Index ¶
- Constants
- func ConvertRGBToHSB(qr, qg, qb Quantum) (h, s, b float64)
- func ConvertRGBToHSL(qr, qg, qb Quantum) (h, s, l float64)
- func CoreInitialize(path string)
- func CoreTerminate()
- func Destroy(d types.Destroyer)
- func GetCopyright() string
- func GetHomeURL() string
- func GetPackageName() string
- func GetPrecision() int
- func GetQuantumDepth() (string, uint)
- func GetQuantumRange() (string, uint)
- func GetReleaseDate() string
- func GetResource(rtype ResourceType) int64
- func GetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType) int64
- func GetVersion() (version string, nversion uint)
- func Initialize()
- func IsCoreInstantiated() bool
- func SetPrecision(precision int)
- func SetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType, limit uint64) bool
- func Terminate()
- type AffineMatrix
- func (a *AffineMatrix) ResetToIdentity()
- func (a *AffineMatrix) RotateX() float64
- func (a *AffineMatrix) RotateY() float64
- func (a *AffineMatrix) ScaleX() float64
- func (a *AffineMatrix) ScaleY() float64
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetRotateX(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetRotateY(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetScaleX(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetScaleY(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetTranslateX(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) SetTranslateY(val float64)
- func (a *AffineMatrix) TranslateX() float64
- func (a *AffineMatrix) TranslateY() float64
- type AlignType
- type AlphaChannelType
- type ChannelFeatures
- type ChannelStatistics
- type ChannelType
- type ClipPathUnits
- type ColorspaceType
- type CompositeOperator
- type CompressionType
- type DecorationType
- type DisposeType
- type DistortImageMethod
- type DitherMethod
- type DrawInfo
- type DrawingWand
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Affine(affine *AffineMatrix)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Annotation(x, y float64, text string)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Arc(sx, sy, ex, ey, sd, ed float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Bezier(coordinates []PointInfo)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Circle(ox, oy, px, py float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Clear()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Clone() *DrawingWand
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Color(x, y float64, pm PaintMethod)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Comment(comment string)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Composite(compose CompositeOperator, x, y, width, height float64, mw *MagickWand) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) DecreaseCount()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Destroy()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Ellipse(ox, oy, rx, ry, start, end float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetBorderColor() (pw *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipPath() string
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipRule() FillRule
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipUnits() ClipPathUnits
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillColor() (pw *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillOpacity() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillRule() FillRule
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFont() string
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontFamily() string
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontStretch() StretchType
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontStyle() StyleType
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontWeight() uint
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetGravity() GravityType
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetLastError() error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetOpacity() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeAntialias() bool
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeColor() (pw *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashArray() (nums []float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashOffset() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineCap() LineCap
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineJoin() LineJoin
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeMiterLimit() uint
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeOpacity() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeWidth() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextAlignment() AlignType
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextAntialias() bool
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextDecoration() DecorationType
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextEncoding() string
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextInterlineSpacing() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextInterwordSpacing() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextKerning() float64
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextUnderColor() (pw *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) GetVectorGraphics() string
- func (dw *DrawingWand) IncreaseCount()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) IsVerified() bool
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Line(sx, sy, ex, ey float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Matte(x, y float64, pmethod PaintMethod)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathClose()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToAbsolute(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(x1, y1, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(x1, y1, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToRelative(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(x2, y2, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothRelative(x2, y2, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcAbsolute(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float64, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag bool, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcRelative(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float64, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag bool, x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathFinish()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToAbsolute(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(x float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalRelative(x float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToRelative(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalAbsolute(y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalRelative(y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathMoveToAbsolute(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathMoveToRelative(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PathStart()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PeekDrawingWand() *DrawInfo
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Point(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Polygon(coordinates []PointInfo)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Polyline(coordinates []PointInfo)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PopClipPath()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PopDefs()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PopDrawingWand() error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PopPattern() error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PushClipPath(clipMaskId string)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PushDefs()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PushDrawingWand() error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) PushPattern(patternId string, x, y, width, height float64) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) ResetVectorGraphics()
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Rotate(degrees float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) RoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Scale(x, y float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetBorderColor(borderWand *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipPath(clipMaskId string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipRule(fillRule FillRule)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipUnits(clipUnits ClipPathUnits)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillColor(fillWand *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillOpacity(opacity float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillPatternURL(fillUrl string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillRule(fillRule FillRule)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFont(fontName string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontFamily(fontFamily string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontSize(pointSize float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontStretch(fontStretch StretchType)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontStyle(style StyleType)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontWeight(fontWeight uint)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetGravity(gravity GravityType)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetOpacity(opacity float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeAntialias(antialias bool)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeColor(strokeWand *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashArray(dash []float64) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashOffset(offset float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineCap(lineCap LineCap)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineJoin(lineJoin LineJoin)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeMiterLimit(miterLimit uint)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeOpacity(opacity float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokePatternURL(strokeUrl string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeWidth(width float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextAlignment(alignment AlignType)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextAntialias(antialias bool)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextDecoration(decoration DecorationType)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextEncoding(encoding string)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextInterlineSpacing(spacing float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextInterwordSpacing(spacing float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextKerning(kerning float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextUnderColor(underWand *PixelWand)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetVectorGraphics(xml string) error
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SetViewbox(x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SkewX(degrees float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) SkewY(degrees float64)
- func (dw *DrawingWand) Translate(x, y float64)
- type DrawingWandException
- type EndianType
- type EvaluateOperator
- type ExceptionInfo
- type ExceptionType
- type FillRule
- type FilterType
- type FontMetrics
- type GeometryInfo
- type GradientType
- type GravityType
- type Image
- type ImageCommandResult
- type ImageInfo
- type ImageLayerMethod
- type ImageType
- type IndexPacket
- type InterlaceType
- type InterpolatePixelMethod
- type KernelInfo
- type KernelInfoType
- type KernelNormalizeType
- type LineCap
- type LineJoin
- type MagickFunction
- type MagickPixelPacket
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Blue() float64
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Green() float64
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Index() float64
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Opacity() float64
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Red() float64
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetBlue(value float64)
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetGreen(value float64)
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetIndex(value float64)
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetOpacity(value float64)
- func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetRed(value float64)
- type MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveResizeImage(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveThresholdImage(width, height uint, offset int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AddImage(wand *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AddNoiseImage(noiseType NoiseType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AddNoiseImageChannel(channel ChannelType, noiseType NoiseType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AffineTransformImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AnimateImages(server string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AnnotateImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand, x, y, angle float64, text string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AppendImages(topToBottom bool) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) AutoGammaImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AutoGammaImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AutoLevelImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AutoLevelImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) AutoOrientImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BlackThresholdImage(threshold *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BlueShiftImage(factor float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BorderImage(borderColor *PixelWand, width, height uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImage(brightness, contrast float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImageChannel(channel ChannelType, brightness, contrast float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CharcoalImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ChopImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClampImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClampImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) Clear()
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClipImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClipImagePath(pathname string, inside bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) Clone() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClutImage(clut *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ClutImageChannel(channel ChannelType, clut *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CoalesceImages() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) ColorDecisionListImage(cccXML string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ColorMatrixImage(colorMatrix *KernelInfo) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ColorizeImage(colorize, opacity *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CombineImages(channel ChannelType) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) CommentImage(comment string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImageChannels(reference *MagickWand, channel ChannelType, metric MetricType) (wand *MagickWand, distortion float64)
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImageLayers(method ImageLayerMethod) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImages(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) (wand *MagickWand, distortion float64)
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImage(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImageChannel(channel ChannelType, source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImageGravity(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, gravity GravityType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeLayers(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ConstituteImage(cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType, pixels interface{}) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastImage(sharpen bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastStretchImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastStretchImageChannel(channel ChannelType, blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ConvolveImage(order uint, kernel []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ConvolveImageChannel(channel ChannelType, order uint, kernel []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CropImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) CycleColormapImage(displace int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DecipherImage(passphrase string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DeconstructImages() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) DecreaseCount()
- func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteImageArtifact(artifact string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteImageProperty(property string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteOption(option string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DeskewImage(threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DespeckleImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) Destroy()
- func (mw *MagickWand) DestroyImage(img *Image) *Image
- func (mw *MagickWand) DisplayImage(server string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DisplayImages(server string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DistortImage(method DistortImageMethod, args []float64, bestfit bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) DrawImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EdgeImage(radius float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EmbossImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EncipherImage(passphrase string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EnhanceImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EqualizeImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EqualizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImage(op EvaluateOperator, value float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImageChannel(channel ChannelType, op EvaluateOperator, value float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImages(op EvaluateOperator) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ExportImagePixels(x, y int, cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType) (interface{}, error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) ExtentImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FilterImage(kernel *KernelInfo) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FilterImageChannel(channel ChannelType, kernel *KernelInfo) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FlipImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FloodfillPaintImage(channel ChannelType, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, borderColor *PixelWand, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FlopImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ForwardFourierTransformImage(magnitude bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FrameImage(matteColor *PixelWand, width, height uint, innerBevel, outerBevel int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FunctionImage(function MagickFunction, args []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FunctionImageChannel(channel ChannelType, function MagickFunction, args []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) FxImage(expression string) (fxmw *MagickWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) FxImageChannel(channel ChannelType, expression string) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) GammaImage(gamma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) GammaImageChannel(channel ChannelType, gamma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) GaussianBlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) GaussianBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetAntialias() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetBackgroundColor() *PixelWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetColorspace() ColorspaceType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetCompression() CompressionType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetCompressionQuality() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetFilename() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetFont() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetFormat() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetGravity() GravityType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImage() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageAlphaChannel() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageArtifact(artifact string) string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageArtifacts(pattern string) (artifacts []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBackgroundColor() (bgColor *PixelWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBlob() ([]byte, error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBluePrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBorderColor() (borderColor *PixelWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDepth(channel ChannelType) uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortion(reference *MagickWand, channel ChannelType, metric MetricType) (distortion float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortions(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) float64
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelFeatures(distance uint) []ChannelFeatures
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelKurtosis(channel ChannelType) (kurtosis, skewness float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelMean(channel ChannelType) (mean, stdev float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelRange(channel ChannelType) (min, max float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelStatistics() []ChannelStatistics
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageClipMask() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColormapColor(index uint) (color *PixelWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColors() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColorspace() ColorspaceType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompose() CompositeOperator
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompression() CompressionType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompressionQuality() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDelay() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDepth() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDispose() DisposeType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDistortion(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) (distortion float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageEndian() EndianType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFilename() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFormat() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFromMagickWand() *Image
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFuzz() float64
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGamma() float64
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGravity() GravityType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGreenPrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageHeight() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageHistogram() (numberColors uint, pws []*PixelWand)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageInterlaceScheme() InterlaceType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageInterpolateMethod() InterpolatePixelMethod
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageIterations() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageLength() (length uint, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageMatteColor() (matteColor *PixelWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageOrientation() OrientationType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagePage() (w, h uint, x, y int, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagePixelColor(x, y int) (color *PixelWand, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProfile(name string) string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProfiles(pattern string) (profiles []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProperties(pattern string) (properties []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProperty(property string) string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRedPrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRegion(width uint, height uint, x int, y int) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRenderingIntent() RenderingIntent
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageScene() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageSignature() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageTicksPerSecond() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageTotalInkDensity() float64
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageType() ImageType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageUnits() ResolutionType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageVirtualPixelMethod() VirtualPixelMethod
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageWhitePoint() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageWidth() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagesBlob() ([]byte, error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetInterlaceScheme() InterlaceType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetInterpolateMethod() InterpolatePixelMethod
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetIteratorIndex() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetLastError() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetNumberImages() uint
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetOption(key string) string
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetOptions(pattern string) (options []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetOrientation() OrientationType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetPage() (width, height uint, x, y int, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetPointsize() float64
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetSamplingFactors() (factors []float64)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetSize() (cols, rows uint, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetSizeOffset() (offset int, err error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) GetType() ImageType
- func (mw *MagickWand) GradientImage(gradientType GradientType, spreadMethod SpreadMethod, startColor string, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) HaldClutImage(hald *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) HaldClutImageChannel(channel ChannelType, hald *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) HasNextImage() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) HasPreviousImage() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) IdentifyImage() string
- func (mw *MagickWand) ImplodeImage(radius float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ImportImagePixels(x, y int, cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType, pixels interface{}) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) IncreaseCount()
- func (mw *MagickWand) InverseFourierTransformImage(phaseWand *MagickWand, magnitude bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) IsVerified() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) LabelImage(label string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) LevelImage(blackPoint, gamma, whitePoint float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) LevelImageChannel(channel ChannelType, blackPoint, gamma, whitePoint float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) LinearStretchImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) LiquidRescaleImage(cols, rows uint, deltaX, rigidity float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MagnifyImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MergeImageLayers(method ImageLayerMethod) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) MinifyImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ModulateImage(brightness, saturation, hue float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MontageImage(dw *DrawingWand, tileGeo string, thumbGeo string, mode MontageMode, ...) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) MorphImages(numFrames uint) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) MorphologyImage(method MorphologyMethod, iterations int, kernel *KernelInfo) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MorphologyImageChannel(channel ChannelType, method MorphologyMethod, iterations int, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MotionBlurImage(radius, sigma, angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) MotionBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) NegateImage(gray bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) NegateImageChannel(channel ChannelType, gray bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) NewImage(cols uint, rows uint, background *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) NewPixelIterator() *PixelIterator
- func (mw *MagickWand) NewPixelRegionIterator(x, y int, width, height uint) *PixelIterator
- func (mw *MagickWand) NextImage() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) NormalizeImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) NormalizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OilPaintImage(radius float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OpaquePaintImage(target, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OpaquePaintImageChannel(channel ChannelType, target, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OptimizeImageLayers() *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) OptimizeImageTransparency() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImage(thresholdMap string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType, thresholdMap string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PingImage(filename string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PingImageBlob(blob []byte) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PingImageFile(img *os.File) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PolaroidImage(dw *DrawingWand, angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PosterizeImage(levels uint, dither bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) PreviewImages(preview PreviewType) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) PreviousImage() bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) ProfileImage(name string, profile []byte) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) QuantizeImage(numColors uint, colorspace ColorspaceType, treedepth uint, dither bool, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) QuantizeImages(numColors uint, colorspace ColorspaceType, treedepth uint, dither bool, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryConfigureOption(option string) (string, error)
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryConfigureOptions(pattern string) (options []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFontMetrics(dw *DrawingWand, textLine string) *FontMetrics
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFonts(pattern string) (fonts []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFormats(pattern string) (formats []string)
- func (mw *MagickWand) QueryMultilineFontMetrics(dw *DrawingWand, textParagraph string) *FontMetrics
- func (mw *MagickWand) RadialBlurImage(angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RadialBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RaiseImage(width uint, height uint, x int, y int, raise bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RandomThresholdImage(low, high float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RandomThresholdImageChannel(channel ChannelType, low, high float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImage(filename string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImageBlob(blob []byte) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImageFile(img *os.File) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RemapImage(remap *MagickWand, method DitherMethod) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RemoveImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RemoveImageProfile(name string) []byte
- func (mw *MagickWand) ResampleImage(xRes, yRes float64, filter FilterType, blur float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ResetImagePage(page string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ResetIterator()
- func (mw *MagickWand) ResizeImage(cols, rows uint, filter FilterType, blur float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RollImage(x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) RotateImage(background *PixelWand, degrees float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SampleImage(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ScaleImage(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SegmentImage(colorspace ColorspaceType, verbose bool, ...) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImage(radius, sigma, threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SeparateImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SepiaToneImage(threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetAntialias(antialias bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetBackgroundColor(background *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetCompression(compression CompressionType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetCompressionQuality(quality uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetDepth(depth uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetExtract(geometry string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetFilename(filename string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetFirstIterator()
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetFont(font string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetFormat(format string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetGravity(gtype GravityType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImage(source *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageAlphaChannel(act AlphaChannelType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageArtifact(artifact, value string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBackgroundColor(background *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBias(bias float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBluePrimary(x, y float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBorderColor(border *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageChannelDepth(channel ChannelType, depth uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageClipMask(clipmask *MagickWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColor(color *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColormapColor(index uint, color *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompose(compose CompositeOperator) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompression(compression CompressionType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompressionQuality(quality uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDelay(delay uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDepth(depth uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDispose(dispose DisposeType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageEndian(endian EndianType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageExtent(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFilename(filename string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFormat(format string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFuzz(fuzz float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGamma(gamma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGravity(gravity GravityType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGreenPrimary(x, y float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageInterlaceScheme(interlace InterlaceType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageInterpolateMethod(method InterpolatePixelMethod) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageIterations(iterations uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageMatte(matte bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageMatteColor(matte *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageOpacity(alpha float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageOrientation(orientation OrientationType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImagePage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageProfile(name string, profile []byte) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageProperty(property, value string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageRedPrimary(x, y float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageRenderingIntent(ri RenderingIntent) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageScene(scene uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageTicksPerSecond(tps int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageType(imgtype ImageType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageUnits(units ResolutionType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageVirtualPixelMethod(method VirtualPixelMethod) VirtualPixelMethod
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageWhitePoint(x, y float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetInterlaceScheme(scheme InterlaceType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetInterpolateMethod(method InterpolatePixelMethod) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetIteratorIndex(index int) bool
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetLastIterator()
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetOption(key, value string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetOrientation(orientation OrientationType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetPage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetPassphrase(passphrase string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetPointsize(pointSize float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType, limit int64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetSamplingFactors(samplingFactors []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetSize(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetSizeOffset(cols, rows uint, offset int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SetType(itype ImageType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ShadeImage(gray bool, azimuth, elevation float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ShadowImage(opacity, sigma float64, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SharpenImage(radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SharpenImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ShaveImage(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ShearImage(background *PixelWand, xShear, yShear float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImage(sharpen bool, alpha, beta float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImageChannel(channel ChannelType, sharpen bool, alpha, beta float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SimilarityImage(reference *MagickWand) (offset *RectangleInfo, similarity float64, area *MagickWand)
- func (mw *MagickWand) SketchImage(radius, sigma, angle float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SmushImages(stack bool, offset int) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) SolarizeImage(threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SparseColorImage(channel ChannelType, method SparseColorMethod, arguments []float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SpliceImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SpreadImage(radius float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) StatisticImage(stype StatisticType, width, height uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) StatisticImageChannel(channel ChannelType, stype StatisticType, width, height uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SteganoImage(watermark *MagickWand, offset int) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) StereoImage(offset *MagickWand) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) StripImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) SwirlImage(degrees float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TextureImage(texture *MagickWand) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) ThresholdImage(threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ThresholdImageChannel(channel ChannelType, threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) ThumbnailImage(cols, rows uint) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TintImage(tint, opacity *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TransformImage(crop string, geometry string) *MagickWand
- func (mw *MagickWand) TransformImageColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TransparentPaintImage(target *PixelWand, alpha, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TransposeImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TransverseImage() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) TrimImage(fuzz float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) UniqueImageColors() error
- func (mw *MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImage(radius, sigma, amount, threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, amount, threshold float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) VignetteImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64, x, y int) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WaveImage(amplitude, wavelength float64) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WhiteThresholdImage(threshold *PixelWand) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImage(filename string) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImageFile(out *os.File) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImages(filename string, adjoin bool) error
- func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImagesFile(out *os.File) error
- type MagickWandException
- type MetricType
- type MontageMode
- type MorphologyMethod
- type NoiseType
- type OrientationType
- type PaintMethod
- type PixelIterator
- func (pi *PixelIterator) Clear()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) Clone() *PixelIterator
- func (pi *PixelIterator) DecreaseCount()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) Destroy()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) GetCurrentIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
- func (pi *PixelIterator) GetIteratorRow() int
- func (pi *PixelIterator) GetLastError() error
- func (pi *PixelIterator) GetNextIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
- func (pi *PixelIterator) GetPreviousIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
- func (pi *PixelIterator) IncreaseCount()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) IsVerified() bool
- func (pi *PixelIterator) Reset()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) SetFirstIteratorRow()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) SetIteratorRow(row int) error
- func (pi *PixelIterator) SetLastIteratorRow()
- func (pi *PixelIterator) SyncIterator() error
- type PixelIteratorException
- type PixelPacket
- type PixelWand
- func (pw *PixelWand) Clear()
- func (pw *PixelWand) Clone() *PixelWand
- func (pw *PixelWand) DecreaseCount()
- func (pw *PixelWand) Destroy()
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetAlpha() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetAlphaQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetBlack() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetBlackQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetBlue() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetBlueQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetColorAsNormalizedString() string
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetColorAsString() string
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetColorCount() uint
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetCyan() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetCyanQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetFuzz() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetGreen() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetGreenQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetHSL() (hue, saturation, brightness float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetIndex() IndexPacket
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetLastError() error
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetMagenta() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetMagentaQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetMagickColor() *MagickPixelPacket
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetOpacity() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetOpacityQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetQuantumColor() *PixelPacket
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetRed() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetRedQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetYellow() float64
- func (pw *PixelWand) GetYellowQuantum() Quantum
- func (pw *PixelWand) IncreaseCount()
- func (pw *PixelWand) IsSimilar(pixelWand *PixelWand, fuzz float64) bool
- func (pw *PixelWand) IsVerified() bool
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetAlpha(alpha float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetAlphaQuantum(opacity Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetBlack(black float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetBlackQuantum(black Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetBlue(blue float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetBlueQuantum(blue Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetColor(color string) bool
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetColorCount(count uint)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetColorFromWand(pixelWand *PixelWand)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetCyan(cyan float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetCyanQuantum(cyan Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetFuzz(fuzz float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetGreen(green float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetGreenQuantum(green Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetHSL(hue, saturation, brightness float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetIndex(index *IndexPacket)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetMagenta(magenta float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetMagentaQuantum(magenta Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetMagickColor(color *MagickPixelPacket)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetOpacity(opacity float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetOpacityQuantum(opacity Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetQuantumColor(color *PixelPacket)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetRed(red float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetRedQuantum(red Quantum)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetYellow(yellow float64)
- func (pw *PixelWand) SetYellowQuantum(yellow Quantum)
- type PixelWandException
- type PointInfo
- type PreviewType
- type Quantum
- type RectangleInfo
- type RenderingIntent
- type ResolutionType
- type ResourceType
- type SparseColorMethod
- type SpreadMethod
- type StatisticType
- type StorageType
- type StretchType
- type StyleType
- type VirtualPixelMethod
Examples ¶
Constants ¶
const ( NOVALUE = C.NoValue // = 0x0000 XVALUE = C.XValue ////= 0x0001 XIVALUE = C.XiValue //= 0x0001 YVALUE = C.YValue //= 0x0002 PSIVALUE = C.PsiValue //= 0x0002 WIDTHVALUE = C.WidthValue //= 0x0004 RHOVALUE = C.RhoValue //= 0x0004 HEIGHTVALUE = C.HeightValue //= 0x0008 SIGMAVALUE = C.SigmaValue //= 0x0008 CHIVALUE = C.ChiValue //= 0x0010 XINEGATIVE = C.XiNegative //= 0x0020 XNEGATIVE = C.XNegative //= 0x0020 PSINEGATIVE = C.PsiNegative //= 0x0040 YNEGATIVE = C.YNegative //= 0x0040 CHINEGATIVE = C.ChiNegative //= 0x0080 PERCENTVALUE = C.PercentValue //= 0x1000 /* '%' percentage of something */ ASPECTVALUE = C.AspectValue //= 0x2000 /* '!' resize no-aspect - special use flag */ NORMALIZEVALUE = C.NormalizeValue //= 0x2000 /* '!' ScaleKernelValue() in morphology.c */ LESSVALUE = C.LessValue //= 0x4000 /* '<' resize smaller - special use flag */ GREATERVALUE = C.GreaterValue //= 0x8000 /* '>' resize larger - spacial use flag */ MINIMUMVALUE = C.MinimumValue //= 0x10000 /* '^' special handling needed */ CORRELATENORMALIZEVALUE = C.CorrelateNormalizeValue //= 0x10000 /* '^' see ScaleKernelValue() */ AREAVALUE = C.AreaValue //= 0x20000 /* '@' resize to area - special use flag */ DECIMALVALUE = C.DecimalValue //= 0x40000 /* '.' floating point numbers found */ SEPARATORVALUE = C.SeparatorValue //= 0x80000 /* 'x' separator found */ ALLVALUES = C.AllValues //= 0x7fffffff )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ConvertRGBToHSB ¶
func ConvertRGBToHSL ¶
func CoreInitialize ¶
func CoreInitialize(path string)
func CoreTerminate ¶
func CoreTerminate()
func Destroy ¶ added in v2.2.0
Destroy instance of Destroyer If GOGC=off you should call obj.Destroy() manually
func GetCopyright ¶
func GetCopyright() string
Returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string constant.
func GetPackageName ¶
func GetPackageName() string
Returns the ImageMagick package name as a string constant.
func GetPrecision ¶
func GetPrecision() int
func GetQuantumDepth ¶
Returns the ImageMagick quantum depth as a string constant.
func GetQuantumRange ¶
Returns the ImageMagick quantum range as a string constant.
func GetReleaseDate ¶
func GetReleaseDate() string
Returns the ImageMagick release date as a string constant.
func GetResource ¶
func GetResource(rtype ResourceType) int64
Returns the specified resource in megabytes.
func GetResourceLimit ¶
func GetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType) int64
Returns the specified resource limit in megabytes.
func GetVersion ¶
Returns the ImageMagick API version as a string constant and as a number.
func IsCoreInstantiated ¶
func IsCoreInstantiated() bool
func SetPrecision ¶
func SetPrecision(precision int)
func SetResourceLimit ¶ added in v2.5.0
func SetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType, limit uint64) bool
Specify resource limit at package level.
