Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckImages() error
- func Clean(nt *NT) error
- func CleanSharedNTs()
- func CreateNamespaceSecret(nt *NT, ns string)
- func DefaultRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
- func DefaultRootSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
- func DeleteObjectListItemsAndWait(nt *NT, objList client.ObjectList) error
- func DeleteObjectsAndWait(nt *NT, objs ...client.Object) error
- func DeletePodByLabel(nt *NT, label, value string, waitForChildren bool)
- func DeleteRemoteRepos(nt *NT)
- func DisableDeletionPropagation(rs client.Object) bool
- func EnableDeletionPropagation(rs client.Object) bool
- func FailIfUnknown(t testing.NTB, scheme *runtime.Scheme, o client.Object)
- func HasDeletionPropagationPolicy(obj client.Object, policy metadata.DeletionPropagationPolicy) bool
- func InitGitRepos(nt *NT, repos ...types.NamespacedName)
- func InitSharedEnvironments() error
- func IsDeletionPropagationEnabled(rs client.Object) bool
- func IsEstablished(o client.Object) error
- func IsReconcilerManagerConfigMap(obj client.Object) bool
- func IsReconcilerTemplateConfigMap(obj client.Object) bool
- func MetricLabelsForRepoSync(nt *NT, syncNN types.NamespacedName) (prometheusmodel.LabelSet, error)
- func MetricLabelsForRootSync(nt *NT, syncNN types.NamespacedName) (prometheusmodel.LabelSet, error)
- func NewPodReady(nt *NT, labelName, currentLabel, childLabel string, ...) error
- func NsReconcilerObjectKey(namespace, syncName string) client.ObjectKey
- func RemoteNsRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
- func RemoteRootRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
- func RemoveDeletionPropagationPolicy(obj client.Object) bool
- func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncCommit(sha1 string) testpredicates.Predicate
- func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory(dir string) testpredicates.Predicate
- func RepoSyncNN(ns, name string) types.NamespacedName
- func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1(nn types.NamespacedName, repoURL string) *v1alpha1.RepoSync
- func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromNonRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) *v1alpha1.RepoSync
- func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1(nn types.NamespacedName, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1beta1.RepoSync
- func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromNonRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) *v1beta1.RepoSync
- func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName, repoName string) *v1beta1.RepoSync
- func RepoSyncRoleBinding(nn types.NamespacedName) *rbacv1.RoleBinding
- func Reset(nt *NT) error
- func ResetNamespaces(nt *NT, nsList []corev1.Namespace) error
- func ResetReconcilerManagerConfigMap(nt *NT) error
- func ResetRepoSyncs(nt *NT, rsList []v1beta1.RepoSync) error
- func ResetRepository(nt *NT, repoType gitproviders.RepoType, nn types.NamespacedName, ...) *gitproviders.Repository
- func ResetRootSyncs(nt *NT, rsList []v1beta1.RootSync) error
- func RestConfig(t testing.NTB, opts *ntopts.New)
- func RootReconcilerObjectKey(syncName string) client.ObjectKey
- func RootSyncHasStatusSyncCommit(sha1 string) testpredicates.Predicate
- func RootSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory(dir string) testpredicates.Predicate
- func RootSyncNN(name string) types.NamespacedName
- func RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1(name, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1alpha1.RootSync
- func RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromRootRepo(nt *NT, name string) *v1alpha1.RootSync
- func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1(name, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1beta1.RootSync
- func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo(nt *NT, syncName, repoName string) *v1beta1.RootSync
- func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromRootRepo(nt *NT, name string) *v1beta1.RootSync
- func SetDeletionPropagationPolicy(obj client.Object, policy metadata.DeletionPropagationPolicy) bool
- func SetDependencies(obj client.Object, dependencies ...client.Object) error
- func SetGitBranch(nt *NT, syncName, branch string)
- func SetPolicyDir(nt *NT, syncName, policyDir string)
- func SetRepoSyncDependencies(nt *NT, rs client.Object) error
- func StopWebhook(nt *NT)
- func StructuredNSPath(namespace, resourceName string) string
- func TailReconcilerLogs(ctx context.Context, nt *NT, reconcilerNN types.NamespacedName)
- func TestClusterName(t testing.NTB) string
- func TestDir(t nomostesting.NTB) string
- func ValidateMetrics(nt *NT, predicates ...MetricsPredicate) error
- func ValidateMultiRepoDeployments(nt *NT) error
- func ValidateStandardMetrics(nt *NT) error
- func ValidateStandardMetricsForRepoSync(nt *NT, summary testmetrics.Summary) error
- func ValidateStandardMetricsForRootSync(nt *NT, summary testmetrics.Summary) error
- func ValidateStandardMetricsForSync(nt *NT, syncKind testmetrics.SyncKind, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, ...) error
- func VersionFromManifest(t testing.NTB) string
- func Wait(t testing.NTB, opName string, timeout time.Duration, condition func() error, ...)
