
v0.0.0-...-4307e44 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 5, 2025 License: Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 0



Package databasemigrationservice provides the client and types for making API requests to AWS Database Migration Service.

Database Migration Service (DMS) can migrate your data to and from the most widely used commercial and open-source databases such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, MariaDB, Amazon Aurora, MySQL, and SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). The service supports homogeneous migrations such as Oracle to Oracle, as well as heterogeneous migrations between different database platforms, such as Oracle to MySQL or SQL Server to PostgreSQL.

For more information about DMS, see What Is Database Migration Service? ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

See for more information on this service.

See databasemigrationservice package documentation for more information.

Using the Client

To contact AWS Database Migration Service with the SDK use the New function to create a new service client. With that client you can make API requests to the service. These clients are safe to use concurrently.

See the SDK's documentation for more information on how to use the SDK.

See aws.Config documentation for more information on configuring SDK clients.

See the AWS Database Migration Service client DatabaseMigrationService for more information on creating client for this service.



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const (
	// AssessmentReportTypePdf is a AssessmentReportType enum value
	AssessmentReportTypePdf = "pdf"

	// AssessmentReportTypeCsv is a AssessmentReportType enum value
	AssessmentReportTypeCsv = "csv"
View Source
const (
	// AuthMechanismValueDefault is a AuthMechanismValue enum value
	AuthMechanismValueDefault = "default"

	// AuthMechanismValueMongodbCr is a AuthMechanismValue enum value
	AuthMechanismValueMongodbCr = "mongodb_cr"

	// AuthMechanismValueScramSha1 is a AuthMechanismValue enum value
	AuthMechanismValueScramSha1 = "scram_sha_1"
View Source
const (
	// AuthTypeValueNo is a AuthTypeValue enum value
	AuthTypeValueNo = "no"

	// AuthTypeValuePassword is a AuthTypeValue enum value
	AuthTypeValuePassword = "password"
View Source
const (
	// CannedAclForObjectsValueNone is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValueNone = "none"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValuePrivate is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValuePrivate = "private"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValuePublicRead is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValuePublicRead = "public-read"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValuePublicReadWrite is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValuePublicReadWrite = "public-read-write"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValueAuthenticatedRead is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValueAuthenticatedRead = "authenticated-read"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValueAwsExecRead is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValueAwsExecRead = "aws-exec-read"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValueBucketOwnerRead is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValueBucketOwnerRead = "bucket-owner-read"

	// CannedAclForObjectsValueBucketOwnerFullControl is a CannedAclForObjectsValue enum value
	CannedAclForObjectsValueBucketOwnerFullControl = "bucket-owner-full-control"
View Source
const (
	// CharLengthSemanticsDefault is a CharLengthSemantics enum value
	CharLengthSemanticsDefault = "default"

	// CharLengthSemanticsChar is a CharLengthSemantics enum value
	CharLengthSemanticsChar = "char"

	// CharLengthSemanticsByte is a CharLengthSemantics enum value
	CharLengthSemanticsByte = "byte"
View Source
const (
	// CollectorStatusUnregistered is a CollectorStatus enum value
	CollectorStatusUnregistered = "UNREGISTERED"

	// CollectorStatusActive is a CollectorStatus enum value
	CollectorStatusActive = "ACTIVE"
View Source
const (
	// CompressionTypeValueNone is a CompressionTypeValue enum value
	CompressionTypeValueNone = "none"

	// CompressionTypeValueGzip is a CompressionTypeValue enum value
	CompressionTypeValueGzip = "gzip"
View Source
const (
	// DataFormatValueCsv is a DataFormatValue enum value
	DataFormatValueCsv = "csv"

	// DataFormatValueParquet is a DataFormatValue enum value
	DataFormatValueParquet = "parquet"
View Source
const (
	// DatabaseModeDefault is a DatabaseMode enum value
	DatabaseModeDefault = "default"

	// DatabaseModeBabelfish is a DatabaseMode enum value
	DatabaseModeBabelfish = "babelfish"
View Source
const (
	// DatePartitionDelimiterValueSlash is a DatePartitionDelimiterValue enum value
	DatePartitionDelimiterValueSlash = "SLASH"

	// DatePartitionDelimiterValueUnderscore is a DatePartitionDelimiterValue enum value
	DatePartitionDelimiterValueUnderscore = "UNDERSCORE"

	// DatePartitionDelimiterValueDash is a DatePartitionDelimiterValue enum value
	DatePartitionDelimiterValueDash = "DASH"

	// DatePartitionDelimiterValueNone is a DatePartitionDelimiterValue enum value
	DatePartitionDelimiterValueNone = "NONE"
View Source
const (
	// DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymmdd is a DatePartitionSequenceValue enum value
	DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymmdd = "YYYYMMDD"

	// DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymmddhh is a DatePartitionSequenceValue enum value
	DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymmddhh = "YYYYMMDDHH"

	// DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymm is a DatePartitionSequenceValue enum value
	DatePartitionSequenceValueYyyymm = "YYYYMM"

	// DatePartitionSequenceValueMmyyyydd is a DatePartitionSequenceValue enum value
	DatePartitionSequenceValueMmyyyydd = "MMYYYYDD"

	// DatePartitionSequenceValueDdmmyyyy is a DatePartitionSequenceValue enum value
	DatePartitionSequenceValueDdmmyyyy = "DDMMYYYY"
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const (
	// DmsSslModeValueNone is a DmsSslModeValue enum value
	DmsSslModeValueNone = "none"

	// DmsSslModeValueRequire is a DmsSslModeValue enum value
	DmsSslModeValueRequire = "require"

	// DmsSslModeValueVerifyCa is a DmsSslModeValue enum value
	DmsSslModeValueVerifyCa = "verify-ca"

	// DmsSslModeValueVerifyFull is a DmsSslModeValue enum value
	DmsSslModeValueVerifyFull = "verify-full"
View Source
const (
	// EncodingTypeValuePlain is a EncodingTypeValue enum value
	EncodingTypeValuePlain = "plain"

	// EncodingTypeValuePlainDictionary is a EncodingTypeValue enum value
	EncodingTypeValuePlainDictionary = "plain-dictionary"

	// EncodingTypeValueRleDictionary is a EncodingTypeValue enum value
	EncodingTypeValueRleDictionary = "rle-dictionary"
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const (
	// EncryptionModeValueSseS3 is a EncryptionModeValue enum value
	EncryptionModeValueSseS3 = "sse-s3"

	// EncryptionModeValueSseKms is a EncryptionModeValue enum value
	EncryptionModeValueSseKms = "sse-kms"
View Source
const (
	// EndpointSettingTypeValueString is a EndpointSettingTypeValue enum value
	EndpointSettingTypeValueString = "string"

	// EndpointSettingTypeValueBoolean is a EndpointSettingTypeValue enum value
	EndpointSettingTypeValueBoolean = "boolean"

	// EndpointSettingTypeValueInteger is a EndpointSettingTypeValue enum value
	EndpointSettingTypeValueInteger = "integer"

	// EndpointSettingTypeValueEnum is a EndpointSettingTypeValue enum value
	EndpointSettingTypeValueEnum = "enum"
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const (
	// KafkaSaslMechanismScramSha512 is a KafkaSaslMechanism enum value
	KafkaSaslMechanismScramSha512 = "scram-sha-512"

	// KafkaSaslMechanismPlain is a KafkaSaslMechanism enum value
	KafkaSaslMechanismPlain = "plain"
View Source
const (
	// KafkaSecurityProtocolPlaintext is a KafkaSecurityProtocol enum value
	KafkaSecurityProtocolPlaintext = "plaintext"

	// KafkaSecurityProtocolSslAuthentication is a KafkaSecurityProtocol enum value
	KafkaSecurityProtocolSslAuthentication = "ssl-authentication"

	// KafkaSecurityProtocolSslEncryption is a KafkaSecurityProtocol enum value
	KafkaSecurityProtocolSslEncryption = "ssl-encryption"

	// KafkaSecurityProtocolSaslSsl is a KafkaSecurityProtocol enum value
	KafkaSecurityProtocolSaslSsl = "sasl-ssl"
View Source
const (
	// KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmNone is a KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm enum value
	KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmNone = "none"

	// KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmHttps is a KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm enum value
	KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithmHttps = "https"
View Source
const (
	// LongVarcharMappingTypeWstring is a LongVarcharMappingType enum value
	LongVarcharMappingTypeWstring = "wstring"

	// LongVarcharMappingTypeClob is a LongVarcharMappingType enum value
	LongVarcharMappingTypeClob = "clob"

	// LongVarcharMappingTypeNclob is a LongVarcharMappingType enum value
	LongVarcharMappingTypeNclob = "nclob"
View Source
const (
	// MessageFormatValueJson is a MessageFormatValue enum value
	MessageFormatValueJson = "json"

	// MessageFormatValueJsonUnformatted is a MessageFormatValue enum value
	MessageFormatValueJsonUnformatted = "json-unformatted"
View Source
const (
	// MigrationTypeValueFullLoad is a MigrationTypeValue enum value
	MigrationTypeValueFullLoad = "full-load"

	// MigrationTypeValueCdc is a MigrationTypeValue enum value
	MigrationTypeValueCdc = "cdc"

	// MigrationTypeValueFullLoadAndCdc is a MigrationTypeValue enum value
	MigrationTypeValueFullLoadAndCdc = "full-load-and-cdc"
View Source
const (
	// NestingLevelValueNone is a NestingLevelValue enum value
	NestingLevelValueNone = "none"

	// NestingLevelValueOne is a NestingLevelValue enum value
	NestingLevelValueOne = "one"
View Source
const (
	// OriginTypeValueSource is a OriginTypeValue enum value
	OriginTypeValueSource = "SOURCE"

	// OriginTypeValueTarget is a OriginTypeValue enum value
	OriginTypeValueTarget = "TARGET"
View Source
const (
	// ParquetVersionValueParquet10 is a ParquetVersionValue enum value
	ParquetVersionValueParquet10 = "parquet-1-0"

	// ParquetVersionValueParquet20 is a ParquetVersionValue enum value
	ParquetVersionValueParquet20 = "parquet-2-0"
View Source
const (
	// PluginNameValueNoPreference is a PluginNameValue enum value
	PluginNameValueNoPreference = "no-preference"

	// PluginNameValueTestDecoding is a PluginNameValue enum value
	PluginNameValueTestDecoding = "test-decoding"

	// PluginNameValuePglogical is a PluginNameValue enum value
	PluginNameValuePglogical = "pglogical"
View Source
const (
	// RedisAuthTypeValueNone is a RedisAuthTypeValue enum value
	RedisAuthTypeValueNone = "none"

	// RedisAuthTypeValueAuthRole is a RedisAuthTypeValue enum value
	RedisAuthTypeValueAuthRole = "auth-role"

	// RedisAuthTypeValueAuthToken is a RedisAuthTypeValue enum value
	RedisAuthTypeValueAuthToken = "auth-token"
View Source
const (
	// RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueSuccessful is a RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue enum value
	RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueSuccessful = "successful"

	// RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueFailed is a RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue enum value
	RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueFailed = "failed"

	// RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueRefreshing is a RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue enum value
	RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValueRefreshing = "refreshing"
View Source
const (
	// ReleaseStatusValuesBeta is a ReleaseStatusValues enum value
	ReleaseStatusValuesBeta = "beta"

	// ReleaseStatusValuesProd is a ReleaseStatusValues enum value
	ReleaseStatusValuesProd = "prod"
View Source
const (
	// ReloadOptionValueDataReload is a ReloadOptionValue enum value
	ReloadOptionValueDataReload = "data-reload"

	// ReloadOptionValueValidateOnly is a ReloadOptionValue enum value
	ReloadOptionValueValidateOnly = "validate-only"
View Source
const (
	// ReplicationEndpointTypeValueSource is a ReplicationEndpointTypeValue enum value
	ReplicationEndpointTypeValueSource = "source"

	// ReplicationEndpointTypeValueTarget is a ReplicationEndpointTypeValue enum value
	ReplicationEndpointTypeValueTarget = "target"
View Source
const (
	// SafeguardPolicyRelyOnSqlServerReplicationAgent is a SafeguardPolicy enum value
	SafeguardPolicyRelyOnSqlServerReplicationAgent = "rely-on-sql-server-replication-agent"

	// SafeguardPolicyExclusiveAutomaticTruncation is a SafeguardPolicy enum value
	SafeguardPolicyExclusiveAutomaticTruncation = "exclusive-automatic-truncation"

	// SafeguardPolicySharedAutomaticTruncation is a SafeguardPolicy enum value
	SafeguardPolicySharedAutomaticTruncation = "shared-automatic-truncation"
View Source
const (
	// SslSecurityProtocolValuePlaintext is a SslSecurityProtocolValue enum value
	SslSecurityProtocolValuePlaintext = "plaintext"

	// SslSecurityProtocolValueSslEncryption is a SslSecurityProtocolValue enum value
	SslSecurityProtocolValueSslEncryption = "ssl-encryption"
View Source
const (
	// StartReplicationTaskTypeValueStartReplication is a StartReplicationTaskTypeValue enum value
	StartReplicationTaskTypeValueStartReplication = "start-replication"

	// StartReplicationTaskTypeValueResumeProcessing is a StartReplicationTaskTypeValue enum value
	StartReplicationTaskTypeValueResumeProcessing = "resume-processing"

	// StartReplicationTaskTypeValueReloadTarget is a StartReplicationTaskTypeValue enum value
	StartReplicationTaskTypeValueReloadTarget = "reload-target"
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const (
	// TargetDbTypeSpecificDatabase is a TargetDbType enum value
	TargetDbTypeSpecificDatabase = "specific-database"

	// TargetDbTypeMultipleDatabases is a TargetDbType enum value
	TargetDbTypeMultipleDatabases = "multiple-databases"
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const (
	// TlogAccessModeBackupOnly is a TlogAccessMode enum value
	TlogAccessModeBackupOnly = "BackupOnly"

	// TlogAccessModePreferBackup is a TlogAccessMode enum value
	TlogAccessModePreferBackup = "PreferBackup"

	// TlogAccessModePreferTlog is a TlogAccessMode enum value
	TlogAccessModePreferTlog = "PreferTlog"

	// TlogAccessModeTlogOnly is a TlogAccessMode enum value
	TlogAccessModeTlogOnly = "TlogOnly"
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const (
	// VersionStatusUpToDate is a VersionStatus enum value
	VersionStatusUpToDate = "UP_TO_DATE"

	// VersionStatusOutdated is a VersionStatus enum value
	VersionStatusOutdated = "OUTDATED"

	// VersionStatusUnsupported is a VersionStatus enum value
	VersionStatusUnsupported = "UNSUPPORTED"
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const (

	// ErrCodeAccessDeniedFault for service response error code
	// "AccessDeniedFault".
	// DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.
	ErrCodeAccessDeniedFault = "AccessDeniedFault"

	// ErrCodeCollectorNotFoundFault for service response error code
	// "CollectorNotFoundFault".
	// The specified collector doesn't exist.
	ErrCodeCollectorNotFoundFault = "CollectorNotFoundFault"

	// ErrCodeInsufficientResourceCapacityFault for service response error code
	// "InsufficientResourceCapacityFault".
	// There are not enough resources allocated to the database migration.
	ErrCodeInsufficientResourceCapacityFault = "InsufficientResourceCapacityFault"

	// ErrCodeInvalidCertificateFault for service response error code
	// "InvalidCertificateFault".
	// The certificate was not valid.
	ErrCodeInvalidCertificateFault = "InvalidCertificateFault"

	// ErrCodeInvalidOperationFault for service response error code
	// "InvalidOperationFault".
	// The action or operation requested isn't valid.
	ErrCodeInvalidOperationFault = "InvalidOperationFault"

	// ErrCodeInvalidResourceStateFault for service response error code
	// "InvalidResourceStateFault".
	// The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database
	// migration.
	ErrCodeInvalidResourceStateFault = "InvalidResourceStateFault"

	// ErrCodeInvalidSubnet for service response error code
	// "InvalidSubnet".
	// The subnet provided isn't valid.
	ErrCodeInvalidSubnet = "InvalidSubnet"

	// ErrCodeKMSAccessDeniedFault for service response error code
	// "KMSAccessDeniedFault".
	// The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that the DMS account
	// doesn't have access to.
	ErrCodeKMSAccessDeniedFault = "KMSAccessDeniedFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSDisabledFault for service response error code
	// "KMSDisabledFault".
	// The specified KMS key isn't enabled.
	ErrCodeKMSDisabledFault = "KMSDisabledFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSFault for service response error code
	// "KMSFault".
	// An Key Management Service (KMS) error is preventing access to KMS.
	ErrCodeKMSFault = "KMSFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSInvalidStateFault for service response error code
	// "KMSInvalidStateFault".
	// The state of the specified KMS resource isn't valid for this request.
	ErrCodeKMSInvalidStateFault = "KMSInvalidStateFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSKeyNotAccessibleFault for service response error code
	// "KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault".
	// DMS cannot access the KMS key.
	ErrCodeKMSKeyNotAccessibleFault = "KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSNotFoundFault for service response error code
	// "KMSNotFoundFault".
	// The specified KMS entity or resource can't be found.
	ErrCodeKMSNotFoundFault = "KMSNotFoundFault"

	// ErrCodeKMSThrottlingFault for service response error code
	// "KMSThrottlingFault".
	// This request triggered KMS request throttling.
	ErrCodeKMSThrottlingFault = "KMSThrottlingFault"

	// ErrCodeReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs for service response error code
	// "ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs".
	// The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs).
	// Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.
	ErrCodeReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs = "ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs"

	// ErrCodeResourceAlreadyExistsFault for service response error code
	// "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault".
	// The resource you are attempting to create already exists.
	ErrCodeResourceAlreadyExistsFault = "ResourceAlreadyExistsFault"

	// ErrCodeResourceNotFoundFault for service response error code
	// "ResourceNotFoundFault".
	// The resource could not be found.
	ErrCodeResourceNotFoundFault = "ResourceNotFoundFault"

	// ErrCodeResourceQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
	// "ResourceQuotaExceededFault".
	// The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.
	ErrCodeResourceQuotaExceededFault = "ResourceQuotaExceededFault"

	// ErrCodeS3AccessDeniedFault for service response error code
	// "S3AccessDeniedFault".
	// Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.
	ErrCodeS3AccessDeniedFault = "S3AccessDeniedFault"

	// ErrCodeS3ResourceNotFoundFault for service response error code
	// "S3ResourceNotFoundFault".
	// A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.
	ErrCodeS3ResourceNotFoundFault = "S3ResourceNotFoundFault"

	// ErrCodeSNSInvalidTopicFault for service response error code
	// "SNSInvalidTopicFault".
	// The SNS topic is invalid.
	ErrCodeSNSInvalidTopicFault = "SNSInvalidTopicFault"

	// ErrCodeSNSNoAuthorizationFault for service response error code
	// "SNSNoAuthorizationFault".
	// You are not authorized for the SNS subscription.
	ErrCodeSNSNoAuthorizationFault = "SNSNoAuthorizationFault"

	// ErrCodeStorageQuotaExceededFault for service response error code
	// "StorageQuotaExceededFault".
	// The storage quota has been exceeded.
	ErrCodeStorageQuotaExceededFault = "StorageQuotaExceededFault"

	// ErrCodeSubnetAlreadyInUse for service response error code
	// "SubnetAlreadyInUse".
	// The specified subnet is already in use.
	ErrCodeSubnetAlreadyInUse = "SubnetAlreadyInUse"

	// ErrCodeUpgradeDependencyFailureFault for service response error code
	// "UpgradeDependencyFailureFault".
	// An upgrade dependency is preventing the database migration.
	ErrCodeUpgradeDependencyFailureFault = "UpgradeDependencyFailureFault"
View Source
const (
	ServiceName = "dms"                        // Name of service.
	EndpointsID = ServiceName                  // ID to lookup a service endpoint with.
	ServiceID   = "Database Migration Service" // ServiceID is a unique identifier of a specific service.

Service information constants

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const (
	// SourceTypeReplicationInstance is a SourceType enum value
	SourceTypeReplicationInstance = "replication-instance"


This section is empty.


func AssessmentReportType_Values

func AssessmentReportType_Values() []string

AssessmentReportType_Values returns all elements of the AssessmentReportType enum

func AuthMechanismValue_Values

func AuthMechanismValue_Values() []string

AuthMechanismValue_Values returns all elements of the AuthMechanismValue enum

func AuthTypeValue_Values

func AuthTypeValue_Values() []string

AuthTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the AuthTypeValue enum

func CannedAclForObjectsValue_Values

func CannedAclForObjectsValue_Values() []string

CannedAclForObjectsValue_Values returns all elements of the CannedAclForObjectsValue enum

func CharLengthSemantics_Values

func CharLengthSemantics_Values() []string

CharLengthSemantics_Values returns all elements of the CharLengthSemantics enum

func CollectorStatus_Values

func CollectorStatus_Values() []string

CollectorStatus_Values returns all elements of the CollectorStatus enum

func CompressionTypeValue_Values

func CompressionTypeValue_Values() []string

CompressionTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the CompressionTypeValue enum

func DataFormatValue_Values

func DataFormatValue_Values() []string

DataFormatValue_Values returns all elements of the DataFormatValue enum

func DatabaseMode_Values

func DatabaseMode_Values() []string

DatabaseMode_Values returns all elements of the DatabaseMode enum

func DatePartitionDelimiterValue_Values

func DatePartitionDelimiterValue_Values() []string

DatePartitionDelimiterValue_Values returns all elements of the DatePartitionDelimiterValue enum

func DatePartitionSequenceValue_Values

func DatePartitionSequenceValue_Values() []string

DatePartitionSequenceValue_Values returns all elements of the DatePartitionSequenceValue enum

func DmsSslModeValue_Values

func DmsSslModeValue_Values() []string

DmsSslModeValue_Values returns all elements of the DmsSslModeValue enum

func EncodingTypeValue_Values

func EncodingTypeValue_Values() []string

EncodingTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the EncodingTypeValue enum

func EncryptionModeValue_Values

func EncryptionModeValue_Values() []string

EncryptionModeValue_Values returns all elements of the EncryptionModeValue enum

func EndpointSettingTypeValue_Values

func EndpointSettingTypeValue_Values() []string

EndpointSettingTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the EndpointSettingTypeValue enum

func KafkaSaslMechanism_Values

func KafkaSaslMechanism_Values() []string

KafkaSaslMechanism_Values returns all elements of the KafkaSaslMechanism enum

func KafkaSecurityProtocol_Values

func KafkaSecurityProtocol_Values() []string

KafkaSecurityProtocol_Values returns all elements of the KafkaSecurityProtocol enum

func KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm_Values

func KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm_Values() []string

KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm_Values returns all elements of the KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm enum

func LongVarcharMappingType_Values

func LongVarcharMappingType_Values() []string

LongVarcharMappingType_Values returns all elements of the LongVarcharMappingType enum

func MessageFormatValue_Values

func MessageFormatValue_Values() []string

MessageFormatValue_Values returns all elements of the MessageFormatValue enum

func MigrationTypeValue_Values

func MigrationTypeValue_Values() []string

MigrationTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the MigrationTypeValue enum

func NestingLevelValue_Values

func NestingLevelValue_Values() []string

NestingLevelValue_Values returns all elements of the NestingLevelValue enum

func OriginTypeValue_Values

func OriginTypeValue_Values() []string

OriginTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the OriginTypeValue enum

func ParquetVersionValue_Values

func ParquetVersionValue_Values() []string

ParquetVersionValue_Values returns all elements of the ParquetVersionValue enum

func PluginNameValue_Values

func PluginNameValue_Values() []string

PluginNameValue_Values returns all elements of the PluginNameValue enum

func RedisAuthTypeValue_Values

func RedisAuthTypeValue_Values() []string

RedisAuthTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the RedisAuthTypeValue enum

func RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue_Values

func RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue_Values() []string

RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue enum

func ReleaseStatusValues_Values

func ReleaseStatusValues_Values() []string

ReleaseStatusValues_Values returns all elements of the ReleaseStatusValues enum

func ReloadOptionValue_Values

func ReloadOptionValue_Values() []string

ReloadOptionValue_Values returns all elements of the ReloadOptionValue enum

func ReplicationEndpointTypeValue_Values

func ReplicationEndpointTypeValue_Values() []string

ReplicationEndpointTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the ReplicationEndpointTypeValue enum

func SafeguardPolicy_Values

func SafeguardPolicy_Values() []string

SafeguardPolicy_Values returns all elements of the SafeguardPolicy enum

func SourceType_Values

func SourceType_Values() []string

SourceType_Values returns all elements of the SourceType enum

func SslSecurityProtocolValue_Values

func SslSecurityProtocolValue_Values() []string

SslSecurityProtocolValue_Values returns all elements of the SslSecurityProtocolValue enum

func StartReplicationTaskTypeValue_Values

func StartReplicationTaskTypeValue_Values() []string

StartReplicationTaskTypeValue_Values returns all elements of the StartReplicationTaskTypeValue enum

func TargetDbType_Values

func TargetDbType_Values() []string

TargetDbType_Values returns all elements of the TargetDbType enum

func TlogAccessMode_Values

func TlogAccessMode_Values() []string

TlogAccessMode_Values returns all elements of the TlogAccessMode enum

func VersionStatus_Values

func VersionStatus_Values() []string

VersionStatus_Values returns all elements of the VersionStatus enum


type AccessDeniedFault

type AccessDeniedFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

func (*AccessDeniedFault) Code

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*AccessDeniedFault) Error

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) Error() string

func (AccessDeniedFault) GoString

func (s AccessDeniedFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AccessDeniedFault) Message

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*AccessDeniedFault) OrigErr

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*AccessDeniedFault) RequestID

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*AccessDeniedFault) StatusCode

func (s *AccessDeniedFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (AccessDeniedFault) String

func (s AccessDeniedFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AccountQuota

type AccountQuota struct {

	// The name of the DMS quota for this Amazon Web Services account.
	AccountQuotaName *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum allowed value for the quota.
	Max *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The amount currently used toward the quota maximum.
	Used *int64 `type:"long"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a quota for an Amazon Web Services account, for example the number of replication instances allowed.

func (AccountQuota) GoString

func (s AccountQuota) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AccountQuota) SetAccountQuotaName

func (s *AccountQuota) SetAccountQuotaName(v string) *AccountQuota

SetAccountQuotaName sets the AccountQuotaName field's value.

func (*AccountQuota) SetMax

func (s *AccountQuota) SetMax(v int64) *AccountQuota

SetMax sets the Max field's value.

func (*AccountQuota) SetUsed

func (s *AccountQuota) SetUsed(v int64) *AccountQuota

SetUsed sets the Used field's value.

func (AccountQuota) String

func (s AccountQuota) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AddTagsToResourceInput

type AddTagsToResourceInput struct {

	// Identifies the DMS resource to which tags should be added. The value for
	// this parameter is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// For DMS, you can tag a replication instance, an endpoint, or a replication
	// task.
	// ResourceArn is a required field
	ResourceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the resource.
	// Tags is a required field
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Associates a set of tags with an DMS resource.

func (AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString

func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) SetResourceArn

SetResourceArn sets the ResourceArn field's value.

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (AddTagsToResourceInput) String

func (s AddTagsToResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate

func (s *AddTagsToResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type AddTagsToResourceOutput

type AddTagsToResourceOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString

func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (AddTagsToResourceOutput) String

func (s AddTagsToResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput struct {

	// The pending maintenance action to apply to this resource.
	// Valid values: os-upgrade, system-update, db-upgrade
	// ApplyAction is a required field
	ApplyAction *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A value that specifies the type of opt-in request, or undoes an opt-in request.
	// You can't undo an opt-in request of type immediate.
	// Valid values:
	//    * immediate - Apply the maintenance action immediately.
	//    * next-maintenance - Apply the maintenance action during the next maintenance
	//    window for the resource.
	//    * undo-opt-in - Cancel any existing next-maintenance opt-in requests.
	// OptInType is a required field
	OptInType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DMS resource that the pending maintenance
	// action applies to.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetApplyAction

SetApplyAction sets the ApplyAction field's value.

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetOptInType

SetOptInType sets the OptInType field's value.

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput

type ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput struct {

	// The DMS resource that the pending maintenance action will be applied to.
	ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions *ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) SetResourcePendingMaintenanceActions

SetResourcePendingMaintenanceActions sets the ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions field's value.

func (ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type AvailabilityZone

type AvailabilityZone struct {

	// The name of the Availability Zone.
	Name *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The name of an Availability Zone for use during database migration. AvailabilityZone is an optional parameter to the CreateReplicationInstance ( operation, and it’s value relates to the Amazon Web Services Region of an endpoint. For example, the availability zone of an endpoint in the us-east-1 region might be us-east-1a, us-east-1b, us-east-1c, or us-east-1d.

func (AvailabilityZone) GoString

func (s AvailabilityZone) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*AvailabilityZone) SetName

func (s *AvailabilityZone) SetName(v string) *AvailabilityZone

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (AvailabilityZone) String

func (s AvailabilityZone) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry

type BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry struct {

	// The code of an error that occurred during the analysis of the source database.
	Code *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the source database.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// The information about the error.
	Message *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the errors that occurred during the analysis of the source database.

func (BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry) SetCode

SetCode sets the Code field's value.

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry) SetDatabaseId

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry) SetMessage

SetMessage sets the Message field's value.

func (BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type BatchStartRecommendationsInput

type BatchStartRecommendationsInput struct {

	// Provides information about source databases to analyze. After this analysis,
	// Fleet Advisor recommends target engines for each source database.
	Data []*StartRecommendationsRequestEntry `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BatchStartRecommendationsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsInput) SetData

SetData sets the Data field's value.

func (BatchStartRecommendationsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsInput) Validate

func (s *BatchStartRecommendationsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type BatchStartRecommendationsOutput

type BatchStartRecommendationsOutput struct {

	// A list with error details about the analysis of each source database.
	ErrorEntries []*BatchStartRecommendationsErrorEntry `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BatchStartRecommendationsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*BatchStartRecommendationsOutput) SetErrorEntries

SetErrorEntries sets the ErrorEntries field's value.

func (BatchStartRecommendationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput

type CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput struct {

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the premigration assessment run to be canceled.
	// ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn field's value.

func (CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput

type CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput struct {

	// The ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object for the canceled assessment run.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun field's value.

func (CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Certificate

type Certificate struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the certificate.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The date that the certificate was created.
	CertificateCreationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// A customer-assigned name for the certificate. Identifiers must begin with
	// a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't
	// end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	CertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The owner of the certificate.
	CertificateOwner *string `type:"string"`

	// The contents of a .pem file, which contains an X.509 certificate.
	CertificatePem *string `type:"string"`

	// The location of an imported Oracle Wallet certificate for use with SSL. Example:
	// filebase64("${path.root}/rds-ca-2019-root.sso")
	// CertificateWallet is automatically base64 encoded/decoded by the SDK.
	CertificateWallet []byte `type:"blob"`

	// The key length of the cryptographic algorithm being used.
	KeyLength *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The signing algorithm for the certificate.
	SigningAlgorithm *string `type:"string"`

	// The beginning date that the certificate is valid.
	ValidFromDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The final date that the certificate is valid.
	ValidToDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The SSL certificate that can be used to encrypt connections between the endpoints and the replication instance.

func (Certificate) GoString

func (s Certificate) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateArn

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateArn(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateCreationDate

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateCreationDate(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetCertificateCreationDate sets the CertificateCreationDate field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateIdentifier

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateIdentifier(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateIdentifier sets the CertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateOwner

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateOwner(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificateOwner sets the CertificateOwner field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificatePem

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificatePem(v string) *Certificate

SetCertificatePem sets the CertificatePem field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetCertificateWallet

func (s *Certificate) SetCertificateWallet(v []byte) *Certificate

SetCertificateWallet sets the CertificateWallet field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetKeyLength

func (s *Certificate) SetKeyLength(v int64) *Certificate

SetKeyLength sets the KeyLength field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetSigningAlgorithm

func (s *Certificate) SetSigningAlgorithm(v string) *Certificate

SetSigningAlgorithm sets the SigningAlgorithm field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetValidFromDate

func (s *Certificate) SetValidFromDate(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetValidFromDate sets the ValidFromDate field's value.

func (*Certificate) SetValidToDate

func (s *Certificate) SetValidToDate(v time.Time) *Certificate

SetValidToDate sets the ValidToDate field's value.

func (Certificate) String

func (s Certificate) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CollectorHealthCheck

type CollectorHealthCheck struct {

	// The status of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	CollectorStatus *string `type:"string" enum:"CollectorStatus"`

	// Whether the local collector can access its Amazon S3 bucket.
	LocalCollectorS3Access *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Whether the role that you provided when creating the Fleet Advisor collector
	// has sufficient permissions to access the Fleet Advisor web collector.
	WebCollectorGrantedRoleBasedAccess *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Whether the web collector can access its Amazon S3 bucket.
	WebCollectorS3Access *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the last Fleet Advisor collector health check.

func (CollectorHealthCheck) GoString

func (s CollectorHealthCheck) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CollectorHealthCheck) SetCollectorStatus

func (s *CollectorHealthCheck) SetCollectorStatus(v string) *CollectorHealthCheck

SetCollectorStatus sets the CollectorStatus field's value.

func (*CollectorHealthCheck) SetLocalCollectorS3Access

func (s *CollectorHealthCheck) SetLocalCollectorS3Access(v bool) *CollectorHealthCheck

SetLocalCollectorS3Access sets the LocalCollectorS3Access field's value.

func (*CollectorHealthCheck) SetWebCollectorGrantedRoleBasedAccess

func (s *CollectorHealthCheck) SetWebCollectorGrantedRoleBasedAccess(v bool) *CollectorHealthCheck

SetWebCollectorGrantedRoleBasedAccess sets the WebCollectorGrantedRoleBasedAccess field's value.

func (*CollectorHealthCheck) SetWebCollectorS3Access

func (s *CollectorHealthCheck) SetWebCollectorS3Access(v bool) *CollectorHealthCheck

SetWebCollectorS3Access sets the WebCollectorS3Access field's value.

func (CollectorHealthCheck) String

func (s CollectorHealthCheck) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CollectorNotFoundFault

type CollectorNotFoundFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The specified collector doesn't exist.

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) Code

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) Error

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) Error() string

func (CollectorNotFoundFault) GoString

func (s CollectorNotFoundFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) Message

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) OrigErr

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) RequestID

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*CollectorNotFoundFault) StatusCode

func (s *CollectorNotFoundFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (CollectorNotFoundFault) String

func (s CollectorNotFoundFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CollectorResponse

type CollectorResponse struct {

	// Describes the last Fleet Advisor collector health check.
	CollectorHealthCheck *CollectorHealthCheck `type:"structure"`

	// The name of the Fleet Advisor collector .
	CollectorName *string `type:"string"`

	// The reference ID of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	CollectorReferencedId *string `type:"string"`

	// The version of your Fleet Advisor collector, in semantic versioning format,
	// for example 1.0.2
	CollectorVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// The timestamp when you created the collector, in the following format: 2022-01-24T19:04:02.596113Z
	CreatedDate *string `type:"string"`

	// A summary description of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// Describes a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	InventoryData *InventoryData `type:"structure"`

	// The timestamp of the last time the collector received data, in the following
	// format: 2022-01-24T19:04:02.596113Z
	LastDataReceived *string `type:"string"`

	// The timestamp when DMS last modified the collector, in the following format:
	// 2022-01-24T19:04:02.596113Z
	ModifiedDate *string `type:"string"`

	// The timestamp when DMS registered the collector, in the following format:
	// 2022-01-24T19:04:02.596113Z
	RegisteredDate *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon S3 bucket that the Fleet Advisor collector uses to store inventory
	// metadata.
	S3BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// The IAM role that grants permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Whether the collector version is up to date.
	VersionStatus *string `type:"string" enum:"VersionStatus"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a Fleet Advisor collector.

func (CollectorResponse) GoString

func (s CollectorResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CollectorResponse) SetCollectorHealthCheck

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetCollectorHealthCheck(v *CollectorHealthCheck) *CollectorResponse

SetCollectorHealthCheck sets the CollectorHealthCheck field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetCollectorName

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetCollectorName(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetCollectorName sets the CollectorName field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetCollectorReferencedId

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetCollectorReferencedId(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetCollectorReferencedId sets the CollectorReferencedId field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetCollectorVersion

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetCollectorVersion(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetCollectorVersion sets the CollectorVersion field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetCreatedDate

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetCreatedDate(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetCreatedDate sets the CreatedDate field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetDescription

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetDescription(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetInventoryData

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetInventoryData(v *InventoryData) *CollectorResponse

SetInventoryData sets the InventoryData field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetLastDataReceived

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetLastDataReceived(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetLastDataReceived sets the LastDataReceived field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetModifiedDate

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetModifiedDate(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetModifiedDate sets the ModifiedDate field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetRegisteredDate

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetRegisteredDate(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetRegisteredDate sets the RegisteredDate field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetS3BucketName

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetS3BucketName(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetS3BucketName sets the S3BucketName field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*CollectorResponse) SetVersionStatus

func (s *CollectorResponse) SetVersionStatus(v string) *CollectorResponse

SetVersionStatus sets the VersionStatus field's value.

func (CollectorResponse) String

func (s CollectorResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CollectorShortInfoResponse

type CollectorShortInfoResponse struct {

	// The name of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	CollectorName *string `type:"string"`

	// The reference ID of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	CollectorReferencedId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Briefly describes a Fleet Advisor collector.

func (CollectorShortInfoResponse) GoString

func (s CollectorShortInfoResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CollectorShortInfoResponse) SetCollectorName

SetCollectorName sets the CollectorName field's value.

func (*CollectorShortInfoResponse) SetCollectorReferencedId

func (s *CollectorShortInfoResponse) SetCollectorReferencedId(v string) *CollectorShortInfoResponse

SetCollectorReferencedId sets the CollectorReferencedId field's value.

func (CollectorShortInfoResponse) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ComputeConfig

type ComputeConfig struct {

	// The Availability Zone where the DMS Serverless replication using this configuration
	// will run. The default value is a random, system-chosen Availability Zone
	// in the configuration's Amazon Web Services Region, for example, "us-west-2".
	// You can't set this parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is set to true.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// A list of custom DNS name servers supported for the DMS Serverless replication
	// to access your source or target database. This list overrides the default
	// name servers supported by the DMS Serverless replication. You can specify
	// a comma-separated list of internet addresses for up to four DNS name servers.
	// For example: ",,,"
	DnsNameServers *string `type:"string"`

	// An Key Management Service (KMS) key Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that is used
	// to encrypt the data during DMS Serverless replication.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, DMS uses your default
	// encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the maximum value of the DMS capacity units (DCUs) for which a
	// given DMS Serverless replication can be provisioned. A single DCU is 2GB
	// of RAM, with 1 DCU as the minimum value allowed. The list of valid DCU values
	// includes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 192, 256, and 384. So, the maximum
	// value that you can specify for DMS Serverless is 384. The MaxCapacityUnits
	// parameter is the only DCU parameter you are required to specify.
	MaxCapacityUnits *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the minimum value of the DMS capacity units (DCUs) for which a
	// given DMS Serverless replication can be provisioned. A single DCU is 2GB
	// of RAM, with 1 DCU as the minimum value allowed. The list of valid DCU values
	// includes 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 192, 256, and 384. So, the minimum
	// DCU value that you can specify for DMS Serverless is 1. You don't have to
	// specify a value for the MinCapacityUnits parameter. If you don't set this
	// value, DMS scans the current activity of available source tables to identify
	// an optimum setting for this parameter. If there is no current source activity
	// or DMS can't otherwise identify a more appropriate value, it sets this parameter
	// to the minimum DCU value allowed, 1.
	MinCapacityUnits *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies whether the DMS Serverless replication is a Multi-AZ deployment.
	// You can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is
	// set to true.
	MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur for the DMS
	// Serverless replication, in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The format is
	// ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi.
	// The default is a 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block
	// of time per Amazon Web Services Region. This maintenance occurs on a random
	// day of the week. Valid values for days of the week include Mon, Tue, Wed,
	// Thu, Fri, Sat, and Sun.
	// Constraints include a minimum 30-minute window.
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies a subnet group identifier to associate with the DMS Serverless
	// replication.
	ReplicationSubnetGroupId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the virtual private cloud (VPC) security group to use with the
	// DMS Serverless replication. The VPC security group must work with the VPC
	// containing the replication.
	VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Configuration parameters for provisioning an DMS Serverless replication.

func (ComputeConfig) GoString

func (s ComputeConfig) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ComputeConfig) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *ComputeConfig

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetDnsNameServers

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetDnsNameServers(v string) *ComputeConfig

SetDnsNameServers sets the DnsNameServers field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *ComputeConfig

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetMaxCapacityUnits

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetMaxCapacityUnits(v int64) *ComputeConfig

SetMaxCapacityUnits sets the MaxCapacityUnits field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetMinCapacityUnits

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetMinCapacityUnits(v int64) *ComputeConfig

SetMinCapacityUnits sets the MinCapacityUnits field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetMultiAZ

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetMultiAZ(v bool) *ComputeConfig

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *ComputeConfig

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetReplicationSubnetGroupId

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetReplicationSubnetGroupId(v string) *ComputeConfig

SetReplicationSubnetGroupId sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupId field's value.

func (*ComputeConfig) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *ComputeConfig) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *ComputeConfig

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (ComputeConfig) String

func (s ComputeConfig) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Connection

type Connection struct {

	// The ARN string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the endpoint. Identifiers must begin with a letter and
	// must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end with
	// a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	EndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The error message when the connection last failed.
	LastFailureMessage *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
	// string.
	ReplicationInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The connection status. This parameter can return one of the following values:
	//    * "successful"
	//    * "testing"
	//    * "failed"
	//    * "deleting"
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Status of the connection between an endpoint and a replication instance, including Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and the last error message issued.

func (Connection) GoString

func (s Connection) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Connection) SetEndpointArn

func (s *Connection) SetEndpointArn(v string) *Connection

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*Connection) SetEndpointIdentifier

func (s *Connection) SetEndpointIdentifier(v string) *Connection

SetEndpointIdentifier sets the EndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*Connection) SetLastFailureMessage

func (s *Connection) SetLastFailureMessage(v string) *Connection

SetLastFailureMessage sets the LastFailureMessage field's value.

func (*Connection) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *Connection) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *Connection

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*Connection) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier

func (s *Connection) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier(v string) *Connection

SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier sets the ReplicationInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*Connection) SetStatus

func (s *Connection) SetStatus(v string) *Connection

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (Connection) String

func (s Connection) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateDataProviderInput

type CreateDataProviderInput struct {

	// A user-friendly name for the data provider.
	DataProviderName *string `type:"string"`

	// A user-friendly description of the data provider.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of database engine for the data provider. Valid values include "aurora",
	// "aurora-postgresql", "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "sqlserver", redshift,
	// mariadb, mongodb, and docdb. A value of "aurora" represents Amazon Aurora
	// MySQL-Compatible Edition.
	// Engine is a required field
	Engine *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The settings in JSON format for a data provider.
	// Settings is a required field
	Settings *DataProviderSettings `type:"structure" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the data provider.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDataProviderInput) GoString

func (s CreateDataProviderInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderName

func (s *CreateDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderName(v string) *CreateDataProviderInput

SetDataProviderName sets the DataProviderName field's value.

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) SetEngine

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) SetSettings

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateDataProviderInput) String

func (s CreateDataProviderInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDataProviderInput) Validate

func (s *CreateDataProviderInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateDataProviderOutput

type CreateDataProviderOutput struct {

	// The data provider that was created.
	DataProvider *DataProvider `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateDataProviderOutput) GoString

func (s CreateDataProviderOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateDataProviderOutput) SetDataProvider

SetDataProvider sets the DataProvider field's value.

func (CreateDataProviderOutput) String

func (s CreateDataProviderOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateEndpointInput

type CreateEndpointInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the certificate.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the endpoint database. For a MySQL source or target endpoint,
	// do not specify DatabaseName. To migrate to a specific database, use this
	// setting and targetDbType.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings in JSON format for the DMS transfer type of source endpoint.
	// Possible settings include the following:
	//    * ServiceAccessRoleArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service
	//    access IAM role. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	//    * BucketName - The name of the S3 bucket to use.
	// Shorthand syntax for these settings is as follows: ServiceAccessRoleArn=string,BucketName=string
	// JSON syntax for these settings is as follows: { "ServiceAccessRoleArn": "string",
	// "BucketName": "string", }
	DmsTransferSettings *DmsTransferSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a DocumentDB endpoint.
	DocDbSettings *DocDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon DynamoDB endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Using Object Mapping to Migrate Data
	// to DynamoDB (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	DynamoDbSettings *DynamoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target OpenSearch endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using
	// OpenSearch as a Target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	ElasticsearchSettings *ElasticsearchSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The database endpoint identifier. Identifiers must begin with a letter and
	// must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end with
	// a hyphen, or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// EndpointIdentifier is a required field
	EndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.
	// EndpointType is a required field
	EndpointType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"ReplicationEndpointTypeValue"`

	// The type of engine for the endpoint. Valid values, depending on the EndpointType
	// value, include "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "mariadb", "aurora", "aurora-postgresql",
	// "opensearch", "redshift", "s3", "db2", "db2-zos", "azuredb", "sybase", "dynamodb",
	// "mongodb", "kinesis", "kafka", "elasticsearch", "docdb", "sqlserver", "neptune",
	// and "babelfish".
	// EngineName is a required field
	EngineName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The external table definition.
	ExternalTableDefinition *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional attributes associated with the connection. Each attribute is specified
	// as a name-value pair associated by an equal sign (=). Multiple attributes
	// are separated by a semicolon (;) with no additional white space. For information
	// on the attributes available for connecting your source or target endpoint,
	// see Working with DMS Endpoints (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	ExtraConnectionAttributes *string `type:"string"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source GCP MySQL endpoint.
	GcpMySQLSettings *GcpMySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source IBM Db2 LUW endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// Db2 LUW as a source for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	IBMDb2Settings *IBMDb2Settings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Apache Kafka endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Using object mapping to migrate data to
	// a Kafka topic (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	KafkaSettings *KafkaSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
	// For more information about the available settings, see Using object mapping
	// to migrate data to a Kinesis data stream (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	KinesisSettings *KinesisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// An KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the connection parameters for
	// the endpoint.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target Microsoft SQL Server endpoint.
	// For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes
	// when using SQL Server as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using SQL Server as a target for DMS
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MicrosoftSQLServerSettings *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source MongoDB endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Endpoint configuration settings when using
	// MongoDB as a source for Database Migration Service (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MongoDbSettings *MongoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target MySQL endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// MySQL as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using a MySQL-compatible database as
	// a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MySQLSettings *MySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon Neptune endpoint. For more
	// information about the available settings, see Specifying graph-mapping rules
	// using Gremlin and R2RML for Amazon Neptune as a target (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	NeptuneSettings *NeptuneSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target Oracle endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// Oracle as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using Oracle as a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	OracleSettings *OracleSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The password to be used to log in to the endpoint database.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by CreateEndpointInput's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The port used by the endpoint database.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target PostgreSQL endpoint. For
	// information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes
	// when using PostgreSQL as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using PostgreSQL as a target for DMS
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	PostgreSQLSettings *PostgreSQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Redis endpoint.
	RedisSettings *RedisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift endpoint.
	RedshiftSettings *RedshiftSettings `type:"structure"`

	// A friendly name for the resource identifier at the end of the EndpointArn
	// response parameter that is returned in the created Endpoint object. The value
	// for this parameter can have up to 31 characters. It can contain only ASCII
	// letters, digits, and hyphen ('-'). Also, it can't end with a hyphen or contain
	// two consecutive hyphens, and can only begin with a letter, such as Example-App-ARN1.
	// For example, this value might result in the EndpointArn value arn:aws:dms:eu-west-1:012345678901:rep:Example-App-ARN1.
	// If you don't specify a ResourceIdentifier value, DMS generates a default
	// identifier value for the end of EndpointArn.
	ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon S3 endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using
	// Amazon S3 as a Target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	S3Settings *S3Settings `type:"structure"`

	// The name of the server where the endpoint database resides.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the service access role that you want
	// to use to create the endpoint. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) mode to use for the SSL connection. The default
	// is none
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target SAP ASE endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// SAP ASE as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using SAP ASE as a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SybaseSettings *SybaseSettings `type:"structure"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the endpoint.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon Timestream endpoint.
	TimestreamSettings *TimestreamSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The user name to be used to log in to the endpoint database.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEndpointInput) GoString

func (s CreateEndpointInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetCertificateArn

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetCertificateArn(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetDatabaseName

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetDatabaseName(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetDmsTransferSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetDmsTransferSettings(v *DmsTransferSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetDmsTransferSettings sets the DmsTransferSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetDocDbSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetDocDbSettings(v *DocDbSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetDocDbSettings sets the DocDbSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetDynamoDbSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetDynamoDbSettings(v *DynamoDbSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetDynamoDbSettings sets the DynamoDbSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetElasticsearchSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetElasticsearchSettings(v *ElasticsearchSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetElasticsearchSettings sets the ElasticsearchSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetEndpointIdentifier

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetEndpointIdentifier(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetEndpointIdentifier sets the EndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetEndpointType

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetEndpointType(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetEngineName

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetEngineName(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetExternalTableDefinition

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetExternalTableDefinition(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetExternalTableDefinition sets the ExternalTableDefinition field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetExtraConnectionAttributes

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetExtraConnectionAttributes(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetExtraConnectionAttributes sets the ExtraConnectionAttributes field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetGcpMySQLSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetGcpMySQLSettings(v *GcpMySQLSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetGcpMySQLSettings sets the GcpMySQLSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetIBMDb2Settings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetIBMDb2Settings(v *IBMDb2Settings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetIBMDb2Settings sets the IBMDb2Settings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetKafkaSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetKafkaSettings(v *KafkaSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetKafkaSettings sets the KafkaSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetKinesisSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetKinesisSettings(v *KinesisSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetKinesisSettings sets the KinesisSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings(v *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings sets the MicrosoftSQLServerSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetMongoDbSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetMongoDbSettings(v *MongoDbSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetMongoDbSettings sets the MongoDbSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetMySQLSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetMySQLSettings(v *MySQLSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetMySQLSettings sets the MySQLSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetNeptuneSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetNeptuneSettings(v *NeptuneSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetNeptuneSettings sets the NeptuneSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetOracleSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetOracleSettings(v *OracleSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetOracleSettings sets the OracleSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetPassword

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetPassword(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetPostgreSQLSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetPostgreSQLSettings(v *PostgreSQLSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetPostgreSQLSettings sets the PostgreSQLSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetRedisSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetRedisSettings(v *RedisSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetRedisSettings sets the RedisSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetRedshiftSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetRedshiftSettings(v *RedshiftSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetRedshiftSettings sets the RedshiftSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetResourceIdentifier

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetResourceIdentifier(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetS3Settings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetS3Settings(v *S3Settings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetS3Settings sets the S3Settings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetServerName

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetServerName(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetSybaseSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetSybaseSettings(v *SybaseSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetSybaseSettings sets the SybaseSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetTags

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetTags(v []*Tag) *CreateEndpointInput

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetTimestreamSettings

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetTimestreamSettings(v *TimestreamSettings) *CreateEndpointInput

SetTimestreamSettings sets the TimestreamSettings field's value.

func (*CreateEndpointInput) SetUsername

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) SetUsername(v string) *CreateEndpointInput

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (CreateEndpointInput) String

func (s CreateEndpointInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEndpointInput) Validate

func (s *CreateEndpointInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateEndpointOutput

type CreateEndpointOutput struct {

	// The endpoint that was created.
	Endpoint *Endpoint `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEndpointOutput) GoString

func (s CreateEndpointOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEndpointOutput) SetEndpoint

SetEndpoint sets the Endpoint field's value.

func (CreateEndpointOutput) String

func (s CreateEndpointOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateEventSubscriptionInput

type CreateEventSubscriptionInput struct {

	// A Boolean value; set to true to activate the subscription, or set to false
	// to create the subscription but not activate it.
	Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A list of event categories for a source type that you want to subscribe to.
	// For more information, see Working with Events and Notifications (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	EventCategories []*string `type:"list"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic created for event
	// notification. The ARN is created by Amazon SNS when you create a topic and
	// subscribe to it.
	// SnsTopicArn is a required field
	SnsTopicArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A list of identifiers for which DMS provides notification events.
	// If you don't specify a value, notifications are provided for all sources.
	// If you specify multiple values, they must be of the same type. For example,
	// if you specify a database instance ID, then all of the other values must
	// be database instance IDs.
	SourceIds []*string `type:"list"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates the events. For example, if you want
	// to be notified of events generated by a replication instance, you set this
	// parameter to replication-instance. If this value isn't specified, all events
	// are returned.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the DMS event notification subscription. This name must be less
	// than 255 characters.
	// SubscriptionName is a required field
	SubscriptionName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the event subscription.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEventSubscriptionInput) GoString

func (s CreateEventSubscriptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEnabled

SetEnabled sets the Enabled field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetEventCategories

