Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AttachTx(ctx context.Context, e Encoder, log log.Structured, stop *internal.StopGroup, ...) (yt.Tx, error)
- func BeginTx(ctx context.Context, e Encoder, log log.Structured, stop *internal.StopGroup, ...) (yt.Tx, error)
- func NewClient(conf *yt.Config) (*client, error)
- func NewTestClient(t testing.TB, c *yt.Config) (yt.Client, error)
- func WithDialer(ctx context.Context, dialer Dialer) context.Context
- type AbortOperationRequest
- type AbortTxRequest
- type AddMaintenanceRequest
- type AddMemberRequest
- type AlterTableReplicaRequest
- type AlterTableRequest
- type BusConn
- type Call
- type CallInterceptor
- type CallInvoker
- type CheckPermissionByACLRequest
- type CheckPermissionRequest
- type CommitTxRequest
- type CompleteOperationRequest
- type Conn
- type ConnPool
- type CopyNodeRequest
- func (r *CopyNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r CopyNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r CopyNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type CreateNodeRequest
- func (r *CreateNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r CreateNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r CreateNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type CreateObjectRequest
- type CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest
- type DeleteRowsRequest
- type DestroyChunkLocationsRequest
- type Dialer
- type DisableChunkLocationsRequest
- type Encoder
- func (e *Encoder) AbortOperation(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.AbortOperationOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AbortQuery(ctx context.Context, id yt.QueryID, options *yt.AbortQueryOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AbortTx(ctx context.Context, id yt.TxID, opts *yt.AbortTxOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AddMaintenance(ctx context.Context, component yt.MaintenanceComponent, address string, ...) (response *yt.AddMaintenanceResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AddMember(ctx context.Context, group string, member string, opts *yt.AddMemberOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AlterQuery(ctx context.Context, id yt.QueryID, options *yt.AlterQueryOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AlterTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.AlterTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) AlterTableReplica(ctx context.Context, id yt.NodeID, opts *yt.AlterTableReplicaOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) BuildMasterSnapshots(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.BuildMasterSnapshotsOptions) (response *yt.BuildMasterSnapshotsResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) BuildSnapshot(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.BuildSnapshotOptions) (response *yt.BuildSnapshotResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CheckPermission(ctx context.Context, user string, permission yt.Permission, path ypath.YPath, ...) (response *yt.CheckPermissionResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CheckPermissionByACL(ctx context.Context, user string, permission yt.Permission, ACL []yt.ACE, ...) (response *yt.CheckPermissionResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CommitTx(ctx context.Context, id yt.TxID, opts *yt.CommitTxOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CompleteOperation(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.CompleteOperationOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CopyNode(ctx context.Context, src ypath.YPath, dst ypath.YPath, ...) (id yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CreateNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, typ yt.NodeType, ...) (id yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CreateObject(ctx context.Context, typ yt.NodeType, opts *yt.CreateObjectOptions) (id yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CreateQueueProducerSession(ctx context.Context, producerPath ypath.Path, queuePath ypath.Path, ...) (result *yt.CreateQueueProducerSessionResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) CreateTableBackup(ctx context.Context, manifest yt.BackupManifest, ...) error
- func (e *Encoder) DeleteRows(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, keys []any, opts *yt.DeleteRowsOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) DestroyChunkLocations(ctx context.Context, nodeAddress string, recoverUnlinkedDisks bool, ...) (response *yt.DestroyChunkLocationsResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) DisableChunkLocations(ctx context.Context, nodeAddress string, locationUUIDs []guid.GUID, ...) (response *yt.DisableChunkLocationsResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) FreezeTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.FreezeTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GenerateTimestamp(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.GenerateTimestampOptions) (ts yt.Timestamp, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetFileFromCache(ctx context.Context, md5 string, opts *yt.GetFileFromCacheOptions) (path ypath.YPath, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetInSyncReplicas(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, ts yt.Timestamp, keys []any, ...) (ids []yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetJobStderr(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, jobID yt.JobID, ...) (r []byte, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, result any, opts *yt.GetNodeOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetOperation(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.GetOperationOptions) (status *yt.OperationStatus, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetOperationByAlias(ctx context.Context, alias string, opts *yt.GetOperationOptions) (status *yt.OperationStatus, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetQuery(ctx context.Context, id yt.QueryID, options *yt.GetQueryOptions) (query *yt.Query, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) GetQueryResult(ctx context.Context, id yt.QueryID, resultIndex int64, ...) (rm *yt.QueryResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) InsertRowBatch(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, batch yt.RowBatch, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) InsertRows(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, rows []any, opts *yt.InsertRowsOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) IssueToken(ctx context.Context, user string, password string, opts *yt.IssueTokenOptions) (token string, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) LinkNode(ctx context.Context, target ypath.YPath, link ypath.YPath, ...) (id yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ListJobs(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.ListJobsOptions) (r *yt.ListJobsResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ListNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, result any, opts *yt.ListNodeOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ListOperations(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.ListOperationsOptions) (operations *yt.ListOperationsResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ListQueries(ctx context.Context, options *yt.ListQueriesOptions) (result *yt.ListQueriesResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ListUserTokens(ctx context.Context, user string, password string, ...) (tokens []string, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) LocateSkynetShare(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.LocateSkynetShareOptions) (l yt.ShareLocation, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) LockNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, mode yt.LockMode, ...) (lr yt.LockResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) LockRows(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, locks []string, lockType yt.LockType, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) LookupRows(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, keys []any, opts *yt.LookupRowsOptions) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) MountTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.MountTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) MoveNode(ctx context.Context, src ypath.YPath, dst ypath.YPath, ...) (id yt.NodeID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) MultisetAttributes(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, attrs map[string]any, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) NodeExists(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.NodeExistsOptions) (ok bool, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) PingTx(ctx context.Context, id yt.TxID, opts *yt.PingTxOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) PushQueueProducer(ctx context.Context, producerPath ypath.Path, queuePath ypath.Path, ...) (result *yt.PushQueueProducerResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) PushQueueProducerBatch(ctx context.Context, producerPath ypath.Path, queuePath ypath.Path, ...) (result *yt.PushQueueProducerResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) PutFileToCache(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, md5 string, ...) (cachedPath ypath.YPath, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.ReadFileOptions) (r io.ReadCloser, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ReadQueryResult(ctx context.Context, id yt.QueryID, resultIndex int64, ...) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ReadTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.ReadTableOptions) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RemountTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.RemountTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RemoveMaintenance(ctx context.Context, component yt.MaintenanceComponent, address string, ...) (rm *yt.RemoveMaintenanceResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RemoveMember(ctx context.Context, group string, member string, opts *yt.RemoveMemberOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RemoveNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.RemoveNodeOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RemoveQueueProducerSession(ctx context.Context, producerPath ypath.Path, queuePath ypath.Path, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RequestRestart(ctx context.Context, nodeAddress string, opts *yt.RequestRestartOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ReshardTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.ReshardTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RestoreTableBackup(ctx context.Context, manifest yt.BackupManifest, ...) error
- func (e *Encoder) ResumeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.ResumeOperationOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) ResurrectChunkLocations(ctx context.Context, nodeAddress string, locationUUIDs []guid.GUID, ...) (response *yt.ResurrectChunkLocationsResponse, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) RevokeToken(ctx context.Context, user string, password string, token string, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) SelectRows(ctx context.Context, query string, opts *yt.SelectRowsOptions) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) SetNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, value any, opts *yt.SetNodeOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) SetUserPassword(ctx context.Context, user string, newPassword string, currentPassword string, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) StartOperation(ctx context.Context, opType yt.OperationType, spec any, ...) (opID yt.OperationID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) StartQuery(ctx context.Context, engine yt.QueryEngine, query string, ...) (id yt.QueryID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) StartTabletTx(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.StartTabletTxOptions) (id yt.TxID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) StartTx(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.StartTxOptions) (id yt.TxID, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) SuspendOperation(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.SuspendOperationOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) TransferAccountResources(ctx context.Context, srcAccount string, dstAccount string, resourceDelta any, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) TransferPoolResources(ctx context.Context, srcPool string, dstPool string, poolTree string, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) UnfreezeTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.UnfreezeTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) UnlockNode(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.UnlockNodeOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) UnmountTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.Path, opts *yt.UnmountTableOptions) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) UpdateOperationParameters(ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, params any, ...) (err error)
