}


{动作,增删查改} {资源类型} {资源名字}

AuditLog 审计日志表

type AuthSource

type AuthSource struct {
	ID        uint             `json:"id"`
	Name      string           `gorm:"unique" json:"name"`
	Kind      string           `json:"kind" binding:"oneof=LDAP OAUTH"`
	Vendor    string           `gorm:"type:varchar(30)" json:"vendor" binding:"omitempty,oneof=github gitlab oauth ldap"`
	Config    AuthSourceConfig `json:"config" binding:"required,json"`
	TokenType string           `json:"tokenType" binding:"required,oneof=Bearer"`
	Enabled   bool             `json:"enabled"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time       `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time       `json:"updatedAt"`

type AuthSourceConfig

type AuthSourceConfig struct {
	AuthURL     string   `json:"authURL,omitempty" binding:"omitempty,url,required_with=TokenURL UserInfoURL RedirectURL AppID AppSecret"`
	TokenURL    string   `json:"tokenURL,omitempty" binding:"omitempty,url,required_with=AuthURL UserInfoURL RedirectURL AppID AppSecret"`
	UserInfoURL string   `json:"userInfoURL,omitempty" binding:"omitempty,url,required_with=AuthURL TokenURL RedirectURL AppID AppSecret"`
	RedirectURL string   `json:"redirectURL,omitempty" binding:"omitempty,url,required_with=AuthURL TokenURL UserInfoURL AppID AppSecret"`
	AppID       string   `json:"appID,omitempty" binding:"required_with=AuthURL TokenURL UserInfoURL RedirectURL AppSecret"`
	AppSecret   string   `json:"appSecret,omitempty" binding:"required_with=AuthURL TokenURL UserInfoURL RedirectURL AppID"`
	Scopes      []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`

	// ldap
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	LdapAddr     string `json:"ldapaddr,omitempty" binding:"omitempty,hostname_port,required_with=BaseDN BindUsername BindPassword"`
	BaseDN       string `json:"basedn,omitempty" binding:"required_with=LdapAddr BindUsername BindPassword"`
	EnableTLS    bool   `json:"enableTLS,omitempty"`
	Filter       string `json:"filter,omitempty"`
	BindUsername string `json:"binduser,omitempty" binding:"required_with=LdapAddr BaseDN BindPassword"`
	BindPassword string `json:"password,omitempty" binding:"required_with=LdapAddr BaseDN BindUsername"`

func (*AuthSourceConfig) Scan

func (cfg *AuthSourceConfig) Scan(value interface{}) error

func (AuthSourceConfig) Value

func (cfg AuthSourceConfig) Value() (driver.Value, error)

type AuthSourceSimple

type AuthSourceSimple struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id"`
	Name    string `gorm:"unique" json:"name"`
	Kind    string `json:"kind"`
	Enabled bool   `json:"enabled"`
	Vendor  string `json:"vendor"`

func (AuthSourceSimple) TableName

func (AuthSourceSimple) TableName() string

type CPUMemoryStatus

type CPUMemoryStatus struct {
	CurrentRate  float64
	CurrentLimit string // 带单位

	Status string // 扩容或缩容

	SuggestLimit    string // 带单位
	SuggestMinLimit string // 带单位
	SuggestMaxLimit string // 带单位

func (*CPUMemoryStatus) AddSuggest

func (status *CPUMemoryStatus) AddSuggest(SuggestType string, currentUsage float64) *CPUMemoryStatus

type ChartRepo

type ChartRepo struct {
	ID            uint   `gorm:"primarykey"`
	ChartRepoName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex" binding:"required"`
	URL           string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
	LastSync      *time.Time
	SyncStatus    string
	SyncMessage   string