- func WaitForCRDs(nt *NT, crds []string) error
- func WaitForConfigSyncReady(nt *NT) error
- func WaitForNamespace(nt *NT, timeout time.Duration, namespace string)
- func WaitForNamespaces(nt *NT, timeout time.Duration, namespaces ...string)
- func WaitForWebhookReadiness(nt *NT)
- type Cluster
- type MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerErrorMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string, ...) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerManagerMetrics(nt *NT) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerOperationsMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, ...) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerSourceMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string, ...) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerSyncError(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerSyncMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
- func ReconcilerSyncSuccess(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
- type NT
- func (nt *NT) ApplyGatekeeperCRD(file, crd string) error
- func (nt *NT) Must(args ...interface{})
- func (nt *NT) MustDeleteGatekeeperTestData(file, name string)
- func (nt *NT) MustKubectl(args ...string) []byte
- func (nt *NT) MustMergePatch(obj client.Object, patch string, opts ...client.PatchOption)
- func (nt *NT) NumRepoSyncNamespaces() int
- func (nt *NT) PodLogs(namespace, deployment, container string, previousPodLog bool)
- func (nt *NT) RenewClient()
- func (nt *NT) RepoSyncClusterRole() *rbacv1.ClusterRole
- func (nt *NT) SupportV1Beta1CRDAndRBAC() (bool, error)
- func (nt *NT) Validate(name, namespace string, o client.Object, ...) error
- func (nt *NT) ValidateNotFound(name, namespace string, o client.Object) error
- func (nt *NT) ValidateNotFoundOrNoMatch(name, namespace string, o client.Object) error
- func (nt *NT) ValidateSyncObject(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, name, namespace string, ...) error
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoImportErrorCode(code string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSourceError(code string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSourceErrorClear(opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSyncSourceError(ns, rsName, code, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSyncStalledError(rsNamespace, rsName, reason, message string)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSyncSyncError(ns, rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncRenderingError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncSourceError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncStalledError(rsNamespace, rsName, reason, message string)
- func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncSyncError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
- func (nt *NT) WatchForAllSyncs(options ...WatchForAllSyncsOptions) error
- func (nt *NT) WatchForSync(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, name, namespace string, sha1Func Sha1Func, ...) error
- type Sha1Func
- type SyncDirPredicatePair
- type WaitFailureStrategy
- type WaitOption
- type WatchForAllSyncsOptions
- func RootSyncOnly() WatchForAllSyncsOptions
- func WithRepoSha1Func(fn Sha1Func) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
- func WithRootSha1Func(fn Sha1Func) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
- func WithSyncDirectoryMap(syncDirectoryMap map[types.NamespacedName]string) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
- func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
Constants ¶
const ( // NamespaceAuthSecretName is the name of the Auth secret required by the // RepoSync reconciler to authenticate with the git-server. NamespaceAuthSecretName = "ssh-key" // NamespaceCACertSecretName is the name of the CACert secret required by // the RepoSync reconciler to authenticate the git-server SSL cert. NamespaceCACertSecretName = "git-cert-pub" )
const ( // ConfigSyncE2EFinalizer is a contrived finalizer to block deletion of // objects created by the e2e tests. ConfigSyncE2EFinalizer = "config-sync/e2e-test" )
const FieldManager = configsync.GroupName + "/nomostest"
FieldManager is the field manager to use when creating, updating, and patching kubernetes objects with kubectl and client-go. This is used to uniquely identify the nomostest client, to enable field pruning and merging. This must be different from the field manager used by config sync, in order to allow both clients to manage different fields on the same objects.
const NomosE2E = "nomos-e2e"
NomosE2E is the subdirectory inside the filesystem's temporary directory in which we write test data.
Variables ¶
var CSNamespaces = []string{ configmanagement.ControllerNamespace, ocmetrics.MonitoringNamespace, configmanagement.RGControllerNamespace, }
CSNamespaces is the namespaces of the Config Sync components.
var DefaultRootReconcilerName = core.RootReconcilerName(configsync.RootSyncName)
DefaultRootReconcilerName is the root-reconciler name of the default RootSync object: "root-sync".
var DefaultRootRepoNamespacedName = RootSyncNN(configsync.RootSyncName)
DefaultRootRepoNamespacedName is the NamespacedName of the default RootSync object.
Functions ¶
func CheckImages ¶ added in v1.16.0
func CheckImages() error
CheckImages ensures that all required images are installed on the local docker registry.
func Clean ¶
Clean removes all objects of types registered in the Scheme, with the above caveats. It should be run before and after a test is run against any non-ephemeral cluster.