- func (e *Encoder) WhoAmI(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.WhoAmIOptions) (r *yt.WhoAmIResult, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) WriteFile(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.WriteFileOptions) (w io.WriteCloser, err error)
- func (e *Encoder) WriteTable(ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.WriteTableOptions) (w yt.TableWriter, err error)
- type ErrorWrapper
- type FreezeTableRequest
- type GenerateTimestampRequest
- type GetFileFromCacheRequest
- type GetInSyncReplicasRequest
- type GetJobStderrRequest
- type GetNodeRequest
- type GetOperationRequest
- type InsertRowsRequest
- type LinkNodeRequest
- func (r *LinkNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r LinkNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r LinkNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type ListJobsRequest
- type ListNodeRequest
- type ListOperationsRequest
- type LocateSkynetShareRequest
- type LockMode
- type LockNodeRequest
- func (r *LockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r LockNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r LockNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type LockRowsRequest
- type LoggingInterceptor
- type LookupRowsRequest
- type Method
- type MountTableRequest
- type MoveNodeRequest
- func (r *MoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r MoveNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r MoveNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type MultisetAttributesRequest
- func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r MultisetAttributesRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r MultisetAttributesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type MutatingRequest
- type MutationRetrier
- type NodeExistsRequest
- type ObjectType
- type PingTxRequest
- type ProtoRowset
- type ProxyBouncer
- type PushQueueProducerRequest
- type PutFileToCacheRequest
- type ReadFileRequest
- type ReadRetryRequest
- type ReadRowInterceptor
- type ReadRowInvoker
- type ReadTableRequest
- type RemountTableRequest
- type RemoveMaintenanceRequest
- type RemoveMemberRequest
- type RemoveNodeRequest
- func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r RemoveNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r RemoveNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest
- type Request
- type RequestRestartRequest
- type ReshardTableRequest
- type ResumeOperationRequest
- type ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest
- type Retrier
- type SelectRowsRequest
- type SetNodeRequest
- func (r *SetNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r SetNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r SetNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type StartOperationRequest
- func (r *StartOperationRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r StartOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r StartOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type StartTabletTxRequest
- type StartTxRequest
- type SuspendOperationRequest
- type TracingInterceptor
- type TransactionOptions
- type TransactionalRequest
- type TransferAccountResourcesRequest
- func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- type TransferPoolResourcesRequest
- func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- type TxInterceptor
- func (t *TxInterceptor) Abort() (err error)
- func (t *TxInterceptor) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *yt.StartTxOptions) (tx yt.Tx, err error)
- func (t *TxInterceptor) Commit() (err error)
- func (t *TxInterceptor) Finished() <-chan struct{}
- func (t *TxInterceptor) ID() yt.TxID
- func (t *TxInterceptor) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, next CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, ...) (err error)
- func (t *TxInterceptor) ReadRow(ctx context.Context, call *Call, next ReadRowInvoker, rsp ProtoRowset) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
- type UnfreezeTableRequest
- type UnlockNodeRequest
- func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
- func (r UnlockNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
- func (r UnlockNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
- func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
- func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
- func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
- type UnmountTableRequest
- type UpdateOperationParametersRequest
- type WriteFileRequest
- type WriteTableRequest
Constants ¶
View Source
const CurrentWireFormatVersion = 1
View Source
const ProtocolVersionMajor = 1
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewTestClient ¶
NewTestClient creates new rpc client from config to be used in integration tests.
Types ¶
type AbortOperationRequest ¶
type AbortOperationRequest struct {
func NewAbortOperationRequest ¶
func NewAbortOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAbortOperation) *AbortOperationRequest
func (AbortOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r AbortOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AbortOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r AbortOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type AbortTxRequest ¶
type AbortTxRequest struct {
func NewAbortTxRequest ¶
func NewAbortTxRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAbortTransaction) *AbortTxRequest
func (AbortTxRequest) Log ¶
func (r AbortTxRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AbortTxRequest) Path ¶
func (r AbortTxRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type AddMaintenanceRequest ¶ added in v0.0.7
type AddMaintenanceRequest struct {
func NewAddMaintenanceRequest ¶ added in v0.0.7
func NewAddMaintenanceRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAddMaintenance) *AddMaintenanceRequest
func (AddMaintenanceRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (r AddMaintenanceRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AddMaintenanceRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (r AddMaintenanceRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type AddMemberRequest ¶
type AddMemberRequest struct {
func NewAddMemberRequest ¶
func NewAddMemberRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAddMember) *AddMemberRequest
func (*AddMemberRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *AddMemberRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (AddMemberRequest) Log ¶
func (r AddMemberRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AddMemberRequest) Path ¶
func (r AddMemberRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*AddMemberRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *AddMemberRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*AddMemberRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *AddMemberRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type AlterTableReplicaRequest ¶
type AlterTableReplicaRequest struct {
func NewAlterTableReplicaRequest ¶
func NewAlterTableReplicaRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAlterTableReplica) *AlterTableReplicaRequest
func (AlterTableReplicaRequest) Log ¶
func (r AlterTableReplicaRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AlterTableReplicaRequest) Path ¶
func (r AlterTableReplicaRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type AlterTableRequest ¶
type AlterTableRequest struct {
func NewAlterTableRequest ¶
func NewAlterTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqAlterTable) *AlterTableRequest
func (*AlterTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *AlterTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (AlterTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r AlterTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (AlterTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r AlterTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*AlterTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *AlterTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*AlterTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *AlterTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type BusConn ¶
type CallInterceptor ¶
type CallInterceptor func(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type CallInvoker ¶
type CallInvoker func(ctx context.Context, call *Call, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
func (CallInvoker) Wrap ¶
func (c CallInvoker) Wrap(interceptor CallInterceptor) CallInvoker
type CheckPermissionByACLRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
type CheckPermissionByACLRequest struct {
func NewCheckPermissionByACLRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
func NewCheckPermissionByACLRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCheckPermissionByAcl) *CheckPermissionByACLRequest
func (*CheckPermissionByACLRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r *CheckPermissionByACLRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (*CheckPermissionByACLRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r *CheckPermissionByACLRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*CheckPermissionByACLRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r *CheckPermissionByACLRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
type CheckPermissionRequest ¶
type CheckPermissionRequest struct {
func NewCheckPermissionRequest ¶
func NewCheckPermissionRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCheckPermission) *CheckPermissionRequest
func (*CheckPermissionRequest) Log ¶
func (r *CheckPermissionRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (*CheckPermissionRequest) Path ¶
func (r *CheckPermissionRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*CheckPermissionRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *CheckPermissionRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
func (*CheckPermissionRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *CheckPermissionRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type CommitTxRequest ¶
type CommitTxRequest struct {
func NewCommitTxRequest ¶
func NewCommitTxRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCommitTransaction) *CommitTxRequest
func (CommitTxRequest) Log ¶
func (r CommitTxRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CommitTxRequest) Path ¶
func (r CommitTxRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type CompleteOperationRequest ¶
type CompleteOperationRequest struct {
func NewCompleteOperationRequest ¶
func NewCompleteOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCompleteOperation) *CompleteOperationRequest
func (CompleteOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r CompleteOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CompleteOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r CompleteOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type ConnPool ¶ added in v0.0.10
func NewConnPool ¶
func NewConnPool(dialFunc Dialer, log log.Structured) *ConnPool
NewConnPool creates connection pool and starts periodic gc.