Types ¶
type AffineMatrix ¶
type AffineMatrix struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AffineMatrix represents an ImageMagick AffineMatrix struct
func NewAffineMatrix ¶ added in v2.4.0
func NewAffineMatrix() *AffineMatrix
NewAffineMatrix constructs an AffineMatrix that is initialized to the indentify matrix
func (*AffineMatrix) ResetToIdentity ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) ResetToIdentity()
ResetToIdentity resets the AffineMatrix to the identity matrix
func (*AffineMatrix) RotateX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) RotateX() float64
RotateX returns the RX value
func (*AffineMatrix) RotateY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) RotateY() float64
RotateY returns the RY value
func (*AffineMatrix) ScaleX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) ScaleX() float64
ScaleX returns the SX value
func (*AffineMatrix) ScaleY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) ScaleY() float64
ScaleY returns the SY value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetRotateX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetRotateX(val float64)
SetRotateX sets the RX value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetRotateY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetRotateY(val float64)
SetRotateY sets the RY value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetScaleX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetScaleX(val float64)
SetScaleX sets the SX value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetScaleY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetScaleY(val float64)
SetScaleY sets the SY value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetTranslateX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetTranslateX(val float64)
SetTranslateX sets the TX value
func (*AffineMatrix) SetTranslateY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) SetTranslateY(val float64)
SetTranslateY sets the TY value
func (*AffineMatrix) TranslateX ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) TranslateX() float64
TranslateX returns the TX value
func (*AffineMatrix) TranslateY ¶ added in v2.4.0
func (a *AffineMatrix) TranslateY() float64
TranslateY returns the TY value
type AlignType ¶
type AlignType int
const ( ALIGN_UNDEFINED AlignType = C.UndefinedAlign ALIGN_LEFT AlignType = C.LeftAlign ALIGN_CENTER AlignType = C.CenterAlign ALIGN_RIGHT AlignType = C.RightAlign )
type AlphaChannelType ¶
type AlphaChannelType int
const ( ALPHA_CHANNEL_UNDEFINED AlphaChannelType = C.UndefinedAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_ACTIVATE AlphaChannelType = C.ActivateAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_BACKGROUND AlphaChannelType = C.BackgroundAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_COPY AlphaChannelType = C.CopyAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_DEACTIVATE AlphaChannelType = C.DeactivateAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_EXTRACT AlphaChannelType = C.ExtractAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_OPAQUE AlphaChannelType = C.OpaqueAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_RESET AlphaChannelType = C.ResetAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_SET AlphaChannelType = C.SetAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_SHAPE AlphaChannelType = C.ShapeAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_TRANSPARENT AlphaChannelType = C.TransparentAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_FLATTEN AlphaChannelType = C.FlattenAlphaChannel ALPHA_CHANNEL_REMOVE AlphaChannelType = C.RemoveAlphaChannel )
type ChannelFeatures ¶
type ChannelFeatures struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChannelStatistics ¶
type ChannelStatistics struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ChannelType ¶
type ChannelType int
const ( CHANNEL_UNDEFINED ChannelType = C.UndefinedChannel CHANNEL_RED ChannelType = C.RedChannel CHANNEL_GRAY ChannelType = C.GrayChannel CHANNEL_CYAN ChannelType = C.CyanChannel CHANNEL_GREEN ChannelType = C.GreenChannel CHANNEL_MAGENTA ChannelType = C.MagentaChannel CHANNEL_BLUE ChannelType = C.BlueChannel CHANNEL_YELLOW ChannelType = C.YellowChannel CHANNEL_ALPHA ChannelType = C.AlphaChannel CHANNEL_OPACITY ChannelType = C.OpacityChannel CHANNEL_BLACK ChannelType = C.BlackChannel CHANNEL_INDEX ChannelType = C.IndexChannel CHANNEL_TRUE_ALPHA ChannelType = C.TrueAlphaChannel CHANNELS_COMPOSITE ChannelType = C.CompositeChannels CHANNELS_ALL ChannelType = C.AllChannels CHANNELS_RGB ChannelType = C.RGBChannels CHANNELS_GRAY ChannelType = C.GrayChannels CHANNELS_SYNC ChannelType = C.SyncChannels CHANNELS_DEFAULT ChannelType = C.DefaultChannels )
type ClipPathUnits ¶
type ClipPathUnits int
const ( CLIP_UNDEFINED_PATH ClipPathUnits = C.UndefinedPathUnits CLIP_USER_SPACE ClipPathUnits = C.UserSpace CLIP_USER_SPACE_ON_USE ClipPathUnits = C.UserSpaceOnUse CLIP_OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX ClipPathUnits = C.ObjectBoundingBox )
type ColorspaceType ¶
type ColorspaceType int
const ( COLORSPACE_UNDEFINED ColorspaceType = C.UndefinedColorspace COLORSPACE_RGB ColorspaceType = C.RGBColorspace COLORSPACE_GRAY ColorspaceType = C.GRAYColorspace COLORSPACE_TRANSPARENT ColorspaceType = C.TransparentColorspace COLORSPACE_OHTA ColorspaceType = C.OHTAColorspace COLORSPACE_LAB ColorspaceType = C.LabColorspace COLORSPACE_XYZ ColorspaceType = C.XYZColorspace COLORSPACE_YCBCR ColorspaceType = C.YCbCrColorspace COLORSPACE_YCC ColorspaceType = C.YCCColorspace COLORSPACE_YIQ ColorspaceType = C.YIQColorspace COLORSPACE_YPBPR ColorspaceType = C.YPbPrColorspace COLORSPACE_YUV ColorspaceType = C.YUVColorspace COLORSPACE_CMYK ColorspaceType = C.CMYKColorspace COLORSPACE_SRGB ColorspaceType = C.sRGBColorspace COLORSPACE_HSB ColorspaceType = C.HSBColorspace COLORSPACE_HSL ColorspaceType = C.HSLColorspace COLORSPACE_HWB ColorspaceType = C.HWBColorspace COLORSPACE_REC601LUMA ColorspaceType = C.Rec601LumaColorspace COLORSPACE_REC601YCBCR ColorspaceType = C.Rec601YCbCrColorspace COLORSPACE_REC709LUMA ColorspaceType = C.Rec709LumaColorspace COLORSPACE_REC709YCBCR ColorspaceType = C.Rec709YCbCrColorspace COLORSPACE_LOG ColorspaceType = C.LogColorspace COLORSPACE_CMY ColorspaceType = C.CMYColorspace )
type CompositeOperator ¶
type CompositeOperator int
const ( COMPOSITE_OP_UNDEFINED CompositeOperator = C.UndefinedCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_NO CompositeOperator = C.NoCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MODULUS_ADD CompositeOperator = C.ModulusAddCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_ATOP CompositeOperator = C.AtopCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_BLEND CompositeOperator = C.BlendCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_BUMPMAP CompositeOperator = C.BumpmapCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_CHANGE_MASK CompositeOperator = C.ChangeMaskCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_CLEAR CompositeOperator = C.ClearCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COLOR_BURN CompositeOperator = C.ColorBurnCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COLOR_DODGE CompositeOperator = C.ColorDodgeCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COLORIZE CompositeOperator = C.ColorizeCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_BLACK CompositeOperator = C.CopyBlackCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_BLUE CompositeOperator = C.CopyBlueCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY CompositeOperator = C.CopyCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_CYAN CompositeOperator = C.CopyCyanCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_GREEN CompositeOperator = C.CopyGreenCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_MAGENTA CompositeOperator = C.CopyMagentaCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_OPACITY CompositeOperator = C.CopyOpacityCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_RED CompositeOperator = C.CopyRedCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_COPY_YELLOW CompositeOperator = C.CopyYellowCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DARKEN CompositeOperator = C.DarkenCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DST_ATOP CompositeOperator = C.DstAtopCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DST CompositeOperator = C.DstCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DST_IN CompositeOperator = C.DstInCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DST_OUT CompositeOperator = C.DstOutCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DST_OVER CompositeOperator = C.DstOverCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DIFFERENCE CompositeOperator = C.DifferenceCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DISPLACE CompositeOperator = C.DisplaceCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DISSOLVE CompositeOperator = C.DissolveCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_EXCLUSION CompositeOperator = C.ExclusionCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_HARD_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.HardLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_HUE CompositeOperator = C.HueCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_IN CompositeOperator = C.InCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LIGHTEN CompositeOperator = C.LightenCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LINEAR_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.LinearLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LUMINIZE CompositeOperator = C.LuminizeCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MINUS_DST CompositeOperator = C.MinusDstCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MODULATE CompositeOperator = C.ModulateCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MULTIPLY CompositeOperator = C.MultiplyCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_OUT CompositeOperator = C.OutCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_OVER CompositeOperator = C.OverCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_OVERLAY CompositeOperator = C.OverlayCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_PLUS CompositeOperator = C.PlusCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_REPLACE CompositeOperator = C.ReplaceCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SATURATE CompositeOperator = C.SaturateCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SCREEN CompositeOperator = C.ScreenCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SOFT_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.SoftLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_ATOP CompositeOperator = C.SrcAtopCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SRC CompositeOperator = C.SrcCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_IN CompositeOperator = C.SrcInCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_OUT CompositeOperator = C.SrcOutCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_OVER CompositeOperator = C.SrcOverCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MODULUS_SUBTRACT CompositeOperator = C.ModulusSubtractCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_THRESHOLD CompositeOperator = C.ThresholdCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_XOR CompositeOperator = C.XorCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DIVIDE__DST CompositeOperator = C.DivideDstCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DISTORT CompositeOperator = C.DistortCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_BLUR CompositeOperator = C.BlurCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_PEGTOP_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.PegtopLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_VIVID_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.VividLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_PIN_LIGHT CompositeOperator = C.PinLightCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LINEAR_DODGE CompositeOperator = C.LinearDodgeCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LINEAR_BURN CompositeOperator = C.LinearBurnCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MATHEMATICS CompositeOperator = C.MathematicsCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DIVIDE_SRC CompositeOperator = C.DivideSrcCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_MINUS_SRC CompositeOperator = C.MinusSrcCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_DARKEN_INTENSITY CompositeOperator = C.DarkenIntensityCompositeOp COMPOSITE_OP_LIGHTEN_INTENSITY CompositeOperator = C.LightenIntensityCompositeOp )
type CompressionType ¶
type CompressionType int
const ( COMPRESSION_UNDEFINED CompressionType = C.UndefinedCompression COMPRESSION_NO CompressionType = C.NoCompression COMPRESSION_BZIP CompressionType = C.BZipCompression COMPRESSION_DXT1 CompressionType = C.DXT1Compression COMPRESSION_DXT3 CompressionType = C.DXT3Compression COMPRESSION_DXT5 CompressionType = C.DXT5Compression COMPRESSION_FAX CompressionType = C.FaxCompression COMPRESSION_GROUP4 CompressionType = C.Group4Compression COMPRESSION_JPEG CompressionType = C.JPEGCompression COMPRESSION_JPEG2000 CompressionType = C.JPEG2000Compression COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS_JPEG CompressionType = C.LosslessJPEGCompression COMPRESSION_LZW CompressionType = C.LZWCompression COMPRESSION_RLE CompressionType = C.RLECompression COMPRESSION_ZIP CompressionType = C.ZipCompression COMPRESSION_ZIPS CompressionType = C.ZipSCompression COMPRESSION_PIZ CompressionType = C.PizCompression COMPRESSION_PXR24 CompressionType = C.Pxr24Compression COMPRESSION_B44 CompressionType = C.B44Compression COMPRESSION_B44A CompressionType = C.B44ACompression COMPRESSION_LZMA CompressionType = C.LZMACompression COMPRESSION_JBIG1 CompressionType = C.JBIG1Compression COMPRESSION_JBIG2 CompressionType = C.JBIG2Compression )
type DecorationType ¶
type DecorationType int
const ( DECORATION_UNDEFINED DecorationType = C.UndefinedDecoration DECORATION_NONE DecorationType = C.NoDecoration DECORATION_UNDERLINE DecorationType = C.UnderlineDecoration DECORATION_OVERLINE DecorationType = C.OverlineDecoration DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH DecorationType = C.LineThroughDecoration )
type DisposeType ¶
type DisposeType int
const ( DISPOSE_UNRECOGNIZED DisposeType = C.UnrecognizedDispose DISPOSE_UNDEFINED DisposeType = C.UndefinedDispose DISPOSE_NONE DisposeType = C.NoneDispose DISPOSE_BACKGROUND DisposeType = C.BackgroundDispose DISPOSE_PREVIOUS DisposeType = C.PreviousDispose )
type DistortImageMethod ¶
type DistortImageMethod int
const ( DISTORTION_UNDEFINED DistortImageMethod = C.UndefinedDistortion DISTORTION_AFFINE DistortImageMethod = C.AffineDistortion DISTORTION_AFFINE_PROJECTION DistortImageMethod = C.AffineProjectionDistortion DISTORTION_SCALE_ROTATE_TRANSLATE DistortImageMethod = C.ScaleRotateTranslateDistortion DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE DistortImageMethod = C.PerspectiveDistortion DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION DistortImageMethod = C.PerspectiveProjectionDistortion DISTORTION_BILINEAR_FORWARD DistortImageMethod = C.BilinearForwardDistortion DISTORTION_BILINEAR DistortImageMethod = C.BilinearDistortion DISTORTION_BILINEAR_REVERSE DistortImageMethod = C.BilinearReverseDistortion DISTORTION_POLYNOMIAL DistortImageMethod = C.PolynomialDistortion DISTORTION_ARC DistortImageMethod = C.ArcDistortion DISTORTION_POLAR DistortImageMethod = C.PolarDistortion DISTORTION_DE_POLAR DistortImageMethod = C.DePolarDistortion DISTORTION_CYLINDER_2_PLANE DistortImageMethod = C.Cylinder2PlaneDistortion DISTORTION_PLANE_2_CYLINDER DistortImageMethod = C.Plane2CylinderDistortion DISTORTION_BARREL DistortImageMethod = C.BarrelDistortion DISTORTION_BARREL_INVERSE DistortImageMethod = C.BarrelInverseDistortion DISTORTION_SHEPARDS DistortImageMethod = C.ShepardsDistortion DISTORTION_RESIZE DistortImageMethod = C.ResizeDistortion DISTORTION_SENTINEL DistortImageMethod = C.SentinelDistortion )
type DitherMethod ¶
type DitherMethod int
const ( DITHER_METHOD_UNDEFINED DitherMethod = C.UndefinedDitherMethod DITHER_METHOD_NO DitherMethod = C.NoDitherMethod DITHER_METHOD_RIEMERSMA DitherMethod = C.RiemersmaDitherMethod DITHER_METHOD_FLOYD_STEINBERG DitherMethod = C.FloydSteinbergDitherMethod )
type DrawInfo ¶
type DrawInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDrawInfo ¶
func NewDrawInfo() *DrawInfo
type DrawingWand ¶
type DrawingWand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDrawingWand ¶
func NewDrawingWand() *DrawingWand
Returns a drawing wand required for all other methods in the API.
func (*DrawingWand) Affine ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Affine(affine *AffineMatrix)
Adjusts the current affine transformation matrix with the specified affine transformation matrix. Note that the current affine transform is adjusted rather than replaced.
affine: Affine matrix parameters
func (*DrawingWand) Annotation ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Annotation(x, y float64, text string)
Draws text on the image. x: x ordinate to left of text y: y ordinate to text baseline text: text to draw
func (*DrawingWand) Arc ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Arc(sx, sy, ex, ey, sd, ed float64)
Draws an arc falling within a specified bounding rectangle on the image.
sx: starting x ordinate of bounding rectangle
sy: starting y ordinate of bounding rectangle
ex: ending x ordinate of bounding rectangle
ey: ending y ordinate of bounding rectangle
sd: starting degrees of rotation
ed: ending degrees of rotation
func (*DrawingWand) Bezier ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Bezier(coordinates []PointInfo)
Draws a bezier curve through a set of points on the image.
func (*DrawingWand) Circle ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Circle(ox, oy, px, py float64)
Draws a circle on the image.
ox: origin x ordinate
oy: origin y ordinate
px: perimeter x ordinate
py: perimeter y ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) Clear ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Clear()
Clears resources associated with the drawing wand.
func (*DrawingWand) Clone ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Clone() *DrawingWand
Makes an exact copy of the specified wand.
func (*DrawingWand) Color ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Color(x, y float64, pm PaintMethod)
Draws color on image using the current fill color, starting at specified position, and using specified paint method. The available paint methods are:
x: x ordinate.
y: y ordinate.
pm: paint method. PointMethod: Recolors the target pixel. ReplaceMethod: Recolor any pixel that matches the target pixel. FloodfillMethod: Recolors target pixels and matching neighbors. ResetMethod: Recolor all pixels.
func (*DrawingWand) Comment ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Comment(comment string)
Adds a comment to a vector output stream.
func (*DrawingWand) Composite ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Composite(compose CompositeOperator, x, y, width, height float64, mw *MagickWand) error
Composites an image onto the current image, using the specified composition operator, specified position, and at the specified size.
compose: composition operator
x: x ordinate of top left corner
y: y ordinate of top left corner
width: Width to resize image to prior to compositing. Specify zero to use existing width.
height: Height to resize image to prior to compositing. Specify zero to use existing height.
mw: Image to composite is obtained from this wand.
func (*DrawingWand) DecreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (dw *DrawingWand) DecreaseCount()
Decrease DrawingWand ref counter and set according "can be terminated status"
func (*DrawingWand) Destroy ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Destroy()
Frees all resources associated with the drawing wand. Once the drawing wand has been freed, it should not be used and further unless it re-allocated.
func (*DrawingWand) Ellipse ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Ellipse(ox, oy, rx, ry, start, end float64)
Draws an ellipse on the image.
ox: origin x ordinate
oy: origin y ordinate
rx: radius in x
ry: radius in y
start: starting rotation in degrees
end: ending rotation in degrees
func (*DrawingWand) GetBorderColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetBorderColor() (pw *PixelWand)
Returns the border color used for drawing bordered objects.
func (*DrawingWand) GetClipPath ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipPath() string
Obtains the current clipping path ID.
func (*DrawingWand) GetClipRule ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipRule() FillRule
Returns the current polygon fill rule to be used by the clipping path.
func (*DrawingWand) GetClipUnits ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetClipUnits() ClipPathUnits
Returns the interpretation of clip path units.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFillColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillColor() (pw *PixelWand)
Returns the fill color used for drawing filled objects.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFillOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillOpacity() float64
Returns the opacity used when drawing using the fill color or fill texture. Fully opaque is 1.0.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFillRule ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFillRule() FillRule
Returns the fill rule used while drawing polygons.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFont ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFont() string
Returns a string specifying the font used when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFontFamily ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontFamily() string
Returns the font family to use when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFontResolution ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
Gets the image X and Y resolution.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFontStretch ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontStretch() StretchType
Returns the font stretch used when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFontStyle ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontStyle() StyleType
Returns the font style used when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetFontWeight ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetFontWeight() uint
Returns the font weight used when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetGravity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetGravity() GravityType
Returns the text placement gravity used when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetLastError ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetLastError() error
Returns the kind, reason and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API
func (*DrawingWand) GetOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetOpacity() float64
Returns the opacity used when drawing with the fill or stroke color or texture. Fully opaque is 1.0.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeAntialias ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeAntialias() bool
Returns the current stroke antialias setting. Stroked outlines are antialiased by default. When antialiasing is disabled stroked pixels are thresholded to determine if the stroke color or underlying canvas color should be used.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeColor() (pw *PixelWand)
Returns the color used for stroking object outlines.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashArray ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashArray() (nums []float64)
Returns an array representing the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths (see SetStrokeDashArray). The array must be freed once it is no longer required by the user.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashOffset ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeDashOffset() float64
Returns the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineCap ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineCap() LineCap
Returns the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked. Values of LineCap are UndefinedCap, ButtCap, RoundCap, and SquareCap.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineJoin ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeLineJoin() LineJoin
Returns the shape to be used at the corners of paths (or other vector shapes) when they are stroked. Values of LineJoin are UndefinedJoin, MiterJoin, RoundJoin, and BevelJoin.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeMiterLimit ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeMiterLimit() uint
Returns the miter limit. When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been specified for 'lineJoin', it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path. The miterLimit' imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the 'lineWidth'.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeOpacity() float64
Returns the opacity of stroked object outlines.
func (*DrawingWand) GetStrokeWidth ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetStrokeWidth() float64
Returns the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextAlignment ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextAlignment() AlignType
Returns the alignment applied when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextAntialias ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextAntialias() bool
Returns the current text antialias setting, which determines whether text is antialiased. Text is antialiased by default.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextDecoration ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextDecoration() DecorationType
Returns the decoration applied when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextEncoding ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextEncoding() string
Returns a string which specifies the code set used for text annotations.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextInterlineSpacing ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextInterlineSpacing() float64
Gets the spacing between lines in text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextInterwordSpacing ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextInterwordSpacing() float64
Gets the spacing between words in text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextKerning ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextKerning() float64
Gets the spacing between characters in text.
func (*DrawingWand) GetTextUnderColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetTextUnderColor() (pw *PixelWand)
Returns the color of a background rectangle to place under text annotations.
func (*DrawingWand) GetVectorGraphics ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) GetVectorGraphics() string
Returns a string which specifies the vector graphics generated by any graphics calls made since the wand was instantiated.
func (*DrawingWand) IncreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (dw *DrawingWand) IncreaseCount()
Increase DrawingWand ref counter and set according "can`t be terminated status"
func (*DrawingWand) IsVerified ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) IsVerified() bool
Returns true if the wand is verified as a drawing wand.
func (*DrawingWand) Line ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Line(sx, sy, ex, ey float64)
Draws a line on the image using the current stroke color, stroke opacity, and stroke width.
sx: starting x ordinate
sy: starting y ordinate
ex: ending x ordinate
ey: ending y ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) Matte ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Matte(x, y float64, pmethod PaintMethod)
Paints on the image's opacity channel in order to set effected pixels to transparent. to influence the opacity of pixels. The available paint methods are:
ResetMethod: Select all pixels. PointMethod: Select the target pixel ReplaceMethod: Select any pixel that matches the target pixel. FloodfillMethod: Select the target pixel and matching neighbors. FillToBorderMethod: Select the target pixel and neighbors not matching border color.
x, y: x, y ordinates pmethod: paint method
func (*DrawingWand) PathClose ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathClose()
Adds a path element to the current path which closes the current subpath by drawing a straight line from the current point to the current subpath's most recent starting point (usually, the most recent moveto point).
