This tool provides a secure and efficient reseed server for the I2P network. There are several utility commands to
create, sign, and validate SU3 files. Please note that this requires at least Go version 1.13, and uses Go Modules.
If you have go installed you can download, build, and install this tool with go get
go get
reseed-tools -h
To make it easier to deploy reseeds, it is possible to run this software as a
Docker image. Because the software requires access to a network database to host
a reseed, you will need to mount the netDb as a volume inside your docker
container to provide access to it, and you will need to run it as the same user
and group inside the container as I2P.
When you run a reseed under Docker in this fashion, it will automatically
generate a self-signed certificate for your reseed server in a Docker volume
mamed reseed-keys. Back up this directory, if it is lost it is impossible
to reproduce.
Please note that Docker is not currently compatible with .onion reseeds unless
you pass the --network=host tag.
If I2P is running as your user, do this:
docker run -itd \
--name reseed \
--publish 443:8443 \
--restart always \
--volume $HOME/.i2p/netDb:$HOME/.i2p/netDb:z \
--volume reseed-keys:/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/reseed \
eyedeekay/reseed \
If I2P is running as another user, do this:
docker run -itd \
--name reseed \
--user $(I2P_UID) \
--group-add $(I2P_GID) \
--publish 443:8443 \
--restart always \
--volume /PATH/TO/USER/I2P/HERE/netDb:/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/netDb:z \
--volume reseed-keys:/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/reseed \
eyedeekay/reseed \
Debian/Ubuntu and Docker
In many cases I2P will be running as the Debian system user i2psvc
. This
is the case for all installs where Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool(apt) was
used to peform the task. If you used apt-get install
this command will
work for you. In that case, just copy-and-paste:
docker run -itd \
--name reseed \
--user $(id -u i2psvc) \
--group-add $(id -g i2psvc) \
--publish 443:8443 \
--restart always \
--volume /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/netDb:/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/netDb:z \
--volume reseed-keys:/var/lib/i2p/i2p-config/reseed \
eyedeekay/reseed \
Locally behind a webserver (reverse proxy setup), preferred:
reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --port=8443 --ip= --trustProxy
Without a webserver, standalone with TLS support
reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --tlsHost=your-domain.tld
If this is your first time running a reseed server (ie. you don't have any existing keys),
you can simply run the command and follow the prompts to create the appropriate keys, crl and certificates.
Afterwards an HTTPS reseed server will start on the default port and generate 6 files in your current directory
(a TLS key, certificate and crl, and a su3-file signing key, certificate and crl).
Get the source code here on github or a pre-build binary anonymously on
also a short guide and complete tech info.
Requires go mod
and at least go 1.13. To build the idk/reseed-tools
fork, from anywhere:
git clone
cd reseed-tools
make build
Without a webserver, standalone, self-supervising(Automatic restarts)
./reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --littleboss=start
Without a webserver, standalone, automatic OnionV3 with TLS support
./reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --onion --i2p --p2p
Without a webserver, standalone, serve P2P with LibP2P
./reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --p2p
Without a webserver, standalone, upload a single signed .su3 to github
- This one isn't working yet, I'll get to it eventually, I've got a cooler idea now.
./reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --github --ghrepo=reseed-tools --ghuser=eyedeekay
Without a webserver, standalone, in-network reseed
./reseed-tools reseed --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --i2p
Without a webserver, standalone, Regular TLS, OnionV3 with TLS
./reseed-tools reseed --tlsHost=your-domain.tld --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --onion
Without a webserver, standalone, Regular TLS, OnionV3 with TLS, and LibP2P
./reseed-tools reseed --tlsHost=your-domain.tld --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --onion --p2p
Without a webserver, standalone, Regular TLS, OnionV3 with TLS, I2P In-Network reseed, and LibP2P, self-supervising
./reseed-tools reseed --tlsHost=your-domain.tld --signer=you@mail.i2p --netdb=/home/i2p/.i2p/netDb --onion --p2p --littleboss=start