S3 Store Uploader
Helper tool to backup files to S3 and maintain a given number of revisions
s3-storeuploader [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete-all Deletes all backups of the filename
delete-old-revisions Deletes backups which are older than max-revisions
help Help about any command
store Stores the given file on S3
--access-key-id string S3 access key ID ($ACCESS_KEY_ID)
-b, --bucket string S3 bucket in which to store the snapshots (default "kubermatic-backups")
--ca-bundle string Filename of the CA bundle to use (if not given, default system certificates are used)
--create-bucket Create the bucket if it does not exist yet
-e, --endpoint string S3 endpoint
-f, --file string Path to the file to store in S3 (default "/backup/snapshot.db")
-h, --help help for s3-storeuploader
--log-debug Enables debug logging
--log-format string Log format, one of JSON, Console (default "JSON")
--max-revisions int Maximum number of revisions of the file to keep in S3. Older ones will be deleted (default 20)
-p, --prefix string Prefix to use for all objects stored in S3
--secret-access-key string S3 secret access key ($SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
--secure Enable TLS validation
-v, --version version for s3-storeuploader
Use "s3-storeuploader [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Building the docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o s3-storeuploader k8c.io/kubermatic/v3/cmd/s3-storeuploader
docker build -t quay.io/kubermatic/s3-storer:v0.1.6 .
docker push quay.io/kubermatic/s3-storer:v0.1.6