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToAbsolute(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float64)
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve using absolute coordinates. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x1, y1: x, y ordinates of control point for curve beginning
x2, y2: x, y ordinates of control point for curve ending
x, y: x, y ordinates of the end of the curve
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(x1, y1, x, y float64)
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point using absolute coordinates. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x1, y1: ordinates of the control point
x, y: ordinates of final point
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(x1, y1, x, y float64)
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point using relative coordinates. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier. x1, y1: ordinates of the control point x, y: ordinates of final point
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(x, y float64)
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve (using absolute coordinates) from the current point to (x,y). The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not a PathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute, PathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative, PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute or PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative, assume the control point is coincident with the current point.). At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x, y: ordinates of final point
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(x, y float64)
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve (using relative coordinates) from the current point to (x,y). The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not a PathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute, PathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative, PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute or PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative, assume the control point is coincident with the current point.). At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x, y: ordinates of final point
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToRelative(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y float64)
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve using relative coordinates. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x1, y1: x, y ordinates of control point for curve beginning
x2, y2: x, y ordinates of control point for curve ending
x, y: x, y ordinates of the end of the curve
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(x2, y2, x, y float64)
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using absolute coordinates. The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not an PathCurveToAbsolute, PathCurveToRelative, PathCurveToSmoothAbsolute or PathCurveToSmoothRelative, assume the first control point is coincident with the current point.) (x2,y2) is the second control point (i.e., the control point at the end of the curve). At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x2, y2: ordinates of second control point
x, y: ordinates of termination point
func (*DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathCurveToSmoothRelative(x2, y2, x, y float64)
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current point to (x,y) using relative coordinates. The first control point is assumed to be the reflection of the second control point on the previous command relative to the current point. (If there is no previous command or if the previous command was not an PathCurveToAbsolute, PathCurveToRelative, PathCurveToSmoothAbsolute or PathCurveToSmoothRelative, assume the first control point is coincident with the current point.) (x2,y2) is the second control point (i.e., the control point at the end of the curve). At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybezier.
x2, y2: ordinates of second control point
x, y: ordinates of termination point
func (*DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcAbsolute(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float64, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag bool, x, y float64)
Draws an elliptical arc from the current point to (x, y) using absolute coordinates. The size and orientation of the ellipse are defined by two radii (rx, ry) and an xAxisRotation, which indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. The center (cx, cy) of the ellipse is calculated automagically to satisfy the constraints imposed by the other parameters. largeArcFlag and sweepFlag contribute to the automatic calculations and help determine how the arc is drawn. If largeArcFlag is true then draw the larger of the available arcs. If sweepFlag is true, then draw the arc matching a clock-wise rotation.
rx, ry: x, y radius
xAxisRotation: indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system
largeArcFlag: If true then draw the larger of the available arcs
sweepFlag: If true then draw the arc matching a clock-wise rotation
func (*DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathEllipticArcRelative(rx, ry, xAxisRotation float64, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag bool, x, y float64)
Draws an elliptical arc from the current point to (x, y) using relative coordinates. The size and orientation of the ellipse are defined by two radii (rx, ry) and an xAxisRotation, which indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system. The center (cx, cy) of the ellipse is calculated automagically to satisfy the constraints imposed by the other parameters. largeArcFlag and sweepFlag contribute to the automatic calculations and help determine how the arc is drawn. If largeArcFlag is true then draw the larger of the available arcs. If sweepFlag is true, then draw the arc matching a clock-wise rotation.
rx, ry: x, y radius
xAxisRotation: indicates how the ellipse as a whole is rotated relative to the current coordinate system
largeArcFlag: If true then draw the larger of the available arcs
sweepFlag: If true then draw the arc matching a clock-wise rotation
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToAbsolute(x, y float64)
Draws a line path from the current point to the given coordinate using absolute coordinates. The coordinate then becomes the new current point.
x, y: target x and y ordinates
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(x float64)
Draws a horizontal line path from the current point to the target point using absolute coordinates. The target point then becomes the new current point.
x: target x ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToHorizontalRelative(x float64)
Draws a horizontal line path from the current point to the target point using relative coordinates. The target point then becomes the new current point.
x: target x ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToRelative(x, y float64)
Draws a line path from the current point to the given coordinate using relative coordinates. The coordinate then becomes the new current point.
x, y: target x and y ordinates
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalAbsolute(y float64)
Draws a vertical line path from the current point to the target point using absolute coordinates. The target point then becomes the new current point.
y: target y ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathLineToVerticalRelative(y float64)
Draws a vertical line path from the current point to the target point using relative coordinates. The target point then becomes the new current point.
y: target y ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) PathMoveToAbsolute ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathMoveToAbsolute(x, y float64)
Starts a new sub-path at the given coordinate using absolute coordinates. The current point then becomes the specified coordinate.
x, y: target x and y ordinates
func (*DrawingWand) PathMoveToRelative ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathMoveToRelative(x, y float64)
Starts a new sub-path at the given coordinate using relative coordinates. The current point then becomes the specified coordinate.
x, y: target x and y ordinates
func (*DrawingWand) PathStart ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PathStart()
Declares the start of a path drawing list which is terminated by a matching PathFinish() command. All other Path commands must be enclosed between a PathStart() and a PathFinish() command. This is because path drawing commands are subordinate commands and they do not function by themselves.
func (*DrawingWand) PeekDrawingWand ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PeekDrawingWand() *DrawInfo
Returns the current drawing wand.
func (*DrawingWand) Point ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Point(x, y float64)
Draws a point using the current fill color.
x, y: target x, y coordinates
func (*DrawingWand) Polygon ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Polygon(coordinates []PointInfo)
Draws a polygon using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill color or texture, using the specified array of coordinates.
func (*DrawingWand) Polyline ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Polyline(coordinates []PointInfo)
Draws a polyline using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill color or texture, using the specified array of coordinates.
func (*DrawingWand) PopClipPath ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PopClipPath()
Terminates a clip path definition.
func (*DrawingWand) PopDrawingWand ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PopDrawingWand() error
Destroys the current drawing wand and returns to the previously pushed drawing wand. Multiple drawing wands may exist. It is an error to attempt to pop more drawing wands than have been pushed, and it is proper form to pop all drawing wands which have been pushed.
func (*DrawingWand) PopPattern ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PopPattern() error
Terminates a pattern definition.
func (*DrawingWand) PushClipPath ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PushClipPath(clipMaskId string)
Starts a clip path definition which is comprized of any number of drawing commands and terminated by a DrawPopClipPath() command.
clipMaskId: string identifier to associate with the clip path for later use.
func (*DrawingWand) PushDefs ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PushDefs()
Indicates that commands up to a terminating PopDefs() command create named elements (e.g. clip-paths, textures, etc.) which may safely be processed earlier for the sake of efficiency.
func (*DrawingWand) PushDrawingWand ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PushDrawingWand() error
Clones the current drawing wand to create a new drawing wand. The original drawing wand(s) may be returned to by invoking PopDrawingWand(). The drawing wands are stored on a drawing wand stack. For every Pop there must have already been an equivalent Push.
func (*DrawingWand) PushPattern ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) PushPattern(patternId string, x, y, width, height float64) error
Indicates that subsequent commands up to a PopPattern() command comprise the definition of a named pattern. The pattern space is assigned top left corner coordinates, a width and height, and becomes its own drawing space. Anything which can be drawn may be used in a pattern definition. Named patterns may be used as stroke or brush definitions.
patternId: pattern identification for later reference
x, y: ordinates of top left corner
width, height of pattern space
func (*DrawingWand) Rectangle ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64)
Draws a rectangle given two coordinates and using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill settings.
x1, y1: ordinates of first coordinate
x2, y2: ordinates of second coordinate
func (*DrawingWand) ResetVectorGraphics ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) ResetVectorGraphics()
Resets the vector graphics associated with the specified wand.
func (*DrawingWand) Rotate ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Rotate(degrees float64)
Applies the specified rotation to the current coordinate space.
degrees: degrees of rotation
func (*DrawingWand) RoundRectangle ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) RoundRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry float64)
Draws a rounted rectangle given two coordinates, x & y corner radiuses and using the current stroke, stroke width, and fill settings.
x1, y1: ordinates of first coordinate
x2, y2: ordinates of second coordinate
rx, ry: radius of corner in horizontal and vertical directions
func (*DrawingWand) Scale ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Scale(x, y float64)
Adjusts the scaling factor to apply in the horizontal and vertical directions to the current coordinate space.
x: horizontal scale factor
y: vertical scale factor
func (*DrawingWand) SetBorderColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetBorderColor(borderWand *PixelWand)
Sets the border color to be used for drawing bordered objects.
func (*DrawingWand) SetClipPath ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipPath(clipMaskId string) error
Associates a named clipping path with the image. Only the areas drawn on by the clipping path will be modified as C.ssize_t(as) it remains in effect. clipMaskId: name of clipping path to associate with image
func (*DrawingWand) SetClipRule ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipRule(fillRule FillRule)
Set the polygon fill rule to be used by the clipping path.
func (*DrawingWand) SetClipUnits ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetClipUnits(clipUnits ClipPathUnits)
Sets the interpretation of clip path units. clipUnits: units to use
func (*DrawingWand) SetFillColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillColor(fillWand *PixelWand)
Sets the fill color to be used for drawing filled objects.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFillOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillOpacity(opacity float64)
Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture. Fully opaque is 1.0.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFillPatternURL ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillPatternURL(fillUrl string) error
Sets the URL to use as a fill pattern for filling objects. Only local URLs ("#identifier") are supported at this time. These local URLs are normally created by defining a named fill pattern with PushPattern/PopPattern.
fillUrl: URL to use to obtain fill pattern.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFillRule ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFillRule(fillRule FillRule)
Sets the fill rule to use while drawing polygons.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFont ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFont(fontName string) error
Sets the fully-sepecified font to use when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontFamily ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontFamily(fontFamily string) error
Sets the font family to use when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontResolution ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
Sets the image resolution.
xRes, yRes: the image x and y resolutions
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontSize ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontSize(pointSize float64)
Sets the font pointsize to use when annotating with text.
pointSize: text pointsize
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontStretch ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontStretch(fontStretch StretchType)
Sets the font stretch to use when annotating with text. The AnyStretch enumeration acts as a wild-card "don't care" option.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontStyle ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontStyle(style StyleType)
Sets the font style to use when annotating with text. The AnyStyle enumeration acts as a wild-card "don't care" option.
func (*DrawingWand) SetFontWeight ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetFontWeight(fontWeight uint)
Sets the font weight to use when annotating with text.
fontWeight: font weight (valid range 100-900)
func (*DrawingWand) SetGravity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetGravity(gravity GravityType)
Sets the text placement gravity to use when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetOpacity(opacity float64)
Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill or stroke color or texture. Fully opaque is 1.0.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeAntialias ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeAntialias(antialias bool)
Controls whether stroked outlines are antialiased. Stroked outlines are antialiased by default. When antialiasing is disabled stroked pixels are thresholded to determine if the stroke color or underlying canvas color should be used.
antialias: set to false to disable antialiasing
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeColor(strokeWand *PixelWand)
Sets the color used for stroking object outlines.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashArray ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashArray(dash []float64) error
Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. The stroke dash array represents an array of numbers that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps in pixels. If an odd number of values is provided, then the list of values is repeated to yield an even number of values. To remove an existing dash array, pass an empty slice. A typical stroke dash array might contain the members 5 3 2.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashOffset ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeDashOffset(offset float64)
Specifies the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineCap ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineCap(lineCap LineCap)
Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineJoin ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeLineJoin(lineJoin LineJoin)
Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths (or other vector shapes) when they are stroked.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeMiterLimit ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeMiterLimit(miterLimit uint)
Specifies the miter limit. When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and miter joins have been specified for 'lineJoin', it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line stroking the path. The miterLimit' imposes a limit on the ratio of the miter length to the 'lineWidth'.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeOpacity ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeOpacity(opacity float64)
Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines.
opacity: stroke opacity. The value 1.0 is opaque.
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokePatternURL ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokePatternURL(strokeUrl string) error
Sets the pattern used for stroking object outlines.
strokeUrl: URL specifying pattern ID (e.g. "#pattern_id")
func (*DrawingWand) SetStrokeWidth ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetStrokeWidth(width float64)
Sets the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextAlignment ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextAlignment(alignment AlignType)
Specifies a text alignment to be applied when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextAntialias ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextAntialias(antialias bool)
Controls whether text is antialiased. Text is antialiased by default.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextDecoration ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextDecoration(decoration DecorationType)
Specifies a decoration to be applied when annotating with text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextEncoding ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextEncoding(encoding string)
Specifies the code set to use for text annotations. The only character encoding which may be specified at this time is "UTF-8" for representing Unicode as a sequence of bytes. Specify an empty string to set text encoding to the system's default. Successful text annotation using Unicode may require fonts designed to support Unicode.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextInterlineSpacing ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextInterlineSpacing(spacing float64)
Sets the spacing between line in text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextInterwordSpacing ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextInterwordSpacing(spacing float64)
Sets the spacing between words in text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextKerning ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextKerning(kerning float64)
Sets the spacing between characters in text.
func (*DrawingWand) SetTextUnderColor ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetTextUnderColor(underWand *PixelWand)
Specifies the color of a background rectangle to place under text annotations.
func (*DrawingWand) SetVectorGraphics ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetVectorGraphics(xml string) error
Sets the vector graphics associated with the specified wand. Use this method with GetVectorGraphics() as a method to persist the vector graphics state.
func (*DrawingWand) SetViewbox ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SetViewbox(x1, y1, x2, y2 int)
Sets the overall canvas size to be recorded with the drawing vector data. Usually this will be specified using the same size as the canvas image. When the vector data is saved to SVG or MVG formats, the viewbox is use to specify the size of the canvas image that a viewer will render the vector data on.
x1: left x ordinate
y1: top y ordinate
x2: right x ordinate
y2: bottom y ordinate
func (*DrawingWand) SkewX ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SkewX(degrees float64)
Skews the current coordinate system in the horizontal direction.
degrees: number of degrees to skew the coordinates
func (*DrawingWand) SkewY ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) SkewY(degrees float64)
Skews the current coordinate system in the vertical direction.
degrees: number of degrees to skew the coordinates
func (*DrawingWand) Translate ¶
func (dw *DrawingWand) Translate(x, y float64)
Applies a translation to the current coordinate system which moves the coordinate system origin to the specified coordinate.
x, y: new x, y ordinate for coordinate system origin
type DrawingWandException ¶
type DrawingWandException struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DrawingWandException) Error ¶
func (dwe *DrawingWandException) Error() string
type EndianType ¶
type EndianType int
const ( ENDIAN_UNDEFINED EndianType = C.UndefinedEndian ENDIAN_LSB EndianType = C.LSBEndian ENDIAN_MSB EndianType = C.MSBEndian )
type EvaluateOperator ¶
type EvaluateOperator int
const ( EVAL_OP_UNDEFINED EvaluateOperator = C.UndefinedEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_ADD EvaluateOperator = C.AddEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_AND EvaluateOperator = C.AndEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_DIVIDE EvaluateOperator = C.DivideEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_LEFT_SHIFT EvaluateOperator = C.LeftShiftEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MAX EvaluateOperator = C.MaxEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MIN EvaluateOperator = C.MinEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MULTIPLY EvaluateOperator = C.MultiplyEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_OR EvaluateOperator = C.OrEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_RIGHT_SHIFT EvaluateOperator = C.RightShiftEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_SET EvaluateOperator = C.SetEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_SUBTRACT EvaluateOperator = C.SubtractEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_XOR EvaluateOperator = C.XorEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_POW EvaluateOperator = C.PowEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_LOG EvaluateOperator = C.LogEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_THRESHOLD EvaluateOperator = C.ThresholdEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_THRESHOLD_BLACK EvaluateOperator = C.ThresholdBlackEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_THRESHOLD_WHITE EvaluateOperator = C.ThresholdWhiteEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_GAUSSIAN_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.GaussianNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_IMPULSE_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.ImpulseNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_LAPLACIAN_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.LaplacianNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MULTIPLICATIVE_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.MultiplicativeNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_POISSON_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.PoissonNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_UNIFORM_NOISE EvaluateOperator = C.UniformNoiseEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_COSINE EvaluateOperator = C.CosineEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_SINE EvaluateOperator = C.SineEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_ADD_MODULUS EvaluateOperator = C.AddModulusEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MEAN EvaluateOperator = C.MeanEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_ABS EvaluateOperator = C.AbsEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_EXPONENTIAL EvaluateOperator = C.ExponentialEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_MEDIAN EvaluateOperator = C.MedianEvaluateOperator EVAL_OP_SUM EvaluateOperator = C.SumEvaluateOperator )
type ExceptionInfo ¶ added in v2.6.0
type ExceptionInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExceptionInfo is an error type returned by certain New* API calls.
func (*ExceptionInfo) Description ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (e *ExceptionInfo) Description() string
Description returns the string description for the Exception
func (*ExceptionInfo) Errno ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (e *ExceptionInfo) Errno() int
Errno returns the ExceptionInfo error number (non-zero if error)
func (*ExceptionInfo) Error ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (e *ExceptionInfo) Error() string
func (*ExceptionInfo) Reason ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (e *ExceptionInfo) Reason() string
Reason returns the string reason for the Exception
type ExceptionType ¶
type ExceptionType int
const ( EXCEPTION_UNDEFINED ExceptionType = C.UndefinedException EXCEPTION_WARNING ExceptionType = C.WarningException WARNING_RESOURCE_LIMIT ExceptionType = C.ResourceLimitWarning WARNING_TYPE ExceptionType = C.TypeWarning WARNING_OPTION ExceptionType = C.OptionWarning WARNING_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.DelegateWarning WARNING_MISSING_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.MissingDelegateWarning WARNING_CORRUPT_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.CorruptImageWarning WARNING_FILE_OPEN ExceptionType = C.FileOpenWarning WARNING_BLOB ExceptionType = C.BlobWarning WARNING_STREAM ExceptionType = C.StreamWarning WARNING_CACHE ExceptionType = C.CacheWarning WARNING_CODER ExceptionType = C.CoderWarning WARNING_FILTER ExceptionType = C.FilterWarning WARNING_MODULE ExceptionType = C.ModuleWarning WARNING_DRAW ExceptionType = C.DrawWarning WARNING_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.ImageWarning WARNING_WAND ExceptionType = C.WandWarning WARNING_RANDOM ExceptionType = C.RandomWarning WARNING_XSERVER ExceptionType = C.XServerWarning WARNING_MONITOR ExceptionType = C.MonitorWarning WARNING_REGISTRY ExceptionType = C.RegistryWarning WARNING_CONFIGURE ExceptionType = C.ConfigureWarning WARNING_POLICY ExceptionType = C.PolicyWarning EXCEPTION_ERROR ExceptionType = C.ErrorException ERROR_RESOURCE_LIMIT ExceptionType = C.ResourceLimitError ERROR_TYPE ExceptionType = C.TypeError ERROR_OPTION ExceptionType = C.OptionError ERROR_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.DelegateError ERROR_MISSING_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.MissingDelegateError ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.CorruptImageError ERROR_FILE_OPEN ExceptionType = C.FileOpenError ERROR_BLOB ExceptionType = C.BlobError ERROR_STREAM ExceptionType = C.StreamError ERROR_CACHE ExceptionType = C.CacheError ERROR_CODER ExceptionType = C.CoderError ERROR_FILTER ExceptionType = C.FilterError ERROR_MODULE ExceptionType = C.ModuleError ERROR_DRAW ExceptionType = C.DrawError ERROR_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.ImageError ERROR_WAND ExceptionType = C.WandError ERROR_RANDOM ExceptionType = C.RandomError ERROR_XSERVER ExceptionType = C.XServerError ERROR_MONITOR ExceptionType = C.MonitorError ERROR_REGISTRY ExceptionType = C.RegistryError ERROR_CONFIGURE ExceptionType = C.ConfigureError ERROR_POLICY ExceptionType = C.PolicyError EXCEPTION_FATAL_ERROR ExceptionType = C.FatalErrorException FATAL_ERROR_RESOURCE_LIMIT ExceptionType = C.ResourceLimitFatalError FATAL_ERROR_TYPE ExceptionType = C.TypeFatalError FATAL_ERROR_OPTION ExceptionType = C.OptionFatalError FATAL_ERROR_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.DelegateFatalError FATAL_ERROR_MISSING_DELEGATE ExceptionType = C.MissingDelegateFatalError FATAL_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.CorruptImageFatalError FATAL_ERROR_FILE_OPEN ExceptionType = C.FileOpenFatalError FATAL_ERROR_BLOB ExceptionType = C.BlobFatalError FATAL_ERROR_STREAM ExceptionType = C.StreamFatalError FATAL_ERROR_CACHE ExceptionType = C.CacheFatalError FATAL_ERROR_CODER ExceptionType = C.CoderFatalError FATAL_ERROR_FILTER ExceptionType = C.FilterFatalError FATAL_ERROR_MODULE ExceptionType = C.ModuleFatalError FATAL_ERROR_DRAW ExceptionType = C.DrawFatalError FATAL_ERROR_IMAGE ExceptionType = C.ImageFatalError FATAL_ERROR_WAND ExceptionType = C.WandFatalError FATAL_ERROR_RANDOM ExceptionType = C.RandomFatalError FATAL_ERROR_XSERVER ExceptionType = C.XServerFatalError FATAL_ERROR_MONITOR ExceptionType = C.MonitorFatalError FATAL_ERROR_REGISTRY ExceptionType = C.RegistryFatalError FATAL_ERROR_CONFIGURE ExceptionType = C.ConfigureFatalError FATAL_ERROR_POLICY ExceptionType = C.PolicyFatalError )
func (*ExceptionType) String ¶
func (et *ExceptionType) String() string
type FillRule ¶
type FillRule int
const ( FILL_UNDEFINED FillRule = C.UndefinedRule FILL_EVEN_ODD FillRule = C.EvenOddRule FILL_NON_ZERO FillRule = C.NonZeroRule )
type FilterType ¶
type FilterType int
const ( FILTER_UNDEFINED FilterType = C.UndefinedFilter FILTER_POINT FilterType = C.PointFilter FILTER_BOX FilterType = C.BoxFilter FILTER_TRIANGLE FilterType = C.TriangleFilter FILTER_HERMITE FilterType = C.HermiteFilter FILTER_HANNING FilterType = C.HanningFilter FILTER_HAMMING FilterType = C.HammingFilter FILTER_BLACKMAN FilterType = C.BlackmanFilter FILTER_GAUSSIAN FilterType = C.GaussianFilter FILTER_QUADRATIC FilterType = C.QuadraticFilter FILTER_CUBIC FilterType = C.CubicFilter FILTER_CATROM FilterType = C.CatromFilter FILTER_MITCHELL FilterType = C.MitchellFilter FILTER_JINC FilterType = C.JincFilter FILTER_SINC FilterType = C.SincFilter FILTER_SINC_FAST FilterType = C.SincFastFilter FILTER_KAISER FilterType = C.KaiserFilter FILTER_WELSH FilterType = C.WelshFilter FILTER_PARZEN FilterType = C.ParzenFilter FILTER_BOHMAN FilterType = C.BohmanFilter FILTER_BARTLETT FilterType = C.BartlettFilter FILTER_LAGRANGE FilterType = C.LagrangeFilter FILTER_LANCZOS FilterType = C.LanczosFilter FILTER_LANCZOS_SHARP FilterType = C.LanczosSharpFilter FILTER_LANCZOS2 FilterType = C.Lanczos2Filter FILTER_LANCZOS2_SHARP FilterType = C.Lanczos2SharpFilter FILTER_ROBIDOUX FilterType = C.RobidouxFilter FILTER_ROBIDOUX_SHARP FilterType = C.RobidouxSharpFilter FILTER_COSINE FilterType = C.CosineFilter FILTER_SPLINE FilterType = C.SplineFilter FILTER_SENTINEL FilterType = C.SentinelFilter FILTER_LANCZOS_RADIUS FilterType = C.LanczosRadiusFilter )
type FontMetrics ¶
type FontMetrics struct { CharacterWidth float64 CharacterHeight float64 Ascender float64 Descender float64 TextWidth float64 TextHeight float64 MaximumHorizontalAdvance float64 BoundingBoxX1 float64 BoundingBoxY1 float64 BoundingBoxX2 float64 BoundingBoxY2 float64 OriginX float64 OriginY float64 }
func NewFontMetricsFromArray ¶
func NewFontMetricsFromArray(arr []float64) *FontMetrics
type GeometryInfo ¶ added in v2.3.0
type GeometryInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GradientType ¶ added in v2.6.0
type GradientType int
const ( GRADIENT_TYPE_UNDEFINED GradientType = C.UndefinedGradient GRADIENT_TYPE_LINEAR GradientType = C.LinearGradient GRADIENT_TYPE_RADIAL GradientType = C.RadialGradient )
type GravityType ¶
type GravityType int
const ( GRAVITY_UNDEFINED GravityType = C.UndefinedGravity GRAVITY_FORGET GravityType = C.ForgetGravity GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST GravityType = C.NorthWestGravity GRAVITY_NORTH GravityType = C.NorthGravity GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST GravityType = C.NorthEastGravity GRAVITY_WEST GravityType = C.WestGravity GRAVITY_CENTER GravityType = C.CenterGravity GRAVITY_EAST GravityType = C.EastGravity GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST GravityType = C.SouthWestGravity GRAVITY_SOUTH GravityType = C.SouthGravity GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST GravityType = C.SouthEastGravity GRAVITY_STATIC GravityType = C.StaticGravity )
type Image ¶
type Image struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMagickImage ¶
func NewMagickImage(info *ImageInfo, width, height uint, background *MagickPixelPacket) *Image
type ImageCommandResult ¶ added in v2.6.0
ImageCommandResult is returned by a call to ConvertImageCommand. It contains the ImageInfo and Metadata string generated by the convert command.
