Overview ¶
Package metrics is a generated GoMock package.
Package metrics is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ContextCounterAdd(ctx context.Context, name string, value int64) bool
- func ContextCounterGet(ctx context.Context, name string) (int64, bool)
- func FrontendAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
- func FrontendAPIMetricsScopes() map[string]int
- func HistoryAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
- func HistoryAPIMetricsScopes() map[string]int
- func MatchingAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
- func MatchingAPIMetricsScopes() map[string]int
- func NewClientMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor(logger log.Logger) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor
- func NewServerMetricsContextInjectorInterceptor() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
- func NewServerMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor(logger log.Logger) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
- type Client
- type Config
- type ErrorClass
- type HistogramObjective
- type MetricName
- type MetricType
- type MockClient
- func (m *MockClient) AddCounter(scope, counter int, delta int64)
- func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
- func (m *MockClient) IncCounter(scope, counter int)
- func (m *MockClient) RecordDistribution(scope, timer, d int)
- func (m *MockClient) RecordTimer(scope, timer int, d time.Duration)
- func (m *MockClient) Scope(scope int, tags ...Tag) Scope
- func (m *MockClient) StartTimer(scope, timer int) Stopwatch
- func (m *MockClient) UpdateGauge(scope, gauge int, value float64)
- type MockClientMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddCounter(scope, counter, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IncCounter(scope, counter interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RecordDistribution(scope, timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RecordTimer(scope, timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Scope(scope interface{}, tags ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) StartTimer(scope, timer interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UpdateGauge(scope, gauge, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockReporter
- type MockReporterMockRecorder
- type MockScope
- func (m *MockScope) AddCounter(counter int, delta int64)
- func (m *MockScope) EXPECT() *MockScopeMockRecorder
- func (m *MockScope) IncCounter(counter int)
- func (m *MockScope) RecordDistribution(id, d int)
- func (m *MockScope) RecordTimer(timer int, d time.Duration)
- func (m *MockScope) StartTimer(timer int) Stopwatch
- func (m *MockScope) Tagged(tags ...Tag) Scope
- func (m *MockScope) UpdateGauge(gauge int, value float64)
- type MockScopeMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) AddCounter(counter, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) IncCounter(counter interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordDistribution(id, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordTimer(timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) StartTimer(timer interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) Tagged(tags ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) UpdateGauge(gauge, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockStopwatch
- type MockStopwatchMockRecorder
- type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric
- type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder
- type NoopMetricsClient
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) AddCounter(scope int, counter int, delta int64)
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) IncCounter(scope int, counter int)
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) RecordDistribution(scope int, timer int, d int)
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) RecordTimer(scope int, timer int, d time.Duration)
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) Scope(scope int, tags ...Tag) Scope
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) StartTimer(scope int, timer int) Stopwatch
- func (m NoopMetricsClient) UpdateGauge(scope int, gauge int, value float64)
- type OpentelemetryListener
- type OpentelemetryReporter
- type PrometheusConfig
- type Reporter
- type RuntimeMetricsReporter
- type Scope
- type ServiceIdx
- type StatsdConfig
- type Stopwatch
- type SummaryObjective
- type Tag
- func ActivityTypeTag(value string) Tag
- func CommandTypeTag(value string) Tag
- func FailureTag(value string) Tag
- func InstanceTag(value string) Tag
- func NamespaceTag(value string) Tag
- func NamespaceUnknownTag() Tag
- func ServiceRoleTag(value string) Tag
- func StatsTypeTag(value string) Tag
- func TargetClusterTag(value string) Tag
- func TaskQueueTag(value string) Tag
- func TaskQueueUnknownTag() Tag
- func WorkflowTypeTag(value string) Tag
- type TallyClient
- func (m *TallyClient) AddCounter(scopeIdx int, counterIdx int, delta int64)
- func (m *TallyClient) IncCounter(scopeIdx int, counterIdx int)
- func (m *TallyClient) RecordDistribution(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int, d int)
- func (m *TallyClient) RecordTimer(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int, d time.Duration)
- func (m *TallyClient) Scope(scopeIdx int, tags ...Tag) Scope
- func (m *TallyClient) StartTimer(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int) Stopwatch
- func (m *TallyClient) UpdateGauge(scopeIdx int, gaugeIdx int, value float64)
- type TallyReporter
- type TallyStopwatch
Constants ¶
const ( // FrameworkTally tally framework id FrameworkTally = "tally" // FrameworkOpentelemetry OpenTelemetry framework id FrameworkOpentelemetry = "opentelemetry" )
const ( Common = iota Frontend History Matching Worker NumServices )
Service names for all services that emit metrics.