func (*ConnPool) Conn ¶ added in v0.0.10
Conn returns a connection from the pool.
Uses cached conn if present and dials otherwise.
type CopyNodeRequest ¶
type CopyNodeRequest struct {
func NewCopyNodeRequest ¶
func NewCopyNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCopyNode) *CopyNodeRequest
func (*CopyNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *CopyNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (CopyNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r CopyNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CopyNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r CopyNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*CopyNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*CopyNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*CopyNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *CopyNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type CreateNodeRequest ¶
type CreateNodeRequest struct {
func NewCreateNodeRequest ¶
func NewCreateNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCreateNode) *CreateNodeRequest
func (*CreateNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *CreateNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (CreateNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r CreateNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CreateNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r CreateNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*CreateNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*CreateNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*CreateNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *CreateNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type CreateObjectRequest ¶
type CreateObjectRequest struct {
func NewCreateObjectRequest ¶
func NewCreateObjectRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCreateObject) *CreateObjectRequest
func (CreateObjectRequest) Log ¶
func (r CreateObjectRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CreateObjectRequest) Path ¶
func (r CreateObjectRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
type CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest struct {
func NewCreateQueueProducerSessionRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
func NewCreateQueueProducerSessionRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqCreateQueueProducerSession) *CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest
func (CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r CreateQueueProducerSessionRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type DeleteRowsRequest ¶
type DeleteRowsRequest struct {
func NewDeleteRowsRequest ¶
func NewDeleteRowsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqModifyRows) *DeleteRowsRequest
func (DeleteRowsRequest) Log ¶
func (r DeleteRowsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (DeleteRowsRequest) Path ¶
func (r DeleteRowsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*DeleteRowsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *DeleteRowsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type DestroyChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
type DestroyChunkLocationsRequest struct {
func NewDestroyChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
func NewDestroyChunkLocationsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqDestroyChunkLocations) *DestroyChunkLocationsRequest
func (DestroyChunkLocationsRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r DestroyChunkLocationsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (DestroyChunkLocationsRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r DestroyChunkLocationsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type DisableChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
type DisableChunkLocationsRequest struct {
func NewDisableChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
func NewDisableChunkLocationsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqDisableChunkLocations) *DisableChunkLocationsRequest
func (DisableChunkLocationsRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r DisableChunkLocationsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (DisableChunkLocationsRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r DisableChunkLocationsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type Encoder ¶
type Encoder struct { StartCall func() *Call Invoke CallInvoker InvokeInTx CallInvoker InvokeReadRow ReadRowInvoker }
Encoder is adapter between typed and untyped layer of API.
func (*Encoder) AbortOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) AbortOperation( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.AbortOperationOptions, ) (err error)
func (*Encoder) AbortQuery ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) AddMaintenance ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (e *Encoder) AddMaintenance( ctx context.Context, component yt.MaintenanceComponent, address string, maintenanceType yt.MaintenanceType, comment string, opts *yt.AddMaintenanceOptions, ) (response *yt.AddMaintenanceResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) AlterQuery ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) AlterTable ¶
func (*Encoder) AlterTableReplica ¶
func (*Encoder) BuildMasterSnapshots ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (e *Encoder) BuildMasterSnapshots( ctx context.Context, opts *yt.BuildMasterSnapshotsOptions, ) (response *yt.BuildMasterSnapshotsResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) BuildSnapshot ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (e *Encoder) BuildSnapshot( ctx context.Context, opts *yt.BuildSnapshotOptions, ) (response *yt.BuildSnapshotResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) CheckPermission ¶
func (e *Encoder) CheckPermission( ctx context.Context, user string, permission yt.Permission, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.CheckPermissionOptions, ) (response *yt.CheckPermissionResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) CheckPermissionByACL ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (e *Encoder) CheckPermissionByACL( ctx context.Context, user string, permission yt.Permission, ACL []yt.ACE, opts *yt.CheckPermissionByACLOptions, ) (response *yt.CheckPermissionResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) CompleteOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) CompleteOperation( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.CompleteOperationOptions, ) (err error)
func (*Encoder) CreateNode ¶
func (*Encoder) CreateObject ¶
func (*Encoder) CreateQueueProducerSession ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (*Encoder) CreateTableBackup ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e *Encoder) CreateTableBackup( ctx context.Context, manifest yt.BackupManifest, options *yt.CreateTableBackupOptions, ) error
func (*Encoder) DeleteRows ¶
func (*Encoder) DestroyChunkLocations ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (*Encoder) DisableChunkLocations ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (*Encoder) FreezeTable ¶
func (*Encoder) GenerateTimestamp ¶
func (*Encoder) GetFileFromCache ¶
func (*Encoder) GetInSyncReplicas ¶
func (*Encoder) GetJobStderr ¶
func (*Encoder) GetOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) GetOperation( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.GetOperationOptions, ) (status *yt.OperationStatus, err error)
func (*Encoder) GetOperationByAlias ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (e *Encoder) GetOperationByAlias( ctx context.Context, alias string, opts *yt.GetOperationOptions, ) (status *yt.OperationStatus, err error)
func (*Encoder) GetQueryResult ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) InsertRowBatch ¶
func (*Encoder) InsertRows ¶
func (*Encoder) IssueToken ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (*Encoder) ListJobs ¶
func (e *Encoder) ListJobs( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.ListJobsOptions, ) (r *yt.ListJobsResult, err error)
func (*Encoder) ListOperations ¶
func (e *Encoder) ListOperations( ctx context.Context, opts *yt.ListOperationsOptions, ) (operations *yt.ListOperationsResult, err error)
func (*Encoder) ListQueries ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e *Encoder) ListQueries( ctx context.Context, options *yt.ListQueriesOptions, ) (result *yt.ListQueriesResult, err error)
func (*Encoder) ListUserTokens ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (*Encoder) LocateSkynetShare ¶
func (e *Encoder) LocateSkynetShare( ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.LocateSkynetShareOptions, ) (l yt.ShareLocation, err error)
func (*Encoder) LookupRows ¶
func (*Encoder) MountTable ¶
func (*Encoder) MultisetAttributes ¶
func (*Encoder) NodeExists ¶
func (*Encoder) PushQueueProducer ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (*Encoder) PushQueueProducerBatch ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (*Encoder) PutFileToCache ¶
func (*Encoder) ReadFile ¶
