This directory contains the cassandra schema for every keyspace that temporal owns. The directory structure is as follows
- keyspace1/
- keyspace2/
- keyspace.cql -- Contains the keyspace definition
- schema.cql -- Contains the latest & greatest snapshot of the schema for the keyspace
- versioned
- v0.1/
- v0.2/ -- One directory per schema version change
- v1.0/
- manifest.json -- json file describing the change
- changes.cql -- changes in this version, only [CREATE, ALTER] commands are allowed
Q: How do I update existing schema ?
- Add your changes to schema.cql
- Create a new schema version directory under ./schema/keyspace/versioned/vx.x
- Add a manifest.json
- Add your changes in a cql file
- Once you are done with these use the ./temporal-cassandra-tool to update the schema
Q: What's the format of manifest.json
Example below:
- MinCompatibleVersion is the minimum schema version that your code can handle
- SchemaUpdateCqlFiles are list of .cql files containing your create/alter commands
"CurrVersion": "0.1",
"MinCompatibleVersion": "0.1",
"Description": "base version of schema",
"SchemaUpdateCqlFiles": [