Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( ExFailure = 1 // Failure represents a general failure code ExInterrupted = 2 // Ctrl-C (SIGINT) // Error codes specific to the minikube program ExProgramError = 10 // generic error ExProgramUsage = 14 // bad command-line options ExProgramConflict = 11 // can't do what you want because of existing data ExProgramNotFound = 15 // something was not found ExProgramUnsupported = 16 // unsupported features ExProgramConfig = 18 // bad configuration specified // Error codes specific to resource limits (exit code layout follows no rules) ExResourceError = 20 ExInsufficientMemory = 23 ExInsufficientStorage = 26 ExInsufficientPermission = 27 ExInsufficientCores = 29 // Error codes specific to the host ExHostError = 30 ExHostConflict = 31 ExHostTimeout = 32 ExHostUsage = 34 ExHostNotFound = 35 ExHostUnsupported = 36 ExHostPermission = 37 ExHostConfig = 38 // Error codes specific to remote networking ExInternetError = 40 ExInternetConflict = 41 ExInternetTimeout = 42 ExInternetNotFound = 45 ExInternetConfig = 48 // Error codes specific to the libmachine driver ExDriverError = 50 ExDriverConflict = 51 ExDriverTimeout = 52 ExDriverUsage = 54 ExDriverNotFound = 55 ExDriverUnsupported = 56 ExDriverPermission = 57 ExDriverConfig = 58 // Error codes specific to the driver provider ExProviderError = 60 ExProviderConflict = 61 ExProviderTimeout = 62 ExProviderNotRunning = 63 ExProviderNotFound = 65 ExProviderUnsupported = 66 ExProviderPermission = 67 ExProviderConfig = 68 // Error codes specific to local networking ExLocalNetworkError = 70 ExLocalNetworkConflict = 71 ExLocalNetworkTimeout = 72 ExLocalNetworkNotFound = 75 ExLocalNetworkPermission = 77 ExLocalNetworkConfig = 78 // Error codes specific to the guest host ExGuestError = 80 ExGuestConflict = 81 ExGuestTimeout = 82 ExGuestNotRunning = 83 ExGuestNotFound = 85 ExGuestUnsupported = 86 ExGuestPermission = 87 ExGuestConfig = 88 // Error codes specific to the container runtime ExRuntimeError = 90 ExRuntimeNotRunning = 93 ExRuntimeNotFound = 95 // Error codes specific to the Kubernetes control plane ExControlPlaneError = 100 ExControlPlaneConflict = 101 ExControlPlaneTimeout = 102 ExControlPlaneNotRunning = 103 ExControlPlaneNotFound = 105 ExControlPlaneUnsupported = 106 ExControlPlaneConfig = 108 // Error codes specific to a Kubernetes service ExSvcError = 110 ExSvcConflict = 111 ExSvcTimeout = 112 ExSvcNotRunning = 113 ExSvcNotFound = 115 ExSvcUnsupported = 116 ExSvcPermission = 117 ExSvcConfig = 118 )
Reserved UNIX exit codes
Variables ¶
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var ( // minikube could not find a patch for the provided major.minor version PatchNotFound = Kind{ID: "MK_PATCH_NOT_FOUND", ExitCode: ExProgramUsage, Advice: translate.T("Specify --kubernetes-version in v<major>.<minor.<build> form. example: 'v1.1.14'"), } // minikube has been passed an incorrect parameter Usage = Kind{ID: "MK_USAGE", ExitCode: ExProgramUsage} // minikube has no current cluster running UsageNoProfileRunning = Kind{ID: "MK_USAGE_NO_PROFILE", ExitCode: ExProgramUsage, Advice: translate.T(`You can create one using 'minikube start'. `), Style: style.Caching, } // minikube was interrupted by an OS signal Interrupted = Kind{ID: "MK_INTERRUPTED", ExitCode: ExProgramConflict} // user attempted to run a Windows executable (.exe) inside of WSL rather than using the Linux binary WrongBinaryWSL = Kind{ID: "MK_WRONG_BINARY_WSL", ExitCode: ExProgramUnsupported} // this feature is unimplemented for whatever reason Unimplemented = Kind{ID: "MK_UNIMPLEMENTED", ExitCode: ExProgramUnsupported} // minikube failed to create a new Docker Machine api client NewAPIClient = Kind{ID: "MK_NEW_APICLIENT", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube could not disable an addon, e.g. dashboard addon InternalAddonDisable = Kind{ID: "MK_ADDON_DISABLE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube could not enable an addon, e.g. dashboard addon InternalAddonEnable = Kind{ID: "MK_ADDON_ENABLE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube could not enable an addon on a paused cluster InternalAddonEnablePaused = Kind{ID: "MK_ADDON_ENABLE_PAUSED", ExitCode: ExProgramConflict} // minikube could not disable an addon on a paused cluster InternalAddonDisablePaused = Kind{ID: "MK_ADDON_DISABLE_PAUSED", ExitCode: ExProgramConflict} // minikube failed to update internal configuration, such as the cached images config map InternalAddConfig = Kind{ID: "MK_ADD_CONFIG", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to create a cluster bootstrapper