func (e *Encoder) ReadFile( ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.ReadFileOptions, ) (r io.ReadCloser, err error)
func (*Encoder) ReadQueryResult ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) ReadTable ¶
func (e *Encoder) ReadTable( ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.ReadTableOptions, ) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
func (*Encoder) RemountTable ¶
func (*Encoder) RemoveMaintenance ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (e *Encoder) RemoveMaintenance( ctx context.Context, component yt.MaintenanceComponent, address string, opts *yt.RemoveMaintenanceOptions, ) (rm *yt.RemoveMaintenanceResponse, err error)
func (*Encoder) RemoveMember ¶
func (*Encoder) RemoveNode ¶
func (*Encoder) RemoveQueueProducerSession ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (*Encoder) RequestRestart ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) ReshardTable ¶
func (*Encoder) RestoreTableBackup ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (e *Encoder) RestoreTableBackup( ctx context.Context, manifest yt.BackupManifest, options *yt.RestoreTableBackupOptions, ) error
func (*Encoder) ResumeOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) ResumeOperation( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.ResumeOperationOptions, ) (err error)
func (*Encoder) ResurrectChunkLocations ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (*Encoder) RevokeToken ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (*Encoder) SelectRows ¶
func (e *Encoder) SelectRows( ctx context.Context, query string, opts *yt.SelectRowsOptions, ) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
func (*Encoder) SetUserPassword ¶ added in v0.0.17
func (*Encoder) StartOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) StartOperation( ctx context.Context, opType yt.OperationType, spec any, opts *yt.StartOperationOptions, ) (opID yt.OperationID, err error)
func (*Encoder) StartQuery ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (*Encoder) StartTabletTx ¶
func (*Encoder) SuspendOperation ¶
func (e *Encoder) SuspendOperation( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, opts *yt.SuspendOperationOptions, ) (err error)
func (*Encoder) TransferAccountResources ¶
func (*Encoder) TransferPoolResources ¶
func (*Encoder) UnfreezeTable ¶
func (*Encoder) UnlockNode ¶
func (*Encoder) UnmountTable ¶
func (*Encoder) UpdateOperationParameters ¶
func (e *Encoder) UpdateOperationParameters( ctx context.Context, opID yt.OperationID, params any, opts *yt.UpdateOperationParametersOptions, ) (err error)
func (*Encoder) WhoAmI ¶ added in v0.0.22
func (e *Encoder) WhoAmI( ctx context.Context, opts *yt.WhoAmIOptions, ) (r *yt.WhoAmIResult, err error)
func (*Encoder) WriteFile ¶
func (e *Encoder) WriteFile( ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.WriteFileOptions, ) (w io.WriteCloser, err error)
func (*Encoder) WriteTable ¶
func (e *Encoder) WriteTable( ctx context.Context, path ypath.YPath, opts *yt.WriteTableOptions, ) (w yt.TableWriter, err error)
type ErrorWrapper ¶
type ErrorWrapper struct{}
func (*ErrorWrapper) Intercept ¶
func (e *ErrorWrapper) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, next CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type FreezeTableRequest ¶
type FreezeTableRequest struct {
func NewFreezeTableRequest ¶
func NewFreezeTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqFreezeTable) *FreezeTableRequest
func (*FreezeTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *FreezeTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (FreezeTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r FreezeTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (FreezeTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r FreezeTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*FreezeTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *FreezeTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*FreezeTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *FreezeTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type GenerateTimestampRequest ¶
type GenerateTimestampRequest struct {
func NewGenerateTimestampRequest ¶
func NewGenerateTimestampRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGenerateTimestamps) *GenerateTimestampRequest
func (GenerateTimestampRequest) Log ¶
func (r GenerateTimestampRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GenerateTimestampRequest) Path ¶
func (r GenerateTimestampRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type GetFileFromCacheRequest ¶
type GetFileFromCacheRequest struct {
func NewGetFileFromCacheRequest ¶
func NewGetFileFromCacheRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGetFileFromCache) *GetFileFromCacheRequest
func (GetFileFromCacheRequest) Log ¶
func (r GetFileFromCacheRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GetFileFromCacheRequest) Path ¶
func (r GetFileFromCacheRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*GetFileFromCacheRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *GetFileFromCacheRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
type GetInSyncReplicasRequest ¶
type GetInSyncReplicasRequest struct {
func NewGetInSyncReplicasRequest ¶
func NewGetInSyncReplicasRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGetInSyncReplicas) *GetInSyncReplicasRequest
func (GetInSyncReplicasRequest) Log ¶
func (r GetInSyncReplicasRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GetInSyncReplicasRequest) Path ¶
func (r GetInSyncReplicasRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type GetJobStderrRequest ¶
type GetJobStderrRequest struct {
func NewGetJobStderrRequest ¶
func NewGetJobStderrRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGetJobStderr) *GetJobStderrRequest
func (GetJobStderrRequest) Log ¶
func (r GetJobStderrRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GetJobStderrRequest) Path ¶
func (r GetJobStderrRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type GetNodeRequest ¶
type GetNodeRequest struct {
func NewGetNodeRequest ¶
func NewGetNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGetNode) *GetNodeRequest
func (GetNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r GetNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GetNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r GetNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*GetNodeRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *GetNodeRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
func (*GetNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *GetNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type GetOperationRequest ¶
type GetOperationRequest struct {
func NewGetOperationRequest ¶
func NewGetOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqGetOperation) *GetOperationRequest
func (GetOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r GetOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (GetOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r GetOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*GetOperationRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *GetOperationRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
type InsertRowsRequest ¶
type InsertRowsRequest struct {
func NewInsertRowsRequest ¶
func NewInsertRowsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqModifyRows) *InsertRowsRequest
func (InsertRowsRequest) Log ¶
func (r InsertRowsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (InsertRowsRequest) Path ¶
func (r InsertRowsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*InsertRowsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *InsertRowsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type LinkNodeRequest ¶
type LinkNodeRequest struct {
func NewLinkNodeRequest ¶
func NewLinkNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqLinkNode) *LinkNodeRequest
func (*LinkNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *LinkNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (LinkNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r LinkNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (LinkNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r LinkNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*LinkNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*LinkNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*LinkNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *LinkNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type ListJobsRequest ¶
type ListJobsRequest struct {
func NewListJobsRequest ¶
func NewListJobsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqListJobs) *ListJobsRequest
func (ListJobsRequest) Log ¶
func (r ListJobsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ListJobsRequest) Path ¶
func (r ListJobsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type ListNodeRequest ¶
type ListNodeRequest struct {
func NewListNodeRequest ¶
func NewListNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqListNode) *ListNodeRequest