type Cluster

type Cluster struct {
	ID          uint           `gorm:"primarykey"`
	ClusterName string         `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex" binding:"required,fqdn_item"`
	APIServer   string         `gorm:"type:varchar(250);uniqueIndex"` // APIServer地址 根据kubeconfig添加后,自动填充
	KubeConfig  datatypes.JSON `binding:"required"`
	// Vendor 集群提供商(gke tke ack selfhosted)
	Vendor string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);default:selfhosted" binding:"required,oneof=selfhosted gke ack tke"`
	// ImageRepo 安装kubegems核心组件时使用的镜像仓库
	ImageRepo string `gorm:"type:varchar(255);" binding:"required"`
	// DefaultStorageClass 默认storageclass, 默认local-path
	DefaultStorageClass  string         `gorm:"type:varchar(255);default:local-path" binding:"required"`
	InstallNamespace     string         // agent service namespace
	Version              string         // apiserver version
	AgentAddr            string         // if empty, using apiserver proxy
	AgentCA              string         `json:"-"`
	AgentCert            string         `json:"-"`
	AgentKey             string         `json:"-"`
	Runtime              string         // docker or containerd
	Primary              bool           // 是否主集群
	OversoldConfig       datatypes.JSON // 集群资源超卖设置
	Environments         []*Environment
	TenantResourceQuotas []*TenantResourceQuota
	ClusterResourceQuota datatypes.JSON
	DeletedAt            gorm.DeletedAt // soft delete
	ClientCertExpireAt   *time.Time     // 证书过期时间

Cluster 集群表

type CommonUserIface

type CommonUserIface interface {
	GetID() uint
	GetSystemRoleID() uint
	GetUsername() string
	GetUserKind() string
	GetEmail() string
	GetSource() string
	UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error
	MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error)

type Condition

type Condition struct {
	Pods         []string
	CPUStatus    *CPUMemoryStatus `json:"CPUStatus"`
	MemoryStatus *CPUMemoryStatus `json:"MemoryStatus"`

	MaxCPUContainer    *Container `json:"-"`
	MaxMemoryContainer *Container `json:"-"`
	CPULimitCore       float64    `json:"-"`
	MemoryLimitBytes   int64      `json:"-"`

type Container

type Container struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`

	Name    string
	PodName string

	CPULimitCore     float64
	MemoryLimitBytes int64 // 限制

	CPUUsageCore float64
	CPUPercent   float64 // 使用率

	MemoryUsageBytes float64
	MemoryPercent    float64 // 使用率

	WorkloadID uint
	Workload   *Workload `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`

Container 不注册为gorm model

type Environment

type Environment struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 环境名字
	EnvironmentName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_env;index:environment_uniq,unique"`
	// 环境关联的namespace
	Namespace string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	// 备注
	Remark string
	// 元类型(开发(dev),测试(test),生产(prod))等选项之一
	MetaType string
	// 删除策略(delNamespace删除namespace,delLabels仅删除关联LABEL)
	DeletePolicy string `sql:"DEFAULT:'delNamespace'"`

	// 创建者
	Creator *User `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`
	// 关联的集群
	Cluster *Cluster `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 所属项目
	Project *Project `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 环境资源限制(这个会和namespace下的ResourceQuota对等)
	ResourceQuota datatypes.JSON
	// 环境下的limitrage
	LimitRange datatypes.JSON
	// 所属项目ID
	ProjectID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_env"`
	// 所属集群ID
	ClusterID uint
	// 创建人ID
	CreatorID uint `gorm:"default:NULL"`
	// 关联的应用
	Applications []*Application `gorm:"many2many:application_environment_rels;"`
	// 关联的用户
	Users []*User `gorm:"many2many:environment_user_rels;"`
	// 允许边缘集群注册
	AllowEdgeRegistration bool
	// 虚拟空间
	VirtualSpaceID *uint
	VirtualSpace   *VirtualSpace `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`

	NSLabels map[string]string `gorm:"-"`

Environment 环境表 环境属于项目,项目id-环境名字 唯一索引

type EnvironmentResource

type EnvironmentResource struct {
	ID        uint      `gorm:"primarykey"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	ClusterName     string
	TenantName      string
	ProjectName     string
	EnvironmentName string

