Overview ¶
Package Paint is the paint package for the GoGi render library. Renders to an image.RGBA using styles defined in GiSt styles.
Original rendering borrows heavily from: and has been integrated with which provides fully SVG compliant and fast rendering.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func FindEllipseCenter(rx, ry *float32, rotX, startX, startY, endX, endY float32, ...) (cx, cy float32)
- func FontAlts(fams string) (fns []string, serif, mono bool)
- func FontFaceName(fam string, str styles.FontStretch, wt styles.FontWeights, ...) string
- func FontSerifMonoGuess(fns []string) (serif, mono bool)
- func FontStyleCSS(fs *styles.FontRender, tag string, cssAgg map[string]any, unit *units.Context, ...) bool
- func NextRuneAt(str string, idx int) rune
- func OpenFont(fs *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context) styles.Font
- func OpenFontFace(name, path string, size int, strokeWidth int) (*styles.FontFace, error)
- func OpenGoFont(name, path string, size int, strokeWidth int) (*styles.FontFace, error)
- func SetHTMLSimpleTag(tag string, fs *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any) bool
- type FontInfo
- type FontLib
- func (fl *FontLib) AddFontPaths(paths ...string) bool
- func (fl *FontLib) DeleteFont(fontnm string)
- func (fl *FontLib) Font(fontnm string, size int) (*styles.FontFace, error)
- func (fl *FontLib) FontAvail(fontnm string) bool
- func (fl *FontLib) FontsAvailFromPath(path string) error
- func (fl *FontLib) GoFontsAvail()
- func (fl *FontLib) Init()
- func (fl *FontLib) InitFontPaths(paths ...string)
- func (fl *FontLib) OpenAllFonts(size int)
- func (fl *FontLib) UpdateFontsAvail() bool
- type GoFontInfo
- type Paint
- func (pc *Paint) AsMask(rs *State) *image.Alpha
- func (pc *Paint) BlurBox(rs *State, pos, size mat32.Vec2, blurRadius float32)
- func (pc *Paint) BoundingBox(rs *State, minX, minY, maxX, maxY float32) image.Rectangle
- func (pc *Paint) BoundingBoxFromPoints(rs *State, points []mat32.Vec2) image.Rectangle
- func (pc *Paint) Clear(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) ClearPath(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) Clip(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) ClipPreserve(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) ClosePath(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) CubicTo(rs *State, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawArc(rs *State, x, y, r, angle1, angle2 float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawBorder(rs *State, x, y, w, h float32, bs styles.Border)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawBox(rs *State, pos mat32.Vec2, sz mat32.Vec2, bs styles.Border)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawCircle(rs *State, x, y, r float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawEllipse(rs *State, x, y, rx, ry float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawEllipticalArc(rs *State, cx, cy, rx, ry, angle1, angle2 float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawEllipticalArcPath(rs *State, cx, cy, ocx, ocy, pcx, pcy, rx, ry, angle float32, ...) (lx, ly float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawImage(rs *State, fmIm image.Image, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawImageAnchored(rs *State, fmIm image.Image, x, y, ax, ay float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawImageScaled(rs *State, fmIm image.Image, x, y, w, h float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawLine(rs *State, x1, y1, x2, y2 float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawPolygon(rs *State, points []mat32.Vec2)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawPolygonPxToDots(rs *State, points []mat32.Vec2)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawPolyline(rs *State, points []mat32.Vec2)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawPolylinePxToDots(rs *State, points []mat32.Vec2)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawRectangle(rs *State, x, y, w, h float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawRegularPolygon(rs *State, n int, x, y, r, rotation float32)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawRoundedRectangle(rs *State, x, y, w, h float32, r styles.SideFloats)
- func (pc *Paint) DrawStdBox(rs *State, st *styles.Style, pos mat32.Vec2, sz mat32.Vec2, ...)
- func (pc *Paint) Fill(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) FillBox(rs *State, pos, size mat32.Vec2, clr *colors.Full)
- func (pc *Paint) FillBoxColor(rs *State, pos, size mat32.Vec2, clr color.Color)
- func (pc *Paint) FillPreserve(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) FillStrokeClear(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) Identity()
- func (pc *Paint) InvertY(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) LineTo(rs *State, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) MoveTo(rs *State, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) NewSubPath(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) QuadraticTo(rs *State, x1, y1, x2, y2 float32)
- func (pc *Paint) ResetClip(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) Rotate(angle float32)
- func (pc *Paint) RotateAbout(angle, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) Scale(x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) ScaleAbout(sx, sy, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) SetMask(rs *State, mask *image.Alpha) error
- func (pc *Paint) SetPixel(rs *State, x, y int)
- func (pc *Paint) Shear(x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) ShearAbout(sx, sy, x, y float32)
- func (pc *Paint) Stroke(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) StrokePreserve(rs *State)
- func (pc *Paint) StrokeWidth(rs *State) float32
- func (pc *Paint) TransformPoint(rs *State, x, y float32) mat32.Vec2
- func (pc *Paint) Translate(x, y float32)
- type Rune
- type Span
- func (sr *Span) AppendRune(r rune, face font.Face, clr, bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations)
- func (sr *Span) AppendString(str string, face font.Face, clr, bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations, ...)