It is unnecessary to run this on Kind clusters that exist only for the duration of a single test.
func CleanSharedNTs ¶ added in v1.15.1
func CleanSharedNTs()
CleanSharedNTs tears down the shared test environments.
func CreateNamespaceSecret ¶
CreateNamespaceSecret creates secrets in a given namespace using local paths.
func DefaultRepoSha1Fn ¶
func DefaultRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
DefaultRepoSha1Fn is the default function to retrieve the commit hash of the namespace repo.
func DefaultRootSha1Fn ¶
func DefaultRootSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
DefaultRootSha1Fn is the default function to retrieve the commit hash of the root repo.
func DeleteObjectListItemsAndWait ¶ added in v1.16.0
func DeleteObjectListItemsAndWait(nt *NT, objList client.ObjectList) error
DeleteObjectListItemsAndWait deletes all the list items in serial and waits for not found in parallel.
func DeleteObjectsAndWait ¶ added in v1.16.0
DeleteObjectsAndWait deletes zero or more objects in serial and waits for not found in parallel. NOTE: Deleting in parallel might be faster, but the log would be harder to debug.
func DeletePodByLabel ¶
DeletePodByLabel deletes pods that have the label and waits until new pods come up.
func DeleteRemoteRepos ¶
func DeleteRemoteRepos(nt *NT)
DeleteRemoteRepos removes all remote repos on the Git provider.
func DisableDeletionPropagation ¶ added in v1.15.1
DisableDeletionPropagation disables foreground deletion propagation on a RootSync or RepoSync. The object annotated is removed locally, but not applied. Returns true if a change was made, false if already enabled.
func EnableDeletionPropagation ¶ added in v1.15.1
EnableDeletionPropagation enables foreground deletion propagation on a RootSync or RepoSync. The object is annotated locally, but not applied. Returns true if a change was made, false if already enabled.
func FailIfUnknown ¶
FailIfUnknown fails the test if the passed type is not declared in the passed Scheme.
func HasDeletionPropagationPolicy ¶ added in v1.15.1
func HasDeletionPropagationPolicy(obj client.Object, policy metadata.DeletionPropagationPolicy) bool
HasDeletionPropagationPolicy returns true if deletion propagation annotation is set to the specified policy. Returns false if not set.
func InitGitRepos ¶
func InitGitRepos(nt *NT, repos ...types.NamespacedName)
InitGitRepos initializes the specified repositories in the test-git-server
func InitSharedEnvironments ¶ added in v1.15.1
func InitSharedEnvironments() error
InitSharedEnvironments initializes shared test environments. It should be run at the beginning of the test suite if the --share-test-env flag is provided. It will produce a number of test environment equal to the go test parallelism.
func IsDeletionPropagationEnabled ¶ added in v1.15.1
IsDeletionPropagationEnabled returns true if deletion propagation annotation is set to Foreground.
func IsEstablished ¶
IsEstablished returns true if the given CRD is established on the cluster, which indicates if discovery knows about it yet. For more info see
func IsReconcilerManagerConfigMap ¶
IsReconcilerManagerConfigMap returns true if passed obj is the reconciler-manager ConfigMap reconciler-manager in config-management namespace.
func IsReconcilerTemplateConfigMap ¶ added in v1.16.0
IsReconcilerTemplateConfigMap returns true if passed obj is the reconciler-manager ConfigMap reconciler-manager-cm in config-management namespace.
func MetricLabelsForRepoSync ¶ added in v1.16.0
func MetricLabelsForRepoSync(nt *NT, syncNN types.NamespacedName) (prometheusmodel.LabelSet, error)
MetricLabelsForRepoSync returns a metric LabelSet that uniquely identifies metrics related to the specified RepoSync, since the latest generation.
func MetricLabelsForRootSync ¶ added in v1.16.0
func MetricLabelsForRootSync(nt *NT, syncNN types.NamespacedName) (prometheusmodel.LabelSet, error)
MetricLabelsForRootSync returns a metric LabelSet that uniquely identifies metrics related to the specified RootSync, since the latest generation.
func NewPodReady ¶
func NewPodReady(nt *NT, labelName, currentLabel, childLabel string, oldCurrentPods, oldChildPods []corev1.Pod) error
NewPodReady checks if the new created pods are ready. It also checks if the new children pods that are managed by the pods are ready.
func NsReconcilerObjectKey ¶ added in v1.15.1
NsReconcilerObjectKey returns an ObjectKey for interracting with the NsReconciler for the specified RepoSync.
func RemoteNsRepoSha1Fn ¶
func RemoteNsRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
RemoteNsRepoSha1Fn returns the latest commit from a RepoSync Git spec.
func RemoteRootRepoSha1Fn ¶
func RemoteRootRepoSha1Fn(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
RemoteRootRepoSha1Fn returns the latest commit from a RootSync Git spec.
func RemoveDeletionPropagationPolicy ¶ added in v1.15.1
RemoveDeletionPropagationPolicy removes the deletion propagation annotation locally (does not apply). Returns true if the object was modified.