func (ListNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r ListNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ListNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r ListNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*ListNodeRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *ListNodeRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
func (*ListNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *ListNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type ListOperationsRequest ¶
type ListOperationsRequest struct {
func NewListOperationsRequest ¶
func NewListOperationsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqListOperations) *ListOperationsRequest
func (ListOperationsRequest) Log ¶
func (r ListOperationsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ListOperationsRequest) Path ¶
func (r ListOperationsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*ListOperationsRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *ListOperationsRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
type LocateSkynetShareRequest ¶
type LocateSkynetShareRequest struct { }
func NewLocateSkynetShareRequest ¶
func NewLocateSkynetShareRequest() *LocateSkynetShareRequest
func (LocateSkynetShareRequest) Log ¶
func (r LocateSkynetShareRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (LocateSkynetShareRequest) Path ¶
func (r LocateSkynetShareRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type LockNodeRequest ¶
type LockNodeRequest struct {
func NewLockNodeRequest ¶
func NewLockNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqLockNode) *LockNodeRequest
func (*LockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *LockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (LockNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r LockNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (LockNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r LockNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*LockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*LockNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*LockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *LockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type LockRowsRequest ¶
type LockRowsRequest struct {
func NewLockRowsRequest ¶
func NewLockRowsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqModifyRows) *LockRowsRequest
func (LockRowsRequest) Log ¶
func (r LockRowsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (LockRowsRequest) Path ¶
func (r LockRowsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*LockRowsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *LockRowsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type LoggingInterceptor ¶
type LoggingInterceptor struct {
func (*LoggingInterceptor) Intercept ¶
func (l *LoggingInterceptor) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type LookupRowsRequest ¶
type LookupRowsRequest struct {
func NewLookupRowsRequest ¶
func NewLookupRowsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqLookupRows) *LookupRowsRequest
func (LookupRowsRequest) Log ¶
func (r LookupRowsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (LookupRowsRequest) Path ¶
func (r LookupRowsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*LookupRowsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *LookupRowsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type Method ¶
type Method string
const ( MethodCreateNode Method = "CreateNode" MethodCreateObject Method = "CreateObject" MethodNodeExists Method = "ExistsNode" MethodRemoveNode Method = "RemoveNode" MethodGetNode Method = "GetNode" MethodSetNode Method = "SetNode" MethodMultisetAttributesNode Method = "MultisetAttributesNode" MethodListNode Method = "ListNode" MethodCopyNode Method = "CopyNode" MethodMoveNode Method = "MoveNode" MethodLinkNode Method = "LinkNode" MethodCheckPermission Method = "CheckPermission" MethodCheckPermissionByACL Method = "CheckPermissionByAcl" MethodSelectRows Method = "SelectRows" MethodLookupRows Method = "LookupRows" MethodModifyRows Method = "ModifyRows" MethodDeleteRows Method = "DeleteRows" MethodMountTable Method = "MountTable" MethodUnmountTable Method = "UnmountTable" MethodRemountTable Method = "RemountTable" MethodReshardTable Method = "ReshardTable" MethodAlterTable Method = "AlterTable" MethodFreezeTable Method = "FreezeTable" MethodUnfreezeTable Method = "UnfreezeTable" MethodAlterTableReplica Method = "AlterTableReplica" MethodGetInSyncReplicas Method = "GetInSyncReplicas" MethodStartTransaction Method = "StartTransaction" MethodPingTransaction Method = "PingTransaction" MethodAbortTransaction Method = "AbortTransaction" MethodCommitTransaction Method = "CommitTransaction" MethodAddMember Method = "AddMember" MethodRemoveMember Method = "RemoveMember" MethodAddMaintenance Method = "AddMaintenance" MethodRemoveMaintenance Method = "RemoveMaintenance" MethodTransferAccountResources Method = "TransferAccountResources" MethodTransferPoolResources Method = "TransferPoolResources" MethodStartOperation Method = "StartOperation" MethodAbortOperation Method = "AbortOperation" MethodSuspendOperation Method = "SuspendOperation" MethodResumeOperation Method = "ResumeOperation" MethodCompleteOperation Method = "CompleteOperation" MethodUpdateOperationParameters Method = "UpdateOperationParameters" MethodGetOperation Method = "GetOperation" MethodListOperations Method = "ListOperations" MethodListJobs Method = "ListJobs" MethodGenerateTimestamps Method = "GenerateTimestamps" MethodLockNode Method = "LockNode" MethodUnlockNode Method = "UnlockNode" MethodDisableChunkLocations Method = "DisableChunkLocations" MethodDestroyChunkLocations Method = "DestroyChunkLocations" MethodResurrectChunkLocations Method = "ResurrectChunkLocations" MethodRequestRestart Method = "RequestRestart" MethodPushQueueProducer Method = "PushQueueProducer" MethodCreateQueueProducerSession Method = "CreateQueueProducerSession" MethodRemoveQueueProducerSession Method = "RemoveQueueProducerSession" )
type MountTableRequest ¶
type MountTableRequest struct {
func NewMountTableRequest ¶
func NewMountTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqMountTable) *MountTableRequest
func (*MountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (MountTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r MountTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (MountTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r MountTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*MountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *MountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*MountTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MountTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type MoveNodeRequest ¶
type MoveNodeRequest struct {
func NewMoveNodeRequest ¶
func NewMoveNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqMoveNode) *MoveNodeRequest
func (*MoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (MoveNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r MoveNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (MoveNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r MoveNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*MoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*MoveNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*MoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *MoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type MultisetAttributesRequest ¶
type MultisetAttributesRequest struct {
func NewMultisetAttributesRequest ¶
func NewMultisetAttributesRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqMultisetAttributesNode) *MultisetAttributesRequest
func (*MultisetAttributesRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (MultisetAttributesRequest) Log ¶
func (r MultisetAttributesRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (MultisetAttributesRequest) Path ¶
func (r MultisetAttributesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*MultisetAttributesRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*MultisetAttributesRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*MultisetAttributesRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *MultisetAttributesRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type MutatingRequest ¶
type MutatingRequest interface { HasMutatingOptions() bool SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions) SetRetry(retry bool) }
type MutationRetrier ¶
type MutationRetrier struct {
Log log.Structured
func (*MutationRetrier) Intercept ¶
func (r *MutationRetrier) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type NodeExistsRequest ¶
type NodeExistsRequest struct {
func NewNodeExistsRequest ¶
func NewNodeExistsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqExistsNode) *NodeExistsRequest
func (NodeExistsRequest) Log ¶
func (r NodeExistsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (NodeExistsRequest) Path ¶
func (r NodeExistsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*NodeExistsRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *NodeExistsRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