- func (sr *Span) FindWrapPosLR(trgSize, curSize float32) int
- func (sr *Span) HasDecoUpdate(bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations)
- func (sr *Span) Init(capsz int)
- func (sr *Span) IsNewPara() bool
- func (sr *Span) IsValid() error
- func (sr *Span) LastFont() (face font.Face, color color.Color)
- func (sr *Span) RenderBg(rs *State, tpos mat32.Vec2)
- func (sr *Span) RenderLine(rs *State, tpos mat32.Vec2, deco styles.TextDecorations, ascPct float32)
- func (sr *Span) RenderUnderline(rs *State, tpos mat32.Vec2)
- func (sr *Span) RuneEndPos(idx int) mat32.Vec2
- func (sr *Span) RuneRelPos(idx int) mat32.Vec2
- func (sr *Span) SetNewPara()
- func (sr *Span) SetRenders(sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
- func (sr *Span) SetRunePosLR(letterSpace, wordSpace, chsz float32, tabSize int)
- func (sr *Span) SetRunePosTB(letterSpace, wordSpace, chsz float32, tabSize int)
- func (sr *Span) SetRunePosTBRot(letterSpace, wordSpace, chsz float32, tabSize int)
- func (sr *Span) SetRunes(str []rune, sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, ...)
- func (sr *Span) SetString(str string, sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, ...)
- func (sr *Span) SizeHV() mat32.Vec2
- func (sr *Span) SplitAtLR(idx int) *Span
- func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceLR()
- func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceLeftLR()
- func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceRightLR()
- func (sr *Span) ZeroPosLR()
- type State
- func (rs *State) BackupPaint()
- func (rs *State) Init(width, height int, img *image.RGBA)
- func (rs *State) Lock()
- func (rs *State) PopBounds()
- func (rs *State) PopClip()
- func (rs *State) PopXForm()
- func (rs *State) PopXFormLock()
- func (rs *State) PushBounds(b image.Rectangle)
- func (rs *State) PushClip()
- func (rs *State) PushXForm(xf mat32.Mat2)
- func (rs *State) PushXFormLock(xf mat32.Mat2)
- func (rs *State) RestorePaint()
- func (rs *State) Unlock()
- type Text
- func (tr *Text) InsertSpan(at int, ns *Span)
- func (tr *Text) LayoutStdLR(txtSty *styles.Text, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, ...) mat32.Vec2
- func (tr *Text) Render(rs *State, pos mat32.Vec2)
- func (tr *Text) RenderTopPos(rs *State, tpos mat32.Vec2)
- func (tx *Text) RuneEndPos(idx int) (pos mat32.Vec2, si, ri int, ok bool)
- func (tx *Text) RuneRelPos(idx int) (pos mat32.Vec2, si, ri int, ok bool)
- func (tx *Text) RuneSpanPos(idx int) (si, ri int, ok bool)
- func (tr *Text) SetHTML(str string, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetHTMLBytes(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetHTMLNoPre(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetHTMLPre(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetRunes(str []rune, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetString(str string, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tr *Text) SetStringRot90(str string, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, ...)
- func (tx *Text) SpanPosToRuneIdx(si, ri int) (idx int, ok bool)
- type TextLink
- type TextLinkHandlerFunc
- type URLHandlerFunc
Constants ¶
const MaxDx float32 = math.Pi / 8
MaxDx is the Maximum radians a cubic splice is allowed to span in ellipse parametric when approximating an off-axis ellipse.
Variables ¶
var FontExts = map[string]struct{}{
".ttf": {},
".ttc": {},
".otf": {},
var FontFallbacks = map[string]string{
"serif": "Times New Roman",
"times": "Times New Roman",
"Times New Roman": "Liberation Serif",
"Liberation Serif": "NotoSerif",
"sans-serif": "NotoSans",
"NotoSans": "Go",
"courier": "Courier",
"Courier": "Courier New",
"Courier New": "NotoSansMono",
"NotoSansMono": "Go Mono",
"monospace": "NotoSansMono",
"cursive": "Comic Sans",
"Comic Sans": "Comic Sans MS",
"fantasy": "Impact",
"Impact": "Impac",
FontFallbacks are a list of fallback fonts to try, at the basename level. Make sure there are no loops! Include Noto versions of everything in this because they have the most stretch options, so they should be in the mix if they have been installed, and include "Go" options last.
var FontInfoExample = "AaBbCcIiPpQq12369$€¢?.:/()àáâãäåæç日本中国⇧⌘"
FontInfoExample is example text to demonstrate fonts -- from Inkscape plus extra
var FontPaths = []string{"/usr/share/fonts/truetype"}
FontPaths contains the filepaths in which fonts are stored for the current platform.