func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncCommit ¶
func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncCommit(sha1 string) testpredicates.Predicate
RepoSyncHasStatusSyncCommit creates a Predicate that ensures that the .status.sync.commit field on the passed RepoSync matches sha1.
func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory ¶
func RepoSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory(dir string) testpredicates.Predicate
RepoSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory creates a Predicate that ensures that the .status.sync.gitStatus.dir field on the passed RepoSync matches the provided dir.
func RepoSyncNN ¶
func RepoSyncNN(ns, name string) types.NamespacedName
RepoSyncNN returns the NamespacedName of the RepoSync object.
func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1 ¶
func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1(nn types.NamespacedName, repoURL string) *v1alpha1.RepoSync
RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1 returns the default RepoSync object in the given namespace. SourceFormat for RepoSync must be Unstructured (default), so it's left unspecified.
func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromNonRootRepo ¶
func RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromNonRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) *v1alpha1.RepoSync
RepoSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromNonRootRepo returns a v1alpha1 RepoSync object which uses a repo from nt.NonRootRepos.
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1 ¶
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1(nn types.NamespacedName, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1beta1.RepoSync
RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1 returns the default RepoSync object with version v1beta1 in the given namespace.
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromNonRootRepo ¶
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromNonRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) *v1beta1.RepoSync
RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromNonRootRepo returns a v1beta1 RepoSync object which uses a repo from nt.NonRootRepos.
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo ¶
func RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName, repoName string) *v1beta1.RepoSync
RepoSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo returns a v1beta1 RepoSync object which uses a repo from nt.RootRepos.
func RepoSyncRoleBinding ¶
func RepoSyncRoleBinding(nn types.NamespacedName) *rbacv1.RoleBinding
RepoSyncRoleBinding returns rolebinding that grants service account permission to manage resources in the namespace.
func Reset ¶ added in v1.15.1
Reset performs multi-repo test reset: - Delete unmanaged RootSyncs & RepoSyncs (with deletion propagation) - Validate managed RepoSyncs & RootSyncs are deleted - Delete all test namespaces not containing config-sync itself - Clear Repository-to-RSync assignments
This should cleanly delete or reset all registered RSyncs. Any managed RSyncs must have deletion propagation enabled by the test that created them, otherwise their managed resources will not be deleted when the RSync is deleted. Any unregistered Repos must be reset by individual test Cleanup.
func ResetNamespaces ¶ added in v1.15.1
ResetNamespaces resets one or more Namespaces and all their namespaced objects. Use this for resetting Namespaces in tests that use delegated control.
func ResetReconcilerManagerConfigMap ¶ added in v1.15.1
ResetReconcilerManagerConfigMap resets the reconciler manager config map to what is defined in the manifest
func ResetRepoSyncs ¶ added in v1.15.1
ResetRepoSyncs cleans up one or more RepoSyncs and all their managed objects. Use this for cleaning up RepoSyncs in tests that use delegated control.
To ensure the reconcile finalizer has permission to delete managed resources, ClusterRole and RoleBindings will be created and then later deleted. This also cleans up any CRs, RBs, and CRBs left behind by delegated control.
func ResetRepository ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ResetRepository(nt *NT, repoType gitproviders.RepoType, nn types.NamespacedName, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *gitproviders.Repository
ResetRepository creates or re-initializes a remote repository.
func ResetRootSyncs ¶ added in v1.15.1
ResetRootSyncs cleans up one or more RootSyncs and all their managed objects. Use this for cleaning up RootSyncs in tests that use delegated control.
func RestConfig ¶
RestConfig sets up the config for creating a Client connection to a K8s cluster. If --test-cluster=kind, it creates a Kind cluster. If --test-cluster=kubeconfig, it uses the context specified in kubeconfig.
func RootReconcilerObjectKey ¶ added in v1.15.1
RootReconcilerObjectKey returns an ObjectKey for interracting with the RootReconciler for the specified RootSync.
func RootSyncHasStatusSyncCommit ¶
func RootSyncHasStatusSyncCommit(sha1 string) testpredicates.Predicate
RootSyncHasStatusSyncCommit creates a Predicate that ensures that the .status.sync.commit field on the passed RootSync matches sha1.
func RootSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory ¶
func RootSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory(dir string) testpredicates.Predicate
RootSyncHasStatusSyncDirectory creates a Predicate that ensures that the .status.sync.gitStatus.dir field on the passed RootSync matches the provided dir.
func RootSyncNN ¶
func RootSyncNN(name string) types.NamespacedName
RootSyncNN returns the NamespacedName of the RootSync object.
func RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1 ¶
func RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1(name, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1alpha1.RootSync
RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1 returns the default RootSync object.
func RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromRootRepo ¶
RootSyncObjectV1Alpha1FromRootRepo returns a v1alpha1 RootSync object which uses a repo from nt.RootRepos.