const ( OperationTagName = "operation" ServiceRoleTagName = "service_role" StatsTypeTagName = "stats_type" CacheTypeTagName = "cache_type" FailureTagName = "failure" )
Common tags for all services
const ( HistoryRoleTagValue = "history" MatchingRoleTagValue = "matching" FrontendRoleTagValue = "frontend" AdminRoleTagValue = "admin" DCRedirectionRoleTagValue = "dc_redirection" BlobstoreRoleTagValue = "blobstore" SizeStatsTypeTagValue = "size" CountStatsTypeTagValue = "count" MutableStateCacheTypeTagValue = "mutablestate" EventsCacheTypeTagValue = "events" )
This package should hold all the metrics and tags for temporal
const ( RestartCount = "restarts" NumGoRoutinesGauge = "num_goroutines" GoMaxProcsGauge = "gomaxprocs" MemoryAllocatedGauge = "memory_allocated" MemoryHeapGauge = "memory_heap" MemoryHeapIdleGauge = "memory_heapidle" MemoryHeapInuseGauge = "memory_heapinuse" MemoryStackGauge = "memory_stack" NumGCCounter = "memory_num_gc" GcPauseMsTimer = "memory_gc_pause_ms" )
Common service base metrics
const ( UnknownScope = iota // PersistenceCreateShardScope tracks CreateShard calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCreateShardScope // PersistenceGetShardScope tracks GetShard calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetShardScope // PersistenceUpdateShardScope tracks UpdateShard calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateShardScope // PersistenceCreateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks CreateWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCreateWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks GetWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceUpdateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks UpdateWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceConflictResolveWorkflowExecutionScope tracks ConflictResolveWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceConflictResolveWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceResetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks ResetWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceResetWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope tracks DeleteWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceDeleteCurrentWorkflowExecutionScope tracks DeleteCurrentWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteCurrentWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceGetCurrentExecutionScope tracks GetCurrentExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetCurrentExecutionScope // PersistenceListConcreteExecutionsScope tracks ListConcreteExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListConcreteExecutionsScope // PersistenceAddTasksScope tracks AddTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceAddTasksScope // PersistenceGetTransferTaskScope tracks GetTransferTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetTransferTaskScope // PersistenceGetTransferTasksScope tracks GetTransferTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetTransferTasksScope // PersistenceCompleteTransferTaskScope tracks CompleteTransferTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteTransferTaskScope // PersistenceRangeCompleteTransferTaskScope tracks CompleteTransferTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeCompleteTransferTaskScope // PersistenceGetVisibilityTaskScope tracks GetVisibilityTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetVisibilityTaskScope // PersistenceGetVisibilityTasksScope tracks GetVisibilityTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetVisibilityTasksScope // PersistenceCompleteVisibilityTaskScope tracks CompleteVisibilityTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteVisibilityTaskScope // PersistenceRangeCompleteVisibilityTaskScope tracks CompleteVisibilityTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeCompleteVisibilityTaskScope // PersistenceGetReplicationTaskScope tracks GetReplicationTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetReplicationTaskScope // PersistenceGetReplicationTasksScope tracks GetReplicationTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetReplicationTasksScope // PersistenceCompleteReplicationTaskScope tracks CompleteReplicationTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteReplicationTaskScope // PersistenceRangeCompleteReplicationTaskScope tracks RangeCompleteReplicationTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeCompleteReplicationTaskScope // PersistencePutReplicationTaskToDLQScope tracks PersistencePutReplicationTaskToDLQScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistencePutReplicationTaskToDLQScope // PersistenceGetReplicationTasksFromDLQScope tracks PersistenceGetReplicationTasksFromDLQScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetReplicationTasksFromDLQScope // PersistenceDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope tracks PersistenceDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope // PersistenceRangeDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope tracks PersistenceRangeDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope // PersistenceGetTimerTaskScope tracks GetTimerTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetTimerTaskScope // PersistenceGetTimerIndexTasksScope tracks GetTimerIndexTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetTimerIndexTasksScope // PersistenceCompleteTimerTaskScope tracks CompleteTimerTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteTimerTaskScope // PersistenceRangeCompleteTimerTaskScope tracks CompleteTimerTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeCompleteTimerTaskScope // PersistenceCreateTaskScope tracks CreateTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCreateTaskScope // PersistenceGetTasksScope tracks GetTasks calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetTasksScope // PersistenceCompleteTaskScope tracks CompleteTask calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteTaskScope // PersistenceCompleteTasksLessThanScope is the metric scope for persistence.TaskManager.PersistenceCompleteTasksLessThan API PersistenceCompleteTasksLessThanScope // PersistenceLeaseTaskQueueScope tracks LeaseTaskQueue calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceLeaseTaskQueueScope // PersistenceUpdateTaskQueueScope tracks PersistenceUpdateTaskQueueScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateTaskQueueScope // PersistenceListTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for persistence.TaskManager.ListTaskQueue API PersistenceListTaskQueueScope // PersistenceDeleteTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for persistence.TaskManager.DeleteTaskQueue API PersistenceDeleteTaskQueueScope // PersistenceAppendHistoryEventsScope tracks AppendHistoryEvents calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceAppendHistoryEventsScope // PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope tracks GetWorkflowExecutionHistory calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope tracks DeleteWorkflowExecutionHistory calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // PersistenceInitializeSystemNamespaceScope tracks InitializeSystemNamespaceScope calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceInitializeSystemNamespaceScope // PersistenceCreateNamespaceScope tracks CreateNamespace calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCreateNamespaceScope // PersistenceGetNamespaceScope tracks GetNamespace calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetNamespaceScope // PersistenceUpdateNamespaceScope tracks UpdateNamespace calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateNamespaceScope // PersistenceDeleteNamespaceScope tracks DeleteNamespace calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteNamespaceScope // PersistenceDeleteNamespaceByNameScope tracks DeleteNamespaceByName calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteNamespaceByNameScope // PersistenceListNamespaceScope tracks DeleteNamespaceByName calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListNamespaceScope // PersistenceGetMetadataScope tracks DeleteNamespaceByName calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetMetadataScope // PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope tracks RecordWorkflowExecutionStarted calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope // PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope tracks RecordWorkflowExecutionClosed calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope // PersistenceUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope tracks UpsertWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope // PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope // PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByType calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope // PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByType calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope // PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowID calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope // PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowID calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope // PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatus calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope // PersistenceGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope tracks GetClosedWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceVisibilityDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope is the metrics scope for persistence.VisibilityManager.DeleteWorkflowExecution PersistenceVisibilityDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope // PersistenceListWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceListWorkflowExecutionsScope // PersistenceScanWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ScanWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceScanWorkflowExecutionsScope // PersistenceCountWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks CountWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCountWorkflowExecutionsScope // PersistenceEnqueueMessageScope tracks Enqueue calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceEnqueueMessageScope // PersistenceEnqueueMessageToDLQScope tracks Enqueue DLQ calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceEnqueueMessageToDLQScope // PersistenceReadQueueMessagesScope tracks ReadMessages calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceReadQueueMessagesScope // PersistenceReadQueueMessagesFromDLQScope tracks ReadMessagesFromDLQ calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceReadQueueMessagesFromDLQScope // PersistenceDeleteQueueMessagesScope tracks DeleteMessages calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteQueueMessagesScope // PersistenceDeleteQueueMessageFromDLQScope tracks DeleteMessageFromDLQ calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteQueueMessageFromDLQScope // PersistenceRangeDeleteMessagesFromDLQScope tracks RangeDeleteMessagesFromDLQ calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceRangeDeleteMessagesFromDLQScope // PersistenceUpdateAckLevelScope tracks UpdateAckLevel calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateAckLevelScope // PersistenceGetAckLevelScope tracks GetAckLevel calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetAckLevelScope // PersistenceUpdateDLQAckLevelScope tracks UpdateDLQAckLevel calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpdateDLQAckLevelScope // PersistenceGetDLQAckLevelScope tracks GetDLQAckLevel calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetDLQAckLevelScope // PersistenceGetClusterMetadataScope tracks GetClusterMetadata calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetClusterMetadataScope // PersistenceSaveClusterMetadataScope tracks SaveClusterMetadata calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceSaveClusterMetadataScope // PersistenceUpsertClusterMembershipScope tracks UpsertClusterMembership calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceUpsertClusterMembershipScope // PersistencePruneClusterMembershipScope tracks PruneClusterMembership calls made by service to persistence layer PersistencePruneClusterMembershipScope // PersistenceGetClusterMembersScope tracks GetClusterMembers calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetClusterMembersScope // HistoryClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope // HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope // HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope // HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope // HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope // HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope // HistoryClientGetMutableStateScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientGetMutableStateScope // HistoryClientPollMutableStateScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientPollMutableStateScope // HistoryClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope // HistoryClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope // HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskStartedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskStartedScope // HistoryClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientRemoveSignalMutableStateScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRemoveSignalMutableStateScope // HistoryClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryClientScheduleWorkflowTaskScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientScheduleWorkflowTaskScope // HistoryClientRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope // HistoryClientReplicateEventsV2Scope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientReplicateEventsV2Scope // HistoryClientSyncShardStatusScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientSyncShardStatusScope // HistoryClientSyncActivityScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientSyncActivityScope // HistoryClientGetReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientGetReplicationTasksScope // HistoryClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope // HistoryClientQueryWorkflowScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientQueryWorkflowScope // HistoryClientReapplyEventsScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientReapplyEventsScope // HistoryClientGetDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientGetDLQMessagesScope // HistoryClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope // HistoryClientMergeDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientMergeDLQMessagesScope // HistoryClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope tracks RPC calls to history service HistoryClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope // MatchingClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope // MatchingClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope // MatchingClientAddActivityTaskScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientAddActivityTaskScope // MatchingClientAddWorkflowTaskScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientAddWorkflowTaskScope // MatchingClientQueryWorkflowScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientQueryWorkflowScope // MatchingClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope // MatchingClientCancelOutstandingPollScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientCancelOutstandingPollScope // MatchingClientDescribeTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientDescribeTaskQueueScope // MatchingClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope tracks RPC calls to matching service MatchingClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope // FrontendClientDeprecateNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientDeprecateNamespaceScope // FrontendClientDescribeNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientDescribeNamespaceScope // FrontendClientDescribeTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientDescribeTaskQueueScope // FrontendClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // FrontendClientPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // FrontendClientListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientListNamespacesScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListNamespacesScope // FrontendClientListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope // FrontendClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope // FrontendClientQueryWorkflowScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientQueryWorkflowScope // FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope // FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope // FrontendClientRegisterNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRegisterNamespaceScope // FrontendClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope // FrontendClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope // FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope // FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope // FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope // FrontendClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope // FrontendClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendClientUpdateNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientUpdateNamespaceScope // FrontendClientListWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientScanWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientScanWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientCountWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientCountWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendClientGetSearchAttributesScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetSearchAttributesScope // FrontendClientGetReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetReplicationTasksScope // FrontendClientGetNamespaceReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetNamespaceReplicationTasksScope // FrontendClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope // FrontendClientReapplyEventsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientReapplyEventsScope // FrontendClientGetClusterInfoScope tracks RPC calls to frontend FrontendClientGetClusterInfoScope // FrontendClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope tracks RPC calls to frontend service FrontendClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope // AdminClientAddSearchAttributesScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientAddSearchAttributesScope // AdminClientGetSearchAttributesScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientGetSearchAttributesScope // AdminClientCloseShardScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientCloseShardScope // AdminClientDescribeHistoryHostScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientDescribeHistoryHostScope // AdminClientDescribeWorkflowMutableStateScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientDescribeWorkflowMutableStateScope // AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope // AdminClientDescribeClusterScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientDescribeClusterScope // AdminClientGetDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientGetDLQMessagesScope // AdminClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope // AdminClientMergeDLQMessagesScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientMergeDLQMessagesScope // AdminClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope // AdminClientResendReplicationTasksScope tracks RPC calls to admin service AdminClientResendReplicationTasksScope // DCRedirectionDeprecateNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionDeprecateNamespaceScope // DCRedirectionDescribeNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionDescribeNamespaceScope // DCRedirectionDescribeTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionDescribeTaskQueueScope // DCRedirectionDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // DCRedirectionPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // DCRedirectionListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionListNamespacesScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListNamespacesScope // DCRedirectionListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionListWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionScanWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionScanWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionCountWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionCountWorkflowExecutionsScope // DCRedirectionGetSearchAttributesScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionGetSearchAttributesScope // DCRedirectionPollActivityTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionPollActivityTaskQueueScope // DCRedirectionPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope // DCRedirectionQueryWorkflowScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionQueryWorkflowScope // DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope // DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope // DCRedirectionRegisterNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRegisterNamespaceScope // DCRedirectionRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionResetStickyTaskQueueScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionResetStickyTaskQueueScope // DCRedirectionResetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionResetWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedScope // DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope // DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope // DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope // DCRedirectionRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope // DCRedirectionSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionSignalWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionSignalWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionStartWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope // DCRedirectionUpdateNamespaceScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionUpdateNamespaceScope // DCRedirectionListTaskQueuePartitionsScope tracks RPC calls for dc redirection DCRedirectionListTaskQueuePartitionsScope // MessagingClientPublishScope tracks Publish calls made by service to messaging layer MessagingClientPublishScope // MessagingClientPublishBatchScope tracks Publish calls made by service to messaging layer MessagingClientPublishBatchScope // NamespaceCacheScope tracks namespace cache callbacks NamespaceCacheScope // HistoryRereplicationByTransferTaskScope tracks history replication calls made by transfer task HistoryRereplicationByTransferTaskScope // HistoryRereplicationByTimerTaskScope tracks history replication calls made by timer task HistoryRereplicationByTimerTaskScope // HistoryRereplicationByHistoryReplicationScope tracks history replication calls made by history replication HistoryRereplicationByHistoryReplicationScope // HistoryRereplicationByHistoryMetadataReplicationScope tracks history replication calls made by history replication HistoryRereplicationByHistoryMetadataReplicationScope // HistoryRereplicationByActivityReplicationScope tracks history replication calls made by activity replication HistoryRereplicationByActivityReplicationScope // PersistenceAppendHistoryNodesScope tracks AppendHistoryNodes calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceAppendHistoryNodesScope // PersistenceDeleteHistoryNodesScope tracks DeleteHistoryNodes calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteHistoryNodesScope // PersistenceReadHistoryBranchScope tracks ReadHistoryBranch calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceReadHistoryBranchScope // PersistenceForkHistoryBranchScope tracks ForkHistoryBranch calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceForkHistoryBranchScope // PersistenceDeleteHistoryBranchScope tracks DeleteHistoryBranch calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceDeleteHistoryBranchScope // PersistenceTrimHistoryBranchScope tracks TrimHistoryBranch calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceTrimHistoryBranchScope // PersistenceCompleteForkBranchScope tracks CompleteForkBranch calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceCompleteForkBranchScope // PersistenceGetHistoryTreeScope tracks GetHistoryTree calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetHistoryTreeScope // PersistenceGetAllHistoryTreeBranchesScope tracks GetHistoryTree calls made by service to persistence layer PersistenceGetAllHistoryTreeBranchesScope // PersistenceNamespaceReplicationQueueScope is the metrics scope for namespace replication queue PersistenceNamespaceReplicationQueueScope // ClusterMetadataArchivalConfigScope tracks ArchivalConfig calls to ClusterMetadata ClusterMetadataArchivalConfigScope // ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope tracks RecordWorkflowExecutionStarted calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope // ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope tracks RecordWorkflowExecutionClosed calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope // ElasticsearchUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope tracks UpsertWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope // ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope // ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope // ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByType calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope // ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByType calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope // ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope tracks ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowID calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope // ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowID calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope // ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope tracks ListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatus calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope // ElasticsearchGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope tracks GetClosedWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope // ElasticsearchListWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ListWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchListWorkflowExecutionsScope // ElasticsearchScanWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks ScanWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchScanWorkflowExecutionsScope // ElasticsearchCountWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks CountWorkflowExecutions calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchCountWorkflowExecutionsScope // ElasticsearchDeleteWorkflowExecutionsScope tracks DeleteWorkflowExecution calls made by service to persistence layer ElasticsearchDeleteWorkflowExecutionsScope // SequentialTaskProcessingScope is used by sequential task processing logic SequentialTaskProcessingScope // ParallelTaskProcessingScope is used by parallel task processing logic ParallelTaskProcessingScope // TaskSchedulerScope is used by task scheduler logic TaskSchedulerScope // HistoryArchiverScope is used by history archivers HistoryArchiverScope // VisibilityArchiverScope is used by visibility archivers VisibilityArchiverScope // BlobstoreClientUploadScope tracks Upload calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientUploadScope // BlobstoreClientDownloadScope tracks Download calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientDownloadScope // BlobstoreClientGetMetadataScope tracks GetMetadata calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientGetMetadataScope // BlobstoreClientExistsScope tracks Exists calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientExistsScope // BlobstoreClientDeleteScope tracks Delete calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientDeleteScope // BlobstoreClientDirectoryExistsScope tracks DirectoryExists calls to blobstore BlobstoreClientDirectoryExistsScope NumCommonScopes )
Scopes enum
const ( // AdminDescribeHistoryHostScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminDescribeHistoryHostScope AdminDescribeHistoryHostScope = iota + NumCommonScopes // AdminAddSearchAttributesScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminAddSearchAttributesScope AdminAddSearchAttributesScope // AdminGetSearchAttributesScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminGetSearchAttributesScope AdminGetSearchAttributesScope // AdminDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope AdminDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope is the metric scope for admin.GetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope is the metric scope for admin.GetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope // AdminGetReplicationMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.GetReplicationMessages AdminGetReplicationMessagesScope // AdminGetNamespaceReplicationMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.GetNamespaceReplicationMessages AdminGetNamespaceReplicationMessagesScope // AdminGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.GetDLQReplicationMessages AdminGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope // AdminReapplyEventsScope is the metric scope for admin.ReapplyEvents AdminReapplyEventsScope // AdminRefreshWorkflowTasksScope is the metric scope for admin.RefreshWorkflowTasks AdminRefreshWorkflowTasksScope // AdminResendReplicationTasksScope is the metric scope for admin.ResendReplicationTasks AdminResendReplicationTasksScope // AdminRemoveTaskScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminRemoveTaskScope AdminRemoveTaskScope // AdminCloseShardTaskScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminRemoveTaskScope AdminCloseShardTaskScope // AdminReadDLQMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminReadDLQMessagesScope AdminReadDLQMessagesScope // AdminPurgeDLQMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminPurgeDLQMessagesScope AdminPurgeDLQMessagesScope // AdminMergeDLQMessagesScope is the metric scope for admin.AdminMergeDLQMessagesScope AdminMergeDLQMessagesScope NumAdminScopes )
-- Operation scopes for Admin service --
const ( // FrontendStartWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.StartWorkflowExecution FrontendStartWorkflowExecutionScope = iota + NumAdminScopes // FrontendPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for frontend.PollWorkflowTaskQueue FrontendPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope // FrontendPollActivityTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for frontend.PollActivityTaskQueue FrontendPollActivityTaskQueueScope // FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope is the metric scope for frontend.RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope // FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope // FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope // FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondWorkflowTaskFailed FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope // FrontendRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondQueryTaskCompleted FrontendRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskCompleted FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskFailed FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskCanceled FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskCompletedById FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskFailedById FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope // FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope is the metric scope for frontend.RespondActivityTaskCanceledById FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope // FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope is the metric scope for non-long-poll frontend.GetWorkflowExecutionHistory FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // FrontendPollWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope is the metric scope for long poll case of frontend.GetWorkflowExecutionHistory FrontendPollWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope // FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope is the metric scope for frontend.GetWorkflowExecutionRawHistory FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // FrontendPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope is the metric scope for frontend.GetWorkflowExecutionRawHistory FrontendPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope // FrontendSignalWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.SignalWorkflowExecution FrontendSignalWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution FrontendSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.TerminateWorkflowExecution FrontendTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.RequestCancelWorkflowExecution FrontendRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListArchivedWorkflowExecutions FrontendListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListOpenWorkflowExecutions FrontendListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListClosedWorkflowExecutions FrontendListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendListWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListWorkflowExecutions FrontendListWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendScanWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListWorkflowExecutions FrontendScanWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendCountWorkflowExecutionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.CountWorkflowExecutions FrontendCountWorkflowExecutionsScope // FrontendRegisterNamespaceScope is