var GoFonts = map[string]GoFontInfo{ "gofont/goregular": {"Go", goregular.TTF}, "gofont/gobold": {"Go Bold", gobold.TTF}, "gofont/gobolditalic": {"Go Bold Italic", gobolditalic.TTF}, "gofont/goitalic": {"Go Italic", goitalic.TTF}, "gofont/gomedium": {"Go Medium", gomedium.TTF}, "gofont/gomediumitalic": {"Go Medium Italic", gomediumitalic.TTF}, "gofont/gomono": {"Go Mono", gomono.TTF}, "gofont/gomonobold": {"Go Mono Bold", gomonobold.TTF}, "gofont/gomonobolditalic": {"Go Mono Bold Italic", gomonobolditalic.TTF}, "gofont/gomonoitalic": {"Go Mono Italic", gomonoitalic.TTF}, "gofont/gosmallcaps": {"Go Small Caps", gosmallcaps.TTF}, "gofont/gosmallcapsitalic": {"Go Small Caps Italic", gosmallcapsitalic.TTF}, }
var TextFontRenderMu sync.Mutex
TextFontRenderMu mutex is required because multiple different goroutines associated with different windows can (and often will be) call font stuff at the same time (curFace.GlyphAdvance, rendering font) at the same time, on the same font face -- and that turns out not to work!
var URLHandler = func(url string) bool { return false }
URLHandler is used to handle URL links, if non-nil -- set this to your own handler to process URL's, depending on TextLinkHandler -- the default version of this function just calls oswin.TheApp.OpenURL -- setting this to nil will prevent any links from being open that way, and your own function will have full responsibility for links if set (i.e., the return value is ignored)
Functions ¶
func FindEllipseCenter ¶
func FindEllipseCenter(rx, ry *float32, rotX, startX, startY, endX, endY float32, sweep, largeArc bool) (cx, cy float32)
FindEllipseCenter locates the center of the Ellipse if it exists. If it does not exist, the radius values will be increased minimally for a solution to be possible while preserving the rx to rb ratio. rx and rb arguments are pointers that can be checked after the call to see if the values changed. This method uses coordinate transformations to reduce the problem to finding the center of a circle that includes the origin and an arbitrary point. The center of the circle is then transformed back to the original coordinates and returned.
func FontAlts ¶
FontAlts generates a list of all possible alternative fonts that actually exist in font library for a list of font families, and a guess as to whether the font is a serif (vs sans) or monospaced (vs proportional) font. Only deals with base names.
func FontFaceName ¶
func FontFaceName(fam string, str styles.FontStretch, wt styles.FontWeights, sty styles.FontStyles) string
FontFaceName returns the best full FaceName to use for the given font family(ies) (comma separated) and modifier parameters
func FontSerifMonoGuess ¶
FontSerifMonoGuess looks at a list of alternative font names and tires to guess if the font is a serif (vs sans) or monospaced (vs proportional) font.
func FontStyleCSS ¶
func FontStyleCSS(fs *styles.FontRender, tag string, cssAgg map[string]any, unit *units.Context, ctxt colors.Context) bool
FontStyleCSS looks for "tag" name props in cssAgg props, and applies those to style if found, and returns true -- false if no such tag found
func NextRuneAt ¶
NextRuneAt returns the next rune starting from given index -- could be at that index or some point thereafter -- returns utf8.RuneError if no valid rune could be found -- this should be a standard function!
func OpenFont ¶
OpenFont loads the font specified by the font style from the font library. This is the primary method to use for loading fonts, as it uses a robust fallback method to finding an appropriate font, and falls back on the builtin Go font as a last resort. It returns the font style object with Face set to the resulting font. The font size is always rounded to nearest integer, to produce better-looking results (presumably). The current metrics and given unit.Context are updated based on the properties of the font.
func OpenFontFace ¶
OpenFontFace loads a font file at given path, with given raw size in display dots, and if strokeWidth is > 0, the font is drawn in outline form (stroked) instead of filled (supported in SVG). loadFontMu must be locked prior to calling
func OpenGoFont ¶
func SetHTMLSimpleTag ¶
func SetHTMLSimpleTag(tag string, fs *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any) bool
SetHTMLSimpleTag sets the styling parameters for simple html style tags that only require updating the given font spec values -- returns true if handled
Types ¶
type FontInfo ¶
type FontInfo struct { // official regularized name of font Name string // stretch: normal, expanded, condensed, etc Stretch styles.FontStretch `xml:"stretch"` // weight: normal, bold, etc Weight styles.FontWeights `xml:"weight"` // style -- normal, italic, etc Style styles.FontStyles `xml:"style"` // example text -- styled according to font params in chooser Example string }
FontInfo contains basic font information for choosing a given font -- displayed in the font chooser dialog.
type FontLib ¶
type FontLib struct { // list of font paths to search for fonts FontPaths []string // map of font name to path to file FontsAvail map[string]string // information about each font -- this list should be used for selecting valid regularized font names FontInfo []FontInfo // double-map of cached fonts, by font name and then integer font size within that Faces map[string]map[int]*styles.FontFace }
FontLib holds the fonts available in a font library. The font name is regularized so that the base "Regular" font is the root term of a sequence of other font names that describe the stretch, weight, and style, e.g., "Arial" as the base name, "Arial Bold", "Arial Bold Italic" etc. Thus, each font name specifies a particular font weight and style. When fonts are loaded into the library, the names are appropriately regularized.