func ConvertImageCommand ¶ added in v2.6.0
func ConvertImageCommand(args []string) (*ImageCommandResult, error)
ConvertImageCommand reads one or more images, applies one or more image processing operations, and writes out the image in the same or differing format. The first item in the args list is expected to be the program name, ie "convert".
Example ¶
ret, err := ConvertImageCommand([]string{ "convert", "logo:", "-resize", "100x100", "/tmp/out.png", }) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println("Meta:", ret.Meta)
type ImageLayerMethod ¶
type ImageLayerMethod int
const ( IMAGE_LAYER_UNDEFINED ImageLayerMethod = C.UndefinedLayer IMAGE_LAYER_COALESCE ImageLayerMethod = C.CoalesceLayer IMAGE_LAYER_COMPARE_ANY ImageLayerMethod = C.CompareAnyLayer IMAGE_LAYER_COMPARE_CLEAR ImageLayerMethod = C.CompareClearLayer IMAGE_LAYER_COMPARE_OVERLAY ImageLayerMethod = C.CompareOverlayLayer IMAGE_LAYER_DISPOSE ImageLayerMethod = C.DisposeLayer IMAGE_LAYER_OPTIMIZE ImageLayerMethod = C.OptimizeLayer IMAGE_LAYER_OPTIMIZE_IMAGE ImageLayerMethod = C.OptimizeImageLayer IMAGE_LAYER_OPTIMIZE_PLUS ImageLayerMethod = C.OptimizePlusLayer IMAGE_LAYER_OPTIMIZE_TRANS ImageLayerMethod = C.OptimizeTransLayer IMAGE_LAYER_REMOVE_DUPS ImageLayerMethod = C.RemoveDupsLayer IMAGE_LAYER_REMOVE_ZERO ImageLayerMethod = C.RemoveZeroLayer IMAGE_LAYER_COMPOSITE ImageLayerMethod = C.CompositeLayer IMAGE_LAYER_MERGE ImageLayerMethod = C.MergeLayer IMAGE_LAYER_FLATTEN ImageLayerMethod = C.FlattenLayer IMAGE_LAYER_MOSAIC ImageLayerMethod = C.MosaicLayer IMAGE_LAYER_TRIM_BOUNDS ImageLayerMethod = C.TrimBoundsLayer )
type ImageType ¶
type ImageType int
const ( IMAGE_TYPE_UNDEFINED ImageType = C.UndefinedType IMAGE_TYPE_BILEVEL ImageType = C.BilevelType IMAGE_TYPE_GRAYSCALE ImageType = C.GrayscaleType IMAGE_TYPE_GRAYSCALE_MATTE ImageType = C.GrayscaleMatteType IMAGE_TYPE_PALETTE ImageType = C.PaletteType IMAGE_TYPE_PALETTE_MATTE ImageType = C.PaletteMatteType IMAGE_TYPE_TRUE_COLOR ImageType = C.TrueColorType IMAGE_TYPE_TRUE_COLOR_MATTE ImageType = C.TrueColorMatteType IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_SEPARATION ImageType = C.ColorSeparationType IMAGE_TYPE_COLOR_SEPARATION_MATTE ImageType = C.ColorSeparationMatteType IMAGE_TYPE_OPTIMIZE ImageType = C.OptimizeType IMAGE_TYPE_PALETTE_BILEVEL_MATTE ImageType = C.PaletteBilevelMatteType )
type IndexPacket ¶
type IndexPacket Quantum
type InterlaceType ¶
type InterlaceType int
const ( INTERLACE_UNDEFINED InterlaceType = C.UndefinedInterlace INTERLACE_NO InterlaceType = C.NoInterlace INTERLACE_LINE InterlaceType = C.LineInterlace INTERLACE_PLANE InterlaceType = C.PlaneInterlace INTERLACE_PARTITION InterlaceType = C.PartitionInterlace INTERLACE_GIF InterlaceType = C.GIFInterlace INTERLACE_JPEG InterlaceType = C.JPEGInterlace INTERLACE_PNG InterlaceType = C.PNGInterlace )
type InterpolatePixelMethod ¶
type InterpolatePixelMethod int
const ( INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_UNDEFINED InterpolatePixelMethod = C.UndefinedInterpolatePixel INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_AVERAGE InterpolatePixelMethod = C.AverageInterpolatePixel // Average 4 nearest neighbours INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_BICUBIC InterpolatePixelMethod = C.BicubicInterpolatePixel // Catmull-Rom interpolation INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_BILINEAR InterpolatePixelMethod = C.BilinearInterpolatePixel // Triangular filter interpolation INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_FILTER InterpolatePixelMethod = C.FilterInterpolatePixel // Use resize filter - (very slow) INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_INTEGER InterpolatePixelMethod = C.IntegerInterpolatePixel // Integer (floor) interpolation INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_MESH InterpolatePixelMethod = C.MeshInterpolatePixel // Triangular mesh interpolation INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR InterpolatePixelMethod = C.NearestNeighborInterpolatePixel // Nearest neighbour only INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_SPLINE InterpolatePixelMethod = C.SplineInterpolatePixel // Cubic Spline (blurred) interpolation INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_AVERAGE9 InterpolatePixelMethod = C.Average9InterpolatePixel // Average 9 nearest neighbours INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_AVERAGE16 InterpolatePixelMethod = C.Average16InterpolatePixel // Average 16 nearest neighbours INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_BLEND InterpolatePixelMethod = C.BlendInterpolatePixel // blend of nearest 1, 2 or 4 pixels INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_BACKGROUND InterpolatePixelMethod = C.BackgroundInterpolatePixel // just return background color INTERPOLATE_PIXEL_CATROM InterpolatePixelMethod = C.CatromInterpolatePixel // Catmull-Rom interpolation )
type KernelInfo ¶
type KernelInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
This struct represents the KernelInfo C API of ImageMagick
func NewKernelInfo ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewKernelInfo(kernel string) *KernelInfo
NewKernelInfo takes the given string (generally supplied by the user) and converts it into a Morphology/Convolution Kernel. This allows users to specify a kernel from a number of pre-defined kernels, or to fully specify their own kernel for a specific Convolution or Morphology Operation.
KernelInfo will be nil if an error occured.
The kernel so generated can be any rectangular array of floating point values (doubles) with the 'control point' or 'pixel being affected' anywhere within that array of values.
Previously IM was restricted to a square of odd size using the exact center as origin, this is no longer the case, and any rectangular kernel with any value being declared the origin. This in turn allows the use of highly asymmetrical kernels.
The floating point values in the kernel can also include a special value known as 'nan' or 'not a number' to indicate that this value is not part of the kernel array. This allows you to shaped the kernel within its rectangular area. That is 'nan' values provide a 'mask' for the kernel shape. However at least one non-nan value must be provided for correct working of a kernel.
Input kernel defintion strings can consist of any of three types.
"name:args[[@><]" Select from one of the built in kernels, using the name and geometry arguments supplied. See NewKernelInfoBuiltIn()
"WxH[+X+Y][@><]:num, num, num ..." a kernel of size W by H, with W*H floating point numbers following. the 'center' can be optionally be defined at +X+Y (such that +0+0 is top left corner). If not defined the pixel in the center, for odd sizes, or to the immediate top or left of center for even sizes is automatically selected.
"num, num, num, num, ..." list of floating point numbers defining an 'old style' odd sized square kernel. At least 9 values should be provided for a 3x3 square kernel, 25 for a 5x5 square kernel, 49 for 7x7, etc. Values can be space or comma separated. This is not recommended.
You can define a 'list of kernels' which can be used by some morphology operators A list is defined as a semi-colon separated list kernels.
" kernel ; kernel ; kernel ; "
Any extra ';' characters, at start, end or between kernel defintions are simply ignored.
The special flags will expand a single kernel, into a list of rotated kernels. A '@' flag will expand a 3x3 kernel into a list of 45-degree cyclic rotations, while a '>' will generate a list of 90-degree rotations. The '<' also exands using 90-degree rotates, but giving a 180-degree reflected kernel before the +/- 90-degree rotations, which can be important for Thinning operations.
Note that 'name' kernels will start with an alphabetic character while the new kernel specification has a ':' character in its specification string. If neither is the case, it is assumed an old style of a simple list of numbers generating a odd-sized square kernel has been given.
func NewKernelInfoBuiltIn ¶ added in v2.3.0
func NewKernelInfoBuiltIn(typ KernelInfoType, kernel string) *KernelInfo
Create a kernel from a builtin in kernel.
KernelInfo will be nil if an error occured.
See for examples. Currently the 'rotation' symbols are not supported. Example: kernel_info := NewKernelInfoBuiltIn(KERNEL_RING, "2,1")
func (*KernelInfo) Destroy ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (ki *KernelInfo) Destroy()
Destroy the KernelInfo immediately. This will also be called automatically during garbage collection.
func (*KernelInfo) Scale ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (ki *KernelInfo) Scale(scale float64, normalizeType KernelNormalizeType)
ScaleKernelInfo() scales the given kernel list by the given amount, with or without normalization of the sum of the kernel values (as per given flags). The exact behaviour of this function depends on the normalization type being used please see for details.
Flag should be one of:
func (*KernelInfo) ToArray ¶ added in v2.3.0
func (ki *KernelInfo) ToArray() [][]float64
Convert the current KernelInfo to an 2d-array of values. The values are either a float64 if the element is used, or NaN if the element is not used by the kernel
type KernelInfoType ¶ added in v2.3.0
type KernelInfoType int
const ( KERNEL_UNDEFINED KernelInfoType = C.UndefinedKernel /* equivalent to UnityKernel */ KERNEL_UNITY KernelInfoType = C.UnityKernel /* The no-op or 'original image' kernel */ KERNEL_GAUSSIAN KernelInfoType = C.GaussianKernel /* Convolution Kernels Gaussian Based */ KERNEL_DOG KernelInfoType = C.DoGKernel KERNEL_LOG KernelInfoType = C.LoGKernel KERNEL_BLUR KernelInfoType = C.BlurKernel KERNEL_COMET KernelInfoType = C.CometKernel KERNEL_LAPLACIAN KernelInfoType = C.LaplacianKernel /* Convolution Kernels by Name */ KERNEL_SOBEL KernelInfoType = C.SobelKernel KERNEL_FREICHEN KernelInfoType = C.FreiChenKernel KERNEL_ROBERTS KernelInfoType = C.RobertsKernel KERNEL_PREWITT KernelInfoType = C.PrewittKernel KERNEL_COMPASS KernelInfoType = C.CompassKernel KERNEL_KIRSCH KernelInfoType = C.KirschKernel KERNEL_DIAMOND KernelInfoType = C.DiamondKernel /* Shape Kernels */ KERNEL_SQUARE KernelInfoType = C.SquareKernel KERNEL_RECTANGLE KernelInfoType = C.RectangleKernel KERNEL_OCTAGON KernelInfoType = C.OctagonKernel KERNEL_DISK KernelInfoType = C.DiskKernel KERNEL_PLUS KernelInfoType = C.PlusKernel KERNEL_CROSS KernelInfoType = C.CrossKernel KERNEL_RING KernelInfoType = C.RingKernel KERNEL_PEAKS KernelInfoType = C.PeaksKernel /* Hit And Miss Kernels */ KERNEL_EDGES KernelInfoType = C.EdgesKernel KERNEL_CORNERS KernelInfoType = C.CornersKernel KERNEL_DIAGONALS KernelInfoType = C.DiagonalsKernel KERNEL_LINEENDS KernelInfoType = C.LineEndsKernel KERNEL_LINEJUNCTIONS KernelInfoType = C.LineJunctionsKernel KERNEL_RIDGES KernelInfoType = C.RidgesKernel KERNEL_CONVEXHULL KernelInfoType = C.ConvexHullKernel KERNEL_THINSE KernelInfoType = C.ThinSEKernel KERNEL_SKELETON KernelInfoType = C.SkeletonKernel KERNEL_CHEBYSHEV KernelInfoType = C.ChebyshevKernel /* Distance Measuring Kernels */ KERNEL_MANHATTAN KernelInfoType = C.ManhattanKernel KERNEL_OCTAGONAL KernelInfoType = C.OctagonalKernel KERNEL_EUCLIDEAN KernelInfoType = C.EuclideanKernel KERNEL_USERDEFINED KernelInfoType = C.UserDefinedKernel /* User Specified Kernel Array */ KERNEL_BINOMIAL KernelInfoType = C.BinomialKernel )
type KernelNormalizeType ¶ added in v2.3.0
type KernelNormalizeType int
const ( // The kernel is scaled directly using given scaling factor without change. KERNEL_NORMALIZE_NONE KernelNormalizeType = 0 // Kernel normalization ('normalize_flags' given) is designed to ensure // that any use of the kernel scaling factor with 'Convolve' or 'Correlate' // morphology methods will fall into -1.0 to +1.0 range. KERNEL_NORMALIZE_VALUE KernelNormalizeType = C.NormalizeValue // For special kernels designed for locating shapes using 'Correlate', (often // only containing +1 and -1 values, representing foreground/brackground // matching) a special normalization method is provided to scale the positive // values separately to those of the negative values, so the kernel will be // forced to become a zero-sum kernel better suited to such searches. KERNEL_NORMALIZE_CORRELATE KernelNormalizeType = C.CorrelateNormalizeValue // Scale the kernel by a percent. KERNEL_NORMALIZE_PERCENT KernelNormalizeType = C.PercentValue )
type MagickFunction ¶
type MagickFunction int
const ( FUNCTION_UNDEFINED MagickFunction = C.UndefinedFunction FUNCTION_POLYNOMIAL MagickFunction = C.PolynomialFunction FUNCTION_SINUSOID MagickFunction = C.SinusoidFunction FUNCTION_ARCSIN MagickFunction = C.ArcsinFunction FUNCTION_ARCTAN MagickFunction = C.ArctanFunction )
type MagickPixelPacket ¶
type MagickPixelPacket struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MagickPixelPacket is constructed using NewMagickPixelPacket
func NewMagickPixelPacket ¶ added in v2.6.0
func NewMagickPixelPacket() *MagickPixelPacket
func QueryMagickColor ¶ added in v2.6.0
func QueryMagickColor(colorName string) (*MagickPixelPacket, error)
QueryMagickColor returns the red, green, blue, and opacity intensities for a given color name.
func (*MagickPixelPacket) Blue ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Blue() float64
func (*MagickPixelPacket) Green ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Green() float64
func (*MagickPixelPacket) Index ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Index() float64
func (*MagickPixelPacket) Opacity ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Opacity() float64
func (*MagickPixelPacket) Red ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) Red() float64
func (*MagickPixelPacket) SetBlue ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetBlue(value float64)
func (*MagickPixelPacket) SetGreen ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetGreen(value float64)
func (*MagickPixelPacket) SetIndex ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetIndex(value float64)
func (*MagickPixelPacket) SetOpacity ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetOpacity(value float64)
func (*MagickPixelPacket) SetRed ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (p *MagickPixelPacket) SetRed(value float64)
type MagickWand ¶
type MagickWand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
This struct represents the MagickWand C API of ImageMagick
func NewMagickWand ¶
func NewMagickWand() *MagickWand
Returns a wand required for all other methods in the API. A fatal exception is thrown if there is not enough memory to allocate the wand.
func NewMagickWandFromImage ¶
func NewMagickWandFromImage(img *Image) *MagickWand
Returns a wand with an image
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Adaptively blurs the image by blurring less intensely near image edges and more intensely far from edges. We blur the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and AdaptiveBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
Adaptively blurs the image by blurring less intensely near image edges and more intensely far from edges. We blur the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and AdaptiveBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveResizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveResizeImage(cols, rows uint) error
Adaptively resize image with data dependent triangulation
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Adaptively sharpens the image by sharpening more intensely near image edges and less intensely far from edges. We sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and AdaptiveSharpenImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveSharpenImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
Adaptively sharpens the image by sharpening more intensely near image edges and less intensely far from edges. We sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and AdaptiveSharpenImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) AdaptiveThresholdImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AdaptiveThresholdImage(width, height uint, offset int) error
Selects an individual threshold for each pixel based on the range of intensity values in its local neighborhood. This allows for thresholding of an image whose global intensity histogram doesn't contain distinctive peaks.
func (*MagickWand) AddImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AddImage(wand *MagickWand) error
Adds a clone of the images from the second wand and inserts them into the first wand. Use SetLastIterator(), to append new images into an existing wand, current image will be set to last image so later adds with also be appened to end of wand. Use SetFirstIterator() to prepend new images into wand, any more images added will also be prepended before other images in the wand. However the order of a list of new images will not change. Otherwise the new images will be inserted just after the current image, and any later image will also be added after this current image but before the previously added images. Caution is advised when multiple image adds are inserted into the middle of the wand image list.
func (*MagickWand) AddNoiseImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AddNoiseImage(noiseType NoiseType) error
Adds random noise to the image
func (*MagickWand) AddNoiseImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AddNoiseImageChannel(channel ChannelType, noiseType NoiseType) error
Adds random noise to the image's channel
func (*MagickWand) AffineTransformImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AffineTransformImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand) error
Transforms an image as dictaded by the affine matrix of the drawing wand
func (*MagickWand) AnimateImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AnimateImages(server string) error
Animates an image or image sequence
func (*MagickWand) AnnotateImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AnnotateImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand, x, y, angle float64, text string) error
Annotates an image with text
x: ordinate to left of text
y: ordinate to text baseline
angle: rotate text relative to this angle
func (*MagickWand) AppendImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AppendImages(topToBottom bool) *MagickWand
Append the images in a wand from the current image onwards, creating a new wand with the single image result. This is affected by the gravity and background setting of the first image. Typically you would call either ResetIterator() or SetFirstImage() before calling this function to ensure that all the images in the wand's image list will be appended together. By default, images are stacked left-to-right. Set topToBottom to true to stack them top-to-bottom.
func (*MagickWand) AutoGammaImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AutoGammaImage() error
Extracts the 'mean' from the image and adjust the image to try make set it's gamma appropriatally
func (*MagickWand) AutoGammaImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AutoGammaImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Extracts the 'mean' from the image's channel and adjust the image to try make set it's gamma appropriatally
func (*MagickWand) AutoLevelImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AutoLevelImage() error
Adjust the levels of a particular image by scaling the minimum and maximum values to the full quantum range.
func (*MagickWand) AutoLevelImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AutoLevelImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Adjust the levels of a particular image channel by scaling the minimum and maximum values to the full quantum range.
func (*MagickWand) AutoOrientImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) AutoOrientImage() error
Auto orient the image
func (*MagickWand) BlackThresholdImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BlackThresholdImage(threshold *PixelWand) error
This is like ThresholdImage() but forces all pixels below the threshold into black while leaving all pixels above the threshold unchanged.
func (*MagickWand) BlueShiftImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BlueShiftImage(factor float64) error
Mutes the colors of the image to simulate a scene at nighttime in the moonlight.