	MaxCPUUsageCore    float64
	MaxMemoryUsageByte float64
	MinCPUUsageCore    float64
	MinMemoryUsageByte float64
	AvgCPUUsageCore    float64
	AvgMemoryUsageByte float64
	NetworkReceiveByte float64
	NetworkSendByte    float64

	MaxPVCUsageByte float64
	MinPVCUsageByte float64
	AvgPVCUsageByte float64

EnvironmentResource Project资源使用清单

type EnvironmentUserRels

type EnvironmentUserRels struct {
	ID          uint         `gorm:"primarykey"`
	User        *User        `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	Environment *Environment `json:"omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 用户ID
	UserID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_env_user_rel" binding:"required"`
	// EnvironmentID
	EnvironmentID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_env_user_rel" binding:"required"`

	// 环境级角色("reader", "operator")
	Role string `binding:"required,eq=reader|eq=operator"`


type LogQueryHistory

type LogQueryHistory struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 关联的集群
	Cluster *Cluster `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 所属集群ID
	ClusterID uint
	// 标签
	LabelJSON string `gorm:"type:varchar(1024)"`
	// 正则标签
	FilterJSON string `gorm:"type:varchar(1024)"`
	// logql
	LogQL string `gorm:"type:varchar(1024)"`
	// 时间区间
	TimeRange string `gorm:"type:varchar(256);default:''"`
	// 创建时间
	CreateAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	// 创建者
	Creator   *User `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	CreatorID uint

LogQueryHistory 日志查询历史

type LogQueryHistoryWithCount

type LogQueryHistoryWithCount struct {
	ID         uint
	Ids        string
	TimeRanges string
	Cluster    *Cluster
	ClusterID  uint
	LabelJSON  string
	FilterJSON string
	LogQL      string
	CreateAt   time.Time
	Creator    *User
	CreatorID  uint
	Total      string

type LogQuerySnapshot

type LogQuerySnapshot struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 关联的集群
	Cluster *Cluster `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 所属集群ID
	ClusterID uint
	// 名称
	SnapshotName string `gorm:"type:varchar(128)"`
	SourceFile   string `gorm:"type:varchar(128)"`
	// 行数
	SnapshotCount int
	// 下载地址
	DownloadURL string `gorm:"type:varchar(512)"`
	StartTime   time.Time
	EndTime     time.Time
	// 创建时间
	CreateAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	// 创建者
	Creator   *User `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	CreatorID uint

LogQuerySnapshot 日志查询快照

func (*LogQuerySnapshot) BeforeCreate

func (snapshot *LogQuerySnapshot) BeforeCreate(tx *gorm.DB) error

func (*LogQuerySnapshot) BeforeDelete

func (snapshot *LogQuerySnapshot) BeforeDelete(tx *gorm.DB) error

type LogqlGenerator added in v1.23.0

type LogqlGenerator struct {
	Duration      string                `json:"duration"`      // 时间范围
	Match         string                `json:"match"`         // 正则匹配的字符串
	LabelMatchers []promql.LabelMatcher `json:"labelMatchers"` // 标签筛选器

func (LogqlGenerator) GormDataType added in v1.23.0

func (m LogqlGenerator) GormDataType() string

func (*LogqlGenerator) Scan added in v1.23.0

func (m *LogqlGenerator) Scan(val interface{}) error

func (LogqlGenerator) Value added in v1.23.0

func (m LogqlGenerator) Value() (driver.Value, error)

type Message

type Message struct {
	ID          uint   `gorm:"primarykey"`
	MessageType string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);"`
	Title       string `gorm:"type:varchar(255);"`
	Content     datatypes.JSON
	CreatedAt   time.Time `gorm:"index" sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	ToUsers map[uint]struct{} `gorm:"-" json:"-"`
	IsRead  bool              `gorm:"-"` // 给前端用,不入库

func (*Message) ColumnSlice

func (msg *Message) ColumnSlice() []string

func (*Message) ValueSlice

func (msg *Message) ValueSlice() []string

type MonitorDashboard

type MonitorDashboard struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	// 面板名
	Name      string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"required" json:"name"`
	Step      string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"step"`    // 样本间隔,单位秒
	Refresh   string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"refresh"` // 刷新间隔,eg. 30s, 1m
	Start     string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"start"`   // 开始时间,eg. 2022-04-24 06:00:45.241, now, now-30m
	End       string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"end"`     // 结束时间
	CreatedAt *time.Time               `json:"createdAt"`
	Creator   string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"creator"` // 创建者
	Graphs    prometheus.MonitorGraphs `json:"graphs"`                          // 图表
	Variables gormdatatypes.JSONMap    `json:"variables"`                       // 变量