var FontLibrary FontLib
FontLibrary is the gi font library, initialized from fonts available on font paths
func (*FontLib) AddFontPaths ¶
func (*FontLib) DeleteFont ¶
DeleteFont removes given font from list of available fonts -- if not supported etc
func (*FontLib) Font ¶
Font gets a particular font, specified by the official regularized font name (see FontsAvail list), at given dots size (integer), using a cache of loaded fonts.
func (*FontLib) FontAvail ¶
FontAvail determines if a given font name is available (case insensitive)
func (*FontLib) FontsAvailFromPath ¶
FontsAvailFromPath scans for all fonts we can use on a given path, gathering info into FontsAvail and FontInfo.
func (*FontLib) GoFontsAvail ¶
func (fl *FontLib) GoFontsAvail()
func (*FontLib) Init ¶
func (fl *FontLib) Init()
Init initializes the font library if it hasn't been yet
func (*FontLib) InitFontPaths ¶
InitFontPaths initializes font paths to system defaults, only if no paths have yet been set
func (*FontLib) OpenAllFonts ¶
OpenAllFonts attempts to load all fonts that were found -- call this before displaying the font chooser to eliminate any bad fonts.
func (*FontLib) UpdateFontsAvail ¶
UpdateFontsAvail scans for all fonts we can use on the FontPaths
type GoFontInfo ¶
type GoFontInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Paint ¶
Paint provides the styling parameters and methods for rendering on to an RGBA image -- all dynamic rendering state is maintained in the State. Text rendering is handled separately in TextRender, but it depends minimally on styling parameters in FontStyle
func (*Paint) AsMask ¶
AsMask returns an *image.Alpha representing the alpha channel of this context. This can be useful for advanced clipping operations where you first render the mask geometry and then use it as a mask.
func (*Paint) BlurBox ¶
BlurBox blurs the given already drawn region with the given blur radius. The blur radius passed to this function is the actual Gaussian standard deviation (σ). This means that you need to divide a CSS-standard blur radius value by four before passing it this function.
func (*Paint) BoundingBox ¶
BoundingBox computes the bounding box for an element in pixel int coordinates, applying current transform
func (*Paint) BoundingBoxFromPoints ¶
BoundingBoxFromPoints computes the bounding box for a slice of points
func (*Paint) ClearPath ¶
ClearPath clears the current path. There is no current point after this operation.
func (*Paint) Clip ¶
Clip updates the clipping region by intersecting the current clipping region with the current path as it would be filled by pc.Fill(). The path is cleared after this operation.
func (*Paint) ClipPreserve ¶
ClipPreserve updates the clipping region by intersecting the current clipping region with the current path as it would be filled by pc.Fill(). The path is preserved after this operation.
func (*Paint) ClosePath ¶
ClosePath adds a line segment from the current point to the beginning of the current subpath. If there is no current point, this is a no-op.
func (*Paint) CubicTo ¶
CubicTo adds a cubic bezier curve to the current path starting at the current point. If there is no current point, it first performs MoveTo(x1, y1).
func (*Paint) DrawBorder ¶
DrawBorder is a higher-level function that draws, strokes, and fills an potentially rounded border box with the given position, size, and border styles.
func (*Paint) DrawBox ¶
DrawBox calls DrawBorder with position, size and border parameters as a convenience method for DrawStdBox
func (*Paint) DrawCircle ¶
func (*Paint) DrawEllipse ¶
func (*Paint) DrawEllipticalArc ¶
DrawEllipticalArc draws arc between angle1 and angle2 along an ellipse, using quadratic bezier curves -- centers of ellipse are at cx, cy with radii rx, ry -- see DrawEllipticalArcPath for a version compatible with SVG A/a path drawing, which uses previous position instead of two angles
func (*Paint) DrawEllipticalArcPath ¶
func (pc *Paint) DrawEllipticalArcPath(rs *State, cx, cy, ocx, ocy, pcx, pcy, rx, ry, angle float32, largeArc, sweep bool) (lx, ly float32)
DrawEllipticalArcPath is draws an arc centered at cx,cy with radii rx, ry, through given angle, either via the smaller or larger arc, depending on largeArc -- returns in lx, ly the last points which are then set to the current cx, cy for the path drawer
func (*Paint) DrawImageAnchored ¶
DrawImageAnchored draws the specified image at the specified anchor point. The anchor point is x - w * ax, y - h * ay, where w, h is the size of the image. Use ax=0.5, ay=0.5 to center the image at the specified point.
func (*Paint) DrawImageScaled ¶
DrawImageScaled draws the specified image starting at given upper-left point, such that the size of the image is rendered as specified by w, h parameters (an additional scaling is applied to the transform matrix used in rendering)
func (*Paint) DrawPolygon ¶
func (*Paint) DrawPolygonPxToDots ¶
func (*Paint) DrawPolyline ¶
func (*Paint) DrawPolylinePxToDots ¶
func (*Paint) DrawRectangle ¶
DrawRectangle draws (but does not stroke or fill) a standard rectangle with a consistent border
func (*Paint) DrawRegularPolygon ¶
func (*Paint) DrawRoundedRectangle ¶
func (pc *Paint) DrawRoundedRectangle(rs *State, x, y, w, h float32, r styles.SideFloats)
DrawRoundedRectangle draws a standard rounded rectangle with a consistent border and with the given x and y position, width and height, and border radius for each corner.