func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1 ¶
func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1(name, repoURL string, sourceFormat filesystem.SourceFormat) *v1beta1.RootSync
RootSyncObjectV1Beta1 returns the default RootSync object with version v1beta1.
func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo ¶
RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromOtherRootRepo returns a v1beta1 RootSync object which uses a repo from a specific nt.RootRepo.
func RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromRootRepo ¶
RootSyncObjectV1Beta1FromRootRepo returns a v1beta1 RootSync object which uses a repo from nt.RootRepos.
func SetDeletionPropagationPolicy ¶ added in v1.15.1
func SetDeletionPropagationPolicy(obj client.Object, policy metadata.DeletionPropagationPolicy) bool
SetDeletionPropagationPolicy sets the value of the deletion propagation annotation locally (does not apply). Returns true if the object was modified.
func SetDependencies ¶ added in v1.15.1
SetDependencies sets the specified objects as dependencies of the first object.
func SetGitBranch ¶ added in v1.15.1
SetGitBranch updates the root-sync object with the provided git branch
func SetPolicyDir ¶
SetPolicyDir updates the root-sync object with the provided policyDir.
func SetRepoSyncDependencies ¶ added in v1.15.1
SetRepoSyncDependencies sets the depends-on annotation on the RepoSync for other objects managed by CentralControl (`setupCentralizedControl`).
RootSync dependencies aren't managed by another RootSync, and DelegatedControl doesn't apply with ConfigSync, so depends-on won't have any effect in those scenerios.
Takes an Object because it supports both v1alpha1 and v1beta1 RepoSyncs.
func StopWebhook ¶
func StopWebhook(nt *NT)
StopWebhook removes the Config Sync ValidatingWebhookConfiguration object.
func StructuredNSPath ¶
StructuredNSPath returns structured path with namespace and resourcename in repo.
func TailReconcilerLogs ¶ added in v1.15.1
func TailReconcilerLogs(ctx context.Context, nt *NT, reconcilerNN types.NamespacedName)
TailReconcilerLogs starts tailing a reconciler's logs. The logs are stored in memory until either the context is cancelled or the kubectl command exits (usually because the container exited). This allows capturing logs even if the reconciler is deleted before the test ends. The logs will only be printed if the test has failed when the command exits. Run in an goroutine to capture logs in the background while deleting RSyncs.
func TestClusterName ¶
TestClusterName returns the name of the test cluster.
func TestDir ¶
func TestDir(t nomostesting.NTB) string
TestDir creates a unique temporary directory for the E2E test.
Returned directory is absolute and OS-specific.
func ValidateMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ValidateMetrics(nt *NT, predicates ...MetricsPredicate) error
ValidateMetrics connects to prometheus and retries the predicates in order until successful (with timeout).
func ValidateMultiRepoDeployments ¶
ValidateMultiRepoDeployments validates if all Config Sync Components are available.
func ValidateStandardMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
ValidateStandardMetrics validates the set of standard metrics for the reconciler-manager and all registered RootSyncs (nt.RootRepos) and RepoSyncs (nt.NonRootRepos).
func ValidateStandardMetricsForRepoSync ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ValidateStandardMetricsForRepoSync(nt *NT, summary testmetrics.Summary) error
ValidateStandardMetricsForRepoSync validates the set of standard metrics for the specified RootSync.
func ValidateStandardMetricsForRootSync ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ValidateStandardMetricsForRootSync(nt *NT, summary testmetrics.Summary) error
ValidateStandardMetricsForRootSync validates the set of standard metrics for the specified RootSync.
func ValidateStandardMetricsForSync ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ValidateStandardMetricsForSync(nt *NT, syncKind testmetrics.SyncKind, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string, summary testmetrics.Summary) error
ValidateStandardMetricsForSync validates the set of standard metrics for the specified sync.
func VersionFromManifest ¶ added in v1.15.1
VersionFromManifest parses the image tag from the local manifest
func Wait ¶
func Wait(t testing.NTB, opName string, timeout time.Duration, condition func() error, opts ...WaitOption)
Wait provides a logged wait for condition to return nil with options for timeout. It fails the test on errors.
func WaitForCRDs ¶
WaitForCRDs waits until the specified CRDs are established on the cluster.
func WaitForConfigSyncReady ¶ added in v1.15.1
WaitForConfigSyncReady validates if the config sync deployments are ready.
func WaitForNamespace ¶ added in v1.15.1
WaitForNamespace waits for a namespace to exist and be ready to use
func WaitForNamespaces ¶ added in v1.15.1
WaitForNamespaces waits for namespaces to exist and be ready to use
func WaitForWebhookReadiness ¶
func WaitForWebhookReadiness(nt *NT)
WaitForWebhookReadiness waits up to 3 minutes for the wehbook becomes ready. If the webhook still is not ready after 3 minutes, the test would fail.