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSnsTopicArn

SetSnsTopicArn sets the SnsTopicArn field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceIds

SetSourceIds sets the SourceIds field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceType

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateEventSubscriptionInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionInput) Validate

func (s *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateEventSubscriptionOutput

type CreateEventSubscriptionOutput struct {

	// The event subscription that was created.
	EventSubscription *EventSubscription `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription

SetEventSubscription sets the EventSubscription field's value.

func (CreateEventSubscriptionOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput

type CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput struct {

	// The name of your Fleet Advisor collector (for example, sample-collector).
	// CollectorName is a required field
	CollectorName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A summary description of your Fleet Advisor collector.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon S3 bucket that the Fleet Advisor collector uses to store inventory
	// metadata.
	// S3BucketName is a required field
	S3BucketName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The IAM role that grants permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
	// ServiceAccessRoleArn is a required field
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) SetCollectorName

SetCollectorName sets the CollectorName field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) SetS3BucketName

SetS3BucketName sets the S3BucketName field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput

type CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput struct {

	// The name of the new Fleet Advisor collector.
	CollectorName *string `type:"string"`

	// The unique ID of the new Fleet Advisor collector, for example: 22fda70c-40d5-4acf-b233-a495bd8eb7f5
	CollectorReferencedId *string `type:"string"`

	// A summary description of the Fleet Advisor collector.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon S3 bucket that the collector uses to store inventory metadata.
	S3BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// The IAM role that grants permissions to access the specified Amazon S3 bucket.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) SetCollectorName

SetCollectorName sets the CollectorName field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) SetCollectorReferencedId

SetCollectorReferencedId sets the CollectorReferencedId field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) SetS3BucketName

SetS3BucketName sets the S3BucketName field's value.

func (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateInstanceProfileInput

type CreateInstanceProfileInput struct {

	// The Availability Zone where the instance profile will be created. The default
	// value is a random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the Amazon Web Services
	// Region where your data provider is created, for examplem us-east-1d.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// A user-friendly description of the instance profile.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// A user-friendly name for the instance profile.
	InstanceProfileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the
	// connection parameters for the instance profile.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyArn parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the network type for the instance profile. A value of IPV4 represents
	// an instance profile with IPv4 network type and only supports IPv4 addressing.
	// A value of IPV6 represents an instance profile with IPv6 network type and
	// only supports IPv6 addressing. A value of DUAL represents an instance profile
	// with dual network type that supports IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the accessibility options for the instance profile. A value of
	// true represents an instance profile with a public IP address. A value of
	// false represents an instance profile with a private IP address. The default
	// value is true.
	PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A subnet group to associate with the instance profile.
	SubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the instance profile.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the VPC security group names to be used with the instance profile.
	// The VPC security group must work with the VPC containing the instance profile.
	VpcSecurityGroups []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateInstanceProfileInput) GoString

func (s CreateInstanceProfileInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetAvailabilityZone

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileName

func (s *CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileName(v string) *CreateInstanceProfileInput

SetInstanceProfileName sets the InstanceProfileName field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetKmsKeyArn

SetKmsKeyArn sets the KmsKeyArn field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetNetworkType

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *CreateInstanceProfileInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *CreateInstanceProfileInput

SetSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the SubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetVpcSecurityGroups

func (s *CreateInstanceProfileInput) SetVpcSecurityGroups(v []*string) *CreateInstanceProfileInput

SetVpcSecurityGroups sets the VpcSecurityGroups field's value.

func (CreateInstanceProfileInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateInstanceProfileOutput

type CreateInstanceProfileOutput struct {

	// The instance profile that was created.
	InstanceProfile *InstanceProfile `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateInstanceProfileOutput) GoString

func (s CreateInstanceProfileOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateInstanceProfileOutput) SetInstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfile sets the InstanceProfile field's value.

func (CreateInstanceProfileOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateMigrationProjectInput

type CreateMigrationProjectInput struct {

	// A user-friendly description of the migration project.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the associated instance profile. Identifiers must begin
	// with a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They
	// can't end with a hyphen, or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// InstanceProfileIdentifier is a required field
	InstanceProfileIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A user-friendly name for the migration project.
	MigrationProjectName *string `type:"string"`

	// The schema conversion application attributes, including the Amazon S3 bucket
	// name and Amazon S3 role ARN.
	SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes *SCApplicationAttributes `type:"structure"`

	// Information about the source data provider, including the name, ARN, and
	// Secrets Manager parameters.
	// SourceDataProviderDescriptors is a required field
	SourceDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition `type:"list" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the migration project.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// Information about the target data provider, including the name, ARN, and
	// Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager parameters.
	// TargetDataProviderDescriptors is a required field
	TargetDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition `type:"list" required:"true"`

	// The settings in JSON format for migration rules. Migration rules make it
	// possible for you to change the object names according to the rules that you
	// specify. For example, you can change an object name to lowercase or uppercase,
	// add or remove a prefix or suffix, or rename objects.
	TransformationRules *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateMigrationProjectInput) GoString

func (s CreateMigrationProjectInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier

func (s *CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier(v string) *CreateMigrationProjectInput

SetInstanceProfileIdentifier sets the InstanceProfileIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectName

func (s *CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectName(v string) *CreateMigrationProjectInput

SetMigrationProjectName sets the MigrationProjectName field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes

func (s *CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes(v *SCApplicationAttributes) *CreateMigrationProjectInput

SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes sets the SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors

SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors sets the SourceDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors

SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors sets the TargetDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetTransformationRules

func (s *CreateMigrationProjectInput) SetTransformationRules(v string) *CreateMigrationProjectInput

SetTransformationRules sets the TransformationRules field's value.

func (CreateMigrationProjectInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateMigrationProjectInput) Validate

func (s *CreateMigrationProjectInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateMigrationProjectOutput

type CreateMigrationProjectOutput struct {

	// The migration project that was created.
	MigrationProject *MigrationProject `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateMigrationProjectOutput) GoString

func (s CreateMigrationProjectOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateMigrationProjectOutput) SetMigrationProject

SetMigrationProject sets the MigrationProject field's value.

func (CreateMigrationProjectOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateReplicationConfigInput

type CreateReplicationConfigInput struct {

	// Configuration parameters for provisioning an DMS Serverless replication.
	// ComputeConfig is a required field
	ComputeConfig *ComputeConfig `type:"structure" required:"true"`

	// A unique identifier that you want to use to create a ReplicationConfigArn
	// that is returned as part of the output from this action. You can then pass
	// this output ReplicationConfigArn as the value of the ReplicationConfigArn
	// option for other actions to identify both DMS Serverless replications and
	// replication configurations that you want those actions to operate on. For
	// some actions, you can also use either this unique identifier or a corresponding
	// ARN in action filters to identify the specific replication and replication
	// configuration to operate on.
	// ReplicationConfigIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationConfigIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Optional JSON settings for DMS Serverless replications that are provisioned
	// using this replication configuration. For example, see Change processing
	// tuning settings (
	ReplicationSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of DMS Serverless replication to provision using this replication
	// configuration.
	// Possible values:
	//    * "full-load"
	//    * "cdc"
	//    * "full-load-and-cdc"
	// ReplicationType is a required field
	ReplicationType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// Optional unique value or name that you set for a given resource that can
	// be used to construct an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for that resource. For
	// more information, see Fine-grained access control using resource names and
	// tags (
	ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source endpoint for this DMS Serverless
	// replication configuration.
	// SourceEndpointArn is a required field
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Optional JSON settings for specifying supplemental data. For more information,
	// see Specifying supplemental data for task settings (
	SupplementalSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// JSON table mappings for DMS Serverless replications that are provisioned
	// using this replication configuration. For more information, see Specifying
	// table selection and transformations rules using JSON (
	// TableMappings is a required field
	TableMappings *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// One or more optional tags associated with resources used by the DMS Serverless
	// replication. For more information, see Tagging resources in Database Migration
	// Service (
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target endpoint for this DMS serverless
	// replication configuration.
	// TargetEndpointArn is a required field
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationConfigInput) GoString

func (s CreateReplicationConfigInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetComputeConfig

SetComputeConfig sets the ComputeConfig field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationConfigInput

SetReplicationConfigIdentifier sets the ReplicationConfigIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationSettings

SetReplicationSettings sets the ReplicationSettings field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationType

SetReplicationType sets the ReplicationType field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetResourceIdentifier

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetSourceEndpointArn

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetSupplementalSettings

func (s *CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetSupplementalSettings(v string) *CreateReplicationConfigInput

SetSupplementalSettings sets the SupplementalSettings field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetTableMappings

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) SetTargetEndpointArn

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (CreateReplicationConfigInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationConfigInput) Validate

func (s *CreateReplicationConfigInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateReplicationConfigOutput

type CreateReplicationConfigOutput struct {

	// Configuration parameters returned from the DMS Serverless replication after
	// it is created.
	ReplicationConfig *ReplicationConfig `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationConfigOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationConfigOutput) SetReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfig sets the ReplicationConfig field's value.

func (CreateReplicationConfigOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateReplicationInstanceInput

type CreateReplicationInstanceInput struct {

	// The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be initially allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A value that indicates whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically
	// to the replication instance during the maintenance window. This parameter
	// defaults to true.
	// Default: true
	AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The Availability Zone where the replication instance will be created. The
	// default value is a random, system-chosen Availability Zone in the endpoint's
	// Amazon Web Services Region, for example: us-east-1d.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// A list of custom DNS name servers supported for the replication instance
	// to access your on-premise source or target database. This list overrides
	// the default name servers supported by the replication instance. You can specify
	// a comma-separated list of internet addresses for up to four on-premise DNS
	// name servers. For example: ",,,"
	DnsNameServers *string `type:"string"`

	// The engine version number of the replication instance.
	// If an engine version number is not specified when a replication instance
	// is created, the default is the latest engine version available.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// An KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the data on the replication
	// instance.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You
	// can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the Multi-AZ parameter is set
	// to true.
	MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of IP address protocol used by a replication instance, such as IPv4
	// only or Dual-stack that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. IPv6 only
	// is not yet supported.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// The weekly time range during which system maintenance can occur, in Universal
	// Coordinated Time (UTC).
	// Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi
	// Default: A 30-minute window selected at random from an 8-hour block of time
	// per Amazon Web Services Region, occurring on a random day of the week.
	// Valid Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
	// Constraints: Minimum 30-minute window.
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the accessibility options for the replication instance. A value
	// of true represents an instance with a public IP address. A value of false
	// represents an instance with a private IP address. The default value is true.
	PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for
	// the specified replication instance class. For example to specify the instance
	// class dms.c4.large, set this parameter to "dms.c4.large".
	// For more information on the settings and capacities for the available replication
	// instance classes, see Choosing the right DMS replication instance (;
	// and, Selecting the best size for a replication instance (
	// ReplicationInstanceClass is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceClass *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The replication instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
	// string.
	// Constraints:
	//    * Must contain 1-63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
	//    * First character must be a letter.
	//    * Can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// Example: myrepinstance
	// ReplicationInstanceIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A subnet group to associate with the replication instance.
	ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// A friendly name for the resource identifier at the end of the EndpointArn
	// response parameter that is returned in the created Endpoint object. The value
	// for this parameter can have up to 31 characters. It can contain only ASCII
	// letters, digits, and hyphen ('-'). Also, it can't end with a hyphen or contain
	// two consecutive hyphens, and can only begin with a letter, such as Example-App-ARN1.
	// For example, this value might result in the EndpointArn value arn:aws:dms:eu-west-1:012345678901:rep:Example-App-ARN1.
	// If you don't specify a ResourceIdentifier value, DMS generates a default
	// identifier value for the end of EndpointArn.
	ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the replication instance.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the VPC security group to be used with the replication instance.
	// The VPC security group must work with the VPC containing the replication
	// instance.
	VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationInstanceInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetAllocatedStorage

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetAvailabilityZone

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetDnsNameServers

SetDnsNameServers sets the DnsNameServers field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetEngineVersion

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetKmsKeyId

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetMultiAZ

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetNetworkType

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceClass

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceClass(v string) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceClass sets the ReplicationInstanceClass field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier sets the ReplicationInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetResourceIdentifier

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *CreateReplicationInstanceInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (CreateReplicationInstanceInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateReplicationInstanceOutput

type CreateReplicationInstanceOutput struct {

	// The replication instance that was created.
	ReplicationInstance *ReplicationInstance `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationInstanceOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationInstanceOutput) SetReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstance sets the ReplicationInstance field's value.

func (CreateReplicationInstanceOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput

type CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput struct {

	// The description for the subnet group.
	// ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription is a required field
	ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The name for the replication subnet group. This value is stored as a lowercase
	// string.
	// Constraints: Must contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters, periods,
	// spaces, underscores, or hyphens. Must not be "default".
	// Example: mySubnetgroup
	// ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Two or more subnet IDs to be assigned to the subnet group.
	// SubnetIds is a required field
	SubnetIds []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the subnet group.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription

func (s *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription(v string) *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetSubnetIds

SetSubnetIds sets the SubnetIds field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput

type CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput struct {

	// The replication subnet group that was created.
	ReplicationSubnetGroup *ReplicationSubnetGroup `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) SetReplicationSubnetGroup

SetReplicationSubnetGroup sets the ReplicationSubnetGroup field's value.

func (CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type CreateReplicationTaskInput

type CreateReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to start. Use
	// either CdcStartPosition or CdcStartTime to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// The value can be in date, checkpoint, or LSN/SCN format.
	// Date Example: --cdc-start-position “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	// Checkpoint Example: --cdc-start-position "checkpoint:V1#27#mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1975:-1:2002:677883278264080:mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1876#0#0#*#0#93"
	// LSN Example: --cdc-start-position “mysql-bin-changelog.000024:373”
	// When you use this task setting with a source PostgreSQL database, a logical
	// replication slot should already be created and associated with the source
	// endpoint. You can verify this by setting the slotName extra connection attribute
	// to the name of this logical replication slot. For more information, see Extra
	// Connection Attributes When Using PostgreSQL as a Source for DMS (
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// Timestamp Example: --cdc-start-time “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	CdcStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	// Server time example: --cdc-stop-position “server_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12”
	// Commit time example: --cdc-stop-position “commit_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12“
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// The migration type. Valid values: full-load | cdc | full-load-and-cdc
	// MigrationType is a required field
	MigrationType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// An identifier for the replication task.
	// Constraints:
	//    * Must contain 1-255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
	//    * First character must be a letter.
	//    * Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// ReplicationTaskIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Overall settings for the task, in JSON format. For more information, see
	// Specifying Task Settings for Database Migration Service Tasks (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	ReplicationTaskSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// A friendly name for the resource identifier at the end of the EndpointArn
	// response parameter that is returned in the created Endpoint object. The value
	// for this parameter can have up to 31 characters. It can contain only ASCII
	// letters, digits, and hyphen ('-'). Also, it can't end with a hyphen or contain
	// two consecutive hyphens, and can only begin with a letter, such as Example-App-ARN1.
	// For example, this value might result in the EndpointArn value arn:aws:dms:eu-west-1:012345678901:rep:Example-App-ARN1.
	// If you don't specify a ResourceIdentifier value, DMS generates a default
	// identifier value for the end of EndpointArn.
	ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the source endpoint.
	// SourceEndpointArn is a required field
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The table mappings for the task, in JSON format. For more information, see
	// Using Table Mapping to Specify Task Settings (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	// TableMappings is a required field
	TableMappings *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// One or more tags to be assigned to the replication task.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`

	// An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the target endpoint.
	// TargetEndpointArn is a required field
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Supplemental information that the task requires to migrate the data for certain
	// source and target endpoints. For more information, see Specifying Supplemental
	// Data for Task Settings (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	TaskData *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s CreateReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartPosition

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartTime

SetCdcStartTime sets the CdcStartTime field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStopPosition

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetMigrationType

SetMigrationType sets the MigrationType field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskIdentifier sets the ReplicationTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskSettings

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskSettings(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskSettings sets the ReplicationTaskSettings field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetResourceIdentifier

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetResourceIdentifier(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetSourceEndpointArn

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetSourceEndpointArn(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetTableMappings

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetTargetEndpointArn

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetTargetEndpointArn(v string) *CreateReplicationTaskInput

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) SetTaskData

SetTaskData sets the TaskData field's value.

func (CreateReplicationTaskInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *CreateReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type CreateReplicationTaskOutput

type CreateReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The replication task that was created.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s CreateReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*CreateReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (CreateReplicationTaskOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DataProvider

type DataProvider struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the data provider.
	DataProviderArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the data provider was created.
	DataProviderCreationTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"iso8601"`

	// The name of the data provider.
	DataProviderName *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of the data provider. Descriptions can have up to 31 characters.
	// A description can contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens ('-').
	// Also, it can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens, and
	// can only begin with a letter.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of database engine for the data provider. Valid values include "aurora",
	// "aurora-postgresql", "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "sqlserver", redshift,
	// mariadb, mongodb, and docdb. A value of "aurora" represents Amazon Aurora
	// MySQL-Compatible Edition.
	Engine *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings in JSON format for a data provider.
	Settings *DataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a data provider.

func (DataProvider) GoString

func (s DataProvider) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DataProvider) SetDataProviderArn

func (s *DataProvider) SetDataProviderArn(v string) *DataProvider

SetDataProviderArn sets the DataProviderArn field's value.

func (*DataProvider) SetDataProviderCreationTime

func (s *DataProvider) SetDataProviderCreationTime(v time.Time) *DataProvider

SetDataProviderCreationTime sets the DataProviderCreationTime field's value.

func (*DataProvider) SetDataProviderName

func (s *DataProvider) SetDataProviderName(v string) *DataProvider

SetDataProviderName sets the DataProviderName field's value.

func (*DataProvider) SetDescription

func (s *DataProvider) SetDescription(v string) *DataProvider

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*DataProvider) SetEngine

func (s *DataProvider) SetEngine(v string) *DataProvider

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*DataProvider) SetSettings

func (s *DataProvider) SetSettings(v *DataProviderSettings) *DataProvider

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (DataProvider) String

func (s DataProvider) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DataProviderDescriptor

type DataProviderDescriptor struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data provider.
	DataProviderArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The user-friendly name of the data provider.
	DataProviderName *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN of the role used to access Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager Secret used to
	// store access credentials for the data provider.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Information about a data provider.

func (DataProviderDescriptor) GoString

func (s DataProviderDescriptor) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DataProviderDescriptor) SetDataProviderArn

func (s *DataProviderDescriptor) SetDataProviderArn(v string) *DataProviderDescriptor

SetDataProviderArn sets the DataProviderArn field's value.

func (*DataProviderDescriptor) SetDataProviderName

func (s *DataProviderDescriptor) SetDataProviderName(v string) *DataProviderDescriptor

SetDataProviderName sets the DataProviderName field's value.

func (*DataProviderDescriptor) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *DataProviderDescriptor) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *DataProviderDescriptor

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*DataProviderDescriptor) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *DataProviderDescriptor) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *DataProviderDescriptor

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (DataProviderDescriptor) String

func (s DataProviderDescriptor) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DataProviderDescriptorDefinition

type DataProviderDescriptorDefinition struct {

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data provider.
	// DataProviderIdentifier is a required field
	DataProviderIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The ARN of the role used to access Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager Secret used to
	// store access credentials for the data provider.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Information about a data provider.

func (DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) SetDataProviderIdentifier

SetDataProviderIdentifier sets the DataProviderIdentifier field's value.

func (*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *DataProviderDescriptorDefinition

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DataProviderSettings

type DataProviderSettings struct {

	// Provides information that defines a DocumentDB data provider.
	DocDbSettings *DocDbDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a MariaDB data provider.
	MariaDbSettings *MariaDbDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a Microsoft SQL Server data provider.
	MicrosoftSqlServerSettings *MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a MongoDB data provider.
	MongoDbSettings *MongoDbDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a MySQL data provider.
	MySqlSettings *MySqlDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines an Oracle data provider.
	OracleSettings *OracleDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a PostgreSQL data provider.
	PostgreSqlSettings *PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift data provider.
	RedshiftSettings *RedshiftDataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a data provider.

func (DataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s DataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetDocDbSettings

SetDocDbSettings sets the DocDbSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetMariaDbSettings

SetMariaDbSettings sets the MariaDbSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetMicrosoftSqlServerSettings

SetMicrosoftSqlServerSettings sets the MicrosoftSqlServerSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetMongoDbSettings

SetMongoDbSettings sets the MongoDbSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetMySqlSettings

SetMySqlSettings sets the MySqlSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetOracleSettings

SetOracleSettings sets the OracleSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetPostgreSqlSettings

SetPostgreSqlSettings sets the PostgreSqlSettings field's value.

func (*DataProviderSettings) SetRedshiftSettings

SetRedshiftSettings sets the RedshiftSettings field's value.

func (DataProviderSettings) String

func (s DataProviderSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse

type DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse struct {

	// The database engine of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory,
	// for example Microsoft SQL Server.
	Engine *string `type:"string"`

	// The database engine edition of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory,
	// for example Express.
	EngineEdition *string `type:"string"`

	// The database engine version of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory,
	// for example 2019.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// The operating system architecture of the database.
	OsArchitecture *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The service pack level of the database.
	ServicePack *string `type:"string"`

	// The support level of the database, for example Mainstream support.
	SupportLevel *string `type:"string"`

	// Information about the database engine software, for example Mainstream support
	// ends on November 14th, 2024.
	Tooltip *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes an inventory database instance for a Fleet Advisor collector.

func (DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetEngine

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetEngineEdition

SetEngineEdition sets the EngineEdition field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetEngineVersion

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetOsArchitecture

SetOsArchitecture sets the OsArchitecture field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetServicePack

SetServicePack sets the ServicePack field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetSupportLevel

SetSupportLevel sets the SupportLevel field's value.

func (*DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) SetTooltip

SetTooltip sets the Tooltip field's value.

func (DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DatabaseMigrationService

type DatabaseMigrationService struct {

DatabaseMigrationService provides the API operation methods for making requests to AWS Database Migration Service. See this package's package overview docs for details on the service.

DatabaseMigrationService methods are safe to use concurrently. It is not safe to modify mutate any of the struct's properties though.

func New

New creates a new instance of the DatabaseMigrationService client with a session. If additional configuration is needed for the client instance use the optional aws.Config parameter to add your extra config.


mySession := session.Must(session.NewSession())

// Create a DatabaseMigrationService client from just a session.
svc := databasemigrationservice.New(mySession)

// Create a DatabaseMigrationService client with additional configuration
svc := databasemigrationservice.New(mySession, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("us-west-2"))

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) AddTagsToResource

AddTagsToResource API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Adds metadata tags to an DMS resource, including replication instance, endpoint, subnet group, and migration task. These tags can also be used with cost allocation reporting to track cost associated with DMS resources, or used in a Condition statement in an IAM policy for DMS. For more information, see Tag ( data type description.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation AddTagsToResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) AddTagsToResourceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) AddTagsToResourceRequest(input *AddTagsToResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *AddTagsToResourceOutput)

AddTagsToResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the AddTagsToResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See AddTagsToResource for more information on using the AddTagsToResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the AddTagsToResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.AddTagsToResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) AddTagsToResourceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) AddTagsToResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *AddTagsToResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*AddTagsToResourceOutput, error)

AddTagsToResourceWithContext is the same as AddTagsToResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See AddTagsToResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction

ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to a replication instance).

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest(input *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput) (req *request.Request, output *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput)

ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction for more information on using the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest method.
req, resp := client.ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionOutput, error)

ApplyPendingMaintenanceActionWithContext is the same as ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) BatchStartRecommendations

BatchStartRecommendations API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Starts the analysis of up to 20 source databases to recommend target engines for each source database. This is a batch version of StartRecommendations (

The result of analysis of each source database is reported individually in the response. Because the batch request can result in a combination of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation BatchStartRecommendations for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) BatchStartRecommendationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) BatchStartRecommendationsRequest(input *BatchStartRecommendationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *BatchStartRecommendationsOutput)

BatchStartRecommendationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the BatchStartRecommendations operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See BatchStartRecommendations for more information on using the BatchStartRecommendations API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the BatchStartRecommendationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.BatchStartRecommendationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) BatchStartRecommendationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) BatchStartRecommendationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *BatchStartRecommendationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*BatchStartRecommendationsOutput, error)

BatchStartRecommendationsWithContext is the same as BatchStartRecommendations with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See BatchStartRecommendations for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Cancels a single premigration assessment run.

This operation prevents any individual assessments from running if they haven't started running. It also attempts to cancel any individual assessments that are currently running.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(input *CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) (req *request.Request, output *CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput)

CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for more information on using the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest method.
req, resp := client.CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput, error)

CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext is the same as CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateDataProvider

CreateDataProvider API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a data provider using the provided settings. A data provider stores a data store type and location information about your database.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateDataProvider for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateDataProviderRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateDataProviderRequest(input *CreateDataProviderInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateDataProviderOutput)

CreateDataProviderRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateDataProvider operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateDataProvider for more information on using the CreateDataProvider API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateDataProviderRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateDataProviderRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateDataProviderWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateDataProviderWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateDataProviderInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateDataProviderOutput, error)

CreateDataProviderWithContext is the same as CreateDataProvider with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateDataProvider for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEndpoint

CreateEndpoint API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates an endpoint using the provided settings.

For a MySQL source or target endpoint, don't explicitly specify the database using the DatabaseName request parameter on the CreateEndpoint API call. Specifying DatabaseName when you create a MySQL endpoint replicates all the task tables to this single database. For MySQL endpoints, you specify the database only when you specify the schema in the table-mapping rules of the DMS task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateEndpoint for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEndpointRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEndpointRequest(input *CreateEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateEndpointOutput)

CreateEndpointRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateEndpoint operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateEndpoint for more information on using the CreateEndpoint API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateEndpointRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateEndpointRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEndpointWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateEndpointOutput, error)

CreateEndpointWithContext is the same as CreateEndpoint with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateEndpoint for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEventSubscription

CreateEventSubscription API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates an DMS event notification subscription.

You can specify the type of source (SourceType) you want to be notified of, provide a list of DMS source IDs (SourceIds) that triggers the events, and provide a list of event categories (EventCategories) for events you want to be notified of. If you specify both the SourceType and SourceIds, such as SourceType = replication-instance and SourceIdentifier = my-replinstance, you will be notified of all the replication instance events for the specified source. If you specify a SourceType but don't specify a SourceIdentifier, you receive notice of the events for that source type for all your DMS sources. If you don't specify either SourceType nor SourceIdentifier, you will be notified of events generated from all DMS sources belonging to your customer account.

For more information about DMS events, see Working with Events and Notifications ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateEventSubscription for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • SNSInvalidTopicFault The SNS topic is invalid.

  • SNSNoAuthorizationFault You are not authorized for the SNS subscription.

  • KMSAccessDeniedFault The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that the DMS account doesn't have access to.

  • KMSDisabledFault The specified KMS key isn't enabled.

  • KMSInvalidStateFault The state of the specified KMS resource isn't valid for this request.

  • KMSNotFoundFault The specified KMS entity or resource can't be found.

  • KMSThrottlingFault This request triggered KMS request throttling.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEventSubscriptionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEventSubscriptionRequest(input *CreateEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateEventSubscriptionOutput)

CreateEventSubscriptionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateEventSubscription operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateEventSubscription for more information on using the CreateEventSubscription API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateEventSubscriptionRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateEventSubscriptionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEventSubscriptionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateEventSubscriptionOutput, error)

CreateEventSubscriptionWithContext is the same as CreateEventSubscription with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateEventSubscription for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateFleetAdvisorCollector

CreateFleetAdvisorCollector API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a Fleet Advisor collector using the specified parameters.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateFleetAdvisorCollector for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest(input *CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput)

CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateFleetAdvisorCollector operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateFleetAdvisorCollector for more information on using the CreateFleetAdvisorCollector API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput, error)

CreateFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext is the same as CreateFleetAdvisorCollector with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateFleetAdvisorCollector for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateInstanceProfile

CreateInstanceProfile API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates the instance profile using the specified parameters.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateInstanceProfile for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateInstanceProfileRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateInstanceProfileRequest(input *CreateInstanceProfileInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateInstanceProfileOutput)

CreateInstanceProfileRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateInstanceProfile operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateInstanceProfile for more information on using the CreateInstanceProfile API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateInstanceProfileRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateInstanceProfileRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateInstanceProfileWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateInstanceProfileWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateInstanceProfileInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateInstanceProfileOutput, error)

CreateInstanceProfileWithContext is the same as CreateInstanceProfile with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateInstanceProfile for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateMigrationProject

CreateMigrationProject API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates the migration project using the specified parameters.

You can run this action only after you create an instance profile and data providers using CreateInstanceProfile ( and CreateDataProvider (

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateMigrationProject for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateMigrationProjectRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateMigrationProjectRequest(input *CreateMigrationProjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateMigrationProjectOutput)

CreateMigrationProjectRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateMigrationProject operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateMigrationProject for more information on using the CreateMigrationProject API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateMigrationProjectRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateMigrationProjectRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateMigrationProjectWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateMigrationProjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateMigrationProjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateMigrationProjectOutput, error)

CreateMigrationProjectWithContext is the same as CreateMigrationProject with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateMigrationProject for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationConfig

CreateReplicationConfig API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a configuration that you can later provide to configure and start an DMS Serverless replication. You can also provide options to validate the configuration inputs before you start the replication.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateReplicationConfig for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

  • InvalidSubnet The subnet provided isn't valid.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationConfigRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationConfigRequest(input *CreateReplicationConfigInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateReplicationConfigOutput)

CreateReplicationConfigRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateReplicationConfig operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateReplicationConfig for more information on using the CreateReplicationConfig API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateReplicationConfigRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateReplicationConfigRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationConfigWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationConfigWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateReplicationConfigInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateReplicationConfigOutput, error)

CreateReplicationConfigWithContext is the same as CreateReplicationConfig with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateReplicationConfig for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationInstance

CreateReplicationInstance API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates the replication instance using the specified parameters.

DMS requires that your account have certain roles with appropriate permissions before you can create a replication instance. For information on the required roles, see Creating the IAM Roles to Use With the CLI and DMS API ( For information on the required permissions, see IAM Permissions Needed to Use DMS (

If you don't specify a version when creating a replication instance, DMS will create the instance using the default engine version. For information about the default engine version, see Release Notes (

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateReplicationInstance for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • InsufficientResourceCapacityFault There are not enough resources allocated to the database migration.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • StorageQuotaExceededFault The storage quota has been exceeded.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • InvalidSubnet The subnet provided isn't valid.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationInstanceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationInstanceRequest(input *CreateReplicationInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateReplicationInstanceOutput)

CreateReplicationInstanceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateReplicationInstance operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateReplicationInstance for more information on using the CreateReplicationInstance API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateReplicationInstanceRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateReplicationInstanceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationInstanceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateReplicationInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateReplicationInstanceOutput, error)

CreateReplicationInstanceWithContext is the same as CreateReplicationInstance with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateReplicationInstance for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationSubnetGroup

CreateReplicationSubnetGroup API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a replication subnet group given a list of the subnet IDs in a VPC.

The VPC needs to have at least one subnet in at least two availability zones in the Amazon Web Services Region, otherwise the service will throw a ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs exception.

If a replication subnet group exists in your Amazon Web Services account, the CreateReplicationSubnetGroup action returns the following error message: The Replication Subnet Group already exists. In this case, delete the existing replication subnet group. To do so, use the DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup ( action. Optionally, choose Subnet groups in the DMS console, then choose your subnet group. Next, choose Delete from Actions.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateReplicationSubnetGroup for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

  • InvalidSubnet The subnet provided isn't valid.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationSubnetGroupRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(input *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput)

CreateReplicationSubnetGroupRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateReplicationSubnetGroup operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateReplicationSubnetGroup for more information on using the CreateReplicationSubnetGroup API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateReplicationSubnetGroupRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateReplicationSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateReplicationSubnetGroupOutput, error)

CreateReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext is the same as CreateReplicationSubnetGroup with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateReplicationSubnetGroup for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationTask

CreateReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a replication task using the specified parameters.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation CreateReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationTaskRequest(input *CreateReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *CreateReplicationTaskOutput)

CreateReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the CreateReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See CreateReplicationTask for more information on using the CreateReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the CreateReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.CreateReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) CreateReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *CreateReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*CreateReplicationTaskOutput, error)

CreateReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as CreateReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See CreateReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteCertificate

DeleteCertificate API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified certificate.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteCertificate for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteCertificateRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteCertificateRequest(input *DeleteCertificateInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteCertificateOutput)

DeleteCertificateRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteCertificate operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteCertificate for more information on using the DeleteCertificate API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteCertificateRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteCertificateRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteCertificateWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteCertificateWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteCertificateInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteCertificateOutput, error)

DeleteCertificateWithContext is the same as DeleteCertificate with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteCertificate for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteConnection

DeleteConnection API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the connection between a replication instance and an endpoint.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteConnection for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteConnectionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteConnectionRequest(input *DeleteConnectionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteConnectionOutput)

DeleteConnectionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteConnection operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteConnection for more information on using the DeleteConnection API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteConnectionRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteConnectionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteConnectionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteConnectionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteConnectionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteConnectionOutput, error)

DeleteConnectionWithContext is the same as DeleteConnection with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteConnection for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteDataProvider

DeleteDataProvider API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified data provider.

All migration projects associated with the data provider must be deleted or modified before you can delete the data provider.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteDataProvider for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteDataProviderRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteDataProviderRequest(input *DeleteDataProviderInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteDataProviderOutput)

DeleteDataProviderRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteDataProvider operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteDataProvider for more information on using the DeleteDataProvider API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteDataProviderRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteDataProviderRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteDataProviderWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteDataProviderWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteDataProviderInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteDataProviderOutput, error)

DeleteDataProviderWithContext is the same as DeleteDataProvider with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteDataProvider for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEndpoint

DeleteEndpoint API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified endpoint.

All tasks associated with the endpoint must be deleted before you can delete the endpoint.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteEndpoint for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEndpointRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEndpointRequest(input *DeleteEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteEndpointOutput)

DeleteEndpointRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteEndpoint operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteEndpoint for more information on using the DeleteEndpoint API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteEndpointRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteEndpointRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEndpointWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteEndpointOutput, error)

DeleteEndpointWithContext is the same as DeleteEndpoint with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteEndpoint for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEventSubscription

DeleteEventSubscription API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes an DMS event subscription.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteEventSubscription for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest(input *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput)

DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteEventSubscription operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteEventSubscription for more information on using the DeleteEventSubscription API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteEventSubscriptionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEventSubscriptionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput, error)

DeleteEventSubscriptionWithContext is the same as DeleteEventSubscription with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteEventSubscription for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector

DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified Fleet Advisor collector.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • CollectorNotFoundFault The specified collector doesn't exist.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest(input *DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput)

DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector for more information on using the DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput, error)

DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorWithContext is the same as DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteFleetAdvisorCollector for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases

DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified Fleet Advisor collector databases.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidOperationFault The action or operation requested isn't valid.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest(input *DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput)

DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases for more information on using the DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput, error)

DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext is the same as DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabases for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteInstanceProfile

DeleteInstanceProfile API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified instance profile.

All migration projects associated with the instance profile must be deleted or modified before you can delete the instance profile.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteInstanceProfile for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteInstanceProfileRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteInstanceProfileRequest(input *DeleteInstanceProfileInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteInstanceProfileOutput)

DeleteInstanceProfileRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteInstanceProfile operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteInstanceProfile for more information on using the DeleteInstanceProfile API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteInstanceProfileRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteInstanceProfileRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteInstanceProfileWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteInstanceProfileWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteInstanceProfileInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteInstanceProfileOutput, error)

DeleteInstanceProfileWithContext is the same as DeleteInstanceProfile with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteInstanceProfile for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteMigrationProject

DeleteMigrationProject API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified migration project.

The migration project must be closed before you can delete it.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteMigrationProject for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteMigrationProjectRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteMigrationProjectRequest(input *DeleteMigrationProjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteMigrationProjectOutput)

DeleteMigrationProjectRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteMigrationProject operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteMigrationProject for more information on using the DeleteMigrationProject API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteMigrationProjectRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteMigrationProjectRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteMigrationProjectWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteMigrationProjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteMigrationProjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteMigrationProjectOutput, error)

DeleteMigrationProjectWithContext is the same as DeleteMigrationProject with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteMigrationProject for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationConfig

DeleteReplicationConfig API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes an DMS Serverless replication configuration. This effectively deprovisions any and all replications that use this configuration. You can't delete the configuration for an DMS Serverless replication that is ongoing. You can delete the configuration when the replication is in a non-RUNNING and non-STARTING state.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteReplicationConfig for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationConfigRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationConfigRequest(input *DeleteReplicationConfigInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteReplicationConfigOutput)

DeleteReplicationConfigRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteReplicationConfig operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteReplicationConfig for more information on using the DeleteReplicationConfig API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteReplicationConfigRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteReplicationConfigRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationConfigWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationConfigWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteReplicationConfigInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteReplicationConfigOutput, error)

DeleteReplicationConfigWithContext is the same as DeleteReplicationConfig with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteReplicationConfig for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationInstance

DeleteReplicationInstance API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified replication instance.

You must delete any migration tasks that are associated with the replication instance before you can delete it.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteReplicationInstance for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationInstanceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationInstanceRequest(input *DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput)

DeleteReplicationInstanceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteReplicationInstance operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteReplicationInstance for more information on using the DeleteReplicationInstance API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteReplicationInstanceRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteReplicationInstanceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationInstanceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteReplicationInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput, error)

DeleteReplicationInstanceWithContext is the same as DeleteReplicationInstance with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteReplicationInstance for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup

DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes a subnet group.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(input *DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput)

DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup for more information on using the DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput, error)

DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext is the same as DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteReplicationSubnetGroup for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTask

DeleteReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the specified replication task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Deletes the record of a single premigration assessment run.

This operation removes all metadata that DMS maintains about this assessment run. However, the operation leaves untouched all information about this assessment run that is stored in your Amazon S3 bucket.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(input *DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput)

DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for more information on using the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput, error)

DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext is the same as DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskRequest(input *DeleteReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *DeleteReplicationTaskOutput)

DeleteReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DeleteReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DeleteReplicationTask for more information on using the DeleteReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DeleteReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.DeleteReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DeleteReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DeleteReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DeleteReplicationTaskOutput, error)

DeleteReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as DeleteReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DeleteReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeAccountAttributes

DescribeAccountAttributes API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Lists all of the DMS attributes for a customer account. These attributes include DMS quotas for the account and a unique account identifier in a particular DMS region. DMS quotas include a list of resource quotas supported by the account, such as the number of replication instances allowed. The description for each resource quota, includes the quota name, current usage toward that quota, and the quota's maximum value. DMS uses the unique account identifier to name each artifact used by DMS in the given region.

This command does not take any parameters.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeAccountAttributes for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeAccountAttributesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeAccountAttributesRequest(input *DescribeAccountAttributesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeAccountAttributesOutput)

DescribeAccountAttributesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeAccountAttributes operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeAccountAttributes for more information on using the DescribeAccountAttributes API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeAccountAttributesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeAccountAttributesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeAccountAttributesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeAccountAttributesOutput, error)

DescribeAccountAttributesWithContext is the same as DescribeAccountAttributes with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeAccountAttributes for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments

DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Provides a list of individual assessments that you can specify for a new premigration assessment run, given one or more parameters.

If you specify an existing migration task, this operation provides the default individual assessments you can specify for that task. Otherwise, the specified parameters model elements of a possible migration task on which to base a premigration assessment run.

To use these migration task modeling parameters, you must specify an existing replication instance, a source database engine, a target database engine, and a migration type. This combination of parameters potentially limits the default individual assessments available for an assessment run created for a corresponding migration task.

If you specify no parameters, this operation provides a list of all possible individual assessments that you can specify for an assessment run. If you specify any one of the task modeling parameters, you must specify all of them or the operation cannot provide a list of individual assessments. The only parameter that you can specify alone is for an existing migration task. The specified task definition then determines the default list of individual assessments that you can specify in an assessment run for the task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPages

DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput, fn func(*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext same as DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsRequest(input *DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput)

DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments for more information on using the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput, error)

DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsWithContext is the same as DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificates

DescribeCertificates API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Provides a description of the certificate.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeCertificates for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesPages(input *DescribeCertificatesInput, fn func(*DescribeCertificatesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeCertificatesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeCertificates operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeCertificates method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeCertificates operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeCertificatesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeCertificatesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeCertificatesInput, fn func(*DescribeCertificatesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeCertificatesPagesWithContext same as DescribeCertificatesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesRequest(input *DescribeCertificatesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeCertificatesOutput)

DescribeCertificatesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeCertificates operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeCertificates for more information on using the DescribeCertificates API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeCertificatesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeCertificatesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeCertificatesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeCertificatesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeCertificatesOutput, error)

DescribeCertificatesWithContext is the same as DescribeCertificates with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeCertificates for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnections

DescribeConnections API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Describes the status of the connections that have been made between the replication instance and an endpoint. Connections are created when you test an endpoint.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeConnections for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsPages(input *DescribeConnectionsInput, fn func(*DescribeConnectionsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeConnectionsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeConnections operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeConnections method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeConnections operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeConnectionsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeConnectionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeConnectionsInput, fn func(*DescribeConnectionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeConnectionsPagesWithContext same as DescribeConnectionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsRequest(input *DescribeConnectionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeConnectionsOutput)

DescribeConnectionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeConnections operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeConnections for more information on using the DescribeConnections API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeConnectionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeConnectionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConnectionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeConnectionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeConnectionsOutput, error)

DescribeConnectionsWithContext is the same as DescribeConnections with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeConnections for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConversionConfiguration

DescribeConversionConfiguration API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns configuration parameters for a schema conversion project.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeConversionConfiguration for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConversionConfigurationRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConversionConfigurationRequest(input *DescribeConversionConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput)

DescribeConversionConfigurationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeConversionConfiguration operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeConversionConfiguration for more information on using the DescribeConversionConfiguration API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeConversionConfigurationRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeConversionConfigurationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConversionConfigurationWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeConversionConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeConversionConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput, error)

DescribeConversionConfigurationWithContext is the same as DescribeConversionConfiguration with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeConversionConfiguration for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProviders

DescribeDataProviders API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of data providers for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeDataProviders for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersPages(input *DescribeDataProvidersInput, fn func(*DescribeDataProvidersOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeDataProvidersPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeDataProviders operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeDataProviders method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeDataProviders operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeDataProvidersPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeDataProvidersOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDataProvidersInput, fn func(*DescribeDataProvidersOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeDataProvidersPagesWithContext same as DescribeDataProvidersPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersRequest(input *DescribeDataProvidersInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeDataProvidersOutput)

DescribeDataProvidersRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeDataProviders operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeDataProviders for more information on using the DescribeDataProviders API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeDataProvidersRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeDataProvidersRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeDataProvidersWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeDataProvidersInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeDataProvidersOutput, error)

DescribeDataProvidersWithContext is the same as DescribeDataProviders with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeDataProviders for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettings

DescribeEndpointSettings API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the possible endpoint settings available when you create an endpoint for a specific database engine.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEndpointSettings for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsPages(input *DescribeEndpointSettingsInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEndpointSettingsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEndpointSettings operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEndpointSettings method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEndpointSettings operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEndpointSettingsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointSettingsInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEndpointSettingsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEndpointSettingsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsRequest(input *DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput)

DescribeEndpointSettingsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEndpointSettings operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEndpointSettings for more information on using the DescribeEndpointSettings API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEndpointSettingsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEndpointSettingsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointSettingsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointSettingsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput, error)

DescribeEndpointSettingsWithContext is the same as DescribeEndpointSettings with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEndpointSettings for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypes

DescribeEndpointTypes API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the type of endpoints available.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEndpointTypes for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesPages(input *DescribeEndpointTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointTypesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEndpointTypesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEndpointTypes operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEndpointTypes method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEndpointTypes operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEndpointTypesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEndpointTypesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointTypesInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointTypesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEndpointTypesPagesWithContext same as DescribeEndpointTypesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesRequest(input *DescribeEndpointTypesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEndpointTypesOutput)

DescribeEndpointTypesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEndpointTypes operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEndpointTypes for more information on using the DescribeEndpointTypes API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEndpointTypesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEndpointTypesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointTypesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointTypesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEndpointTypesOutput, error)

DescribeEndpointTypesWithContext is the same as DescribeEndpointTypes with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEndpointTypes for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpoints

DescribeEndpoints API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the endpoints for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEndpoints for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsPages(input *DescribeEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEndpointsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEndpoints operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEndpoints method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEndpoints operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEndpointsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEndpointsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointsInput, fn func(*DescribeEndpointsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEndpointsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEndpointsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsRequest(input *DescribeEndpointsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEndpointsOutput)

DescribeEndpointsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEndpoints operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEndpoints for more information on using the DescribeEndpoints API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEndpointsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEndpointsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEndpointsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEndpointsOutput, error)

DescribeEndpointsWithContext is the same as DescribeEndpoints with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEndpoints for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersions

DescribeEngineVersions API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the replication instance versions used in the project.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEngineVersions for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsPages(input *DescribeEngineVersionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEngineVersionsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEngineVersionsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEngineVersions operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEngineVersions method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEngineVersions operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEngineVersionsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEngineVersionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEngineVersionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEngineVersionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEngineVersionsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEngineVersionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsRequest(input *DescribeEngineVersionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEngineVersionsOutput)

DescribeEngineVersionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEngineVersions operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEngineVersions for more information on using the DescribeEngineVersions API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEngineVersionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEngineVersionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEngineVersionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEngineVersionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEngineVersionsOutput, error)

DescribeEngineVersionsWithContext is the same as DescribeEngineVersions with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEngineVersions for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventCategories

DescribeEventCategories API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Lists categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type. You can see a list of the event categories and source types in Working with Events and Notifications ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEventCategories for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventCategoriesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventCategoriesRequest(input *DescribeEventCategoriesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventCategoriesOutput)

DescribeEventCategoriesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEventCategories operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEventCategories for more information on using the DescribeEventCategories API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventCategoriesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventCategoriesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventCategoriesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventCategoriesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventCategoriesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventCategoriesOutput, error)

DescribeEventCategoriesWithContext is the same as DescribeEventCategories with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEventCategories for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptions

DescribeEventSubscriptions API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Lists all the event subscriptions for a customer account. The description of a subscription includes SubscriptionName, SNSTopicARN, CustomerID, SourceType, SourceID, CreationTime, and Status.

If you specify SubscriptionName, this action lists the description for that subscription.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEventSubscriptions for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages(input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEventSubscriptions operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEventSubscriptions method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEventSubscriptions operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEventSubscriptionsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEventSubscriptionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest(input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput)

DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEventSubscriptions operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEventSubscriptions for more information on using the DescribeEventSubscriptions API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventSubscriptionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventSubscriptionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput, error)

DescribeEventSubscriptionsWithContext is the same as DescribeEventSubscriptions with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEventSubscriptions for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEvents

DescribeEvents API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Lists events for a given source identifier and source type. You can also specify a start and end time. For more information on DMS events, see Working with Events and Notifications ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeEvents for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsPages(input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeEventsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeEvents operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeEvents method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeEvents operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeEventsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeEventsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, fn func(*DescribeEventsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeEventsPagesWithContext same as DescribeEventsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsRequest(input *DescribeEventsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeEventsOutput)

DescribeEventsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeEvents operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeEvents for more information on using the DescribeEvents API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeEventsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeEventsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeEventsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEventsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeEventsOutput, error)

DescribeEventsWithContext is the same as DescribeEvents with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeEvents for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociations

DescribeExtensionPackAssociations API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of extension pack associations for the specified migration project. An extension pack is an add-on module that emulates functions present in a source database that are required when converting objects to the target database.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeExtensionPackAssociations for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPages(input *DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput, fn func(*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeExtensionPackAssociations operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeExtensionPackAssociations method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeExtensionPackAssociations operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput, fn func(*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPagesWithContext same as DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsRequest(input *DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput)

DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeExtensionPackAssociations operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeExtensionPackAssociations for more information on using the DescribeExtensionPackAssociations API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput, error)

DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsWithContext is the same as DescribeExtensionPackAssociations with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeExtensionPackAssociations for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors

DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a list of the Fleet Advisor collectors in your account.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPages(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPagesWithContext same as DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsRequest(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput)

DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors for more information on using the DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput, error)

DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsWithContext is the same as DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectors for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases

DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a list of Fleet Advisor databases in your account.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPages(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPagesWithContext same as DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput)

DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases for more information on using the DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput, error)

DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesWithContext is the same as DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabases for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis

DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Provides descriptions of large-scale assessment (LSA) analyses produced by your Fleet Advisor collectors.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPages(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPagesWithContext same as DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput)

DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for more information on using the DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput, error)

DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext is the same as DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Provides descriptions of the schemas discovered by your Fleet Advisor collectors.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPages

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPagesWithContext same as DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryRequest(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput)

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary for more information on using the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput, error)

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryWithContext is the same as DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummary for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a list of schemas detected by Fleet Advisor Collectors in your account.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPages(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput, fn func(*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPagesWithContext same as DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasRequest(input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput)

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas for more information on using the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput, error)

DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasWithContext is the same as DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemas for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfiles

DescribeInstanceProfiles API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of instance profiles for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeInstanceProfiles for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesPages(input *DescribeInstanceProfilesInput, fn func(*DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeInstanceProfilesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeInstanceProfiles operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeInstanceProfiles method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeInstanceProfiles operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeInstanceProfilesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeInstanceProfilesInput, fn func(*DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeInstanceProfilesPagesWithContext same as DescribeInstanceProfilesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesRequest(input *DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput)

DescribeInstanceProfilesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeInstanceProfiles operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeInstanceProfiles for more information on using the DescribeInstanceProfiles API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeInstanceProfilesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeInstanceProfilesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeInstanceProfilesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeInstanceProfilesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput, error)

DescribeInstanceProfilesWithContext is the same as DescribeInstanceProfiles with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeInstanceProfiles for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessments

DescribeMetadataModelAssessments API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of metadata model assessments for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMetadataModelAssessments for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPages(input *DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMetadataModelAssessments operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMetadataModelAssessments method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMetadataModelAssessments operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPagesWithContext same as DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsRequest(input *DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput)

DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMetadataModelAssessments operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMetadataModelAssessments for more information on using the DescribeMetadataModelAssessments API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput, error)

DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsWithContext is the same as DescribeMetadataModelAssessments with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMetadataModelAssessments for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversions

DescribeMetadataModelConversions API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of metadata model conversions for a migration project.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMetadataModelConversions for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPages(input *DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMetadataModelConversions operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMetadataModelConversions method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMetadataModelConversions operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPagesWithContext same as DescribeMetadataModelConversionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsRequest(input *DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput)

DescribeMetadataModelConversionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMetadataModelConversions operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMetadataModelConversions for more information on using the DescribeMetadataModelConversions API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMetadataModelConversionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMetadataModelConversionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelConversionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput, error)

DescribeMetadataModelConversionsWithContext is the same as DescribeMetadataModelConversions with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMetadataModelConversions for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript

DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of metadata model exports.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPages

DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPagesWithContext same as DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptRequest(input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput)

DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript for more information on using the DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput, error)

DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptWithContext is the same as DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScript for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget

DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of metadata model exports.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPages

DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPagesWithContext same as DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetRequest(input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput)

DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget for more information on using the DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput, error)

DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetWithContext is the same as DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTarget for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImports

DescribeMetadataModelImports API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of metadata model imports.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMetadataModelImports for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsPages(input *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeMetadataModelImportsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMetadataModelImports operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMetadataModelImports method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMetadataModelImports operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMetadataModelImportsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput, fn func(*DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMetadataModelImportsPagesWithContext same as DescribeMetadataModelImportsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsRequest(input *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput)

DescribeMetadataModelImportsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMetadataModelImports operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMetadataModelImports for more information on using the DescribeMetadataModelImports API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMetadataModelImportsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMetadataModelImportsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMetadataModelImportsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput, error)

DescribeMetadataModelImportsWithContext is the same as DescribeMetadataModelImports with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMetadataModelImports for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjects

DescribeMigrationProjects API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of migration projects for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeMigrationProjects for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsPages(input *DescribeMigrationProjectsInput, fn func(*DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeMigrationProjectsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeMigrationProjects operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeMigrationProjects method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeMigrationProjects operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeMigrationProjectsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMigrationProjectsInput, fn func(*DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeMigrationProjectsPagesWithContext same as DescribeMigrationProjectsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsRequest(input *DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput)

DescribeMigrationProjectsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeMigrationProjects operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeMigrationProjects for more information on using the DescribeMigrationProjects API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeMigrationProjectsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeMigrationProjectsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeMigrationProjectsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeMigrationProjectsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput, error)

DescribeMigrationProjectsWithContext is the same as DescribeMigrationProjects with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeMigrationProjects for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances

DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the replication instance types that can be created in the specified region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances for usage and error information. See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPages

DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext same as DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesRequest(input *DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput)

DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances for more information on using the DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput, error)

DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesWithContext is the same as DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActions

DescribePendingMaintenanceActions API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

For internal use only

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribePendingMaintenanceActions for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages(input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, fn func(*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribePendingMaintenanceActions method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, fn func(*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPagesWithContext same as DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest(input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput)

DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribePendingMaintenanceActions for more information on using the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput, error)

DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsWithContext is the same as DescribePendingMaintenanceActions with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribePendingMaintenanceActions for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitations

DescribeRecommendationLimitations API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of limitations for recommendations of target Amazon Web Services engines.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeRecommendationLimitations for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPages(input *DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput, fn func(*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeRecommendationLimitations operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeRecommendationLimitations method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeRecommendationLimitations operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput, fn func(*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPagesWithContext same as DescribeRecommendationLimitationsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsRequest(input *DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput)

DescribeRecommendationLimitationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeRecommendationLimitations operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeRecommendationLimitations for more information on using the DescribeRecommendationLimitations API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeRecommendationLimitationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeRecommendationLimitationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationLimitationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput, error)

DescribeRecommendationLimitationsWithContext is the same as DescribeRecommendationLimitations with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeRecommendationLimitations for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendations

DescribeRecommendations API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of target engine recommendations for your source databases.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeRecommendations for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsPages(input *DescribeRecommendationsInput, fn func(*DescribeRecommendationsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeRecommendationsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeRecommendations operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeRecommendations method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeRecommendations operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeRecommendationsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeRecommendationsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeRecommendationsInput, fn func(*DescribeRecommendationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeRecommendationsPagesWithContext same as DescribeRecommendationsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsRequest(input *DescribeRecommendationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeRecommendationsOutput)

DescribeRecommendationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeRecommendations operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeRecommendations for more information on using the DescribeRecommendations API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeRecommendationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeRecommendationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRecommendationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeRecommendationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeRecommendationsOutput, error)

DescribeRecommendationsWithContext is the same as DescribeRecommendations with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeRecommendations for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus

DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns the status of the RefreshSchemas operation.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusRequest(input *DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput)

DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus for more information on using the DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput, error)

DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusWithContext is the same as DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigs

DescribeReplicationConfigs API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns one or more existing DMS Serverless replication configurations as a list of structures.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationConfigs for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsPages(input *DescribeReplicationConfigsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeReplicationConfigsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationConfigs operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationConfigs method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationConfigs operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationConfigsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationConfigsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationConfigsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationConfigsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput)

DescribeReplicationConfigsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationConfigs operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationConfigs for more information on using the DescribeReplicationConfigs API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationConfigsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationConfigsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationConfigsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationConfigsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationConfigsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationConfigs with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationConfigs for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs

DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the task logs for the specified task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPages

DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput)

DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs for more information on using the DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogs for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstances

DescribeReplicationInstances API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about replication instances for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationInstances for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesPages(input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeReplicationInstancesPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationInstances operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationInstances method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationInstances operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationInstancesPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationInstancesPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationInstancesPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesRequest(input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput)

DescribeReplicationInstancesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationInstances operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationInstances for more information on using the DescribeReplicationInstances API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationInstancesRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationInstancesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationInstancesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationInstancesWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationInstances with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationInstances for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups

DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the replication subnet groups.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPages(input *DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput)

DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups for more information on using the DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatistics

DescribeReplicationTableStatistics API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns table and schema statistics for one or more provisioned replications that use a given DMS Serverless replication configuration.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationTableStatistics for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPages

DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationTableStatistics operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationTableStatistics method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationTableStatistics operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput)

DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationTableStatistics operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationTableStatistics for more information on using the DescribeReplicationTableStatistics API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationTableStatistics with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationTableStatistics for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns the task assessment results from the Amazon S3 bucket that DMS creates in your Amazon Web Services account. This action always returns the latest results.