func (*NodeExistsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *NodeExistsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type ObjectType ¶
type ObjectType int32
const ( ObjectTypeNull ObjectType = 0 ObjectTypeTransaction ObjectType = 1 ObjectTypeAtomicTabletTransaction ObjectType = 2 ObjectTypeNonAtomicTabletTransaction ObjectType = 3 ObjectTypeNestedTransaction ObjectType = 4 ObjectTypeExternalizedTransaction ObjectType = 5 ObjectTypeExternalizedNestedTransaction ObjectType = 6 ObjectTypeUploadTransaction ObjectType = 7 ObjectTypeUploadNestedTransaction ObjectType = 8 ObjectTypeTransactionMap ObjectType = 407 ObjectTypeTopmostTransactionMap ObjectType = 418 ObjectTypeLockMap ObjectType = 422 // Chunk Manager stuff ObjectTypeChunk ObjectType = 100 ObjectTypeErasureChunk ObjectType = 102 // erasure chunk as a whole ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart0 ObjectType = 103 // erasure chunk parts, mnemonic names are for debugging convenience only ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart1 ObjectType = 104 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart2 ObjectType = 105 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart3 ObjectType = 106 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart4 ObjectType = 107 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart5 ObjectType = 108 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart6 ObjectType = 109 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart7 ObjectType = 110 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart8 ObjectType = 111 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart9 ObjectType = 112 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart10 ObjectType = 113 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart11 ObjectType = 114 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart12 ObjectType = 115 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart13 ObjectType = 116 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart14 ObjectType = 117 ObjectTypeErasureChunkPart15 ObjectType = 118 ObjectTypeJournalChunk ObjectType = 119 ObjectTypeArtifact ObjectType = 121 ObjectTypeChunkMap ObjectType = 402 ObjectTypeLostChunkMap ObjectType = 403 ObjectTypeLostVitalChunkMap ObjectType = 413 ObjectTypePrecariousChunkMap ObjectType = 410 ObjectTypePrecariousVitalChunkMap ObjectType = 411 ObjectTypeOverreplicatedChunkMap ObjectType = 404 ObjectTypeUnderreplicatedChunkMap ObjectType = 405 ObjectTypeDataMissingChunkMap ObjectType = 419 ObjectTypeParityMissingChunkMap ObjectType = 420 ObjectTypeOldestPartMissingChunkMap ObjectType = 428 ObjectTypeQuorumMissingChunkMap ObjectType = 424 ObjectTypeUnsafelyPlacedChunkMap ObjectType = 120 ObjectTypeForeignChunkMap ObjectType = 122 ObjectTypeChunkList ObjectType = 101 ObjectTypeChunkListMap ObjectType = 406 ObjectTypeChunkView ObjectType = 123 ObjectTypeChunkViewMap ObjectType = 430 ObjectTypeDomesticMedium ObjectType = 408 ObjectTypeMediumMap ObjectType = 409 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunk ObjectType = 124 // erasure journal chunk as a whole ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart0 ObjectType = 125 // erasure chunk parts, mnemonic names are for debugging convenience only ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart1 ObjectType = 126 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart2 ObjectType = 127 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart3 ObjectType = 128 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart4 ObjectType = 129 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart5 ObjectType = 130 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart6 ObjectType = 131 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart7 ObjectType = 132 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart8 ObjectType = 133 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart9 ObjectType = 134 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart10 ObjectType = 135 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart11 ObjectType = 136 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart12 ObjectType = 137 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart13 ObjectType = 138 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart14 ObjectType = 139 ObjectTypeErasureJournalChunkPart15 ObjectType = 140 // Auxiliary ObjectTypeLock ObjectType = 200 // Static nodes ObjectTypeStringNode ObjectType = 300 ObjectTypeInt64Node ObjectType = 301 ObjectTypeUint64Node ObjectType = 306 ObjectTypeDoubleNode ObjectType = 302 ObjectTypeMapNode ObjectType = 303 ObjectTypeListNode ObjectType = 304 ObjectTypeBooleanNode ObjectType = 305 // Dynamic nodes ObjectTypeFile ObjectType = 400 ObjectTypeTable ObjectType = 401 ObjectTypeJournal ObjectType = 423 ObjectTypeOrchid ObjectType = 412 ObjectTypeLink ObjectType = 417 ObjectTypeDocument ObjectType = 421 ObjectTypeReplicatedTable ObjectType = 425 // Portals ObjectTypePortalEntrance ObjectType = 11000 ObjectTypePortalExit ObjectType = 11001 ObjectTypePortalEntranceMap ObjectType = 11002 ObjectTypePortalExitMap ObjectType = 11003 ObjectTypeCypressShard ObjectType = 11004 ObjectTypeCypressShardMap ObjectType = 11005 // Security Manager stuff ObjectTypeAccount ObjectType = 500 ObjectTypeAccountMap ObjectType = 414 ObjectTypeUser ObjectType = 501 ObjectTypeUserMap ObjectType = 415 ObjectTypeGroup ObjectType = 502 ObjectTypeGroupMap ObjectType = 416 ObjectTypeNetworkProject ObjectType = 503 ObjectTypeNetworkProjectMap ObjectType = 426 ObjectTypeProxyRole ObjectType = 504 ObjectTypeHTTPProxyRoleMap ObjectType = 427 ObjectTypeRPCProxyRoleMap ObjectType = 429 // Global stuff // A mysterious creature representing the master as a whole. ObjectTypeMaster ObjectType = 600 ObjectTypeMasterCell ObjectType = 601 ObjectTypeSysNode ObjectType = 602 // Tablet Manager stuff ObjectTypeTabletCell ObjectType = 700 ObjectTypeTabletCellNode ObjectType = 701 ObjectTypeTablet ObjectType = 702 ObjectTypeTabletMap ObjectType = 703 ObjectTypeTabletCellMap ObjectType = 710 ObjectTypeSortedDynamicTabletStore ObjectType = 704 ObjectTypeOrderedDynamicTabletStore ObjectType = 708 ObjectTypeTabletPartition ObjectType = 705 ObjectTypeTabletCellBundle ObjectType = 706 ObjectTypeTabletCellBundleMap ObjectType = 707 ObjectTypeTableReplica ObjectType = 709 ObjectTypeTabletAction ObjectType = 711 ObjectTypeTabletActionMap ObjectType = 712 ObjectTypeChaosCellBundle ObjectType = 713 // Node Tracker stuff ObjectTypeRack ObjectType = 800 ObjectTypeRackMap ObjectType = 801 ObjectTypeClusterNode ObjectType = 802 ObjectTypeClusterNodeNode ObjectType = 803 ObjectTypeClusterNodeMap ObjectType = 804 ObjectTypeDataCenter ObjectType = 805 ObjectTypeDataCenterMap ObjectType = 806 // Job Tracker stuff ObjectTypeSchedulerJob ObjectType = 900 ObjectTypeMasterJob ObjectType = 901 // Scheduler ObjectTypeOperation ObjectType = 1000 ObjectTypeSchedulerPool ObjectType = 1001 ObjectTypeSchedulerPoolTree ObjectType = 1002 ObjectTypeSchedulerPoolTreeMap ObjectType = 1003 // Object manager stuff ObjectTypeEstimatedCreationTimeMap ObjectType = 1100 // Queue stuff ObjectTypeQueueConsumer ObjectType = 1700 ObjectTypeQueueProducer ObjectType = 1701 )
type PingTxRequest ¶
type PingTxRequest struct {
func NewPingTxRequest ¶
func NewPingTxRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqPingTransaction) *PingTxRequest
func (PingTxRequest) Log ¶
func (r PingTxRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (PingTxRequest) Path ¶
func (r PingTxRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type ProtoRowset ¶
type ProtoRowset interface { proto.Message GetRowsetDescriptor() *rpc_proxy.TRowsetDescriptor }
type ProxyBouncer ¶
type ProxyBouncer struct { Log log.Structured ProxySet *internal.ProxySet ConnPool *ConnPool }
func (*ProxyBouncer) Intercept ¶
func (b *ProxyBouncer) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, next CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) error
type PushQueueProducerRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
type PushQueueProducerRequest struct {
func NewPushQueueProducerRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
func NewPushQueueProducerRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqPushQueueProducer) *PushQueueProducerRequest
func (PushQueueProducerRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r PushQueueProducerRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (PushQueueProducerRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r PushQueueProducerRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (PushQueueProducerRequest) SetTxOptions ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r PushQueueProducerRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type PutFileToCacheRequest ¶
type PutFileToCacheRequest struct {
func NewPutFileToCacheRequest ¶
func NewPutFileToCacheRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqPutFileToCache) *PutFileToCacheRequest
func (*PutFileToCacheRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *PutFileToCacheRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (PutFileToCacheRequest) Log ¶