Types ¶
type Cluster ¶ added in v1.16.0
type Cluster interface { // Exists whether the cluster exists Exists() (bool, error) // Create the k8s cluster Create() error // Delete the k8s cluster Delete() error // Connect to the k8s cluster (generate kubeconfig) Connect() error }
Cluster is an interface for a target k8s cluster used by the e2e tests
type MetricsPredicate ¶ added in v1.15.1
type MetricsPredicate func(context.Context, prometheusv1.API) error
MetricsPredicate errors if the metrics do not match expectations.
func ReconcilerErrorMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerErrorMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string, summary testmetrics.ErrorSummary) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerErrorMetrics returns a MetricsPredicate that validates the following metrics: - ResourceFightsView - ResourceConflictsView - InternalErrorsView - ReconcilerErrorsView
func ReconcilerManagerMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerManagerMetrics(nt *NT) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerManagerMetrics returns a MetricsPredicate that validates the ReconcileDurationView metric.
func ReconcilerOperationsMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerOperationsMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, ops ...testmetrics.ObjectOperation) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerOperationsMetrics returns a MetricsPredicate that validates the APICallDurationView, ApplyOperationsView, and RemediateDurationView metrics.
func ReconcilerSourceMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerSourceMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string, numResources int) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerSourceMetrics returns a MetricsPredicate that validates the DeclaredResourcesView metric.
func ReconcilerSyncError ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerSyncError(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerSyncError returns a MetricsPredicate that validates that the latest commit sync errored for the specified reconciler and commit.
func ReconcilerSyncMetrics ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerSyncMetrics(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerSyncMetrics returns a MetricsPredicate that validates the LastApplyTimestampView, ApplyDurationView, and LastSyncTimestampView metrics.
func ReconcilerSyncSuccess ¶ added in v1.15.1
func ReconcilerSyncSuccess(nt *NT, syncLabels prometheusmodel.LabelSet, commitHash string) MetricsPredicate
ReconcilerSyncSuccess returns a MetricsPredicate that validates that the latest commit synced successfully for the specified reconciler and commit.
type NT ¶
type NT struct { Context context.Context // T is the test environment for the test. // Used to exit tests early when setup fails, and for logging. T testing.NTB // Logger wraps testing.NTB and provides a simple logging interface for // test utilities to use without needing access to the whole testing.NTB. // Use if you want Debug and Log, but don't need to Error, Fatal, or Fail. Logger *testlogger.TestLogger // Shell is a test wrapper used to run shell commands. Shell *testshell.TestShell // ClusterName is the unique name of the test run. ClusterName string // TmpDir is the temporary directory the test will write to. // By default, automatically deleted when the test finishes. TmpDir string // Config specifies how to create a new connection to the cluster. Config *rest.Config // KubeClient is a test wrapper used to make Kubernetes calls. KubeClient *testkubeclient.KubeClient // Watcher is a test helper used to make Watch calls Watcher *testwatcher.Watcher // WatchClient is the underlying client used to talk to the Kubernetes // cluster, when performing watches. // // Most tests shouldn't need to talk directly to this, unless simulating // direct interactions with the API Server. WatchClient client.WithWatch // IsGKEAutopilot indicates if the test cluster is a GKE Autopilot cluster. IsGKEAutopilot bool // DefaultWaitTimeout is the default timeout for tests to wait for sync completion. DefaultWaitTimeout time.Duration // DefaultReconcileTimeout is the default timeout for the applier to wait // for object reconciliation. DefaultReconcileTimeout *time.Duration // RootRepos is the root repositories the cluster is syncing to. // The key is the RootSync name and the value points to the corresponding Repository object. // Each test case was set up with a default RootSync (`root-sync`) installed. // After the test, all other RootSync or RepoSync objects are deleted, but the default one persists. RootRepos map[string]*gitproviders.Repository // NonRootRepos is the Namespace repositories the cluster is syncing to. // Only used in multi-repo tests. // The key is the namespace and name of the RepoSync object, the value points to the corresponding Repository object. NonRootRepos map[types.NamespacedName]*gitproviders.Repository // MetricsExpectations tracks the objects expected to be declared in the // source and the operations expected to be performed on them by the set of // RootSyncs and RepoSyncs managed by this test. MetricsExpectations *testmetrics.SyncSetExpectations // ReconcilerPollingPeriod defines how often the reconciler should poll the // filesystem for updates to the source or rendered configs. ReconcilerPollingPeriod time.Duration // HydrationPollingPeriod defines how often the hydration-controller should // poll the filesystem for rendering the DRY configs. HydrationPollingPeriod time.Duration // Scheme is the Scheme for the test suite that maps from structs to GVKs. Scheme *runtime.Scheme // GitProvider is the provider that hosts the Git repositories. GitProvider gitproviders.GitProvider // RemoteRepositories maintains a map between the repo local name and the remote repository. // It includes both root repo and namespace repos and can be shared among test cases. // It is used to reuse existing repositories instead of creating new ones. RemoteRepositories map[types.NamespacedName]*gitproviders.Repository // WebhookDisabled indicates whether the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration is deleted. WebhookDisabled *bool // Control indicates how the test case was setup. Control ntopts.RepoControl // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NT represents the test environment for a single Nomos end-to-end test case.