For more information about DMS task assessments, see Creating a task assessment report ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPages

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput)

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults for more information on using the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResults for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of premigration assessment runs based on filter settings.

These filter settings can specify a combination of premigration assessment runs, migration tasks, replication instances, and assessment run status values.

This operation doesn't return information about individual assessments. For this information, see the DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments operation.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPages

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput)

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns for more information on using the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments

DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns a paginated list of individual assessments based on filter settings.

These filter settings can specify a combination of premigration assessment runs, migration tasks, and assessment status values.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPages

DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput)

DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments for more information on using the DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasks

DescribeReplicationTasks API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about replication tasks for your account in the current region.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplicationTasks for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksPages(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTasksOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeReplicationTasksPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplicationTasks operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplicationTasks method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplicationTasks operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationTasksPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationTasksOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationTasksOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationTasksPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationTasksPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksRequest(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationTasksOutput)

DescribeReplicationTasksRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplicationTasks operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplicationTasks for more information on using the DescribeReplicationTasks API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationTasksRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationTasksRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationTasksWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationTasksOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationTasksWithContext is the same as DescribeReplicationTasks with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplicationTasks for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplications

DescribeReplications API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Provides details on replication progress by returning status information for one or more provisioned DMS Serverless replications.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeReplications for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsPages(input *DescribeReplicationsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeReplicationsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeReplications operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeReplications method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeReplications operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeReplicationsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeReplicationsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationsInput, fn func(*DescribeReplicationsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeReplicationsPagesWithContext same as DescribeReplicationsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsRequest(input *DescribeReplicationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeReplicationsOutput)

DescribeReplicationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeReplications operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeReplications for more information on using the DescribeReplications API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeReplicationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeReplicationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeReplicationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeReplicationsOutput, error)

DescribeReplicationsWithContext is the same as DescribeReplications with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeReplications for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemas

DescribeSchemas API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns information about the schema for the specified endpoint.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeSchemas for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasPages(input *DescribeSchemasInput, fn func(*DescribeSchemasOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeSchemasPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeSchemas operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeSchemas method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeSchemas operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeSchemasPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeSchemasOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSchemasInput, fn func(*DescribeSchemasOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeSchemasPagesWithContext same as DescribeSchemasPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasRequest(input *DescribeSchemasInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeSchemasOutput)

DescribeSchemasRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeSchemas operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeSchemas for more information on using the DescribeSchemas API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeSchemasRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeSchemasRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeSchemasWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeSchemasInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeSchemasOutput, error)

DescribeSchemasWithContext is the same as DescribeSchemas with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeSchemas for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatistics

DescribeTableStatistics API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Returns table statistics on the database migration task, including table name, rows inserted, rows updated, and rows deleted.

Note that the "last updated" column the DMS console only indicates the time that DMS last updated the table statistics record for a table. It does not indicate the time of the last update to the table.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation DescribeTableStatistics for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsPages

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsPages(input *DescribeTableStatisticsInput, fn func(*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput, bool) bool) error

DescribeTableStatisticsPages iterates over the pages of a DescribeTableStatistics operation, calling the "fn" function with the response data for each page. To stop iterating, return false from the fn function.

See DescribeTableStatistics method for more information on how to use this operation.

Note: This operation can generate multiple requests to a service.

// Example iterating over at most 3 pages of a DescribeTableStatistics operation.
pageNum := 0
err := client.DescribeTableStatisticsPages(params,
    func(page *databasemigrationservice.DescribeTableStatisticsOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
        return pageNum <= 3

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsPagesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsPagesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTableStatisticsInput, fn func(*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput, bool) bool, opts ...request.Option) error

DescribeTableStatisticsPagesWithContext same as DescribeTableStatisticsPages except it takes a Context and allows setting request options on the pages.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsRequest(input *DescribeTableStatisticsInput) (req *request.Request, output *DescribeTableStatisticsOutput)

DescribeTableStatisticsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the DescribeTableStatistics operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See DescribeTableStatistics for more information on using the DescribeTableStatistics API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the DescribeTableStatisticsRequest method.
req, resp := client.DescribeTableStatisticsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) DescribeTableStatisticsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeTableStatisticsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput, error)

DescribeTableStatisticsWithContext is the same as DescribeTableStatistics with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See DescribeTableStatistics for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ExportMetadataModelAssessment

ExportMetadataModelAssessment API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Saves a copy of a database migration assessment report to your Amazon S3 bucket. DMS can save your assessment report as a comma-separated value (CSV) or a PDF file.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ExportMetadataModelAssessment for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ExportMetadataModelAssessmentRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ExportMetadataModelAssessmentRequest(input *ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) (req *request.Request, output *ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput)

ExportMetadataModelAssessmentRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ExportMetadataModelAssessment operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ExportMetadataModelAssessment for more information on using the ExportMetadataModelAssessment API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ExportMetadataModelAssessmentRequest method.
req, resp := client.ExportMetadataModelAssessmentRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ExportMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ExportMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput, error)

ExportMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext is the same as ExportMetadataModelAssessment with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ExportMetadataModelAssessment for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ImportCertificate

ImportCertificate API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Uploads the specified certificate.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ImportCertificate for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • InvalidCertificateFault The certificate was not valid.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ImportCertificateRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ImportCertificateRequest(input *ImportCertificateInput) (req *request.Request, output *ImportCertificateOutput)

ImportCertificateRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ImportCertificate operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ImportCertificate for more information on using the ImportCertificate API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ImportCertificateRequest method.
req, resp := client.ImportCertificateRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ImportCertificateWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ImportCertificateWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ImportCertificateInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ImportCertificateOutput, error)

ImportCertificateWithContext is the same as ImportCertificate with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ImportCertificate for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ListTagsForResource

ListTagsForResource API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Lists all metadata tags attached to an DMS resource, including replication instance, endpoint, subnet group, and migration task. For more information, see Tag ( data type description.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ListTagsForResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ListTagsForResourceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ListTagsForResourceRequest(input *ListTagsForResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ListTagsForResourceOutput)

ListTagsForResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ListTagsForResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ListTagsForResource for more information on using the ListTagsForResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ListTagsForResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.ListTagsForResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ListTagsForResourceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ListTagsForResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ListTagsForResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ListTagsForResourceOutput, error)

ListTagsForResourceWithContext is the same as ListTagsForResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ListTagsForResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyConversionConfiguration

ModifyConversionConfiguration API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified schema conversion configuration using the provided parameters.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyConversionConfiguration for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyConversionConfigurationRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyConversionConfigurationRequest(input *ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput)

ModifyConversionConfigurationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyConversionConfiguration operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyConversionConfiguration for more information on using the ModifyConversionConfiguration API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyConversionConfigurationRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyConversionConfigurationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyConversionConfigurationWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyConversionConfigurationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyConversionConfigurationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput, error)

ModifyConversionConfigurationWithContext is the same as ModifyConversionConfiguration with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyConversionConfiguration for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyDataProvider

ModifyDataProvider API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified data provider using the provided settings.

You must remove the data provider from all migration projects before you can modify it.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyDataProvider for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyDataProviderRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyDataProviderRequest(input *ModifyDataProviderInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyDataProviderOutput)

ModifyDataProviderRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyDataProvider operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyDataProvider for more information on using the ModifyDataProvider API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyDataProviderRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyDataProviderRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyDataProviderWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyDataProviderWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyDataProviderInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyDataProviderOutput, error)

ModifyDataProviderWithContext is the same as ModifyDataProvider with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyDataProvider for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEndpoint

ModifyEndpoint API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified endpoint.

For a MySQL source or target endpoint, don't explicitly specify the database using the DatabaseName request parameter on the ModifyEndpoint API call. Specifying DatabaseName when you modify a MySQL endpoint replicates all the task tables to this single database. For MySQL endpoints, you specify the database only when you specify the schema in the table-mapping rules of the DMS task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyEndpoint for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEndpointRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEndpointRequest(input *ModifyEndpointInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyEndpointOutput)

ModifyEndpointRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyEndpoint operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyEndpoint for more information on using the ModifyEndpoint API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyEndpointRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyEndpointRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEndpointWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEndpointWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyEndpointInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyEndpointOutput, error)

ModifyEndpointWithContext is the same as ModifyEndpoint with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyEndpoint for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEventSubscription

ModifyEventSubscription API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies an existing DMS event notification subscription.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyEventSubscription for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • SNSInvalidTopicFault The SNS topic is invalid.

  • SNSNoAuthorizationFault You are not authorized for the SNS subscription.

  • KMSAccessDeniedFault The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that the DMS account doesn't have access to.

  • KMSDisabledFault The specified KMS key isn't enabled.

  • KMSInvalidStateFault The state of the specified KMS resource isn't valid for this request.

  • KMSNotFoundFault The specified KMS entity or resource can't be found.

  • KMSThrottlingFault This request triggered KMS request throttling.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest(input *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput)

ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyEventSubscription operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyEventSubscription for more information on using the ModifyEventSubscription API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyEventSubscriptionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEventSubscriptionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyEventSubscriptionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput, error)

ModifyEventSubscriptionWithContext is the same as ModifyEventSubscription with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyEventSubscription for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyInstanceProfile

ModifyInstanceProfile API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified instance profile using the provided parameters.

All migration projects associated with the instance profile must be deleted or modified before you can modify the instance profile.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyInstanceProfile for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyInstanceProfileRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyInstanceProfileRequest(input *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyInstanceProfileOutput)

ModifyInstanceProfileRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyInstanceProfile operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyInstanceProfile for more information on using the ModifyInstanceProfile API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyInstanceProfileRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyInstanceProfileRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyInstanceProfileWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyInstanceProfileWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyInstanceProfileInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyInstanceProfileOutput, error)

ModifyInstanceProfileWithContext is the same as ModifyInstanceProfile with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyInstanceProfile for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyMigrationProject

ModifyMigrationProject API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified migration project using the provided parameters.

The migration project must be closed before you can modify it.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyMigrationProject for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyMigrationProjectRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyMigrationProjectRequest(input *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyMigrationProjectOutput)

ModifyMigrationProjectRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyMigrationProject operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyMigrationProject for more information on using the ModifyMigrationProject API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyMigrationProjectRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyMigrationProjectRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyMigrationProjectWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyMigrationProjectWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyMigrationProjectInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyMigrationProjectOutput, error)

ModifyMigrationProjectWithContext is the same as ModifyMigrationProject with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyMigrationProject for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationConfig

ModifyReplicationConfig API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies an existing DMS Serverless replication configuration that you can use to start a replication. This command includes input validation and logic to check the state of any replication that uses this configuration. You can only modify a replication configuration before any replication that uses it has started. As soon as you have initially started a replication with a given configuiration, you can't modify that configuration, even if you stop it.

Other run statuses that allow you to run this command include FAILED and CREATED. A provisioning state that allows you to run this command is FAILED_PROVISION.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyReplicationConfig for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

  • InvalidSubnet The subnet provided isn't valid.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationConfigRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationConfigRequest(input *ModifyReplicationConfigInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyReplicationConfigOutput)

ModifyReplicationConfigRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyReplicationConfig operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyReplicationConfig for more information on using the ModifyReplicationConfig API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyReplicationConfigRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyReplicationConfigRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationConfigWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationConfigWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyReplicationConfigInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyReplicationConfigOutput, error)

ModifyReplicationConfigWithContext is the same as ModifyReplicationConfig with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyReplicationConfig for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationInstance

ModifyReplicationInstance API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the replication instance to apply new settings. You can change one or more parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request.

Some settings are applied during the maintenance window.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyReplicationInstance for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InsufficientResourceCapacityFault There are not enough resources allocated to the database migration.

  • StorageQuotaExceededFault The storage quota has been exceeded.

  • UpgradeDependencyFailureFault An upgrade dependency is preventing the database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationInstanceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationInstanceRequest(input *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput)

ModifyReplicationInstanceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyReplicationInstance operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyReplicationInstance for more information on using the ModifyReplicationInstance API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyReplicationInstanceRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyReplicationInstanceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationInstanceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput, error)

ModifyReplicationInstanceWithContext is the same as ModifyReplicationInstance with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyReplicationInstance for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup

ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the settings for the specified replication subnet group.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • SubnetAlreadyInUse The specified subnet is already in use.

  • ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

  • InvalidSubnet The subnet provided isn't valid.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(input *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput)

ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup for more information on using the ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput, error)

ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupWithContext is the same as ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyReplicationSubnetGroup for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationTask

ModifyReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Modifies the specified replication task.

You can't modify the task endpoints. The task must be stopped before you can modify it.

For more information about DMS tasks, see Working with Migration Tasks ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ModifyReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationTaskRequest(input *ModifyReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *ModifyReplicationTaskOutput)

ModifyReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ModifyReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ModifyReplicationTask for more information on using the ModifyReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ModifyReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.ModifyReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ModifyReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ModifyReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ModifyReplicationTaskOutput, error)

ModifyReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as ModifyReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ModifyReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) MoveReplicationTask

MoveReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Moves a replication task from its current replication instance to a different target replication instance using the specified parameters. The target replication instance must be created with the same or later DMS version as the current replication instance.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation MoveReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) MoveReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) MoveReplicationTaskRequest(input *MoveReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *MoveReplicationTaskOutput)

MoveReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the MoveReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See MoveReplicationTask for more information on using the MoveReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the MoveReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.MoveReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) MoveReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) MoveReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *MoveReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*MoveReplicationTaskOutput, error)

MoveReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as MoveReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See MoveReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RebootReplicationInstance

RebootReplicationInstance API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Reboots a replication instance. Rebooting results in a momentary outage, until the replication instance becomes available again.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation RebootReplicationInstance for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RebootReplicationInstanceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RebootReplicationInstanceRequest(input *RebootReplicationInstanceInput) (req *request.Request, output *RebootReplicationInstanceOutput)

RebootReplicationInstanceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the RebootReplicationInstance operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See RebootReplicationInstance for more information on using the RebootReplicationInstance API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the RebootReplicationInstanceRequest method.
req, resp := client.RebootReplicationInstanceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RebootReplicationInstanceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RebootReplicationInstanceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RebootReplicationInstanceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RebootReplicationInstanceOutput, error)

RebootReplicationInstanceWithContext is the same as RebootReplicationInstance with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See RebootReplicationInstance for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RefreshSchemas

RefreshSchemas API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Populates the schema for the specified endpoint. This is an asynchronous operation and can take several minutes. You can check the status of this operation by calling the DescribeRefreshSchemasStatus operation.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation RefreshSchemas for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RefreshSchemasRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RefreshSchemasRequest(input *RefreshSchemasInput) (req *request.Request, output *RefreshSchemasOutput)

RefreshSchemasRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the RefreshSchemas operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See RefreshSchemas for more information on using the RefreshSchemas API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the RefreshSchemasRequest method.
req, resp := client.RefreshSchemasRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RefreshSchemasWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RefreshSchemasWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RefreshSchemasInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RefreshSchemasOutput, error)

RefreshSchemasWithContext is the same as RefreshSchemas with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See RefreshSchemas for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadReplicationTables

ReloadReplicationTables API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Reloads the target database table with the source data for a given DMS Serverless replication configuration.

You can only use this operation with a task in the RUNNING state, otherwise the service will throw an InvalidResourceStateFault exception.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ReloadReplicationTables for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadReplicationTablesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadReplicationTablesRequest(input *ReloadReplicationTablesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ReloadReplicationTablesOutput)

ReloadReplicationTablesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ReloadReplicationTables operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ReloadReplicationTables for more information on using the ReloadReplicationTables API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ReloadReplicationTablesRequest method.
req, resp := client.ReloadReplicationTablesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadReplicationTablesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadReplicationTablesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ReloadReplicationTablesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ReloadReplicationTablesOutput, error)

ReloadReplicationTablesWithContext is the same as ReloadReplicationTables with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ReloadReplicationTables for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadTables

ReloadTables API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Reloads the target database table with the source data.

You can only use this operation with a task in the RUNNING state, otherwise the service will throw an InvalidResourceStateFault exception.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation ReloadTables for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadTablesRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadTablesRequest(input *ReloadTablesInput) (req *request.Request, output *ReloadTablesOutput)

ReloadTablesRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the ReloadTables operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See ReloadTables for more information on using the ReloadTables API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the ReloadTablesRequest method.
req, resp := client.ReloadTablesRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadTablesWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) ReloadTablesWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *ReloadTablesInput, opts ...request.Option) (*ReloadTablesOutput, error)

ReloadTablesWithContext is the same as ReloadTables with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See ReloadTables for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RemoveTagsFromResource

RemoveTagsFromResource API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Removes metadata tags from an DMS resource, including replication instance, endpoint, subnet group, and migration task. For more information, see Tag ( data type description.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation RemoveTagsFromResource for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) (req *request.Request, output *RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput)

RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the RemoveTagsFromResource operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See RemoveTagsFromResource for more information on using the RemoveTagsFromResource API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest method.
req, resp := client.RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RemoveTagsFromResourceWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RemoveTagsFromResourceWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput, error)

RemoveTagsFromResourceWithContext is the same as RemoveTagsFromResource with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See RemoveTagsFromResource for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis

RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Runs large-scale assessment (LSA) analysis on every Fleet Advisor collector in your account.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest(input *RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) (req *request.Request, output *RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput)

RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for more information on using the RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest method.
req, resp := client.RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput, opts ...request.Option) (*RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput, error)

RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisWithContext is the same as RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysis for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartExtensionPackAssociation

StartExtensionPackAssociation API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Applies the extension pack to your target database. An extension pack is an add-on module that emulates functions present in a source database that are required when converting objects to the target database.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartExtensionPackAssociation for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartExtensionPackAssociationRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartExtensionPackAssociationRequest(input *StartExtensionPackAssociationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput)

StartExtensionPackAssociationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartExtensionPackAssociation operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartExtensionPackAssociation for more information on using the StartExtensionPackAssociation API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartExtensionPackAssociationRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartExtensionPackAssociationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartExtensionPackAssociationWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartExtensionPackAssociationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartExtensionPackAssociationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput, error)

StartExtensionPackAssociationWithContext is the same as StartExtensionPackAssociation with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartExtensionPackAssociation for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelAssessment

StartMetadataModelAssessment API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Creates a database migration assessment report by assessing the migration complexity for your source database. A database migration assessment report summarizes all of the schema conversion tasks. It also details the action items for database objects that can't be converted to the database engine of your target database instance.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartMetadataModelAssessment for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelAssessmentRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelAssessmentRequest(input *StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput)

StartMetadataModelAssessmentRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartMetadataModelAssessment operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartMetadataModelAssessment for more information on using the StartMetadataModelAssessment API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartMetadataModelAssessmentRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartMetadataModelAssessmentRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput, error)

StartMetadataModelAssessmentWithContext is the same as StartMetadataModelAssessment with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartMetadataModelAssessment for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelConversion

StartMetadataModelConversion API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Converts your source database objects to a format compatible with the target database.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartMetadataModelConversion for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelConversionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelConversionRequest(input *StartMetadataModelConversionInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartMetadataModelConversionOutput)

StartMetadataModelConversionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartMetadataModelConversion operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartMetadataModelConversion for more information on using the StartMetadataModelConversion API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartMetadataModelConversionRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartMetadataModelConversionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelConversionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelConversionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartMetadataModelConversionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartMetadataModelConversionOutput, error)

StartMetadataModelConversionWithContext is the same as StartMetadataModelConversion with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartMetadataModelConversion for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportAsScript

StartMetadataModelExportAsScript API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Saves your converted code to a file as a SQL script, and stores this file on your Amazon S3 bucket.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartMetadataModelExportAsScript for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptRequest(input *StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput)

StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartMetadataModelExportAsScript operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartMetadataModelExportAsScript for more information on using the StartMetadataModelExportAsScript API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput, error)

StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptWithContext is the same as StartMetadataModelExportAsScript with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartMetadataModelExportAsScript for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportToTarget

StartMetadataModelExportToTarget API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Applies converted database objects to your target database.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartMetadataModelExportToTarget for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportToTargetRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportToTargetRequest(input *StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput)

StartMetadataModelExportToTargetRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartMetadataModelExportToTarget operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartMetadataModelExportToTarget for more information on using the StartMetadataModelExportToTarget API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartMetadataModelExportToTargetRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartMetadataModelExportToTargetRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportToTargetWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelExportToTargetWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput, error)

StartMetadataModelExportToTargetWithContext is the same as StartMetadataModelExportToTarget with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartMetadataModelExportToTarget for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelImport

StartMetadataModelImport API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Loads the metadata for all the dependent database objects of the parent object.

This operation uses your project's Amazon S3 bucket as a metadata cache to improve performance.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartMetadataModelImport for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelImportRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelImportRequest(input *StartMetadataModelImportInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartMetadataModelImportOutput)

StartMetadataModelImportRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartMetadataModelImport operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartMetadataModelImport for more information on using the StartMetadataModelImport API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartMetadataModelImportRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartMetadataModelImportRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelImportWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartMetadataModelImportWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartMetadataModelImportInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartMetadataModelImportOutput, error)

StartMetadataModelImportWithContext is the same as StartMetadataModelImport with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartMetadataModelImport for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartRecommendations

StartRecommendations API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Starts the analysis of your source database to provide recommendations of target engines.

You can create recommendations for multiple source databases using BatchStartRecommendations (

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartRecommendations for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartRecommendationsRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartRecommendationsRequest(input *StartRecommendationsInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartRecommendationsOutput)

StartRecommendationsRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartRecommendations operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartRecommendations for more information on using the StartRecommendations API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartRecommendationsRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartRecommendationsRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartRecommendationsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartRecommendationsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartRecommendationsInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartRecommendationsOutput, error)

StartRecommendationsWithContext is the same as StartRecommendations with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartRecommendations for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplication

StartReplication API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

For a given DMS Serverless replication configuration, DMS connects to the source endpoint and collects the metadata to analyze the replication workload. Using this metadata, DMS then computes and provisions the required capacity and starts replicating to the target endpoint using the server resources that DMS has provisioned for the DMS Serverless replication.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartReplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationRequest(input *StartReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartReplicationOutput)

StartReplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartReplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartReplication for more information on using the StartReplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartReplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartReplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTask

StartReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Starts the replication task.

For more information about DMS tasks, see Working with Migration Tasks ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessment

StartReplicationTaskAssessment API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Starts the replication task assessment for unsupported data types in the source database.

You can only use this operation for a task if the following conditions are true:

  • The task must be in the stopped state.

  • The task must have successful connections to the source and target.

If either of these conditions are not met, an InvalidResourceStateFault error will result.

For information about DMS task assessments, see Creating a task assessment report ( in the Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartReplicationTaskAssessment for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRequest(input *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput)

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartReplicationTaskAssessment operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartReplicationTaskAssessment for more information on using the StartReplicationTaskAssessment API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Starts a new premigration assessment run for one or more individual assessments of a migration task.

The assessments that you can specify depend on the source and target database engine and the migration type defined for the given task. To run this operation, your migration task must already be created. After you run this operation, you can review the status of each individual assessment. You can also run the migration task manually after the assessment run and its individual assessments complete.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • KMSAccessDeniedFault The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that the DMS account doesn't have access to.

  • KMSDisabledFault The specified KMS key isn't enabled.

  • KMSFault An Key Management Service (KMS) error is preventing access to KMS.

  • KMSInvalidStateFault The state of the specified KMS resource isn't valid for this request.

  • KMSNotFoundFault The specified KMS entity or resource can't be found.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • S3AccessDeniedFault Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

  • S3ResourceNotFoundFault A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

  • ResourceAlreadyExistsFault The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(input *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput)

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for more information on using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput, error)

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunWithContext is the same as StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskAssessmentWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput, error)

StartReplicationTaskAssessmentWithContext is the same as StartReplicationTaskAssessment with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartReplicationTaskAssessment for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskRequest(input *StartReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *StartReplicationTaskOutput)

StartReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StartReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StartReplicationTask for more information on using the StartReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StartReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.StartReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartReplicationTaskOutput, error)

StartReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as StartReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StartReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StartReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StartReplicationOutput, error)

StartReplicationWithContext is the same as StartReplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StartReplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplication

StopReplication API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

For a given DMS Serverless replication configuration, DMS stops any and all ongoing DMS Serverless replications. This command doesn't deprovision the stopped replications.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StopReplication for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationRequest(input *StopReplicationInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopReplicationOutput)

StopReplicationRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StopReplication operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StopReplication for more information on using the StopReplication API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StopReplicationRequest method.
req, resp := client.StopReplicationRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationTask

StopReplicationTask API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Stops the replication task.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation StopReplicationTask for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationTaskRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationTaskRequest(input *StopReplicationTaskInput) (req *request.Request, output *StopReplicationTaskOutput)

StopReplicationTaskRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the StopReplicationTask operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See StopReplicationTask for more information on using the StopReplicationTask API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the StopReplicationTaskRequest method.
req, resp := client.StopReplicationTaskRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationTaskWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationTaskWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopReplicationTaskInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopReplicationTaskOutput, error)

StopReplicationTaskWithContext is the same as StopReplicationTask with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StopReplicationTask for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) StopReplicationWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *StopReplicationInput, opts ...request.Option) (*StopReplicationOutput, error)

StopReplicationWithContext is the same as StopReplication with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See StopReplication for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) TestConnection

TestConnection API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Tests the connection between the replication instance and the endpoint.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation TestConnection for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • ResourceNotFoundFault The resource could not be found.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

  • KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault DMS cannot access the KMS key.

  • ResourceQuotaExceededFault The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) TestConnectionRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) TestConnectionRequest(input *TestConnectionInput) (req *request.Request, output *TestConnectionOutput)

TestConnectionRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the TestConnection operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See TestConnection for more information on using the TestConnection API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the TestConnectionRequest method.
req, resp := client.TestConnectionRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) TestConnectionWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) TestConnectionWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *TestConnectionInput, opts ...request.Option) (*TestConnectionOutput, error)

TestConnectionWithContext is the same as TestConnection with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See TestConnection for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge

UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge API operation for AWS Database Migration Service.

Migrates 10 active and enabled Amazon SNS subscriptions at a time and converts them to corresponding Amazon EventBridge rules. By default, this operation migrates subscriptions only when all your replication instance versions are 3.4.5 or higher. If any replication instances are from versions earlier than 3.4.5, the operation raises an error and tells you to upgrade these instances to version 3.4.5 or higher. To enable migration regardless of version, set the Force option to true. However, if you don't upgrade instances earlier than version 3.4.5, some types of events might not be available when you use Amazon EventBridge.

To call this operation, make sure that you have certain permissions added to your user account. For more information, see Migrating event subscriptions to Amazon EventBridge ( in the Amazon Web Services Database Migration Service User Guide.

Returns awserr.Error for service API and SDK errors. Use runtime type assertions with awserr.Error's Code and Message methods to get detailed information about the error.

See the AWS API reference guide for AWS Database Migration Service's API operation UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge for usage and error information.

Returned Error Types:

  • AccessDeniedFault DMS was denied access to the endpoint. Check that the role is correctly configured.

  • InvalidResourceStateFault The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeRequest

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeRequest(input *UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput) (req *request.Request, output *UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput)

UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeRequest generates a "aws/request.Request" representing the client's request for the UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge operation. The "output" return value will be populated with the request's response once the request completes successfully.

Use "Send" method on the returned Request to send the API call to the service. the "output" return value is not valid until after Send returns without error.

See UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge for more information on using the UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge API call, and error handling.

This method is useful when you want to inject custom logic or configuration into the SDK's request lifecycle. Such as custom headers, or retry logic.

// Example sending a request using the UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeRequest method.
req, resp := client.UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeRequest(params)

err := req.Send()
if err == nil { // resp is now filled

See also,

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput, opts ...request.Option) (*UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput, error)

UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeWithContext is the same as UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge with the addition of the ability to pass a context and additional request options.

See UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridge for details on how to use this API operation.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilEndpointDeleted

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilEndpointDeleted(input *DescribeEndpointsInput) error

WaitUntilEndpointDeleted uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeEndpoints to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilEndpointDeletedWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilEndpointDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeEndpointsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilEndpointDeletedWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilEndpointDeleted. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailable

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailable(input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailable uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationInstances to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailableWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailableWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailableWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationInstanceAvailable. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeleted

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeleted(input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeleted uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationInstances to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeletedWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationInstancesInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeletedWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationInstanceDeleted. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeleted

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeleted(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeleted uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationTasks to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeletedWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeletedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeletedWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationTaskDeleted. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskReady

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskReady(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskReady uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationTasks to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskReadyWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskReadyWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskReadyWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationTaskReady. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunning

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunning(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunning uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationTasks to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunningWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunningWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunningWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationTaskRunning. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskStopped

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskStopped(input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskStopped uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeReplicationTasks to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskStoppedWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilReplicationTaskStoppedWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeReplicationTasksInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilReplicationTaskStoppedWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilReplicationTaskStopped. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceeds

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceeds(input *DescribeConnectionsInput) error

WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceeds uses the AWS Database Migration Service API operation DescribeConnections to wait for a condition to be met before returning. If the condition is not met within the max attempt window, an error will be returned.

func (*DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceedsWithContext

func (c *DatabaseMigrationService) WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceedsWithContext(ctx aws.Context, input *DescribeConnectionsInput, opts ...request.WaiterOption) error

WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceedsWithContext is an extended version of WaitUntilTestConnectionSucceeds. With the support for passing in a context and options to configure the Waiter and the underlying request options.

The context must be non-nil and will be used for request cancellation. If the context is nil a panic will occur. In the future the SDK may create sub-contexts for http.Requests. See for more information on using Contexts.

type DatabaseResponse

type DatabaseResponse struct {

	// A list of collectors associated with the database.
	Collectors []*CollectorShortInfoResponse `type:"list"`

	// The ID of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The IP address of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	IpAddress *string `type:"string"`

	// The number of schemas in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory database.
	NumberOfSchemas *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The server name of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	Server *ServerShortInfoResponse `type:"structure"`

	// The software details of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory,
	// such as database engine and version.
	SoftwareDetails *DatabaseInstanceSoftwareDetailsResponse `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (DatabaseResponse) GoString

func (s DatabaseResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetCollectors

SetCollectors sets the Collectors field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetDatabaseId

func (s *DatabaseResponse) SetDatabaseId(v string) *DatabaseResponse

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetDatabaseName

func (s *DatabaseResponse) SetDatabaseName(v string) *DatabaseResponse

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetIpAddress

func (s *DatabaseResponse) SetIpAddress(v string) *DatabaseResponse

SetIpAddress sets the IpAddress field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetNumberOfSchemas

func (s *DatabaseResponse) SetNumberOfSchemas(v int64) *DatabaseResponse

SetNumberOfSchemas sets the NumberOfSchemas field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetServer

SetServer sets the Server field's value.

func (*DatabaseResponse) SetSoftwareDetails

SetSoftwareDetails sets the SoftwareDetails field's value.

func (DatabaseResponse) String

func (s DatabaseResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DatabaseShortInfoResponse

type DatabaseShortInfoResponse struct {

	// The database engine of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory,
	// for example PostgreSQL.
	DatabaseEngine *string `type:"string"`

	// The ID of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// The IP address of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseIpAddress *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (DatabaseShortInfoResponse) GoString

func (s DatabaseShortInfoResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DatabaseShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseEngine

SetDatabaseEngine sets the DatabaseEngine field's value.

func (*DatabaseShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseId

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*DatabaseShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseIpAddress

func (s *DatabaseShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseIpAddress(v string) *DatabaseShortInfoResponse

SetDatabaseIpAddress sets the DatabaseIpAddress field's value.

func (*DatabaseShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (DatabaseShortInfoResponse) String

func (s DatabaseShortInfoResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DefaultErrorDetails

type DefaultErrorDetails struct {

	// The error message.
	Message *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides error information about a schema conversion operation.

func (DefaultErrorDetails) GoString

func (s DefaultErrorDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DefaultErrorDetails) SetMessage

SetMessage sets the Message field's value.

func (DefaultErrorDetails) String

func (s DefaultErrorDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteCertificateInput

type DeleteCertificateInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate.
	// CertificateArn is a required field
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteCertificateInput) GoString

func (s DeleteCertificateInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteCertificateInput) SetCertificateArn

func (s *DeleteCertificateInput) SetCertificateArn(v string) *DeleteCertificateInput

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (DeleteCertificateInput) String

func (s DeleteCertificateInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteCertificateInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteCertificateInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteCertificateOutput

type DeleteCertificateOutput struct {

	// The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate.
	Certificate *Certificate `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteCertificateOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteCertificateOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteCertificateOutput) SetCertificate

SetCertificate sets the Certificate field's value.

func (DeleteCertificateOutput) String

func (s DeleteCertificateOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteConnectionInput

type DeleteConnectionInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteConnectionInput) GoString

func (s DeleteConnectionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteConnectionInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *DeleteConnectionInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *DeleteConnectionInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*DeleteConnectionInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *DeleteConnectionInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *DeleteConnectionInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (DeleteConnectionInput) String

func (s DeleteConnectionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteConnectionInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteConnectionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteConnectionOutput

type DeleteConnectionOutput struct {

	// The connection that is being deleted.
	Connection *Connection `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteConnectionOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteConnectionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteConnectionOutput) SetConnection

SetConnection sets the Connection field's value.

func (DeleteConnectionOutput) String

func (s DeleteConnectionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteDataProviderInput

type DeleteDataProviderInput struct {

	// The identifier of the data provider to delete.
	// DataProviderIdentifier is a required field
	DataProviderIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteDataProviderInput) GoString

func (s DeleteDataProviderInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderIdentifier

func (s *DeleteDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderIdentifier(v string) *DeleteDataProviderInput

SetDataProviderIdentifier sets the DataProviderIdentifier field's value.

func (DeleteDataProviderInput) String

func (s DeleteDataProviderInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteDataProviderInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteDataProviderInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteDataProviderOutput

type DeleteDataProviderOutput struct {

	// The data provider that was deleted.
	DataProvider *DataProvider `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteDataProviderOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteDataProviderOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteDataProviderOutput) SetDataProvider

SetDataProvider sets the DataProvider field's value.

func (DeleteDataProviderOutput) String

func (s DeleteDataProviderOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteEndpointInput

type DeleteEndpointInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteEndpointInput) GoString

func (s DeleteEndpointInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEndpointInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *DeleteEndpointInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *DeleteEndpointInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (DeleteEndpointInput) String

func (s DeleteEndpointInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEndpointInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteEndpointInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteEndpointOutput

type DeleteEndpointOutput struct {

	// The endpoint that was deleted.
	Endpoint *Endpoint `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteEndpointOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteEndpointOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEndpointOutput) SetEndpoint

SetEndpoint sets the Endpoint field's value.

func (DeleteEndpointOutput) String

func (s DeleteEndpointOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteEventSubscriptionInput

type DeleteEventSubscriptionInput struct {

	// The name of the DMS event notification subscription to be deleted.
	// SubscriptionName is a required field
	SubscriptionName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) GoString

func (s DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteEventSubscriptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput

type DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput struct {

	// The event subscription that was deleted.
	EventSubscription *EventSubscription `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription

SetEventSubscription sets the EventSubscription field's value.

func (DeleteEventSubscriptionOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput

type DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput struct {

	// The reference ID of the Fleet Advisor collector to delete.
	// CollectorReferencedId is a required field
	CollectorReferencedId *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) SetCollectorReferencedId

SetCollectorReferencedId sets the CollectorReferencedId field's value.

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput

type DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorCollectorOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput

type DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput struct {

	// The IDs of the Fleet Advisor collector databases to delete.
	// DatabaseIds is a required field
	DatabaseIds []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) SetDatabaseIds

SetDatabaseIds sets the DatabaseIds field's value.

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput

type DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput struct {

	// The IDs of the databases that the operation deleted.
	DatabaseIds []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) SetDatabaseIds

SetDatabaseIds sets the DatabaseIds field's value.

func (DeleteFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteInstanceProfileInput

type DeleteInstanceProfileInput struct {

	// The identifier of the instance profile to delete.
	// InstanceProfileIdentifier is a required field
	InstanceProfileIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteInstanceProfileInput) GoString

func (s DeleteInstanceProfileInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier

func (s *DeleteInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier(v string) *DeleteInstanceProfileInput

SetInstanceProfileIdentifier sets the InstanceProfileIdentifier field's value.

func (DeleteInstanceProfileInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteInstanceProfileInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteInstanceProfileInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteInstanceProfileOutput

type DeleteInstanceProfileOutput struct {

	// The instance profile that was deleted.
	InstanceProfile *InstanceProfile `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteInstanceProfileOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteInstanceProfileOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteInstanceProfileOutput) SetInstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfile sets the InstanceProfile field's value.

func (DeleteInstanceProfileOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteMigrationProjectInput

type DeleteMigrationProjectInput struct {

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the migration project to delete.
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteMigrationProjectInput) GoString

func (s DeleteMigrationProjectInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *DeleteMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *DeleteMigrationProjectInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DeleteMigrationProjectInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteMigrationProjectInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteMigrationProjectInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteMigrationProjectOutput

type DeleteMigrationProjectOutput struct {

	// The migration project that was deleted.
	MigrationProject *MigrationProject `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteMigrationProjectOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteMigrationProjectOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteMigrationProjectOutput) SetMigrationProject

SetMigrationProject sets the MigrationProject field's value.

func (DeleteMigrationProjectOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteReplicationConfigInput

type DeleteReplicationConfigInput struct {

	// The replication config to delete.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationConfigInput) GoString

func (s DeleteReplicationConfigInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *DeleteReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *DeleteReplicationConfigInput

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationConfigInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationConfigInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteReplicationConfigInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteReplicationConfigOutput

type DeleteReplicationConfigOutput struct {

	// Configuration parameters returned for the DMS Serverless replication after
	// it is deleted.
	ReplicationConfig *ReplicationConfig `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationConfigOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationConfigOutput) SetReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfig sets the ReplicationConfig field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationConfigOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteReplicationInstanceInput

type DeleteReplicationInstanceInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance to be deleted.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *DeleteReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteReplicationInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput

type DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput struct {

	// The replication instance that was deleted.
	ReplicationInstance *ReplicationInstance `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput) SetReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstance sets the ReplicationInstance field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationInstanceOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput

type DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput struct {

	// The subnet group name of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput

type DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DeleteReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput

type DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput struct {

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the premigration assessment run to be deleted.
	// ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput

type DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput struct {

	// The ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object for the deleted assessment run.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DeleteReplicationTaskInput

type DeleteReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task to be deleted.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s DeleteReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *DeleteReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *DeleteReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationTaskInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *DeleteReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DeleteReplicationTaskOutput

type DeleteReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The deleted replication task.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s DeleteReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DeleteReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (DeleteReplicationTaskOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeAccountAttributesInput

type DescribeAccountAttributesInput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeAccountAttributesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (DescribeAccountAttributesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeAccountAttributesOutput

type DescribeAccountAttributesOutput struct {

	// Account quota information.
	AccountQuotas []*AccountQuota `type:"list"`

	// A unique DMS identifier for an account in a particular Amazon Web Services
	// Region. The value of this identifier has the following format: c99999999999.
	// DMS uses this identifier to name artifacts. For example, DMS uses this identifier
	// to name the default Amazon S3 bucket for storing task assessment reports
	// in a given Amazon Web Services Region. The format of this S3 bucket name
	// is the following: dms-AccountNumber-UniqueAccountIdentifier. Here is an example
	// name for this default S3 bucket: dms-111122223333-c44445555666.
	// DMS supports the UniqueAccountIdentifier parameter in versions 3.1.4 and
	// later.
	UniqueAccountIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeAccountAttributesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeAccountAttributesOutput) SetAccountQuotas

SetAccountQuotas sets the AccountQuotas field's value.

func (*DescribeAccountAttributesOutput) SetUniqueAccountIdentifier

SetUniqueAccountIdentifier sets the UniqueAccountIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeAccountAttributesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput

type DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput struct {

	// Optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// Maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records exist
	// than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker is
	// included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Name of the migration type that each provided individual assessment must
	// support.
	MigrationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// ARN of a replication instance on which you want to base the default list
	// of individual assessments.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a migration task on which you want to base
	// the default list of individual assessments.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Name of a database engine that the specified replication instance supports
	// as a source.
	SourceEngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// Name of a database engine that the specified replication instance supports
	// as a target.
	TargetEngineName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetMigrationType

SetMigrationType sets the MigrationType field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetSourceEngineName

SetSourceEngineName sets the SourceEngineName field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetTargetEngineName

SetTargetEngineName sets the TargetEngineName field's value.

func (DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput

type DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput struct {

	// List of names for the individual assessments supported by the premigration
	// assessment run that you start based on the specified request parameters.
	// For more information on the available individual assessments, including compatibility
	// with different migration task configurations, see Working with premigration
	// assessment runs (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	IndividualAssessmentNames []*string `type:"list"`

	// Pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request. If you
	// pass this token as the Marker value in a subsequent request, the response
	// includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified in the
	// request by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput) SetIndividualAssessmentNames

SetIndividualAssessmentNames sets the IndividualAssessmentNames field's value.

func (*DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessmentsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeCertificatesInput

type DescribeCertificatesInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the certificates described in the form of key-value pairs.
	// Valid values are certificate-arn and certificate-id.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 10
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeCertificatesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeCertificatesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeCertificatesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeCertificatesInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeCertificatesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeCertificatesInput) String

func (s DescribeCertificatesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeCertificatesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeCertificatesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeCertificatesOutput

type DescribeCertificatesOutput struct {

	// The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates associated with the replication
	// instance.
	Certificates []*Certificate `type:"list"`

	// The pagination token.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeCertificatesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeCertificatesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeCertificatesOutput) SetCertificates

SetCertificates sets the Certificates field's value.

func (*DescribeCertificatesOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeCertificatesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeConnectionsInput

type DescribeConnectionsInput struct {

	// The filters applied to the connection.
	// Valid filter names: endpoint-arn | replication-instance-arn
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeConnectionsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeConnectionsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConnectionsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeConnectionsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeConnectionsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeConnectionsInput) String

func (s DescribeConnectionsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConnectionsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeConnectionsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeConnectionsOutput

type DescribeConnectionsOutput struct {

	// A description of the connections.
	Connections []*Connection `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeConnectionsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeConnectionsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConnectionsOutput) SetConnections

SetConnections sets the Connections field's value.

func (*DescribeConnectionsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeConnectionsOutput) String

func (s DescribeConnectionsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeConversionConfigurationInput

type DescribeConversionConfigurationInput struct {

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the schema conversion project
	// to describe.
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeConversionConfigurationInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConversionConfigurationInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeConversionConfigurationInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConversionConfigurationInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput

type DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput struct {

	// The configuration parameters for the schema conversion project.
	ConversionConfiguration *string `type:"string"`

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the schema conversion project.
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput) SetConversionConfiguration

SetConversionConfiguration sets the ConversionConfiguration field's value.

func (*DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeConversionConfigurationOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeDataProvidersInput

type DescribeDataProvidersInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the data providers described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	// Valid filter names: data-provider-identifier
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeDataProvidersInput) GoString

func (s DescribeDataProvidersInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeDataProvidersInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeDataProvidersInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeDataProvidersInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeDataProvidersInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeDataProvidersInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeDataProvidersInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeDataProvidersOutput

type DescribeDataProvidersOutput struct {

	// A description of data providers.
	DataProviders []*DataProvider `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeDataProvidersOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeDataProvidersOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeDataProvidersOutput) SetDataProviders

SetDataProviders sets the DataProviders field's value.

func (*DescribeDataProvidersOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeDataProvidersOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEndpointSettingsInput

type DescribeEndpointSettingsInput struct {

	// The database engine used for your source or target endpoint.
	// EngineName is a required field
	EngineName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) SetEngineName

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEndpointSettingsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput

type DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput struct {

	// Descriptions of the endpoint settings available for your source or target
	// database engine.
	EndpointSettings []*EndpointSetting `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput) SetEndpointSettings

SetEndpointSettings sets the EndpointSettings field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointSettingsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEndpointTypesInput

type DescribeEndpointTypesInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the endpoint types.
	// Valid filter names: engine-name | endpoint-type
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointTypesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEndpointTypesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointTypesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEndpointTypesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEndpointTypesOutput

type DescribeEndpointTypesOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The types of endpoints that are supported.
	SupportedEndpointTypes []*SupportedEndpointType `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointTypesOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEndpointTypesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointTypesOutput) SetSupportedEndpointTypes

SetSupportedEndpointTypes sets the SupportedEndpointTypes field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointTypesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEndpointsInput

type DescribeEndpointsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the endpoints.
	// Valid filter names: endpoint-arn | endpoint-type | endpoint-id | engine-name
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEndpointsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointsInput) String

func (s DescribeEndpointsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEndpointsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEndpointsOutput

type DescribeEndpointsOutput struct {

	// Endpoint description.
	Endpoints []*Endpoint `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEndpointsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEndpointsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEndpointsOutput) SetEndpoints

SetEndpoints sets the Endpoints field's value.

func (*DescribeEndpointsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeEndpointsOutput) String

func (s DescribeEndpointsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEngineVersionsInput

type DescribeEngineVersionsInput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEngineVersionsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEngineVersionsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEngineVersionsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEngineVersionsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeEngineVersionsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEngineVersionsOutput

type DescribeEngineVersionsOutput struct {

	// Returned EngineVersion objects that describe the replication instance engine
	// versions used in the project.
	EngineVersions []*EngineVersion `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEngineVersionsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEngineVersionsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEngineVersionsOutput) SetEngineVersions

SetEngineVersions sets the EngineVersions field's value.

func (*DescribeEngineVersionsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeEngineVersionsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEventCategoriesInput

type DescribeEventCategoriesInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the event categories.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates events.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventCategoriesInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventCategoriesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventCategoriesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeEventCategoriesInput) SetSourceType

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (DescribeEventCategoriesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventCategoriesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventCategoriesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventCategoriesOutput

type DescribeEventCategoriesOutput struct {

	// A list of event categories.
	EventCategoryGroupList []*EventCategoryGroup `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventCategoriesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventCategoriesOutput) SetEventCategoryGroupList

SetEventCategoryGroupList sets the EventCategoryGroupList field's value.

func (DescribeEventCategoriesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput

type DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to event subscriptions.
	// Valid filter names: event-subscription-arn | event-subscription-id
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the DMS event subscription to be described.
	SubscriptionName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) SetSubscriptionName

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventSubscriptionsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput

type DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput struct {

	// A list of event subscriptions.
	EventSubscriptionsList []*EventSubscription `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput) SetEventSubscriptionsList

SetEventSubscriptionsList sets the EventSubscriptionsList field's value.

func (*DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeEventSubscriptionsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeEventsInput

type DescribeEventsInput struct {

	// The duration of the events to be listed.
	Duration *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The end time for the events to be listed.
	EndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// A list of event categories for the source type that you've chosen.
	EventCategories []*string `type:"list"`

	// Filters applied to events. The only valid filter is replication-instance-id.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The identifier of an event source.
	SourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates events.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string" enum:"SourceType"`

	// The start time for the events to be listed.
	StartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetDuration

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetDuration(v int64) *DescribeEventsInput

SetDuration sets the Duration field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetEndTime

SetEndTime sets the EndTime field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetEventCategories

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetEventCategories(v []*string) *DescribeEventsInput

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetFilters

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetFilters(v []*Filter) *DescribeEventsInput

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetMaxRecords

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetMaxRecords(v int64) *DescribeEventsInput

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetSourceIdentifier

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetSourceIdentifier(v string) *DescribeEventsInput

SetSourceIdentifier sets the SourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetSourceType

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetSourceType(v string) *DescribeEventsInput

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsInput) SetStartTime

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) SetStartTime(v time.Time) *DescribeEventsInput

SetStartTime sets the StartTime field's value.

func (DescribeEventsInput) String

func (s DescribeEventsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeEventsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeEventsOutput

type DescribeEventsOutput struct {

	// The events described.
	Events []*Event `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeEventsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeEventsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeEventsOutput) SetEvents

func (s *DescribeEventsOutput) SetEvents(v []*Event) *DescribeEventsOutput

SetEvents sets the Events field's value.

func (*DescribeEventsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeEventsOutput) String

func (s DescribeEventsOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput

type DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the extension pack associations described in the form
	// of key-value pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the migration project.
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput

type DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of extension pack associations for the specified migration
	// project.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeExtensionPackAssociationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput struct {

	// If you specify any of the following filters, the output includes information
	// for only those collectors that meet the filter criteria:
	//    * collector-referenced-id – The ID of the collector agent, for example
	//    d4610ac5-e323-4ad9-bc50-eaf7249dfe9d.
	//    * collector-name – The name of the collector agent.
	// An example is: describe-fleet-advisor-collectors --filter Name="collector-referenced-id",Values="d4610ac5-e323-4ad9-bc50-eaf7249dfe9d"
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Sets the maximum number of records returned in the response.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput struct {