func (*Paint) DrawStdBox ¶
func (pc *Paint) DrawStdBox(rs *State, st *styles.Style, pos mat32.Vec2, sz mat32.Vec2, surroundBgColor *colors.Full)
DrawStdBox draws the CSS "standard box" model using given style. This is used for rendering widgets such as buttons, textfields, etc in a GUI.
func (*Paint) Fill ¶
Fill fills the current path with the current color. Open subpaths are implicitly closed. The path is cleared after this operation.
func (*Paint) FillBox ¶
FillBox is an optimized fill of a square region with a uniform color if the given color spec is a solid color
func (*Paint) FillBoxColor ¶
FillBoxColor is an optimized fill of a square region with given uniform color
func (*Paint) FillPreserve ¶
FillPreserve fills the current path with the current color. Open subpaths are implicitly closed. The path is preserved after this operation.
func (*Paint) FillStrokeClear ¶
convenience for final draw for shapes when done
func (*Paint) Identity ¶
func (pc *Paint) Identity()
Identity resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix. This results in no translating, scaling, rotating, or shearing.
func (*Paint) InvertY ¶
InvertY flips the Y axis so that Y grows from bottom to top and Y=0 is at the bottom of the image.
func (*Paint) LineTo ¶
LineTo adds a line segment to the current path starting at the current point. If there is no current point, it is equivalent to MoveTo(x, y)
func (*Paint) MoveTo ¶
MoveTo starts a new subpath within the current path starting at the specified point.
func (*Paint) NewSubPath ¶
NewSubPath starts a new subpath within the current path. There is no current point after this operation.
func (*Paint) QuadraticTo ¶
QuadraticTo adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current path starting at the current point. If there is no current point, it first performs MoveTo(x1, y1)
func (*Paint) Rotate ¶
Rotate updates the current matrix with a clockwise rotation. Rotation occurs about the origin. Angle is specified in radians.
func (*Paint) RotateAbout ¶
RotateAbout updates the current matrix with a clockwise rotation. Rotation occurs about the specified point. Angle is specified in radians.
func (*Paint) Scale ¶
Scale updates the current matrix with a scaling factor. Scaling occurs about the origin.
func (*Paint) ScaleAbout ¶
ScaleAbout updates the current matrix with a scaling factor. Scaling occurs about the specified point.
func (*Paint) SetMask ¶
SetMask allows you to directly set the *image.Alpha to be used as a clipping mask. It must be the same size as the context, else an error is returned and the mask is unchanged.
func (*Paint) SetPixel ¶
SetPixel sets the color of the specified pixel using the current stroke color.
func (*Paint) Shear ¶
Shear updates the current matrix with a shearing angle. Shearing occurs about the origin.
func (*Paint) ShearAbout ¶
ShearAbout updates the current matrix with a shearing angle. Shearing occurs about the specified point.
func (*Paint) Stroke ¶
Stroke strokes the current path with the current color, line width, line cap, line join and dash settings. The path is cleared after this operation.
func (*Paint) StrokePreserve ¶
StrokePreserve strokes the current path with the current color, line width, line cap, line join and dash settings. The path is preserved after this operation.
func (*Paint) StrokeWidth ¶
StrokeWidth obtains the current stoke width subject to transform (or not depending on VecEffNonScalingStroke)
func (*Paint) TransformPoint ¶
TransformPoint multiplies the specified point by the current transform matrix, returning a transformed position.