the metric scope for frontend.RegisterNamespace FrontendRegisterNamespaceScope // FrontendDescribeNamespaceScope is the metric scope for frontend.DescribeNamespace FrontendDescribeNamespaceScope // FrontendUpdateNamespaceScope is the metric scope for frontend.DescribeNamespace FrontendUpdateNamespaceScope // FrontendDeprecateNamespaceScope is the metric scope for frontend.DeprecateNamespace FrontendDeprecateNamespaceScope // FrontendQueryWorkflowScope is the metric scope for frontend.QueryWorkflow FrontendQueryWorkflowScope // FrontendDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.DescribeWorkflowExecution FrontendDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendDescribeTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for frontend.DescribeTaskQueue FrontendDescribeTaskQueueScope // FrontendListTaskQueuePartitionsScope is the metric scope for frontend.ResetStickyTaskQueue FrontendListTaskQueuePartitionsScope // FrontendResetStickyTaskQueueScope is the metric scope for frontend.ResetStickyTaskQueue FrontendResetStickyTaskQueueScope // FrontendListNamespacesScope is the metric scope for frontend.ListNamespace FrontendListNamespacesScope // FrontendResetWorkflowExecutionScope is the metric scope for frontend.ResetWorkflowExecution FrontendResetWorkflowExecutionScope // FrontendGetSearchAttributesScope is the metric scope for frontend.GetSearchAttributes FrontendGetSearchAttributesScope // FrontendGetClusterInfoScope is the metric scope for frontend.GetClusterInfo FrontendGetClusterInfoScope // VersionCheckScope is scope used by version checker VersionCheckScope // AuthorizationScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by authorization code AuthorizationScope NumFrontendScopes )
-- Operation scopes for Frontend service --
const ( // HistoryStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks StartWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistoryStartWorkflowExecutionScope = iota + NumFrontendScopes // HistoryRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope tracks RecordActivityTaskHeartbeat API calls received by service HistoryRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope // HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope tracks RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted API calls received by service HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope // HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope tracks RespondWorkflowTaskFailed API calls received by service HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope // HistoryRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope tracks RespondActivityTaskCompleted API calls received by service HistoryRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope // HistoryRespondActivityTaskFailedScope tracks RespondActivityTaskFailed API calls received by service HistoryRespondActivityTaskFailedScope // HistoryRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope tracks RespondActivityTaskCanceled API calls received by service HistoryRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope // HistoryGetMutableStateScope tracks GetMutableStateScope API calls received by service HistoryGetMutableStateScope // HistoryPollMutableStateScope tracks PollMutableStateScope API calls received by service HistoryPollMutableStateScope // HistoryResetStickyTaskQueueScope tracks ResetStickyTaskQueueScope API calls received by service HistoryResetStickyTaskQueueScope // HistoryDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope tracks DescribeWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistoryDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope tracks RecordWorkflowTaskStarted API calls received by service HistoryRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope // HistoryRecordActivityTaskStartedScope tracks RecordActivityTaskStarted API calls received by service HistoryRecordActivityTaskStartedScope // HistorySignalWorkflowExecutionScope tracks SignalWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistorySignalWorkflowExecutionScope // HistorySignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope tracks SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistorySignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryRemoveSignalMutableStateScope tracks RemoveSignalMutableState API calls received by service HistoryRemoveSignalMutableStateScope // HistoryTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope tracks TerminateWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistoryTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryScheduleWorkflowTaskScope tracks ScheduleWorkflowTask API calls received by service HistoryScheduleWorkflowTaskScope // HistoryRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope tracks CompleteChildExecution API calls received by service HistoryRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope // HistoryRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope tracks RequestCancelWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistoryRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope // HistorySyncShardStatusScope tracks HistorySyncShardStatus API calls received by service HistorySyncShardStatusScope // HistorySyncActivityScope tracks HistoryActivity API calls received by service HistorySyncActivityScope // HistoryDescribeMutableStateScope tracks HistoryActivity API calls received by service HistoryDescribeMutableStateScope // HistoryGetReplicationMessagesScope tracks GetReplicationMessages API calls received by service HistoryGetReplicationMessagesScope // HistoryGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope tracks GetReplicationMessages API calls received by service HistoryGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope // HistoryReadDLQMessagesScope tracks GetDLQMessages API calls received by service HistoryReadDLQMessagesScope // HistoryPurgeDLQMessagesScope tracks PurgeDLQMessages API calls received by service HistoryPurgeDLQMessagesScope // HistoryMergeDLQMessagesScope tracks MergeDLQMessages API calls received by service HistoryMergeDLQMessagesScope // HistoryShardControllerScope is the scope used by shard controller HistoryShardControllerScope // HistoryReapplyEventsScope is the scope used by event reapplication HistoryReapplyEventsScope // HistoryRefreshWorkflowTasksScope is the scope used by refresh workflow tasks API HistoryRefreshWorkflowTasksScope // HistoryHistoryRemoveTaskScope is the scope used by remove task API HistoryHistoryRemoveTaskScope // HistoryCloseShard is the scope used by close shard API HistoryCloseShard // HistoryReplicateEventsV2 is the scope used by replicate events API HistoryReplicateEventsV2 // HistoryResetStickyTaskQueue is the scope used by reset sticky task queue API HistoryResetStickyTaskQueue // HistoryReapplyEvents is the scope used by reapply events API HistoryReapplyEvents // HistoryDescribeHistoryHost is the scope used by describe history host API HistoryDescribeHistoryHost // TaskPriorityAssignerScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by task priority assigner TaskPriorityAssignerScope // TransferQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by transfer queue processor TransferQueueProcessorScope // TransferActiveQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by transfer queue processor TransferActiveQueueProcessorScope // TransferStandbyQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyQueueProcessorScope // TransferActiveTaskActivityScope is the scope used for activity task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskActivityScope // TransferActiveTaskWorkflowTaskScope is the scope used for workflow task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskWorkflowTaskScope // TransferActiveTaskCloseExecutionScope is the scope used for close execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskCloseExecutionScope // TransferActiveTaskCancelExecutionScope is the scope used for cancel execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskCancelExecutionScope // TransferActiveTaskSignalExecutionScope is the scope used for signal execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskSignalExecutionScope // TransferActiveTaskStartChildExecutionScope is the scope used for start child execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskStartChildExecutionScope // TransferActiveTaskResetWorkflowScope is the scope used for record workflow started task processing by transfer queue processor