	// Provides descriptions of the Fleet Advisor collectors, including the collectors'
	// name and ID, and the latest inventory data.
	Collectors []*CollectorResponse `type:"list"`

	// If NextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of
	// NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the call again
	// using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
	// unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput) SetCollectors

SetCollectors sets the Collectors field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorCollectorsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput struct {

	// If you specify any of the following filters, the output includes information
	// for only those databases that meet the filter criteria:
	//    * database-id – The ID of the database.
	//    * database-name – The name of the database.
	//    * database-engine – The name of the database engine.
	//    * server-ip-address – The IP address of the database server.
	//    * database-ip-address – The IP address of the database.
	//    * collector-name – The name of the associated Fleet Advisor collector.
	// An example is: describe-fleet-advisor-databases --filter Name="database-id",Values="45"
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Sets the maximum number of records returned in the response.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput struct {

	// Provides descriptions of the Fleet Advisor collector databases, including
	// the database's collector, ID, and name.
	Databases []*DatabaseResponse `type:"list"`

	// If NextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of
	// NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the call again
	// using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
	// unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) SetDatabases

SetDatabases sets the Databases field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorDatabasesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput struct {

	// Sets the maximum number of records returned in the response.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput struct {

	// A list of FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse objects.
	Analysis []*FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse `type:"list"`

	// If NextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of
	// NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the call again
	// using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
	// unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) SetAnalysis

SetAnalysis sets the Analysis field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput struct {

	// If you specify any of the following filters, the output includes information
	// for only those schema objects that meet the filter criteria:
	//    * schema-id – The ID of the schema, for example d4610ac5-e323-4ad9-bc50-eaf7249dfe9d.
	// Example: describe-fleet-advisor-schema-object-summary --filter Name="schema-id",Values="50"
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Sets the maximum number of records returned in the response.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput struct {

	// A collection of FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse objects.
	FleetAdvisorSchemaObjects []*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse `type:"list"`

	// If NextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of
	// NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the call again
	// using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
	// unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput) SetFleetAdvisorSchemaObjects

SetFleetAdvisorSchemaObjects sets the FleetAdvisorSchemaObjects field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemaObjectSummaryOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput struct {

	// If you specify any of the following filters, the output includes information
	// for only those schemas that meet the filter criteria:
	//    * complexity – The schema's complexity, for example Simple.
	//    * database-id – The ID of the schema's database.
	//    * database-ip-address – The IP address of the schema's database.
	//    * database-name – The name of the schema's database.
	//    * database-engine – The name of the schema database's engine.
	//    * original-schema-name – The name of the schema's database's main schema.
	//    * schema-id – The ID of the schema, for example 15.
	//    * schema-name – The name of the schema.
	//    * server-ip-address – The IP address of the schema database's server.
	// An example is: describe-fleet-advisor-schemas --filter Name="schema-id",Values="50"
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Sets the maximum number of records returned in the response.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput

type DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput struct {

	// A collection of SchemaResponse objects.
	FleetAdvisorSchemas []*SchemaResponse `type:"list"`

	// If NextToken is returned, there are more results available. The value of
	// NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the call again
	// using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
	// unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput) SetFleetAdvisorSchemas

SetFleetAdvisorSchemas sets the FleetAdvisorSchemas field's value.

func (*DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeFleetAdvisorSchemasOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeInstanceProfilesInput

type DescribeInstanceProfilesInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the instance profiles described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeInstanceProfilesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput

type DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput struct {

	// A description of instance profiles.
	InstanceProfiles []*InstanceProfile `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput) SetInstanceProfiles

SetInstanceProfiles sets the InstanceProfiles field's value.

func (*DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (DescribeInstanceProfilesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput

type DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the metadata model assessments described in the form of
	// key-value pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the migration project.
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput

type DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model assessments for the specified migration
	// project.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelAssessmentsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput

type DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the metadata model conversions described in the form of
	// key-value pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput

type DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model conversions.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelConversionsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the metadata model exports described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model exports.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsAsScriptOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the metadata model exports described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput

type DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model exports.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelExportsToTargetOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput

type DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the metadata model imports described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model imports.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput

type DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A paginated list of metadata model imports.
	Requests []*SchemaConversionRequest `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput) SetRequests

SetRequests sets the Requests field's value.

func (DescribeMetadataModelImportsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeMigrationProjectsInput

type DescribeMigrationProjectsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the migration projects described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, DMS includes a pagination token
	// in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeMigrationProjectsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput

type DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput struct {

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If Marker is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of Marker is a unique pagination token for each page. To retrieve
	// the next page, make the call again using the returned token and keeping all
	// other arguments unchanged.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of migration projects.
	MigrationProjects []*MigrationProject `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput) SetMigrationProjects

SetMigrationProjects sets the MigrationProjects field's value.

func (DescribeMigrationProjectsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput

type DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput

type DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The order-able replication instances available.
	OrderableReplicationInstances []*OrderableReplicationInstance `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput) SetOrderableReplicationInstances

SetOrderableReplicationInstances sets the OrderableReplicationInstances field's value.

func (DescribeOrderableReplicationInstancesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput

type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput struct {
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput

type DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The pending maintenance action.
	PendingMaintenanceActions []*ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput) SetPendingMaintenanceActions

SetPendingMaintenanceActions sets the PendingMaintenanceActions field's value.

func (DescribePendingMaintenanceActionsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput

type DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the limitations described in the form of key-value pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, Fleet Advisor includes a pagination
	// token in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput

type DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput struct {

	// The list of limitations for recommendations of target Amazon Web Services
	// engines.
	Limitations []*Limitation `type:"list"`

	// The unique pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request.
	// Fleet Advisor returns this token when the number of records in the response
	// is greater than the MaxRecords value. To retrieve the next page, make the
	// call again using the returned token and keeping all other arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput) SetLimitations

SetLimitations sets the Limitations field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeRecommendationLimitationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeRecommendationsInput

type DescribeRecommendationsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the target engine recommendations described in the form
	// of key-value pairs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, Fleet Advisor includes a pagination
	// token in the response so that you can retrieve the remaining results.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the unique pagination token that makes it possible to display the
	// next page of results. If this parameter is specified, the response includes
	// only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified by MaxRecords.
	// If NextToken is returned by a previous response, there are more results available.
	// The value of NextToken is a unique pagination token for each page. Make the
	// call again using the returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other
	// arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRecommendationsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeRecommendationsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationsInput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (DescribeRecommendationsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeRecommendationsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeRecommendationsOutput

type DescribeRecommendationsOutput struct {

	// The unique pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request.
	// Fleet Advisor returns this token when the number of records in the response
	// is greater than the MaxRecords value. To retrieve the next page, make the
	// call again using the returned token and keeping all other arguments unchanged.
	NextToken *string `type:"string"`

	// The list of recommendations of target engines that Fleet Advisor created
	// for the source database.
	Recommendations []*Recommendation `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRecommendationsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRecommendationsOutput) SetNextToken

SetNextToken sets the NextToken field's value.

func (*DescribeRecommendationsOutput) SetRecommendations

SetRecommendations sets the Recommendations field's value.

func (DescribeRecommendationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput

type DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput) SetEndpointArn

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput

type DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput struct {

	// The status of the schema.
	RefreshSchemasStatus *RefreshSchemasStatus `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput) SetRefreshSchemasStatus

SetRefreshSchemasStatus sets the RefreshSchemasStatus field's value.

func (DescribeRefreshSchemasStatusOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationConfigsInput

type DescribeReplicationConfigsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the replication configs.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeReplicationConfigsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput

type DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// Returned configuration parameters that describe each provisioned DMS Serverless
	// replication.
	ReplicationConfigs []*ReplicationConfig `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput) SetReplicationConfigs

SetReplicationConfigs sets the ReplicationConfigs field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationConfigsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput

type DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput

type DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// An array of replication task log metadata. Each member of the array contains
	// the replication task name, ARN, and task log size (in bytes).
	ReplicationInstanceTaskLogs []*ReplicationInstanceTaskLog `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput) SetReplicationInstanceTaskLogs

SetReplicationInstanceTaskLogs sets the ReplicationInstanceTaskLogs field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationInstanceTaskLogsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationInstancesInput

type DescribeReplicationInstancesInput struct {

	// Filters applied to replication instances.
	// Valid filter names: replication-instance-arn | replication-instance-id |
	// replication-instance-class | engine-version
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput

type DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication instances described.
	ReplicationInstances []*ReplicationInstance `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput) SetReplicationInstances

SetReplicationInstances sets the ReplicationInstances field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationInstancesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput

type DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to replication subnet groups.
	// Valid filter names: replication-subnet-group-id
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput

type DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of the replication subnet groups.
	ReplicationSubnetGroups []*ReplicationSubnetGroup `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput) SetReplicationSubnetGroups

SetReplicationSubnetGroups sets the ReplicationSubnetGroups field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationSubnetGroupsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput

type DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the replication table statistics.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The replication config to describe.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput

type DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication config.
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Returns table statistics on the replication, including table name, rows inserted,
	// rows updated, and rows deleted.
	ReplicationTableStatistics []*TableStatistics `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput) SetReplicationConfigArn

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput) SetReplicationTableStatistics

SetReplicationTableStatistics sets the ReplicationTableStatistics field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTableStatisticsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the task.
	// When this input parameter is specified, the API returns only one result and
	// ignore the values of the MaxRecords and Marker parameters.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput struct {

	// - The Amazon S3 bucket where the task assessment report is located.
	BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The task assessment report.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentResults []*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput) SetBucketName

SetBucketName sets the BucketName field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentResults

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentResults sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentResults field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the premigration assessment runs described in the form
	// of key-value pairs.
	// Valid filter names: replication-task-assessment-run-arn, replication-task-arn,
	// replication-instance-arn, status
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput

type DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput struct {

	// A pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request. If you
	// pass this token as the Marker value in a subsequent request, the response
	// includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified in the
	// request by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// One or more premigration assessment runs as specified by Filters.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns []*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRuns field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentRunsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput

type DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the individual assessments described in the form of key-value
	// pairs.
	// Valid filter names: replication-task-assessment-run-arn, replication-task-arn,
	// status
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput

type DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput struct {

	// A pagination token returned for you to pass to a subsequent request. If you
	// pass this token as the Marker value in a subsequent request, the response
	// includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified in the
	// request by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// One or more individual assessments as specified by Filters.
	ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments []*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput) SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments

SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments sets the ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessments field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationTasksInput

type DescribeReplicationTasksInput struct {

	// Filters applied to replication tasks.
	// Valid filter names: replication-task-arn | replication-task-id | migration-type
	// | endpoint-arn | replication-instance-arn
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// An option to set to avoid returning information about settings. Use this
	// to reduce overhead when setting information is too large. To use this option,
	// choose true; otherwise, choose false (the default).
	WithoutSettings *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTasksInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksInput) SetWithoutSettings

SetWithoutSettings sets the WithoutSettings field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTasksInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeReplicationTasksInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationTasksOutput

type DescribeReplicationTasksOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of the replication tasks.
	ReplicationTasks []*ReplicationTask `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationTasksOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationTasksOutput) SetReplicationTasks

SetReplicationTasks sets the ReplicationTasks field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationTasksOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeReplicationsInput

type DescribeReplicationsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to the replications.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeReplicationsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationsInput) String

func (s DescribeReplicationsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeReplicationsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeReplicationsOutput

type DescribeReplicationsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication descriptions.
	Replications []*Replication `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeReplicationsOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeReplicationsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeReplicationsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeReplicationsOutput) SetReplications

SetReplications sets the Replications field's value.

func (DescribeReplicationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeSchemasInput

type DescribeSchemasInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 100.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeSchemasInput) GoString

func (s DescribeSchemasInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeSchemasInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *DescribeSchemasInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *DescribeSchemasInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*DescribeSchemasInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeSchemasInput) SetMaxRecords

func (s *DescribeSchemasInput) SetMaxRecords(v int64) *DescribeSchemasInput

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (DescribeSchemasInput) String

func (s DescribeSchemasInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeSchemasInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeSchemasInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeSchemasOutput

type DescribeSchemasOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The described schema.
	Schemas []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeSchemasOutput) GoString

func (s DescribeSchemasOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeSchemasOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeSchemasOutput) SetSchemas

func (s *DescribeSchemasOutput) SetSchemas(v []*string) *DescribeSchemasOutput

SetSchemas sets the Schemas field's value.

func (DescribeSchemasOutput) String

func (s DescribeSchemasOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DescribeTableStatisticsInput

type DescribeTableStatisticsInput struct {

	// Filters applied to table statistics.
	// Valid filter names: schema-name | table-name | table-state
	// A combination of filters creates an AND condition where each record matches
	// all specified filters.
	Filters []*Filter `type:"list"`

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum number of records to include in the response. If more records
	// exist than the specified MaxRecords value, a pagination token called a marker
	// is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.
	// Default: 100
	// Constraints: Minimum 20, maximum 500.
	MaxRecords *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeTableStatisticsInput) GoString

func (s DescribeTableStatisticsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsInput) SetFilters

SetFilters sets the Filters field's value.

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsInput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsInput) SetMaxRecords

SetMaxRecords sets the MaxRecords field's value.

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (DescribeTableStatisticsInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsInput) Validate

func (s *DescribeTableStatisticsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type DescribeTableStatisticsOutput

type DescribeTableStatisticsOutput struct {

	// An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter
	// is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to
	// the value specified by MaxRecords.
	Marker *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The table statistics.
	TableStatistics []*TableStatistics `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DescribeTableStatisticsOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput) SetMarker

SetMarker sets the Marker field's value.

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*DescribeTableStatisticsOutput) SetTableStatistics

SetTableStatistics sets the TableStatistics field's value.

func (DescribeTableStatisticsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DmsTransferSettings

type DmsTransferSettings struct {

	// The name of the S3 bucket to use.
	BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service access IAM role. The role
	// must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The settings in JSON format for the DMS Transfer type source endpoint.

func (DmsTransferSettings) GoString

func (s DmsTransferSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DmsTransferSettings) SetBucketName

func (s *DmsTransferSettings) SetBucketName(v string) *DmsTransferSettings

SetBucketName sets the BucketName field's value.

func (*DmsTransferSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *DmsTransferSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *DmsTransferSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (DmsTransferSettings) String

func (s DmsTransferSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DocDbDataProviderSettings

type DocDbDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database name on the DocumentDB data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the DocumentDB data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the source DocumentDB server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the DocumentDB data provider. The default
	// value is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a DocumentDB data provider.

func (DocDbDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s DocDbDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DocDbDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*DocDbDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*DocDbDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*DocDbDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*DocDbDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (DocDbDataProviderSettings) String

func (s DocDbDataProviderSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DocDbSettings

type DocDbSettings struct {

	// The database name on the DocumentDB source endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the number of documents to preview to determine the document organization.
	// Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "one".
	// Must be a positive value greater than 0. Default value is 1000.
	DocsToInvestigate *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the document ID. Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "none".
	// Default value is "false".
	ExtractDocId *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the content on the replication
	// instance. If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS
	// uses your default encryption key. KMS creates the default encryption key
	// for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account has
	// a different default encryption key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies either document or table mode.
	// Default value is "none". Specify "none" to use document mode. Specify "one"
	// to use table mode.
	NestingLevel *string `type:"string" enum:"NestingLevelValue"`

	// The password for the user account you use to access the DocumentDB source
	// endpoint.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by DocDbSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The port value for the DocumentDB source endpoint.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If true, DMS replicates data to shard collections. DMS only uses this setting
	// if the target endpoint is a DocumentDB elastic cluster.
	// When this setting is true, note the following:
	//    * You must set TargetTablePrepMode to nothing.
	//    * DMS automatically sets useUpdateLookup to false.
	ReplicateShardCollections *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the DocumentDB endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the DocumentDB endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the server on the DocumentDB source endpoint.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// If true, DMS retrieves the entire document from the DocumentDB source during
	// migration. This may cause a migration failure if the server response exceeds
	// bandwidth limits. To fetch only updates and deletes during migration, set
	// this parameter to false.
	UseUpdateLookUp *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The user name you use to access the DocumentDB source endpoint.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a DocumentDB endpoint.

func (DocDbSettings) GoString

func (s DocDbSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DocDbSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetDocsToInvestigate

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetDocsToInvestigate(v int64) *DocDbSettings

SetDocsToInvestigate sets the DocsToInvestigate field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetExtractDocId

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetExtractDocId(v bool) *DocDbSettings

SetExtractDocId sets the ExtractDocId field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetNestingLevel

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetNestingLevel(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetNestingLevel sets the NestingLevel field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetPassword

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetPassword(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetPort

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetPort(v int64) *DocDbSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetReplicateShardCollections

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetReplicateShardCollections(v bool) *DocDbSettings

SetReplicateShardCollections sets the ReplicateShardCollections field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetServerName

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetServerName(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetUseUpdateLookUp

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetUseUpdateLookUp(v bool) *DocDbSettings

SetUseUpdateLookUp sets the UseUpdateLookUp field's value.

func (*DocDbSettings) SetUsername

func (s *DocDbSettings) SetUsername(v string) *DocDbSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (DocDbSettings) String

func (s DocDbSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type DynamoDbSettings

type DynamoDbSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service to access the IAM role.
	// The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	// ServiceAccessRoleArn is a required field
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role used to define an Amazon DynamoDB target endpoint.

func (DynamoDbSettings) GoString

func (s DynamoDbSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DynamoDbSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *DynamoDbSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *DynamoDbSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (DynamoDbSettings) String

func (s DynamoDbSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*DynamoDbSettings) Validate

func (s *DynamoDbSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ElasticsearchSettings

type ElasticsearchSettings struct {

	// The endpoint for the OpenSearch cluster. DMS uses HTTPS if a transport protocol
	// (http/https) is not specified.
	// EndpointUri is a required field
	EndpointUri *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The maximum number of seconds for which DMS retries failed API requests to
	// the OpenSearch cluster.
	ErrorRetryDuration *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The maximum percentage of records that can fail to be written before a full
	// load operation stops.
	// To avoid early failure, this counter is only effective after 1000 records
	// are transferred. OpenSearch also has the concept of error monitoring during
	// the last 10 minutes of an Observation Window. If transfer of all records
	// fail in the last 10 minutes, the full load operation stops.
	FullLoadErrorPercentage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service to access the IAM role.
	// The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	// ServiceAccessRoleArn is a required field
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Set this option to true for DMS to migrate documentation using the documentation
	// type _doc. OpenSearch and an Elasticsearch cluster only support the _doc
	// documentation type in versions 7. x and later. The default value is false.
	UseNewMappingType *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an OpenSearch endpoint.

func (ElasticsearchSettings) GoString

func (s ElasticsearchSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetEndpointUri

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetEndpointUri(v string) *ElasticsearchSettings

SetEndpointUri sets the EndpointUri field's value.

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetErrorRetryDuration

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetErrorRetryDuration(v int64) *ElasticsearchSettings

SetErrorRetryDuration sets the ErrorRetryDuration field's value.

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetFullLoadErrorPercentage

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetFullLoadErrorPercentage(v int64) *ElasticsearchSettings

SetFullLoadErrorPercentage sets the FullLoadErrorPercentage field's value.

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *ElasticsearchSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) SetUseNewMappingType

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) SetUseNewMappingType(v bool) *ElasticsearchSettings

SetUseNewMappingType sets the UseNewMappingType field's value.

func (ElasticsearchSettings) String

func (s ElasticsearchSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ElasticsearchSettings) Validate

func (s *ElasticsearchSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type Endpoint

type Endpoint struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used for SSL connection to the endpoint.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the database at the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings for the DMS Transfer type source. For more information, see
	// the DmsTransferSettings structure.
	DmsTransferSettings *DmsTransferSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines a DocumentDB endpoint.
	DocDbSettings *DocDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the DynamoDB target endpoint. For more information, see
	// the DynamoDBSettings structure.
	DynamoDbSettings *DynamoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the OpenSearch source endpoint. For more information, see
	// the ElasticsearchSettings structure.
	ElasticsearchSettings *ElasticsearchSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database endpoint identifier. Identifiers must begin with a letter and
	// must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end with
	// a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	EndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.
	EndpointType *string `type:"string" enum:"ReplicationEndpointTypeValue"`

	// The expanded name for the engine name. For example, if the EngineName parameter
	// is "aurora", this value would be "Amazon Aurora MySQL".
	EngineDisplayName *string `type:"string"`

	// The database engine name. Valid values, depending on the EndpointType, include
	// "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "mariadb", "aurora", "aurora-postgresql",
	// "redshift", "redshift-serverless", "s3", "db2", "db2-zos", "azuredb", "sybase",
	// "dynamodb", "mongodb", "kinesis", "kafka", "elasticsearch", "documentdb",
	// "sqlserver", "neptune", and "babelfish".
	EngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// Value returned by a call to CreateEndpoint that can be used for cross-account
	// validation. Use it on a subsequent call to CreateEndpoint to create the endpoint
	// with a cross-account.
	ExternalId *string `type:"string"`

	// The external table definition.
	ExternalTableDefinition *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional connection attributes used to connect to the endpoint.
	ExtraConnectionAttributes *string `type:"string"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source GCP MySQL endpoint.
	GcpMySQLSettings *GcpMySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the IBM Db2 LUW source endpoint. For more information, see
	// the IBMDb2Settings structure.
	IBMDb2Settings *IBMDb2Settings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Apache Kafka target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the KafkaSettings structure.
	KafkaSettings *KafkaSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Amazon Kinesis target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the KinesisSettings structure.
	KinesisSettings *KinesisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// An KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the connection parameters for
	// the endpoint.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings for the Microsoft SQL Server source and target endpoint. For
	// more information, see the MicrosoftSQLServerSettings structure.
	MicrosoftSQLServerSettings *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the MongoDB source endpoint. For more information, see the
	// MongoDbSettings structure.
	MongoDbSettings *MongoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the MySQL source and target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the MySQLSettings structure.
	MySQLSettings *MySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Amazon Neptune target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the NeptuneSettings structure.
	NeptuneSettings *NeptuneSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Oracle source and target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the OracleSettings structure.
	OracleSettings *OracleSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The port value used to access the endpoint.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The settings for the PostgreSQL source and target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the PostgreSQLSettings structure.
	PostgreSQLSettings *PostgreSQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Redis target endpoint. For more information, see the
	// RedisSettings structure.
	RedisSettings *RedisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings for the Amazon Redshift endpoint.
	RedshiftSettings *RedshiftSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the S3 target endpoint. For more information, see the S3Settings
	// structure.
	S3Settings *S3Settings `type:"structure"`

	// The name of the server at the endpoint.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service to access the IAM role.
	// The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the endpoint. The default value is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`

	// The status of the endpoint.
	Status *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings for the SAP ASE source and target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the SybaseSettings structure.
	SybaseSettings *SybaseSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The settings for the Amazon Timestream target endpoint. For more information,
	// see the TimestreamSettings structure.
	TimestreamSettings *TimestreamSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The user name used to connect to the endpoint.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes an endpoint of a database instance in response to operations such as the following:

  • CreateEndpoint

  • DescribeEndpoint

  • ModifyEndpoint

func (Endpoint) GoString

func (s Endpoint) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Endpoint) SetCertificateArn

func (s *Endpoint) SetCertificateArn(v string) *Endpoint

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetDatabaseName

func (s *Endpoint) SetDatabaseName(v string) *Endpoint

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetDmsTransferSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetDmsTransferSettings(v *DmsTransferSettings) *Endpoint

SetDmsTransferSettings sets the DmsTransferSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetDocDbSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetDocDbSettings(v *DocDbSettings) *Endpoint

SetDocDbSettings sets the DocDbSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetDynamoDbSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetDynamoDbSettings(v *DynamoDbSettings) *Endpoint

SetDynamoDbSettings sets the DynamoDbSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetElasticsearchSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetElasticsearchSettings(v *ElasticsearchSettings) *Endpoint

SetElasticsearchSettings sets the ElasticsearchSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetEndpointArn

func (s *Endpoint) SetEndpointArn(v string) *Endpoint

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetEndpointIdentifier

func (s *Endpoint) SetEndpointIdentifier(v string) *Endpoint

SetEndpointIdentifier sets the EndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetEndpointType

func (s *Endpoint) SetEndpointType(v string) *Endpoint

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetEngineDisplayName

func (s *Endpoint) SetEngineDisplayName(v string) *Endpoint

SetEngineDisplayName sets the EngineDisplayName field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetEngineName

func (s *Endpoint) SetEngineName(v string) *Endpoint

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetExternalId

func (s *Endpoint) SetExternalId(v string) *Endpoint

SetExternalId sets the ExternalId field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetExternalTableDefinition

func (s *Endpoint) SetExternalTableDefinition(v string) *Endpoint

SetExternalTableDefinition sets the ExternalTableDefinition field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetExtraConnectionAttributes

func (s *Endpoint) SetExtraConnectionAttributes(v string) *Endpoint

SetExtraConnectionAttributes sets the ExtraConnectionAttributes field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetGcpMySQLSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetGcpMySQLSettings(v *GcpMySQLSettings) *Endpoint

SetGcpMySQLSettings sets the GcpMySQLSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetIBMDb2Settings

func (s *Endpoint) SetIBMDb2Settings(v *IBMDb2Settings) *Endpoint

SetIBMDb2Settings sets the IBMDb2Settings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetKafkaSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetKafkaSettings(v *KafkaSettings) *Endpoint

SetKafkaSettings sets the KafkaSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetKinesisSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetKinesisSettings(v *KinesisSettings) *Endpoint

SetKinesisSettings sets the KinesisSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *Endpoint) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *Endpoint

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings(v *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) *Endpoint

SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings sets the MicrosoftSQLServerSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetMongoDbSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetMongoDbSettings(v *MongoDbSettings) *Endpoint

SetMongoDbSettings sets the MongoDbSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetMySQLSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetMySQLSettings(v *MySQLSettings) *Endpoint

SetMySQLSettings sets the MySQLSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetNeptuneSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetNeptuneSettings(v *NeptuneSettings) *Endpoint

SetNeptuneSettings sets the NeptuneSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetOracleSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetOracleSettings(v *OracleSettings) *Endpoint

SetOracleSettings sets the OracleSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetPort

func (s *Endpoint) SetPort(v int64) *Endpoint

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetPostgreSQLSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetPostgreSQLSettings(v *PostgreSQLSettings) *Endpoint

SetPostgreSQLSettings sets the PostgreSQLSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetRedisSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetRedisSettings(v *RedisSettings) *Endpoint

SetRedisSettings sets the RedisSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetRedshiftSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetRedshiftSettings(v *RedshiftSettings) *Endpoint

SetRedshiftSettings sets the RedshiftSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetS3Settings

func (s *Endpoint) SetS3Settings(v *S3Settings) *Endpoint

SetS3Settings sets the S3Settings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetServerName

func (s *Endpoint) SetServerName(v string) *Endpoint

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *Endpoint) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *Endpoint

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetSslMode

func (s *Endpoint) SetSslMode(v string) *Endpoint

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetStatus

func (s *Endpoint) SetStatus(v string) *Endpoint

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetSybaseSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetSybaseSettings(v *SybaseSettings) *Endpoint

SetSybaseSettings sets the SybaseSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetTimestreamSettings

func (s *Endpoint) SetTimestreamSettings(v *TimestreamSettings) *Endpoint

SetTimestreamSettings sets the TimestreamSettings field's value.

func (*Endpoint) SetUsername

func (s *Endpoint) SetUsername(v string) *Endpoint

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (Endpoint) String

func (s Endpoint) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type EndpointSetting

type EndpointSetting struct {

	// The relevance or validity of an endpoint setting for an engine name and its
	// endpoint type.
	Applicability *string `type:"string"`

	// The default value of the endpoint setting if no value is specified using
	// CreateEndpoint or ModifyEndpoint.
	DefaultValue *string `type:"string"`

	// Enumerated values to use for this endpoint.
	EnumValues []*string `type:"list"`

	// The maximum value of an endpoint setting that is of type int.
	IntValueMax *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The minimum value of an endpoint setting that is of type int.
	IntValueMin *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name that you want to give the endpoint settings.
	Name *string `type:"string"`

	// A value that marks this endpoint setting as sensitive.
	Sensitive *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.
	Type *string `type:"string" enum:"EndpointSettingTypeValue"`

	// The unit of measure for this endpoint setting.
	Units *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Endpoint settings.

func (EndpointSetting) GoString

func (s EndpointSetting) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*EndpointSetting) SetApplicability

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetApplicability(v string) *EndpointSetting

SetApplicability sets the Applicability field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetDefaultValue

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetDefaultValue(v string) *EndpointSetting

SetDefaultValue sets the DefaultValue field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetEnumValues

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetEnumValues(v []*string) *EndpointSetting

SetEnumValues sets the EnumValues field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetIntValueMax

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetIntValueMax(v int64) *EndpointSetting

SetIntValueMax sets the IntValueMax field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetIntValueMin

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetIntValueMin(v int64) *EndpointSetting

SetIntValueMin sets the IntValueMin field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetName

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetName(v string) *EndpointSetting

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetSensitive

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetSensitive(v bool) *EndpointSetting

SetSensitive sets the Sensitive field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetType

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetType(v string) *EndpointSetting

SetType sets the Type field's value.

func (*EndpointSetting) SetUnits

func (s *EndpointSetting) SetUnits(v string) *EndpointSetting

SetUnits sets the Units field's value.

func (EndpointSetting) String

func (s EndpointSetting) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type EngineVersion

type EngineVersion struct {

	// The date when the replication instance will be automatically upgraded. This
	// setting only applies if the auto-minor-version setting is enabled.
	AutoUpgradeDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The list of valid replication instance versions that you can upgrade to.
	AvailableUpgrades []*string `type:"list"`

	// The date when the replication instance version will be deprecated and can
	// no longer be requested.
	DeprecationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date when the replication instance will have a version upgrade forced.
	ForceUpgradeDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date when the replication instance version became publicly available.
	LaunchDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The lifecycle status of the replication instance version. Valid values are
	Lifecycle *string `type:"string"`

	// The release status of the replication instance version.
	ReleaseStatus *string `type:"string" enum:"ReleaseStatusValues"`

	// The version number of the replication instance.
	Version *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about a replication instance version.

func (EngineVersion) GoString

func (s EngineVersion) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*EngineVersion) SetAutoUpgradeDate

func (s *EngineVersion) SetAutoUpgradeDate(v time.Time) *EngineVersion

SetAutoUpgradeDate sets the AutoUpgradeDate field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetAvailableUpgrades

func (s *EngineVersion) SetAvailableUpgrades(v []*string) *EngineVersion

SetAvailableUpgrades sets the AvailableUpgrades field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetDeprecationDate

func (s *EngineVersion) SetDeprecationDate(v time.Time) *EngineVersion

SetDeprecationDate sets the DeprecationDate field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetForceUpgradeDate

func (s *EngineVersion) SetForceUpgradeDate(v time.Time) *EngineVersion

SetForceUpgradeDate sets the ForceUpgradeDate field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetLaunchDate

func (s *EngineVersion) SetLaunchDate(v time.Time) *EngineVersion

SetLaunchDate sets the LaunchDate field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetLifecycle

func (s *EngineVersion) SetLifecycle(v string) *EngineVersion

SetLifecycle sets the Lifecycle field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetReleaseStatus

func (s *EngineVersion) SetReleaseStatus(v string) *EngineVersion

SetReleaseStatus sets the ReleaseStatus field's value.

func (*EngineVersion) SetVersion

func (s *EngineVersion) SetVersion(v string) *EngineVersion

SetVersion sets the Version field's value.

func (EngineVersion) String

func (s EngineVersion) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ErrorDetails

type ErrorDetails struct {

	// Error information about a project.
	DefaultErrorDetails *DefaultErrorDetails `locationName:"defaultErrorDetails" type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides error information about a project.

func (ErrorDetails) GoString

func (s ErrorDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ErrorDetails) SetDefaultErrorDetails

func (s *ErrorDetails) SetDefaultErrorDetails(v *DefaultErrorDetails) *ErrorDetails

SetDefaultErrorDetails sets the DefaultErrorDetails field's value.

func (ErrorDetails) String

func (s ErrorDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Event

type Event struct {

	// The date of the event.
	Date *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The event categories available for the specified source type.
	EventCategories []*string `type:"list"`

	// The event message.
	Message *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of an event source.
	SourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates events.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | endpoint | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string" enum:"SourceType"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes an identifiable significant activity that affects a replication instance or task. This object can provide the message, the available event categories, the date and source of the event, and the DMS resource type.

func (Event) GoString

func (s Event) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Event) SetDate

func (s *Event) SetDate(v time.Time) *Event

SetDate sets the Date field's value.

func (*Event) SetEventCategories

func (s *Event) SetEventCategories(v []*string) *Event

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*Event) SetMessage

func (s *Event) SetMessage(v string) *Event

SetMessage sets the Message field's value.

func (*Event) SetSourceIdentifier

func (s *Event) SetSourceIdentifier(v string) *Event

SetSourceIdentifier sets the SourceIdentifier field's value.

func (*Event) SetSourceType

func (s *Event) SetSourceType(v string) *Event

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (Event) String

func (s Event) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type EventCategoryGroup

type EventCategoryGroup struct {

	// A list of event categories from a source type that you've chosen.
	EventCategories []*string `type:"list"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates events.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-server | security-group
	// | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Lists categories of events subscribed to, and generated by, the applicable DMS resource type. This data type appears in response to the DescribeEventCategories ( action.

func (EventCategoryGroup) GoString

func (s EventCategoryGroup) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*EventCategoryGroup) SetEventCategories

func (s *EventCategoryGroup) SetEventCategories(v []*string) *EventCategoryGroup

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*EventCategoryGroup) SetSourceType

func (s *EventCategoryGroup) SetSourceType(v string) *EventCategoryGroup

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (EventCategoryGroup) String

func (s EventCategoryGroup) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type EventSubscription

type EventSubscription struct {

	// The DMS event notification subscription Id.
	CustSubscriptionId *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Web Services customer account associated with the DMS event notification
	// subscription.
	CustomerAwsId *string `type:"string"`

	// Boolean value that indicates if the event subscription is enabled.
	Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A lists of event categories.
	EventCategoriesList []*string `type:"list"`

	// The topic ARN of the DMS event notification subscription.
	SnsTopicArn *string `type:"string"`

	// A list of source Ids for the event subscription.
	SourceIdsList []*string `type:"list"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates events.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-server | security-group
	// | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the DMS event notification subscription.
	// Constraints:
	// Can be one of the following: creating | modifying | deleting | active | no-permission
	// | topic-not-exist
	// The status "no-permission" indicates that DMS no longer has permission to
	// post to the SNS topic. The status "topic-not-exist" indicates that the topic
	// was deleted after the subscription was created.
	Status *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the DMS event notification subscription was created.
	SubscriptionCreationTime *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes an event notification subscription created by the CreateEventSubscription operation.

func (EventSubscription) GoString

func (s EventSubscription) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*EventSubscription) SetCustSubscriptionId

func (s *EventSubscription) SetCustSubscriptionId(v string) *EventSubscription

SetCustSubscriptionId sets the CustSubscriptionId field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetCustomerAwsId

func (s *EventSubscription) SetCustomerAwsId(v string) *EventSubscription

SetCustomerAwsId sets the CustomerAwsId field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetEnabled

func (s *EventSubscription) SetEnabled(v bool) *EventSubscription

SetEnabled sets the Enabled field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetEventCategoriesList

func (s *EventSubscription) SetEventCategoriesList(v []*string) *EventSubscription

SetEventCategoriesList sets the EventCategoriesList field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetSnsTopicArn

func (s *EventSubscription) SetSnsTopicArn(v string) *EventSubscription

SetSnsTopicArn sets the SnsTopicArn field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetSourceIdsList

func (s *EventSubscription) SetSourceIdsList(v []*string) *EventSubscription

SetSourceIdsList sets the SourceIdsList field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetSourceType

func (s *EventSubscription) SetSourceType(v string) *EventSubscription

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetStatus

func (s *EventSubscription) SetStatus(v string) *EventSubscription

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*EventSubscription) SetSubscriptionCreationTime

func (s *EventSubscription) SetSubscriptionCreationTime(v string) *EventSubscription

SetSubscriptionCreationTime sets the SubscriptionCreationTime field's value.

func (EventSubscription) String

func (s EventSubscription) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput struct {

	// The file format of the assessment file.
	AssessmentReportTypes []*string `min:"1" type:"list" enum:"AssessmentReportType"`

	// The name of the assessment file to create in your Amazon S3 bucket.
	FileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to assess.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetAssessmentReportTypes

SetAssessmentReportTypes sets the AssessmentReportTypes field's value.

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetFileName

SetFileName sets the FileName field's value.

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput struct {

	// The Amazon S3 details for an assessment exported in CSV format.
	CsvReport *ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon S3 details for an assessment exported in PDF format.
	PdfReport *ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) SetCsvReport

SetCsvReport sets the CsvReport field's value.

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) SetPdfReport

SetPdfReport sets the PdfReport field's value.

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry

type ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry struct {

	// The URL for the object containing the exported metadata model assessment.
	ObjectURL *string `type:"string"`

	// The object key for the object containing the exported metadata model assessment.
	S3ObjectKey *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about an exported metadata model assessment.

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry) SetObjectURL

SetObjectURL sets the ObjectURL field's value.

func (*ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry) SetS3ObjectKey

SetS3ObjectKey sets the S3ObjectKey field's value.

func (ExportMetadataModelAssessmentResultEntry) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ExportSqlDetails

type ExportSqlDetails struct {

	// The URL for the object containing the exported metadata model assessment.
	ObjectURL *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon S3 object key for the object containing the exported metadata
	// model assessment.
	S3ObjectKey *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about a metadata model assessment exported to SQL.

func (ExportSqlDetails) GoString

func (s ExportSqlDetails) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ExportSqlDetails) SetObjectURL

func (s *ExportSqlDetails) SetObjectURL(v string) *ExportSqlDetails

SetObjectURL sets the ObjectURL field's value.

func (*ExportSqlDetails) SetS3ObjectKey

func (s *ExportSqlDetails) SetS3ObjectKey(v string) *ExportSqlDetails

SetS3ObjectKey sets the S3ObjectKey field's value.

func (ExportSqlDetails) String

func (s ExportSqlDetails) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Filter

type Filter struct {

	// The name of the filter as specified for a Describe* or similar operation.
	// Name is a required field
	Name *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The filter value, which can specify one or more values used to narrow the
	// returned results.
	// Values is a required field
	Values []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies the name and value of a filter object. This filter is used to limit the number and type of DMS objects that are returned for a particular Describe* call or similar operation. Filters are used as an optional parameter for certain API operations.

func (Filter) GoString

func (s Filter) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Filter) SetName

func (s *Filter) SetName(v string) *Filter

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*Filter) SetValues

func (s *Filter) SetValues(v []*string) *Filter

SetValues sets the Values field's value.

func (Filter) String

func (s Filter) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Filter) Validate

func (s *Filter) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse

type FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse struct {

	// The ID of an LSA analysis run by a Fleet Advisor collector.
	LsaAnalysisId *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of an LSA analysis run by a Fleet Advisor collector.
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a large-scale assessment (LSA) analysis run by a Fleet Advisor collector.

func (FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse) SetLsaAnalysisId

SetLsaAnalysisId sets the LsaAnalysisId field's value.

func (*FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (FleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisResponse) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse

type FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse struct {

	// The number of lines of code in a schema object in a Fleet Advisor collector
	// inventory.
	CodeLineCount *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The size level of the code in a schema object in a Fleet Advisor collector
	// inventory.
	CodeSize *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of objects in a schema object in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	NumberOfObjects *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The type of the schema object, as reported by the database engine. Examples
	// include the following:
	//    * function
	//    * trigger
	//    * QUEUE
	ObjectType *string `type:"string"`

	// The ID of a schema object in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	SchemaId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a schema object in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) SetCodeLineCount

SetCodeLineCount sets the CodeLineCount field's value.

func (*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) SetCodeSize

SetCodeSize sets the CodeSize field's value.

func (*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) SetNumberOfObjects

SetNumberOfObjects sets the NumberOfObjects field's value.

func (*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) SetObjectType

SetObjectType sets the ObjectType field's value.

func (*FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) SetSchemaId

SetSchemaId sets the SchemaId field's value.

func (FleetAdvisorSchemaObjectResponse) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type GcpMySQLSettings

type GcpMySQLSettings struct {

	// Specifies a script to run immediately after DMS connects to the endpoint.
	// The migration task continues running regardless if the SQL statement succeeds
	// or fails.
	// For this parameter, provide the code of the script itself, not the name of
	// a file containing the script.
	AfterConnectScript *string `type:"string"`

	// Cleans and recreates table metadata information on the replication instance
	// when a mismatch occurs. For example, in a situation where running an alter
	// DDL on the table could result in different information about the table cached
	// in the replication instance.
	CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Database name for the endpoint. For a MySQL source or target endpoint, don't
	// explicitly specify the database using the DatabaseName request parameter
	// on either the CreateEndpoint or ModifyEndpoint API call. Specifying DatabaseName
	// when you create or modify a MySQL endpoint replicates all the task tables
	// to this single database. For MySQL endpoints, you specify the database only
	// when you specify the schema in the table-mapping rules of the DMS task.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies how often to check the binary log for new changes/events when the
	// database is idle. The default is five seconds.
	// Example: eventsPollInterval=5;
	// In the example, DMS checks for changes in the binary logs every five seconds.
	EventsPollInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the maximum size (in KB) of any .csv file used to transfer data
	// to a MySQL-compatible database.
	// Example: maxFileSize=512
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Improves performance when loading data into the MySQL-compatible target database.
	// Specifies how many threads to use to load the data into the MySQL-compatible
	// target database. Setting a large number of threads can have an adverse effect
	// on database performance, because a separate connection is required for each
	// thread. The default is one.
	// Example: parallelLoadThreads=1
	ParallelLoadThreads *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by GcpMySQLSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the MySQL endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the MySQL endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The MySQL host name.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the time zone for the source MySQL database.
	// Example: serverTimezone=US/Pacific;
	// Note: Do not enclose time zones in single quotes.
	ServerTimezone *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies where to migrate source tables on the target, either to a single
	// database or multiple databases.
	// Example: targetDbType=MULTIPLE_DATABASES
	TargetDbType *string `type:"string" enum:"TargetDbType"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings in JSON format for the source GCP MySQL endpoint.

func (GcpMySQLSettings) GoString

func (s GcpMySQLSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetAfterConnectScript sets the AfterConnectScript field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch(v bool) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch sets the CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetEventsPollInterval

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetEventsPollInterval(v int64) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetEventsPollInterval sets the EventsPollInterval field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetParallelLoadThreads

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetParallelLoadThreads(v int64) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetParallelLoadThreads sets the ParallelLoadThreads field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetPassword

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetPassword(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetPort

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetPort(v int64) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetServerName

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetServerName(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetServerTimezone

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetServerTimezone(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetServerTimezone sets the ServerTimezone field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetTargetDbType

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetTargetDbType(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetTargetDbType sets the TargetDbType field's value.

func (*GcpMySQLSettings) SetUsername

func (s *GcpMySQLSettings) SetUsername(v string) *GcpMySQLSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (GcpMySQLSettings) String

func (s GcpMySQLSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type IBMDb2Settings

type IBMDb2Settings struct {

	// For ongoing replication (CDC), use CurrentLSN to specify a log sequence number
	// (LSN) where you want the replication to start.
	CurrentLsn *string `type:"string"`

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// If true, DMS saves any .csv files to the Db2 LUW target that were used to
	// replicate data. DMS uses these files for analysis and troubleshooting.
	// The default value is false.
	KeepCsvFiles *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The amount of time (in milliseconds) before DMS times out operations performed
	// by DMS on the Db2 target. The default value is 1200 (20 minutes).
	LoadTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the maximum size (in KB) of .csv files used to transfer data to
	// Db2 LUW.
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Maximum number of bytes per read, as a NUMBER value. The default is 64 KB.
	MaxKBytesPerRead *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by IBMDb2Settings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port. The default value is 50000.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the Db2 LUW endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the Db2 LUW endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Enables ongoing replication (CDC) as a BOOLEAN value. The default is true.
	SetDataCaptureChanges *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`

	// The size (in KB) of the in-memory file write buffer used when generating
	// .csv files on the local disk on the DMS replication instance. The default
	// value is 1024 (1 MB).
	WriteBufferSize *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an IBM Db2 LUW endpoint.

func (IBMDb2Settings) GoString

func (s IBMDb2Settings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetCurrentLsn

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetCurrentLsn(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetCurrentLsn sets the CurrentLsn field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetKeepCsvFiles

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetKeepCsvFiles(v bool) *IBMDb2Settings

SetKeepCsvFiles sets the KeepCsvFiles field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetLoadTimeout

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetLoadTimeout(v int64) *IBMDb2Settings

SetLoadTimeout sets the LoadTimeout field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *IBMDb2Settings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetMaxKBytesPerRead

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetMaxKBytesPerRead(v int64) *IBMDb2Settings

SetMaxKBytesPerRead sets the MaxKBytesPerRead field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetPassword

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetPassword(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetPort

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetPort(v int64) *IBMDb2Settings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetServerName

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetServerName(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetSetDataCaptureChanges

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetSetDataCaptureChanges(v bool) *IBMDb2Settings

SetSetDataCaptureChanges sets the SetDataCaptureChanges field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetUsername

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetUsername(v string) *IBMDb2Settings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (*IBMDb2Settings) SetWriteBufferSize

func (s *IBMDb2Settings) SetWriteBufferSize(v int64) *IBMDb2Settings

SetWriteBufferSize sets the WriteBufferSize field's value.

func (IBMDb2Settings) String

func (s IBMDb2Settings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ImportCertificateInput

type ImportCertificateInput struct {

	// A customer-assigned name for the certificate. Identifiers must begin with
	// a letter and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't
	// end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// CertificateIdentifier is a required field
	CertificateIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The contents of a .pem file, which contains an X.509 certificate.
	// CertificatePem is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by ImportCertificateInput's
	// String and GoString methods.
	CertificatePem *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The location of an imported Oracle Wallet certificate for use with SSL. Provide
	// the name of a .sso file using the fileb:// prefix. You can't provide the
	// certificate inline.
	// Example: filebase64("${path.root}/rds-ca-2019-root.sso")
	// CertificateWallet is automatically base64 encoded/decoded by the SDK.
	CertificateWallet []byte `type:"blob"`

	// The tags associated with the certificate.
	Tags []*Tag `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ImportCertificateInput) GoString

func (s ImportCertificateInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificateIdentifier

func (s *ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificateIdentifier(v string) *ImportCertificateInput

SetCertificateIdentifier sets the CertificateIdentifier field's value.

func (*ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificatePem

func (s *ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificatePem(v string) *ImportCertificateInput

SetCertificatePem sets the CertificatePem field's value.

func (*ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificateWallet

func (s *ImportCertificateInput) SetCertificateWallet(v []byte) *ImportCertificateInput

SetCertificateWallet sets the CertificateWallet field's value.

func (*ImportCertificateInput) SetTags

SetTags sets the Tags field's value.

func (ImportCertificateInput) String

func (s ImportCertificateInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ImportCertificateInput) Validate

func (s *ImportCertificateInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ImportCertificateOutput

type ImportCertificateOutput struct {

	// The certificate to be uploaded.
	Certificate *Certificate `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ImportCertificateOutput) GoString

func (s ImportCertificateOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ImportCertificateOutput) SetCertificate

SetCertificate sets the Certificate field's value.

func (ImportCertificateOutput) String

func (s ImportCertificateOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InstanceProfile

type InstanceProfile struct {

	// The Availability Zone where the instance profile runs.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of the instance profile. Descriptions can have up to 31 characters.
	// A description can contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens ('-').
	// Also, it can't end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens, and
	// can only begin with a letter.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the instance
	// profile.
	InstanceProfileArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the instance profile was created.
	InstanceProfileCreationTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"iso8601"`

	// The user-friendly name for the instance profile.
	InstanceProfileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the
	// connection parameters for the instance profile.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyArn parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the network type for the instance profile. A value of IPV4 represents
	// an instance profile with IPv4 network type and only supports IPv4 addressing.
	// A value of IPV6 represents an instance profile with IPv6 network type and
	// only supports IPv6 addressing. A value of DUAL represents an instance profile
	// with dual network type that supports IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the accessibility options for the instance profile. A value of
	// true represents an instance profile with a public IP address. A value of
	// false represents an instance profile with a private IP address. The default
	// value is true.
	PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The identifier of the subnet group that is associated with the instance profile.
	SubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The VPC security groups that are used with the instance profile. The VPC
	// security group must work with the VPC containing the instance profile.
	VpcSecurityGroups []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an instance profile.

func (InstanceProfile) GoString

func (s InstanceProfile) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InstanceProfile) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetDescription

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetDescription(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileArn

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileArn(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfileArn sets the InstanceProfileArn field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileCreationTime

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileCreationTime(v time.Time) *InstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfileCreationTime sets the InstanceProfileCreationTime field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileName

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetInstanceProfileName(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfileName sets the InstanceProfileName field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetKmsKeyArn

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetKmsKeyArn(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetKmsKeyArn sets the KmsKeyArn field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetNetworkType

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetNetworkType(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *InstanceProfile

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *InstanceProfile

SetSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the SubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*InstanceProfile) SetVpcSecurityGroups

func (s *InstanceProfile) SetVpcSecurityGroups(v []*string) *InstanceProfile

SetVpcSecurityGroups sets the VpcSecurityGroups field's value.

func (InstanceProfile) String

func (s InstanceProfile) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InsufficientResourceCapacityFault

type InsufficientResourceCapacityFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

There are not enough resources allocated to the database migration.

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) Error

func (InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) Message

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) OrigErr

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) RequestID

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) StatusCode

func (s *InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InsufficientResourceCapacityFault) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InvalidCertificateFault

type InvalidCertificateFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The certificate was not valid.

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) Code

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) Error

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) Error() string

func (InvalidCertificateFault) GoString

func (s InvalidCertificateFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) Message

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) RequestID

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidCertificateFault) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidCertificateFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidCertificateFault) String

func (s InvalidCertificateFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InvalidOperationFault

type InvalidOperationFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The action or operation requested isn't valid.

func (*InvalidOperationFault) Code

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidOperationFault) Error

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) Error() string

func (InvalidOperationFault) GoString

func (s InvalidOperationFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidOperationFault) Message

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidOperationFault) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidOperationFault) RequestID

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidOperationFault) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidOperationFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidOperationFault) String

func (s InvalidOperationFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InvalidResourceStateFault

type InvalidResourceStateFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The resource is in a state that prevents it from being used for database migration.

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) Error

func (s *InvalidResourceStateFault) Error() string

func (InvalidResourceStateFault) GoString

func (s InvalidResourceStateFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) Message

func (s *InvalidResourceStateFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidResourceStateFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) RequestID

func (s *InvalidResourceStateFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidResourceStateFault) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidResourceStateFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidResourceStateFault) String

func (s InvalidResourceStateFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InvalidSubnet

type InvalidSubnet struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The subnet provided isn't valid.

func (*InvalidSubnet) Code

func (s *InvalidSubnet) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*InvalidSubnet) Error

func (s *InvalidSubnet) Error() string

func (InvalidSubnet) GoString

func (s InvalidSubnet) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InvalidSubnet) Message

func (s *InvalidSubnet) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*InvalidSubnet) OrigErr

func (s *InvalidSubnet) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*InvalidSubnet) RequestID

func (s *InvalidSubnet) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*InvalidSubnet) StatusCode

func (s *InvalidSubnet) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (InvalidSubnet) String

func (s InvalidSubnet) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type InventoryData

type InventoryData struct {

	// The number of databases in the Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	NumberOfDatabases *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of schemas in the Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	NumberOfSchemas *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (InventoryData) GoString

func (s InventoryData) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*InventoryData) SetNumberOfDatabases

func (s *InventoryData) SetNumberOfDatabases(v int64) *InventoryData

SetNumberOfDatabases sets the NumberOfDatabases field's value.

func (*InventoryData) SetNumberOfSchemas

func (s *InventoryData) SetNumberOfSchemas(v int64) *InventoryData

SetNumberOfSchemas sets the NumberOfSchemas field's value.

func (InventoryData) String

func (s InventoryData) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSAccessDeniedFault

type KMSAccessDeniedFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that the DMS account doesn't have access to.

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) Code

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) Error

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) Error() string

func (KMSAccessDeniedFault) GoString

func (s KMSAccessDeniedFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) Message

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSAccessDeniedFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSAccessDeniedFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSAccessDeniedFault) String

func (s KMSAccessDeniedFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSDisabledFault

type KMSDisabledFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The specified KMS key isn't enabled.

func (*KMSDisabledFault) Code

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSDisabledFault) Error

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) Error() string

func (KMSDisabledFault) GoString

func (s KMSDisabledFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSDisabledFault) Message

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSDisabledFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSDisabledFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSDisabledFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSDisabledFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSDisabledFault) String

func (s KMSDisabledFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSFault

type KMSFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An Key Management Service (KMS) error is preventing access to KMS.

func (*KMSFault) Code

func (s *KMSFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSFault) Error

func (s *KMSFault) Error() string

func (KMSFault) GoString

func (s KMSFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSFault) Message

func (s *KMSFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSFault) String

func (s KMSFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSInvalidStateFault

type KMSInvalidStateFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The state of the specified KMS resource isn't valid for this request.