type Rune ¶
type Rune struct { // fully-specified font rendering info, includes fully computed font size -- this is exactly what will be drawn -- no further transforms Face font.Face `json:"-" xml:"-"` // color to draw characters in Color color.Color `json:"-" xml:"-"` // background color to fill background of color -- for highlighting, <mark> tag, etc -- unlike Face, Color, this must be non-nil for every case that uses it, as nil is also used for default transparent background BackgroundColor color.Color `json:"-" xml:"-"` // additional decoration to apply -- underline, strike-through, etc -- also used for encoding a few special layout hints to pass info from styling tags to separate layout algorithms (e.g., <P> vs <BR>) Deco styles.TextDecorations // relative position from start of Text for the lower-left baseline rendering position of the font character RelPos mat32.Vec2 // size of the rune itself, exclusive of spacing that might surround it Size mat32.Vec2 // rotation in radians for this character, relative to its lower-left baseline rendering position RotRad float32 // scaling of the X dimension, in case of non-uniform scaling, 0 = no separate scaling ScaleX float32 }
Rune contains fully explicit data needed for rendering a single rune -- Face and Color can be nil after first element, in which case the last non-nil is used -- likely slightly more efficient to avoid setting all those pointers -- float32 values used to support better accuracy when transforming points
func (*Rune) HasNil ¶
HasNil returns error if any of the key info (face, color) is nil -- only the first element must be non-nil
func (*Rune) RelPosAfterLR ¶
RelPosAfterLR returns the relative position after given rune for LR order: RelPos.X + Size.X
func (*Rune) RelPosAfterRL ¶
RelPosAfterRL returns the relative position after given rune for RL order: RelPos.X - Size.X
func (*Rune) RelPosAfterTB ¶
RelPosAfterTB returns the relative position after given rune for TB order: RelPos.Y + Size.Y
type Span ¶
type Span struct { // text as runes Text []rune // render info for each rune in one-to-one correspondence Render []Rune // position for start of text relative to an absolute coordinate that is provided at the time of rendering -- this typically includes the baseline offset to align all rune rendering there -- individual rune RelPos are added to this plus the render-time offset to get the final position RelPos mat32.Vec2 // rune position for further edge of last rune -- for standard flat strings this is the overall length of the string -- used for size / layout computations -- you do not add RelPos to this -- it is in same Text relative coordinates LastPos mat32.Vec2 // where relevant, this is the (default, dominant) text direction for the span Dir styles.TextDirections // mask of decorations that have been set on this span -- optimizes rendering passes HasDeco styles.TextDecorations }
Span contains fully explicit data needed for rendering a span of text as a slice of runes, with rune and Rune elements in one-to-one correspondence (but any nil values will use prior non-nil value -- first rune must have all non-nil). Text can be oriented in any direction -- the only constraint is that it starts from a single starting position. Typically only text within a span will obey kerning. In standard Text context, each span is one line of text -- should not have new lines within the span itself. In SVG special cases (e.g., TextPath), it can be anything. It is NOT synonymous with the HTML <span> tag, as many styling applications of that tag can be accommodated within a larger span-as-line. The first Rune RelPos for LR text should be at X=0 (LastPos = 0 for RL) -- i.e., relpos positions are minimal for given span.
func (*Span) AppendRune ¶
func (sr *Span) AppendRune(r rune, face font.Face, clr, bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations)
AppendRune adds one rune and associated formatting info
func (*Span) AppendString ¶
func (sr *Span) AppendString(str string, face font.Face, clr, bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations, sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context)
AppendString adds string and associated formatting info, optimized with only first rune having non-nil face and color settings
func (*Span) FindWrapPosLR ¶
FindWrapPosLR finds a position to do word wrapping to fit within trgSize -- RelPos positions must have already been set (e.g., SetRunePosLR)
func (*Span) HasDecoUpdate ¶
func (sr *Span) HasDecoUpdate(bg color.Color, deco styles.TextDecorations)
AppendRune adds one rune and associated formatting info
func (*Span) IsValid ¶
IsValid ensures that at least some text is represented and the sizes of Text and Render slices are the same, and that the first render info is non-nil
func (*Span) RenderLine ¶
func (sr *Span) RenderLine(rs *State, tpos mat32.Vec2, deco styles.TextDecorations, ascPct float32)
RenderLine renders overline or line-through -- anything that is a function of ascent
func (*Span) RenderUnderline ¶
RenderUnderline renders the underline for span -- ensures continuity to do it all at once
func (*Span) RuneEndPos ¶
RuneEndPos returns the relative ending position of the given rune index (adds Span RelPos and rune RelPos + rune Size.X for LR writing). If index > length, then uses LastPos
func (*Span) RuneRelPos ¶
RuneRelPos returns the relative (starting) position of the given rune index (adds Span RelPos and rune RelPos) -- this is typically the baseline position where rendering will start, not the upper left corner. if index > length, then uses LastPos
func (*Span) SetNewPara ¶
func (sr *Span) SetNewPara()
SetNewPara sets this as starting a new paragraph
func (*Span) SetRenders ¶
func (sr *Span) SetRenders(sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
SetRenders sets rendering parameters based on style
func (*Span) SetRunePosLR ¶
SetRunePosLR sets relative positions of each rune using a flat left-to-right text layout, based on font size info and additional extra letter and word spacing parameters (which can be negative)
func (*Span) SetRunePosTB ¶
SetRunePosTB sets relative positions of each rune using a flat top-to-bottom text layout -- i.e., letters are in their normal upright orientation, but arranged vertically.