	Template string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"template"` // 模板名

	EnvironmentID *uint        `json:"environmentID"`
	Environment   *Environment `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"environment"`

MonitorDashboard 监控面板

type MonitorDashboardTpl added in v1.22.0

type MonitorDashboardTpl struct {
	Name        string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50);primaryKey" json:"name"`
	Description string                   `json:"description"`
	Step        string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"step"`    // 样本间隔,单位秒
	Refresh     string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"refresh"` // 刷新间隔,eg. 30s, 1m
	Start       string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"start"`   // 开始时间,eg. 2022-04-24 06:00:45.241, now, now-30m
	End         string                   `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"end"`     // 结束时间
	Graphs      prometheus.MonitorGraphs `json:"graphs"`                          // 图表
	Variables   gormdatatypes.JSONMap    `json:"variables"`                       // 变量

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`

type Notice

type Notice struct {
	Color      string               // eg, yellow
	Conditions map[string]Condition // 按容器名分组

type Project

type Project struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 创建时间
	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	// 项目名字
	ProjectName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_tenant_project_name"`
	// 项目别名
	ProjectAlias string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	// 项目备注
	Remark string
	// 项目资源限制
	ResourceQuota datatypes.JSON

	Applications []*Application
	Environments []*Environment
	Registries   []*Registry
	Users        []*User `gorm:"many2many:project_user_rels;"`
	Tenant       *Tenant `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 所属的租户ID
	TenantID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_tenant_project_name"`

Project 项目表

type ProjectUserRels

type ProjectUserRels struct {
	ID      uint     `gorm:"primarykey"`
	User    *User    `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	Project *Project `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 用户ID
	UserID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_user_rel" binding:"required"`
	// ProjectID
	ProjectID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_user_rel" binding:"required"`

	// 项目级角色(管理员admin, 开发dev, 测试test, 运维ops)
	Role string `gorm:"type:varchar(30)" binding:"required,eq=admin|eq=test|eq=dev|eq=ops"`


type PromqlGenerator added in v1.23.0

type PromqlGenerator struct {
	Scope         string                `json:"scope"`         // scope
	Resource      string                `json:"resource"`      // 告警资源, eg. node、pod
	Rule          string                `json:"rule"`          // 告警规则名, eg. cpuUsage、memoryUsagePercent
	Unit          string                `json:"unit"`          // 单位
	LabelMatchers []promql.LabelMatcher `json:"labelMatchers"` // 标签筛选器

	Tpl *templates.PromqlTpl `json:"-"`

func (PromqlGenerator) GormDataType added in v1.23.0

func (m PromqlGenerator) GormDataType() string

func (*PromqlGenerator) Scan added in v1.23.0

func (m *PromqlGenerator) Scan(val interface{}) error

func (PromqlGenerator) Value added in v1.23.0

func (m PromqlGenerator) Value() (driver.Value, error)

type PromqlTplResource added in v1.22.0

type PromqlTplResource struct {
	ID       uint   `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Name     string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex" binding:"required" json:"name"`
	ShowName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"showName"`

	ScopeID *uint           `json:"scopeID"`
	Scope   *PromqlTplScope `gorm:"foreignKey:ScopeID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"scope,omitempty"`