func (r PutFileToCacheRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (PutFileToCacheRequest) Path ¶
func (r PutFileToCacheRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*PutFileToCacheRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *PutFileToCacheRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*PutFileToCacheRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *PutFileToCacheRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type ReadFileRequest ¶
type ReadFileRequest struct {
func NewReadFileRequest ¶
func NewReadFileRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqReadFile) *ReadFileRequest
func (ReadFileRequest) Log ¶
func (r ReadFileRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ReadFileRequest) Path ¶
func (r ReadFileRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*ReadFileRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *ReadFileRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type ReadRetryRequest ¶
type ReadRetryRequest interface {
type ReadRowInterceptor ¶
type ReadRowInterceptor func(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke ReadRowInvoker, rsp ProtoRowset) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
type ReadRowInvoker ¶
type ReadRowInvoker func(ctx context.Context, call *Call, rsp ProtoRowset) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
func (ReadRowInvoker) Wrap ¶
func (c ReadRowInvoker) Wrap(interceptor ReadRowInterceptor) ReadRowInvoker
type ReadTableRequest ¶
type ReadTableRequest struct {
func NewReadTableRequest ¶
func NewReadTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqReadTable) *ReadTableRequest
func (ReadTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r ReadTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ReadTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r ReadTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*ReadTableRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *ReadTableRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type RemountTableRequest ¶
type RemountTableRequest struct {
func NewRemountTableRequest ¶
func NewRemountTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRemountTable) *RemountTableRequest
func (*RemountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (RemountTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r RemountTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RemountTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r RemountTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*RemountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *RemountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*RemountTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemountTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type RemoveMaintenanceRequest ¶ added in v0.0.7
type RemoveMaintenanceRequest struct {
func NewRemoveMaintenanceRequest ¶ added in v0.0.7
func NewRemoveMaintenanceRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRemoveMaintenance) *RemoveMaintenanceRequest
func (RemoveMaintenanceRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (r RemoveMaintenanceRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RemoveMaintenanceRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.7
func (r RemoveMaintenanceRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type RemoveMemberRequest ¶
type RemoveMemberRequest struct {
func NewRemoveMemberRequest ¶
func NewRemoveMemberRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRemoveMember) *RemoveMemberRequest
func (*RemoveMemberRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemoveMemberRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (RemoveMemberRequest) Log ¶
func (r RemoveMemberRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RemoveMemberRequest) Path ¶
func (r RemoveMemberRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*RemoveMemberRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *RemoveMemberRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*RemoveMemberRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemoveMemberRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type RemoveNodeRequest ¶
type RemoveNodeRequest struct {
func NewRemoveNodeRequest ¶
func NewRemoveNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRemoveNode) *RemoveNodeRequest
func (*RemoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (RemoveNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r RemoveNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RemoveNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r RemoveNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*RemoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*RemoveNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*RemoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *RemoveNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
type RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest struct {
func NewRemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest ¶ added in v0.0.21
func NewRemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRemoveQueueProducerSession) *RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest
func (RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.21
func (r RemoveQueueProducerSessionRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type RequestRestartRequest ¶ added in v0.0.10
type RequestRestartRequest struct {
func NewRequestRestartRequest ¶ added in v0.0.10
func NewRequestRestartRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqRequestRestart) *RequestRestartRequest
func (RequestRestartRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (r RequestRestartRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (RequestRestartRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.10
func (r RequestRestartRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type ReshardTableRequest ¶
type ReshardTableRequest struct {
func NewReshardTableRequest ¶
func NewReshardTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqReshardTable) *ReshardTableRequest
func (*ReshardTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *ReshardTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (ReshardTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r ReshardTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ReshardTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r ReshardTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*ReshardTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *ReshardTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*ReshardTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *ReshardTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type ResumeOperationRequest ¶
type ResumeOperationRequest struct {
func NewResumeOperationRequest ¶
func NewResumeOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqResumeOperation) *ResumeOperationRequest
func (ResumeOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r ResumeOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ResumeOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r ResumeOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
type ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest struct {
func NewResurrectChunkLocationsRequest ¶ added in v0.0.3
func NewResurrectChunkLocationsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqResurrectChunkLocations) *ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest
func (ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest) Log ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest) Path ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (r ResurrectChunkLocationsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type Retrier ¶
type Retrier struct { RequestTimeout time.Duration Log log.Structured }
func (*Retrier) Intercept ¶
func (r *Retrier) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
func (*Retrier) InterceptInTx ¶ added in v0.0.22
func (r *Retrier) InterceptInTx(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type SelectRowsRequest ¶
type SelectRowsRequest struct {
func NewSelectRowsRequest ¶
func NewSelectRowsRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqSelectRows) *SelectRowsRequest
func (SelectRowsRequest) Log ¶
func (r SelectRowsRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (SelectRowsRequest) Path ¶
func (r SelectRowsRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*SelectRowsRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *SelectRowsRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type SetNodeRequest ¶
type SetNodeRequest struct {
func NewSetNodeRequest ¶
func NewSetNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqSetNode) *SetNodeRequest
func (*SetNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *SetNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (SetNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r SetNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (SetNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r SetNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*SetNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*SetNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*SetNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *SetNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type StartOperationRequest ¶