func (*Span) SetRunePosTBRot ¶
SetRunePosTBRot sets relative positions of each rune using a flat top-to-bottom text layout, with characters rotated 90 degress based on font size info and additional extra letter and word spacing parameters (which can be negative)
func (*Span) SetRunes ¶
func (sr *Span) SetRunes(str []rune, sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
SetRunes initializes to given plain rune string, with given default style parameters that are set for the first render element -- constructs Render slice of same size as Text
func (*Span) SetString ¶
func (sr *Span) SetString(str string, sty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
SetString initializes to given plain text string, with given default style parameters that are set for the first render element -- constructs Render slice of same size as Text
func (*Span) SizeHV ¶
func (sr *Span) SizeHV() mat32.Vec2
SizeHV computes the size of the text span from the first char to the last position, which is valid for purely horizontal or vertical text lines -- either X or Y will be zero depending on orientation
func (*Span) SplitAtLR ¶
SplitAt splits current span at given index, returning a new span with remainder after index -- space is trimmed from both spans and relative positions updated, for LR direction
func (*Span) TrimSpaceLR ¶
func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceLR()
TrimSpace trims leading and trailing space elements from span, and updates the relative positions accordingly, for LR direction
func (*Span) TrimSpaceLeftLR ¶
func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceLeftLR()
TrimSpaceLeft trims leading space elements from span, and updates the relative positions accordingly, for LR direction
func (*Span) TrimSpaceRightLR ¶
func (sr *Span) TrimSpaceRightLR()
TrimSpaceRight trims trailing space elements from span, and updates the relative positions accordingly, for LR direction
type State ¶
type State struct { // communal painter -- for widgets -- SVG have their own Paint Paint // current transform XForm mat32.Mat2 // current path Path rasterx.Path // rasterizer -- stroke / fill rendering engine from rasterx Raster *rasterx.Dasher // scanner for scanx Scanner *scanx.Scanner // spanner for scanx ImgSpanner *scanx.ImgSpanner // starting point, for close path Start mat32.Vec2 // current point Current mat32.Vec2 // is current point current? HasCurrent bool // pointer to image to render into Image *image.RGBA // current mask Mask *image.Alpha // boundaries to restrict drawing to -- much faster than clip mask for basic square region exclusion -- used for restricting drawing Bounds image.Rectangle // bounding box of last object rendered -- computed by renderer during Fill or Stroke, grabbed by SVG objects LastRenderBBox image.Rectangle // stack of transforms XFormStack []mat32.Mat2 // stack of bounds -- every render starts with a push onto this stack, and finishes with a pop BoundsStack []image.Rectangle // stack of clips, if needed ClipStack []*image.Alpha // backup of paint -- don't need a full stack but sometimes safer to backup and restore PaintBack Paint // mutex for overall rendering RenderMu sync.Mutex // mutex for final rasterx rendering -- only one at a time RasterMu sync.Mutex }
The State holds all the current rendering state information used while painting -- a viewport just has one of these
func (*State) BackupPaint ¶
func (rs *State) BackupPaint()
BackupPaint copies style settings from Paint to PaintBack
func (*State) Lock ¶
func (rs *State) Lock()
Lock locks the render mutex -- must lock prior to rendering!
func (*State) PopBounds ¶
func (rs *State) PopBounds()
PopBounds pops bounds off the stack and set to current bounds must be equally balanced with corresponding PushBounds
func (*State) PopClip ¶
func (rs *State) PopClip()
PopClip pops Mask off the clip stack and set to current mask
func (*State) PopXForm ¶
func (rs *State) PopXForm()
PopXForm pops xform off the stack and set to current xform must protect within render mutex lock (see Lock version)
func (*State) PopXFormLock ¶
func (rs *State) PopXFormLock()
PopXFormLock pops xform off the stack and set to current xform protects within render mutex lock (see Lock version)
func (*State) PushBounds ¶
PushBounds pushes current bounds onto stack and set new bounds this is the essential first step in rendering! any further actual rendering should always be surrounded by Lock() / Unlock() calls
func (*State) PushClip ¶
func (rs *State) PushClip()
PushClip pushes current Mask onto the clip stack
func (*State) PushXForm ¶
func (rs *State) PushXForm(xf mat32.Mat2)
PushXForm pushes current xform onto stack and apply new xform on top of it must protect within render mutex lock (see Lock version)
func (*State) PushXFormLock ¶
func (rs *State) PushXFormLock(xf mat32.Mat2)
PushXFormLock pushes current xform onto stack and apply new xform on top of it protects within render mutex lock
func (*State) RestorePaint ¶
func (rs *State) RestorePaint()
RestorePaint restores style settings from PaintBack to Paint
type Text ¶
type Text struct { Spans []Span // last size of overall rendered text Size mat32.Vec2 // where relevant, this is the (default, dominant) text direction for the span Dir styles.TextDirections // hyperlinks within rendered text Links []TextLink }
Text contains one or more Span elements, typically with each representing a separate line of text (but they can be anything).
func (*Text) InsertSpan ¶
InsertSpan inserts a new span at given index
func (*Text) LayoutStdLR ¶
func (tr *Text) LayoutStdLR(txtSty *styles.Text, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, size mat32.Vec2) mat32.Vec2
LayoutStdLR does basic standard layout of text in LR direction, assigning relative positions to spans and runes according to given styles, and given size overall box (nonzero values used to constrain). Returns total resulting size box for text. Font face in styles.Font is used for determining line spacing here -- other versions can do more expensive calculations of variable line spacing as needed.
func (*Text) Render ¶
Render does text rendering into given image, within given bounds, at given absolute position offset (specifying position of text baseline) -- any applicable transforms (aside from the char-specific rotation in Render) must be applied in advance in computing the relative positions of the runes, and the overall font size, etc. todo: does not currently support stroking, only filling of text -- probably need to grab path from font and use paint rendering for stroking
func (*Text) RenderTopPos ¶
RenderTopPos renders at given top position -- uses first font info to compute baseline offset and calls overall Render -- convenience for simple widget rendering without layouts
func (*Text) RuneEndPos ¶
RuneEndPos returns the relative ending position of the given rune index, counting progressively through all spans present(adds Span RelPos and rune RelPos + rune Size.X for LR writing). If index > length, then uses LastPos. Returns also the index of the span that holds that char (-1 = no spans at all) and the rune index within that span, and false if index is out of range.