	Rules []*PromqlTplRule `json:"rules" gorm:"foreignKey:ResourceID"`

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`


type PromqlTplRule added in v1.22.0

type PromqlTplRule struct {
	ID          uint                    `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Name        string                  `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"required" json:"name"`
	ShowName    string                  `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"showName"`
	Description string                  `json:"description"`
	Expr        string                  `json:"expr"` // promql expr
	Unit        string                  `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"unit"`
	Labels      gormdatatypes.JSONSlice `json:"labels"`

	ResourceID *uint              `json:"resourceID"`
	Resource   *PromqlTplResource `gorm:"foreignKey:ResourceID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"resource,omitempty"`

	TenantID *uint   `json:"tenantID"` // 若为null,则表示系统预置
	Tenant   *Tenant `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"tenant,omitempty"`

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`


type PromqlTplScope added in v1.22.0

type PromqlTplScope struct {
	ID         uint   `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Name       string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex" binding:"required" json:"name"`
	ShowName   string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"showName"`
	Namespaced bool   `json:"namespaced"`

	Resources []*PromqlTplResource `json:"resources" gorm:"foreignKey:ScopeID"`

	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"-"`


type Registry

type Registry struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 仓库名称
	RegistryName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_registry;"`
	// 仓库地址
	RegistryAddress string `gorm:"type:varchar(512)"`
	// 用户名
	Username string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	// 密码
	Password string `gorm:"type:varchar(512)"`
	// 创建者
	Creator *User `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`
	// 更新时间
	UpdateTime time.Time
	CreatorID  uint     `gorm:"default:null"`
	Project    *Project `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 项目ID
	ProjectID     uint `grom:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_project_registry;"`
	IsDefault     bool
	EnableExtends bool // 是否启用扩展功能,支持harbor等高级仓库

Registry 镜像仓库表

type SystemRole

type SystemRole struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 角色名字
	RoleName string
	// 系统级角色Code(管理员admin, 普通用户ordinary)
	RoleCode string `gorm:"type:varchar(30)" binding:"required,eq=sysadmin|eq=normal"`
	Users    []*User

SystemRole 系统角色

type Tenant

type Tenant struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 租户名字
	TenantName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex"`
	// 备注
	Remark string
	// 是否激活
	IsActive  bool
	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	ResourceQuotas []*TenantResourceQuota
	Users          []*User `gorm:"many2many:tenant_user_rels;"`
	Projects       []*Project

	AllocatedResourcequota v1.ResourceList `gorm:"-"`

Tenant 租户表

type TenantResourceQuota

type TenantResourceQuota struct {
	ID      uint
	Content datatypes.JSON

	TenantID                   uint                      `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_tenant_cluster" binding:"required"`
	ClusterID                  uint                      `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_tenant_cluster" binding:"required"`
	Tenant                     *Tenant                   `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	Cluster                    *Cluster                  `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	TenantResourceQuotaApply   *TenantResourceQuotaApply `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:SET NULL;"`
	TenantResourceQuotaApplyID *uint

type TenantResourceQuotaApply

type TenantResourceQuotaApply struct {
	ID        uint
	Content   datatypes.JSON
	Status    string    `gorm:"type:varchar(30);"`
	Username  string    `gorm:"type:varchar(255);"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

TenantResourceQuotaApply 集群资源申请

type TenantUserRels

type TenantUserRels struct {
	ID     uint    `gorm:"primarykey"`
	Tenant *Tenant `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 租户ID
	TenantID uint  `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_tenant_user_rel"`
	User     *User `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	// 用户ID
	UserID uint `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_tenant_user_rel"`

	// 租户级角色(管理员admin, 普通用户ordinary)
	Role string `gorm:"type:varchar(30)" binding:"required"`

TenantUserRels 租户-用户-关系表 租户id-用户id-类型 唯一索引

type User

type User struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	// 用户名
	Username string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex" binding:"required"`
	// 邮箱
	Email string `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" binding:"required"`
	// 电话
	Phone    string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)"`
	Password string `gorm:"type:varchar(255)" json:"-"`
	// 是否激活
	IsActive *bool `sql:"DEFAULT:true"`
	// 加入时间
	CreatedAt *time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	// 最后登录时间
	LastLoginAt *time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	Source       string    `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	SourceVendor string    `gorm:"type:varchar(50)"`
	Tenants      []*Tenant `gorm:"many2many:tenant_user_rels;"`
	SystemRole   *SystemRole
	SystemRoleID uint