TransferActiveTaskResetWorkflowScope // TransferStandbyTaskResetWorkflowScope is the scope used for record workflow started task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskResetWorkflowScope // TransferStandbyTaskActivityScope is the scope used for activity task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskActivityScope // TransferStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskScope is the scope used for workflow task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskScope // TransferStandbyTaskCloseExecutionScope is the scope used for close execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskCloseExecutionScope // TransferStandbyTaskCancelExecutionScope is the scope used for cancel execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskCancelExecutionScope // TransferStandbyTaskSignalExecutionScope is the scope used for signal execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskSignalExecutionScope // TransferStandbyTaskStartChildExecutionScope is the scope used for start child execution task processing by transfer queue processor TransferStandbyTaskStartChildExecutionScope // VisibilityQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by visibility queue processor VisibilityQueueProcessorScope // VisibilityTaskStartExecutionScope is the scope used for start execution processing by visibility queue processor VisibilityTaskStartExecutionScope // VisibilityTaskUpsertExecutionScope is the scope used for upsert execution processing by visibility queue processor VisibilityTaskUpsertExecutionScope // VisibilityTaskCloseExecutionScope is the scope used for close execution attributes processing by visibility queue processor VisibilityTaskCloseExecutionScope // VisibilityTaskDeleteExecutionScope is the scope used for delete by visibility queue processor VisibilityTaskDeleteExecutionScope // TimerQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by timer queue processor TimerQueueProcessorScope // TimerActiveQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by timer queue processor TimerActiveQueueProcessorScope // TimerStandbyQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by timer queue processor TimerStandbyQueueProcessorScope // TimerActiveTaskActivityTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing activity timeouts TimerActiveTaskActivityTimeoutScope // TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing workflow task timeouts TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope // TimerActiveTaskUserTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing user timers TimerActiveTaskUserTimerScope // TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing workflow timeouts. TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope // TimerActiveTaskActivityRetryTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing retry task. TimerActiveTaskActivityRetryTimerScope // TimerActiveTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing retry task. TimerActiveTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope // TimerActiveTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing history event cleanup TimerActiveTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope // TimerStandbyTaskActivityTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing activity timeouts TimerStandbyTaskActivityTimeoutScope // TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing workflow task timeouts TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope // TimerStandbyTaskUserTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing user timers TimerStandbyTaskUserTimerScope // TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing workflow timeouts. TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope // TimerStandbyTaskActivityRetryTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing retry task. TimerStandbyTaskActivityRetryTimerScope // TimerStandbyTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing history event cleanup TimerStandbyTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope // TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope is the scope used by metric emitted by timer queue processor for processing retry task. TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope // HistoryEventNotificationScope is the scope used by shard history event nitification HistoryEventNotificationScope // ReplicatorQueueProcessorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by replicator queue processor ReplicatorQueueProcessorScope // ReplicatorTaskHistoryScope is the scope used for history task processing by replicator queue processor ReplicatorTaskHistoryScope // ReplicatorTaskSyncActivityScope is the scope used for sync activity by replicator queue processor ReplicatorTaskSyncActivityScope // ReplicateHistoryEventsScope is the scope used by historyReplicator API for applying events ReplicateHistoryEventsScope // ShardInfoScope is the scope used when updating shard info ShardInfoScope // WorkflowContextScope is the scope used by WorkflowContext component WorkflowContextScope // HistoryCacheGetAndCreateScope is the scope used by history cache HistoryCacheGetAndCreateScope // HistoryCacheGetOrCreateScope is the scope used by history cache HistoryCacheGetOrCreateScope // HistoryCacheGetOrCreateCurrentScope is the scope used by history cache HistoryCacheGetOrCreateCurrentScope // HistoryCacheGetCurrentExecutionScope is the scope used by history cache for getting current execution HistoryCacheGetCurrentExecutionScope // EventsCacheGetEventScope is the scope used by events cache EventsCacheGetEventScope // EventsCachePutEventScope is the scope used by events cache EventsCachePutEventScope // EventsCacheDeleteEventScope is the scope used by events cache EventsCacheDeleteEventScope // EventsCacheGetFromStoreScope is the scope used by events cache EventsCacheGetFromStoreScope // ExecutionSizeStatsScope is the scope used for emiting workflow execution size related stats ExecutionSizeStatsScope // ExecutionCountStatsScope is the scope used for emiting workflow execution count related stats ExecutionCountStatsScope // SessionSizeStatsScope is the scope used for emiting session update size related stats SessionSizeStatsScope // SessionCountStatsScope is the scope used for emiting session update count related stats SessionCountStatsScope // HistoryResetWorkflowExecutionScope tracks ResetWorkflowExecution API calls received by service HistoryResetWorkflowExecutionScope // HistoryQueryWorkflowScope tracks QueryWorkflow API calls received by service HistoryQueryWorkflowScope // HistoryProcessDeleteHistoryEventScope tracks ProcessDeleteHistoryEvent processing calls HistoryProcessDeleteHistoryEventScope // WorkflowCompletionStatsScope tracks workflow completion updates WorkflowCompletionStatsScope // ArchiverClientScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.Client ArchiverClientScope // ReplicationTaskFetcherScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by ReplicationTaskFetcher ReplicationTaskFetcherScope // ReplicationTaskCleanupScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by ReplicationTaskProcessor cleanup ReplicationTaskCleanupScope // ReplicationDLQStatsScope is scope used by all metrics emitted related to replication DLQ ReplicationDLQStatsScope // ElasticSearchVisibility is scope used by all metric emitted by esProcessor ElasticSearchVisibility NumHistoryScopes )
-- Operation scopes for History service --
const ( // MatchingPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope tracks PollWorkflowTaskQueue API calls received by service MatchingPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope = iota + NumHistoryScopes // MatchingPollActivityTaskQueueScope tracks PollActivityTaskQueue API calls received by service MatchingPollActivityTaskQueueScope // MatchingAddActivityTaskScope tracks AddActivityTask API calls received by service MatchingAddActivityTaskScope // MatchingAddWorkflowTaskScope tracks AddWorkflowTask API calls received by service MatchingAddWorkflowTaskScope // MatchingTaskQueueMgrScope is the metrics scope for matching.TaskQueueManager component MatchingTaskQueueMgrScope // MatchingQueryWorkflowScope tracks AddWorkflowTask API calls received by service MatchingQueryWorkflowScope // MatchingRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope tracks AddWorkflowTask API calls received by service MatchingRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope // MatchingCancelOutstandingPollScope tracks CancelOutstandingPoll API calls received by service MatchingCancelOutstandingPollScope // MatchingDescribeTaskQueueScope tracks DescribeTaskQueue API calls received by service MatchingDescribeTaskQueueScope // MatchingListTaskQueuePartitionsScope tracks ListTaskQueuePartitions API calls received by service MatchingListTaskQueuePartitionsScope NumMatchingScopes )