func FreshTestEnv ¶
func FreshTestEnv(t nomostesting.NTB, opts *ntopts.New) *NT
FreshTestEnv establishes a connection to a test cluster based on the passed
Marks the test as parallel. For now we have no tests which *can't* be made parallel; if we need that in the future we can make a version of this function that doesn't do this. As below keeps us from forgetting to mark tests as parallel, and unnecessarily waiting.
The following are guaranteed to be available when this function returns: 1) A connection to the Kubernetes cluster. 2) A functioning git server hosted on the cluster. 3) A fresh ACM installation.
func SharedTestEnv ¶
func SharedTestEnv(t nomostesting.NTB, opts *ntopts.New) *NT
SharedTestEnv connects to a shared test cluster.
func (*NT) ApplyGatekeeperCRD ¶ added in v1.13.1
ApplyGatekeeperCRD applies the specified gatekeeper testdata file and waits for the specified CRD to be established, then resets the client RESTMapper.
func (*NT) Must ¶ added in v1.15.1
func (nt *NT) Must(args ...interface{})
Must not error.
This is a test helper that immediately fails the test if any of the arguments are a non-nil error. All nil and non-error argument are ignored. Usage Example: nt.Must(DoSomething())
Note: Because nil objects lose their type when passed through an interface{}, There's no way to validate that an error type was actually passed. Consider using require.NoError instead, when the only return value is an error.
func (*NT) MustDeleteGatekeeperTestData ¶ added in v1.13.1
MustDeleteGatekeeperTestData deletes the specified gatekeeper testdata file, then resets the client RESTMapper.
func (*NT) MustKubectl ¶
MustKubectl fails the test immediately if the kubectl command fails. On success, returns STDOUT.
func (*NT) MustMergePatch ¶
MustMergePatch is like MergePatch but will call t.Fatal if the patch fails.
func (*NT) NumRepoSyncNamespaces ¶ added in v1.15.1
NumRepoSyncNamespaces returns the number of unique namespaces managed by RepoSyncs.
func (*NT) PodLogs ¶
PodLogs prints the logs from the specified deployment. If there is an error getting the logs for the specified deployment, prints the error.
func (*NT) RenewClient ¶
func (nt *NT) RenewClient()
RenewClient gets a new Client for talking to the cluster.
Call this manually from within a test if you expect a controller to create a CRD dynamically, or if the test applies a CRD directly to the API Server.
func (*NT) RepoSyncClusterRole ¶ added in v1.15.1
func (nt *NT) RepoSyncClusterRole() *rbacv1.ClusterRole
RepoSyncClusterRole returns the NS reconciler ClusterRole
func (*NT) SupportV1Beta1CRDAndRBAC ¶ added in v1.13.1
SupportV1Beta1CRDAndRBAC checks if v1beta1 CRD and RBAC resources are supported in the current testing cluster. v1beta1 APIs for CRD and RBAC resources are deprecated in K8s 1.22.
func (*NT) Validate ¶
func (nt *NT) Validate(name, namespace string, o client.Object, predicates ...testpredicates.Predicate) error
Validate returns an error if the indicated object does not exist.
Validates the object against each of the passed Predicates, returning error if any Predicate fails.
func (*NT) ValidateNotFound ¶
ValidateNotFound returns an error if the indicated object exists.
`o` must either be: 1) a struct pointer to the type of the object to search for, or 2) an unstructured.Unstructured with the type information filled in.
func (*NT) ValidateNotFoundOrNoMatch ¶ added in v1.15.1
ValidateNotFoundOrNoMatch returns an error if the indicated object is neither NotFound nor NoMatchFound (GVK not found).
Use this instead of ValidateNotFound when deleting a CRD or APIService at the same time as a custom resource, to avoid the race between possible errors.
func (*NT) ValidateSyncObject ¶ added in v1.15.1
func (nt *NT) ValidateSyncObject(gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, name, namespace string, predicates ...testpredicates.Predicate) error
ValidateSyncObject validates the specified object satisfies the specified constraints.
gvk specifies the GroupVersionKind of the object to retrieve and validate.
name and namespace identify the specific object to check.
predicates are functions that return an error if the object is invalid.
func (*NT) WaitForRepoImportErrorCode ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoImportErrorCode(code string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRepoImportErrorCode waits until the given error code is present on the Repo resource.