	// 角色,不同关联对象下表示的角色不同, 用来做join查询的时候处理角色字段的(请勿删除)
	Role string `sql:"-" json:",omitempty"`

User 用户表

func (*User) GetEmail

func (u *User) GetEmail() string

func (*User) GetID

func (u *User) GetID() uint

func (*User) GetMail

func (u *User) GetMail() string

func (*User) GetSource

func (u *User) GetSource() string

func (*User) GetSystemRoleID

func (u *User) GetSystemRoleID() uint

func (*User) GetUserKind

func (u *User) GetUserKind() string

func (*User) GetUsername

func (u *User) GetUsername() string

func (User) MarshalBinary

func (u User) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

implement redis

func (*User) SetLastLogin

func (u *User) SetLastLogin(t *time.Time)

func (*User) UnmarshalBinary

func (u *User) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error

type UserCreate

type UserCreate struct {
	ID       uint   `json:"id"`
	Username string `json:"username" binding:"required"`
	Email    string `json:"email" binding:"required,email"`
	Password string `json:"password" binding:"min=8"`

type UserMessageStatus

type UserMessageStatus struct {
	ID        uint
	UserID    uint
	User      *User `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	MessageID *uint
	Message   *Message `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	IsRead    bool

	AlertMessageID *uint
	AlertMessage   *AlertMessage `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`

func (*UserMessageStatus) ColumnSlice

func (status *UserMessageStatus) ColumnSlice() []string

func (*UserMessageStatus) ValueSlice

func (status *UserMessageStatus) ValueSlice() []string

type UserSel

type UserSel struct {
	ID       uint
	Username string
	Email    string

type UserToken added in v1.22.0

type UserToken struct {
	ID        uint       `gorm:"primarykey" json:"id"`
	Token     string     `json:"token"`
	GrantType string     `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"grantType"`
	Scope     string     `gorm:"type:varchar(50)" json:"scope"`
	ExpireAt  *time.Time `json:"expireAt"`

	UserID    *uint      `json:"userID"`
	User      *User      `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE;" json:"user,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"`

	Expired bool `gorm:"-" json:"expired"`

type VirtualDomain

type VirtualDomain struct {
	ID                uint   `gorm:"primarykey"`
	VirtualDomainName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex"`

	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	IsActive  bool // 是否激活
	CreatedBy string

type VirtualSpace

type VirtualSpace struct {
	ID               uint   `gorm:"primarykey"`
	VirtualSpaceName string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);uniqueIndex"`

	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	IsActive  bool
	CreatedBy string

	Users        []*User `gorm:"many2many:virtual_space_user_rels;"`
	Environments []*Environment

type VirtualSpaceUserRels

type VirtualSpaceUserRels struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"`

	VirtualSpaceID uint          `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_virtual_space_user_rel"`
	VirtualSpace   *VirtualSpace `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`

	UserID uint  `gorm:"uniqueIndex:uniq_idx_virtual_space_user_rel;constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`
	User   *User `json:",omitempty" gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:CASCADE;"`

	// 虚拟空间角色(管理员admin, 普通用户normal)
	Role string `gorm:"type:varchar(30)" binding:"required,eq=admin|eq=normal"`

type Workload

type Workload struct {
	ID        uint      `gorm:"primarykey"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `sql:"DEFAULT:'current_timestamp'"`

	ClusterName       string
	Namespace         string
	Type              string
	Name              string
	CPULimitStdvar    float64
	MemoryLimitStdvar float64

	Containers []*Container `gorm:"constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:SET NULL;" json:"-"`

	*Notice `gorm:"-"`

Workload workload资源使用清单

func (*Workload) AddNotice

func (w *Workload) AddNotice()

func (*Workload) UniqueKey

func (w *Workload) UniqueKey() string


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