type StartOperationRequest struct {
func NewStartOperationRequest ¶
func NewStartOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqStartOperation) *StartOperationRequest
func (*StartOperationRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *StartOperationRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (StartOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r StartOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (StartOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r StartOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*StartOperationRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*StartOperationRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*StartOperationRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *StartOperationRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type StartTabletTxRequest ¶
type StartTabletTxRequest struct {
func NewStartTabletTxRequest ¶
func NewStartTabletTxRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqStartTransaction) *StartTabletTxRequest
func (StartTabletTxRequest) Log ¶
func (r StartTabletTxRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (StartTabletTxRequest) Path ¶
func (r StartTabletTxRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type StartTxRequest ¶
type StartTxRequest struct {
func NewStartTxRequest ¶
func NewStartTxRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqStartTransaction) *StartTxRequest
func (StartTxRequest) Log ¶
func (r StartTxRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (StartTxRequest) Path ¶
func (r StartTxRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*StartTxRequest) ReadRetryOptions ¶
func (r *StartTxRequest) ReadRetryOptions()
func (*StartTxRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *StartTxRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type SuspendOperationRequest ¶
type SuspendOperationRequest struct {
func NewSuspendOperationRequest ¶
func NewSuspendOperationRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqSuspendOperation) *SuspendOperationRequest
func (SuspendOperationRequest) Log ¶
func (r SuspendOperationRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (SuspendOperationRequest) Path ¶
func (r SuspendOperationRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type TracingInterceptor ¶
type TracingInterceptor struct {
func (*TracingInterceptor) Intercept ¶
func (t *TracingInterceptor) Intercept(ctx context.Context, call *Call, invoke CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption) (err error)
type TransactionOptions ¶
type TransactionOptions struct { *yt.TransactionOptions TxStartTimestamp yt.Timestamp }
type TransactionalRequest ¶
type TransactionalRequest interface {
SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type TransferAccountResourcesRequest ¶
type TransferAccountResourcesRequest struct {
func NewTransferAccountResourcesRequest ¶
func NewTransferAccountResourcesRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqTransferAccountResources) *TransferAccountResourcesRequest
func (*TransferAccountResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Log ¶
func (r TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Path ¶
func (r TransferAccountResourcesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *TransferAccountResourcesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type TransferPoolResourcesRequest ¶
type TransferPoolResourcesRequest struct {
func NewTransferPoolResourcesRequest ¶
func NewTransferPoolResourcesRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqTransferPoolResources) *TransferPoolResourcesRequest
func (*TransferPoolResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Log ¶
func (r TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Path ¶
func (r TransferPoolResourcesRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *TransferPoolResourcesRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type TxInterceptor ¶
func (*TxInterceptor) Abort ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) Abort() (err error)
func (*TxInterceptor) BeginTx ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) BeginTx( ctx context.Context, opts *yt.StartTxOptions, ) (tx yt.Tx, err error)
func (*TxInterceptor) Commit ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) Commit() (err error)
func (*TxInterceptor) Finished ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) Finished() <-chan struct{}
func (*TxInterceptor) ID ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) ID() yt.TxID
func (*TxInterceptor) Intercept ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) Intercept( ctx context.Context, call *Call, next CallInvoker, rsp proto.Message, opts ...bus.SendOption, ) (err error)
func (*TxInterceptor) ReadRow ¶
func (t *TxInterceptor) ReadRow( ctx context.Context, call *Call, next ReadRowInvoker, rsp ProtoRowset, ) (r yt.TableReader, err error)
type UnfreezeTableRequest ¶
type UnfreezeTableRequest struct {
func NewUnfreezeTableRequest ¶
func NewUnfreezeTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqUnfreezeTable) *UnfreezeTableRequest
func (*UnfreezeTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnfreezeTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (UnfreezeTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r UnfreezeTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (UnfreezeTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r UnfreezeTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*UnfreezeTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *UnfreezeTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*UnfreezeTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnfreezeTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type UnlockNodeRequest ¶
type UnlockNodeRequest struct {
func NewUnlockNodeRequest ¶
func NewUnlockNodeRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqUnlockNode) *UnlockNodeRequest
func (*UnlockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (UnlockNodeRequest) Log ¶
func (r UnlockNodeRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (UnlockNodeRequest) Path ¶
func (r UnlockNodeRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*UnlockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*UnlockNodeRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
func (*UnlockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *UnlockNodeRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type UnmountTableRequest ¶
type UnmountTableRequest struct {
func NewUnmountTableRequest ¶
func NewUnmountTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqUnmountTable) *UnmountTableRequest
func (*UnmountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnmountTableRequest) HasMutatingOptions() bool
func (UnmountTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r UnmountTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (UnmountTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r UnmountTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*UnmountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions ¶
func (r *UnmountTableRequest) SetMutatingOptions(opts *yt.MutatingOptions)
func (*UnmountTableRequest) SetRetry ¶ added in v0.0.14
func (r *UnmountTableRequest) SetRetry(retry bool)
type UpdateOperationParametersRequest ¶
type UpdateOperationParametersRequest struct {
func NewUpdateOperationParametersRequest ¶
func NewUpdateOperationParametersRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqUpdateOperationParameters) *UpdateOperationParametersRequest
func (UpdateOperationParametersRequest) Log ¶
func (r UpdateOperationParametersRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (UpdateOperationParametersRequest) Path ¶
func (r UpdateOperationParametersRequest) Path() (string, bool)
type WriteFileRequest ¶
type WriteFileRequest struct {
func NewWriteFileRequest ¶
func NewWriteFileRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqWriteFile) *WriteFileRequest
func (WriteFileRequest) Log ¶
func (r WriteFileRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (WriteFileRequest) Path ¶
func (r WriteFileRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*WriteFileRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *WriteFileRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
type WriteTableRequest ¶
type WriteTableRequest struct {
func NewWriteTableRequest ¶
func NewWriteTableRequest(r *rpc_proxy.TReqWriteTable) *WriteTableRequest
func (WriteTableRequest) Log ¶
func (r WriteTableRequest) Log() []log.Field
func (WriteTableRequest) Path ¶
func (r WriteTableRequest) Path() (string, bool)
func (*WriteTableRequest) SetTxOptions ¶
func (r *WriteTableRequest) SetTxOptions(opts *TransactionOptions)
Click to show internal directories.
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