func (*MagickWand) BlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Blurs an image. We convolve the image with a gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and BlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) BlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
Blurs an image's channel. We convolve the image with a gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and BlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) BorderImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BorderImage(borderColor *PixelWand, width, height uint) error
Surrounds the image with a border of the color defined by the bordercolor pixel wand.
func (*MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImage(brightness, contrast float64) error
Use this to change the brightness and/or contrast of an image. It converts the brightness and contrast.
brighness: the brightness percent (-100 .. 100)
contrast: the brightness percent (-100 .. 100)
func (*MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) BrightnessContrastImageChannel(channel ChannelType, brightness, contrast float64) error
Use this to change the brightness and/or contrast of an image's channel. It converts the brightness and contrast.
brighness: the brightness percent (-100 .. 100)
contrast: the brightness percent (-100 .. 100)
func (*MagickWand) CharcoalImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CharcoalImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Simulates a charcoal drawing
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) ChopImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ChopImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Removes a region of an image and collapses the image to occupy the removed portion.
width, height: the region width and height
x, y: the region x and y offsets
func (*MagickWand) ClampImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClampImage() error
Restricts the color range from 0 to the quantum depth
func (*MagickWand) ClampImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClampImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Restricts the color range from 0 to the quantum depth
func (*MagickWand) Clear ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) Clear()
Clear resources associated with the wand, leaving the wand blank, and ready to be used for a new set of images.
func (*MagickWand) ClipImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClipImage() error
Clips along the first path from the 8BIM profile, if present
func (*MagickWand) ClipImagePath ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClipImagePath(pathname string, inside bool) error
Clips along the named paths from the 8BOM profile, if present. Later operations take effect inside the path. Id may be a number if preceded with #, to work on a numbered path, e.g. "#1" to use the first path. pathname: name of clipping path resource. If name is preceded by #, use clipping path numbered by name.
inside: if true, later operations take effect inside clipping path. Otherwise later operations take effect outside clipping path.
func (*MagickWand) Clone ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) Clone() *MagickWand
Makes an exact copy of the MagickWand object
func (*MagickWand) ClutImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClutImage(clut *MagickWand) error
Replaces colors in the image from a color lookup table
func (*MagickWand) ClutImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ClutImageChannel(channel ChannelType, clut *MagickWand) error
Replaces colors in the image's channel from a color lookup table
func (*MagickWand) CoalesceImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CoalesceImages() *MagickWand
Composites a set of images while respecting any page offsets and disposal methods. GIF, MIFF, and MNG animation sequences typically start with an image background and each subsequent image varies in size and offset. CoalesceImages() returns a new sequence where each image in the sequence is the same size as the first and composited with the next image in the sequence.
func (*MagickWand) ColorDecisionListImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ColorDecisionListImage(cccXML string) error
Accepts a lightweight Color Correction Collection (CCC) file which solely contains one or more color corrections and applies the color correction to the image. Here is a sample CCC file content:
<colorcorrectioncollection xmlns="urn:ASC:CDL:v1.2"> <colorcorrection id="cc03345"> <sopnode> <slope> 0.9 1.2 0.5 </slope> <offset> 0.4 -0.5 0.6 </offset> <power> 1.0 0.8 1.5 </power> </sopnode> <satnode> <saturation> 0.85 </saturation> </satnode> </colorcorrection> </colorcorrectioncollection>
func (*MagickWand) ColorMatrixImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ColorMatrixImage(colorMatrix *KernelInfo) error
Apply color transformation to an image. The method permits saturation changes, hue rotation, luminance to alpha, and various other effects. Although variable-sized transformation matrices can be used, typically one uses a 5x5 matrix for an RGBA image and a 6x6 for CMYKA (or RGBA with offsets). The matrix is similar to those used by Adobe Flash except offsets are in column 6 rather than 5 (in support of CMYKA images) and offsets are normalized (divide Flash offset by 255).
func (*MagickWand) ColorizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ColorizeImage(colorize, opacity *PixelWand) error
Blends the fill color with each pixel in the image
func (*MagickWand) CombineImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CombineImages(channel ChannelType) *MagickWand
Combines one or more images into a single image. The grayscale value of the pixels of each image in the sequence is assigned in order to the specified hannels of the combined image. The typical ordering would be image 1 => Red, 2 => Green, 3 => Blue, etc.
func (*MagickWand) CommentImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CommentImage(comment string) error
Adds a comment to your image
func (*MagickWand) CompareImageChannels ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImageChannels(reference *MagickWand, channel ChannelType, metric MetricType) (wand *MagickWand, distortion float64)
Compares one or more image channels of an image to a reconstructed image and returns the difference image
func (*MagickWand) CompareImageLayers ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImageLayers(method ImageLayerMethod) *MagickWand
Compares each image with the next in a sequence and returns the maximum bounding region of any pixel differences it discovers.
func (*MagickWand) CompareImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompareImages(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) (wand *MagickWand, distortion float64)
CompareImages() compares an image to a reconstructed image and returns the specified difference image. Returns the new MagickWand and the computed distortion between the images
func (*MagickWand) CompositeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImage(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
Composite one image onto another at the specified offset. source: The magick wand holding source image. compose: This operator affects how the composite is applied to the image. The default is Over.
x: the column offset of the composited image.
y: the row offset of the composited image.
func (*MagickWand) CompositeImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImageChannel(channel ChannelType, source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
Composite one image onto another at the specified offset. source: The magick wand holding source image. compose: This operator affects how the composite is applied to the image. The default is Over.
x: the column offset of the composited image.
y: the row offset of the composited image.
func (*MagickWand) CompositeImageGravity ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeImageGravity(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, gravity GravityType) error
Composite one image onto another at the specified offset. source: The magick wand holding source image. compose: This operator affects how the composite is applied to the image. The default is Over. gravity : positioning gravity.
func (*MagickWand) CompositeLayers ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CompositeLayers(source *MagickWand, compose CompositeOperator, x, y int) error
Composite the images in the source wand over the images in the destination wand in sequence, starting with the current image in both lists. Each layer from the two image lists are composted together until the end of one of the image lists is reached. The offset of each composition is also adjusted to match the virtual canvas offsets of each layer. As such the given offset is relative to the virtual canvas, and not the actual image. Composition uses given x and y offsets, as the 'origin' location of the source images virtual canvas (not the real image) allowing you to compose a list of 'layer images' into the destination images. This makes it well suitable for directly composing 'Clears Frame Animations' or 'Coaleased Animations' onto a static or other 'Coaleased Animation' destination image list. GIF disposal handling is not looked at. Special case: If one of the image sequences is the last image (just a single image remaining), that image is repeatally composed with all the images in the other image list. Either the source or destination lists may be the single image, for this situation. In the case of a single destination image (or last image given), that image will ve cloned to match the number of images remaining in the source image list. This is equivelent to the "-layer Composite" Shell API operator. source: the wand holding the source images
compose, x, y: composition arguments
func (*MagickWand) ConstituteImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ConstituteImage(cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType, pixels interface{}) error
Adds an image to the wand comprised of the pixel data you supply. The pixel data must be in scanline order top-to-bottom.
stype: Define the data type of the pixels. Float and double types are expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange].
pmap: This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.
pixels: This array of values contain the pixel components as defined by the type.
func (*MagickWand) ContrastImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastImage(sharpen bool) error
Enhances the intensity differences between the lighter and darker elements of the image. Set sharpen to a value other than 0 to increase the image contrast otherwise the contrast is reduced.
sharpen: increase or decrease image contrast
func (*MagickWand) ContrastStretchImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastStretchImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
Enhances the contrast of a color image by adjusting the pixels color to span the entire range of colors available. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) ContrastStretchImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ContrastStretchImageChannel(channel ChannelType, blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
Enhances the contrast of a color image's channel by adjusting the pixels color to span the entire range of colors available. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) ConvolveImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ConvolveImage(order uint, kernel []float64) error
Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image.
order: the number of cols and rows in the filter kernel
kernel: an array of doubles, representing the convolution kernel
func (*MagickWand) ConvolveImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ConvolveImageChannel(channel ChannelType, order uint, kernel []float64) error
Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image's channel.
order: the number of cols and rows in the filter kernel
kernel: an array of doubles, representing the convolution kernel
func (*MagickWand) CropImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CropImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Extracts a region of the image
func (*MagickWand) CycleColormapImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) CycleColormapImage(displace int) error
Displaces an Image's colormap by a given number of positions. If you cycle the colormap a number of times you can produce a psychodelic effect.
func (*MagickWand) DecipherImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DecipherImage(passphrase string) error
Converts cipher pixels to plain pixels
func (*MagickWand) DeconstructImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DeconstructImages() *MagickWand
Compares each image with the next in a sequence and returns the maximum bouding region of any pixel differences it discovers.
func (*MagickWand) DecreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (mw *MagickWand) DecreaseCount()
Decrease MagickWand ref counter and set according "can be terminated status"
func (*MagickWand) DeleteImageArtifact ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteImageArtifact(artifact string) error
This method deletes a wand artifact
func (*MagickWand) DeleteImageProperty ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteImageProperty(property string) error
This method deletes a image property
func (*MagickWand) DeleteOption ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DeleteOption(option string) error
This method deletes a wand option
func (*MagickWand) DeskewImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DeskewImage(threshold float64) error
Removes skew from the image. Skew is an artifact that occurs in scanned images because of the camera being misaligned, imperfections in the scanning or surface, or simply because the paper was not placed completely flat when scanned. threshold: separate background from foreground
func (*MagickWand) DespeckleImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DespeckleImage() error
Reduces the speckle noise in an image while perserving the edges of the original image.
func (*MagickWand) Destroy ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) Destroy()
Deallocates memory associated with an MagickWand
func (*MagickWand) DestroyImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DestroyImage(img *Image) *Image
Dereferences an image, deallocating memory associated with the image if the reference count becomes zero.
func (*MagickWand) DisplayImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DisplayImage(server string) error
Displays and image
func (*MagickWand) DisplayImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DisplayImages(server string) error
Displays and image or image sequence
func (*MagickWand) DistortImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DistortImage(method DistortImageMethod, args []float64, bestfit bool) error
DistortImage() distorts an image using various distortion methods, by mapping color lookups of the source image to a new destination image usally of the same size as the source image, unless 'bestfit' is set to true. If 'bestfit' is enabled, and distortion allows it, the destination image is adjusted to ensure the whole source 'image' will just fit within the final destination image, which will be sized and offset accordingly. Also in many cases the virtual offset of the source image will be taken into account in the mapping.
method: the method of image distortion. ArcDistortion always ignores the source image offset, and always 'bestfit' the destination image with the top left corner offset relative to the polar mapping center. Bilinear has no simple inverse mapping so it does not allow 'bestfit' style of image distortion. Affine, Perspective, and Bilinear, do least squares fitting of the distortion when more than the minimum number of control point pairs are provided. Perspective, and Bilinear, falls back to a Affine distortion when less that 4 control point pairs are provided. While Affine distortions let you use any number of control point pairs, that is Zero pairs is a no-Op (viewport only) distortion, one pair is a translation and two pairs of control points do a scale-rotate-translate, without any shearing.
args: the arguments for this distortion method.
bestfit: Attempt to resize destination to fit distorted source.
func (*MagickWand) DrawImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) DrawImage(drawingWand *DrawingWand) error
Renders the drawing wand on the current image
func (*MagickWand) EdgeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EdgeImage(radius float64) error
Enhance edges within the image with a convolution filter of the given radius. Use a radius of 0 and Edge() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the pixel neighborhood
func (*MagickWand) EmbossImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EmbossImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and Emboss() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels
func (*MagickWand) EncipherImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EncipherImage(passphrase string) error
Converts plain pixels to cipher pixels
func (*MagickWand) EnhanceImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EnhanceImage() error
Applies a digital filter that improves the quality of a noisy image
func (*MagickWand) EqualizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EqualizeImage() error
Equalizes the image histogram.
func (*MagickWand) EqualizeImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EqualizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Equalizes the image's channel histogram.
func (*MagickWand) EvaluateImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImage(op EvaluateOperator, value float64) error
Applys an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to an image. Use these operators to lighten or darken an image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce the "negative" of an image.
func (*MagickWand) EvaluateImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImageChannel(channel ChannelType, op EvaluateOperator, value float64) error
Applys an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to an image. Use these operators to lighten or darken an image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce the "negative" of an image.
func (*MagickWand) EvaluateImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) EvaluateImages(op EvaluateOperator) error
Applys an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to an image. Use these operators to lighten or darken an image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce the "negative" of an image.
func (*MagickWand) ExportImagePixels ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ExportImagePixels(x, y int, cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType) (interface{}, error)
Extracts pixel data from an image and returns it to you.
x, y, cols, rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels you want to extract.
map: This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.
stype: Define the data type of the pixels. Float and double types are expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange]. Choose from these types: CharPixel, DoublePixel, FloatPixel, IntegerPixel, LongPixel, QuantumPixel, or ShortPixel.
StorageType defines the underlying slice type of the returned interface{}:
PIXEL_CHAR => []byte PIXEL_DOUBLE => []float64 PIXEL_FLOAT => []float32 PIXEL_SHORT => []int16 PIXEL_INTEGER => []int32 PIXEL_LONG => []int64 PIXEL_QUANTUM => []int64
val, err := wand.ExportImagePixels(0, 0, 512, 512, "RGB", PIXEL_FLOAT) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } floatPixels := val.([]float32)
func (*MagickWand) ExtentImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ExtentImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Extends the image as defined by the geometry, gravitt, and wand background color. Set the (x,y) offset of the geometry to move the original wand relative to the extended wand.
width: the region width.
height: the region height.
x: the region x offset.
y: the region y offset.
func (*MagickWand) FilterImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FilterImage(kernel *KernelInfo) error
Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image.
kernel: An array of doubles representing the convolution kernel.
func (*MagickWand) FilterImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FilterImageChannel(channel ChannelType, kernel *KernelInfo) error
Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image's channel.
kernel: An array of doubles representing the convolution kernel.
func (*MagickWand) FlipImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FlipImage() error
Creates a vertical mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central x-axis.
func (*MagickWand) FloodfillPaintImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FloodfillPaintImage(channel ChannelType, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, borderColor *PixelWand, x, y int, invert bool) error
Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target and is an immediate neighbor. If the method FillToBorderMethod is specified, the color value is changed for any neighbor pixel that does not match the bordercolor member of image.
fill: the floodfill color pixel wand.
fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly.
However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
bordercolor: the border color pixel wand.
x, y: the starting location of the operation.
invert: paint any pixel that does not match the target color.
func (*MagickWand) FlopImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FlopImage() error
Creates a horizontal mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central y-axis.
func (*MagickWand) ForwardFourierTransformImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ForwardFourierTransformImage(magnitude bool) error
Implements the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image either as a magnitude/phase or real/imaginary image pair.
magnitude: if true, return as magnitude/phase pair otherwise a
real/imaginary image pair.
func (*MagickWand) FrameImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FrameImage(matteColor *PixelWand, width, height uint, innerBevel, outerBevel int) error
Adds a simulated three-dimensional border around the image. The width and height specify the border width of the vertical and horizontal sides of the frame. The inner and outer bevels indicate the width of the inner and outer shadows of the frame.
matteColor: the frame color pixel wand.
width: the border width.
height: the border height.
innerBevel: the inner bevel width.
outerBevel: the outer bevel width.
func (*MagickWand) FunctionImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FunctionImage(function MagickFunction, args []float64) error
Applys an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to an image. Use these operators to lighten or darken an image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce the "negative" of an image.
func (*MagickWand) FunctionImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FunctionImageChannel(channel ChannelType, function MagickFunction, args []float64) error
Applys an arithmetic, relational, or logical expression to an image's channel. Use these operators to lighten or darken an image, to increase or decrease contrast in an image, or to produce the "negative" of an image.
func (*MagickWand) FxImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FxImage(expression string) (fxmw *MagickWand, err error)
Evaluate expression for each pixel in the image.
func (*MagickWand) FxImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) FxImageChannel(channel ChannelType, expression string) *MagickWand
Evaluate expression for each pixel in the image's channel
func (*MagickWand) GammaImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GammaImage(gamma float64) error
Gamma-corrects an image. The same image viewed on different devices will have perceptual differences in the way the image's intensities are represented on the screen. Specify individual gamma levels for the red, green, and blue channels, or adjust all three with the gamma parameter. Values typically range from 0.8 to 2.3. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) GammaImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GammaImageChannel(channel ChannelType, gamma float64) error
Gamma-corrects an image's channel. The same image viewed on different devices will have perceptual differences in the way the image's intensities are represented on the screen. Specify individual gamma levels for the red, green, and blue channels, or adjust all three with the gamma parameter. Values typically range from 0.8 to 2.3. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) GaussianBlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GaussianBlurImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Blurs an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and GaussianBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) GaussianBlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GaussianBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
Blurs an image's channel. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and GaussianBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) GetAntialias ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetAntialias() bool
Returns the antialias property associated with the wand
func (*MagickWand) GetBackgroundColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetBackgroundColor() *PixelWand
Returns the wand background color
func (*MagickWand) GetColorspace ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetColorspace() ColorspaceType
Returns the wand colorspace type
func (*MagickWand) GetCompression ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetCompression() CompressionType
Gets the wand compression type.
func (*MagickWand) GetCompressionQuality ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetCompressionQuality() uint
Gets the wand compression quality.
func (*MagickWand) GetFilename ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetFilename() string
Returns the filename associated with an image sequence.
func (*MagickWand) GetFont ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetFont() string
Returns the font associated with the MagickWand.
func (*MagickWand) GetFormat ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetFormat() string
Returns the format of the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) GetGravity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetGravity() GravityType
Gets the wand gravity.
func (*MagickWand) GetImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImage() *MagickWand
Gets the image at the current image index.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageAlphaChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageAlphaChannel() bool
Returns false if the image alpha channel is not activated. That is, the image is RGB rather than RGBA or CMYK rather than CMYKA.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageArtifact ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageArtifact(artifact string) string
Returns a value associated with the specified artifact.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageArtifacts ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageArtifacts(pattern string) (artifacts []string)
Returns all the artifact names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand. Use GetImageProperty() to return the value of a particular artifact.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageBackgroundColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBackgroundColor() (bgColor *PixelWand, err error)
Returns the image background color.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageBlob ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBlob() ([]byte, error)
GetImageBlob implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the image as a blob (a formatted "file" in memory) and its length, starting from the current position in the image sequence. Use SetImageFormat() to set the format to write to the blob (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.). Utilize ResetIterator() to ensure the write is from the beginning of the image sequence.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageBluePrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBluePrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
Returns the chromaticy blue primary point for the image.
x: the chromaticity blue primary x-point.
y: the chromaticity blue primary y-point.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageBorderColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageBorderColor() (borderColor *PixelWand, err error)
Returns the image border color.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelDepth ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDepth(channel ChannelType) uint
Gets the depth for one or more image channels.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortion ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortion(reference *MagickWand, channel ChannelType, metric MetricType) (distortion float64, err error)
Compares one or more image channels of an image to a reconstructed image and returns the specified distortion metrics
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortions ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelDistortions(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) float64
Compares one or more image channels of an image to a reconstructed image and returns the specified distortion metrics.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelFeatures ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelFeatures(distance uint) []ChannelFeatures
Returns features for each channel in the image in each of four directions (horizontal, vertical, left and right diagonals) for the specified distance. The features include the angular second moment, contrast, correlation, sum of squares: variance, inverse difference moment, sum average, sum varience, sum entropy, entropy, difference variance, difference entropy, information measures of correlation 1, information measures of correlation 2, and maximum correlation coefficient. You can access the red channel contrast, for example, like this:
channelFeatures = GetImageChannelFeatures(1); contrast = channelFeatures[RedChannel].Contrast[0];
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelKurtosis ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelKurtosis(channel ChannelType) (kurtosis, skewness float64, err error)
Gets the kurtosis and skewness of one or more image channels.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelMean ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelMean(channel ChannelType) (mean, stdev float64, err error)
Gets the mean and standard deviation of one or more image channels.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelRange ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelRange(channel ChannelType) (min, max float64, err error)
Gets the range for one or more image channels.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageChannelStatistics ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageChannelStatistics() []ChannelStatistics
Returns statistics for each channel in the image. The statistics include the channel depth, its minima and maxima, the mean, the standard deviation, the kurtosis and the skewness. You can access the red channel mean, for example, like this:
channelStatistics = wand.GetImageChannelStatistics() redMean = channelStatistics[RedChannel].mean
func (*MagickWand) GetImageClipMask ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageClipMask() *MagickWand
Gets the image clip mask at the current image index.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageColormapColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColormapColor(index uint) (color *PixelWand, err error)
Returns the color of the specified colormap index.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageColors ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColors() uint
Gets the number of unique colors in the image.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageColorspace ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageColorspace() ColorspaceType
Gets the image colorspace.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageCompose ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompose() CompositeOperator
Returns the composite operator associated with the image.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageCompression ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompression() CompressionType
Gets the image compression.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageCompressionQuality ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageCompressionQuality() uint
Gets the image compression quality.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageDispose ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDispose() DisposeType
Gets the image disposal method.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageDistortion ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageDistortion(reference *MagickWand, metric MetricType) (distortion float64, err error)
Compares an image to a reconstructed image and returns the specified distortion metric.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageEndian ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageEndian() EndianType
Gets the image endian.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageFilename ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFilename() string
Returns the filename of a particular image in a sequence.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageFormat ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFormat() string
Returns the format of a particular image in a sequence.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageFromMagickWand ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageFromMagickWand() *Image
Returns the current image from the magick wand
func (*MagickWand) GetImageGamma ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGamma() float64
Gets the image gamma.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageGravity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGravity() GravityType
Gets the image gravity.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageGreenPrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageGreenPrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
Returns the chromaticy green primary point.
x: the chromaticity green primary x-point.
y: the chromaticity green primary y-point.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageHeight ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageHeight() uint
Returns the image height.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageHistogram ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageHistogram() (numberColors uint, pws []*PixelWand)
Returns the image histogram as an array of PixelWand wands.
numberColors: the number of unique colors in the image and the number of pixel wands returned.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageInterlaceScheme ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageInterlaceScheme() InterlaceType
Gets the image interlace scheme.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageInterpolateMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageInterpolateMethod() InterpolatePixelMethod
Returns the interpolation method for the sepcified image.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageIterations ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageIterations() uint
Gets the image iterations.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageLength ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageLength() (length uint, err error)
Returns the image length in bytes.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageMatteColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageMatteColor() (matteColor *PixelWand, err error)
Returns the image matte color.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageOrientation ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageOrientation() OrientationType
Returns the image orientation.
func (*MagickWand) GetImagePage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagePage() (w, h uint, x, y int, err error)
Returns the page geometry associated with the image.
w, h: the page width and height
x, h: the page x-offset and y-offset.
func (*MagickWand) GetImagePixelColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagePixelColor(x, y int) (color *PixelWand, err error)
Returns the color of the specified pixel.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageProfile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProfile(name string) string
Returns the named image profile.