InternalBootstrapper = Kind{ID: "MK_BOOTSTRAPPER", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to list cached images InternalCacheList = Kind{ID: "MK_CACHE_LIST", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minkube failed to cache and load cached images InternalCacheLoad = Kind{ID: "MK_CACHE_LOAD", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to load a Docker Machine CommandRunner InternalCommandRunner = Kind{ID: "MK_COMMAND_RUNNER", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to start nerdctld StartNerdctld = Kind{ID: "MK_START_NERDCTLD", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to generate shell command completion for a supported shell InternalCompletion = Kind{ID: "MK_COMPLETION", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to set an internal config value InternalConfigSet = Kind{ID: "MK_CONFIG_SET", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to unset an internal config value InternalConfigUnset = Kind{ID: "MK_CONFIG_UNSET", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to view current config values InternalConfigView = Kind{ID: "MK_CONFIG_VIEW", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to delete an internal configuration, such as a cached image InternalDelConfig = Kind{ID: "MK_DEL_CONFIG", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to generate script to activate minikube docker-env InternalDockerScript = Kind{ID: "MK_DOCKER_SCRIPT", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // an error occurred when viper attempted to bind flags to configuration InternalBindFlags = Kind{ID: "MK_BIND_FLAGS", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minkube was passed an invalid format string in the --format flag InternalFormatUsage = Kind{ID: "MK_FORMAT_USAGE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to auto-generate markdown-based documentation in the specified folder InternalGenerateDocs = Kind{ID: "MK_GENERATE_DOCS", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to marshal a JSON object InternalJSONMarshal = Kind{ID: "MK_JSON_MARSHAL", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to create a Kubernetes client set which is necessary for querying the Kubernetes API InternalKubernetesClient = Kind{ID: "MK_K8S_CLIENT", ExitCode: ExControlPlaneUnavailable} // minikube failed to list some configuration data InternalListConfig = Kind{ID: "MK_LIST_CONFIG", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to follow or watch minikube logs InternalLogFollow = Kind{ID: "MK_LOG_FOLLOW", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to create an appropriate new runtime based on the driver in use InternalNewRuntime = Kind{ID: "MK_NEW_RUNTIME", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube was passed an invalid value for the --output command line flag InternalOutputUsage = Kind{ID: "MK_OUTPUT_USAGE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube could not configure the runtime in use, or the runtime failed InternalRuntime = Kind{ID: "MK_RUNTIME", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube was passed a reserved keyword as a profile name, which is not allowed InternalReservedProfile = Kind{ID: "MK_RESERVED_PROFILE", ExitCode: ExProgramConflict} // minkube failed to generate script to set or unset minikube-env InternalEnvScript = Kind{ID: "MK_ENV_SCRIPT", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to detect the shell in use InternalShellDetect = Kind{ID: "MK_SHELL_DETECT", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to output JSON-formatted minikube status InternalStatusJSON = Kind{ID: "MK_STATUS_JSON", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to output minikube status text InternalStatusText = Kind{ID: "MK_STATUS_TEXT", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to execute (i.e. fill in values for) a view template for displaying current config InternalViewExec = Kind{ID: "MK_VIEW_EXEC", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to create view template for displaying current config InternalViewTmpl = Kind{ID: "MK_VIEW_TMPL", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube failed to marshal a YAML object InternalYamlMarshal = Kind{ID: "MK_YAML_MARSHAL", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube could not locate credentials needed to utilize an appropriate service, e.g. GCP InternalCredsNotFound = Kind{ID: "MK_CREDENTIALS_NOT_FOUND", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Style: style.Shrug} // minikube was passed service credentials when they were not needed, such as when using the GCP Auth addon when running