func (*Text) RuneRelPos ¶
RuneRelPos returns the relative (starting) position of the given rune index, counting progressively through all spans present (adds Span RelPos and rune RelPos) -- this is typically the baseline position where rendering will start, not the upper left corner. If index > length, then uses LastPos. Returns also the index of the span that holds that char (-1 = no spans at all) and the rune index within that span, and false if index is out of range.
func (*Text) RuneSpanPos ¶
RuneSpanPos returns the position (span, rune index within span) within a sequence of spans of a given absolute rune index, starting in the first span -- returns false if index is out of range (and returns the last position).
func (*Text) SetHTML ¶
func (tr *Text) SetHTML(str string, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any)
SetHTML sets text by decoding all standard inline HTML text style formatting tags in the string and sets the per-character font information appropriately, using given font style info. <P> and <BR> tags create new spans, with <P> marking start of subsequent span with DecoParaStart. Critically, it does NOT deal at all with layout (positioning) except in breaking lines into different spans, but not with word wrapping -- only sets font, color, and decoration info, and strips out the tags it processes -- result can then be processed by different layout algorithms as needed. cssAgg, if non-nil, should contain CSSAgg properties -- will be tested for special css styling of each element.
func (*Text) SetHTMLBytes ¶
func (tr *Text) SetHTMLBytes(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any)
SetHTMLBytes does SetHTML with bytes as input -- more efficient -- use this if already in bytes
func (*Text) SetHTMLNoPre ¶
func (tr *Text) SetHTMLNoPre(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any)
This is the No-Pre parser that uses the golang XML decoder system, which strips all whitespace and is thus unsuitable for any Pre case
func (*Text) SetHTMLPre ¶
func (tr *Text) SetHTMLPre(str []byte, font *styles.FontRender, txtSty *styles.Text, ctxt *units.Context, cssAgg map[string]any)
SetHTMLPre sets preformatted HTML-styled text by decoding all standard inline HTML text style formatting tags in the string and sets the per-character font information appropriately, using given font style info. Only basic styling tags, including <span> elements with style parameters (including class names) are decoded. Whitespace is decoded as-is, including LF \n etc, except in WhiteSpacePreLine case which only preserves LF's
func (*Text) SetRunes ¶
func (tr *Text) SetRunes(str []rune, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, txtSty *styles.Text, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
SetRunes is for basic text rendering with a single style of text (see SetHTML for tag-formatted text) -- configures a single Span with the entire string, and does standard layout (LR currently). rot and scalex are general rotation and x-scaling to apply to all chars -- alternatively can apply these per character after Be sure that OpenFont has been run so a valid Face is available. noBG ignores any BackgroundColor in font style, and never renders background color
func (*Text) SetString ¶
func (tr *Text) SetString(str string, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, txtSty *styles.Text, noBG bool, rot, scalex float32)
SetString is for basic text rendering with a single style of text (see SetHTML for tag-formatted text) -- configures a single Span with the entire string, and does standard layout (LR currently). rot and scalex are general rotation and x-scaling to apply to all chars -- alternatively can apply these per character after. Be sure that OpenFont has been run so a valid Face is available. noBG ignores any BackgroundColor in font style, and never renders background color
func (*Text) SetStringRot90 ¶
func (tr *Text) SetStringRot90(str string, fontSty *styles.FontRender, ctxt *units.Context, txtSty *styles.Text, noBG bool, scalex float32)
SetStringRot90 is for basic text rendering with a single style of text (see SetHTML for tag-formatted text) -- configures a single Span with the entire string, and does TB rotated layout (-90 deg). Be sure that OpenFont has been run so a valid Face is available. noBG ignores any BackgroundColor in font style, and never renders background color
func (*Text) SpanPosToRuneIdx ¶
SpanPosToRuneIdx returns the absolute rune index for a given span, rune index position -- i.e., the inverse of RuneSpanPos. Returns false if given input position is out of range, and returns last valid index in that case.
type TextLink ¶
type TextLink struct { // text label for the link Label string // full URL for the link URL string // properties defined for the link Props map[string]any // span index where link starts StartSpan int // index in StartSpan where link starts StartIdx int // span index where link ends (can be same as EndSpan) EndSpan int // index in EndSpan where link ends (index of last rune in label) EndIdx int }
TextLink represents a hyperlink within rendered text
type TextLinkHandlerFunc ¶
TextLinkHandlerFunc is a function that handles TextLink links -- returns true if the link was handled, false if not (in which case it might be passed along to someone else)
var TextLinkHandler TextLinkHandlerFunc
TextLinkHandler is used to handle TextLink links, if non-nil -- set this to your own handler to get first crack at all the text link clicks -- if this function returns false (or is nil) then the URL is sent to URLHandler (the default one just calls oswin.TheApp.OpenURL)
type URLHandlerFunc ¶
URLHandlerFunc is a function that handles URL links -- returns true if the link was handled, false if not (in which case it might be passed along to someone else).