name: Name of profile to return: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageProfiles ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProfiles(pattern string) (profiles []string)
Returns all the profile names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand. Use GetImageProfile() to return the value of a particular property.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageProperties ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProperties(pattern string) (properties []string)
Returns all the property names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand. Use GetImageProperty() to return the value of a particular property.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageProperty ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageProperty(property string) string
Returns a value associated with the specified property.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageRedPrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRedPrimary() (x, y float64, err error)
Returns the chromaticy red primary point.
x, y: the chromaticity red primary x/y-point.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageRegion ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRegion(width uint, height uint, x int, y int) *MagickWand
Extracts a region of the image and returns it as a a new wand.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageRenderingIntent ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageRenderingIntent() RenderingIntent
Gets the image rendering intent.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageResolution ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
Gets the image X and Y resolution.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageSignature ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageSignature() string
Generates an SHA-256 message digest for the image pixel stream.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageTicksPerSecond ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageTicksPerSecond() uint
Gets the image ticks-per-second.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageTotalInkDensity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageTotalInkDensity() float64
Gets the image total ink density.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageType ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageType() ImageType
Gets the potential image type To ensure the image type matches its potential, use SetImageType(): wand.SetImageType(wand.GetImageType())
func (*MagickWand) GetImageUnits ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageUnits() ResolutionType
Gets the image units of resolution.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageVirtualPixelMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageVirtualPixelMethod() VirtualPixelMethod
Returns the virtual pixel method for the specified image.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageWhitePoint ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageWhitePoint() (x, y float64, err error)
Returns the chromaticy white point.
x, y: the chromaticity white x/y-point.
func (*MagickWand) GetImageWidth ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImageWidth() uint
Returns the image width.
func (*MagickWand) GetImagesBlob ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetImagesBlob() ([]byte, error)
GetImagesBlob implements direct to memory image formats. It returns the image sequence as a blob and its length. The format of the image determines the format of the returned blob (GIF, JPEG, PNG, etc.). To return a different image format, use SetImageFormat(). Note, some image formats do not permit multiple images to the same image stream (e.g. JPEG). in this instance, just the first image of the sequence is returned as a blob.
func (*MagickWand) GetInterlaceScheme ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetInterlaceScheme() InterlaceType
Gets the wand interlace scheme.
func (*MagickWand) GetInterpolateMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetInterpolateMethod() InterpolatePixelMethod
Gets the wand compression.
func (*MagickWand) GetIteratorIndex ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetIteratorIndex() uint
Returns the position of the iterator in the image list
func (*MagickWand) GetLastError ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetLastError() error
GetLastError returns the kind, reason and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API. The exception is cleared after this call.
func (*MagickWand) GetNumberImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetNumberImages() uint
Returns the number of images associated with a magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) GetOption ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetOption(key string) string
Returns a value associated with a wand and the specified key.
func (*MagickWand) GetOptions ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetOptions(pattern string) (options []string)
Returns all the option names that match the specified pattern associated with a wand. Use GetOption() to return the value of a particular option.
func (*MagickWand) GetOrientation ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetOrientation() OrientationType
Gets the wand orientation type.
func (*MagickWand) GetPage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetPage() (width, height uint, x, y int, err error)
Returns the page geometry associated with the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) GetPointsize ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetPointsize() float64
Returns the font pointsize associated with the MagickWand.
func (*MagickWand) GetResolution ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetResolution() (x, y float64, err error)
Gets the image X and Y resolution.
func (*MagickWand) GetSamplingFactors ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetSamplingFactors() (factors []float64)
Gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor.
func (*MagickWand) GetSize ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetSize() (cols, rows uint, err error)
Returns the size associated with the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) GetSizeOffset ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) GetSizeOffset() (offset int, err error)
Returns the size offset associated with the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) GradientImage ¶ added in v2.6.0
func (mw *MagickWand) GradientImage(gradientType GradientType, spreadMethod SpreadMethod, startColor string, stopColor string) error
func (*MagickWand) HaldClutImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) HaldClutImage(hald *MagickWand) error
Replaces colors in the image from a Hald color lookup table. A Hald color lookup table is a 3-dimensional color cube mapped to 2 dimensions. Create it with the HALD coder. You can apply any color transformation to the Hald image and then use this method to apply the transform to the image.
func (*MagickWand) HaldClutImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) HaldClutImageChannel(channel ChannelType, hald *MagickWand) error
Replaces colors in the image from a Hald color lookup table. A Hald color lookup table is a 3-dimensional color cube mapped to 2 dimensions. Create it with the HALD coder. You can apply any color transformation to the Hald image and then use this method to apply the transform to the image.
func (*MagickWand) HasNextImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) HasNextImage() bool
Returns true if the wand has more images when traversing the list in the forward direction
func (*MagickWand) HasPreviousImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) HasPreviousImage() bool
Returns true if the wand has more images when traversing the list in the reverse direction
func (*MagickWand) IdentifyImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) IdentifyImage() string
Identifies an image by printing its attributes to the file. Attributes include the image width, height, size, and others.
func (*MagickWand) ImplodeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ImplodeImage(radius float64) error
Creates a new image that is a copy of an existing one with the image pixels "implode" by the specified percentage.
func (*MagickWand) ImportImagePixels ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ImportImagePixels(x, y int, cols, rows uint, pmap string, stype StorageType, pixels interface{}) error
Accepts pixel data and stores it in the image at the location you specify. The pixel data can be either byte, int16, int32, int64, float32, or float64 in the order specified by map. Suppose your want to upload the first scanline of a 640x480 image from character data in red-green-blue order:
wand.ImportImagePixels(0, 0, 640, 1, "RGB", PIXEL_CHAR, pixels)
x, y, cols, rows: These values define the perimeter of a region of pixels you want to define.
pmap: This string reflects the expected ordering of the pixel array. It can be any combination or order of R = red, G = green, B = blue, A = alpha (0 is transparent), O = opacity (0 is opaque), C = cyan, Y = yellow, M = magenta, K = black, I = intensity (for grayscale), P = pad.
stype: Define the data type of the pixels. Float and double types are expected to be normalized [0..1] otherwise [0..QuantumRange]. Choose from these types:
pixels: This slice of values contain the pixel components as defined by map and type. You must pre-allocate this slice where the expected length varies depending on the values of width, height, map, and type.
func (*MagickWand) IncreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (mw *MagickWand) IncreaseCount()
Increase MagickWand ref counter and set according "can`t be terminated status"
func (*MagickWand) InverseFourierTransformImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) InverseFourierTransformImage(phaseWand *MagickWand, magnitude bool) error
Implements the inverse discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the image either as a magnitude/phase or real/imaginary image pair.
magnitudeWand: the magnitude or real wand.
phaseWand: the phase or imaginary wand.
magnitude: if true, return as magnitude/phase pair otherwise a real/imaginary image pair.
func (*MagickWand) IsVerified ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) IsVerified() bool
Returns true if the wand is a verified magick wand
func (*MagickWand) LabelImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) LabelImage(label string) error
Adds a label to your image.
func (*MagickWand) LevelImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) LevelImage(blackPoint, gamma, whitePoint float64) error
Adjusts the levels of an image by scaling the colors falling between specified white and black points to the full available quantum range. The parameters provided represent the black, mid, and white points. The black point specifies the darkest color in the image. Colors darker than the black point are set to zero. Mid point specifies a gamma correction to apply to the image. White point specifies the lightest color in the image. Colors brighter than the white point are set to the maximum quantum value.
func (*MagickWand) LevelImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) LevelImageChannel(channel ChannelType, blackPoint, gamma, whitePoint float64) error
Adjusts the levels of an image by scaling the colors falling between specified white and black points to the full available quantum range. The parameters provided represent the black, mid, and white points. The black point specifies the darkest color in the image. Colors darker than the black point are set to zero. Mid point specifies a gamma correction to apply to the image. White point specifies the lightest color in the image. Colors brighter than the white point are set to the maximum quantum value.
func (*MagickWand) LinearStretchImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) LinearStretchImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64) error
Stretches with saturation the image intensity. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) LiquidRescaleImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) LiquidRescaleImage(cols, rows uint, deltaX, rigidity float64) error
Rescales image with seam carving.
cols, rows: the number of cols and rows in the scaled image.
deltaX: maximum seam transversal step (0 means straight seams).
rigidity: introduce a bias for non-straight seams (typically 0).
func (*MagickWand) MagnifyImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MagnifyImage() error
This is a convenience method that scales an image proportionally to twice its original size.
func (*MagickWand) MergeImageLayers ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MergeImageLayers(method ImageLayerMethod) *MagickWand
Composes all the image layers from the current given image onward to produce a single image of the merged layers. The inital canvas's size depends on the given ImageLayerMethod, and is initialized using the first images background color. The images are then compositied onto that image in sequence using the given composition that has been assigned to each individual image.
method: the method of selecting the size of the initial canvas. MergeLayer: Merge all layers onto a canvas just large enough to hold all the actual images. The virtual canvas of the first image is preserved but otherwise ignored. FlattenLayer: Use the virtual canvas size of first image. Images which fall outside this canvas is clipped. This can be used to 'fill out' a given virtual canvas. MosaicLayer: Start with the virtual canvas of the first image, enlarging left and right edges to contain all images. Images with negative offsets will be clipped.
func (*MagickWand) MinifyImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MinifyImage() error
This is a convenience method that scales an image proportionally to one-half its original size
func (*MagickWand) ModulateImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ModulateImage(brightness, saturation, hue float64) error
Lets you control the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image. Hue is the percentage of absolute rotation from the current position. For example 50 results in a counter-clockwise rotation of 90 degrees, 150 results in a clockwise rotation of 90 degrees, with 0 and 200 both resulting in a rotation of 180 degrees. To increase the color brightness by 20 and decrease the color saturation by 10 and leave the hue unchanged, use: 120, 90, 100.
brightness: the percent change in brighness.
saturation: the percent change in saturation.
hue: the percent change in hue.
func (*MagickWand) MontageImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MontageImage(dw *DrawingWand, tileGeo string, thumbGeo string, mode MontageMode, frame string) *MagickWand
Creates a composite image by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite image with the name of the image optionally appearing just below the individual tile.
dw: the drawing wand. The font name, size, and color are obtained from this wand.
tileGeo: the number of tiles per row and page (e.g. 6x4+0+0).
thumbGeo: Preferred image size and border size of each thumbnail (e.g. 120x120+4+3>).
mode: Thumbnail framing mode: Frame, Unframe, or Concatenate.
frame: Surround the image with an ornamental border (e.g. 15x15+3+3). The frame color is that of the thumbnail's matte color.
func (*MagickWand) MorphImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MorphImages(numFrames uint) *MagickWand
Method morphs a set of images. Both the image pixels and size are linearly interpolated to give the appearance of a meta-morphosis from one image to the next.
numFrames: the number of in-between images to generate.
func (*MagickWand) MorphologyImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MorphologyImage(method MorphologyMethod, iterations int, kernel *KernelInfo) error
Applies a user supplied kernel to the image according to the given mophology method.
channel: the image channel(s).
method: the morphology method to be applied.
iterations: apply the operation this many times (or no change). A value of -1 means loop until no change found. How this is applied may depend on the morphology method. Typically this is a value of 1.
kernel: An array of doubles representing the morphology kernel.
func (*MagickWand) MorphologyImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MorphologyImageChannel(channel ChannelType, method MorphologyMethod, iterations int, kernel *KernelInfo) error
Applies a user supplied kernel to the image according to the given mophology method.
channel: the image channel(s).
method: the morphology method to be applied.
iterations: apply the operation this many times (or no change). A value of -1 means loop until no change found. How this is applied may depend on the morphology method. Typically this is a value of 1.
kernel: An array of doubles representing the morphology kernel.
func (*MagickWand) MotionBlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MotionBlurImage(radius, sigma, angle float64) error
Simulates motion blur. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and MotionBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you. Angle gives the angle of the blurring motion.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
angle: apply the effect along this angle.
func (*MagickWand) MotionBlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) MotionBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, angle float64) error
Simulates motion blur. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and MotionBlurImage() selects a suitable radius for you. Angle gives the angle of the blurring motion.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
angle: apply the effect along this angle.
func (*MagickWand) NegateImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NegateImage(gray bool) error
Negates the colors in the reference image. The Grayscale option means that only grayscale values within the image are negated. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
gray: If true, only negate grayscale pixels within the image.
func (*MagickWand) NegateImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NegateImageChannel(channel ChannelType, gray bool) error
Negates the colors in the reference image. The Grayscale option means that only grayscale values within the image are negated. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
gray: If true, only negate grayscale pixels within the image.
func (*MagickWand) NewImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NewImage(cols uint, rows uint, background *PixelWand) error
Adds a blank image canvas of the specified size and background color to the wand.
func (*MagickWand) NewPixelIterator ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NewPixelIterator() *PixelIterator
Returns a new pixel iterator
mw: the magick wand to iterate on
func (*MagickWand) NewPixelRegionIterator ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NewPixelRegionIterator(x, y int, width, height uint) *PixelIterator
Returns a new pixel iterator
mw: the magick wand to iterate on x, y, cols, rows: there values define the perimeter of a region of pixels
func (*MagickWand) NextImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NextImage() bool
Sets the next image in the wand as the current image. It is typically used after ResetIterator(), after which its first use will set the first image as the current image (unless the wand is empty). It will return false when no more images are left to be returned which happens when the wand is empty, or the current image is the last image. When the above condition (end of image list) is reached, the iterator is automaticall set so that you can start using PreviousImage() to again/ iterate over the images in the reverse direction, starting with the last image (again). You can jump to this condition immeditally using SetLastIterator().
func (*MagickWand) NormalizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NormalizeImage() error
Enhances the contrast of a color image by adjusting the pixels color to span the entire range of colors available. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) NormalizeImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) NormalizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Enhances the contrast of a color image's channel by adjusting the pixels color to span the entire range of colors available. You can also reduce the influence of a particular channel with a gamma value of 0.
func (*MagickWand) OilPaintImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OilPaintImage(radius float64) error
Applies a special effect filter that simulates an oil painting. Each pixel is replaced by the most frequent color occurring in a circular region defined by radius.
radius: the radius of the circular neighborhood.
func (*MagickWand) OpaquePaintImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OpaquePaintImage(target, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
Changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.
target: Change this target color to the fill color within the image.
fill: the fill pixel wand.
fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
invert: paint any pixel that does not match the target color.
func (*MagickWand) OpaquePaintImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OpaquePaintImageChannel(channel ChannelType, target, fill *PixelWand, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
Changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.
target: Change this target color to the fill color within the image.
fill: the fill pixel wand.
fuzz: By default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
invert: paint any pixel that does not match the target color.
func (*MagickWand) OptimizeImageLayers ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OptimizeImageLayers() *MagickWand
Compares each image the GIF disposed forms of the previous image in the sequence. From this it attempts to select the smallest cropped image to replace each frame, while preserving the results of the animation.
func (*MagickWand) OptimizeImageTransparency ¶ added in v2.1.0
func (mw *MagickWand) OptimizeImageTransparency() error
Unsupported in ImageMagick 6.7.7 Takes a frame optimized GIF animation, and compares the overlayed pixels against the disposal image resulting from all the previous frames in the animation. Any pixel that does not change the disposal image (and thus does not effect the outcome of an overlay) is made transparent. WARNING: This modifies the current images directly, rather than generate a new image sequence.
func (*MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImage(thresholdMap string) error
Performs an ordered dither based on a number of pre-defined dithering threshold maps, but over multiple intensity levels, which can be different for different channels, according to the input arguments. thresholdMap: A string containing the name of the threshold dither map to use, followed by zero or more numbers representing the number of color levels tho dither between. Any level number less than 2 is equivalent to 2, and means only binary dithering will be applied to each color channel. No numbers also means a 2 level (bitmap) dither will be applied to all channels, while a single number is the number of levels applied to each channel in sequence. More numbers will be applied in turn to each of the color channels. For example: "o3x3,6" generates a 6 level posterization of the image with a ordered 3x3 diffused pixel dither being applied between each level. While checker,8,8,4 will produce a 332 colormaped image with only a single checkerboard hash pattern (50 grey) between each color level, to basically double the number of color levels with a bare minimim of dithering.
func (*MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) OrderedPosterizeImageChannel(channel ChannelType, thresholdMap string) error
Performs an ordered dither based on a number of pre-defined dithering threshold maps, but over multiple intensity levels, which can be different for different channels, according to the input arguments. thresholdMap: A string containing the name of the threshold dither map to use, followed by zero or more numbers representing the number of color levels tho dither between. Any level number less than 2 is equivalent to 2, and means only binary dithering will be applied to each color channel. No numbers also means a 2 level (bitmap) dither will be applied to all channels, while a single number is the number of levels applied to each channel in sequence. More numbers will be applied in turn to each of the color channels. For example: "o3x3,6" generates a 6 level posterization of the image with a ordered 3x3 diffused pixel dither being applied between each level. While checker,8,8,4 will produce a 332 colormaped image with only a single checkerboard hash pattern (50 grey) between each color level, to basically double the number of color levels with a bare minimim of dithering.
func (*MagickWand) PingImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PingImage(filename string) error
This is like ReadImage() except the only valid information returned is the image width, height, size, and format. It is designed to efficiently obtain this information from a file without reading the entire image sequence into memory.
func (*MagickWand) PingImageBlob ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PingImageBlob(blob []byte) error
Pings an image or image sequence from a blob.
func (*MagickWand) PingImageFile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PingImageFile(img *os.File) error
Pings an image or image sequence from an open file descriptor.
func (*MagickWand) PolaroidImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PolaroidImage(dw *DrawingWand, angle float64) error
Simulates a Polaroid picture.
func (*MagickWand) PosterizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PosterizeImage(levels uint, dither bool) error
Reduces the image to a limited number of color level.
levels: Number of color levels allowed in each channel. Very low values (2, 3, or 4) have the most visible effect.
dither: Set this integer value to something other than zero to dither the mapped image.
func (*MagickWand) PreviewImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PreviewImages(preview PreviewType) *MagickWand
Tiles 9 thumbnails of the specified image with an image processing operation applied at varying strengths. This helpful to quickly pin-point an appropriate parameter for an image processing operation.
func (*MagickWand) PreviousImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) PreviousImage() bool
Sets the previous image in the wand as the current image. It is typically used after SetLastIterator(), after which its first use will set the last image as the current image (unless the wand is empty). It will return false when no more images are left to be returned which happens when the wand is empty, or the current image is the first image. At that point the iterator is than reset to again process images in the forward direction, again starting with the first image in list. Images added at this point are prepended. Also at that point any images added to the wand using AddImages() or ReadImages() will be prepended before the first image. In this sense the condition is not quite exactly the same as ResetIterator().
func (*MagickWand) ProfileImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ProfileImage(name string, profile []byte) error
Adds or removes a ICC, IPTC, or generic profile from an image. If the profile is empty, it is removed from the image otherwise added. Use a name of '*' and an empty profile to remove all profiles from the image.
name: Name of profile to add or remove: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.
func (*MagickWand) QuantizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QuantizeImage(numColors uint, colorspace ColorspaceType, treedepth uint, dither bool, measureError bool) error
Analyzes the colors within a reference image and chooses a fixed number of colors to represent the image. The goal of the algorithm is to minimize the color difference between the input and output image while minimizing the processing time.
numColors: the number of colors.
colorspace: Perform color reduction in this colorspace, typically RGBColorspace.
treedepth: Normally, this integer value is zero or one. A zero or one tells Quantize to choose a optimal tree depth of Log4(number_colors). A tree of this depth generally allows the best representation of the reference image with the least amount of memory and the fastest computational speed. In some cases, such as an image with low color dispersion (a few number of colors), a value other than Log4(number_colors) is required. To expand the color tree completely, use a value of 8.
dither: A value other than zero distributes the difference between an original image and the corresponding color reduced image to neighboring pixels along a Hilbert curve.
measureError: A value other than zero measures the difference between the original and quantized images. This difference is the total quantization error. The error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized value.
func (*MagickWand) QuantizeImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QuantizeImages(numColors uint, colorspace ColorspaceType, treedepth uint, dither bool, measureError bool) error
Analyzes the colors within a sequence of images and chooses a fixed number of colors to represent the image. The goal of the algorithm is to minimize the color difference between the input and output image while minimizing the processing time.
numColors: the number of colors.
colorspace: Perform color reduction in this colorspace, typically RGBColorspace.
treedepth: Normally, this integer value is zero or one. A zero or one tells Quantize to choose a optimal tree depth of Log4(number_colors). A tree of this depth generally allows the best representation of the reference image with the least amount of memory and the fastest computational speed. In some cases, such as an image with low color dispersion (a few number of colors), a value other than Log4(number_colors) is required. To expand the color tree completely, use a value of 8.
dither: A value other than zero distributes the difference between an original image and the corresponding color reduced image to neighboring pixels along a Hilbert curve.
measureError: A value other than zero measures the difference between the original and quantized images. This difference is the total quantization error. The error is computed by summing over all pixels in an image the distance squared in RGB space between each reference pixel value and its quantized value.
func (*MagickWand) QueryConfigureOption ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryConfigureOption(option string) (string, error)
Returns the value associated with the specified configure option
func (*MagickWand) QueryConfigureOptions ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryConfigureOptions(pattern string) (options []string)
Returns any configure options that match the specified pattern (e.g. "*" for all). Options include NAME, VERSION, LIB_VERSION, etc
func (*MagickWand) QueryFontMetrics ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFontMetrics(dw *DrawingWand, textLine string) *FontMetrics
Returns a FontMetrics struct
func (*MagickWand) QueryFonts ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFonts(pattern string) (fonts []string)
Returns any font that match the specified pattern (e.g. "*" for all)
func (*MagickWand) QueryFormats ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryFormats(pattern string) (formats []string)
Returns any supported image format that match the specified pattern (e.g. "*" for all)
func (*MagickWand) QueryMultilineFontMetrics ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) QueryMultilineFontMetrics(dw *DrawingWand, textParagraph string) *FontMetrics
Returns a FontMetrics struct related to the multiline text
func (*MagickWand) RadialBlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RadialBlurImage(angle float64) error
Radial blurs an image.
angle: the angle of the blur in degrees.
func (*MagickWand) RadialBlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RadialBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, angle float64) error
Radial blurs an image's channel
angle: the angle of the blur in degrees.
func (*MagickWand) RaiseImage ¶
Creates a simulated three-dimensional button-like effect by lightening and darkening the edges of the image. Members width and height of raise_info define the width of the vertical and horizontal edge of the effect. width,
height, x, y: Define the dimensions of the area to raise.
raise: A value other than zero creates a 3-D raise effect, otherwise it has a lowered effect.
func (*MagickWand) RandomThresholdImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RandomThresholdImage(low, high float64) error
Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold. The result is a high-contrast, two color image.
low, high: Specify the high and low thresholds. These values range from 0 to QuantumRange.
func (*MagickWand) RandomThresholdImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RandomThresholdImageChannel(channel ChannelType, low, high float64) error
Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold. The result is a high-contrast, two color image.
low, high: Specify the high and low thresholds. These values range from 0 to QuantumRange.