in GCE InternalCredsNotNeeded = Kind{ID: "MK_CREDENTIALS_NOT_NEEDED", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Style: style.Shrug} // minikube found an invalid semver string for kubernetes in the minikube constants InternalSemverParse = Kind{ID: "MK_SEMVER_PARSE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // minikube was unable to daemonize the minikube process DaemonizeError = Kind{ID: "MK_DAEMONIZE", ExitCode: ExProgramError} // insufficient cores available for use by minikube and kubernetes RsrcInsufficientCores = Kind{ID: "RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES", ExitCode: ExInsufficientCores, Style: style.UnmetRequirement} // insufficient cores available for use by Docker Desktop on Mac RsrcInsufficientDarwinDockerCores = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_DOCKER_CORES", ExitCode: ExInsufficientCores, Advice: translate.T(`1. Click on "Docker for Desktop" menu icon 2. Click "Preferences" 3. Click "Resources" 4. Increase "CPUs" slider bar to 2 or higher 5. Click "Apply & Restart"`), Style: style.UnmetRequirement, URL: "", } // insufficient cores available for use by Docker Desktop on Windows RsrcInsufficientWindowsDockerCores = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_DOCKER_CORES", ExitCode: ExInsufficientCores, Advice: translate.T(`1. Open the "Docker Desktop" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray 2. Click "Settings" 3. Click "Resources" 4. Increase "CPUs" slider bar to 2 or higher 5. Click "Apply & Restart"`), URL: "", Style: style.UnmetRequirement, } // insufficient memory (less than the recommended minimum) allocated to minikube RsrcInsufficientReqMemory = Kind{ID: "RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_REQ_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExInsufficientMemory, Style: style.UnmetRequirement} // insufficient memory (less than the recommended minimum) available on the system running minikube RsrcInsufficientSysMemory = Kind{ID: "RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_SYS_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExInsufficientMemory, Style: style.UnmetRequirement} // insufficient memory available for the driver in use by minikube RsrcInsufficientContainerMemory = Kind{ID: "RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CONTAINER_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExInsufficientMemory, Style: style.UnmetRequirement} // insufficient memory available to Docker Desktop on Windows RsrcInsufficientWindowsDockerMemory = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_DOCKER_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExInsufficientMemory, Advice: translate.T(`1. Open the "Docker Desktop" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray 2. Click "Settings" 3. Click "Resources" 4. Increase "Memory" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher 5. Click "Apply & Restart"`), URL: "", Style: style.UnmetRequirement, } // insufficient memory available to Docker Desktop on Mac RsrcInsufficientDarwinDockerMemory = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_DOCKER_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExInsufficientMemory, Advice: translate.T(`1. Click on "Docker for Desktop" menu icon 2. Click "Preferences" 3. Click "Resources" 4. Increase "Memory" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher 5. Click "Apply & Restart"`), Style: style.UnmetRequirement, URL: "", } // invalid memory value for Hyper-V RsrcInvalidHyperVMemory = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_INVALID_HYPERV_MEMORY", ExitCode: ExResourceError, Style: style.UnmetRequirement, } // insufficient disk storage available to the docker driver RsrcInsufficientDockerStorage = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_DOCKER_STORAGE", ExitCode: ExInsufficientStorage, Advice: translate.T(`Try one or more of the following to free up space on the device: 1. Run "docker system prune" to remove unused Docker data (optionally with "-a") 2. Increase the storage allocated to Docker for Desktop by clicking on: Docker icon > Preferences > Resources > Disk Image Size 3. Run "minikube ssh -- docker system prune" if using the Docker container runtime`), Issues: []int{9024}, } // insufficient disk storage available to the podman driver RsrcInsufficientPodmanStorage = Kind{ ID: "RSRC_PODMAN_STORAGE", ExitCode: ExInsufficientStorage, Advice: translate.T(`Try one or more of the following to free up space on the device: 1. Run "sudo podman system prune" to remove unused podman data 2. Run "minikube ssh -- docker system prune" if using