func (*NT) WaitForRepoSourceError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSourceError(code string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRepoSourceError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the Repo resource
func (*NT) WaitForRepoSourceErrorClear ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSourceErrorClear(opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRepoSourceErrorClear waits until the given error code disappears from the Repo resource
func (*NT) WaitForRepoSyncSourceError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSyncSourceError(ns, rsName, code, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRepoSyncSourceError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the RepoSync resource
func (*NT) WaitForRepoSyncStalledError ¶
WaitForRepoSyncStalledError waits until the given Stalled error is present on the RepoSync resource.
func (*NT) WaitForRepoSyncSyncError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRepoSyncSyncError(ns, rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRepoSyncSyncError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the RepoSync resource
func (*NT) WaitForRootSyncRenderingError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncRenderingError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRootSyncRenderingError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the RootSync resource
func (*NT) WaitForRootSyncSourceError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncSourceError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRootSyncSourceError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the RootSync resource
func (*NT) WaitForRootSyncStalledError ¶
WaitForRootSyncStalledError waits until the given Stalled error is present on the RootSync resource.
func (*NT) WaitForRootSyncSyncError ¶
func (nt *NT) WaitForRootSyncSyncError(rsName, code string, message string, opts ...WaitOption)
WaitForRootSyncSyncError waits until the given error (code and message) is present on the RootSync resource
func (*NT) WatchForAllSyncs ¶ added in v1.15.1
func (nt *NT) WatchForAllSyncs(options ...WatchForAllSyncsOptions) error
WatchForAllSyncs calls WatchForSync on all Syncs in nt.RootRepos & nt.NonRootRepos.
If you want to validate specific fields of a Sync object, use nt.Watcher.WatchObject() instead.
func (*NT) WatchForSync ¶ added in v1.15.1
func (nt *NT) WatchForSync( gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, name, namespace string, sha1Func Sha1Func, syncSha1 func(string) testpredicates.Predicate, syncDirPair *SyncDirPredicatePair, opts ...testwatcher.WatchOption, ) error
WatchForSync watches the specified sync object until it's synced.
- gvk (required) is the sync object GroupVersionKind
- name (required) is the sync object name
- namespace (required) is the sync object namespace
- sha1Func (required) is the function that to compute the expected commit.
- syncSha1 (required) is a Predicate factory used to validate whether the object is synced, given the expected commit.
- syncDirPair (optional) is a pair of sync dir and the corresponding predicate to validate the config directory.
- opts (optional) allows configuring the watcher (e.g. timeout)
type Sha1Func ¶
type Sha1Func func(nt *NT, nn types.NamespacedName) (string, error)
Sha1Func is the function type that retrieves the commit sha1.
type SyncDirPredicatePair ¶
type SyncDirPredicatePair struct { Dir string Predicate func(string) testpredicates.Predicate }
SyncDirPredicatePair is a pair of the sync directory and the predicate.
type WaitFailureStrategy ¶ added in v1.15.1
type WaitFailureStrategy int
WaitFailureStrategy indicates how to handle validation failures
const ( // WaitFailureStrategyLog calls Testing.Log when there's a validation failure WaitFailureStrategyLog WaitFailureStrategy = iota // Log // WaitFailureStrategyError calls Testing.Error when there's a validation failure WaitFailureStrategyError // Error // WaitFailureStrategyFatal calls Testing.Fatal when there's a validation failure WaitFailureStrategyFatal // Fatal )
type WaitOption ¶
type WaitOption func(wait *waitSpec)
WaitOption is an optional parameter for Wait
func WaitStrategy ¶ added in v1.15.1
func WaitStrategy(strategy WaitFailureStrategy) WaitOption
WaitStrategy configures how the Wait function handles failure.
func WaitTimeout ¶
func WaitTimeout(timeout time.Duration) WaitOption
WaitTimeout provides the timeout option to Wait.
type WatchForAllSyncsOptions ¶ added in v1.15.1
type WatchForAllSyncsOptions func(*watchForAllSyncsOptions)
WatchForAllSyncsOptions is an optional parameter for WaitForRepoSyncs.
func RootSyncOnly ¶
func RootSyncOnly() WatchForAllSyncsOptions
RootSyncOnly specifies that only the root-sync repo should be synced.
func WithRepoSha1Func ¶
func WithRepoSha1Func(fn Sha1Func) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
WithRepoSha1Func provides the function to get RepoSync commit sha1 to WaitForRepoSyncs.
func WithRootSha1Func ¶
func WithRootSha1Func(fn Sha1Func) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
WithRootSha1Func provides the function to get RootSync commit sha1 to WaitForRepoSyncs.
func WithSyncDirectoryMap ¶
func WithSyncDirectoryMap(syncDirectoryMap map[types.NamespacedName]string) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
WithSyncDirectoryMap provides a map of RootSync|RepoSync and the corresponding sync directory. The function is used to get the sync directory based on different RootSync|RepoSync name.
func WithTimeout ¶
func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) WatchForAllSyncsOptions
WithTimeout provides the timeout to WaitForRepoSyncs.