func (*MagickWand) ReadImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImage(filename string) error
Reads an image or image sequence. The images are inserted at the current image pointer position. Use SetFirstIterator(), SetLastIterator, or SetImageIndex() to specify the current image pointer position at the beginning of the image list, the end, or anywhere in-between respectively.
func (*MagickWand) ReadImageBlob ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImageBlob(blob []byte) error
Reads an image or image sequence from a blob.
func (*MagickWand) ReadImageFile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ReadImageFile(img *os.File) error
Reads an image or image sequence from an open file descriptor.
func (*MagickWand) RemapImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RemapImage(remap *MagickWand, method DitherMethod) error
Replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.
method: choose from these dither methods: NoDitherMethod, RiemersmaDitherMethod, or FloydSteinbergDitherMethod.
func (*MagickWand) RemoveImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RemoveImage() error
Removes an image from the image list.
func (*MagickWand) RemoveImageProfile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RemoveImageProfile(name string) []byte
Removes the named image profile and returns it.
name: name of profile to return: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.
func (*MagickWand) ResampleImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ResampleImage(xRes, yRes float64, filter FilterType, blur float64) error
Resample image to desired resolution.
xRes/yRes: the new image x/y resolution.
filter: Image filter to use.
blur: the blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp.
func (*MagickWand) ResetImagePage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ResetImagePage(page string) error
Resets the Wand page canvas and position. page: the relative page specification.
func (*MagickWand) ResetIterator ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ResetIterator()
This method resets the wand iterator. It is typically used either before iterating though images, or before calling specific methods such as AppendImages() to append all images together. Afterward you can use NextImage() to iterate over all the images in a wand container, starting with the first image. Using this before AddImages() or ReadImages() will cause new images to be inserted between the first and second image.
func (*MagickWand) ResizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ResizeImage(cols, rows uint, filter FilterType, blur float64) error
Scales an image to the desired dimensions
cols: the number of cols in the scaled image.
rows: the number of rows in the scaled image.
filter: Image filter to use.
blur: the blur factor where > 1 is blurry, < 1 is sharp.
func (*MagickWand) RollImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RollImage(x, y int) error
Offsets an image as defined by x and y.
x: the x offset.
y: the y offset.
func (*MagickWand) RotateImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) RotateImage(background *PixelWand, degrees float64) error
Rotates an image the specified number of degrees. Empty triangles left over from rotating the image are filled with the background color.
background: the background pixel wand.
degrees: the number of degrees to rotate the image.
func (*MagickWand) SampleImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SampleImage(cols, rows uint) error
Scales an image to the desired dimensions with pixel sampling. Unlike other scaling methods, this method does not introduce any additional color into the scaled image.
func (*MagickWand) ScaleImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ScaleImage(cols, rows uint) error
Scales the size of an image to the given dimensions.
func (*MagickWand) SegmentImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SegmentImage(colorspace ColorspaceType, verbose bool, clusterThreshold, smoothThreshold float64) error
Segments an image by analyzing the histograms of the color components and identifying units that are homogeneous with the fuzzy C-means technique.
verbose: set to true to print detailed information about the identified classes.
clusterThreshold: this represents the minimum number of pixels contained in a hexahedra before it can be considered valid (expressed as a percentage).
smoothThreshold: the smoothing threshold eliminates noise in the second derivative of the histogram. As the value is increased, you can expect a smoother second derivative.
func (*MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImage(radius, sigma, threshold float64) error
Selectively blur an image within a contrast threshold. It is similar to the unsharpen mask that sharpens everything with contrast above a certain threshold.
radius: the radius of the gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the gaussian, in pixels.
threshold: only pixels within this contrast threshold are included in the blur operation.
func (*MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SelectiveBlurImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, threshold float64) error
Selectively blur an image's channel within a contrast threshold. It is similar to the unsharpen mask that sharpens everything with contrast above a certain threshold.
radius: the radius of the gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the gaussian, in pixels.
threshold: only pixels within this contrast threshold are included in the blur operation.
func (*MagickWand) SeparateImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SeparateImageChannel(channel ChannelType) error
Separates a channel from the image and returns a grayscale image. A channel is a particular color component of each pixel in the image.
func (*MagickWand) SepiaToneImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SepiaToneImage(threshold float64) error
Applies a special effect to the image, similar to the effect achieved in a photo darkroom by sepia toning. Threshold ranges from 0 to QuantumRange and is a measure of the extent of the sepia toning. A threshold of 80 is a good starting point for a reasonable tone.
threshold: Define the extent of the sepia toning.
func (*MagickWand) SetAntialias ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetAntialias(antialias bool) error
Sets the antialias propery of the wand.
func (*MagickWand) SetBackgroundColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetBackgroundColor(background *PixelWand) error
Sets the wand background color.
func (*MagickWand) SetColorspace ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
Sets the wand colorspace type.
func (*MagickWand) SetCompression ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetCompression(compression CompressionType) error
Sets the wand compression type.
func (*MagickWand) SetCompressionQuality ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetCompressionQuality(quality uint) error
Sets the wand compression quality.
func (*MagickWand) SetDepth ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetDepth(depth uint) error
Sets the wand pixel depth.
func (*MagickWand) SetExtract ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetExtract(geometry string) error
Sets the extract geometry before you read or write an image file. Use it for inline cropping (e.g. 200x200+0+0) or resizing (e.g.200x200).
func (*MagickWand) SetFilename ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetFilename(filename string) error
Sets the filename before you read or write an image file.
func (*MagickWand) SetFirstIterator ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetFirstIterator()
This method sets the wand iterator to the first image. After using any images added to the wand using AddImage() or ReadImage() will be prepended before any image in the wand. Also the current image has been set to the first image (if any) in the MagickWand. Using NextImage() will then set the current image to the second image in the list (if present). This operation is similar to ResetIterator() but differs in how AddImage(), ReadImage(), and NextImage() behaves afterward.
func (*MagickWand) SetFont ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetFont(font string) error
Sets the font associated with the MagickWand.
func (*MagickWand) SetFormat ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetFormat(format string) error
Sets the format of the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) SetGravity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetGravity(gtype GravityType) error
Sets the gravity type.
func (*MagickWand) SetImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImage(source *MagickWand) error
Replaces the last image returned by SetImageIndex(), NextImage(), PreviousImage() with the images from the specified wand.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageAlphaChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageAlphaChannel(act AlphaChannelType) error
Activates, deactivates, resets, or sets the alpha channel.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageArtifact ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageArtifact(artifact, value string) error
Associates a artifact with an image.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageBackgroundColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBackgroundColor(background *PixelWand) error
Sets the image background color.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageBias ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBias(bias float64) error
Sets the image bias for any method that convolves an image (e.g. ConvolveImage()).
func (*MagickWand) SetImageBluePrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBluePrimary(x, y float64) error
Sets the image chromaticity blue primary point.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageBorderColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageBorderColor(border *PixelWand) error
Sets the image border color.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageChannelDepth ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageChannelDepth(channel ChannelType, depth uint) error
Sets the depth of a particular image channel.
depth: the image depth in bits.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageClipMask ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageClipMask(clipmask *MagickWand) error
Sets image clip mask.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColor(color *PixelWand) error
Set the entire wand canvas to the specified color.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageColormapColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColormapColor(index uint, color *PixelWand) error
Sets the color of the specified colormap index.
index: the offset into the image colormap.
color: return the colormap color in this wand.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageColorspace ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
Sets the image colorspace.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageCompose ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompose(compose CompositeOperator) error
Sets the image composite operator, useful for specifying how to composite / the image thumbnail when using the MontageImage() method.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageCompression ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompression(compression CompressionType) error
Sets the image compression.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageCompressionQuality ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageCompressionQuality(quality uint) error
Sets the image compression quality.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageDelay ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDelay(delay uint) error
Sets the image delay.
delay: the image delay in ticks-per-second units.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageDepth ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDepth(depth uint) error
Sets the image depth.
depth: the image depth in bits: 8, 16, or 32.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageDispose ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageDispose(dispose DisposeType) error
Sets the image disposal method.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageEndian ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageEndian(endian EndianType) error
Sets the image endian method.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageExtent ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageExtent(cols, rows uint) error
Sets the image size (i.e. cols & rows).
cols: The image width in pixels.
rows: The image height in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageFilename ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFilename(filename string) error
Sets the filename of a particular image in a sequence.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageFormat ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFormat(format string) error
Sets the format of a particular image in a sequence.
format: the image format.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageFuzz ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageFuzz(fuzz float64) error
Sets the image fuzz.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageGamma ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGamma(gamma float64) error
Sets the image gamma.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageGravity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGravity(gravity GravityType) error
Sets the image gravity type.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageGreenPrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageGreenPrimary(x, y float64) error
Sets the image chromaticity green primary point.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageInterlaceScheme ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageInterlaceScheme(interlace InterlaceType) error
Sets the image interlace scheme.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageInterpolateMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageInterpolateMethod(method InterpolatePixelMethod) error
Sets the image interpolate pixel method.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageIterations ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageIterations(iterations uint) error
Sets the image iterations.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageMatte ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageMatte(matte bool) error
Sets the image matte channel.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageMatteColor ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageMatteColor(matte *PixelWand) error
Sets the image matte color.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageOpacity ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageOpacity(alpha float64) error
Sets the image to the specified opacity level.
alpha: the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageOrientation ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageOrientation(orientation OrientationType) error
Sets the image orientation.
func (*MagickWand) SetImagePage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImagePage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Sets the page geometry of the image.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageProfile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageProfile(name string, profile []byte) error
Adds a named profile to the magick wand. If a profile with the same name already exists, it is replaced. This method differs from the ProfileImage() method in that it does not apply any CMS color profiles.
name: Name of profile to add or remove: ICC, IPTC, or generic profile.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageProperty ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageProperty(property, value string) error
Associates a property with an image. Note: Which properties are persisted(file write, byte slice) depends on the writer for the used file format respectively. Refer to the ImageMagick documention and source for more specific information.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageRedPrimary ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageRedPrimary(x, y float64) error
Sets the image chromaticity red primary point.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageRenderingIntent ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageRenderingIntent(ri RenderingIntent) error
Sets the image rendering intent.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageResolution ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
Sets the image resolution.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageScene ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageScene(scene uint) error
Sets the image scene.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageTicksPerSecond ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageTicksPerSecond(tps int) error
Sets the image ticks-per-second.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageType ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageType(imgtype ImageType) error
Sets the image type.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageUnits ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageUnits(units ResolutionType) error
Sets the image units of resolution.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageVirtualPixelMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageVirtualPixelMethod(method VirtualPixelMethod) VirtualPixelMethod
Sets the image virtual pixel method.
func (*MagickWand) SetImageWhitePoint ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetImageWhitePoint(x, y float64) error
Sets the image chromaticity white point.
func (*MagickWand) SetInterlaceScheme ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetInterlaceScheme(scheme InterlaceType) error
Sets the image interlacing scheme
func (*MagickWand) SetInterpolateMethod ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetInterpolateMethod(method InterpolatePixelMethod) error
Sets the interpolate pixel method.
func (*MagickWand) SetIteratorIndex ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetIteratorIndex(index int) bool
This method set the iterator to the given position in the image list specified with the index parameter. A zero index will set the first image as current, and so on. Negative indexes can be used to specify an image relative to the end of the images in the wand, with -1 being the last image in the wand. If the index is invalid (range too large for number of images in wand) the function will return false. In that case the current image will not change. After using any images added to the wand using AddImage() or ReadImage() will be added after the image indexed, regardless of if a zero (first image in list) or negative index (from end) is used. Jumping to index 0 is similar to ResetIterator() but differs in how NextImage() behaves afterward.
func (*MagickWand) SetLastIterator ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetLastIterator()
SetLastIterator() sets the wand iterator to the last image. The last image is actually the current image, and the next use of PreviousImage() will not change this allowing this function to be used to iterate over the images in the reverse direction. In this sense it is more like ResetIterator() than SetFirstIterator(). Typically this function is used before AddImage(), ReadImage() functions to ensure new images are appended to the very end of wand's image list.
func (*MagickWand) SetOption ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetOption(key, value string) error
Associates one or options with the wand (.e.g SetOption(wand, "jpeg:perserve", "yes")).
func (*MagickWand) SetOrientation ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetOrientation(orientation OrientationType) error
Sets the wand orientation type.
func (*MagickWand) SetPage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetPage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Sets the page geometry of the magick wand.
func (*MagickWand) SetPassphrase ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetPassphrase(passphrase string) error
Sets the passphrase.
func (*MagickWand) SetPointsize ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetPointsize(pointSize float64) error
Sets the font pointsize associated with the MagickWand.
func (*MagickWand) SetResolution ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetResolution(xRes, yRes float64) error
Sets the image resolution.
func (*MagickWand) SetResourceLimit ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetResourceLimit(rtype ResourceType, limit int64) error
Sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes.
func (*MagickWand) SetSamplingFactors ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetSamplingFactors(samplingFactors []float64) error
Sets the image sampling factors.
samplingFactors: An array of floats representing the sampling factor for each color component (in RGB order).
func (*MagickWand) SetSize ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetSize(cols, rows uint) error
Sets the size of the magick wand. Set it before you read a raw image format such as RGB, GRAY, or CMYK.
func (*MagickWand) SetSizeOffset ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetSizeOffset(cols, rows uint, offset int) error
Sets the size and offset of the magick wand. Set it before you read a raw image format such as RGB, GRAY, or CMYK.
func (*MagickWand) SetType ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SetType(itype ImageType) error
Sets the image type attribute.
func (*MagickWand) ShadeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ShadeImage(gray bool, azimuth, elevation float64) error
Shines a distant light on an image to create a three-dimensional effect. You control the positioning of the light with azimuth and elevation; azimuth is measured in degrees off the x axis and elevation is measured in pixels above the Z axis.
gray: if true, shades the intensity of each pixel.
azimuth, elevation: define the light source direction.
func (*MagickWand) ShadowImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ShadowImage(opacity, sigma float64, x, y int) error
Simulates an image shadow.
opacity: percentage transparency.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
x: the shadow x-offset.
y: the shadow y-offset.
func (*MagickWand) SharpenImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SharpenImage(radius, sigma float64) error
Sharpens an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and SharpenImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) SharpenImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SharpenImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma float64) error
Sharpens an image's channel. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, the radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and SharpenImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
func (*MagickWand) ShaveImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ShaveImage(cols, rows uint) error
Shaves pixels from the image edges. It allocates the memory necessary for the new Image structure and returns a pointer to the new image.
func (*MagickWand) ShearImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ShearImage(background *PixelWand, xShear, yShear float64) error
Slides one edge of an image along the X or Y axis, creating a parallelogram. An X direction shear slides an edge along the X axis, while a Y direction shear slides an edge along the Y axis. The amount of the shear is controlled by a shear angle. For X direction shears, xShear is measured relative to the Y axis, and similarly, for Y direction shears yShear is measured relative to the X axis. Empty triangles left over from shearing the image are filled with the background color.
func (*MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImage(sharpen bool, alpha, beta float64) error
Adjusts the contrast of an image with a non-linear sigmoidal contrast algorithm. Increase the contrast of the image using a sigmoidal transfer function without saturating highlights or shadows. Contrast indicates how much to increase the contrast (0 is none; 3 is typical; 20 is pushing it); mid-point indicates where midtones fall in the resultant image (0 is white; 50 is middle-gray; 100 is black). Set sharpen to true to increase the image contrast otherwise the contrast is reduced.
sharpen: Increase or decrease image contrast.
alpha: strength of the contrast, the larger the number the more 'threshold-like' it becomes.
beta: midpoint of the function as a color value 0 to QuantumRange.
func (*MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SigmoidalContrastImageChannel(channel ChannelType, sharpen bool, alpha, beta float64) error
Adjusts the contrast of an image's channel with a non-linear sigmoidal contrast algorithm. Increase the contrast of the image using a sigmoidal transfer function without saturating highlights or shadows. Contrast indicates how much to increase the contrast (0 is none; 3 is typical; 20 is pushing it); mid-point indicates where midtones fall in the resultant image (0 is white; 50 is middle-gray; 100 is black). Set sharpen to true to increase the image contrast otherwise the contrast is reduced.
sharpen: Increase or decrease image contrast.
alpha: strength of the contrast, the larger the number the more 'threshold-like' it becomes.
beta: midpoint of the function as a color value 0 to QuantumRange.
func (*MagickWand) SimilarityImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SimilarityImage(reference *MagickWand) (offset *RectangleInfo, similarity float64, area *MagickWand)
Compares the reference image of the image and returns the best match offset. In addition, it returns a similarity image such that an exact match location is completely white and if none of the pixels match, black, otherwise some gray level in-between.
reference: the reference wand.
offset: the best match offset of the reference image within the image.
similarity: the computed similarity between the images.
func (*MagickWand) SketchImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SketchImage(radius, sigma, angle float64) error
Simulates a pencil sketch. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and SketchImage() selects a suitable radius for you. Angle gives the angle of the blurring motion.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
angle: Apply the effect along this angle.
func (*MagickWand) SmushImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SmushImages(stack bool, offset int) *MagickWand
Takes all images from the current image pointer to the end of the image list and smushs them to each other top-to-bottom if the stack parameter is true, otherwise left-to-right.
stack: by default, images are stacked left-to-right. Set stack to true to stack them top-to-bottom.
offset: minimum distance in pixels between images.
func (*MagickWand) SolarizeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SolarizeImage(threshold float64) error
Applies a special effect to the image, similar to the effect achieved in a photo darkroom by selectively exposing areas of photo sensitive paper to light. Threshold ranges from 0 to QuantumRange and is a measure of the extent of the solarization.
threshold: define the extent of the solarization.
func (*MagickWand) SparseColorImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SparseColorImage(channel ChannelType, method SparseColorMethod, arguments []float64) error
Given a set of coordinates, interpolates the colors found at those coordinates, across the whole image, using various methods.
method: the method of image sparseion. ArcSparseColorion will always ignore source image offset, and always 'bestfit' the destination image with the top left corner offset relative to the polar mapping center. Bilinear has no simple inverse mapping so will not allow 'bestfit' style of image sparseion. Affine, Perspective, and Bilinear, will do least squares fitting of the distortion when more than the minimum number of control point pairs are provided. Perspective, and Bilinear, will fall back to a Affine sparseion when less than 4 control point pairs are provided. While Affine sparseions will let you use any number of control point pairs, that is Zero pairs is a No-Op (viewport only) distortion, one pair is a translation and two pairs of control points will do a scale-rotate-translate, without any shearing.
arguments: the arguments for this sparseion method.
func (*MagickWand) SpliceImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SpliceImage(width, height uint, x, y int) error
Splices a solid color into the image.
func (*MagickWand) SpreadImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SpreadImage(radius float64) error
Is a special effects method that randomly displaces each pixel in a block defined by the radius parameter.
radius: Choose a random pixel in a neighborhood of this extent.
func (*MagickWand) StatisticImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) StatisticImage(stype StatisticType, width, height uint) error
Replace each pixel with corresponding statistic from the neighborhood of the specified width and height.
type: the statistic type (e.g. median, mode, etc.).
width: the width of the pixel neighborhood.
height: the height of the pixel neighborhood.
func (*MagickWand) StatisticImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) StatisticImageChannel(channel ChannelType, stype StatisticType, width, height uint) error
Replace each pixel with corresponding statistic from the neighborhood of the specified width and height.
type: the statistic type (e.g. median, mode, etc.).
width: the width of the pixel neighborhood.
height: the height of the pixel neighborhood.
func (*MagickWand) SteganoImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SteganoImage(watermark *MagickWand, offset int) *MagickWand
Hides a digital watermark within the image. Recover the hidden watermark later to prove that the authenticity of an image. Offset defines the start position within the image to hide the watermark.
offset: start hiding at this offset into the image.
func (*MagickWand) StereoImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) StereoImage(offset *MagickWand) *MagickWand
Composites two images and produces a single image that is the composite of a left and right image of a stereo pair.
func (*MagickWand) StripImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) StripImage() error
Strips an image of all profiles and comments.
func (*MagickWand) SwirlImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) SwirlImage(degrees float64) error
Swirls the pixels about the center of the image, where degrees indicates the sweep of the arc through which each pixel is moved. You get a more dramatic effect as the degrees move from 1 to 360.
degrees: define the tightness of the swirling effect.
func (*MagickWand) TextureImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TextureImage(texture *MagickWand) *MagickWand
Repeatedly tiles the texture image across and down the image canvas.
func (*MagickWand) ThresholdImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ThresholdImage(threshold float64) error
Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold. The result is a high-contrast, two color image.
threshold: define the threshold value.
func (*MagickWand) ThresholdImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ThresholdImageChannel(channel ChannelType, threshold float64) error
Changes the value of individual pixels based on the intensity of each pixel compared to threshold. The result is a high-contrast, two color image.
threshold: define the threshold value.
func (*MagickWand) ThumbnailImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) ThumbnailImage(cols, rows uint) error
Changes the size of an image to the given dimensions and removes any associated profiles. The goal is to produce small low cost thumbnail images suited for display on the Web.
func (*MagickWand) TintImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TintImage(tint, opacity *PixelWand) error
Applies a color vector to each pixel in the image. The length of the vector is 0 for black and white and at its maximum for the midtones. The vector weighting function is f(x)=(1-(4.0*((x-0.5)*(x-0.5)))).
tint: the tint pixel wand.
opacity: the opacity pixel wand.
func (*MagickWand) TransformImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TransformImage(crop string, geometry string) *MagickWand
Is a convenience method that behaves like ResizeImage() or CropImage() but accepts scaling and/or cropping information as a region geometry specification. If the operation fails, a NULL image handle is returned. crop: a crop geometry string. This geometry defines a subregion of the image to crop. geometry: an image geometry string. This geometry defines the final size of the image.
func (*MagickWand) TransformImageColorspace ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TransformImageColorspace(colorspace ColorspaceType) error
Transform the image colorspace, setting the images colorspace while transforming the images data to that colorspace.
func (*MagickWand) TransparentPaintImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TransparentPaintImage(target *PixelWand, alpha, fuzz float64, invert bool) error
Changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill.
alpha: the level of transparency: 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.
fuzz: by default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
invert: paint any pixel that does not match the target color.
func (*MagickWand) TransposeImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TransposeImage() error
Creates a vertical mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central x-axis while rotating them 90-degrees.
func (*MagickWand) TransverseImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TransverseImage() error
Creates a horizontal mirror image by reflecting the pixels around the central y-axis while rotating them 270-degrees.
func (*MagickWand) TrimImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) TrimImage(fuzz float64) error
Remove edges that are the background color from the image.
fuzz: by default target must match a particular pixel color exactly. However, in many cases two colors may differ by a small amount. The fuzz member of image defines how much tolerance is acceptable to consider two colors as the same. For example, set fuzz to 10 and the color red at intensities of 100 and 102 respectively are now interpreted as the same color for the purposes of the floodfill.
func (*MagickWand) UniqueImageColors ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) UniqueImageColors() error
Discards all but one of any pixel color.
func (*MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImage(radius, sigma, amount, threshold float64) error
Unsharpens an image. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and UnsharpMaskImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
amount: the percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back into the original.
threshold: the threshold in pixels needed to apply the diffence amount.