the Docker container runtime`), Issues: []int{9024}, } // insufficient disk storage available for running minikube and kubernetes RsrcInsufficientStorage = Kind{ID: "RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE", ExitCode: ExInsufficientStorage, Style: style.UnmetRequirement} // minikube could not create the minikube directory HostHomeMkdir = Kind{ID: "HOST_HOME_MKDIR", ExitCode: ExHostPermission} // minikube could not change permissions for the minikube directory HostHomeChown = Kind{ID: "HOST_HOME_CHOWN", ExitCode: ExHostPermission} // minikube failed to open the host browser, such as when running minikube dashboard HostBrowser = Kind{ID: "HOST_BROWSER", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to load cluster config from the host for the profile in use HostConfigLoad = Kind{ID: "HOST_CONFIG_LOAD", ExitCode: ExHostConfig} // the current user has insufficient permissions to create the minikube profile directory HostHomePermission = Kind{ ID: "HOST_HOME_PERMISSION", ExitCode: ExHostPermission, Advice: translate.T("Your user lacks permissions to the minikube profile directory. Run: 'sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.minikube; chmod -R u+wrx $HOME/.minikube' to fix"), Issues: []int{9165}, } // minikube failed to determine current user HostCurrentUser = Kind{ID: "HOST_CURRENT_USER", ExitCode: ExHostConfig} // minikube failed to delete cached images from host HostDelCache = Kind{ID: "HOST_DEL_CACHE", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to kill a mount process HostKillMountProc = Kind{ID: "HOST_KILL_MOUNT_PROC", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to update host Kubernetes resources config HostKubeconfigUpdate = Kind{ID: "HOST_KUBECONFIG_UPDATE", ExitCode: ExHostConfig} // minikube failed to delete Kubernetes config from context for a given profile HostKubeconfigDeleteCtx = Kind{ID: "HOST_KUBECONFIG_DELETE_CTX", ExitCode: ExHostConfig} // minikube failed to launch a kubectl proxy HostKubectlProxy = Kind{ID: "HOST_KUBECTL_PROXY", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to write mount pid HostMountPid = Kind{ID: "HOST_MOUNT_PID", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube was passed a path to a host directory that does not exist HostPathMissing = Kind{ID: "HOST_PATH_MISSING", ExitCode: ExHostNotFound} // minikube failed to access info for a directory path HostPathStat = Kind{ID: "HOST_PATH_STAT", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to purge minikube config directories HostPurge = Kind{ID: "HOST_PURGE", ExitCode: ExHostError} // minikube failed to persist profile config HostSaveProfile = Kind{ID: "HOST_SAVE_PROFILE", ExitCode: ExHostConfig} // Host doesn't support 9p HostUnsupported = Kind{ID: "HOST_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExHostUnsupported} // minikube could not find a provider for the selected driver ProviderNotFound = Kind{ID: "PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND", ExitCode: ExProviderNotFound} ProviderUnavailable = Kind{ID: "PROVIDER_UNAVAILABLE", ExitCode: ExProviderNotFound, Style: style.Shrug} // minikube failed to access the driver control plane or API endpoint DrvCPEndpoint = Kind{ID: "DRV_CP_ENDPOINT", Advice: translate.T(`Recreate the cluster by running: minikube delete {{.profileArg}} minikube start {{.profileArg}}`), ExitCode: ExDriverError, Style: style.Failure, } // minikube failed to bind container ports to host ports DrvPortForward = Kind{ID: "DRV_PORT_FORWARD", ExitCode: ExDriverError} // the driver is currently not supported by minikube DrvUnsupported = Kind{ID: "DRV_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExDriverUnsupported} // the driver in use does not support multi-node clusters DrvUnsupportedMulti = Kind{ID: "DRV_UNSUPPORTED_MULTINODE", ExitCode: ExDriverConflict} // the specified driver is not supported on the host OS DrvUnsupportedOS = Kind{ID: "DRV_UNSUPPORTED_OS", ExitCode: ExDriverUnsupported} // the driver in use does not support the selected profile or multiple profiles DrvUnsupportedProfile = Kind{ID: "DRV_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE", ExitCode: ExDriverUnsupported} // minikube failed to locate specified driver DrvNotFound = Kind{ID: "DRV_NOT_FOUND", ExitCode: ExDriverNotFound} // minikube could not find a valid driver DrvNotDetected = Kind{ID: "DRV_NOT_DETECTED", ExitCode: ExDriverNotFound} // minikube found drivers but none were ready to use DrvNotHealthy = Kind{ID: "DRV_NOT_HEALTHY", ExitCode: ExDriverNotFound} // minikube found the docker driver but the docker service was not running DrvDockerNotRunning = Kind{ID: "DRV_DOCKER_NOT_RUNNING", ExitCode: ExDriverNotFound} // the driver in use is being run as root DrvAsRoot = Kind{ID: "DRV_AS_ROOT", ExitCode: ExDriverPermission} // the specified driver needs to be run as root DrvNeedsRoot = Kind{ID: "DRV_NEEDS_ROOT", ExitCode: ExDriverPermission} // minikube failed to load cached images GuestCacheLoad = Kind{ID: "GUEST_CACHE_LOAD", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to setup certificates GuestCert = Kind{ID: "GUEST_CERT", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to access the control plane GuestCpConfig = Kind{ID: "GUEST_CP_CONFIG", ExitCode: ExGuestConfig} // minikube failed to properly delete a resource, such as a profile GuestDeletion = Kind{ID: "GUEST_DELETION", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to list images on the machine GuestImageList = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_LIST", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to pull or load an image GuestImageLoad = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_LOAD", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to remove an image GuestImageRemove = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_REMOVE", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to pull an image GuestImagePull = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_PULL", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to build an image GuestImageBuild = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_BUILD", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to push or save an image GuestImageSave = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_SAVE", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to push an image GuestImagePush = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_PUSH", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to tag an image GuestImageTag = Kind{ID: "GUEST_IMAGE_TAG", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to load host GuestLoadHost = Kind{ID: "GUEST_LOAD_HOST", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minkube failed to create a mount GuestMount = Kind{ID: "GUEST_MOUNT", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // mount on guest was unable to connect to host mount server GuestMountCouldNotConnect = Kind{ ID: "GUEST_MOUNT_COULD_NOT_CONNECT", ExitCode: ExGuestError, Advice: translate.T(`If the host has a firewall: 1. Allow a port through the firewall 2. Specify "--port=<port_number>" for "minikube mount"`), } // minkube failed to update a mount GuestMountConflict = Kind{ID: "GUEST_MOUNT_CONFLICT", ExitCode: ExGuestConflict} // minikube failed to add a node to the cluster GuestNodeAdd = Kind{ID: "GUEST_NODE_ADD", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to remove a node from the cluster GuestNodeDelete = Kind{ID: "GUEST_NODE_DELETE", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to provision a node GuestNodeProvision = Kind{ID: "GUEST_NODE_PROVISION", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to retrieve information for a cluster node GuestNodeRetrieve = Kind{ID: "GUEST_NODE_RETRIEVE", ExitCode: ExGuestNotFound} // minikube failed to startup a cluster node GuestNodeStart = Kind{ID: "GUEST_NODE_START", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to pause the cluster process GuestPause = Kind{ID: "GUEST_PAUSE", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to delete a machine profile directory GuestProfileDeletion = Kind{ID: "GUEST_PROFILE_DELETION", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed while attempting to provision the guest GuestProvision = Kind{ID: "GUEST_PROVISION", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // docker container exited prematurely during provisioning GuestProvisionContainerExited = Kind{ID: "GUEST_PROVISION_CONTAINER_EXITED", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to start a node with current driver GuestStart = Kind{ID: "GUEST_START", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to get docker machine status GuestStatus = Kind{ID: "GUEST_STATUS", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // stopping the cluster process timed out GuestStopTimeout = Kind{ID: "GUEST_STOP_TIMEOUT", ExitCode: ExGuestTimeout} // minikube failed to unpause the cluster process GuestUnpause = Kind{ID: "GUEST_UNPAUSE", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube failed to check if Kubernetes containers are paused GuestCheckPaused = Kind{ID: "GUEST_CHECK_PAUSED", ExitCode: ExGuestError} // minikube cluster was created used a driver that is incompatible with the driver