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) Code

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) Error

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) Error() string

func (KMSInvalidStateFault) GoString

func (s KMSInvalidStateFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) Message

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSInvalidStateFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSInvalidStateFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSInvalidStateFault) String

func (s KMSInvalidStateFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault

type KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DMS cannot access the KMS key.

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Code

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Error

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Error() string

func (KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) GoString

func (s KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Message

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) String

func (s KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSNotFoundFault

type KMSNotFoundFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The specified KMS entity or resource can't be found.

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) Code

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) Error

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) Error() string

func (KMSNotFoundFault) GoString

func (s KMSNotFoundFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) Message

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSNotFoundFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSNotFoundFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSNotFoundFault) String

func (s KMSNotFoundFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KMSThrottlingFault

type KMSThrottlingFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

This request triggered KMS request throttling.

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) Code

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) Error

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) Error() string

func (KMSThrottlingFault) GoString

func (s KMSThrottlingFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) Message

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) OrigErr

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) RequestID

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*KMSThrottlingFault) StatusCode

func (s *KMSThrottlingFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (KMSThrottlingFault) String

func (s KMSThrottlingFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KafkaSettings

type KafkaSettings struct {

	// A comma-separated list of one or more broker locations in your Kafka cluster
	// that host your Kafka instance. Specify each broker location in the form broker-hostname-or-ip:port
	// . For example, "". For more
	// information and examples of specifying a list of broker locations, see Using
	// Apache Kafka as a target for Database Migration Service (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	Broker *string `type:"string"`

	// Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
	// and table and column changes in the Kafka message output. The default is
	// false.
	IncludeControlDetails *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
	// default is false.
	IncludeNullAndEmpty *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Shows the partition value within the Kafka message output unless the partition
	// type is schema-table-type. The default is false.
	IncludePartitionValue *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
	// in the control data, such as rename-table, drop-table, add-column, drop-column,
	// and rename-column. The default is false.
	IncludeTableAlterOperations *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
	// information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for transaction_id,
	// previous transaction_id, and transaction_record_id (the record offset within
	// a transaction). The default is false.
	IncludeTransactionDetails *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
	// is JSON (default) or JSON_UNFORMATTED (a single line with no tab).
	MessageFormat *string `type:"string" enum:"MessageFormatValue"`

	// The maximum size in bytes for records created on the endpoint The default
	// is 1,000,000.
	MessageMaxBytes *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Set this optional parameter to true to avoid adding a '0x' prefix to raw
	// data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a '0x' prefix
	// to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle source
	// to a Kafka target. Use the NoHexPrefix endpoint setting to enable migration
	// of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x' prefix.
	NoHexPrefix *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
	// is primary-key-type. Doing this increases data distribution among Kafka partitions.
	// For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of tables and each
	// table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case, the same primary
	// key is sent from thousands of tables to the same partition, which causes
	// throttling. The default is false.
	PartitionIncludeSchemaTable *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// For SASL/SSL authentication, DMS supports the SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism by
	// default. DMS versions 3.5.0 and later also support the PLAIN mechanism. To
	// use the PLAIN mechanism, set this parameter to PLAIN.
	SaslMechanism *string `type:"string" enum:"KafkaSaslMechanism"`

	// The secure password you created when you first set up your MSK cluster to
	// validate a client identity and make an encrypted connection between server
	// and client using SASL-SSL authentication.
	// SaslPassword is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by KafkaSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	SaslPassword *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The secure user name you created when you first set up your MSK cluster to
	// validate a client identity and make an encrypted connection between server
	// and client using SASL-SSL authentication.
	SaslUsername *string `type:"string"`

	// Set secure connection to a Kafka target endpoint using Transport Layer Security
	// (TLS). Options include ssl-encryption, ssl-authentication, and sasl-ssl.
	// sasl-ssl requires SaslUsername and SaslPassword.
	SecurityProtocol *string `type:"string" enum:"KafkaSecurityProtocol"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the private certificate authority (CA)
	// cert that DMS uses to securely connect to your Kafka target endpoint.
	SslCaCertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the client certificate used to securely
	// connect to a Kafka target endpoint.
	SslClientCertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the client private key used to securely
	// connect to a Kafka target endpoint.
	SslClientKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The password for the client private key used to securely connect to a Kafka
	// target endpoint.
	// SslClientKeyPassword is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by KafkaSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	SslClientKeyPassword *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Sets hostname verification for the certificate. This setting is supported
	// in DMS version 3.5.1 and later.
	SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm *string `type:"string" enum:"KafkaSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm"`

	// The topic to which you migrate the data. If you don't specify a topic, DMS
	// specifies "kafka-default-topic" as the migration topic.
	Topic *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes an Apache Kafka endpoint. This information includes the output format of records applied to the endpoint and details of transaction and control table data information.

func (KafkaSettings) GoString

func (s KafkaSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KafkaSettings) SetBroker

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetBroker(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetBroker sets the Broker field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetIncludeControlDetails

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetIncludeControlDetails(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetIncludeControlDetails sets the IncludeControlDetails field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetIncludeNullAndEmpty

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetIncludeNullAndEmpty(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetIncludeNullAndEmpty sets the IncludeNullAndEmpty field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetIncludePartitionValue

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetIncludePartitionValue(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetIncludePartitionValue sets the IncludePartitionValue field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetIncludeTableAlterOperations

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetIncludeTableAlterOperations(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetIncludeTableAlterOperations sets the IncludeTableAlterOperations field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetIncludeTransactionDetails

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetIncludeTransactionDetails(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetIncludeTransactionDetails sets the IncludeTransactionDetails field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetMessageFormat

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetMessageFormat(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetMessageFormat sets the MessageFormat field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetMessageMaxBytes

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetMessageMaxBytes(v int64) *KafkaSettings

SetMessageMaxBytes sets the MessageMaxBytes field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetNoHexPrefix

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetNoHexPrefix(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetNoHexPrefix sets the NoHexPrefix field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(v bool) *KafkaSettings

SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable sets the PartitionIncludeSchemaTable field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSaslMechanism

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSaslMechanism(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSaslMechanism sets the SaslMechanism field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSaslPassword

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSaslPassword(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSaslPassword sets the SaslPassword field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSaslUsername

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSaslUsername(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSaslUsername sets the SaslUsername field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSecurityProtocol

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSecurityProtocol(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSecurityProtocol sets the SecurityProtocol field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSslCaCertificateArn

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSslCaCertificateArn(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSslCaCertificateArn sets the SslCaCertificateArn field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSslClientCertificateArn

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSslClientCertificateArn(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSslClientCertificateArn sets the SslClientCertificateArn field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSslClientKeyArn

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSslClientKeyArn(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSslClientKeyArn sets the SslClientKeyArn field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSslClientKeyPassword

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSslClientKeyPassword(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSslClientKeyPassword sets the SslClientKeyPassword field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetSslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm sets the SslEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm field's value.

func (*KafkaSettings) SetTopic

func (s *KafkaSettings) SetTopic(v string) *KafkaSettings

SetTopic sets the Topic field's value.

func (KafkaSettings) String

func (s KafkaSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type KinesisSettings

type KinesisSettings struct {

	// Shows detailed control information for table definition, column definition,
	// and table and column changes in the Kinesis message output. The default is
	// false.
	IncludeControlDetails *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Include NULL and empty columns for records migrated to the endpoint. The
	// default is false.
	IncludeNullAndEmpty *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Shows the partition value within the Kinesis message output, unless the partition
	// type is schema-table-type. The default is false.
	IncludePartitionValue *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Includes any data definition language (DDL) operations that change the table
	// in the control data, such as rename-table, drop-table, add-column, drop-column,
	// and rename-column. The default is false.
	IncludeTableAlterOperations *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Provides detailed transaction information from the source database. This
	// information includes a commit timestamp, a log position, and values for transaction_id,
	// previous transaction_id, and transaction_record_id (the record offset within
	// a transaction). The default is false.
	IncludeTransactionDetails *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The output format for the records created on the endpoint. The message format
	// is JSON (default) or JSON_UNFORMATTED (a single line with no tab).
	MessageFormat *string `type:"string" enum:"MessageFormatValue"`

	// Set this optional parameter to true to avoid adding a '0x' prefix to raw
	// data in hexadecimal format. For example, by default, DMS adds a '0x' prefix
	// to the LOB column type in hexadecimal format moving from an Oracle source
	// to an Amazon Kinesis target. Use the NoHexPrefix endpoint setting to enable
	// migration of RAW data type columns without adding the '0x' prefix.
	NoHexPrefix *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Prefixes schema and table names to partition values, when the partition type
	// is primary-key-type. Doing this increases data distribution among Kinesis
	// shards. For example, suppose that a SysBench schema has thousands of tables
	// and each table has only limited range for a primary key. In this case, the
	// same primary key is sent from thousands of tables to the same shard, which
	// causes throttling. The default is false.
	PartitionIncludeSchemaTable *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role that DMS uses to write to
	// the Kinesis data stream. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams endpoint.
	StreamArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream endpoint. This information includes the output format of records applied to the endpoint and details of transaction and control table data information.

func (KinesisSettings) GoString

func (s KinesisSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*KinesisSettings) SetIncludeControlDetails

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetIncludeControlDetails(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetIncludeControlDetails sets the IncludeControlDetails field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetIncludeNullAndEmpty

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetIncludeNullAndEmpty(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetIncludeNullAndEmpty sets the IncludeNullAndEmpty field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetIncludePartitionValue

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetIncludePartitionValue(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetIncludePartitionValue sets the IncludePartitionValue field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetIncludeTableAlterOperations

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetIncludeTableAlterOperations(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetIncludeTableAlterOperations sets the IncludeTableAlterOperations field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetIncludeTransactionDetails

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetIncludeTransactionDetails(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetIncludeTransactionDetails sets the IncludeTransactionDetails field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetMessageFormat

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetMessageFormat(v string) *KinesisSettings

SetMessageFormat sets the MessageFormat field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetNoHexPrefix

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetNoHexPrefix(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetNoHexPrefix sets the NoHexPrefix field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable(v bool) *KinesisSettings

SetPartitionIncludeSchemaTable sets the PartitionIncludeSchemaTable field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *KinesisSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*KinesisSettings) SetStreamArn

func (s *KinesisSettings) SetStreamArn(v string) *KinesisSettings

SetStreamArn sets the StreamArn field's value.

func (KinesisSettings) String

func (s KinesisSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Limitation

type Limitation struct {

	// The identifier of the source database.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// A description of the limitation. Provides additional information about the
	// limitation, and includes recommended actions that you can take to address
	// or avoid this limitation.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the target engine that Fleet Advisor should use in the target
	// engine recommendation. Valid values include "rds-aurora-mysql", "rds-aurora-postgresql",
	// "rds-mysql", "rds-oracle", "rds-sql-server", and "rds-postgresql".
	EngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// The impact of the limitation. You can use this parameter to prioritize limitations
	// that you want to address. Valid values include "Blocker", "High", "Medium",
	// and "Low".
	Impact *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the limitation. Describes unsupported database features, migration
	// action items, and other limitations.
	Name *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of the limitation, such as action required, upgrade required, and
	// limited feature.
	Type *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the limitations of target Amazon Web Services engines.

Your source database might include features that the target Amazon Web Services engine doesn't support. Fleet Advisor lists these features as limitations. You should consider these limitations during database migration. For each limitation, Fleet Advisor recommends an action that you can take to address or avoid this limitation.

func (Limitation) GoString

func (s Limitation) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Limitation) SetDatabaseId

func (s *Limitation) SetDatabaseId(v string) *Limitation

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*Limitation) SetDescription

func (s *Limitation) SetDescription(v string) *Limitation

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*Limitation) SetEngineName

func (s *Limitation) SetEngineName(v string) *Limitation

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*Limitation) SetImpact

func (s *Limitation) SetImpact(v string) *Limitation

SetImpact sets the Impact field's value.

func (*Limitation) SetName

func (s *Limitation) SetName(v string) *Limitation

SetName sets the Name field's value.

func (*Limitation) SetType

func (s *Limitation) SetType(v string) *Limitation

SetType sets the Type field's value.

func (Limitation) String

func (s Limitation) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ListTagsForResourceInput

type ListTagsForResourceInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the DMS resource
	// to list tags for. This returns a list of keys (names of tags) created for
	// the resource and their associated tag values.
	ResourceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// List of ARNs that identify multiple DMS resources that you want to list tags
	// for. This returns a list of keys (tag names) and their associated tag values.
	// It also returns each tag's associated ResourceArn value, which is the ARN
	// of the resource for which each listed tag is created.
	ResourceArnList []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString

func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListTagsForResourceInput) SetResourceArn

SetResourceArn sets the ResourceArn field's value.

func (*ListTagsForResourceInput) SetResourceArnList

func (s *ListTagsForResourceInput) SetResourceArnList(v []*string) *ListTagsForResourceInput

SetResourceArnList sets the ResourceArnList field's value.

func (ListTagsForResourceInput) String

func (s ListTagsForResourceInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ListTagsForResourceOutput

type ListTagsForResourceOutput struct {

	// A list of tags for the resource.
	TagList []*Tag `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString

func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ListTagsForResourceOutput) SetTagList

SetTagList sets the TagList field's value.

func (ListTagsForResourceOutput) String

func (s ListTagsForResourceOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MariaDbDataProviderSettings

type MariaDbDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the MariaDB data provider
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the MariaDB server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the MariaDB data provider. The default value
	// is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a MariaDB data provider.

func (MariaDbDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s MariaDbDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MariaDbDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*MariaDbDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MariaDbDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MariaDbDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (MariaDbDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

type MicrosoftSQLServerSettings struct {

	// The maximum size of the packets (in bytes) used to transfer data using BCP.
	BcpPacketSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies a file group for the DMS internal tables. When the replication
	// task starts, all the internal DMS control tables (awsdms_ apply_exception,
	// awsdms_apply, awsdms_changes) are created for the specified file group.
	ControlTablesFileGroup *string `type:"string"`

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Forces LOB lookup on inline LOB.
	ForceLobLookup *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by MicrosoftSQLServerSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Cleans and recreates table metadata information on the replication instance
	// when a mismatch occurs. An example is a situation where running an alter
	// DDL statement on a table might result in different information about the
	// table cached in the replication instance.
	QuerySingleAlwaysOnNode *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When this attribute is set to Y, DMS only reads changes from transaction
	// log backups and doesn't read from the active transaction log file during
	// ongoing replication. Setting this parameter to Y enables you to control active
	// transaction log file growth during full load and ongoing replication tasks.
	// However, it can add some source latency to ongoing replication.
	ReadBackupOnly *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Use this attribute to minimize the need to access the backup log and enable
	// DMS to prevent truncation using one of the following two methods.
	// Start transactions in the database: This is the default method. When this
	// method is used, DMS prevents TLOG truncation by mimicking a transaction in
	// the database. As long as such a transaction is open, changes that appear
	// after the transaction started aren't truncated. If you need Microsoft Replication
	// to be enabled in your database, then you must choose this method.
	// Exclusively use sp_repldone within a single task: When this method is used,
	// DMS reads the changes and then uses sp_repldone to mark the TLOG transactions
	// as ready for truncation. Although this method doesn't involve any transactional
	// activities, it can only be used when Microsoft Replication isn't running.
	// Also, when using this method, only one DMS task can access the database at
	// any given time. Therefore, if you need to run parallel DMS tasks against
	// the same database, use the default method.
	SafeguardPolicy *string `type:"string" enum:"SafeguardPolicy"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the SQL Server endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the SQL Server endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint. For an Amazon RDS SQL Server
	// instance, this is the output of DescribeDBInstances (,
	// in the Endpoint (
	// field.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the mode used to fetch CDC data.
	TlogAccessMode *string `type:"string" enum:"TlogAccessMode"`

	// Use the TrimSpaceInChar source endpoint setting to right-trim data on CHAR
	// and NCHAR data types during migration. Setting TrimSpaceInChar does not left-trim
	// data. The default value is true.
	TrimSpaceInChar *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Use this to attribute to transfer data for full-load operations using BCP.
	// When the target table contains an identity column that does not exist in
	// the source table, you must disable the use BCP for loading table option.
	UseBcpFullLoad *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When this attribute is set to Y, DMS processes third-party transaction log
	// backups if they are created in native format.
	UseThirdPartyBackupDevice *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a Microsoft SQL Server endpoint.

func (MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) GoString

func (s MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetBcpPacketSize

SetBcpPacketSize sets the BcpPacketSize field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetControlTablesFileGroup

func (s *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetControlTablesFileGroup(v string) *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

SetControlTablesFileGroup sets the ControlTablesFileGroup field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetForceLobLookup

SetForceLobLookup sets the ForceLobLookup field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetPassword

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetQuerySingleAlwaysOnNode

func (s *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetQuerySingleAlwaysOnNode(v bool) *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

SetQuerySingleAlwaysOnNode sets the QuerySingleAlwaysOnNode field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetReadBackupOnly

SetReadBackupOnly sets the ReadBackupOnly field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetSafeguardPolicy

SetSafeguardPolicy sets the SafeguardPolicy field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetTlogAccessMode

SetTlogAccessMode sets the TlogAccessMode field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetTrimSpaceInChar

SetTrimSpaceInChar sets the TrimSpaceInChar field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetUseBcpFullLoad

SetUseBcpFullLoad sets the UseBcpFullLoad field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetUseThirdPartyBackupDevice

func (s *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetUseThirdPartyBackupDevice(v bool) *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings

SetUseThirdPartyBackupDevice sets the UseThirdPartyBackupDevice field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) SetUsername

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings

type MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database name on the Microsoft SQL Server data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the Microsoft SQL Server data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the Microsoft SQL Server server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server data provider. The
	// default value is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a Microsoft SQL Server data provider.

func (MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (MicrosoftSqlServerDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MigrationProject

type MigrationProject struct {

	// A user-friendly description of the migration project.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile for your migration
	// project.
	InstanceProfileArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the associated instance profile.
	InstanceProfileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN string that uniquely identifies the migration project.
	MigrationProjectArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The time when the migration project was created.
	MigrationProjectCreationTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp" timestampFormat:"iso8601"`

	// The name of the migration project.
	MigrationProjectName *string `type:"string"`

	// The schema conversion application attributes, including the Amazon S3 bucket
	// name and Amazon S3 role ARN.
	SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes *SCApplicationAttributes `type:"structure"`

	// Information about the source data provider, including the name or ARN, and
	// Secrets Manager parameters.
	SourceDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptor `type:"list"`

	// Information about the target data provider, including the name or ARN, and
	// Secrets Manager parameters.
	TargetDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptor `type:"list"`

	// The settings in JSON format for migration rules. Migration rules make it
	// possible for you to change the object names according to the rules that you
	// specify. For example, you can change an object name to lowercase or uppercase,
	// add or remove a prefix or suffix, or rename objects.
	TransformationRules *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a migration project.

func (MigrationProject) GoString

func (s MigrationProject) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MigrationProject) SetDescription

func (s *MigrationProject) SetDescription(v string) *MigrationProject

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetInstanceProfileArn

func (s *MigrationProject) SetInstanceProfileArn(v string) *MigrationProject

SetInstanceProfileArn sets the InstanceProfileArn field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetInstanceProfileName

func (s *MigrationProject) SetInstanceProfileName(v string) *MigrationProject

SetInstanceProfileName sets the InstanceProfileName field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectArn

func (s *MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectArn(v string) *MigrationProject

SetMigrationProjectArn sets the MigrationProjectArn field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectCreationTime

func (s *MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectCreationTime(v time.Time) *MigrationProject

SetMigrationProjectCreationTime sets the MigrationProjectCreationTime field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectName

func (s *MigrationProject) SetMigrationProjectName(v string) *MigrationProject

SetMigrationProjectName sets the MigrationProjectName field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes

func (s *MigrationProject) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes(v *SCApplicationAttributes) *MigrationProject

SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes sets the SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors

func (s *MigrationProject) SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors(v []*DataProviderDescriptor) *MigrationProject

SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors sets the SourceDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors

func (s *MigrationProject) SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors(v []*DataProviderDescriptor) *MigrationProject

SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors sets the TargetDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*MigrationProject) SetTransformationRules

func (s *MigrationProject) SetTransformationRules(v string) *MigrationProject

SetTransformationRules sets the TransformationRules field's value.

func (MigrationProject) String

func (s MigrationProject) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyConversionConfigurationInput

type ModifyConversionConfigurationInput struct {

	// The new conversion configuration.
	// ConversionConfiguration is a required field
	ConversionConfiguration *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) SetConversionConfiguration

SetConversionConfiguration sets the ConversionConfiguration field's value.

func (*ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyConversionConfigurationInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput

type ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput struct {

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the modified configuration.
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (ModifyConversionConfigurationOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyDataProviderInput

type ModifyDataProviderInput struct {

	// The identifier of the data provider. Identifiers must begin with a letter
	// and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end
	// with a hyphen, or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// DataProviderIdentifier is a required field
	DataProviderIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The name of the data provider.
	DataProviderName *string `type:"string"`

	// A user-friendly description of the data provider.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of database engine for the data provider. Valid values include "aurora",
	// "aurora-postgresql", "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "sqlserver", redshift,
	// mariadb, mongodb, and docdb. A value of "aurora" represents Amazon Aurora
	// MySQL-Compatible Edition.
	Engine *string `type:"string"`

	// If this attribute is Y, the current call to ModifyDataProvider replaces all
	// existing data provider settings with the exact settings that you specify
	// in this call. If this attribute is N, the current call to ModifyDataProvider
	// does two things:
	//    * It replaces any data provider settings that already exist with new values,
	//    for settings with the same names.
	//    * It creates new data provider settings that you specify in the call,
	//    for settings with different names.
	ExactSettings *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The settings in JSON format for a data provider.
	Settings *DataProviderSettings `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyDataProviderInput) GoString

func (s ModifyDataProviderInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderIdentifier

func (s *ModifyDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderIdentifier(v string) *ModifyDataProviderInput

SetDataProviderIdentifier sets the DataProviderIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderName

func (s *ModifyDataProviderInput) SetDataProviderName(v string) *ModifyDataProviderInput

SetDataProviderName sets the DataProviderName field's value.

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetEngine

SetEngine sets the Engine field's value.

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetExactSettings

func (s *ModifyDataProviderInput) SetExactSettings(v bool) *ModifyDataProviderInput

SetExactSettings sets the ExactSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) SetSettings

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (ModifyDataProviderInput) String

func (s ModifyDataProviderInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyDataProviderInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyDataProviderInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyDataProviderOutput

type ModifyDataProviderOutput struct {

	// The data provider that was modified.
	DataProvider *DataProvider `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyDataProviderOutput) GoString

func (s ModifyDataProviderOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyDataProviderOutput) SetDataProvider

SetDataProvider sets the DataProvider field's value.

func (ModifyDataProviderOutput) String

func (s ModifyDataProviderOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyEndpointInput

type ModifyEndpointInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the endpoint database. For a MySQL source or target endpoint,
	// do not specify DatabaseName.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings in JSON format for the DMS transfer type of source endpoint.
	// Attributes include the following:
	//    * serviceAccessRoleArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service
	//    access IAM role. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	//    * BucketName - The name of the S3 bucket to use.
	// Shorthand syntax for these settings is as follows: ServiceAccessRoleArn=string
	// ,BucketName=string
	// JSON syntax for these settings is as follows: { "ServiceAccessRoleArn": "string",
	// "BucketName": "string"}
	DmsTransferSettings *DmsTransferSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source DocumentDB endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see the configuration properties section in
	// Using DocumentDB as a Target for Database Migration Service (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	DocDbSettings *DocDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon DynamoDB endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Using Object Mapping to Migrate Data
	// to DynamoDB (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	DynamoDbSettings *DynamoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target OpenSearch endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using
	// OpenSearch as a Target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	ElasticsearchSettings *ElasticsearchSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The database endpoint identifier. Identifiers must begin with a letter and
	// must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end with
	// a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	EndpointIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.
	EndpointType *string `type:"string" enum:"ReplicationEndpointTypeValue"`

	// The database engine name. Valid values, depending on the EndpointType, include
	// "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "mariadb", "aurora", "aurora-postgresql",
	// "redshift", "s3", "db2", "db2-zos", "azuredb", "sybase", "dynamodb", "mongodb",
	// "kinesis", "kafka", "elasticsearch", "documentdb", "sqlserver", "neptune",
	// and "babelfish".
	EngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// If this attribute is Y, the current call to ModifyEndpoint replaces all existing
	// endpoint settings with the exact settings that you specify in this call.
	// If this attribute is N, the current call to ModifyEndpoint does two things:
	//    * It replaces any endpoint settings that already exist with new values,
	//    for settings with the same names.
	//    * It creates new endpoint settings that you specify in the call, for settings
	//    with different names.
	// For example, if you call create-endpoint ... --endpoint-settings '{"a":1}'
	// ..., the endpoint has the following endpoint settings: '{"a":1}'. If you
	// then call modify-endpoint ... --endpoint-settings '{"b":2}' ... for the same
	// endpoint, the endpoint has the following settings: '{"a":1,"b":2}'.
	// However, suppose that you follow this with a call to modify-endpoint ...
	// --endpoint-settings '{"b":2}' --exact-settings ... for that same endpoint
	// again. Then the endpoint has the following settings: '{"b":2}'. All existing
	// settings are replaced with the exact settings that you specify.
	ExactSettings *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The external table definition.
	ExternalTableDefinition *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional attributes associated with the connection. To reset this parameter,
	// pass the empty string ("") as an argument.
	ExtraConnectionAttributes *string `type:"string"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source GCP MySQL endpoint.
	GcpMySQLSettings *GcpMySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source IBM Db2 LUW endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// Db2 LUW as a source for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	IBMDb2Settings *IBMDb2Settings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Apache Kafka endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Using object mapping to migrate data to
	// a Kafka topic (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	KafkaSettings *KafkaSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target endpoint for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.
	// For more information about the available settings, see Using object mapping
	// to migrate data to a Kinesis data stream (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	KinesisSettings *KinesisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target Microsoft SQL Server endpoint.
	// For information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes
	// when using SQL Server as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using SQL Server as a target for DMS
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MicrosoftSQLServerSettings *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source MongoDB endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see the configuration properties section in
	// Endpoint configuration settings when using MongoDB as a source for Database
	// Migration Service (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MongoDbSettings *MongoDbSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target MySQL endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// MySQL as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using a MySQL-compatible database as
	// a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	MySQLSettings *MySQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon Neptune endpoint. For more
	// information about the available settings, see Specifying graph-mapping rules
	// using Gremlin and R2RML for Amazon Neptune as a target (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	NeptuneSettings *NeptuneSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target Oracle endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// Oracle as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using Oracle as a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	OracleSettings *OracleSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The password to be used to login to the endpoint database.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by ModifyEndpointInput's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The port used by the endpoint database.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target PostgreSQL endpoint. For
	// information about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes
	// when using PostgreSQL as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using PostgreSQL as a target for DMS
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	PostgreSQLSettings *PostgreSQLSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the Redis target endpoint.
	RedisSettings *RedisSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift endpoint.
	RedshiftSettings *RedshiftSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon S3 endpoint. For more information
	// about the available settings, see Extra Connection Attributes When Using
	// Amazon S3 as a Target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	S3Settings *S3Settings `type:"structure"`

	// The name of the server where the endpoint database resides.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM role you want to use to modify
	// the endpoint. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the endpoint. The default value is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the source and target SAP ASE endpoint. For information
	// about other available settings, see Extra connection attributes when using
	// SAP ASE as a source for DMS (
	// and Extra connection attributes when using SAP ASE as a target for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SybaseSettings *SybaseSettings `type:"structure"`

	// Settings in JSON format for the target Amazon Timestream endpoint.
	TimestreamSettings *TimestreamSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The user name to be used to login to the endpoint database.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyEndpointInput) GoString

func (s ModifyEndpointInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetCertificateArn

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetCertificateArn(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetDatabaseName

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetDatabaseName(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetDmsTransferSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetDmsTransferSettings(v *DmsTransferSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetDmsTransferSettings sets the DmsTransferSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetDocDbSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetDocDbSettings(v *DocDbSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetDocDbSettings sets the DocDbSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetDynamoDbSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetDynamoDbSettings(v *DynamoDbSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetDynamoDbSettings sets the DynamoDbSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetElasticsearchSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetElasticsearchSettings(v *ElasticsearchSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetElasticsearchSettings sets the ElasticsearchSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointIdentifier

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointIdentifier(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetEndpointIdentifier sets the EndpointIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointType

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetEndpointType(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetEngineName

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetEngineName(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetExactSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetExactSettings(v bool) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetExactSettings sets the ExactSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetExternalTableDefinition

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetExternalTableDefinition(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetExternalTableDefinition sets the ExternalTableDefinition field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetExtraConnectionAttributes

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetExtraConnectionAttributes(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetExtraConnectionAttributes sets the ExtraConnectionAttributes field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetGcpMySQLSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetGcpMySQLSettings(v *GcpMySQLSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetGcpMySQLSettings sets the GcpMySQLSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetIBMDb2Settings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetIBMDb2Settings(v *IBMDb2Settings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetIBMDb2Settings sets the IBMDb2Settings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetKafkaSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetKafkaSettings(v *KafkaSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetKafkaSettings sets the KafkaSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetKinesisSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetKinesisSettings(v *KinesisSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetKinesisSettings sets the KinesisSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings(v *MicrosoftSQLServerSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetMicrosoftSQLServerSettings sets the MicrosoftSQLServerSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetMongoDbSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetMongoDbSettings(v *MongoDbSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetMongoDbSettings sets the MongoDbSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetMySQLSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetMySQLSettings(v *MySQLSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetMySQLSettings sets the MySQLSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetNeptuneSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetNeptuneSettings(v *NeptuneSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetNeptuneSettings sets the NeptuneSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetOracleSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetOracleSettings(v *OracleSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetOracleSettings sets the OracleSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetPassword

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetPassword(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetPostgreSQLSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetPostgreSQLSettings(v *PostgreSQLSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetPostgreSQLSettings sets the PostgreSQLSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetRedisSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetRedisSettings(v *RedisSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetRedisSettings sets the RedisSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetRedshiftSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetRedshiftSettings(v *RedshiftSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetRedshiftSettings sets the RedshiftSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetS3Settings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetS3Settings(v *S3Settings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetS3Settings sets the S3Settings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetServerName

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetServerName(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetSybaseSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetSybaseSettings(v *SybaseSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetSybaseSettings sets the SybaseSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetTimestreamSettings

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetTimestreamSettings(v *TimestreamSettings) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetTimestreamSettings sets the TimestreamSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) SetUsername

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) SetUsername(v string) *ModifyEndpointInput

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (ModifyEndpointInput) String

func (s ModifyEndpointInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEndpointInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyEndpointInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyEndpointOutput

type ModifyEndpointOutput struct {

	// The modified endpoint.
	Endpoint *Endpoint `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyEndpointOutput) GoString

func (s ModifyEndpointOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEndpointOutput) SetEndpoint

SetEndpoint sets the Endpoint field's value.

func (ModifyEndpointOutput) String

func (s ModifyEndpointOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyEventSubscriptionInput

type ModifyEventSubscriptionInput struct {

	// A Boolean value; set to true to activate the subscription.
	Enabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A list of event categories for a source type that you want to subscribe to.
	// Use the DescribeEventCategories action to see a list of event categories.
	EventCategories []*string `type:"list"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS topic created for event
	// notification. The ARN is created by Amazon SNS when you create a topic and
	// subscribe to it.
	SnsTopicArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of DMS resource that generates the events you want to subscribe
	// to.
	// Valid values: replication-instance | replication-task
	SourceType *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the DMS event notification subscription to be modified.
	// SubscriptionName is a required field
	SubscriptionName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) GoString

func (s ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) SetEnabled

SetEnabled sets the Enabled field's value.

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) SetEventCategories

SetEventCategories sets the EventCategories field's value.

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) SetSnsTopicArn

SetSnsTopicArn sets the SnsTopicArn field's value.

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) SetSourceType

SetSourceType sets the SourceType field's value.

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) SetSubscriptionName

SetSubscriptionName sets the SubscriptionName field's value.

func (ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyEventSubscriptionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput

type ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput struct {

	// The modified event subscription.
	EventSubscription *EventSubscription `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput) SetEventSubscription

SetEventSubscription sets the EventSubscription field's value.

func (ModifyEventSubscriptionOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyInstanceProfileInput

type ModifyInstanceProfileInput struct {

	// The Availability Zone where the instance profile runs.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// A user-friendly description for the instance profile.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the instance profile. Identifiers must begin with a letter
	// and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end
	// with a hyphen, or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// InstanceProfileIdentifier is a required field
	InstanceProfileIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A user-friendly name for the instance profile.
	InstanceProfileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the
	// connection parameters for the instance profile.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyArn parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the network type for the instance profile. A value of IPV4 represents
	// an instance profile with IPv4 network type and only supports IPv4 addressing.
	// A value of IPV6 represents an instance profile with IPv6 network type and
	// only supports IPv6 addressing. A value of DUAL represents an instance profile
	// with dual network type that supports IPv4 and IPv6 addressing.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the accessibility options for the instance profile. A value of
	// true represents an instance profile with a public IP address. A value of
	// false represents an instance profile with a private IP address. The default
	// value is true.
	PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A subnet group to associate with the instance profile.
	SubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the VPC security groups to be used with the instance profile. The
	// VPC security group must work with the VPC containing the instance profile.
	VpcSecurityGroups []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyInstanceProfileInput) GoString

func (s ModifyInstanceProfileInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetAvailabilityZone

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier(v string) *ModifyInstanceProfileInput

SetInstanceProfileIdentifier sets the InstanceProfileIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileName

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetInstanceProfileName(v string) *ModifyInstanceProfileInput

SetInstanceProfileName sets the InstanceProfileName field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetKmsKeyArn

SetKmsKeyArn sets the KmsKeyArn field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetNetworkType

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *ModifyInstanceProfileInput

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *ModifyInstanceProfileInput

SetSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the SubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetVpcSecurityGroups

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) SetVpcSecurityGroups(v []*string) *ModifyInstanceProfileInput

SetVpcSecurityGroups sets the VpcSecurityGroups field's value.

func (ModifyInstanceProfileInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyInstanceProfileInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyInstanceProfileOutput

type ModifyInstanceProfileOutput struct {

	// The instance profile that was modified.
	InstanceProfile *InstanceProfile `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyInstanceProfileOutput) GoString

func (s ModifyInstanceProfileOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyInstanceProfileOutput) SetInstanceProfile

SetInstanceProfile sets the InstanceProfile field's value.

func (ModifyInstanceProfileOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyMigrationProjectInput

type ModifyMigrationProjectInput struct {

	// A user-friendly description of the migration project.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the instance profile.
	InstanceProfileIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the migration project. Identifiers must begin with a letter
	// and must contain only ASCII letters, digits, and hyphens. They can't end
	// with a hyphen, or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A user-friendly name for the migration project.
	MigrationProjectName *string `type:"string"`

	// The schema conversion application attributes, including the Amazon S3 bucket
	// name and Amazon S3 role ARN.
	SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes *SCApplicationAttributes `type:"structure"`

	// Information about the source data provider, including the name, ARN, and
	// Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager parameters.
	SourceDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition `type:"list"`

	// Information about the target data provider, including the name, ARN, and
	// Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager parameters.
	TargetDataProviderDescriptors []*DataProviderDescriptorDefinition `type:"list"`

	// The settings in JSON format for migration rules. Migration rules make it
	// possible for you to change the object names according to the rules that you
	// specify. For example, you can change an object name to lowercase or uppercase,
	// add or remove a prefix or suffix, or rename objects.
	TransformationRules *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyMigrationProjectInput) GoString

func (s ModifyMigrationProjectInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetInstanceProfileIdentifier(v string) *ModifyMigrationProjectInput

SetInstanceProfileIdentifier sets the InstanceProfileIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *ModifyMigrationProjectInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectName

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetMigrationProjectName(v string) *ModifyMigrationProjectInput

SetMigrationProjectName sets the MigrationProjectName field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes(v *SCApplicationAttributes) *ModifyMigrationProjectInput

SetSchemaConversionApplicationAttributes sets the SchemaConversionApplicationAttributes field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors

SetSourceDataProviderDescriptors sets the SourceDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors

SetTargetDataProviderDescriptors sets the TargetDataProviderDescriptors field's value.

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetTransformationRules

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) SetTransformationRules(v string) *ModifyMigrationProjectInput

SetTransformationRules sets the TransformationRules field's value.

func (ModifyMigrationProjectInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyMigrationProjectInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyMigrationProjectOutput

type ModifyMigrationProjectOutput struct {

	// The migration project that was modified.
	MigrationProject *MigrationProject `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyMigrationProjectOutput) GoString

func (s ModifyMigrationProjectOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyMigrationProjectOutput) SetMigrationProject

SetMigrationProject sets the MigrationProject field's value.

func (ModifyMigrationProjectOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyReplicationConfigInput

type ModifyReplicationConfigInput struct {

	// Configuration parameters for provisioning an DMS Serverless replication.
	ComputeConfig *ComputeConfig `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication to modify.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The new replication config to apply to the replication.
	ReplicationConfigIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings for the replication.
	ReplicationSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of replication.
	ReplicationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source endpoint for this DMS serverless
	// replication configuration.
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional settings for the replication.
	SupplementalSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// Table mappings specified in the replication.
	TableMappings *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target endpoint for this DMS serverless
	// replication configuration.
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationConfigInput) GoString

func (s ModifyReplicationConfigInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetComputeConfig

SetComputeConfig sets the ComputeConfig field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *ModifyReplicationConfigInput

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier

func (s *ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier(v string) *ModifyReplicationConfigInput

SetReplicationConfigIdentifier sets the ReplicationConfigIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationSettings

SetReplicationSettings sets the ReplicationSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetReplicationType

SetReplicationType sets the ReplicationType field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetSourceEndpointArn

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetSupplementalSettings

func (s *ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetSupplementalSettings(v string) *ModifyReplicationConfigInput

SetSupplementalSettings sets the SupplementalSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetTableMappings

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) SetTargetEndpointArn

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationConfigInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyReplicationConfigInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyReplicationConfigOutput

type ModifyReplicationConfigOutput struct {

	// Information about the serverless replication config that was modified.
	ReplicationConfig *ReplicationConfig `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationConfigOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationConfigOutput) SetReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfig sets the ReplicationConfig field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationConfigOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

type ModifyReplicationInstanceInput struct {

	// The amount of storage (in gigabytes) to be allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Indicates that major version upgrades are allowed. Changing this parameter
	// does not result in an outage, and the change is asynchronously applied as
	// soon as possible.
	// This parameter must be set to true when specifying a value for the EngineVersion
	// parameter that is a different major version than the replication instance's
	// current version.
	AllowMajorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Indicates whether the changes should be applied immediately or during the
	// next maintenance window.
	ApplyImmediately *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that indicates that minor version upgrades are applied automatically
	// to the replication instance during the maintenance window. Changing this
	// parameter doesn't result in an outage, except in the case described following.
	// The change is asynchronously applied as soon as possible.
	// An outage does result if these factors apply:
	//    * This parameter is set to true during the maintenance window.
	//    * A newer minor version is available.
	//    * DMS has enabled automatic patching for the given engine version.
	AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The engine version number of the replication instance.
	// When modifying a major engine version of an instance, also set AllowMajorVersionUpgrade
	// to true.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You
	// can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the Multi-AZ parameter is set
	// to true.
	MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of IP address protocol used by a replication instance, such as IPv4
	// only or Dual-stack that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. IPv6 only
	// is not yet supported.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur,
	// which might result in an outage. Changing this parameter does not result
	// in an outage, except in the following situation, and the change is asynchronously
	// applied as soon as possible. If moving this window to the current time, there
	// must be at least 30 minutes between the current time and end of the window
	// to ensure pending changes are applied.
	// Default: Uses existing setting
	// Format: ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi
	// Valid Days: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
	// Constraints: Must be at least 30 minutes
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for
	// the specified replication instance class. For example to specify the instance
	// class dms.c4.large, set this parameter to "dms.c4.large".
	// For more information on the settings and capacities for the available replication
	// instance classes, see Selecting the right DMS replication instance for your
	// migration (
	ReplicationInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication instance identifier. This parameter is stored as a lowercase
	// string.
	ReplicationInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the VPC security group to be used with the replication instance.
	// The VPC security group must work with the VPC containing the replication
	// instance.
	VpcSecurityGroupIds []*string `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetAllocatedStorage

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetAllowMajorVersionUpgrade

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetAllowMajorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetAllowMajorVersionUpgrade sets the AllowMajorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetApplyImmediately

SetApplyImmediately sets the ApplyImmediately field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetEngineVersion

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetMultiAZ

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetNetworkType

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceClass

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceClass(v string) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceClass sets the ReplicationInstanceClass field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier(v string) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier sets the ReplicationInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) SetVpcSecurityGroupIds(v []*string) *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput

SetVpcSecurityGroupIds sets the VpcSecurityGroupIds field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyReplicationInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput

type ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput struct {

	// The modified replication instance.
	ReplicationInstance *ReplicationInstance `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput) SetReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstance sets the ReplicationInstance field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationInstanceOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput

type ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput struct {

	// A description for the replication instance subnet group.
	ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the replication instance subnet group.
	// ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier is a required field
	ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A list of subnet IDs.
	// SubnetIds is a required field
	SubnetIds []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription

func (s *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription(v string) *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput

SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) SetSubnetIds

SetSubnetIds sets the SubnetIds field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput

type ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput struct {

	// The modified replication subnet group.
	ReplicationSubnetGroup *ReplicationSubnetGroup `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) SetReplicationSubnetGroup

SetReplicationSubnetGroup sets the ReplicationSubnetGroup field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationSubnetGroupOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ModifyReplicationTaskInput

type ModifyReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to start. Use
	// either CdcStartPosition or CdcStartTime to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// The value can be in date, checkpoint, or LSN/SCN format.
	// Date Example: --cdc-start-position “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	// Checkpoint Example: --cdc-start-position "checkpoint:V1#27#mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1975:-1:2002:677883278264080:mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1876#0#0#*#0#93"
	// LSN Example: --cdc-start-position “mysql-bin-changelog.000024:373”
	// When you use this task setting with a source PostgreSQL database, a logical
	// replication slot should already be created and associated with the source
	// endpoint. You can verify this by setting the slotName extra connection attribute
	// to the name of this logical replication slot. For more information, see Extra
	// Connection Attributes When Using PostgreSQL as a Source for DMS (
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// Timestamp Example: --cdc-start-time “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	CdcStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	// Server time example: --cdc-stop-position “server_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12”
	// Commit time example: --cdc-stop-position “commit_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12“
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// The migration type. Valid values: full-load | cdc | full-load-and-cdc
	MigrationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The replication task identifier.
	// Constraints:
	//    * Must contain 1-255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
	//    * First character must be a letter.
	//    * Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	ReplicationTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// JSON file that contains settings for the task, such as task metadata settings.
	ReplicationTaskSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// When using the CLI or boto3, provide the path of the JSON file that contains
	// the table mappings. Precede the path with file://. For example, --table-mappings
	// file://mappingfile.json. When working with the DMS API, provide the JSON
	// as the parameter value.
	TableMappings *string `type:"string"`

	// Supplemental information that the task requires to migrate the data for certain
	// source and target endpoints. For more information, see Specifying Supplemental
	// Data for Task Settings (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	TaskData *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s ModifyReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartPosition

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartTime

SetCdcStartTime sets the CdcStartTime field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStopPosition

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetMigrationType

SetMigrationType sets the MigrationType field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *ModifyReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier

func (s *ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier(v string) *ModifyReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskIdentifier sets the ReplicationTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskSettings

func (s *ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskSettings(v string) *ModifyReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskSettings sets the ReplicationTaskSettings field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetTableMappings

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) SetTaskData

SetTaskData sets the TaskData field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationTaskInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *ModifyReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ModifyReplicationTaskOutput

type ModifyReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The replication task that was modified.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ModifyReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s ModifyReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ModifyReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (ModifyReplicationTaskOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MongoDbDataProviderSettings

type MongoDbDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The authentication method for connecting to the data provider. Valid values
	AuthMechanism *string `type:"string" enum:"AuthMechanismValue"`

	// The MongoDB database name. This setting isn't used when AuthType is set to
	// "no".
	// The default is "admin".
	AuthSource *string `type:"string"`

	// The authentication type for the database connection. Valid values are PASSWORD
	// or NO.
	AuthType *string `type:"string" enum:"AuthTypeValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database name on the MongoDB data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the MongoDB data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the MongoDB server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the MongoDB data provider. The default value
	// is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a MongoDB data provider.

func (MongoDbDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s MongoDbDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetAuthMechanism

SetAuthMechanism sets the AuthMechanism field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetAuthSource

SetAuthSource sets the AuthSource field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetAuthType

SetAuthType sets the AuthType field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MongoDbDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (MongoDbDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MongoDbSettings

type MongoDbSettings struct {

	// The authentication mechanism you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.
	// For the default value, in MongoDB version 2.x, "default" is "mongodb_cr".
	// For MongoDB version 3.x or later, "default" is "scram_sha_1". This setting
	// isn't used when AuthType is set to "no".
	AuthMechanism *string `type:"string" enum:"AuthMechanismValue"`

	// The MongoDB database name. This setting isn't used when AuthType is set to
	// "no".
	// The default is "admin".
	AuthSource *string `type:"string"`

	// The authentication type you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.
	// When when set to "no", user name and password parameters are not used and
	// can be empty.
	AuthType *string `type:"string" enum:"AuthTypeValue"`

	// The database name on the MongoDB source endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the number of documents to preview to determine the document organization.
	// Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "one".
	// Must be a positive value greater than 0. Default value is 1000.
	DocsToInvestigate *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the document ID. Use this setting when NestingLevel is set to "none".
	// Default value is "false".
	ExtractDocId *string `type:"string"`

	// The KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the content on the replication
	// instance. If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS
	// uses your default encryption key. KMS creates the default encryption key
	// for your Amazon Web Services account. Your Amazon Web Services account has
	// a different default encryption key for each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies either document or table mode.
	// Default value is "none". Specify "none" to use document mode. Specify "one"
	// to use table mode.
	NestingLevel *string `type:"string" enum:"NestingLevelValue"`

	// The password for the user account you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by MongoDbSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The port value for the MongoDB source endpoint.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If true, DMS replicates data to shard collections. DMS only uses this setting
	// if the target endpoint is a DocumentDB elastic cluster.
	// When this setting is true, note the following:
	//    * You must set TargetTablePrepMode to nothing.
	//    * DMS automatically sets useUpdateLookup to false.
	ReplicateShardCollections *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the MongoDB endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the MongoDB endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the server on the MongoDB source endpoint. For MongoDB Atlas,
	// provide the server name for any of the servers in the replication set.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// If true, DMS retrieves the entire document from the MongoDB source during
	// migration. This may cause a migration failure if the server response exceeds
	// bandwidth limits. To fetch only updates and deletes during migration, set
	// this parameter to false.
	UseUpdateLookUp *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The user name you use to access the MongoDB source endpoint.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a MongoDB endpoint.

func (MongoDbSettings) GoString

func (s MongoDbSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetAuthMechanism

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetAuthMechanism(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetAuthMechanism sets the AuthMechanism field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetAuthSource

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetAuthSource(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetAuthSource sets the AuthSource field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetAuthType

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetAuthType(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetAuthType sets the AuthType field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetDocsToInvestigate

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetDocsToInvestigate(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetDocsToInvestigate sets the DocsToInvestigate field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetExtractDocId

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetExtractDocId(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetExtractDocId sets the ExtractDocId field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetNestingLevel

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetNestingLevel(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetNestingLevel sets the NestingLevel field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetPassword

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetPassword(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetPort

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetPort(v int64) *MongoDbSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetReplicateShardCollections

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetReplicateShardCollections(v bool) *MongoDbSettings

SetReplicateShardCollections sets the ReplicateShardCollections field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetServerName

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetServerName(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetUseUpdateLookUp

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetUseUpdateLookUp(v bool) *MongoDbSettings

SetUseUpdateLookUp sets the UseUpdateLookUp field's value.

func (*MongoDbSettings) SetUsername

func (s *MongoDbSettings) SetUsername(v string) *MongoDbSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (MongoDbSettings) String

func (s MongoDbSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MoveReplicationTaskInput

type MoveReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task that you want to move.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The ARN of the replication instance where you want to move the task to.
	// TargetReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	TargetReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (MoveReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s MoveReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MoveReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *MoveReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *MoveReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*MoveReplicationTaskInput) SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *MoveReplicationTaskInput) SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *MoveReplicationTaskInput

SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn sets the TargetReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (MoveReplicationTaskInput) String

func (s MoveReplicationTaskInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MoveReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *MoveReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type MoveReplicationTaskOutput

type MoveReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The replication task that was moved.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (MoveReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s MoveReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MoveReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (MoveReplicationTaskOutput) String

func (s MoveReplicationTaskOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MySQLSettings

type MySQLSettings struct {

	// Specifies a script to run immediately after DMS connects to the endpoint.
	// The migration task continues running regardless if the SQL statement succeeds
	// or fails.
	// For this parameter, provide the code of the script itself, not the name of
	// a file containing the script.
	AfterConnectScript *string `type:"string"`

	// Cleans and recreates table metadata information on the replication instance
	// when a mismatch occurs. For example, in a situation where running an alter
	// DDL on the table could result in different information about the table cached
	// in the replication instance.
	CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Database name for the endpoint. For a MySQL source or target endpoint, don't
	// explicitly specify the database using the DatabaseName request parameter
	// on either the CreateEndpoint or ModifyEndpoint API call. Specifying DatabaseName
	// when you create or modify a MySQL endpoint replicates all the task tables
	// to this single database. For MySQL endpoints, you specify the database only
	// when you specify the schema in the table-mapping rules of the DMS task.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies how often to check the binary log for new changes/events when the
	// database is idle. The default is five seconds.
	// Example: eventsPollInterval=5;
	// In the example, DMS checks for changes in the binary logs every five seconds.
	EventsPollInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Sets the client statement timeout (in seconds) for a MySQL source endpoint.
	ExecuteTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the maximum size (in KB) of any .csv file used to transfer data
	// to a MySQL-compatible database.
	// Example: maxFileSize=512
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Improves performance when loading data into the MySQL-compatible target database.
	// Specifies how many threads to use to load the data into the MySQL-compatible
	// target database. Setting a large number of threads can have an adverse effect
	// on database performance, because a separate connection is required for each
	// thread. The default is one.
	// Example: parallelLoadThreads=1
	ParallelLoadThreads *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by MySQLSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the MySQL endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the MySQL endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The host name of the endpoint database.
	// For an Amazon RDS MySQL instance, this is the output of DescribeDBInstances
	// (,
	// in the Endpoint (
	// field.
	// For an Aurora MySQL instance, this is the output of DescribeDBClusters (,
	// in the Endpoint field.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the time zone for the source MySQL database.
	// Example: serverTimezone=US/Pacific;
	// Note: Do not enclose time zones in single quotes.
	ServerTimezone *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies where to migrate source tables on the target, either to a single
	// database or multiple databases. If you specify SPECIFIC_DATABASE, specify
	// the database name using the DatabaseName parameter of the Endpoint object.
	// Example: targetDbType=MULTIPLE_DATABASES
	TargetDbType *string `type:"string" enum:"TargetDbType"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a MySQL endpoint.

func (MySQLSettings) GoString

func (s MySQLSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MySQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetAfterConnectScript sets the AfterConnectScript field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch(v bool) *MySQLSettings

SetCleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch sets the CleanSourceMetadataOnMismatch field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetEventsPollInterval

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetEventsPollInterval(v int64) *MySQLSettings

SetEventsPollInterval sets the EventsPollInterval field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetExecuteTimeout

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetExecuteTimeout(v int64) *MySQLSettings

SetExecuteTimeout sets the ExecuteTimeout field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *MySQLSettings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetParallelLoadThreads

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetParallelLoadThreads(v int64) *MySQLSettings

SetParallelLoadThreads sets the ParallelLoadThreads field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetPassword

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetPassword(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetPort

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetPort(v int64) *MySQLSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetServerName

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetServerName(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetServerTimezone

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetServerTimezone(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetServerTimezone sets the ServerTimezone field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetTargetDbType

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetTargetDbType(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetTargetDbType sets the TargetDbType field's value.

func (*MySQLSettings) SetUsername

func (s *MySQLSettings) SetUsername(v string) *MySQLSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (MySQLSettings) String

func (s MySQLSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type MySqlDataProviderSettings

type MySqlDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the MySQL data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the MySQL server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the MySQL data provider. The default value
	// is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a MySQL data provider.

