Allow for any custom renderers, by outputting an intermediate format ("AST");
Done, a flattened tree representation is generated;
As an example and proof of concept, a HTML renderer is provided;
Provide end-to-end mapping from input characters to the final parsed form
(this can make it useful e.g. for syntax-highlighting);
Partially done: fulfilled for blocks, still TODO for spans (I tried to
prepare for that, but it may well need API changes, so possibly this may
require creating a new version, i.e. vfmd.v2 or later);
Allow quick top-level-only parsing (e.g. to scan headers in order to build a
Table of Contents);
Pure Go;
Try to determine worst-case efficiency (and then maybe try to reduce it);
(Note: I think it should be possible to have it at least as good as
amortized O(nmk²), where n is number of lines, m is deepest
nesting level of blocks, and k is length of the longest paragraph (more
strictly, text span
But I absolutely haven't confirmed yet if the current code has such
efficiency characteristics.)
More detailed characteristics
Extensible syntax (thanks to the vfmd spec) ― both for block- and
span-level markup;
As an example, subpackage
provides some extensions from GitHub-flavored
strikethrough with ~~ and fenced code blocks with triple backtick. The
cmd/vfmd sample
application shows how to enable those (when executed with --github
TODO: add tables support from GH-flavored MD too.
Quite well-tested (thanks to the vfmd testsuite);
Does not support inline HTML (at least currently; this is arguably a
feature for some use cases, like desktop editors or comment systems);
Does not support inline HTML entities (like & etc.) ― Unicode should
make up for that;
TODO: the QuickHTML renderer does not currently filter URLs in links to
protect against e.g. JavaScript "bookmarklet" attacks;
FIXME: detect md.HardBreak tag for lines ending with " \n";
FIXME: godoc
FIXME: example in README
FIXME: add tests for GitHub-flavored Markdown extensions;
FIXME: true Region information in spans (vfmd.v2?)
TODO: make DefaultDetectors comparable?
TODO: add SmartyPants extensions (also, <a name="..." /> anchors if not there);