being requested GuestDrvMismatch = Kind{ID: "GUEST_DRIVER_MISMATCH", ExitCode: ExGuestConflict, Style: style.Conflict} // minikube could not find conntrack on the host, which is required from Kubernetes 1.18 onwards GuestMissingConntrack = Kind{ID: "GUEST_MISSING_CONNTRACK", ExitCode: ExGuestUnsupported} // minikube could not find crictl on the host, which is required from Kubernetes 1.24 onwards GuestMissingCrictl = Kind{ID: "GUEST_MISSING_CRICTL", ExitCode: ExGuestUnsupported} // minikube failed to get the host IP to use from within the VM IfHostIP = Kind{ID: "IF_HOST_IP", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError} // minikube failed to parse the input IP address for mount IfMountIP = Kind{ID: "IF_MOUNT_IP", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError} // minikube failed to parse or find port for mount IfMountPort = Kind{ID: "IF_MOUNT_PORT", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError} // minikube failed to access an ssh client on the host machine IfSSHClient = Kind{ID: "IF_SSH_CLIENT", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError} // minikube failed to create a dedicated network IfDedicatedNetwork = Kind{ID: "IF_DEDICATED_NETWORK", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError} // minikube failed to populate dchpd_leases file due to bootpd being blocked by firewall IfBootpdFirewall = Kind{ ID: "IF_BOOTPD_FIREWALL", ExitCode: ExLocalNetworkError, Advice: translate.T(`Your firewall is likely blocking bootpd, to unblock it run: sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /usr/libexec/bootpd sudo /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --unblock /usr/libexec/bootpd`), } // minikube failed to cache kubernetes binaries for the current runtime InetCacheBinaries = Kind{ID: "INET_CACHE_BINARIES", ExitCode: ExInternetError} // minikube failed to cache the kubectl binary InetCacheKubectl = Kind{ID: "INET_CACHE_KUBECTL", ExitCode: ExInternetError} // minikube failed to cache required images to tar files InetCacheTar = Kind{ID: "INET_CACHE_TAR", ExitCode: ExInternetError} // minikube failed to download licenses InetLicenses = Kind{ID: "INET_LICENSES", ExitCode: ExInternetError} // minikube was unable to access main repository and mirrors for images InetRepo = Kind{ID: "INET_REPO", ExitCode: ExInternetError} InetReposUnavailable = Kind{ID: "INET_REPOS_UNAVAILABLE", ExitCode: ExInternetError} InetVersionUnavailable = Kind{ID: "INET_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE", ExitCode: ExInternetUnavailable} // minikube received invalid empty data for latest release/version info from the server InetVersionEmpty = Kind{ID: "INET_VERSION_EMPTY", ExitCode: ExInternetConfig} // minikube failed to enable the current container runtime RuntimeEnable = Kind{ID: "RUNTIME_ENABLE", ExitCode: ExRuntimeError} // minikube failed to cache images for the current container runtime RuntimeCache = Kind{ID: "RUNTIME_CACHE", ExitCode: ExRuntimeError} // minikube failed to start an ssh-agent when executing docker-env SSHAgentStart = Kind{ID: "SSH_AGENT_START", ExitCode: ExRuntimeError} // service check timed out while starting minikube dashboard SvcCheckTimeout = Kind{ID: "SVC_CHECK_TIMEOUT", ExitCode: ExSvcTimeout} // minikube was unable to access a service SvcTimeout = Kind{ID: "SVC_TIMEOUT", ExitCode: ExSvcTimeout} // minikube found that the service has no available pods SvcUnreachable = Kind{ID: "SVC_UNREACHABLE", ExitCode: ExSvcNotFound} // minikube failed to list services for the specified namespace SvcList = Kind{ID: "SVC_LIST", ExitCode: ExSvcError} // minikube failed to start a tunnel SvcTunnelStart = Kind{ID: "SVC_TUNNEL_START", ExitCode: ExSvcError} // minikube could not stop an active tunnel SvcTunnelStop = Kind{ID: "SVC_TUNNEL_STOP", ExitCode: ExSvcError} // another instance of tunnel already running SvcTunnelAlreadyRunning = Kind{ID: "TUNNEL_ALREADY_RUNNING", ExitCode: ExSvcConflict, Style: style.Usage} // minikube was unable to access the service url SvcURLTimeout = Kind{ID: "SVC_URL_TIMEOUT", ExitCode: ExSvcTimeout} // minikube couldn't find the specified service in the specified namespace SvcNotFound = Kind{ID: "SVC_NOT_FOUND", ExitCode: ExSvcNotFound} // user attempted to use a command that is not supported by the driver currently in use EnvDriverConflict = Kind{ID: "ENV_DRIVER_CONFLICT", ExitCode: ExDriverConflict} // user attempted to run a command that is not supported on multi-node setup without some additional configuration EnvMultiConflict = Kind{ID: "ENV_MULTINODE_CONFLICT", ExitCode: ExGuestConflict} EnvPodmanUnavailable = Kind{ID: "ENV_PODMAN_UNAVAILABLE", ExitCode: ExRuntimeUnavailable} // user attempted to use an addon that is not supported AddonUnsupported = Kind{ID: "SVC_ADDON_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExSvcUnsupported} // user attempted to use an addon that is currently not enabled AddonNotEnabled = Kind{ID: "SVC_ADDON_NOT_ENABLED", ExitCode: ExProgramConflict} // minikube failed to update the Kubernetes cluster KubernetesInstallFailed = Kind{ID: "K8S_INSTALL_FAILED", ExitCode: ExControlPlaneError} // minikube failed to update the Kubernetes cluster because the container runtime was unavailable KubernetesInstallFailedRuntimeNotRunning = Kind{ID: "K8S_INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_NOT_RUNNING", ExitCode: ExRuntimeNotRunning} // an outdated Kubernetes version was specified for minikube to use KubernetesTooOld = Kind{ID: "K8S_OLD_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExControlPlaneUnsupported} // a too new Kubernetes version was specified for minikube to use KubernetesTooNew = Kind{ID: "K8S_NEW_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExControlPlaneUnsupported} // error fetching GitHub Kubernetes version list KubernetesNotConnect = Kind{ID: "K8S_FAIL_CONNECT", ExitCode: ExInternetError} // minikube was unable to safely downgrade installed Kubernetes version KubernetesDowngrade = Kind{ ID: "K8S_DOWNGRADE_UNSUPPORTED", ExitCode: ExControlPlaneUnsupported, Advice: translate.T(`1) Recreate the cluster with Kubernetes {{.new}}, by running: minikube delete{{.profile}} minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}} 2) Create a second cluster with Kubernetes {{.new}}, by running: minikube start -p {{.suggestedName}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.new}} 3) Use the existing cluster at version Kubernetes {{.old}}, by running: minikube start{{.profile}} --kubernetes-version={{.prefix}}{{.old}} `), Style: style.SeeNoEvil, } NotFoundCriDockerd = Kind{ ID: "NOT_FOUND_CRI_DOCKERD", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Advice: translate.T(`The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ and the docker container-runtime requires cri-dockerd. Please install cri-dockerd using these instructions:`), Style: style.Docker, } NotFoundDockerd = Kind{ ID: "NOT_FOUND_DOCKERD", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Advice: translate.T(`The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ and the docker container-runtime requires dockerd. Please install dockerd using these instructions:`), Style: style.Docker, } NotFoundCNIPlugins = Kind{ ID: "NOT_FOUND_CNI_PLUGINS", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Advice: translate.T(`The none driver with Kubernetes v1.24+ requires containernetworking-plugins. Please install containernetworking-plugins using these instructions:`), Style: style.CNI, } NotFoundSocketVMNet = Kind{ ID: "NOT_FOUND_SOCKET_VMNET", ExitCode: ExProgramNotFound, Advice: translate.T(`socket_vmnet was not found on the system, resolve by: Option 1) Installing socket_vmnet: Option 2) Using the user network: minikube start{{.profile}} --driver qemu --network user`), Style: style.SeeNoEvil, } )
Sections are ordered roughly by stack dependencies
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type K8sIssue ¶ added in v1.20.0
type K8sIssue struct { // VersionAffected is the list of Kubernetes versions that has a particular issue VersionsAffected []string // Description is what will be printed to the user describing the issue Description string // URL is a link to an issue or documentation about the issue, optional. URL string }
K8sIssue represents a known issue with a particular version of Kubernetes
func ProblematicK8sVersion ¶ added in v1.20.0
func ProblematicK8sVersion(v semver.Version) *K8sIssue
ProblematicK8sVersion checks for the supplied Kubernetes version and checks if there's a known issue with it.
type Kind ¶
type Kind struct { // ID is an unique and stable string describing a reason ID string // ExitCode to be used (defaults to 1) ExitCode int // Style is what emoji prefix to use for this reason Style style.Enum // Advice is actionable text that the user should follow Advice string // URL is a reference URL for more information URL string // Issues are a list of related issues to this issue Issues []int // Show the new issue link NewIssueLink bool // Do not attempt to match this reason to a specific known issue NoMatch bool }
Kind describes reason metadata
func MatchKnownIssue ¶
MatchKnownIssue returns a known issue from an error on an OS
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.