func (*MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImageChannel ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) UnsharpMaskImageChannel(channel ChannelType, radius, sigma, amount, threshold float64) error
Unsharpens an image's channel. We convolve the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and standard deviation (sigma). For reasonable results, radius should be larger than sigma. Use a radius of 0 and UnsharpMaskImage() selects a suitable radius for you.
radius: the radius of the Gaussian, in pixels, not counting the center pixel.
sigma: the standard deviation of the Gaussian, in pixels.
amount: the percentage of the difference between the original and the blur image that is added back into the original.
threshold: the threshold in pixels needed to apply the diffence amount.
func (*MagickWand) VignetteImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) VignetteImage(blackPoint, whitePoint float64, x, y int) error
Softens the edges of the image in vignette style.
x, y: define the x and y ellipse offset.
func (*MagickWand) WaveImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WaveImage(amplitude, wavelength float64) error
Creates a "ripple" effect in the image by shifting the pixels vertically along a sine wave whose amplitude and wavelength is specified by the given parameters.
amplitude, wavelength: Define the amplitude and wave length of the sine wave.
func (*MagickWand) WhiteThresholdImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WhiteThresholdImage(threshold *PixelWand) error
Is like ThresholdImage() but force all pixels above the threshold into white while leaving all pixels below the threshold unchanged.
func (*MagickWand) WriteImage ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImage(filename string) error
Writes an image to the specified filename.
func (*MagickWand) WriteImageFile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImageFile(out *os.File) error
Writes an image to an open file descriptor.
func (*MagickWand) WriteImages ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImages(filename string, adjoin bool) error
Writes an image or image sequence.
func (*MagickWand) WriteImagesFile ¶
func (mw *MagickWand) WriteImagesFile(out *os.File) error
Writes an image sequence to an open file descriptor.
type MagickWandException ¶
type MagickWandException struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MagickWandException) Error ¶
func (mwe *MagickWandException) Error() string
type MetricType ¶
type MetricType int
const ( METRIC_UNDEFINED MetricType = C.UndefinedMetric METRIC_ABSOLUTE_ERROR MetricType = C.AbsoluteErrorMetric METRIC_MEAN_ABSOLUTE_ERROR MetricType = C.MeanAbsoluteErrorMetric METRIC_MEAN_ERROR_PER_PIXEL MetricType = C.MeanErrorPerPixelMetric METRIC_MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR MetricType = C.MeanSquaredErrorMetric METRIC_PEAK_ABSOLUTE_ERROR MetricType = C.PeakAbsoluteErrorMetric METRIC_PEAK_SIGNAL_TO_NOISE_RATIO MetricType = C.PeakSignalToNoiseRatioMetric METRIC_ROOT_MEAN_SQUARED_ERROR MetricType = C.RootMeanSquaredErrorMetric METRIC_NORMALIZED_CROSS_CORRELATION_ERROR MetricType = C.NormalizedCrossCorrelationErrorMetric METRIC_FUZZ_ERROR MetricType = C.FuzzErrorMetric )
type MontageMode ¶
type MontageMode int
const ( MONTAGE_MODE_UNDEFINED MontageMode = C.UndefinedMode MONTAGE_MODE_FRAME MontageMode = C.FrameMode MONTAGE_MODE_UNFRAME MontageMode = C.UnframeMode MONTAGE_MODE_CONCATENATE MontageMode = C.ConcatenateMode )
type MorphologyMethod ¶
type MorphologyMethod int
const ( MORPHOLOGY_UNDEFINED MorphologyMethod = C.UndefinedMorphology MORPHOLOGY_CONVOLVE MorphologyMethod = C.ConvolveMorphology /* Weighted Sum with reflected kernel */ MORPHOLOGY_CORRELATE MorphologyMethod = C.CorrelateMorphology /* Weighted Sum using a sliding window */ MORPHOLOGY_ERODE MorphologyMethod = C.ErodeMorphology /* Minimum Value in Neighbourhood */ MORPHOLOGY_DILATE MorphologyMethod = C.DilateMorphology /* Maximum Value in Neighbourhood */ MORPHOLOGY_ERODE_INTENSITY MorphologyMethod = C.ErodeIntensityMorphology /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Erode */ MORPHOLOGY_DILATE_INTENSITY MorphologyMethod = C.DilateIntensityMorphology /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Dialate */ MORPHOLOGY_DISTANCE MorphologyMethod = C.DistanceMorphology /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */ MORPHOLOGY_OPEN MorphologyMethod = C.OpenMorphology /* Dilate then Erode */ MORPHOLOGY_CLOSE MorphologyMethod = C.CloseMorphology /* Erode then Dilate */ MORPHOLOGY_OPEN_INTENSITY MorphologyMethod = C.OpenIntensityMorphology /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Open */ MORPHOLOGY_CLOSE_INTENSITY MorphologyMethod = C.CloseIntensityMorphology /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Close */ MORPHOLOGY_SMOOTH MorphologyMethod = C.SmoothMorphology /* Open then Close */ MORPHOLOGY_EDGE_IN MorphologyMethod = C.EdgeInMorphology /* Dilate difference from Original */ MORPHOLOGY_EDGE_OUT MorphologyMethod = C.EdgeOutMorphology /* Erode difference from Original */ MORPHOLOGY_EDGE MorphologyMethod = C.EdgeMorphology /* Dilate difference with Erode */ MORPHOLOGY_TOP_HAT MorphologyMethod = C.TopHatMorphology /* Close difference from Original */ MORPHOLOGY_BOTTOM_HAT MorphologyMethod = C.BottomHatMorphology /* Open difference from Original */ MORPHOLOGY_HIT_AND_MISS MorphologyMethod = C.HitAndMissMorphology /* Foreground/Background pattern matching */ MORPHOLOGY_THINNING MorphologyMethod = C.ThinningMorphology /* Remove matching pixels from image */ MORPHOLOGY_THICKEN MorphologyMethod = C.ThickenMorphology /* Add matching pixels from image */ MORPHOLOGY_VORONOI MorphologyMethod = C.VoronoiMorphology /* distance matte channel copy nearest color */ MORPHOLOGY_ITERATIVE_DISTANCE MorphologyMethod = C.IterativeDistanceMorphology /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */ )
type NoiseType ¶
type NoiseType int
const ( NOISE_UNDEFINED NoiseType = C.UndefinedNoise NOISE_UNIFORM NoiseType = C.UniformNoise NOISE_GAUSSIAN NoiseType = C.GaussianNoise NOISE_MULTIPLICATIVE_GAUSSIAN NoiseType = C.MultiplicativeGaussianNoise NOISE_IMPULSE NoiseType = C.ImpulseNoise NOISE_LAPLACIAN NoiseType = C.LaplacianNoise NOISE_POISSON NoiseType = C.PoissonNoise NOISE_RANDOM NoiseType = C.RandomNoise )
type OrientationType ¶
type OrientationType int
const ( ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED OrientationType = C.UndefinedOrientation ORIENTATION_TOP_LEFT OrientationType = C.TopLeftOrientation ORIENTATION_TOP_RIGHT OrientationType = C.TopRightOrientation ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT OrientationType = C.BottomRightOrientation ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_LEFT OrientationType = C.BottomLeftOrientation ORIENTATION_LEFT_TOP OrientationType = C.LeftTopOrientation ORIENTATION_RIGHT_TOP OrientationType = C.RightTopOrientation ORIENTATION_RIGHT_BOTTOM OrientationType = C.RightBottomOrientation ORIENTATION_LEFT_BOTTOM OrientationType = C.LeftBottomOrientation )
type PaintMethod ¶
type PaintMethod int
const ( PAINT_METHOD_UNDEFINED PaintMethod = C.UndefinedMethod PAINT_METHOD_POINT PaintMethod = C.PointMethod PAINT_METHOD_REPLACE PaintMethod = C.ReplaceMethod PAINT_METHOD_FLOODFILL PaintMethod = C.FloodfillMethod PAINT_METHOD_FILLTOBORDER PaintMethod = C.FillToBorderMethod PAINT_METHOD_RESET PaintMethod = C.ResetMethod )
type PixelIterator ¶
type PixelIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PixelIterator) Clear ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) Clear()
Clear resources associated with a PixelIterator.
func (*PixelIterator) Clone ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) Clone() *PixelIterator
Makes an exact copy of the specified iterator.
func (*PixelIterator) DecreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (pi *PixelIterator) DecreaseCount()
Decrease DrawingWand ref counter and set according "can be terminated status"
func (*PixelIterator) Destroy ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) Destroy()
Deallocates resources associated with a PixelIterator.
func (*PixelIterator) GetCurrentIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) GetCurrentIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
Returns the current row as an array of pixel wands from the pixel iterator.
func (*PixelIterator) GetIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) GetIteratorRow() int
Returns the current pixel iterator row.
func (*PixelIterator) GetLastError ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) GetLastError() error
Returns the kind, reason and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API
func (*PixelIterator) GetNextIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) GetNextIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
Returns the next row as an array of pixel wands from the pixel iterator.
func (*PixelIterator) GetPreviousIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) GetPreviousIteratorRow() (pws []*PixelWand)
Returns the previous row as an array of pixel wands from the pixel iterator.
func (*PixelIterator) IncreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (pi *PixelIterator) IncreaseCount()
Increase PixelIterator ref counter and set according "can`t be terminated status"
func (*PixelIterator) IsVerified ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) IsVerified() bool
Returns true if the iterator is verified as a pixel iterator.
func (*PixelIterator) Reset ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) Reset()
Resets the pixel iterator. Use it in conjunction with GetNextIteratorRow() to iterate over all the pixels in a pixel container.
func (*PixelIterator) SetFirstIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) SetFirstIteratorRow()
Sets the pixel iterator to the first pixel row.
func (*PixelIterator) SetIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) SetIteratorRow(row int) error
Set the pixel iterator row.
func (*PixelIterator) SetLastIteratorRow ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) SetLastIteratorRow()
Sets the pixel iterator to the last pixel row.
func (*PixelIterator) SyncIterator ¶
func (pi *PixelIterator) SyncIterator() error
Syncs the pixel iterator.
type PixelIteratorException ¶
type PixelIteratorException struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PixelIteratorException) Error ¶
func (pie *PixelIteratorException) Error() string
type PixelPacket ¶
type PixelPacket struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PixelWand ¶
type PixelWand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PixelWand) DecreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (pw *PixelWand) DecreaseCount()
Decrease PixelWand ref counter and set according "can be terminated status"
func (*PixelWand) Destroy ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) Destroy()
Deallocates resources associated with a pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetAlphaQuantum ¶
Returns the alpha value of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetBlackQuantum ¶
Returns the black color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetBlueQuantum ¶
Returns the blue color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetColorAsNormalizedString ¶
Returns the normalized color of the pixel wand as string
func (*PixelWand) GetColorAsString ¶
Returns the color of the pixel wand as a string
func (*PixelWand) GetColorCount ¶
Returns the color count associated with this color
func (*PixelWand) GetCyanQuantum ¶
Returns the cyan color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetGreenQuantum ¶
Returns the green color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetIndex ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) GetIndex() IndexPacket
Returns the colormap index from the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetLastError ¶
Returns the kind, reason and description of any error that occurs when using other methods in this API
func (*PixelWand) GetMagenta ¶
Returns the normalized magenta color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetMagentaQuantum ¶
Returns the magenta color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetMagickColor ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) GetMagickColor() *MagickPixelPacket
Gets the magick color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetOpacity ¶
Returns the normalized opacity color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetOpacityQuantum ¶
Returns the opacity color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetQuantumColor ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) GetQuantumColor() *PixelPacket
Gets the color of the pixel wand as a PixelPacket
func (*PixelWand) GetRedQuantum ¶
Returns the red color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) GetYellowQuantum ¶
Returns the yellow color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) IncreaseCount ¶ added in v2.2.0
func (pw *PixelWand) IncreaseCount()
Increase PixelWand ref counter and set according "can`t be terminated status"
func (*PixelWand) IsSimilar ¶
Returns true if the distance between two colors is less than the specified distance
func (*PixelWand) IsVerified ¶
Returns true if the wand is verified as a pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetAlpha ¶
Sets the normalized alpha color of the pixel wand. 1.0 is fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent.
func (*PixelWand) SetAlphaQuantum ¶
Sets the alpha color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetBlackQuantum ¶
Sets the black color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetBlueQuantum ¶
Sets the blue color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetColor ¶
Sets the color of the pixel wand with a string (e.g. "blue", "#0000ff", "rgb(0,0,255)", "cmyk(100,100,100,10)", etc.)
func (*PixelWand) SetColorCount ¶
Sets the color count of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetColorFromWand ¶
Sets the color of the pixel wand from another one
func (*PixelWand) SetCyanQuantum ¶
Sets the cyan color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetGreenQuantum ¶
Sets the green color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetIndex ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) SetIndex(index *IndexPacket)
Sets the colormap index of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetMagenta ¶
Sets the normalized magenta color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetMagentaQuantum ¶
Sets the magenta color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetMagickColor ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) SetMagickColor(color *MagickPixelPacket)
Sets the color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetOpacity ¶
Sets the normalized opacity color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetOpacityQuantum ¶
Sets the opacity color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetQuantumColor ¶
func (pw *PixelWand) SetQuantumColor(color *PixelPacket)
Sets the color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetRedQuantum ¶
Sets the red color of the pixel wand
func (*PixelWand) SetYellowQuantum ¶
Sets the yellow color of the pixel wand
type PixelWandException ¶
type PixelWandException struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PixelWandException) Error ¶
func (pwe *PixelWandException) Error() string
type PreviewType ¶
type PreviewType int
const ( PREVIEW_UNDEFINED PreviewType = C.UndefinedPreview PREVIEW_ROTATE PreviewType = C.RotatePreview PREVIEW_SHEAR PreviewType = C.ShearPreview PREVIEW_ROLL PreviewType = C.RollPreview PREVIEW_HUE PreviewType = C.HuePreview PREVIEW_SATURATION PreviewType = C.SaturationPreview PREVIEW_BRIGHTNESS PreviewType = C.BrightnessPreview PREVIEW_GAMMA PreviewType = C.GammaPreview PREVIEW_SPIFF PreviewType = C.SpiffPreview PREVIEW_DULL PreviewType = C.DullPreview PREVIEW_GRAYSCALE PreviewType = C.GrayscalePreview PREVIEW_QUANTIZE PreviewType = C.QuantizePreview PREVIEW_DESPECKLE PreviewType = C.DespecklePreview PREVIEW_REDUCE_NOISE PreviewType = C.ReduceNoisePreview PREVIEW_ADD_NOISE PreviewType = C.AddNoisePreview PREVIEW_SHARPEN PreviewType = C.SharpenPreview PREVIEW_BLUR PreviewType = C.BlurPreview PREVIEW_THRESHOLD PreviewType = C.ThresholdPreview PREVIEW_EDGE_DETECT PreviewType = C.EdgeDetectPreview PREVIEW_SPREAD PreviewType = C.SpreadPreview PREVIEW_SOLARIZE PreviewType = C.SolarizePreview PREVIEW_SHADE PreviewType = C.ShadePreview PREVIEW_RAISE PreviewType = C.RaisePreview PREVIEW_SEGMENT PreviewType = C.SegmentPreview PREVIEW_SWIRL PreviewType = C.SwirlPreview PREVIEW_IMPLODE PreviewType = C.ImplodePreview PREVIEW_WAVE PreviewType = C.WavePreview PREVIEW_OIL_PAINT PreviewType = C.OilPaintPreview PREVIEW_CHARCOAL_DRAWING PreviewType = C.CharcoalDrawingPreview PREVIEW_JPEG PreviewType = C.JPEGPreview )
type RectangleInfo ¶
type RectangleInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RenderingIntent ¶
type RenderingIntent int
const ( RENDERING_INTENT_UNDEFINED RenderingIntent = C.UndefinedIntent RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION RenderingIntent = C.SaturationIntent RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL RenderingIntent = C.PerceptualIntent RENDERING_INTENT_ABSOLUTE RenderingIntent = C.AbsoluteIntent RENDERING_INTENT_RELATIVE RenderingIntent = C.RelativeIntent )
type ResolutionType ¶
type ResolutionType int
const ( RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED ResolutionType = C.UndefinedResolution RESOLUTION_PIXELS_PER_INCH ResolutionType = C.PixelsPerInchResolution RESOLUTION_PIXELS_PER_CENTIMETER ResolutionType = C.PixelsPerCentimeterResolution )
type ResourceType ¶
type ResourceType int
const ( RESOURCE_UNDEFINED ResourceType = C.UndefinedResource RESOURCE_AREA ResourceType = C.AreaResource RESOURCE_DISK ResourceType = C.DiskResource RESOURCE_FILE ResourceType = C.FileResource RESOURCE_MAP ResourceType = C.MapResource RESOURCE_MEMORY ResourceType = C.MemoryResource RESOURCE_THREAD ResourceType = C.ThreadResource RESOURCE_TIME ResourceType = C.TimeResource RESOURCE_THROTTLE ResourceType = C.ThrottleResource RESOURCE_WIDTH ResourceType = C.WidthResource RESOURCE_HEIGHT ResourceType = C.HeightResource )
type SparseColorMethod ¶
type SparseColorMethod int
const ( INTERPOLATE_UNDEFINED_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.UndefinedColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_BARYCENTRIC_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.BarycentricColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.BilinearColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_POLYNOMIAL_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.PolynomialColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_SHEPARDS_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.ShepardsColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_VORONOI_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.VoronoiColorInterpolate INTERPOLATE_INVERSE_COLOR SparseColorMethod = C.InverseColorInterpolate )
type SpreadMethod ¶ added in v2.6.0
type SpreadMethod int
const ( SPREAD_METHOD_UNDEFINED SpreadMethod = C.UndefinedGradient SPREAD_METHOD_PAD SpreadMethod = C.PadSpread SPREAD_METHOD_REFLECT SpreadMethod = C.ReflectSpread SPREAD_METHOD_REPEAT SpreadMethod = C.RepeatSpread )
type StatisticType ¶
type StatisticType int
const ( STATISTIC_UNDEFINED StatisticType = C.UndefinedStatistic STATISTIC_GRADIENT StatisticType = C.GradientStatistic STATISTIC_MAXIMUM StatisticType = C.MaximumStatistic STATISTIC_MEAN StatisticType = C.MeanStatistic STATISTIC_MEDIAN StatisticType = C.MedianStatistic STATISTIC_MINIMUM StatisticType = C.MinimumStatistic STATISTIC_MODE StatisticType = C.ModeStatistic STATISTIC_NONPEAK StatisticType = C.NonpeakStatistic STATISTIC_STANDARD_DEVIATION StatisticType = C.StandardDeviationStatistic )
type StorageType ¶
type StorageType int
const ( PIXEL_UNDEFINED StorageType = C.UndefinedPixel PIXEL_CHAR StorageType = C.CharPixel PIXEL_DOUBLE StorageType = C.DoublePixel PIXEL_FLOAT StorageType = C.FloatPixel PIXEL_INTEGER StorageType = C.IntegerPixel PIXEL_LONG StorageType = C.LongPixel PIXEL_QUANTUM StorageType = C.QuantumPixel PIXEL_SHORT StorageType = C.ShortPixel )
type StretchType ¶
type StretchType int
const ( STRETCH_UNDEFINED StretchType = C.UndefinedStretch STRETCH_NORMAL StretchType = C.NormalStretch STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED StretchType = C.UltraCondensedStretch STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED StretchType = C.ExtraCondensedStretch STRETCH_CONDENSED StretchType = C.CondensedStretch STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED StretchType = C.SemiCondensedStretch STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED StretchType = C.SemiExpandedStretch STRETCH_EXPANDED StretchType = C.ExpandedStretch STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED StretchType = C.ExtraExpandedStretch STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED StretchType = C.UltraExpandedStretch STRETCH_ANY StretchType = C.AnyStretch )
type StyleType ¶
type StyleType int
const ( STYLE_UNDEFINED StyleType = C.UndefinedStyle STYLE_NORMAL StyleType = C.NormalStyle STYLE_ITALIC StyleType = C.ItalicStyle STYLE_OBLIQUE StyleType = C.ObliqueStyle STYLE_ANYSTYLE StyleType = C.AnyStyle )
type VirtualPixelMethod ¶
type VirtualPixelMethod int
const ( VIRTUAL_PIXEL_UNDEFINED VirtualPixelMethod = C.UndefinedVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_BACKGROUND VirtualPixelMethod = C.BackgroundVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_CONSTANT VirtualPixelMethod = C.ConstantVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_DITHER VirtualPixelMethod = C.DitherVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_EDGE VirtualPixelMethod = C.EdgeVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_MIRROR VirtualPixelMethod = C.MirrorVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_RANDOM VirtualPixelMethod = C.RandomVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_TILE VirtualPixelMethod = C.TileVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_TRANSPARENT VirtualPixelMethod = C.TransparentVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_MASK VirtualPixelMethod = C.MaskVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_BLACK VirtualPixelMethod = C.BlackVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_GRAY VirtualPixelMethod = C.GrayVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_WHITE VirtualPixelMethod = C.WhiteVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_HORIZONTAL_TILE VirtualPixelMethod = C.HorizontalTileVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_VERTICAL_TILE VirtualPixelMethod = C.VerticalTileVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_HORIZONTAL_TILE_EDGE VirtualPixelMethod = C.HorizontalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_VERTICAL_TILE_EDGE VirtualPixelMethod = C.VerticalTileEdgeVirtualPixelMethod VIRTUAL_PIXEL_CHECKER_TILE VirtualPixelMethod = C.CheckerTileVirtualPixelMethod )
Source Files
- affine_matrix.go
- align_type.go
- alpha_channel_type.go
- channel_features.go
- channel_statistics.go
- channel_type.go
- clip_path_units.go
- colorspace_type.go
- composite_operator.go
- compression_type.go
- conversions.go
- decoration_type.go
- destroy.go
- dispose_type.go
- distort_image_method.go
- dither_method.go
- draw_info.go
- drawing_wand.go
- drawing_wand_exception.go
- endian_type.go
- evaluate_operator.go
- exception_info.go
- exception_type.go
- fill_rule.go
- filter_type.go
- font_metrics.go
- geometry_flags.go
- geometry_info.go
- gradient_type.go
- gravity_type.go
- image.go
- image_info.go
- image_layer_method.go
- image_type.go
- imagick.go
- index_packet.go
- interlace_type.go
- interpolate_pixel_method.go
- kernel_info.go
- kernel_info_type.go
- kernel_normalize_type.go
- line_cap.go
- line_join.go
- magick_core_env.go
- magick_function.go
- magick_pixel_packet.go
- magick_version.go
- magick_wand.go
- magick_wand_env.go
- magick_wand_exception.go
- magick_wand_image.go
- magick_wand_prop.go
- memory.go
- metric_type.go
- montage_mode.go
- morphology_method.go
- noise_type.go
- orientation_type.go
- paint_method.go
- pixel_iterator.go
- pixel_iterator_exception.go
- pixel_packet.go
- pixel_wand.go
- pixel_wand_exception.go
- point_info.go
- preview_type.go
- quantum.go
- rectangle_info.go
- rendering_intent.go
- resolution_type.go
- resource_type.go
- sparse_color_method.go
- spread_method.go
- statistic_type.go
- storage_type.go
- stretch_type.go
- style_type.go
- virtual_pixel_method.go