func (MySqlDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s MySqlDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*MySqlDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*MySqlDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*MySqlDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*MySqlDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (MySqlDataProviderSettings) String

func (s MySqlDataProviderSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type NeptuneSettings

type NeptuneSettings struct {

	// The number of milliseconds for DMS to wait to retry a bulk-load of migrated
	// graph data to the Neptune target database before raising an error. The default
	// is 250.
	ErrorRetryDuration *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If you want Identity and Access Management (IAM) authorization enabled for
	// this endpoint, set this parameter to true. Then attach the appropriate IAM
	// policy document to your service role specified by ServiceAccessRoleArn. The
	// default is false.
	IamAuthEnabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The maximum size in kilobytes of migrated graph data stored in a .csv file
	// before DMS bulk-loads the data to the Neptune target database. The default
	// is 1,048,576 KB. If the bulk load is successful, DMS clears the bucket, ready
	// to store the next batch of migrated graph data.
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of times for DMS to retry a bulk load of migrated graph data to
	// the Neptune target database before raising an error. The default is 5.
	MaxRetryCount *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A folder path where you want DMS to store migrated graph data in the S3 bucket
	// specified by S3BucketName
	// S3BucketFolder is a required field
	S3BucketFolder *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where DMS can temporarily store migrated
	// graph data in .csv files before bulk-loading it to the Neptune target database.
	// DMS maps the SQL source data to graph data before storing it in these .csv
	// files.
	// S3BucketName is a required field
	S3BucketName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service role that you created for the
	// Neptune target endpoint. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. For
	// more information, see Creating an IAM Service Role for Accessing Amazon Neptune
	// as a Target (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Amazon Neptune endpoint.

func (NeptuneSettings) GoString

func (s NeptuneSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetErrorRetryDuration

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetErrorRetryDuration(v int64) *NeptuneSettings

SetErrorRetryDuration sets the ErrorRetryDuration field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetIamAuthEnabled

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetIamAuthEnabled(v bool) *NeptuneSettings

SetIamAuthEnabled sets the IamAuthEnabled field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *NeptuneSettings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetMaxRetryCount

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetMaxRetryCount(v int64) *NeptuneSettings

SetMaxRetryCount sets the MaxRetryCount field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetS3BucketFolder

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetS3BucketFolder(v string) *NeptuneSettings

SetS3BucketFolder sets the S3BucketFolder field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetS3BucketName

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetS3BucketName(v string) *NeptuneSettings

SetS3BucketName sets the S3BucketName field's value.

func (*NeptuneSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *NeptuneSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *NeptuneSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (NeptuneSettings) String

func (s NeptuneSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*NeptuneSettings) Validate

func (s *NeptuneSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type OracleDataProviderSettings

type OracleDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The address of your Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) server. You
	// can set this value from the asm_server value. You set asm_server as part
	// of the extra connection attribute string to access an Oracle server with
	// Binary Reader that uses ASM. For more information, see Configuration for
	// change data capture (CDC) on an Oracle source database (
	AsmServer *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database name on the Oracle data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the Oracle data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The ARN of the IAM role that provides access to the secret in Secrets Manager
	// that contains the Oracle ASM connection details.
	SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the secret in Secrets Manager that contains the Oracle
	// ASM connection details.
	// Required only if your data provider uses the Oracle ASM server.
	SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN of the IAM role that provides access to the secret in Secrets Manager
	// that contains the TDE password.
	SecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the secret in Secrets Manager that contains the transparent
	// data encryption (TDE) password. DMS requires this password to access Oracle
	// redo logs encrypted by TDE using Binary Reader.
	SecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the Oracle server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the Oracle data provider. The default value
	// is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Oracle data provider.

func (OracleDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s OracleDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetAsmServer

SetAsmServer sets the AsmServer field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn

func (s *OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn(v string) *OracleDataProviderSettings

SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId

func (s *OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId(v string) *OracleDataProviderSettings

SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId sets the SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionAccessRoleArn

func (s *OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionAccessRoleArn(v string) *OracleDataProviderSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionSecretId

func (s *OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionSecretId(v string) *OracleDataProviderSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecurityDbEncryptionSecretId field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*OracleDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (OracleDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type OracleSettings

type OracleSettings struct {

	// Set this attribute to false in order to use the Binary Reader to capture
	// change data for an Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source. This tells the DMS
	// instance to not access redo logs through any specified path prefix replacement
	// using direct file access.
	AccessAlternateDirectly *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to set up table-level supplemental logging for the Oracle
	// database. This attribute enables PRIMARY KEY supplemental logging on all
	// tables selected for a migration task.
	// If you use this option, you still need to enable database-level supplemental
	// logging.
	AddSupplementalLogging *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute with ArchivedLogDestId in a primary/ standby setup. This
	// attribute is useful in the case of a switchover. In this case, DMS needs
	// to know which destination to get archive redo logs from to read changes.
	// This need arises because the previous primary instance is now a standby instance
	// after switchover.
	// Although DMS supports the use of the Oracle RESETLOGS option to open the
	// database, never use RESETLOGS unless necessary. For additional information
	// about RESETLOGS, see RMAN Data Repair Concepts (
	// in the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide.
	AdditionalArchivedLogDestId *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Set this attribute to true to enable replication of Oracle tables containing
	// columns that are nested tables or defined types.
	AllowSelectNestedTables *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Specifies the ID of the destination for the archived redo logs. This value
	// should be the same as a number in the dest_id column of the v$archived_log
	// view. If you work with an additional redo log destination, use the AdditionalArchivedLogDestId
	// option to specify the additional destination ID. Doing this improves performance
	// by ensuring that the correct logs are accessed from the outset.
	ArchivedLogDestId *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// When this field is set to Y, DMS only accesses the archived redo logs. If
	// the archived redo logs are stored on Automatic Storage Management (ASM) only,
	// the DMS user account needs to be granted ASM privileges.
	ArchivedLogsOnly *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// For an Oracle source endpoint, your Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
	// password. You can set this value from the asm_user_password value. You set
	// this value as part of the comma-separated value that you set to the Password
	// request parameter when you create the endpoint to access transaction logs
	// using Binary Reader. For more information, see Configuration for change data
	// capture (CDC) on an Oracle source database (
	// AsmPassword is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by OracleSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	AsmPassword *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// For an Oracle source endpoint, your ASM server address. You can set this
	// value from the asm_server value. You set asm_server as part of the extra
	// connection attribute string to access an Oracle server with Binary Reader
	// that uses ASM. For more information, see Configuration for change data capture
	// (CDC) on an Oracle source database (
	AsmServer *string `type:"string"`

	// For an Oracle source endpoint, your ASM user name. You can set this value
	// from the asm_user value. You set asm_user as part of the extra connection
	// attribute string to access an Oracle server with Binary Reader that uses
	// ASM. For more information, see Configuration for change data capture (CDC)
	// on an Oracle source database (
	AsmUser *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies whether the length of a character column is in bytes or in characters.
	// To indicate that the character column length is in characters, set this attribute
	// to CHAR. Otherwise, the character column length is in bytes.
	// Example: charLengthSemantics=CHAR;
	CharLengthSemantics *string `type:"string" enum:"CharLengthSemantics"`

	// When true, converts timestamps with the timezone datatype to their UTC value.
	ConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// When set to true, this attribute helps to increase the commit rate on the
	// Oracle target database by writing directly to tables and not writing a trail
	// to database logs.
	DirectPathNoLog *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When set to true, this attribute specifies a parallel load when useDirectPathFullLoad
	// is set to Y. This attribute also only applies when you use the DMS parallel
	// load feature. Note that the target table cannot have any constraints or indexes.
	DirectPathParallelLoad *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to enable homogenous tablespace replication and create
	// existing tables or indexes under the same tablespace on the target.
	EnableHomogenousTablespace *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Specifies the IDs of one more destinations for one or more archived redo
	// logs. These IDs are the values of the dest_id column in the v$archived_log
	// view. Use this setting with the archivedLogDestId extra connection attribute
	// in a primary-to-single setup or a primary-to-multiple-standby setup.
	// This setting is useful in a switchover when you use an Oracle Data Guard
	// database as a source. In this case, DMS needs information about what destination
	// to get archive redo logs from to read changes. DMS needs this because after
	// the switchover the previous primary is a standby instance. For example, in
	// a primary-to-single standby setup you might apply the following settings.
	// archivedLogDestId=1; ExtraArchivedLogDestIds=[2]
	// In a primary-to-multiple-standby setup, you might apply the following settings.
	// archivedLogDestId=1; ExtraArchivedLogDestIds=[2,3,4]
	// Although DMS supports the use of the Oracle RESETLOGS option to open the
	// database, never use RESETLOGS unless it's necessary. For more information
	// about RESETLOGS, see RMAN Data Repair Concepts (
	// in the Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide.
	ExtraArchivedLogDestIds []*int64 `type:"list"`

	// When set to true, this attribute causes a task to fail if the actual size
	// of an LOB column is greater than the specified LobMaxSize.
	// If a task is set to limited LOB mode and this option is set to true, the
	// task fails instead of truncating the LOB data.
	FailTasksOnLobTruncation *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Specifies the number scale. You can select a scale up to 38, or you can select
	// FLOAT. By default, the NUMBER data type is converted to precision 38, scale
	// 10.
	// Example: numberDataTypeScale=12
	NumberDatatypeScale *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The timeframe in minutes to check for open transactions for a CDC-only task.
	// You can specify an integer value between 0 (the default) and 240 (the maximum).
	// This parameter is only valid in DMS version 3.5.0 and later. DMS supports
	// a window of up to 9.5 hours including the value for OpenTransactionWindow.
	OpenTransactionWindow *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Set this string attribute to the required value in order to use the Binary
	// Reader to capture change data for an Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source.
	// This value specifies the default Oracle root used to access the redo logs.
	OraclePathPrefix *string `type:"string"`

	// Set this attribute to change the number of threads that DMS configures to
	// perform a change data capture (CDC) load using Oracle Automatic Storage Management
	// (ASM). You can specify an integer value between 2 (the default) and 8 (the
	// maximum). Use this attribute together with the readAheadBlocks attribute.
	ParallelAsmReadThreads *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by OracleSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Set this attribute to change the number of read-ahead blocks that DMS configures
	// to perform a change data capture (CDC) load using Oracle Automatic Storage
	// Management (ASM). You can specify an integer value between 1000 (the default)
	// and 200,000 (the maximum).
	ReadAheadBlocks *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// When set to true, this attribute supports tablespace replication.
	ReadTableSpaceName *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to true in order to use the Binary Reader to capture change
	// data for an Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source. This setting tells DMS instance
	// to replace the default Oracle root with the specified usePathPrefix setting
	// to access the redo logs.
	ReplacePathPrefix *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Specifies the number of seconds that the system waits before resending a
	// query.
	// Example: retryInterval=6;
	RetryInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the Oracle endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Required only if your Oracle endpoint uses Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
	// The full ARN of the IAM role that specifies DMS as the trusted entity and
	// grants the required permissions to access the SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecret.
	// This SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecret has the secret value that allows access
	// to the Oracle ASM of the endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId.
	// Or you can specify clear-text values for AsmUser, AsmPassword, and AsmServerName.
	// You can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId
	// required to access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service
	// resources (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Required only if your Oracle endpoint uses Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecret
	// that contains the Oracle ASM connection details for the Oracle endpoint.
	SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the Oracle endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// For an Oracle source endpoint, the transparent data encryption (TDE) password
	// required by AWM DMS to access Oracle redo logs encrypted by TDE using Binary
	// Reader. It is also the TDE_Password part of the comma-separated value you
	// set to the Password request parameter when you create the endpoint. The SecurityDbEncryptian
	// setting is related to this SecurityDbEncryptionName setting. For more information,
	// see Supported encryption methods for using Oracle as a source for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	// SecurityDbEncryption is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by OracleSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	SecurityDbEncryption *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// For an Oracle source endpoint, the name of a key used for the transparent
	// data encryption (TDE) of the columns and tablespaces in an Oracle source
	// database that is encrypted using TDE. The key value is the value of the SecurityDbEncryption
	// setting. For more information on setting the key name value of SecurityDbEncryptionName,
	// see the information and example for setting the securityDbEncryptionName
	// extra connection attribute in Supported encryption methods for using Oracle
	// as a source for DMS (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecurityDbEncryptionName *string `type:"string"`

	// Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint.
	// For an Amazon RDS Oracle instance, this is the output of DescribeDBInstances
	// (,
	// in the Endpoint (
	// field.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Use this attribute to convert SDO_GEOMETRY to GEOJSON format. By default,
	// DMS calls the SDO2GEOJSON custom function if present and accessible. Or you
	// can create your own custom function that mimics the operation of SDOGEOJSON
	// and set SpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName to call it instead.
	SpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName *string `type:"string"`

	// Use this attribute to specify a time in minutes for the delay in standby
	// sync. If the source is an Oracle Active Data Guard standby database, use
	// this attribute to specify the time lag between primary and standby databases.
	// In DMS, you can create an Oracle CDC task that uses an Active Data Guard
	// standby instance as a source for replicating ongoing changes. Doing this
	// eliminates the need to connect to an active database that might be in production.
	StandbyDelayTime *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Use the TrimSpaceInChar source endpoint setting to trim data on CHAR and
	// NCHAR data types during migration. The default value is true.
	TrimSpaceInChar *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to true in order to use the Binary Reader to capture change
	// data for an Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source. This tells the DMS instance
	// to use any specified prefix replacement to access all online redo logs.
	UseAlternateFolderForOnline *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to Y to capture change data using the Binary Reader utility.
	// Set UseLogminerReader to N to set this attribute to Y. To use Binary Reader
	// with Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source, you set additional attributes.
	// For more information about using this setting with Oracle Automatic Storage
	// Management (ASM), see Using Oracle LogMiner or DMS Binary Reader for CDC
	// (
	UseBFile *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to Y to have DMS use a direct path full load. Specify
	// this value to use the direct path protocol in the Oracle Call Interface (OCI).
	// By using this OCI protocol, you can bulk-load Oracle target tables during
	// a full load.
	UseDirectPathFullLoad *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to Y to capture change data using the Oracle LogMiner
	// utility (the default). Set this attribute to N if you want to access the
	// redo logs as a binary file. When you set UseLogminerReader to N, also set
	// UseBfile to Y. For more information on this setting and using Oracle ASM,
	// see Using Oracle LogMiner or DMS Binary Reader for CDC (
	// in the DMS User Guide.
	UseLogminerReader *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this string attribute to the required value in order to use the Binary
	// Reader to capture change data for an Amazon RDS for Oracle as the source.
	// This value specifies the path prefix used to replace the default Oracle root
	// to access the redo logs.
	UsePathPrefix *string `type:"string"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Oracle endpoint.

func (OracleSettings) GoString

func (s OracleSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OracleSettings) SetAccessAlternateDirectly

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAccessAlternateDirectly(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetAccessAlternateDirectly sets the AccessAlternateDirectly field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAddSupplementalLogging

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAddSupplementalLogging(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetAddSupplementalLogging sets the AddSupplementalLogging field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAdditionalArchivedLogDestId

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAdditionalArchivedLogDestId(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetAdditionalArchivedLogDestId sets the AdditionalArchivedLogDestId field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAllowSelectNestedTables

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAllowSelectNestedTables(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetAllowSelectNestedTables sets the AllowSelectNestedTables field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetArchivedLogDestId

func (s *OracleSettings) SetArchivedLogDestId(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetArchivedLogDestId sets the ArchivedLogDestId field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetArchivedLogsOnly

func (s *OracleSettings) SetArchivedLogsOnly(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetArchivedLogsOnly sets the ArchivedLogsOnly field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAsmPassword

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAsmPassword(v string) *OracleSettings

SetAsmPassword sets the AsmPassword field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAsmServer

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAsmServer(v string) *OracleSettings

SetAsmServer sets the AsmServer field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetAsmUser

func (s *OracleSettings) SetAsmUser(v string) *OracleSettings

SetAsmUser sets the AsmUser field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetCharLengthSemantics

func (s *OracleSettings) SetCharLengthSemantics(v string) *OracleSettings

SetCharLengthSemantics sets the CharLengthSemantics field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC

func (s *OracleSettings) SetConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC sets the ConvertTimestampWithZoneToUTC field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *OracleSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *OracleSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetDirectPathNoLog

func (s *OracleSettings) SetDirectPathNoLog(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetDirectPathNoLog sets the DirectPathNoLog field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetDirectPathParallelLoad

func (s *OracleSettings) SetDirectPathParallelLoad(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetDirectPathParallelLoad sets the DirectPathParallelLoad field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetEnableHomogenousTablespace

func (s *OracleSettings) SetEnableHomogenousTablespace(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetEnableHomogenousTablespace sets the EnableHomogenousTablespace field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetExtraArchivedLogDestIds

func (s *OracleSettings) SetExtraArchivedLogDestIds(v []*int64) *OracleSettings

SetExtraArchivedLogDestIds sets the ExtraArchivedLogDestIds field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation

func (s *OracleSettings) SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation sets the FailTasksOnLobTruncation field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetNumberDatatypeScale

func (s *OracleSettings) SetNumberDatatypeScale(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetNumberDatatypeScale sets the NumberDatatypeScale field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetOpenTransactionWindow

func (s *OracleSettings) SetOpenTransactionWindow(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetOpenTransactionWindow sets the OpenTransactionWindow field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetOraclePathPrefix

func (s *OracleSettings) SetOraclePathPrefix(v string) *OracleSettings

SetOraclePathPrefix sets the OraclePathPrefix field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetParallelAsmReadThreads

func (s *OracleSettings) SetParallelAsmReadThreads(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetParallelAsmReadThreads sets the ParallelAsmReadThreads field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetPassword

func (s *OracleSettings) SetPassword(v string) *OracleSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetPort

func (s *OracleSettings) SetPort(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetReadAheadBlocks

func (s *OracleSettings) SetReadAheadBlocks(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetReadAheadBlocks sets the ReadAheadBlocks field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetReadTableSpaceName

func (s *OracleSettings) SetReadTableSpaceName(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetReadTableSpaceName sets the ReadTableSpaceName field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetReplacePathPrefix

func (s *OracleSettings) SetReplacePathPrefix(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetReplacePathPrefix sets the ReplacePathPrefix field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetRetryInterval

func (s *OracleSettings) SetRetryInterval(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetRetryInterval sets the RetryInterval field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerOracleAsmAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId sets the SecretsManagerOracleAsmSecretId field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecurityDbEncryption

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecurityDbEncryption(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecurityDbEncryption sets the SecurityDbEncryption field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSecurityDbEncryptionName

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSecurityDbEncryptionName(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSecurityDbEncryptionName sets the SecurityDbEncryptionName field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetServerName

func (s *OracleSettings) SetServerName(v string) *OracleSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetSpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName

func (s *OracleSettings) SetSpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName(v string) *OracleSettings

SetSpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName sets the SpatialDataOptionToGeoJsonFunctionName field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetStandbyDelayTime

func (s *OracleSettings) SetStandbyDelayTime(v int64) *OracleSettings

SetStandbyDelayTime sets the StandbyDelayTime field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetTrimSpaceInChar

func (s *OracleSettings) SetTrimSpaceInChar(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetTrimSpaceInChar sets the TrimSpaceInChar field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUseAlternateFolderForOnline

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUseAlternateFolderForOnline(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetUseAlternateFolderForOnline sets the UseAlternateFolderForOnline field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUseBFile

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUseBFile(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetUseBFile sets the UseBFile field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUseDirectPathFullLoad

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUseDirectPathFullLoad(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetUseDirectPathFullLoad sets the UseDirectPathFullLoad field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUseLogminerReader

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUseLogminerReader(v bool) *OracleSettings

SetUseLogminerReader sets the UseLogminerReader field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUsePathPrefix

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUsePathPrefix(v string) *OracleSettings

SetUsePathPrefix sets the UsePathPrefix field's value.

func (*OracleSettings) SetUsername

func (s *OracleSettings) SetUsername(v string) *OracleSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (OracleSettings) String

func (s OracleSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type OrderableReplicationInstance

type OrderableReplicationInstance struct {

	// List of Availability Zones for this replication instance.
	AvailabilityZones []*string `type:"list"`

	// The default amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	DefaultAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The version of the replication engine.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// The amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	IncludedAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The minimum amount of storage (in gigabytes) that can be allocated for the
	// replication instance.
	MaxAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The minimum amount of storage (in gigabytes) that can be allocated for the
	// replication instance.
	MinAllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The value returned when the specified EngineVersion of the replication instance
	// is in Beta or test mode. This indicates some features might not work as expected.
	// DMS supports the ReleaseStatus parameter in versions 3.1.4 and later.
	ReleaseStatus *string `type:"string" enum:"ReleaseStatusValues"`

	// The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for
	// the specified replication instance class. For example to specify the instance
	// class dms.c4.large, set this parameter to "dms.c4.large".
	// For more information on the settings and capacities for the available replication
	// instance classes, see Selecting the right DMS replication instance for your
	// migration (
	ReplicationInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of storage used by the replication instance.
	StorageType *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

In response to the DescribeOrderableReplicationInstances operation, this object describes an available replication instance. This description includes the replication instance's type, engine version, and allocated storage.

func (OrderableReplicationInstance) GoString

func (s OrderableReplicationInstance) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetAvailabilityZones

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetAvailabilityZones(v []*string) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetAvailabilityZones sets the AvailabilityZones field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetDefaultAllocatedStorage

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetDefaultAllocatedStorage(v int64) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetDefaultAllocatedStorage sets the DefaultAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetEngineVersion

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetIncludedAllocatedStorage

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetIncludedAllocatedStorage(v int64) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetIncludedAllocatedStorage sets the IncludedAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetMaxAllocatedStorage

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetMaxAllocatedStorage(v int64) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetMaxAllocatedStorage sets the MaxAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetMinAllocatedStorage

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetMinAllocatedStorage(v int64) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetMinAllocatedStorage sets the MinAllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetReleaseStatus

SetReleaseStatus sets the ReleaseStatus field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceClass

func (s *OrderableReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceClass(v string) *OrderableReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceClass sets the ReplicationInstanceClass field's value.

func (*OrderableReplicationInstance) SetStorageType

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (OrderableReplicationInstance) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type PendingMaintenanceAction

type PendingMaintenanceAction struct {

	// The type of pending maintenance action that is available for the resource.
	Action *string `type:"string"`

	// The date of the maintenance window when the action is to be applied. The
	// maintenance action is applied to the resource during its first maintenance
	// window after this date. If this date is specified, any next-maintenance opt-in
	// requests are ignored.
	AutoAppliedAfterDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The effective date when the pending maintenance action will be applied to
	// the resource. This date takes into account opt-in requests received from
	// the ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction API operation, and also the AutoAppliedAfterDate
	// and ForcedApplyDate parameter values. This value is blank if an opt-in request
	// has not been received and nothing has been specified for AutoAppliedAfterDate
	// or ForcedApplyDate.
	CurrentApplyDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// A description providing more detail about the maintenance action.
	Description *string `type:"string"`

	// The date when the maintenance action will be automatically applied. The maintenance
	// action is applied to the resource on this date regardless of the maintenance
	// window for the resource. If this date is specified, any immediate opt-in
	// requests are ignored.
	ForcedApplyDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The type of opt-in request that has been received for the resource.
	OptInStatus *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a maintenance action pending for an DMS resource, including when and how it will be applied. This data type is a response element to the DescribePendingMaintenanceActions operation.

func (PendingMaintenanceAction) GoString

func (s PendingMaintenanceAction) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetAction

SetAction sets the Action field's value.

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetAutoAppliedAfterDate

func (s *PendingMaintenanceAction) SetAutoAppliedAfterDate(v time.Time) *PendingMaintenanceAction

SetAutoAppliedAfterDate sets the AutoAppliedAfterDate field's value.

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetCurrentApplyDate

func (s *PendingMaintenanceAction) SetCurrentApplyDate(v time.Time) *PendingMaintenanceAction

SetCurrentApplyDate sets the CurrentApplyDate field's value.

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetDescription

SetDescription sets the Description field's value.

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetForcedApplyDate

func (s *PendingMaintenanceAction) SetForcedApplyDate(v time.Time) *PendingMaintenanceAction

SetForcedApplyDate sets the ForcedApplyDate field's value.

func (*PendingMaintenanceAction) SetOptInStatus

SetOptInStatus sets the OptInStatus field's value.

func (PendingMaintenanceAction) String

func (s PendingMaintenanceAction) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type PostgreSQLSettings

type PostgreSQLSettings struct {

	// For use with change data capture (CDC) only, this attribute has DMS bypass
	// foreign keys and user triggers to reduce the time it takes to bulk load data.
	// Example: afterConnectScript=SET session_replication_role='replica'
	AfterConnectScript *string `type:"string"`

	// The Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL database name for the endpoint.
	BabelfishDatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// To capture DDL events, DMS creates various artifacts in the PostgreSQL database
	// when the task starts. You can later remove these artifacts.
	// If this value is set to N, you don't have to create tables or triggers on
	// the source database.
	CaptureDdls *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Specifies the default behavior of the replication's handling of PostgreSQL-
	// compatible endpoints that require some additional configuration, such as
	// Babelfish endpoints.
	DatabaseMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DatabaseMode"`

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The schema in which the operational DDL database artifacts are created.
	// Example: ddlArtifactsSchema=xyzddlschema;
	DdlArtifactsSchema *string `type:"string"`

	// Sets the client statement timeout for the PostgreSQL instance, in seconds.
	// The default value is 60 seconds.
	// Example: executeTimeout=100;
	ExecuteTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// When set to true, this value causes a task to fail if the actual size of
	// a LOB column is greater than the specified LobMaxSize.
	// If task is set to Limited LOB mode and this option is set to true, the task
	// fails instead of truncating the LOB data.
	FailTasksOnLobTruncation *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The write-ahead log (WAL) heartbeat feature mimics a dummy transaction. By
	// doing this, it prevents idle logical replication slots from holding onto
	// old WAL logs, which can result in storage full situations on the source.
	// This heartbeat keeps restart_lsn moving and prevents storage full scenarios.
	HeartbeatEnable *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Sets the WAL heartbeat frequency (in minutes).
	HeartbeatFrequency *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Sets the schema in which the heartbeat artifacts are created.
	HeartbeatSchema *string `type:"string"`

	// When true, lets PostgreSQL migrate the boolean type as boolean. By default,
	// PostgreSQL migrates booleans as varchar(5). You must set this setting on
	// both the source and target endpoints for it to take effect.
	MapBooleanAsBoolean *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When true, DMS migrates JSONB values as CLOB.
	MapJsonbAsClob *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When true, DMS migrates LONG values as VARCHAR.
	MapLongVarcharAs *string `type:"string" enum:"LongVarcharMappingType"`

	// Specifies the maximum size (in KB) of any .csv file used to transfer data
	// to PostgreSQL.
	// Example: maxFileSize=512
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by PostgreSQLSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Specifies the plugin to use to create a replication slot.
	PluginName *string `type:"string" enum:"PluginNameValue"`

	// Endpoint TCP port. The default is 5432.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the PostgreSQL endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the PostgreSQL endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The host name of the endpoint database.
	// For an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance, this is the output of DescribeDBInstances
	// (,
	// in the Endpoint (
	// field.
	// For an Aurora PostgreSQL instance, this is the output of DescribeDBClusters
	// (,
	// in the Endpoint field.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Sets the name of a previously created logical replication slot for a change
	// data capture (CDC) load of the PostgreSQL source instance.
	// When used with the CdcStartPosition request parameter for the DMS API , this
	// attribute also makes it possible to use native CDC start points. DMS verifies
	// that the specified logical replication slot exists before starting the CDC
	// load task. It also verifies that the task was created with a valid setting
	// of CdcStartPosition. If the specified slot doesn't exist or the task doesn't
	// have a valid CdcStartPosition setting, DMS raises an error.
	// For more information about setting the CdcStartPosition request parameter,
	// see Determining a CDC native start point (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide. For more information about
	// using CdcStartPosition, see CreateReplicationTask (,
	// StartReplicationTask (,
	// and ModifyReplicationTask (
	SlotName *string `type:"string"`

	// Use the TrimSpaceInChar source endpoint setting to trim data on CHAR and
	// NCHAR data types during migration. The default value is true.
	TrimSpaceInChar *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a PostgreSQL endpoint.

func (PostgreSQLSettings) GoString

func (s PostgreSQLSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetAfterConnectScript(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetAfterConnectScript sets the AfterConnectScript field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetBabelfishDatabaseName

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetBabelfishDatabaseName(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetBabelfishDatabaseName sets the BabelfishDatabaseName field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetCaptureDdls

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetCaptureDdls(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetCaptureDdls sets the CaptureDdls field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetDatabaseMode

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetDatabaseMode(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetDatabaseMode sets the DatabaseMode field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetDdlArtifactsSchema

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetDdlArtifactsSchema(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetDdlArtifactsSchema sets the DdlArtifactsSchema field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetExecuteTimeout

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetExecuteTimeout(v int64) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetExecuteTimeout sets the ExecuteTimeout field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetFailTasksOnLobTruncation sets the FailTasksOnLobTruncation field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatEnable

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatEnable(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetHeartbeatEnable sets the HeartbeatEnable field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatFrequency

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatFrequency(v int64) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetHeartbeatFrequency sets the HeartbeatFrequency field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatSchema

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetHeartbeatSchema(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetHeartbeatSchema sets the HeartbeatSchema field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapBooleanAsBoolean

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapBooleanAsBoolean(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetMapBooleanAsBoolean sets the MapBooleanAsBoolean field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapJsonbAsClob

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapJsonbAsClob(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetMapJsonbAsClob sets the MapJsonbAsClob field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapLongVarcharAs

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetMapLongVarcharAs(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetMapLongVarcharAs sets the MapLongVarcharAs field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetPassword

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetPassword(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetPluginName

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetPluginName(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetPluginName sets the PluginName field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetServerName

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetServerName(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetSlotName

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetSlotName(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetSlotName sets the SlotName field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetTrimSpaceInChar

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetTrimSpaceInChar(v bool) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetTrimSpaceInChar sets the TrimSpaceInChar field's value.

func (*PostgreSQLSettings) SetUsername

func (s *PostgreSQLSettings) SetUsername(v string) *PostgreSQLSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (PostgreSQLSettings) String

func (s PostgreSQLSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings

type PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate used for SSL connection.
	CertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The database name on the PostgreSQL data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the PostgreSQL data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the PostgreSQL server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The SSL mode used to connect to the PostgreSQL data provider. The default
	// value is none.
	SslMode *string `type:"string" enum:"DmsSslModeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a PostgreSQL data provider.

func (PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) SetCertificateArn

SetCertificateArn sets the CertificateArn field's value.

func (*PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) SetSslMode

SetSslMode sets the SslMode field's value.

func (PostgreSqlDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ProvisionData

type ProvisionData struct {

	// The timestamp when provisioning became available.
	DateNewProvisioningDataAvailable *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The timestamp when DMS provisioned replication resources.
	DateProvisioned *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Whether the new provisioning is available to the replication.
	IsNewProvisioningAvailable *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The current provisioning state
	ProvisionState *string `type:"string"`

	// The number of capacity units the replication is using.
	ProvisionedCapacityUnits *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A message describing the reason that DMS provisioned new resources for the
	// serverless replication.
	ReasonForNewProvisioningData *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Information about provisioning resources for an DMS serverless replication.

func (ProvisionData) GoString

func (s ProvisionData) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ProvisionData) SetDateNewProvisioningDataAvailable

func (s *ProvisionData) SetDateNewProvisioningDataAvailable(v time.Time) *ProvisionData

SetDateNewProvisioningDataAvailable sets the DateNewProvisioningDataAvailable field's value.

func (*ProvisionData) SetDateProvisioned

func (s *ProvisionData) SetDateProvisioned(v time.Time) *ProvisionData

SetDateProvisioned sets the DateProvisioned field's value.

func (*ProvisionData) SetIsNewProvisioningAvailable

func (s *ProvisionData) SetIsNewProvisioningAvailable(v bool) *ProvisionData

SetIsNewProvisioningAvailable sets the IsNewProvisioningAvailable field's value.

func (*ProvisionData) SetProvisionState

func (s *ProvisionData) SetProvisionState(v string) *ProvisionData

SetProvisionState sets the ProvisionState field's value.

func (*ProvisionData) SetProvisionedCapacityUnits

func (s *ProvisionData) SetProvisionedCapacityUnits(v int64) *ProvisionData

SetProvisionedCapacityUnits sets the ProvisionedCapacityUnits field's value.

func (*ProvisionData) SetReasonForNewProvisioningData

func (s *ProvisionData) SetReasonForNewProvisioningData(v string) *ProvisionData

SetReasonForNewProvisioningData sets the ReasonForNewProvisioningData field's value.

func (ProvisionData) String

func (s ProvisionData) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RdsConfiguration

type RdsConfiguration struct {

	// Describes the deployment option for the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance.
	// The deployment options include Multi-AZ and Single-AZ deployments. Valid
	// values include "MULTI_AZ" and "SINGLE_AZ".
	DeploymentOption *string `type:"string"`

	// Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS engine edition.
	EngineEdition *string `type:"string"`

	// Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS engine version.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// Describes the memory on the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets
	// your requirements.
	InstanceMemory *float64 `type:"double"`

	// Describes the recommended target Amazon RDS instance type.
	InstanceType *string `type:"string"`

	// Describes the number of virtual CPUs (vCPU) on the recommended Amazon RDS
	// DB instance that meets your requirements.
	InstanceVcpu *float64 `type:"double"`

	// Describes the number of I/O operations completed each second (IOPS) on the
	// recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that meets your requirements.
	StorageIops *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Describes the storage size of the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that
	// meets your requirements.
	StorageSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Describes the storage type of the recommended Amazon RDS DB instance that
	// meets your requirements.
	// Amazon RDS provides three storage types: General Purpose SSD (also known
	// as gp2 and gp3), Provisioned IOPS SSD (also known as io1), and magnetic (also
	// known as standard).
	StorageType *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes the configuration of the recommended target engine on Amazon RDS.

func (RdsConfiguration) GoString

func (s RdsConfiguration) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetDeploymentOption

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetDeploymentOption(v string) *RdsConfiguration

SetDeploymentOption sets the DeploymentOption field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetEngineEdition

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetEngineEdition(v string) *RdsConfiguration

SetEngineEdition sets the EngineEdition field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetEngineVersion

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetEngineVersion(v string) *RdsConfiguration

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceMemory

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceMemory(v float64) *RdsConfiguration

SetInstanceMemory sets the InstanceMemory field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceType

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceType(v string) *RdsConfiguration

SetInstanceType sets the InstanceType field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceVcpu

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetInstanceVcpu(v float64) *RdsConfiguration

SetInstanceVcpu sets the InstanceVcpu field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetStorageIops

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetStorageIops(v int64) *RdsConfiguration

SetStorageIops sets the StorageIops field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetStorageSize

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetStorageSize(v int64) *RdsConfiguration

SetStorageSize sets the StorageSize field's value.

func (*RdsConfiguration) SetStorageType

func (s *RdsConfiguration) SetStorageType(v string) *RdsConfiguration

SetStorageType sets the StorageType field's value.

func (RdsConfiguration) String

func (s RdsConfiguration) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RdsRecommendation

type RdsRecommendation struct {

	// Supplemental information about the requirements to the recommended target
	// database on Amazon RDS.
	RequirementsToTarget *RdsRequirements `type:"structure"`

	// Supplemental information about the configuration of the recommended target
	// database on Amazon RDS.
	TargetConfiguration *RdsConfiguration `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes a recommendation of a target engine on Amazon RDS.

func (RdsRecommendation) GoString

func (s RdsRecommendation) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RdsRecommendation) SetRequirementsToTarget

func (s *RdsRecommendation) SetRequirementsToTarget(v *RdsRequirements) *RdsRecommendation

SetRequirementsToTarget sets the RequirementsToTarget field's value.

func (*RdsRecommendation) SetTargetConfiguration

func (s *RdsRecommendation) SetTargetConfiguration(v *RdsConfiguration) *RdsRecommendation

SetTargetConfiguration sets the TargetConfiguration field's value.

func (RdsRecommendation) String

func (s RdsRecommendation) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RdsRequirements

type RdsRequirements struct {

	// The required deployment option for the Amazon RDS DB instance. Valid values
	// include "MULTI_AZ" for Multi-AZ deployments and "SINGLE_AZ" for Single-AZ
	// deployments.
	DeploymentOption *string `type:"string"`

	// The required target Amazon RDS engine edition.
	EngineEdition *string `type:"string"`

	// The required target Amazon RDS engine version.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// The required memory on the Amazon RDS DB instance.
	InstanceMemory *float64 `type:"double"`

	// The required number of virtual CPUs (vCPU) on the Amazon RDS DB instance.
	InstanceVcpu *float64 `type:"double"`

	// The required number of I/O operations completed each second (IOPS) on your
	// Amazon RDS DB instance.
	StorageIops *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The required Amazon RDS DB instance storage size.
	StorageSize *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes the requirements to the target engine on Amazon RDS.

func (RdsRequirements) GoString

func (s RdsRequirements) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RdsRequirements) SetDeploymentOption

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetDeploymentOption(v string) *RdsRequirements

SetDeploymentOption sets the DeploymentOption field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetEngineEdition

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetEngineEdition(v string) *RdsRequirements

SetEngineEdition sets the EngineEdition field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetEngineVersion

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetEngineVersion(v string) *RdsRequirements

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetInstanceMemory

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetInstanceMemory(v float64) *RdsRequirements

SetInstanceMemory sets the InstanceMemory field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetInstanceVcpu

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetInstanceVcpu(v float64) *RdsRequirements

SetInstanceVcpu sets the InstanceVcpu field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetStorageIops

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetStorageIops(v int64) *RdsRequirements

SetStorageIops sets the StorageIops field's value.

func (*RdsRequirements) SetStorageSize

func (s *RdsRequirements) SetStorageSize(v int64) *RdsRequirements

SetStorageSize sets the StorageSize field's value.

func (RdsRequirements) String

func (s RdsRequirements) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RebootReplicationInstanceInput

type RebootReplicationInstanceInput struct {

	// If this parameter is true, the reboot is conducted through a Multi-AZ failover.
	// If the instance isn't configured for Multi-AZ, then you can't specify true.
	// ( --force-planned-failover and --force-failover can't both be set to true.)
	ForceFailover *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// If this parameter is true, the reboot is conducted through a planned Multi-AZ
	// failover where resources are released and cleaned up prior to conducting
	// the failover. If the instance isn”t configured for Multi-AZ, then you can't
	// specify true. ( --force-planned-failover and --force-failover can't both
	// be set to true.)
	ForcePlannedFailover *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RebootReplicationInstanceInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RebootReplicationInstanceInput) SetForceFailover

SetForceFailover sets the ForceFailover field's value.

func (*RebootReplicationInstanceInput) SetForcePlannedFailover

SetForcePlannedFailover sets the ForcePlannedFailover field's value.

func (*RebootReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *RebootReplicationInstanceInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *RebootReplicationInstanceInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (RebootReplicationInstanceInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RebootReplicationInstanceInput) Validate

func (s *RebootReplicationInstanceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RebootReplicationInstanceOutput

type RebootReplicationInstanceOutput struct {

	// The replication instance that is being rebooted.
	ReplicationInstance *ReplicationInstance `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RebootReplicationInstanceOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RebootReplicationInstanceOutput) SetReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstance sets the ReplicationInstance field's value.

func (RebootReplicationInstanceOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Recommendation

type Recommendation struct {

	// The date when Fleet Advisor created the target engine recommendation.
	CreatedDate *string `type:"string"`

	// The recommendation of a target engine for the specified source database.
	Data *RecommendationData `type:"structure"`

	// The identifier of the source database for which Fleet Advisor provided this
	// recommendation.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the target engine. Valid values include "rds-aurora-mysql", "rds-aurora-postgresql",
	// "rds-mysql", "rds-oracle", "rds-sql-server", and "rds-postgresql".
	EngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates that this target is the rightsized migration destination.
	Preferred *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The settings in JSON format for the preferred target engine parameters. These
	// parameters include capacity, resource utilization, and the usage type (production,
	// development, or testing).
	Settings *RecommendationSettings `type:"structure"`

	// The status of the target engine recommendation. Valid values include "alternate",
	// "in-progress", "not-viable", and "recommended".
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes a recommendation of a target engine.

A recommendation is a set of possible Amazon Web Services target engines that you can choose to migrate your source on-premises database. In this set, Fleet Advisor suggests a single target engine as the right sized migration destination. To determine this rightsized migration destination, Fleet Advisor uses the inventory metadata and metrics from data collector. You can use recommendations before the start of migration to save costs and reduce risks.

With recommendations, you can explore different target options and compare metrics, so you can make an informed decision when you choose the migration target.

func (Recommendation) GoString

func (s Recommendation) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Recommendation) SetCreatedDate

func (s *Recommendation) SetCreatedDate(v string) *Recommendation

SetCreatedDate sets the CreatedDate field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetData

SetData sets the Data field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetDatabaseId

func (s *Recommendation) SetDatabaseId(v string) *Recommendation

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetEngineName

func (s *Recommendation) SetEngineName(v string) *Recommendation

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetPreferred

func (s *Recommendation) SetPreferred(v bool) *Recommendation

SetPreferred sets the Preferred field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetSettings

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (*Recommendation) SetStatus

func (s *Recommendation) SetStatus(v string) *Recommendation

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (Recommendation) String

func (s Recommendation) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RecommendationData

type RecommendationData struct {

	// The recommendation of a target Amazon RDS database engine.
	RdsEngine *RdsRecommendation `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the target engine for the specified source database.

func (RecommendationData) GoString

func (s RecommendationData) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecommendationData) SetRdsEngine

SetRdsEngine sets the RdsEngine field's value.

func (RecommendationData) String

func (s RecommendationData) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RecommendationSettings

type RecommendationSettings struct {

	// The size of your target instance. Fleet Advisor calculates this value based
	// on your data collection type, such as total capacity and resource utilization.
	// Valid values include "total-capacity" and "utilization".
	// InstanceSizingType is a required field
	InstanceSizingType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The deployment option for your target engine. For production databases, Fleet
	// Advisor chooses Multi-AZ deployment. For development or test databases, Fleet
	// Advisor chooses Single-AZ deployment. Valid values include "development"
	// and "production".
	// WorkloadType is a required field
	WorkloadType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the required target engine settings.

func (RecommendationSettings) GoString

func (s RecommendationSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecommendationSettings) SetInstanceSizingType

func (s *RecommendationSettings) SetInstanceSizingType(v string) *RecommendationSettings

SetInstanceSizingType sets the InstanceSizingType field's value.

func (*RecommendationSettings) SetWorkloadType

func (s *RecommendationSettings) SetWorkloadType(v string) *RecommendationSettings

SetWorkloadType sets the WorkloadType field's value.

func (RecommendationSettings) String

func (s RecommendationSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RecommendationSettings) Validate

func (s *RecommendationSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RedisSettings

type RedisSettings struct {

	// The password provided with the auth-role and auth-token options of the AuthType
	// setting for a Redis target endpoint.
	// AuthPassword is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by RedisSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	AuthPassword *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The type of authentication to perform when connecting to a Redis target.
	// Options include none, auth-token, and auth-role. The auth-token option requires
	// an AuthPassword value to be provided. The auth-role option requires AuthUserName
	// and AuthPassword values to be provided.
	AuthType *string `type:"string" enum:"RedisAuthTypeValue"`

	// The user name provided with the auth-role option of the AuthType setting
	// for a Redis target endpoint.
	AuthUserName *string `type:"string"`

	// Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port for the endpoint.
	// Port is a required field
	Port *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"`

	// Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint.
	// ServerName is a required field
	ServerName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the certificate authority (CA) that DMS
	// uses to connect to your Redis target endpoint.
	SslCaCertificateArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The connection to a Redis target endpoint using Transport Layer Security
	// (TLS). Valid values include plaintext and ssl-encryption. The default is
	// ssl-encryption. The ssl-encryption option makes an encrypted connection.
	// Optionally, you can identify an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an SSL certificate
	// authority (CA) using the SslCaCertificateArn setting. If an ARN isn't given
	// for a CA, DMS uses the Amazon root CA.
	// The plaintext option doesn't provide Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption
	// for traffic between endpoint and database.
	SslSecurityProtocol *string `type:"string" enum:"SslSecurityProtocolValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a Redis target endpoint.

func (RedisSettings) GoString

func (s RedisSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RedisSettings) SetAuthPassword

func (s *RedisSettings) SetAuthPassword(v string) *RedisSettings

SetAuthPassword sets the AuthPassword field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetAuthType

func (s *RedisSettings) SetAuthType(v string) *RedisSettings

SetAuthType sets the AuthType field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetAuthUserName

func (s *RedisSettings) SetAuthUserName(v string) *RedisSettings

SetAuthUserName sets the AuthUserName field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetPort

func (s *RedisSettings) SetPort(v int64) *RedisSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetServerName

func (s *RedisSettings) SetServerName(v string) *RedisSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetSslCaCertificateArn

func (s *RedisSettings) SetSslCaCertificateArn(v string) *RedisSettings

SetSslCaCertificateArn sets the SslCaCertificateArn field's value.

func (*RedisSettings) SetSslSecurityProtocol

func (s *RedisSettings) SetSslSecurityProtocol(v string) *RedisSettings

SetSslSecurityProtocol sets the SslSecurityProtocol field's value.

func (RedisSettings) String

func (s RedisSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RedisSettings) Validate

func (s *RedisSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RedshiftDataProviderSettings

type RedshiftDataProviderSettings struct {

	// The database name on the Amazon Redshift data provider.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The port value for the Amazon Redshift data provider.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the Amazon Redshift server.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift data provider.

func (RedshiftDataProviderSettings) GoString

func (s RedshiftDataProviderSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RedshiftDataProviderSettings) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*RedshiftDataProviderSettings) SetPort

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*RedshiftDataProviderSettings) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (RedshiftDataProviderSettings) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RedshiftSettings

type RedshiftSettings struct {

	// A value that indicates to allow any date format, including invalid formats
	// such as 00/00/00 00:00:00, to be loaded without generating an error. You
	// can choose true or false (the default).
	// This parameter applies only to TIMESTAMP and DATE columns. Always use ACCEPTANYDATE
	// with the DATEFORMAT parameter. If the date format for the data doesn't match
	// the DATEFORMAT specification, Amazon Redshift inserts a NULL value into that
	// field.
	AcceptAnyDate *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Code to run after connecting. This parameter should contain the code itself,
	// not the name of a file containing the code.
	AfterConnectScript *string `type:"string"`

	// An S3 folder where the comma-separated-value (.csv) files are stored before
	// being uploaded to the target Redshift cluster.
	// For full load mode, DMS converts source records into .csv files and loads
	// them to the BucketFolder/TableID path. DMS uses the Redshift COPY command
	// to upload the .csv files to the target table. The files are deleted once
	// the COPY operation has finished. For more information, see COPY (
	// in the Amazon Redshift Database Developer Guide.
	// For change-data-capture (CDC) mode, DMS creates a NetChanges table, and loads
	// the .csv files to this BucketFolder/NetChangesTableID path.
	BucketFolder *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the intermediate S3 bucket used to store .csv files before uploading
	// data to Redshift.
	BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// If Amazon Redshift is configured to support case sensitive schema names,
	// set CaseSensitiveNames to true. The default is false.
	CaseSensitiveNames *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// If you set CompUpdate to true Amazon Redshift applies automatic compression
	// if the table is empty. This applies even if the table columns already have
	// encodings other than RAW. If you set CompUpdate to false, automatic compression
	// is disabled and existing column encodings aren't changed. The default is
	// true.
	CompUpdate *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that sets the amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before timing
	// out, beginning from when you initially establish a connection.
	ConnectionTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The name of the Amazon Redshift data warehouse (service) that you are working
	// with.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The date format that you are using. Valid values are auto (case-sensitive),
	// your date format string enclosed in quotes, or NULL. If this parameter is
	// left unset (NULL), it defaults to a format of 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Using auto recognizes
	// most strings, even some that aren't supported when you use a date format
	// string.
	// If your date and time values use formats different from each other, set this
	// to auto.
	DateFormat *string `type:"string"`

	// A value that specifies whether DMS should migrate empty CHAR and VARCHAR
	// fields as NULL. A value of true sets empty CHAR and VARCHAR fields to null.
	// The default is false.
	EmptyAsNull *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of server-side encryption that you want to use for your data. This
	// encryption type is part of the endpoint settings or the extra connections
	// attributes for Amazon S3. You can choose either SSE_S3 (the default) or SSE_KMS.
	// For the ModifyEndpoint operation, you can change the existing value of the
	// EncryptionMode parameter from SSE_KMS to SSE_S3. But you can’t change the
	// existing value from SSE_S3 to SSE_KMS.
	// To use SSE_S3, create an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with a
	// policy that allows "arn:aws:s3:::*" to use the following actions: "s3:PutObject",
	// "s3:ListBucket"
	EncryptionMode *string `type:"string" enum:"EncryptionModeValue"`

	// This setting is only valid for a full-load migration task. Set ExplicitIds
	// to true to have tables with IDENTITY columns override their auto-generated
	// values with explicit values loaded from the source data files used to populate
	// the tables. The default is false.
	ExplicitIds *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The number of threads used to upload a single file. This parameter accepts
	// a value from 1 through 64. It defaults to 10.
	// The number of parallel streams used to upload a single .csv file to an S3
	// bucket using S3 Multipart Upload. For more information, see Multipart upload
	// overview (
	// FileTransferUploadStreams accepts a value from 1 through 64. It defaults
	// to 10.
	FileTransferUploadStreams *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) before timing out of operations
	// performed by DMS on a Redshift cluster, such as Redshift COPY, INSERT, DELETE,
	// and UPDATE.
	LoadTimeout *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// When true, lets Redshift migrate the boolean type as boolean. By default,
	// Redshift migrates booleans as varchar(1). You must set this setting on both
	// the source and target endpoints for it to take effect.
	MapBooleanAsBoolean *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The maximum size (in KB) of any .csv file used to load data on an S3 bucket
	// and transfer data to Amazon Redshift. It defaults to 1048576KB (1 GB).
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The password for the user named in the username property.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by RedshiftSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// The port number for Amazon Redshift. The default value is 5439.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A value that specifies to remove surrounding quotation marks from strings
	// in the incoming data. All characters within the quotation marks, including
	// delimiters, are retained. Choose true to remove quotation marks. The default
	// is false.
	RemoveQuotes *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that specifies to replaces the invalid characters specified in ReplaceInvalidChars,
	// substituting the specified characters instead. The default is "?".
	ReplaceChars *string `type:"string"`

	// A list of characters that you want to replace. Use with ReplaceChars.
	ReplaceInvalidChars *string `type:"string"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the Amazon Redshift endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the Amazon Redshift endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the Amazon Redshift cluster you are using.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// The KMS key ID. If you are using SSE_KMS for the EncryptionMode, provide
	// this key ID. The key that you use needs an attached policy that enables IAM
	// user permissions and allows use of the key.
	ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that has access to the Amazon
	// Redshift service. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The time format that you want to use. Valid values are auto (case-sensitive),
	// 'timeformat_string', 'epochsecs', or 'epochmillisecs'. It defaults to 10.
	// Using auto recognizes most strings, even some that aren't supported when
	// you use a time format string.
	// If your date and time values use formats different from each other, set this
	// parameter to auto.
	TimeFormat *string `type:"string"`

	// A value that specifies to remove the trailing white space characters from
	// a VARCHAR string. This parameter applies only to columns with a VARCHAR data
	// type. Choose true to remove unneeded white space. The default is false.
	TrimBlanks *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that specifies to truncate data in columns to the appropriate number
	// of characters, so that the data fits in the column. This parameter applies
	// only to columns with a VARCHAR or CHAR data type, and rows with a size of
	// 4 MB or less. Choose true to truncate data. The default is false.
	TruncateColumns *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// An Amazon Redshift user name for a registered user.
	Username *string `type:"string"`

	// The size (in KB) of the in-memory file write buffer used when generating
	// .csv files on the local disk at the DMS replication instance. The default
	// value is 1000 (buffer size is 1000KB).
	WriteBufferSize *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Amazon Redshift endpoint.

func (RedshiftSettings) GoString

func (s RedshiftSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetAcceptAnyDate

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetAcceptAnyDate(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetAcceptAnyDate sets the AcceptAnyDate field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetAfterConnectScript

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetAfterConnectScript(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetAfterConnectScript sets the AfterConnectScript field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetBucketFolder

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetBucketFolder(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetBucketFolder sets the BucketFolder field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetBucketName

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetBucketName(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetBucketName sets the BucketName field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetCaseSensitiveNames

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetCaseSensitiveNames(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetCaseSensitiveNames sets the CaseSensitiveNames field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetCompUpdate

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetCompUpdate(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetCompUpdate sets the CompUpdate field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetConnectionTimeout

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetConnectionTimeout(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetConnectionTimeout sets the ConnectionTimeout field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetDateFormat

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetDateFormat(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetDateFormat sets the DateFormat field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetEmptyAsNull

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetEmptyAsNull(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetEmptyAsNull sets the EmptyAsNull field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetEncryptionMode

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetEncryptionMode(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetEncryptionMode sets the EncryptionMode field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetExplicitIds

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetExplicitIds(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetExplicitIds sets the ExplicitIds field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetFileTransferUploadStreams

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetFileTransferUploadStreams(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetFileTransferUploadStreams sets the FileTransferUploadStreams field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetLoadTimeout

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetLoadTimeout(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetLoadTimeout sets the LoadTimeout field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetMapBooleanAsBoolean

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetMapBooleanAsBoolean(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetMapBooleanAsBoolean sets the MapBooleanAsBoolean field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetPassword

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetPassword(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetPort

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetPort(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetRemoveQuotes

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetRemoveQuotes(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetRemoveQuotes sets the RemoveQuotes field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetReplaceChars

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetReplaceChars(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetReplaceChars sets the ReplaceChars field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetReplaceInvalidChars

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetReplaceInvalidChars(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetReplaceInvalidChars sets the ReplaceInvalidChars field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetServerName

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetServerName(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId sets the ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetTimeFormat

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetTimeFormat(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetTimeFormat sets the TimeFormat field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetTrimBlanks

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetTrimBlanks(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetTrimBlanks sets the TrimBlanks field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetTruncateColumns

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetTruncateColumns(v bool) *RedshiftSettings

SetTruncateColumns sets the TruncateColumns field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetUsername

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetUsername(v string) *RedshiftSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (*RedshiftSettings) SetWriteBufferSize

func (s *RedshiftSettings) SetWriteBufferSize(v int64) *RedshiftSettings

SetWriteBufferSize sets the WriteBufferSize field's value.

func (RedshiftSettings) String

func (s RedshiftSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RefreshSchemasInput

type RefreshSchemasInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RefreshSchemasInput) GoString

func (s RefreshSchemasInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RefreshSchemasInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *RefreshSchemasInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *RefreshSchemasInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*RefreshSchemasInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *RefreshSchemasInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *RefreshSchemasInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (RefreshSchemasInput) String

func (s RefreshSchemasInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RefreshSchemasInput) Validate

func (s *RefreshSchemasInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RefreshSchemasOutput

type RefreshSchemasOutput struct {

	// The status of the refreshed schema.
	RefreshSchemasStatus *RefreshSchemasStatus `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RefreshSchemasOutput) GoString

func (s RefreshSchemasOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RefreshSchemasOutput) SetRefreshSchemasStatus

func (s *RefreshSchemasOutput) SetRefreshSchemasStatus(v *RefreshSchemasStatus) *RefreshSchemasOutput

SetRefreshSchemasStatus sets the RefreshSchemasStatus field's value.

func (RefreshSchemasOutput) String

func (s RefreshSchemasOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RefreshSchemasStatus

type RefreshSchemasStatus struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The last failure message for the schema.
	LastFailureMessage *string `type:"string"`

	// The date the schema was last refreshed.
	LastRefreshDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the schema.
	Status *string `type:"string" enum:"RefreshSchemasStatusTypeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes status of a schema at an endpoint specified by the DescribeRefreshSchemaStatus operation.

func (RefreshSchemasStatus) GoString

func (s RefreshSchemasStatus) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RefreshSchemasStatus) SetEndpointArn

func (s *RefreshSchemasStatus) SetEndpointArn(v string) *RefreshSchemasStatus

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*RefreshSchemasStatus) SetLastFailureMessage

func (s *RefreshSchemasStatus) SetLastFailureMessage(v string) *RefreshSchemasStatus

SetLastFailureMessage sets the LastFailureMessage field's value.

func (*RefreshSchemasStatus) SetLastRefreshDate

func (s *RefreshSchemasStatus) SetLastRefreshDate(v time.Time) *RefreshSchemasStatus

SetLastRefreshDate sets the LastRefreshDate field's value.

func (*RefreshSchemasStatus) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *RefreshSchemasStatus) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *RefreshSchemasStatus

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*RefreshSchemasStatus) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (RefreshSchemasStatus) String

func (s RefreshSchemasStatus) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReloadReplicationTablesInput

type ReloadReplicationTablesInput struct {

	// Options for reload. Specify data-reload to reload the data and re-validate
	// it if validation is enabled. Specify validate-only to re-validate the table.
	// This option applies only when validation is enabled for the replication.
	ReloadOption *string `type:"string" enum:"ReloadOptionValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication config for which to reload tables.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The list of tables to reload.
	// TablesToReload is a required field
	TablesToReload []*TableToReload `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ReloadReplicationTablesInput) GoString

func (s ReloadReplicationTablesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadReplicationTablesInput) SetReloadOption

SetReloadOption sets the ReloadOption field's value.

func (*ReloadReplicationTablesInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *ReloadReplicationTablesInput) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *ReloadReplicationTablesInput

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*ReloadReplicationTablesInput) SetTablesToReload

SetTablesToReload sets the TablesToReload field's value.

func (ReloadReplicationTablesInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadReplicationTablesInput) Validate

func (s *ReloadReplicationTablesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ReloadReplicationTablesOutput

type ReloadReplicationTablesOutput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication config for which to reload tables.
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ReloadReplicationTablesOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadReplicationTablesOutput) SetReplicationConfigArn

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (ReloadReplicationTablesOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReloadTablesInput

type ReloadTablesInput struct {

	// Options for reload. Specify data-reload to reload the data and re-validate
	// it if validation is enabled. Specify validate-only to re-validate the table.
	// This option applies only when validation is enabled for the task.
	// Valid values: data-reload, validate-only
	// Default value is data-reload.
	ReloadOption *string `type:"string" enum:"ReloadOptionValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The name and schema of the table to be reloaded.
	// TablesToReload is a required field
	TablesToReload []*TableToReload `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ReloadTablesInput) GoString

func (s ReloadTablesInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadTablesInput) SetReloadOption

func (s *ReloadTablesInput) SetReloadOption(v string) *ReloadTablesInput

SetReloadOption sets the ReloadOption field's value.

func (*ReloadTablesInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *ReloadTablesInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *ReloadTablesInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ReloadTablesInput) SetTablesToReload

func (s *ReloadTablesInput) SetTablesToReload(v []*TableToReload) *ReloadTablesInput

SetTablesToReload sets the TablesToReload field's value.

func (ReloadTablesInput) String

func (s ReloadTablesInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadTablesInput) Validate

func (s *ReloadTablesInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type ReloadTablesOutput

type ReloadTablesOutput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ReloadTablesOutput) GoString

func (s ReloadTablesOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReloadTablesOutput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *ReloadTablesOutput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *ReloadTablesOutput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (ReloadTablesOutput) String

func (s ReloadTablesOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput

type RemoveTagsFromResourceInput struct {

	// An DMS resource from which you want to remove tag(s). The value for this
	// parameter is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// ResourceArn is a required field
	ResourceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The tag key (name) of the tag to be removed.
	// TagKeys is a required field
	TagKeys []*string `type:"list" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Removes one or more tags from an DMS resource.

func (RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) GoString

func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) SetResourceArn

SetResourceArn sets the ResourceArn field's value.

func (*RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) SetTagKeys

SetTagKeys sets the TagKeys field's value.

func (RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) Validate

func (s *RemoveTagsFromResourceInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput

type RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) GoString

func (s RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (RemoveTagsFromResourceOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Replication

type Replication struct {

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	CdcStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Error and other information about why a serverless replication failed.
	FailureMessages []*string `type:"list"`

	// Information about provisioning resources for an DMS serverless replication.
	ProvisionData *ProvisionData `type:"structure"`

	// Indicates the last checkpoint that occurred during a change data capture
	// (CDC) operation. You can provide this value to the CdcStartPosition parameter
	// to start a CDC operation that begins at that checkpoint.
	RecoveryCheckpoint *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name for the ReplicationConfig associated with the replication.
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier for the ReplicationConfig associated with the replication.
	ReplicationConfigIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the serverless replication was created.
	ReplicationCreateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The timestamp when DMS will deprovision the replication.
	ReplicationDeprovisionTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The timestamp when replication was last stopped.
	ReplicationLastStopTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// This object provides a collection of statistics about a serverless replication.
	ReplicationStats *ReplicationStats `type:"structure"`

	// The type of the serverless replication.
	ReplicationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// The time the serverless replication was updated.
	ReplicationUpdateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name for an existing Endpoint the serverless replication
	// uses for its data source.
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication type.
	StartReplicationType *string `type:"string"`

	// The current status of the serverless replication.
	Status *string `type:"string"`

	// The reason the replication task was stopped. This response parameter can
	// return one of the following values:
	//    * "Stop Reason NORMAL"
	//    * "Stop Reason RECOVERABLE_ERROR"
	//    * "Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR"
	//    * "Stop Reason FULL_LOAD_ONLY_FINISHED"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_FULL_LOAD" – Full load completed, with
	//    cached changes not applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_CACHED_EVENTS" – Full load completed, with
	//    cached changes applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_DDL_APPLY" – User-defined stop task after
	//    DDL applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_DUE_TO_LOW_MEMORY"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_DUE_TO_LOW_DISK"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AT_SERVER_TIME" – User-defined server time for
	//    stopping task
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AT_COMMIT_TIME" – User-defined commit time for
	//    stopping task
	//    * "Stop Reason RECYCLE_TASK"
	StopReason *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name for an existing Endpoint the serverless replication
	// uses for its data target.
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes a serverless replication created by the CreateReplication operation.

func (Replication) GoString

func (s Replication) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Replication) SetCdcStartPosition

func (s *Replication) SetCdcStartPosition(v string) *Replication

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*Replication) SetCdcStartTime

func (s *Replication) SetCdcStartTime(v time.Time) *Replication

SetCdcStartTime sets the CdcStartTime field's value.

func (*Replication) SetCdcStopPosition

func (s *Replication) SetCdcStopPosition(v string) *Replication

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*Replication) SetFailureMessages

func (s *Replication) SetFailureMessages(v []*string) *Replication

SetFailureMessages sets the FailureMessages field's value.

func (*Replication) SetProvisionData

func (s *Replication) SetProvisionData(v *ProvisionData) *Replication

SetProvisionData sets the ProvisionData field's value.

func (*Replication) SetRecoveryCheckpoint

func (s *Replication) SetRecoveryCheckpoint(v string) *Replication

SetRecoveryCheckpoint sets the RecoveryCheckpoint field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *Replication

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier(v string) *Replication

SetReplicationConfigIdentifier sets the ReplicationConfigIdentifier field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationCreateTime

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationCreateTime(v time.Time) *Replication

SetReplicationCreateTime sets the ReplicationCreateTime field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationDeprovisionTime

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationDeprovisionTime(v time.Time) *Replication

SetReplicationDeprovisionTime sets the ReplicationDeprovisionTime field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationLastStopTime

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationLastStopTime(v time.Time) *Replication

SetReplicationLastStopTime sets the ReplicationLastStopTime field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationStats

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationStats(v *ReplicationStats) *Replication

SetReplicationStats sets the ReplicationStats field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationType

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationType(v string) *Replication

SetReplicationType sets the ReplicationType field's value.

func (*Replication) SetReplicationUpdateTime

func (s *Replication) SetReplicationUpdateTime(v time.Time) *Replication

SetReplicationUpdateTime sets the ReplicationUpdateTime field's value.

func (*Replication) SetSourceEndpointArn

func (s *Replication) SetSourceEndpointArn(v string) *Replication

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*Replication) SetStartReplicationType

func (s *Replication) SetStartReplicationType(v string) *Replication

SetStartReplicationType sets the StartReplicationType field's value.

func (*Replication) SetStatus

func (s *Replication) SetStatus(v string) *Replication

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*Replication) SetStopReason

func (s *Replication) SetStopReason(v string) *Replication

SetStopReason sets the StopReason field's value.

func (*Replication) SetTargetEndpointArn

func (s *Replication) SetTargetEndpointArn(v string) *Replication

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (Replication) String

func (s Replication) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationConfig

type ReplicationConfig struct {

	// Configuration parameters for provisioning an DMS serverless replication.
	ComputeConfig *ComputeConfig `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this DMS Serverless replication configuration.
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the serverless replication config was created.
	ReplicationConfigCreateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The identifier for the ReplicationConfig associated with the replication.
	ReplicationConfigIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The time the serverless replication config was updated.
	ReplicationConfigUpdateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Configuration parameters for an DMS serverless replication.
	ReplicationSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of the replication.
	ReplicationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source endpoint for this DMS serverless
	// replication configuration.
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional parameters for an DMS serverless replication.
	SupplementalSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// Table mappings specified in the replication.
	TableMappings *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target endpoint for this DMS serverless
	// replication configuration.
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

This object provides configuration information about a serverless replication.

func (ReplicationConfig) GoString

func (s ReplicationConfig) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetComputeConfig

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetComputeConfig(v *ComputeConfig) *ReplicationConfig

SetComputeConfig sets the ComputeConfig field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigCreateTime

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigCreateTime(v time.Time) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfigCreateTime sets the ReplicationConfigCreateTime field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigIdentifier(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfigIdentifier sets the ReplicationConfigIdentifier field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigUpdateTime

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationConfigUpdateTime(v time.Time) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationConfigUpdateTime sets the ReplicationConfigUpdateTime field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationSettings

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationSettings(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationSettings sets the ReplicationSettings field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationType

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetReplicationType(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetReplicationType sets the ReplicationType field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetSourceEndpointArn

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetSourceEndpointArn(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetSupplementalSettings

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetSupplementalSettings(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetSupplementalSettings sets the SupplementalSettings field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetTableMappings

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetTableMappings(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*ReplicationConfig) SetTargetEndpointArn

func (s *ReplicationConfig) SetTargetEndpointArn(v string) *ReplicationConfig

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (ReplicationConfig) String

func (s ReplicationConfig) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationInstance

type ReplicationInstance struct {

	// The amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Boolean value indicating if minor version upgrades will be automatically
	// applied to the instance.
	AutoMinorVersionUpgrade *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The Availability Zone for the instance.
	AvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// The DNS name servers supported for the replication instance to access your
	// on-premise source or target database.
	DnsNameServers *string `type:"string"`

	// The engine version number of the replication instance.
	// If an engine version number is not specified when a replication instance
	// is created, the default is the latest engine version available.
	// When modifying a major engine version of an instance, also set AllowMajorVersionUpgrade
	// to true.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// The expiration date of the free replication instance that is part of the
	// Free DMS program.
	FreeUntil *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The time the replication instance was created.
	InstanceCreateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// An KMS key identifier that is used to encrypt the data on the replication
	// instance.
	// If you don't specify a value for the KmsKeyId parameter, then DMS uses your
	// default encryption key.
	// KMS creates the default encryption key for your Amazon Web Services account.
	// Your Amazon Web Services account has a different default encryption key for
	// each Amazon Web Services Region.
	KmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You
	// can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the Multi-AZ parameter is set
	// to true.
	MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of IP address protocol used by a replication instance, such as IPv4
	// only or Dual-stack that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. IPv6 only
	// is not yet supported.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// The pending modification values.
	PendingModifiedValues *ReplicationPendingModifiedValues `type:"structure"`

	// The maintenance window times for the replication instance. Any pending upgrades
	// to the replication instance are performed during this time.
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies the accessibility options for the replication instance. A value
	// of true represents an instance with a public IP address. A value of false
	// represents an instance with a private IP address. The default value is true.
	PubliclyAccessible *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for
	// the specified replication instance class. It is a required parameter, although
	// a default value is pre-selected in the DMS console.
	// For more information on the settings and capacities for the available replication
	// instance classes, see Selecting the right DMS replication instance for your
	// migration (
	ReplicationInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication instance identifier is a required parameter. This parameter
	// is stored as a lowercase string.
	// Constraints:
	//    * Must contain 1-63 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
	//    * First character must be a letter.
	//    * Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	// Example: myrepinstance
	ReplicationInstanceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// One or more IPv6 addresses for the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceIpv6Addresses []*string `type:"list"`

	// The private IP address of the replication instance.
	// Deprecated: ReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress has been deprecated
	ReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress *string `deprecated:"true" type:"string"`

	// One or more private IP addresses for the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddresses []*string `type:"list"`

	// The public IP address of the replication instance.
	// Deprecated: ReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress has been deprecated
	ReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress *string `deprecated:"true" type:"string"`

	// One or more public IP addresses for the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstancePublicIpAddresses []*string `type:"list"`

	// The status of the replication instance. The possible return values include:
	//    * "available"
	//    * "creating"
	//    * "deleted"
	//    * "deleting"
	//    * "failed"
	//    * "modifying"
	//    * "upgrading"
	//    * "rebooting"
	//    * "resetting-master-credentials"
	//    * "storage-full"
	//    * "incompatible-credentials"
	//    * "incompatible-network"
	//    * "maintenance"
	ReplicationInstanceStatus *string `type:"string"`

	// The subnet group for the replication instance.
	ReplicationSubnetGroup *ReplicationSubnetGroup `type:"structure"`

	// The Availability Zone of the standby replication instance in a Multi-AZ deployment.
	SecondaryAvailabilityZone *string `type:"string"`

	// The VPC security group for the instance.
	VpcSecurityGroups []*VpcSecurityGroupMembership `type:"list"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a replication instance.

func (ReplicationInstance) GoString

func (s ReplicationInstance) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetAllocatedStorage

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetAllocatedStorage(v int64) *ReplicationInstance

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(v bool) *ReplicationInstance

SetAutoMinorVersionUpgrade sets the AutoMinorVersionUpgrade field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetAvailabilityZone

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetAvailabilityZone(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetAvailabilityZone sets the AvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetDnsNameServers

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetDnsNameServers(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetDnsNameServers sets the DnsNameServers field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetEngineVersion

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetEngineVersion(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetFreeUntil

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetFreeUntil(v time.Time) *ReplicationInstance

SetFreeUntil sets the FreeUntil field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetInstanceCreateTime

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetInstanceCreateTime(v time.Time) *ReplicationInstance

SetInstanceCreateTime sets the InstanceCreateTime field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetKmsKeyId

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetKmsKeyId(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetKmsKeyId sets the KmsKeyId field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetMultiAZ

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetMultiAZ(v bool) *ReplicationInstance

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetNetworkType

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetNetworkType(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetPendingModifiedValues

SetPendingModifiedValues sets the PendingModifiedValues field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetPreferredMaintenanceWindow sets the PreferredMaintenanceWindow field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetPubliclyAccessible

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetPubliclyAccessible(v bool) *ReplicationInstance

SetPubliclyAccessible sets the PubliclyAccessible field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceClass

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceClass(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceClass sets the ReplicationInstanceClass field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceIdentifier sets the ReplicationInstanceIdentifier field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceIpv6Addresses

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceIpv6Addresses(v []*string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceIpv6Addresses sets the ReplicationInstanceIpv6Addresses field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress sets the ReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddress field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddresses

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddresses(v []*string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddresses sets the ReplicationInstancePrivateIpAddresses field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress sets the ReplicationInstancePublicIpAddress field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddresses

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddresses(v []*string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstancePublicIpAddresses sets the ReplicationInstancePublicIpAddresses field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceStatus

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationInstanceStatus(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationInstanceStatus sets the ReplicationInstanceStatus field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationSubnetGroup

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetReplicationSubnetGroup(v *ReplicationSubnetGroup) *ReplicationInstance

SetReplicationSubnetGroup sets the ReplicationSubnetGroup field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetSecondaryAvailabilityZone

func (s *ReplicationInstance) SetSecondaryAvailabilityZone(v string) *ReplicationInstance

SetSecondaryAvailabilityZone sets the SecondaryAvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstance) SetVpcSecurityGroups

SetVpcSecurityGroups sets the VpcSecurityGroups field's value.

func (ReplicationInstance) String

func (s ReplicationInstance) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationInstanceTaskLog

type ReplicationInstanceTaskLog struct {

	// The size, in bytes, of the replication task log.
	ReplicationInstanceTaskLogSize *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Contains metadata for a replication instance task log.

func (ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) GoString

func (s ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationInstanceTaskLogSize

func (s *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationInstanceTaskLogSize(v int64) *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog

SetReplicationInstanceTaskLogSize sets the ReplicationInstanceTaskLogSize field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationTaskName

func (s *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) SetReplicationTaskName(v string) *ReplicationInstanceTaskLog

SetReplicationTaskName sets the ReplicationTaskName field's value.

func (ReplicationInstanceTaskLog) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationPendingModifiedValues

type ReplicationPendingModifiedValues struct {

	// The amount of storage (in gigabytes) that is allocated for the replication
	// instance.
	AllocatedStorage *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The engine version number of the replication instance.
	EngineVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies whether the replication instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. You
	// can't set the AvailabilityZone parameter if the Multi-AZ parameter is set
	// to true.
	MultiAZ *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of IP address protocol used by a replication instance, such as IPv4
	// only or Dual-stack that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. IPv6 only
	// is not yet supported.
	NetworkType *string `type:"string"`

	// The compute and memory capacity of the replication instance as defined for
	// the specified replication instance class.
	// For more information on the settings and capacities for the available replication
	// instance classes, see Selecting the right DMS replication instance for your
	// migration (
	ReplicationInstanceClass *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the values of pending modifications to a replication instance. This data type is an object of the ReplicationInstance ( user-defined data type.

func (ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) SetAllocatedStorage

SetAllocatedStorage sets the AllocatedStorage field's value.

func (*ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) SetEngineVersion

SetEngineVersion sets the EngineVersion field's value.

func (*ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) SetMultiAZ

SetMultiAZ sets the MultiAZ field's value.

func (*ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) SetNetworkType

SetNetworkType sets the NetworkType field's value.

func (*ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) SetReplicationInstanceClass

SetReplicationInstanceClass sets the ReplicationInstanceClass field's value.

func (ReplicationPendingModifiedValues) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationStats

type ReplicationStats struct {

	// The elapsed time of the replication, in milliseconds.
	ElapsedTimeMillis *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The date the replication was started either with a fresh start or a target
	// reload.
	FreshStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication full load was finished.
	FullLoadFinishDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The percent complete for the full load serverless replication.
	FullLoadProgressPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The date the replication full load was started.
	FullLoadStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication is scheduled to start.
	StartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication was stopped.
	StopDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The number of errors that have occured for this replication.
	TablesErrored *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables loaded for this replication.
	TablesLoaded *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables currently loading for this replication.
	TablesLoading *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables queued for this replication.
	TablesQueued *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

This object provides a collection of statistics about a serverless replication.

func (ReplicationStats) GoString

func (s ReplicationStats) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationStats) SetElapsedTimeMillis

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetElapsedTimeMillis(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetElapsedTimeMillis sets the ElapsedTimeMillis field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetFreshStartDate

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetFreshStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationStats

SetFreshStartDate sets the FreshStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadFinishDate

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadFinishDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationStats

SetFullLoadFinishDate sets the FullLoadFinishDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadProgressPercent

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadProgressPercent(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetFullLoadProgressPercent sets the FullLoadProgressPercent field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadStartDate

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetFullLoadStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationStats

SetFullLoadStartDate sets the FullLoadStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetStartDate

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationStats

SetStartDate sets the StartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetStopDate

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetStopDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationStats

SetStopDate sets the StopDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetTablesErrored

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetTablesErrored(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetTablesErrored sets the TablesErrored field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetTablesLoaded

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetTablesLoaded(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetTablesLoaded sets the TablesLoaded field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetTablesLoading

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetTablesLoading(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetTablesLoading sets the TablesLoading field's value.

func (*ReplicationStats) SetTablesQueued

func (s *ReplicationStats) SetTablesQueued(v int64) *ReplicationStats

SetTablesQueued sets the TablesQueued field's value.

func (ReplicationStats) String

func (s ReplicationStats) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationSubnetGroup

type ReplicationSubnetGroup struct {

	// A description for the replication subnet group.
	ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier of the replication instance subnet group.
	ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the subnet group.
	SubnetGroupStatus *string `type:"string"`

	// The subnets that are in the subnet group.
	Subnets []*Subnet `type:"list"`

	// The IP addressing protocol supported by the subnet group. This is used by
	// a replication instance with values such as IPv4 only or Dual-stack that supports
	// both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. IPv6 only is not yet supported.
	SupportedNetworkTypes []*string `type:"list"`

	// The ID of the VPC.
	VpcId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a subnet group in response to a request by the DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups operation.

func (ReplicationSubnetGroup) GoString

func (s ReplicationSubnetGroup) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription

func (s *ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription(v string) *ReplicationSubnetGroup

SetReplicationSubnetGroupDescription sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupDescription field's value.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier

func (s *ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier(v string) *ReplicationSubnetGroup

SetReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier sets the ReplicationSubnetGroupIdentifier field's value.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetSubnetGroupStatus

func (s *ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetSubnetGroupStatus(v string) *ReplicationSubnetGroup

SetSubnetGroupStatus sets the SubnetGroupStatus field's value.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetSubnets

SetSubnets sets the Subnets field's value.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetSupportedNetworkTypes

func (s *ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetSupportedNetworkTypes(v []*string) *ReplicationSubnetGroup

SetSupportedNetworkTypes sets the SupportedNetworkTypes field's value.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroup) SetVpcId

SetVpcId sets the VpcId field's value.

func (ReplicationSubnetGroup) String

func (s ReplicationSubnetGroup) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs

type ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The replication subnet group does not cover enough Availability Zones (AZs). Edit the replication subnet group and add more AZs.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) Error

func (ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) Message

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) OrigErr

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) RequestID

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) StatusCode

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ReplicationSubnetGroupDoesNotCoverEnoughAZs) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTask

type ReplicationTask struct {

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to start. Use
	// either CdcStartPosition or CdcStartTime to specify when you want the CDC
	// operation to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// The value can be in date, checkpoint, or LSN/SCN format.
	// Date Example: --cdc-start-position “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	// Checkpoint Example: --cdc-start-position "checkpoint:V1#27#mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1975:-1:2002:677883278264080:mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1876#0#0#*#0#93"
	// LSN Example: --cdc-start-position “mysql-bin-changelog.000024:373”
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	// Server time example: --cdc-stop-position “server_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12”
	// Commit time example: --cdc-stop-position “commit_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12“
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// The last error (failure) message generated for the replication task.
	LastFailureMessage *string `type:"string"`

	// The type of migration.
	MigrationType *string `type:"string" enum:"MigrationTypeValue"`

	// Indicates the last checkpoint that occurred during a change data capture
	// (CDC) operation. You can provide this value to the CdcStartPosition parameter
	// to start a CDC operation that begins at that checkpoint.
	RecoveryCheckpoint *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN of the replication instance.
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The date the replication task was created.
	ReplicationTaskCreationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The user-assigned replication task identifier or name.
	// Constraints:
	//    * Must contain 1-255 alphanumeric characters or hyphens.
	//    * First character must be a letter.
	//    * Cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens.
	ReplicationTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The settings for the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskSettings *string `type:"string"`

	// The date the replication task is scheduled to start.
	ReplicationTaskStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The statistics for the task, including elapsed time, tables loaded, and table
	// errors.
	ReplicationTaskStats *ReplicationTaskStats `type:"structure"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	SourceEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the replication task. This response parameter can return one
	// of the following values:
	//    * "moving" – The task is being moved in response to running the MoveReplicationTask
	//    (
	//    operation.
	//    * "creating" – The task is being created in response to running the
	//    CreateReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "deleting" – The task is being deleted in response to running the
	//    DeleteReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "failed" – The task failed to successfully complete the database migration
	//    in response to running the StartReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "failed-move" – The task failed to move in response to running the
	//    MoveReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "modifying" – The task definition is being modified in response to
	//    running the ModifyReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "ready" – The task is in a ready state where it can respond to other
	//    task operations, such as StartReplicationTask (
	//    or DeleteReplicationTask (
	//    * "running" – The task is performing a database migration in response
	//    to running the StartReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "starting" – The task is preparing to perform a database migration
	//    in response to running the StartReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "stopped" – The task has stopped in response to running the StopReplicationTask
	//    (
	//    operation.
	//    * "stopping" – The task is preparing to stop in response to running
	//    the StopReplicationTask (
	//    operation.
	//    * "testing" – The database migration specified for this task is being
	//    tested in response to running either the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	//    (
	//    or the StartReplicationTaskAssessment (
	//    operation. StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun (
	//    is an improved premigration task assessment operation. The StartReplicationTaskAssessment
	//    (
	//    operation assesses data type compatibility only between the source and
	//    target database of a given migration task. In contrast, StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	//    (
	//    enables you to specify a variety of premigration task assessments in addition
	//    to data type compatibility. These assessments include ones for the validity
	//    of primary key definitions and likely issues with database migration performance,
	//    among others.
	Status *string `type:"string"`

	// The reason the replication task was stopped. This response parameter can
	// return one of the following values:
	//    * "Stop Reason NORMAL"
	//    * "Stop Reason RECOVERABLE_ERROR"
	//    * "Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR"
	//    * "Stop Reason FULL_LOAD_ONLY_FINISHED"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_FULL_LOAD" – Full load completed, with
	//    cached changes not applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_CACHED_EVENTS" – Full load completed, with
	//    cached changes applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AFTER_DDL_APPLY" – User-defined stop task after
	//    DDL applied
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_DUE_TO_LOW_MEMORY"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_DUE_TO_LOW_DISK"
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AT_SERVER_TIME" – User-defined server time for
	//    stopping task
	//    * "Stop Reason STOPPED_AT_COMMIT_TIME" – User-defined commit time for
	//    stopping task
	//    * "Stop Reason RECYCLE_TASK"
	StopReason *string `type:"string"`

	// Table mappings specified in the task.
	TableMappings *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	TargetEndpointArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN of the replication instance to which this task is moved in response
	// to running the MoveReplicationTask (
	// operation. Otherwise, this response parameter isn't a member of the ReplicationTask
	// object.
	TargetReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Supplemental information that the task requires to migrate the data for certain
	// source and target endpoints. For more information, see Specifying Supplemental
	// Data for Task Settings (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	TaskData *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes a replication task created by the CreateReplicationTask operation.

func (ReplicationTask) GoString

func (s ReplicationTask) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTask) SetCdcStartPosition

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetCdcStartPosition(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetCdcStopPosition

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetCdcStopPosition(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetLastFailureMessage

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetLastFailureMessage(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetLastFailureMessage sets the LastFailureMessage field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetMigrationType

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetMigrationType(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetMigrationType sets the MigrationType field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetRecoveryCheckpoint

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetRecoveryCheckpoint(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetRecoveryCheckpoint sets the RecoveryCheckpoint field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskCreationDate

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskCreationDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskCreationDate sets the ReplicationTaskCreationDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskIdentifier sets the ReplicationTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskSettings

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskSettings(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskSettings sets the ReplicationTaskSettings field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskStartDate

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskStartDate sets the ReplicationTaskStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskStats

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetReplicationTaskStats(v *ReplicationTaskStats) *ReplicationTask

SetReplicationTaskStats sets the ReplicationTaskStats field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetSourceEndpointArn

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetSourceEndpointArn(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetSourceEndpointArn sets the SourceEndpointArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetStatus

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetStatus(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetStopReason

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetStopReason(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetStopReason sets the StopReason field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetTableMappings

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetTableMappings(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetTableMappings sets the TableMappings field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetTargetEndpointArn

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetTargetEndpointArn(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetTargetEndpointArn sets the TargetEndpointArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetTargetReplicationInstanceArn sets the TargetReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTask) SetTaskData

func (s *ReplicationTask) SetTaskData(v string) *ReplicationTask

SetTaskData sets the TaskData field's value.

func (ReplicationTask) String

func (s ReplicationTask) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult struct {

	// The task assessment results in JSON format.
	// The response object only contains this field if you provide DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsMessage$ReplicationTaskArn
	// in the request.
	AssessmentResults *string `type:"string"`

	// The file containing the results of the task assessment.
	AssessmentResultsFile *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the task assessment.
	AssessmentStatus *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The replication task identifier of the task on which the task assessment
	// was run.
	ReplicationTaskIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The date the task assessment was completed.
	ReplicationTaskLastAssessmentDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The URL of the S3 object containing the task assessment results.
	// The response object only contains this field if you provide DescribeReplicationTaskAssessmentResultsMessage$ReplicationTaskArn
	// in the request.
	S3ObjectUrl *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The task assessment report in JSON format.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetAssessmentResults

SetAssessmentResults sets the AssessmentResults field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetAssessmentResultsFile

SetAssessmentResultsFile sets the AssessmentResultsFile field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetAssessmentStatus

SetAssessmentStatus sets the AssessmentStatus field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetReplicationTaskIdentifier(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult

SetReplicationTaskIdentifier sets the ReplicationTaskIdentifier field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetReplicationTaskLastAssessmentDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetReplicationTaskLastAssessmentDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult

SetReplicationTaskLastAssessmentDate sets the ReplicationTaskLastAssessmentDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) SetS3ObjectUrl

SetS3ObjectUrl sets the S3ObjectUrl field's value.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentResult) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun struct {

	// Indication of the completion progress for the individual assessments specified
	// to run.
	AssessmentProgress *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress `type:"structure"`

	// Unique name of the assessment run.
	AssessmentRunName *string `type:"string"`

	// Last message generated by an individual assessment failure.
	LastFailureMessage *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of the migration task associated with this premigration assessment run.
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this assessment run.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Date on which the assessment run was created using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	// operation.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Encryption mode used to encrypt the assessment run results.
	ResultEncryptionMode *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the assessment run results.
	ResultKmsKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment run.
	ResultLocationBucket *string `type:"string"`

	// Folder in an Amazon S3 bucket where DMS stores the results of this assessment
	// run.
	ResultLocationFolder *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of the service role used to start the assessment run using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	// operation. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Assessment run status.
	// This status can have one of the following values:
	//    * "cancelling" – The assessment run was canceled by the CancelReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	//    operation.
	//    * "deleting" – The assessment run was deleted by the DeleteReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	//    operation.
	//    * "failed" – At least one individual assessment completed with a failed
	//    status.
	//    * "error-provisioning" – An internal error occurred while resources
	//    were provisioned (during provisioning status).
	//    * "error-executing" – An internal error occurred while individual assessments
	//    ran (during running status).
	//    * "invalid state" – The assessment run is in an unknown state.
	//    * "passed" – All individual assessments have completed, and none has
	//    a failed status.
	//    * "provisioning" – Resources required to run individual assessments
	//    are being provisioned.
	//    * "running" – Individual assessments are being run.
	//    * "starting" – The assessment run is starting, but resources are not
	//    yet being provisioned for individual assessments.
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes a premigration assessment run that you have started using the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun operation.

Some of the information appears based on other operations that can return the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun object.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) GoString

func (s ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetAssessmentProgress

SetAssessmentProgress sets the AssessmentProgress field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetAssessmentRunName

SetAssessmentRunName sets the AssessmentRunName field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetLastFailureMessage

SetLastFailureMessage sets the LastFailureMessage field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunCreationDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultEncryptionMode

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultEncryptionMode(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetResultEncryptionMode sets the ResultEncryptionMode field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultKmsKeyArn

SetResultKmsKeyArn sets the ResultKmsKeyArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultLocationBucket

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultLocationBucket(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetResultLocationBucket sets the ResultLocationBucket field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultLocationFolder

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetResultLocationFolder(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetResultLocationFolder sets the ResultLocationFolder field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress

type ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress struct {

	// The number of individual assessments that have completed, successfully or
	// not.
	IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of individual assessments that are specified to run.
	IndividualAssessmentCount *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The progress values reported by the AssessmentProgress response element.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress) SetIndividualAssessmentCompletedCount

func (s *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress) SetIndividualAssessmentCompletedCount(v int64) *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress

SetIndividualAssessmentCompletedCount sets the IndividualAssessmentCompletedCount field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress) SetIndividualAssessmentCount

SetIndividualAssessmentCount sets the IndividualAssessmentCount field's value.

func (ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunProgress) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment

type ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment struct {

	// Name of this individual assessment.
	IndividualAssessmentName *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of the premigration assessment run that is created to run this individual
	// assessment.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of this individual assessment.
	ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Date when this individual assessment was started as part of running the StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRun
	// operation.
	ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Individual assessment status.
	// This status can have one of the following values:
	//    * "cancelled"
	//    * "error"
	//    * "failed"
	//    * "passed"
	//    * "pending"
	//    * "running"
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that describes an individual assessment from a premigration assessment run.

func (ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetIndividualAssessmentName

SetIndividualAssessmentName sets the IndividualAssessmentName field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn

func (s *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn(v string) *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRunArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentArn

func (s *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentArn(v string) *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment

SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentArn sets the ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentArn field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentStartDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment

SetReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentStartDate sets the ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessmentStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (ReplicationTaskIndividualAssessment) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ReplicationTaskStats

type ReplicationTaskStats struct {

	// The elapsed time of the task, in milliseconds.
	ElapsedTimeMillis *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The date the replication task was started either with a fresh start or a
	// target reload.
	FreshStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication task full load was completed.
	FullLoadFinishDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The percent complete for the full load migration task.
	FullLoadProgressPercent *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The date the replication task full load was started.
	FullLoadStartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication task was started either with a fresh start or a
	// resume. For more information, see StartReplicationTaskType (
	StartDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The date the replication task was stopped.
	StopDate *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The number of errors that have occurred during this task.
	TablesErrored *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables loaded for this task.
	TablesLoaded *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables currently loading for this task.
	TablesLoading *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The number of tables queued for this task.
	TablesQueued *int64 `type:"integer"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

In response to a request by the DescribeReplicationTasks operation, this object provides a collection of statistics about a replication task.

func (ReplicationTaskStats) GoString

func (s ReplicationTaskStats) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetElapsedTimeMillis

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetElapsedTimeMillis(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetElapsedTimeMillis sets the ElapsedTimeMillis field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetFreshStartDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetFreshStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetFreshStartDate sets the FreshStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadFinishDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadFinishDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetFullLoadFinishDate sets the FullLoadFinishDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadProgressPercent

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadProgressPercent(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetFullLoadProgressPercent sets the FullLoadProgressPercent field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadStartDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetFullLoadStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetFullLoadStartDate sets the FullLoadStartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetStartDate

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetStartDate(v time.Time) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetStartDate sets the StartDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetStopDate

SetStopDate sets the StopDate field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesErrored

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesErrored(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetTablesErrored sets the TablesErrored field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesLoaded

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesLoaded(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetTablesLoaded sets the TablesLoaded field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesLoading

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesLoading(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetTablesLoading sets the TablesLoading field's value.

func (*ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesQueued

func (s *ReplicationTaskStats) SetTablesQueued(v int64) *ReplicationTaskStats

SetTablesQueued sets the TablesQueued field's value.

func (ReplicationTaskStats) String

func (s ReplicationTaskStats) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourceAlreadyExistsFault

type ResourceAlreadyExistsFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`

	ResourceArn *string `locationName:"resourceArn" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The resource you are attempting to create already exists.

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) Error

func (ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) GoString

func (s ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) Message

func (s *ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) RequestID

func (s *ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceAlreadyExistsFault) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourceNotFoundFault

type ResourceNotFoundFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The resource could not be found.

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) Code

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) Error

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) Error() string

func (ResourceNotFoundFault) GoString

func (s ResourceNotFoundFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) Message

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) RequestID

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceNotFoundFault) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceNotFoundFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceNotFoundFault) String

func (s ResourceNotFoundFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions

type ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions struct {

	// Detailed information about the pending maintenance action.
	PendingMaintenanceActionDetails []*PendingMaintenanceAction `type:"list"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DMS resource that the pending maintenance
	// action applies to. For information about creating an ARN, see Constructing
	// an Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for DMS (
	// in the DMS documentation.
	ResourceIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Identifies an DMS resource and any pending actions for it.

func (ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions) SetPendingMaintenanceActionDetails

SetPendingMaintenanceActionDetails sets the PendingMaintenanceActionDetails field's value.

func (*ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions) SetResourceIdentifier

SetResourceIdentifier sets the ResourceIdentifier field's value.

func (ResourcePendingMaintenanceActions) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ResourceQuotaExceededFault

type ResourceQuotaExceededFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The quota for this resource quota has been exceeded.

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) Error

func (ResourceQuotaExceededFault) GoString

func (s ResourceQuotaExceededFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) Message

func (s *ResourceQuotaExceededFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) OrigErr

func (s *ResourceQuotaExceededFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) RequestID

func (s *ResourceQuotaExceededFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*ResourceQuotaExceededFault) StatusCode

func (s *ResourceQuotaExceededFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (ResourceQuotaExceededFault) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput

type RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput

type RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput struct {

	// The ID of the LSA analysis run.
	LsaAnalysisId *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the LSA analysis, for example COMPLETED.
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) SetLsaAnalysisId

SetLsaAnalysisId sets the LsaAnalysisId field's value.

func (*RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (RunFleetAdvisorLsaAnalysisOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type S3AccessDeniedFault

type S3AccessDeniedFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Insufficient privileges are preventing access to an Amazon S3 object.

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) Code

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) Error

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) Error() string

func (S3AccessDeniedFault) GoString

func (s S3AccessDeniedFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) Message

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) OrigErr

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) RequestID

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*S3AccessDeniedFault) StatusCode

func (s *S3AccessDeniedFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (S3AccessDeniedFault) String

func (s S3AccessDeniedFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type S3ResourceNotFoundFault

type S3ResourceNotFoundFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A specified Amazon S3 bucket, bucket folder, or other object can't be found.

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Code

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Error

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Error() string

func (S3ResourceNotFoundFault) GoString

func (s S3ResourceNotFoundFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Message

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) OrigErr

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) RequestID

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*S3ResourceNotFoundFault) StatusCode

func (s *S3ResourceNotFoundFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (S3ResourceNotFoundFault) String

func (s S3ResourceNotFoundFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type S3Settings

type S3Settings struct {

	// An optional parameter that, when set to true or y, you can use to add column
	// name information to the .csv output file.
	// The default value is false. Valid values are true, false, y, and n.
	AddColumnName *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Use the S3 target endpoint setting AddTrailingPaddingCharacter to add padding
	// on string data. The default value is false.
	AddTrailingPaddingCharacter *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// An optional parameter to set a folder name in the S3 bucket. If provided,
	// tables are created in the path bucketFolder/schema_name/table_name/. If this
	// parameter isn't specified, then the path used is schema_name/table_name/.
	BucketFolder *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the S3 bucket.
	BucketName *string `type:"string"`

	// A value that enables DMS to specify a predefined (canned) access control
	// list for objects created in an Amazon S3 bucket as .csv or .parquet files.
	// For more information about Amazon S3 canned ACLs, see Canned ACL (
	// in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.
	// The default value is NONE. Valid values include NONE, PRIVATE, PUBLIC_READ,
	CannedAclForObjects *string `type:"string" enum:"CannedAclForObjectsValue"`

	// A value that enables a change data capture (CDC) load to write INSERT and
	// UPDATE operations to .csv or .parquet (columnar storage) output files. The
	// default setting is false, but when CdcInsertsAndUpdates is set to true or
	// y, only INSERTs and UPDATEs from the source database are migrated to the
	// .csv or .parquet file.
	// DMS supports the use of the .parquet files in versions 3.4.7 and later.
	// How these INSERTs and UPDATEs are recorded depends on the value of the IncludeOpForFullLoad
	// parameter. If IncludeOpForFullLoad is set to true, the first field of every
	// CDC record is set to either I or U to indicate INSERT and UPDATE operations
	// at the source. But if IncludeOpForFullLoad is set to false, CDC records are
	// written without an indication of INSERT or UPDATE operations at the source.
	// For more information about how these settings work together, see Indicating
	// Source DB Operations in Migrated S3 Data (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide..
	// DMS supports the use of the CdcInsertsAndUpdates parameter in versions 3.3.1
	// and later.
	// CdcInsertsOnly and CdcInsertsAndUpdates can't both be set to true for the
	// same endpoint. Set either CdcInsertsOnly or CdcInsertsAndUpdates to true
	// for the same endpoint, but not both.
	CdcInsertsAndUpdates *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that enables a change data capture (CDC) load to write only INSERT
	// operations to .csv or columnar storage (.parquet) output files. By default
	// (the false setting), the first field in a .csv or .parquet record contains
	// the letter I (INSERT), U (UPDATE), or D (DELETE). These values indicate whether
	// the row was inserted, updated, or deleted at the source database for a CDC
	// load to the target.
	// If CdcInsertsOnly is set to true or y, only INSERTs from the source database
	// are migrated to the .csv or .parquet file. For .csv format only, how these
	// INSERTs are recorded depends on the value of IncludeOpForFullLoad. If IncludeOpForFullLoad
	// is set to true, the first field of every CDC record is set to I to indicate
	// the INSERT operation at the source. If IncludeOpForFullLoad is set to false,
	// every CDC record is written without a first field to indicate the INSERT
	// operation at the source. For more information about how these settings work
	// together, see Indicating Source DB Operations in Migrated S3 Data (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide..
	// DMS supports the interaction described preceding between the CdcInsertsOnly
	// and IncludeOpForFullLoad parameters in versions 3.1.4 and later.
	// CdcInsertsOnly and CdcInsertsAndUpdates can't both be set to true for the
	// same endpoint. Set either CdcInsertsOnly or CdcInsertsAndUpdates to true
	// for the same endpoint, but not both.
	CdcInsertsOnly *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Maximum length of the interval, defined in seconds, after which to output
	// a file to Amazon S3.
	// When CdcMaxBatchInterval and CdcMinFileSize are both specified, the file
	// write is triggered by whichever parameter condition is met first within an
	// DMS CloudFormation template.
	// The default value is 60 seconds.
	CdcMaxBatchInterval *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Minimum file size, defined in kilobytes, to reach for a file output to Amazon
	// S3.
	// When CdcMinFileSize and CdcMaxBatchInterval are both specified, the file
	// write is triggered by whichever parameter condition is met first within an
	// DMS CloudFormation template.
	// The default value is 32 MB.
	CdcMinFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies the folder path of CDC files. For an S3 source, this setting is
	// required if a task captures change data; otherwise, it's optional. If CdcPath
	// is set, DMS reads CDC files from this path and replicates the data changes
	// to the target endpoint. For an S3 target if you set PreserveTransactions
	// (
	// to true, DMS verifies that you have set this parameter to a folder path on
	// your S3 target where DMS can save the transaction order for the CDC load.
	// DMS creates this CDC folder path in either your S3 target working directory
	// or the S3 target location specified by BucketFolder (
	// and BucketName (
	// For example, if you specify CdcPath as MyChangedData, and you specify BucketName
	// as MyTargetBucket but do not specify BucketFolder, DMS creates the CDC folder
	// path following: MyTargetBucket/MyChangedData.
	// If you specify the same CdcPath, and you specify BucketName as MyTargetBucket
	// and BucketFolder as MyTargetData, DMS creates the CDC folder path following:
	// MyTargetBucket/MyTargetData/MyChangedData.
	// For more information on CDC including transaction order on an S3 target,
	// see Capturing data changes (CDC) including transaction order on the S3 target
	// (
	// This setting is supported in DMS versions 3.4.2 and later.
	CdcPath *string `type:"string"`

	// An optional parameter to use GZIP to compress the target files. Set to GZIP
	// to compress the target files. Either set this parameter to NONE (the default)
	// or don't use it to leave the files uncompressed. This parameter applies to
	// both .csv and .parquet file formats.
	CompressionType *string `type:"string" enum:"CompressionTypeValue"`

	// The delimiter used to separate columns in the .csv file for both source and
	// target. The default is a comma.
	CsvDelimiter *string `type:"string"`

	// This setting only applies if your Amazon S3 output files during a change
	// data capture (CDC) load are written in .csv format. If UseCsvNoSupValue (
	// is set to true, specify a string value that you want DMS to use for all columns
	// not included in the supplemental log. If you do not specify a string value,
	// DMS uses the null value for these columns regardless of the UseCsvNoSupValue
	// setting.
	// This setting is supported in DMS versions 3.4.1 and later.
	CsvNoSupValue *string `type:"string"`

	// An optional parameter that specifies how DMS treats null values. While handling
	// the null value, you can use this parameter to pass a user-defined string
	// as null when writing to the target. For example, when target columns are
	// nullable, you can use this option to differentiate between the empty string
	// value and the null value. So, if you set this parameter value to the empty
	// string ("" or ”), DMS treats the empty string as the null value instead
	// of NULL.
	// The default value is NULL. Valid values include any valid string.
	CsvNullValue *string `type:"string"`

	// The delimiter used to separate rows in the .csv file for both source and
	// target. The default is a carriage return (\n).
	CsvRowDelimiter *string `type:"string"`

	// The format of the data that you want to use for output. You can choose one
	// of the following:
	//    * csv : This is a row-based file format with comma-separated values (.csv).
	//    * parquet : Apache Parquet (.parquet) is a columnar storage file format
	//    that features efficient compression and provides faster query response.
	DataFormat *string `type:"string" enum:"DataFormatValue"`

	// The size of one data page in bytes. This parameter defaults to 1024 * 1024
	// bytes (1 MiB). This number is used for .parquet file format only.
	DataPageSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// Specifies a date separating delimiter to use during folder partitioning.
	// The default value is SLASH. Use this parameter when DatePartitionedEnabled
	// is set to true.
	DatePartitionDelimiter *string `type:"string" enum:"DatePartitionDelimiterValue"`

	// When set to true, this parameter partitions S3 bucket folders based on transaction
	// commit dates. The default value is false. For more information about date-based
	// folder partitioning, see Using date-based folder partitioning (
	DatePartitionEnabled *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Identifies the sequence of the date format to use during folder partitioning.
	// The default value is YYYYMMDD. Use this parameter when DatePartitionedEnabled
	// is set to true.
	DatePartitionSequence *string `type:"string" enum:"DatePartitionSequenceValue"`

	// When creating an S3 target endpoint, set DatePartitionTimezone to convert
	// the current UTC time into a specified time zone. The conversion occurs when
	// a date partition folder is created and a CDC filename is generated. The time
	// zone format is Area/Location. Use this parameter when DatePartitionedEnabled
	// is set to true, as shown in the following example.
	// s3-settings='{"DatePartitionEnabled": true, "DatePartitionSequence": "YYYYMMDDHH",
	// "DatePartitionDelimiter": "SLASH", "DatePartitionTimezone":"Asia/Seoul",
	// "BucketName": "dms-nattarat-test"}'
	DatePartitionTimezone *string `type:"string"`

	// The maximum size of an encoded dictionary page of a column. If the dictionary
	// page exceeds this, this column is stored using an encoding type of PLAIN.
	// This parameter defaults to 1024 * 1024 bytes (1 MiB), the maximum size of
	// a dictionary page before it reverts to PLAIN encoding. This size is used
	// for .parquet file format only.
	DictPageSizeLimit *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A value that enables statistics for Parquet pages and row groups. Choose
	// true to enable statistics, false to disable. Statistics include NULL, DISTINCT,
	// MAX, and MIN values. This parameter defaults to true. This value is used
	// for .parquet file format only.
	EnableStatistics *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The type of encoding you are using:
	//    * RLE_DICTIONARY uses a combination of bit-packing and run-length encoding
	//    to store repeated values more efficiently. This is the default.
	//    * PLAIN doesn't use encoding at all. Values are stored as they are.
	//    * PLAIN_DICTIONARY builds a dictionary of the values encountered in a
	//    given column. The dictionary is stored in a dictionary page for each column
	//    chunk.
	EncodingType *string `type:"string" enum:"EncodingTypeValue"`

	// The type of server-side encryption that you want to use for your data. This
	// encryption type is part of the endpoint settings or the extra connections
	// attributes for Amazon S3. You can choose either SSE_S3 (the default) or SSE_KMS.
	// For the ModifyEndpoint operation, you can change the existing value of the
	// EncryptionMode parameter from SSE_KMS to SSE_S3. But you can’t change the
	// existing value from SSE_S3 to SSE_KMS.
	// To use SSE_S3, you need an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with
	// permission to allow "arn:aws:s3:::dms-*" to use the following actions:
	//    * s3:CreateBucket
	//    * s3:ListBucket
	//    * s3:DeleteBucket
	//    * s3:GetBucketLocation
	//    * s3:GetObject
	//    * s3:PutObject
	//    * s3:DeleteObject
	//    * s3:GetObjectVersion
	//    * s3:GetBucketPolicy
	//    * s3:PutBucketPolicy
	//    * s3:DeleteBucketPolicy
	EncryptionMode *string `type:"string" enum:"EncryptionModeValue"`

	// To specify a bucket owner and prevent sniping, you can use the ExpectedBucketOwner
	// endpoint setting.
	// Example: --s3-settings='{"ExpectedBucketOwner": "AWS_Account_ID"}'
	// When you make a request to test a connection or perform a migration, S3 checks
	// the account ID of the bucket owner against the specified parameter.
	ExpectedBucketOwner *string `type:"string"`

	// Specifies how tables are defined in the S3 source files only.
	ExternalTableDefinition *string `type:"string"`

	// When true, allows Glue to catalog your S3 bucket. Creating an Glue catalog
	// lets you use Athena to query your data.
	GlueCatalogGeneration *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When this value is set to 1, DMS ignores the first row header in a .csv file.
	// A value of 1 turns on the feature; a value of 0 turns off the feature.
	// The default is 0.
	IgnoreHeaderRows *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A value that enables a full load to write INSERT operations to the comma-separated
	// value (.csv) or .parquet output files only to indicate how the rows were
	// added to the source database.
	// DMS supports the IncludeOpForFullLoad parameter in versions 3.1.4 and later.
	// DMS supports the use of the .parquet files with the IncludeOpForFullLoad
	// parameter in versions 3.4.7 and later.
	// For full load, records can only be inserted. By default (the false setting),
	// no information is recorded in these output files for a full load to indicate
	// that the rows were inserted at the source database. If IncludeOpForFullLoad
	// is set to true or y, the INSERT is recorded as an I annotation in the first
	// field of the .csv file. This allows the format of your target records from
	// a full load to be consistent with the target records from a CDC load.
	// This setting works together with the CdcInsertsOnly and the CdcInsertsAndUpdates
	// parameters for output to .csv files only. For more information about how
	// these settings work together, see Indicating Source DB Operations in Migrated
	// S3 Data (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide..
	IncludeOpForFullLoad *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that specifies the maximum size (in KB) of any .csv file to be created
	// while migrating to an S3 target during full load.
	// The default value is 1,048,576 KB (1 GB). Valid values include 1 to 1,048,576.
	MaxFileSize *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// A value that specifies the precision of any TIMESTAMP column values that
	// are written to an Amazon S3 object file in .parquet format.
	// DMS supports the ParquetTimestampInMillisecond parameter in versions 3.1.4
	// and later.
	// When ParquetTimestampInMillisecond is set to true or y, DMS writes all TIMESTAMP
	// columns in a .parquet formatted file with millisecond precision. Otherwise,
	// DMS writes them with microsecond precision.
	// Currently, Amazon Athena and Glue can handle only millisecond precision for
	// TIMESTAMP values. Set this parameter to true for S3 endpoint object files
	// that are .parquet formatted only if you plan to query or process the data
	// with Athena or Glue.
	// DMS writes any TIMESTAMP column values written to an S3 file in .csv format
	// with microsecond precision.
	// Setting ParquetTimestampInMillisecond has no effect on the string format
	// of the timestamp column value that is inserted by setting the TimestampColumnName
	// parameter.
	ParquetTimestampInMillisecond *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The version of the Apache Parquet format that you want to use: parquet_1_0
	// (the default) or parquet_2_0.
	ParquetVersion *string `type:"string" enum:"ParquetVersionValue"`

	// If set to true, DMS saves the transaction order for a change data capture
	// (CDC) load on the Amazon S3 target specified by CdcPath (
	// For more information, see Capturing data changes (CDC) including transaction
	// order on the S3 target (
	// This setting is supported in DMS versions 3.4.2 and later.
	PreserveTransactions *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// For an S3 source, when this value is set to true or y, each leading double
	// quotation mark has to be followed by an ending double quotation mark. This
	// formatting complies with RFC 4180. When this value is set to false or n,
	// string literals are copied to the target as is. In this case, a delimiter
	// (row or column) signals the end of the field. Thus, you can't use a delimiter
	// as part of the string, because it signals the end of the value.
	// For an S3 target, an optional parameter used to set behavior to comply with
	// RFC 4180 for data migrated to Amazon S3 using .csv file format only. When
	// this value is set to true or y using Amazon S3 as a target, if the data has
	// quotation marks or newline characters in it, DMS encloses the entire column
	// with an additional pair of double quotation marks ("). Every quotation mark
	// within the data is repeated twice.
	// The default value is true. Valid values include true, false, y, and n.
	Rfc4180 *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The number of rows in a row group. A smaller row group size provides faster
	// reads. But as the number of row groups grows, the slower writes become. This
	// parameter defaults to 10,000 rows. This number is used for .parquet file
	// format only.
	// If you choose a value larger than the maximum, RowGroupLength is set to the
	// max row group length in bytes (64 * 1024 * 1024).
	RowGroupLength *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// If you are using SSE_KMS for the EncryptionMode, provide the KMS key ID.
	// The key that you use needs an attached policy that enables Identity and Access
	// Management (IAM) user permissions and allows use of the key.
	// Here is a CLI example: aws dms create-endpoint --endpoint-identifier value
	// --endpoint-type target --engine-name s3 --s3-settings ServiceAccessRoleArn=value,BucketFolder=value,BucketName=value,EncryptionMode=SSE_KMS,ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId=value
	ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used by the service to access the IAM role.
	// The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. It is a required parameter that
	// enables DMS to write and read objects from an S3 bucket.
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// A value that when nonblank causes DMS to add a column with timestamp information
	// to the endpoint data for an Amazon S3 target.
	// DMS supports the TimestampColumnName parameter in versions 3.1.4 and later.
	// DMS includes an additional STRING column in the .csv or .parquet object files
	// of your migrated data when you set TimestampColumnName to a nonblank value.
	// For a full load, each row of this timestamp column contains a timestamp for
	// when the data was transferred from the source to the target by DMS.
	// For a change data capture (CDC) load, each row of the timestamp column contains
	// the timestamp for the commit of that row in the source database.
	// The string format for this timestamp column value is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS.
	// By default, the precision of this value is in microseconds. For a CDC load,
	// the rounding of the precision depends on the commit timestamp supported by
	// DMS for the source database.
	// When the AddColumnName parameter is set to true, DMS also includes a name
	// for the timestamp column that you set with TimestampColumnName.
	TimestampColumnName *string `type:"string"`

	// This setting applies if the S3 output files during a change data capture
	// (CDC) load are written in .csv format. If set to true for columns not included
	// in the supplemental log, DMS uses the value specified by CsvNoSupValue (
	// If not set or set to false, DMS uses the null value for these columns.
	// This setting is supported in DMS versions 3.4.1 and later.
	UseCsvNoSupValue *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// When set to true, this parameter uses the task start time as the timestamp
	// column value instead of the time data is written to target. For full load,
	// when useTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp is set to true, each row of the
	// timestamp column contains the task start time. For CDC loads, each row of
	// the timestamp column contains the transaction commit time.
	// When useTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp is set to false, the full load
	// timestamp in the timestamp column increments with the time data arrives at
	// the target.
	UseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Settings for exporting data to Amazon S3.

func (S3Settings) GoString

func (s S3Settings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*S3Settings) SetAddColumnName

func (s *S3Settings) SetAddColumnName(v bool) *S3Settings

SetAddColumnName sets the AddColumnName field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetAddTrailingPaddingCharacter

func (s *S3Settings) SetAddTrailingPaddingCharacter(v bool) *S3Settings

SetAddTrailingPaddingCharacter sets the AddTrailingPaddingCharacter field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetBucketFolder

func (s *S3Settings) SetBucketFolder(v string) *S3Settings

SetBucketFolder sets the BucketFolder field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetBucketName

func (s *S3Settings) SetBucketName(v string) *S3Settings

SetBucketName sets the BucketName field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCannedAclForObjects

func (s *S3Settings) SetCannedAclForObjects(v string) *S3Settings

SetCannedAclForObjects sets the CannedAclForObjects field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates

func (s *S3Settings) SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates(v bool) *S3Settings

SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates sets the CdcInsertsAndUpdates field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCdcInsertsOnly

func (s *S3Settings) SetCdcInsertsOnly(v bool) *S3Settings

SetCdcInsertsOnly sets the CdcInsertsOnly field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCdcMaxBatchInterval

func (s *S3Settings) SetCdcMaxBatchInterval(v int64) *S3Settings

SetCdcMaxBatchInterval sets the CdcMaxBatchInterval field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCdcMinFileSize

func (s *S3Settings) SetCdcMinFileSize(v int64) *S3Settings

SetCdcMinFileSize sets the CdcMinFileSize field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCdcPath

func (s *S3Settings) SetCdcPath(v string) *S3Settings

SetCdcPath sets the CdcPath field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCompressionType

func (s *S3Settings) SetCompressionType(v string) *S3Settings

SetCompressionType sets the CompressionType field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCsvDelimiter

func (s *S3Settings) SetCsvDelimiter(v string) *S3Settings

SetCsvDelimiter sets the CsvDelimiter field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCsvNoSupValue

func (s *S3Settings) SetCsvNoSupValue(v string) *S3Settings

SetCsvNoSupValue sets the CsvNoSupValue field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCsvNullValue

func (s *S3Settings) SetCsvNullValue(v string) *S3Settings

SetCsvNullValue sets the CsvNullValue field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetCsvRowDelimiter

func (s *S3Settings) SetCsvRowDelimiter(v string) *S3Settings

SetCsvRowDelimiter sets the CsvRowDelimiter field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDataFormat

func (s *S3Settings) SetDataFormat(v string) *S3Settings

SetDataFormat sets the DataFormat field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDataPageSize

func (s *S3Settings) SetDataPageSize(v int64) *S3Settings

SetDataPageSize sets the DataPageSize field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDatePartitionDelimiter

func (s *S3Settings) SetDatePartitionDelimiter(v string) *S3Settings

SetDatePartitionDelimiter sets the DatePartitionDelimiter field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDatePartitionEnabled

func (s *S3Settings) SetDatePartitionEnabled(v bool) *S3Settings

SetDatePartitionEnabled sets the DatePartitionEnabled field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDatePartitionSequence

func (s *S3Settings) SetDatePartitionSequence(v string) *S3Settings

SetDatePartitionSequence sets the DatePartitionSequence field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDatePartitionTimezone

func (s *S3Settings) SetDatePartitionTimezone(v string) *S3Settings

SetDatePartitionTimezone sets the DatePartitionTimezone field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetDictPageSizeLimit

func (s *S3Settings) SetDictPageSizeLimit(v int64) *S3Settings

SetDictPageSizeLimit sets the DictPageSizeLimit field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetEnableStatistics

func (s *S3Settings) SetEnableStatistics(v bool) *S3Settings

SetEnableStatistics sets the EnableStatistics field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetEncodingType

func (s *S3Settings) SetEncodingType(v string) *S3Settings

SetEncodingType sets the EncodingType field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetEncryptionMode

func (s *S3Settings) SetEncryptionMode(v string) *S3Settings

SetEncryptionMode sets the EncryptionMode field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetExpectedBucketOwner

func (s *S3Settings) SetExpectedBucketOwner(v string) *S3Settings

SetExpectedBucketOwner sets the ExpectedBucketOwner field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetExternalTableDefinition

func (s *S3Settings) SetExternalTableDefinition(v string) *S3Settings

SetExternalTableDefinition sets the ExternalTableDefinition field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetGlueCatalogGeneration

func (s *S3Settings) SetGlueCatalogGeneration(v bool) *S3Settings

SetGlueCatalogGeneration sets the GlueCatalogGeneration field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetIgnoreHeaderRows

func (s *S3Settings) SetIgnoreHeaderRows(v int64) *S3Settings

SetIgnoreHeaderRows sets the IgnoreHeaderRows field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetIncludeOpForFullLoad

func (s *S3Settings) SetIncludeOpForFullLoad(v bool) *S3Settings

SetIncludeOpForFullLoad sets the IncludeOpForFullLoad field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetMaxFileSize

func (s *S3Settings) SetMaxFileSize(v int64) *S3Settings

SetMaxFileSize sets the MaxFileSize field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetParquetTimestampInMillisecond

func (s *S3Settings) SetParquetTimestampInMillisecond(v bool) *S3Settings

SetParquetTimestampInMillisecond sets the ParquetTimestampInMillisecond field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetParquetVersion

func (s *S3Settings) SetParquetVersion(v string) *S3Settings

SetParquetVersion sets the ParquetVersion field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetPreserveTransactions

func (s *S3Settings) SetPreserveTransactions(v bool) *S3Settings

SetPreserveTransactions sets the PreserveTransactions field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetRfc4180

func (s *S3Settings) SetRfc4180(v bool) *S3Settings

SetRfc4180 sets the Rfc4180 field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetRowGroupLength

func (s *S3Settings) SetRowGroupLength(v int64) *S3Settings

SetRowGroupLength sets the RowGroupLength field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId

func (s *S3Settings) SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId(v string) *S3Settings

SetServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId sets the ServerSideEncryptionKmsKeyId field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

func (s *S3Settings) SetServiceAccessRoleArn(v string) *S3Settings

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetTimestampColumnName

func (s *S3Settings) SetTimestampColumnName(v string) *S3Settings

SetTimestampColumnName sets the TimestampColumnName field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetUseCsvNoSupValue

func (s *S3Settings) SetUseCsvNoSupValue(v bool) *S3Settings

SetUseCsvNoSupValue sets the UseCsvNoSupValue field's value.

func (*S3Settings) SetUseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp

func (s *S3Settings) SetUseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp(v bool) *S3Settings

SetUseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp sets the UseTaskStartTimeForFullLoadTimestamp field's value.

func (S3Settings) String

func (s S3Settings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SCApplicationAttributes

type SCApplicationAttributes struct {

	// The path for the Amazon S3 bucket that the application uses for exporting
	// assessment reports.
	S3BucketPath *string `type:"string"`

	// The ARN for the role the application uses to access its Amazon S3 bucket.
	S3BucketRoleArn *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a schema conversion application.

func (SCApplicationAttributes) GoString

func (s SCApplicationAttributes) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SCApplicationAttributes) SetS3BucketPath

SetS3BucketPath sets the S3BucketPath field's value.

func (*SCApplicationAttributes) SetS3BucketRoleArn

func (s *SCApplicationAttributes) SetS3BucketRoleArn(v string) *SCApplicationAttributes

SetS3BucketRoleArn sets the S3BucketRoleArn field's value.

func (SCApplicationAttributes) String

func (s SCApplicationAttributes) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SNSInvalidTopicFault

type SNSInvalidTopicFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The SNS topic is invalid.

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) Code

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) Error

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) Error() string

func (SNSInvalidTopicFault) GoString

func (s SNSInvalidTopicFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) Message

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) OrigErr

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) RequestID

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*SNSInvalidTopicFault) StatusCode

func (s *SNSInvalidTopicFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (SNSInvalidTopicFault) String

func (s SNSInvalidTopicFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SNSNoAuthorizationFault

type SNSNoAuthorizationFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

You are not authorized for the SNS subscription.

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Code

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Error

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Error() string

func (SNSNoAuthorizationFault) GoString

func (s SNSNoAuthorizationFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Message

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) OrigErr

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) RequestID

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*SNSNoAuthorizationFault) StatusCode

func (s *SNSNoAuthorizationFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (SNSNoAuthorizationFault) String

func (s SNSNoAuthorizationFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SchemaConversionRequest

type SchemaConversionRequest struct {

	// Provides error information about a project.
	Error *ErrorDetails `type:"structure"`

	// Provides information about a metadata model assessment exported to SQL.
	ExportSqlDetails *ExportSqlDetails `type:"structure"`

	// The migration project ARN.
	MigrationProjectArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The identifier for the schema conversion action.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The schema conversion action status.
	Status *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about a schema conversion action.

func (SchemaConversionRequest) GoString

func (s SchemaConversionRequest) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SchemaConversionRequest) SetError

SetError sets the Error field's value.

func (*SchemaConversionRequest) SetExportSqlDetails

SetExportSqlDetails sets the ExportSqlDetails field's value.

func (*SchemaConversionRequest) SetMigrationProjectArn

func (s *SchemaConversionRequest) SetMigrationProjectArn(v string) *SchemaConversionRequest

SetMigrationProjectArn sets the MigrationProjectArn field's value.

func (*SchemaConversionRequest) SetRequestIdentifier

func (s *SchemaConversionRequest) SetRequestIdentifier(v string) *SchemaConversionRequest

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (*SchemaConversionRequest) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (SchemaConversionRequest) String

func (s SchemaConversionRequest) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SchemaResponse

type SchemaResponse struct {

	// The number of lines of code in a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	CodeLineCount *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The size level of the code in a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	CodeSize *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The complexity level of the code in a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector
	// inventory.
	Complexity *string `type:"string"`

	// The database for a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseInstance *DatabaseShortInfoResponse `type:"structure"`

	// Describes a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	OriginalSchema *SchemaShortInfoResponse `type:"structure"`

	// The ID of a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	SchemaId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	SchemaName *string `type:"string"`

	// The database server for a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	Server *ServerShortInfoResponse `type:"structure"`

	// The similarity value for a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	// A higher similarity value indicates that a schema is likely to be a duplicate.
	Similarity *float64 `type:"double"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (SchemaResponse) GoString

func (s SchemaResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SchemaResponse) SetCodeLineCount

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetCodeLineCount(v int64) *SchemaResponse

SetCodeLineCount sets the CodeLineCount field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetCodeSize

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetCodeSize(v int64) *SchemaResponse

SetCodeSize sets the CodeSize field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetComplexity

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetComplexity(v string) *SchemaResponse

SetComplexity sets the Complexity field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetDatabaseInstance

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetDatabaseInstance(v *DatabaseShortInfoResponse) *SchemaResponse

SetDatabaseInstance sets the DatabaseInstance field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetOriginalSchema

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetOriginalSchema(v *SchemaShortInfoResponse) *SchemaResponse

SetOriginalSchema sets the OriginalSchema field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetSchemaId

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetSchemaId(v string) *SchemaResponse

SetSchemaId sets the SchemaId field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetSchemaName

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetSchemaName(v string) *SchemaResponse

SetSchemaName sets the SchemaName field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetServer

SetServer sets the Server field's value.

func (*SchemaResponse) SetSimilarity

func (s *SchemaResponse) SetSimilarity(v float64) *SchemaResponse

SetSimilarity sets the Similarity field's value.

func (SchemaResponse) String

func (s SchemaResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SchemaShortInfoResponse

type SchemaShortInfoResponse struct {

	// The ID of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string"`

	// The IP address of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseIpAddress *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of a database in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// The ID of a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	SchemaId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	SchemaName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a schema in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (SchemaShortInfoResponse) GoString

func (s SchemaShortInfoResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseId

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseIpAddress

func (s *SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseIpAddress(v string) *SchemaShortInfoResponse

SetDatabaseIpAddress sets the DatabaseIpAddress field's value.

func (*SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetDatabaseName

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetSchemaId

SetSchemaId sets the SchemaId field's value.

func (*SchemaShortInfoResponse) SetSchemaName

SetSchemaName sets the SchemaName field's value.

func (SchemaShortInfoResponse) String

func (s SchemaShortInfoResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type ServerShortInfoResponse

type ServerShortInfoResponse struct {

	// The IP address of a server in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	IpAddress *string `type:"string"`

	// The ID of a server in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	ServerId *string `type:"string"`

	// The name address of a server in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes a server in a Fleet Advisor collector inventory.

func (ServerShortInfoResponse) GoString

func (s ServerShortInfoResponse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*ServerShortInfoResponse) SetIpAddress

SetIpAddress sets the IpAddress field's value.

func (*ServerShortInfoResponse) SetServerId

SetServerId sets the ServerId field's value.

func (*ServerShortInfoResponse) SetServerName

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (ServerShortInfoResponse) String

func (s ServerShortInfoResponse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartExtensionPackAssociationInput

type StartExtensionPackAssociationInput struct {

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartExtensionPackAssociationInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartExtensionPackAssociationInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (StartExtensionPackAssociationInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartExtensionPackAssociationInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput

type StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the request operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartExtensionPackAssociationOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput

type StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput struct {

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to assess.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelAssessmentInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput

type StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the assessment operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelAssessmentOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartMetadataModelConversionInput

type StartMetadataModelConversionInput struct {

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to convert.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelConversionInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelConversionInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *StartMetadataModelConversionInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *StartMetadataModelConversionInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelConversionInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelConversionInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelConversionInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartMetadataModelConversionOutput

type StartMetadataModelConversionOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the conversion operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelConversionOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelConversionOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelConversionOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput

type StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput struct {

	// The name of the model file to create in the Amazon S3 bucket.
	FileName *string `type:"string"`

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Whether to export the metadata model from the source or the target.
	// Origin is a required field
	Origin *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"OriginTypeValue"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to export.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) SetFileName

SetFileName sets the FileName field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) SetOrigin

SetOrigin sets the Origin field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput

type StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the export operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelExportAsScriptOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput

type StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput struct {

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Whether to overwrite the migration project extension pack. An extension pack
	// is an add-on module that emulates functions present in a source database
	// that are required when converting objects to the target database.
	OverwriteExtensionPack *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to export.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) SetOverwriteExtensionPack

SetOverwriteExtensionPack sets the OverwriteExtensionPack field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput

type StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the export operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelExportToTargetOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartMetadataModelImportInput

type StartMetadataModelImportInput struct {

	// The migration project name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
	// MigrationProjectIdentifier is a required field
	MigrationProjectIdentifier *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Whether to load metadata to the source or target database.
	// Origin is a required field
	Origin *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"OriginTypeValue"`

	// If true, DMS loads metadata for the specified objects from the source database.
	Refresh *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// A value that specifies the database objects to import.
	// SelectionRules is a required field
	SelectionRules *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelImportInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelImportInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier

func (s *StartMetadataModelImportInput) SetMigrationProjectIdentifier(v string) *StartMetadataModelImportInput

SetMigrationProjectIdentifier sets the MigrationProjectIdentifier field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelImportInput) SetOrigin

SetOrigin sets the Origin field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelImportInput) SetRefresh

SetRefresh sets the Refresh field's value.

func (*StartMetadataModelImportInput) SetSelectionRules

SetSelectionRules sets the SelectionRules field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelImportInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelImportInput) Validate

func (s *StartMetadataModelImportInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartMetadataModelImportOutput

type StartMetadataModelImportOutput struct {

	// The identifier for the import operation.
	RequestIdentifier *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartMetadataModelImportOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartMetadataModelImportOutput) SetRequestIdentifier

SetRequestIdentifier sets the RequestIdentifier field's value.

func (StartMetadataModelImportOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartRecommendationsInput

type StartRecommendationsInput struct {

	// The identifier of the source database to analyze and provide recommendations
	// for.
	// DatabaseId is a required field
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The settings in JSON format that Fleet Advisor uses to determine target engine
	// recommendations. These parameters include target instance sizing and availability
	// and durability settings. For target instance sizing, Fleet Advisor supports
	// the following two options: total capacity and resource utilization. For availability
	// and durability, Fleet Advisor supports the following two options: production
	// (Multi-AZ deployments) and Dev/Test (Single-AZ deployments).
	// Settings is a required field
	Settings *RecommendationSettings `type:"structure" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartRecommendationsInput) GoString

func (s StartRecommendationsInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartRecommendationsInput) SetDatabaseId

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*StartRecommendationsInput) SetSettings

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (StartRecommendationsInput) String

func (s StartRecommendationsInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartRecommendationsInput) Validate

func (s *StartRecommendationsInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartRecommendationsOutput

type StartRecommendationsOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartRecommendationsOutput) GoString

func (s StartRecommendationsOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (StartRecommendationsOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartRecommendationsRequestEntry

type StartRecommendationsRequestEntry struct {

	// The identifier of the source database.
	// DatabaseId is a required field
	DatabaseId *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The required target engine settings.
	// Settings is a required field
	Settings *RecommendationSettings `type:"structure" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about the source database to analyze and provide target recommendations according to the specified requirements.

func (StartRecommendationsRequestEntry) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartRecommendationsRequestEntry) SetDatabaseId

SetDatabaseId sets the DatabaseId field's value.

func (*StartRecommendationsRequestEntry) SetSettings

SetSettings sets the Settings field's value.

func (StartRecommendationsRequestEntry) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartRecommendationsRequestEntry) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartReplicationInput

type StartReplicationInput struct {

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to start. Use
	// either CdcStartPosition or CdcStartTime to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// The value can be in date, checkpoint, or LSN/SCN format.
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	CdcStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication for which to start replication.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The replication type.
	// StartReplicationType is a required field
	StartReplicationType *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationInput) GoString

func (s StartReplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStartPosition

func (s *StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStartPosition(v string) *StartReplicationInput

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStartTime

func (s *StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStartTime(v time.Time) *StartReplicationInput

SetCdcStartTime sets the CdcStartTime field's value.

func (*StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStopPosition

func (s *StartReplicationInput) SetCdcStopPosition(v string) *StartReplicationInput

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*StartReplicationInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *StartReplicationInput) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *StartReplicationInput

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (*StartReplicationInput) SetStartReplicationType

func (s *StartReplicationInput) SetStartReplicationType(v string) *StartReplicationInput

SetStartReplicationType sets the StartReplicationType field's value.

func (StartReplicationInput) String

func (s StartReplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationInput) Validate

func (s *StartReplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartReplicationOutput

type StartReplicationOutput struct {

	// The replication that DMS started.
	Replication *Replication `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationOutput) GoString

func (s StartReplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationOutput) SetReplication

SetReplication sets the Replication field's value.

func (StartReplicationOutput) String

func (s StartReplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput struct {

	// The assessed replication task.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput struct {

	// Unique name to identify the assessment run.
	// AssessmentRunName is a required field
	AssessmentRunName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Space-separated list of names for specific individual assessments that you
	// want to exclude. These names come from the default list of individual assessments
	// that DMS supports for the associated migration task. This task is specified
	// by ReplicationTaskArn.
	// You can't set a value for Exclude if you also set a value for IncludeOnly
	// in the API operation.
	// To identify the names of the default individual assessments that DMS supports
	// for the associated migration task, run the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments
	// operation using its own ReplicationTaskArn request parameter.
	Exclude []*string `type:"list"`

	// Space-separated list of names for specific individual assessments that you
	// want to include. These names come from the default list of individual assessments
	// that DMS supports for the associated migration task. This task is specified
	// by ReplicationTaskArn.
	// You can't set a value for IncludeOnly if you also set a value for Exclude
	// in the API operation.
	// To identify the names of the default individual assessments that DMS supports
	// for the associated migration task, run the DescribeApplicableIndividualAssessments
	// operation using its own ReplicationTaskArn request parameter.
	IncludeOnly []*string `type:"list"`

	// Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the migration task associated with the premigration
	// assessment run that you want to start.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Encryption mode that you can specify to encrypt the results of this assessment
	// run. If you don't specify this request parameter, DMS stores the assessment
	// run results without encryption. You can specify one of the options following:
	//    * "SSE_S3" – The server-side encryption provided as a default by Amazon
	//    S3.
	//    * "SSE_KMS" – Key Management Service (KMS) encryption. This encryption
	//    can use either a custom KMS encryption key that you specify or the default
	//    KMS encryption key that DMS provides.
	ResultEncryptionMode *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of a custom KMS encryption key that you specify when you set ResultEncryptionMode
	// to "SSE_KMS".
	ResultKmsKeyArn *string `type:"string"`

	// Amazon S3 bucket where you want DMS to store the results of this assessment
	// run.
	// ResultLocationBucket is a required field
	ResultLocationBucket *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Folder within an Amazon S3 bucket where you want DMS to store the results
	// of this assessment run.
	ResultLocationFolder *string `type:"string"`

	// ARN of the service role needed to start the assessment run. The role must
	// allow the iam:PassRole action.
	// ServiceAccessRoleArn is a required field
	ServiceAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetAssessmentRunName

SetAssessmentRunName sets the AssessmentRunName field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetExclude

SetExclude sets the Exclude field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetIncludeOnly

SetIncludeOnly sets the IncludeOnly field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetResultEncryptionMode

SetResultEncryptionMode sets the ResultEncryptionMode field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetResultKmsKeyArn

SetResultKmsKeyArn sets the ResultKmsKeyArn field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetResultLocationBucket

SetResultLocationBucket sets the ResultLocationBucket field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetResultLocationFolder

SetResultLocationFolder sets the ResultLocationFolder field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) SetServiceAccessRoleArn

SetServiceAccessRoleArn sets the ServiceAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunInput) Validate

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput

type StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput struct {

	// The premigration assessment run that was started.
	ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun *ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun

SetReplicationTaskAssessmentRun sets the ReplicationTaskAssessmentRun field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskAssessmentRunOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StartReplicationTaskInput

type StartReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to start. Use
	// either CdcStartPosition or CdcStartTime to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// The value can be in date, checkpoint, or LSN/SCN format.
	// Date Example: --cdc-start-position “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	// Checkpoint Example: --cdc-start-position "checkpoint:V1#27#mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1975:-1:2002:677883278264080:mysql-bin-changelog.157832:1876#0#0#*#0#93"
	// LSN Example: --cdc-start-position “mysql-bin-changelog.000024:373”
	// When you use this task setting with a source PostgreSQL database, a logical
	// replication slot should already be created and associated with the source
	// endpoint. You can verify this by setting the slotName extra connection attribute
	// to the name of this logical replication slot. For more information, see Extra
	// Connection Attributes When Using PostgreSQL as a Source for DMS (
	CdcStartPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates the start time for a change data capture (CDC) operation. Use either
	// CdcStartTime or CdcStartPosition to specify when you want a CDC operation
	// to start. Specifying both values results in an error.
	// Timestamp Example: --cdc-start-time “2018-03-08T12:12:12”
	CdcStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// Indicates when you want a change data capture (CDC) operation to stop. The
	// value can be either server time or commit time.
	// Server time example: --cdc-stop-position “server_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12”
	// Commit time example: --cdc-stop-position “commit_time:2018-02-09T12:12:12“
	CdcStopPosition *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication task to be started.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The type of replication task to start.
	// When the migration type is full-load or full-load-and-cdc, the only valid
	// value for the first run of the task is start-replication. This option will
	// start the migration.
	// You can also use ReloadTables to reload specific tables that failed during
	// migration instead of restarting the task.
	// The resume-processing option isn't applicable for a full-load task, because
	// you can't resume partially loaded tables during the full load phase.
	// For a full-load-and-cdc task, DMS migrates table data, and then applies data
	// changes that occur on the source. To load all the tables again, and start
	// capturing source changes, use reload-target. Otherwise use resume-processing,
	// to replicate the changes from the last stop position.
	// StartReplicationTaskType is a required field
	StartReplicationTaskType *string `type:"string" required:"true" enum:"StartReplicationTaskTypeValue"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s StartReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartPosition

func (s *StartReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartPosition(v string) *StartReplicationTaskInput

SetCdcStartPosition sets the CdcStartPosition field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStartTime

SetCdcStartTime sets the CdcStartTime field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) SetCdcStopPosition

SetCdcStopPosition sets the CdcStopPosition field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *StartReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *StartReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) SetStartReplicationTaskType

func (s *StartReplicationTaskInput) SetStartReplicationTaskType(v string) *StartReplicationTaskInput

SetStartReplicationTaskType sets the StartReplicationTaskType field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskInput) String

func (s StartReplicationTaskInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *StartReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StartReplicationTaskOutput

type StartReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The replication task started.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s StartReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StartReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (StartReplicationTaskOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StopReplicationInput

type StopReplicationInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name of the replication to stop.
	// ReplicationConfigArn is a required field
	ReplicationConfigArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopReplicationInput) GoString

func (s StopReplicationInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationInput) SetReplicationConfigArn

func (s *StopReplicationInput) SetReplicationConfigArn(v string) *StopReplicationInput

SetReplicationConfigArn sets the ReplicationConfigArn field's value.

func (StopReplicationInput) String

func (s StopReplicationInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationInput) Validate

func (s *StopReplicationInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StopReplicationOutput

type StopReplicationOutput struct {

	// The replication that DMS stopped.
	Replication *Replication `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopReplicationOutput) GoString

func (s StopReplicationOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationOutput) SetReplication

SetReplication sets the Replication field's value.

func (StopReplicationOutput) String

func (s StopReplicationOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StopReplicationTaskInput

type StopReplicationTaskInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name(ARN) of the replication task to be stopped.
	// ReplicationTaskArn is a required field
	ReplicationTaskArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopReplicationTaskInput) GoString

func (s StopReplicationTaskInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn

func (s *StopReplicationTaskInput) SetReplicationTaskArn(v string) *StopReplicationTaskInput

SetReplicationTaskArn sets the ReplicationTaskArn field's value.

func (StopReplicationTaskInput) String

func (s StopReplicationTaskInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationTaskInput) Validate

func (s *StopReplicationTaskInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type StopReplicationTaskOutput

type StopReplicationTaskOutput struct {

	// The replication task stopped.
	ReplicationTask *ReplicationTask `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopReplicationTaskOutput) GoString

func (s StopReplicationTaskOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StopReplicationTaskOutput) SetReplicationTask

SetReplicationTask sets the ReplicationTask field's value.

func (StopReplicationTaskOutput) String

func (s StopReplicationTaskOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type StorageQuotaExceededFault

type StorageQuotaExceededFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The storage quota has been exceeded.

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) Error

func (s *StorageQuotaExceededFault) Error() string

func (StorageQuotaExceededFault) GoString

func (s StorageQuotaExceededFault) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) Message

func (s *StorageQuotaExceededFault) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) OrigErr

func (s *StorageQuotaExceededFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) RequestID

func (s *StorageQuotaExceededFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*StorageQuotaExceededFault) StatusCode

func (s *StorageQuotaExceededFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (StorageQuotaExceededFault) String

func (s StorageQuotaExceededFault) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type Subnet

type Subnet struct {

	// The Availability Zone of the subnet.
	SubnetAvailabilityZone *AvailabilityZone `type:"structure"`

	// The subnet identifier.
	SubnetIdentifier *string `type:"string"`

	// The status of the subnet.
	SubnetStatus *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

In response to a request by the DescribeReplicationSubnetGroups operation, this object identifies a subnet by its given Availability Zone, subnet identifier, and status.

func (Subnet) GoString

func (s Subnet) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Subnet) SetSubnetAvailabilityZone

func (s *Subnet) SetSubnetAvailabilityZone(v *AvailabilityZone) *Subnet

SetSubnetAvailabilityZone sets the SubnetAvailabilityZone field's value.

func (*Subnet) SetSubnetIdentifier

func (s *Subnet) SetSubnetIdentifier(v string) *Subnet

SetSubnetIdentifier sets the SubnetIdentifier field's value.

func (*Subnet) SetSubnetStatus

func (s *Subnet) SetSubnetStatus(v string) *Subnet

SetSubnetStatus sets the SubnetStatus field's value.

func (Subnet) String

func (s Subnet) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SubnetAlreadyInUse

type SubnetAlreadyInUse struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

The specified subnet is already in use.

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) Code

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) Code() string

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) Error

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) Error() string

func (SubnetAlreadyInUse) GoString

func (s SubnetAlreadyInUse) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) Message

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) Message() string

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) OrigErr

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) RequestID

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*SubnetAlreadyInUse) StatusCode

func (s *SubnetAlreadyInUse) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (SubnetAlreadyInUse) String

func (s SubnetAlreadyInUse) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SupportedEndpointType

type SupportedEndpointType struct {

	// The type of endpoint. Valid values are source and target.
	EndpointType *string `type:"string" enum:"ReplicationEndpointTypeValue"`

	// The expanded name for the engine name. For example, if the EngineName parameter
	// is "aurora", this value would be "Amazon Aurora MySQL".
	EngineDisplayName *string `type:"string"`

	// The database engine name. Valid values, depending on the EndpointType, include
	// "mysql", "oracle", "postgres", "mariadb", "aurora", "aurora-postgresql",
	// "redshift", "s3", "db2", "db2-zos", "azuredb", "sybase", "dynamodb", "mongodb",
	// "kinesis", "kafka", "elasticsearch", "documentdb", "sqlserver", "neptune",
	// and "babelfish".
	EngineName *string `type:"string"`

	// The earliest DMS engine version that supports this endpoint engine. Note
	// that endpoint engines released with DMS versions earlier than 3.1.1 do not
	// return a value for this parameter.
	ReplicationInstanceEngineMinimumVersion *string `type:"string"`

	// Indicates if change data capture (CDC) is supported.
	SupportsCDC *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information about types of supported endpoints in response to a request by the DescribeEndpointTypes operation. This information includes the type of endpoint, the database engine name, and whether change data capture (CDC) is supported.

func (SupportedEndpointType) GoString

func (s SupportedEndpointType) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SupportedEndpointType) SetEndpointType

func (s *SupportedEndpointType) SetEndpointType(v string) *SupportedEndpointType

SetEndpointType sets the EndpointType field's value.

func (*SupportedEndpointType) SetEngineDisplayName

func (s *SupportedEndpointType) SetEngineDisplayName(v string) *SupportedEndpointType

SetEngineDisplayName sets the EngineDisplayName field's value.

func (*SupportedEndpointType) SetEngineName

func (s *SupportedEndpointType) SetEngineName(v string) *SupportedEndpointType

SetEngineName sets the EngineName field's value.

func (*SupportedEndpointType) SetReplicationInstanceEngineMinimumVersion

func (s *SupportedEndpointType) SetReplicationInstanceEngineMinimumVersion(v string) *SupportedEndpointType

SetReplicationInstanceEngineMinimumVersion sets the ReplicationInstanceEngineMinimumVersion field's value.

func (*SupportedEndpointType) SetSupportsCDC

func (s *SupportedEndpointType) SetSupportsCDC(v bool) *SupportedEndpointType

SetSupportsCDC sets the SupportsCDC field's value.

func (SupportedEndpointType) String

func (s SupportedEndpointType) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type SybaseSettings

type SybaseSettings struct {

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string"`

	// Endpoint connection password.
	// Password is a sensitive parameter and its value will be
	// replaced with "sensitive" in string returned by SybaseSettings's
	// String and GoString methods.
	Password *string `type:"string" sensitive:"true"`

	// Endpoint TCP port. The default is 5000.
	Port *int64 `type:"integer"`

	// The full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that specifies DMS as
	// the trusted entity and grants the required permissions to access the value
	// in SecretsManagerSecret. The role must allow the iam:PassRole action. SecretsManagerSecret
	// has the value of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that allows
	// access to the SAP ASE endpoint.
	// You can specify one of two sets of values for these permissions. You can
	// specify the values for this setting and SecretsManagerSecretId. Or you can
	// specify clear-text values for UserName, Password, ServerName, and Port. You
	// can't specify both. For more information on creating this SecretsManagerSecret
	// and the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn and SecretsManagerSecretId required to
	// access it, see Using secrets to access Database Migration Service resources
	// (
	// in the Database Migration Service User Guide.
	SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn *string `type:"string"`

	// The full ARN, partial ARN, or friendly name of the SecretsManagerSecret that
	// contains the SAP SAE endpoint connection details.
	SecretsManagerSecretId *string `type:"string"`

	// Fully qualified domain name of the endpoint.
	ServerName *string `type:"string"`

	// Endpoint connection user name.
	Username *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines a SAP ASE endpoint.

func (SybaseSettings) GoString

func (s SybaseSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*SybaseSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetPassword

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetPassword(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetPassword sets the Password field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetPort

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetPort(v int64) *SybaseSettings

SetPort sets the Port field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetSecretsManagerAccessRoleArn sets the SecretsManagerAccessRoleArn field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetSecretsManagerSecretId(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetSecretsManagerSecretId sets the SecretsManagerSecretId field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetServerName

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetServerName(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetServerName sets the ServerName field's value.

func (*SybaseSettings) SetUsername

func (s *SybaseSettings) SetUsername(v string) *SybaseSettings

SetUsername sets the Username field's value.

func (SybaseSettings) String

func (s SybaseSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type TableStatistics

type TableStatistics struct {

	// The number of data definition language (DDL) statements used to build and
	// modify the structure of your tables applied on the target.
	AppliedDdls *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of delete actions applied on a target table.
	AppliedDeletes *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of insert actions applied on a target table.
	AppliedInserts *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of update actions applied on a target table.
	AppliedUpdates *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The data definition language (DDL) used to build and modify the structure
	// of your tables.
	Ddls *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of delete actions performed on a table.
	Deletes *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of rows that failed conditional checks during the full load operation
	// (valid only for migrations where DynamoDB is the target).
	FullLoadCondtnlChkFailedRows *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The time when the full load operation completed.
	FullLoadEndTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The number of rows that failed to load during the full load operation (valid
	// only for migrations where DynamoDB is the target).
	FullLoadErrorRows *int64 `type:"long"`

	// A value that indicates if the table was reloaded (true) or loaded as part
	// of a new full load operation (false).
	FullLoadReloaded *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// The number of rows added during the full load operation.
	FullLoadRows *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The time when the full load operation started.
	FullLoadStartTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The number of insert actions performed on a table.
	Inserts *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The last time a table was updated.
	LastUpdateTime *time.Time `type:"timestamp"`

	// The schema name.
	SchemaName *string `type:"string"`

	// The name of the table.
	TableName *string `type:"string"`

	// The state of the tables described.
	// Valid states: Table does not exist | Before load | Full load | Table completed
	// | Table cancelled | Table error | Table is being reloaded
	TableState *string `type:"string"`

	// The number of update actions performed on a table.
	Updates *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of records that failed validation.
	ValidationFailedRecords *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The number of records that have yet to be validated.
	ValidationPendingRecords *int64 `type:"long"`

	// The validation state of the table.
	// This parameter can have the following values:
	//    * Not enabled – Validation isn't enabled for the table in the migration
	//    task.
	//    * Pending records – Some records in the table are waiting for validation.
	//    * Mismatched records – Some records in the table don't match between
	//    the source and target.
	//    * Suspended records – Some records in the table couldn't be validated.
	//    * No primary key –The table couldn't be validated because it has no
	//    primary key.
	//    * Table error – The table wasn't validated because it's in an error
	//    state and some data wasn't migrated.
	//    * Validated – All rows in the table are validated. If the table is updated,
	//    the status can change from Validated.
	//    * Error – The table couldn't be validated because of an unexpected error.
	//    * Pending validation – The table is waiting validation.
	//    * Preparing table – Preparing the table enabled in the migration task
	//    for validation.
	//    * Pending revalidation – All rows in the table are pending validation
	//    after the table was updated.
	ValidationState *string `type:"string"`

	// Additional details about the state of validation.
	ValidationStateDetails *string `type:"string"`

	// The number of records that couldn't be validated.
	ValidationSuspendedRecords *int64 `type:"long"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides a collection of table statistics in response to a request by the DescribeTableStatistics operation.

func (TableStatistics) GoString

func (s TableStatistics) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TableStatistics) SetAppliedDdls

func (s *TableStatistics) SetAppliedDdls(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetAppliedDdls sets the AppliedDdls field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetAppliedDeletes

func (s *TableStatistics) SetAppliedDeletes(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetAppliedDeletes sets the AppliedDeletes field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetAppliedInserts

func (s *TableStatistics) SetAppliedInserts(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetAppliedInserts sets the AppliedInserts field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetAppliedUpdates

func (s *TableStatistics) SetAppliedUpdates(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetAppliedUpdates sets the AppliedUpdates field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetDdls

func (s *TableStatistics) SetDdls(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetDdls sets the Ddls field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetDeletes

func (s *TableStatistics) SetDeletes(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetDeletes sets the Deletes field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadCondtnlChkFailedRows

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadCondtnlChkFailedRows(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadCondtnlChkFailedRows sets the FullLoadCondtnlChkFailedRows field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadEndTime

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadEndTime(v time.Time) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadEndTime sets the FullLoadEndTime field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadErrorRows

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadErrorRows(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadErrorRows sets the FullLoadErrorRows field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadReloaded

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadReloaded(v bool) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadReloaded sets the FullLoadReloaded field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadRows

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadRows(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadRows sets the FullLoadRows field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetFullLoadStartTime

func (s *TableStatistics) SetFullLoadStartTime(v time.Time) *TableStatistics

SetFullLoadStartTime sets the FullLoadStartTime field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetInserts

func (s *TableStatistics) SetInserts(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetInserts sets the Inserts field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetLastUpdateTime

func (s *TableStatistics) SetLastUpdateTime(v time.Time) *TableStatistics

SetLastUpdateTime sets the LastUpdateTime field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetSchemaName

func (s *TableStatistics) SetSchemaName(v string) *TableStatistics

SetSchemaName sets the SchemaName field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetTableName

func (s *TableStatistics) SetTableName(v string) *TableStatistics

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetTableState

func (s *TableStatistics) SetTableState(v string) *TableStatistics

SetTableState sets the TableState field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetUpdates

func (s *TableStatistics) SetUpdates(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetUpdates sets the Updates field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetValidationFailedRecords

func (s *TableStatistics) SetValidationFailedRecords(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetValidationFailedRecords sets the ValidationFailedRecords field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetValidationPendingRecords

func (s *TableStatistics) SetValidationPendingRecords(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetValidationPendingRecords sets the ValidationPendingRecords field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetValidationState

func (s *TableStatistics) SetValidationState(v string) *TableStatistics

SetValidationState sets the ValidationState field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetValidationStateDetails

func (s *TableStatistics) SetValidationStateDetails(v string) *TableStatistics

SetValidationStateDetails sets the ValidationStateDetails field's value.

func (*TableStatistics) SetValidationSuspendedRecords

func (s *TableStatistics) SetValidationSuspendedRecords(v int64) *TableStatistics

SetValidationSuspendedRecords sets the ValidationSuspendedRecords field's value.

func (TableStatistics) String

func (s TableStatistics) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type TableToReload

type TableToReload struct {

	// The schema name of the table to be reloaded.
	// SchemaName is a required field
	SchemaName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The table name of the table to be reloaded.
	// TableName is a required field
	TableName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides the name of the schema and table to be reloaded.

func (TableToReload) GoString

func (s TableToReload) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TableToReload) SetSchemaName

func (s *TableToReload) SetSchemaName(v string) *TableToReload

SetSchemaName sets the SchemaName field's value.

func (*TableToReload) SetTableName

func (s *TableToReload) SetTableName(v string) *TableToReload

SetTableName sets the TableName field's value.

func (TableToReload) String

func (s TableToReload) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TableToReload) Validate

func (s *TableToReload) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type Tag

type Tag struct {

	// A key is the required name of the tag. The string value can be 1-128 Unicode
	// characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string
	// can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_',
	// '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:/=+\\-]*)$").
	Key *string `type:"string"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the resource
	// for which the tag is created.
	ResourceArn *string `type:"string"`

	// A value is the optional value of the tag. The string value can be 1-256 Unicode
	// characters in length and can't be prefixed with "aws:" or "dms:". The string
	// can only contain only the set of Unicode letters, digits, white-space, '_',
	// '.', '/', '=', '+', '-' (Java regular expressions: "^([\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:/=+\\-]*)$").
	Value *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A user-defined key-value pair that describes metadata added to an DMS resource and that is used by operations such as the following:

  • AddTagsToResource

  • ListTagsForResource

  • RemoveTagsFromResource

func (Tag) GoString

func (s Tag) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*Tag) SetKey

func (s *Tag) SetKey(v string) *Tag

SetKey sets the Key field's value.

func (*Tag) SetResourceArn

func (s *Tag) SetResourceArn(v string) *Tag

SetResourceArn sets the ResourceArn field's value.

func (*Tag) SetValue

func (s *Tag) SetValue(v string) *Tag

SetValue sets the Value field's value.

func (Tag) String

func (s Tag) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type TestConnectionInput

type TestConnectionInput struct {

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) string that uniquely identifies the endpoint.
	// EndpointArn is a required field
	EndpointArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replication instance.
	// ReplicationInstanceArn is a required field
	ReplicationInstanceArn *string `type:"string" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TestConnectionInput) GoString

func (s TestConnectionInput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TestConnectionInput) SetEndpointArn

func (s *TestConnectionInput) SetEndpointArn(v string) *TestConnectionInput

SetEndpointArn sets the EndpointArn field's value.

func (*TestConnectionInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn

func (s *TestConnectionInput) SetReplicationInstanceArn(v string) *TestConnectionInput

SetReplicationInstanceArn sets the ReplicationInstanceArn field's value.

func (TestConnectionInput) String

func (s TestConnectionInput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TestConnectionInput) Validate

func (s *TestConnectionInput) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type TestConnectionOutput

type TestConnectionOutput struct {

	// The connection tested.
	Connection *Connection `type:"structure"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TestConnectionOutput) GoString

func (s TestConnectionOutput) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TestConnectionOutput) SetConnection

SetConnection sets the Connection field's value.

func (TestConnectionOutput) String

func (s TestConnectionOutput) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type TimestreamSettings

type TimestreamSettings struct {

	// Set this attribute to true to specify that DMS only applies inserts and updates,
	// and not deletes. Amazon Timestream does not allow deleting records, so if
	// this value is false, DMS nulls out the corresponding record in the Timestream
	// database rather than deleting it.
	CdcInsertsAndUpdates *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Database name for the endpoint.
	// DatabaseName is a required field
	DatabaseName *string `type:"string" required:"true"`

	// Set this attribute to true to enable memory store writes. When this value
	// is false, DMS does not write records that are older in days than the value
	// specified in MagneticDuration, because Amazon Timestream does not allow memory
	// writes by default. For more information, see Storage (
	// in the Amazon Timestream Developer Guide (
	EnableMagneticStoreWrites *bool `type:"boolean"`

	// Set this attribute to specify the default magnetic duration applied to the
	// Amazon Timestream tables in days. This is the number of days that records
	// remain in magnetic store before being discarded. For more information, see
	// Storage (
	// in the Amazon Timestream Developer Guide (
	// MagneticDuration is a required field
	MagneticDuration *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"`

	// Set this attribute to specify the length of time to store all of the tables
	// in memory that are migrated into Amazon Timestream from the source database.
	// Time is measured in units of hours. When Timestream data comes in, it first
	// resides in memory for the specified duration, which allows quick access to
	// it.
	// MemoryDuration is a required field
	MemoryDuration *int64 `type:"integer" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Provides information that defines an Amazon Timestream endpoint.

func (TimestreamSettings) GoString

func (s TimestreamSettings) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TimestreamSettings) SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates

func (s *TimestreamSettings) SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates(v bool) *TimestreamSettings

SetCdcInsertsAndUpdates sets the CdcInsertsAndUpdates field's value.

func (*TimestreamSettings) SetDatabaseName

func (s *TimestreamSettings) SetDatabaseName(v string) *TimestreamSettings

SetDatabaseName sets the DatabaseName field's value.

func (*TimestreamSettings) SetEnableMagneticStoreWrites

func (s *TimestreamSettings) SetEnableMagneticStoreWrites(v bool) *TimestreamSettings

SetEnableMagneticStoreWrites sets the EnableMagneticStoreWrites field's value.

func (*TimestreamSettings) SetMagneticDuration

func (s *TimestreamSettings) SetMagneticDuration(v int64) *TimestreamSettings

SetMagneticDuration sets the MagneticDuration field's value.

func (*TimestreamSettings) SetMemoryDuration

func (s *TimestreamSettings) SetMemoryDuration(v int64) *TimestreamSettings

SetMemoryDuration sets the MemoryDuration field's value.

func (TimestreamSettings) String

func (s TimestreamSettings) String() string

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*TimestreamSettings) Validate

func (s *TimestreamSettings) Validate() error

Validate inspects the fields of the type to determine if they are valid.

type UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput

type UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput struct {

	// When set to true, this operation migrates DMS subscriptions for Amazon SNS
	// notifications no matter what your replication instance version is. If not
	// set or set to false, this operation runs only when all your replication instances
	// are from DMS version 3.4.5 or higher.
	ForceMove *bool `type:"boolean"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput) SetForceMove

SetForceMove sets the ForceMove field's value.

func (UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeInput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput

type UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput struct {

	// A string that indicates how many event subscriptions were migrated and how
	// many remain to be migrated.
	Result *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput) SetResult

SetResult sets the Result field's value.

func (UpdateSubscriptionsToEventBridgeOutput) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type UpgradeDependencyFailureFault

type UpgradeDependencyFailureFault struct {
	RespMetadata protocol.ResponseMetadata `json:"-" xml:"-"`

	Message_ *string `locationName:"message" type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

An upgrade dependency is preventing the database migration.

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) Code

Code returns the exception type name.

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) Error

func (UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) GoString

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) Message

Message returns the exception's message.

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) OrigErr

func (s *UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) OrigErr() error

OrigErr always returns nil, satisfies awserr.Error interface.

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) RequestID

func (s *UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) RequestID() string

RequestID returns the service's response RequestID for request.

func (*UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) StatusCode

func (s *UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) StatusCode() int

Status code returns the HTTP status code for the request's response error.

func (UpgradeDependencyFailureFault) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

type VpcSecurityGroupMembership

type VpcSecurityGroupMembership struct {

	// The status of the VPC security group.
	Status *string `type:"string"`

	// The VPC security group ID.
	VpcSecurityGroupId *string `type:"string"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Describes the status of a security group associated with the virtual private cloud (VPC) hosting your replication and DB instances.

func (VpcSecurityGroupMembership) GoString

func (s VpcSecurityGroupMembership) GoString() string

GoString returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".

func (*VpcSecurityGroupMembership) SetStatus

SetStatus sets the Status field's value.

func (*VpcSecurityGroupMembership) SetVpcSecurityGroupId

func (s *VpcSecurityGroupMembership) SetVpcSecurityGroupId(v string) *VpcSecurityGroupMembership

SetVpcSecurityGroupId sets the VpcSecurityGroupId field's value.

func (VpcSecurityGroupMembership) String

String returns the string representation.

API parameter values that are decorated as "sensitive" in the API will not be included in the string output. The member name will be present, but the value will be replaced with "sensitive".


Path Synopsis
Package databasemigrationserviceiface provides an interface to enable mocking the AWS Database Migration Service service client for testing your code.
Package databasemigrationserviceiface provides an interface to enable mocking the AWS Database Migration Service service client for testing your code.

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