-- Operation scopes for Matching service --
const ( // ReplicatorScope is the scope used by all metric emitted by replicator ReplicatorScope = iota + NumMatchingScopes // NamespaceReplicationTaskScope is the scope used by namespace task replication processing NamespaceReplicationTaskScope // HistoryReplicationTaskScope is the scope used by history task replication processing HistoryReplicationTaskScope // HistoryMetadataReplicationTaskScope is the scope used by history metadata task replication processing HistoryMetadataReplicationTaskScope // SyncShardTaskScope is the scope used by sync shrad information processing SyncShardTaskScope // SyncActivityTaskScope is the scope used by sync activity information processing SyncActivityTaskScope // ESProcessorScope is scope used by all metric emitted by esProcessor ESProcessorScope // IndexProcessorScope is scope used by all metric emitted by index processor IndexProcessorScope // ArchiverDeleteHistoryActivityScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.DeleteHistoryActivity ArchiverDeleteHistoryActivityScope // ArchiverUploadHistoryActivityScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.UploadHistoryActivity ArchiverUploadHistoryActivityScope // ArchiverArchiveVisibilityActivityScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.ArchiveVisibilityActivity ArchiverArchiveVisibilityActivityScope // ArchiverScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.Archiver ArchiverScope // ArchiverPumpScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.Pump ArchiverPumpScope // ArchiverArchivalWorkflowScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by archiver.ArchivalWorkflow ArchiverArchivalWorkflowScope // TaskQueueScavengerScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.taskqueue.Scavenger module TaskQueueScavengerScope // ExecutionsScavengerScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.executions.Scavenger module ExecutionsScavengerScope // BatcherScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.Batcher module BatcherScope // HistoryScavengerScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.history.Scavenger module HistoryScavengerScope // ParentClosePolicyProcessorScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.ParentClosePolicyProcessor ParentClosePolicyProcessorScope // AddSearchAttributesWorkflowScope is scope used by all metrics emitted by worker.AddSearchAttributesWorkflowScope module AddSearchAttributesWorkflowScope NumWorkerScopes )
-- Operation scopes for Worker service --
const ( ServiceRequests = iota ServiceFailures ServiceCriticalFailures ServiceLatency ServiceLatencyNoUserLatency ServiceErrInvalidArgumentCounter ServiceErrNamespaceNotActiveCounter ServiceErrResourceExhaustedCounter ServiceErrNotFoundCounter ServiceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedCounter ServiceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsCounter ServiceErrCancellationAlreadyRequestedCounter ServiceErrQueryFailedCounter ServiceErrContextTimeoutCounter ServiceErrRetryTaskCounter ServiceErrBadBinaryCounter ServiceErrClientVersionNotSupportedCounter ServiceErrIncompleteHistoryCounter ServiceErrNonDeterministicCounter ServiceErrAuthorizeFailedCounter PersistenceRequests PersistenceFailures PersistenceLatency PersistenceErrShardExistsCounter PersistenceErrShardOwnershipLostCounter PersistenceErrConditionFailedCounter PersistenceErrCurrentWorkflowConditionFailedCounter PersistenceErrTimeoutCounter PersistenceErrBusyCounter PersistenceErrEntityNotExistsCounter PersistenceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedCounter PersistenceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsCounter PersistenceErrBadRequestCounter PersistenceSampledCounter ClientRequests ClientFailures ClientLatency ClientRedirectionRequests ClientRedirectionFailures ClientRedirectionLatency ServiceAuthorizationLatency NamespaceCachePrepareCallbacksLatency NamespaceCacheCallbacksLatency StateTransitionCount HistorySize HistoryCount EventBlobSize SearchAttributesSize LockRequests LockFailures LockLatency ArchivalConfigFailures ElasticsearchRequests ElasticsearchFailures ElasticsearchLatency ElasticsearchErrBadRequestCounter ElasticsearchErrBusyCounter SequentialTaskSubmitRequest SequentialTaskSubmitRequestTaskQueueExist SequentialTaskSubmitRequestTaskQueueMissing SequentialTaskSubmitLatency SequentialTaskQueueSize SequentialTaskQueueProcessingLatency SequentialTaskTaskProcessingLatency ParallelTaskSubmitRequest ParallelTaskSubmitLatency ParallelTaskTaskProcessingLatency PriorityTaskSubmitRequest PriorityTaskSubmitLatency HistoryArchiverArchiveNonRetryableErrorCount HistoryArchiverArchiveTransientErrorCount HistoryArchiverArchiveSuccessCount HistoryArchiverHistoryMutatedCount HistoryArchiverTotalUploadSize HistoryArchiverHistorySize HistoryArchiverBlobExistsCount HistoryArchiverBlobSize HistoryArchiverRunningDeterministicConstructionCheckCount HistoryArchiverDeterministicConstructionCheckFailedCount HistoryArchiverRunningBlobIntegrityCheckCount HistoryArchiverBlobIntegrityCheckFailedCount HistoryArchiverDuplicateArchivalsCount VisibilityArchiverArchiveNonRetryableErrorCount VisibilityArchiverArchiveTransientErrorCount VisibilityArchiveSuccessCount MatchingClientForwardedCounter MatchingClientInvalidTaskQueueName NamespaceReplicationTaskAckLevelGauge NamespaceReplicationDLQAckLevelGauge NamespaceReplicationDLQMaxLevelGauge ServiceRequestsPerTaskQueue ServiceFailuresPerTaskQueue ServiceLatencyPerTaskQueue ServiceErrInvalidArgumentPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrNamespaceNotActivePerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrResourceExhaustedPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrNotFoundPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrCancellationAlreadyRequestedPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrQueryFailedPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrContextTimeoutPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrRetryTaskPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrBadBinaryPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrClientVersionNotSupportedPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrIncompleteHistoryPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrNonDeterministicPerTaskQueueCounter ServiceErrAuthorizeFailedPerTaskQueueCounter VersionCheckSuccessCount VersionCheckRequestFailedCount VersionCheckFailedCount VersionCheckLatency ParentClosePolicyProcessorSuccess ParentClosePolicyProcessorFailures AddSearchAttributesWorkflowSuccessCount AddSearchAttributesWorkflowFailuresCount NumCommonMetrics // Needs to be last on this list for iota numbering )
Common Metrics enum
const ( TaskRequests = iota + NumCommonMetrics TaskLatency TaskFailures TaskDiscarded TaskAttemptTimer TaskStandbyRetryCounter TaskNotActiveCounter TaskLimitExceededCounter TaskBatchCompleteCounter TaskProcessingLatency TaskQueueLatency TaskRedispatchQueuePendingTasksTimer TransferTaskMissingEventCounter TransferTaskThrottledCounter TimerTaskThrottledCounter ActivityE2ELatency AckLevelUpdateCounter AckLevelUpdateFailedCounter CommandTypeScheduleActivityCounter CommandTypeCompleteWorkflowCounter CommandTypeFailWorkflowCounter CommandTypeCancelWorkflowCounter CommandTypeStartTimerCounter CommandTypeCancelActivityCounter CommandTypeCancelTimerCounter CommandTypeRecordMarkerCounter CommandTypeCancelExternalWorkflowCounter CommandTypeChildWorkflowCounter CommandTypeContinueAsNewCounter CommandTypeSignalExternalWorkflowCounter CommandTypeUpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesCounter EmptyCompletionCommandsCounter MultipleCompletionCommandsCounter FailedWorkflowTasksCounter StaleMutableStateCounter AutoResetPointsLimitExceededCounter AutoResetPointCorruptionCounter ConcurrencyUpdateFailureCounter ServiceErrTaskAlreadyStartedCounter ServiceErrShardOwnershipLostCounter HeartbeatTimeoutCounter ScheduleToStartTimeoutCounter StartToCloseTimeoutCounter ScheduleToCloseTimeoutCounter NewTimerCounter NewTimerNotifyCounter AcquireShardsCounter AcquireShardsLatency ShardClosedCounter ShardItemCreatedCounter ShardItemRemovedCounter ShardItemAcquisitionLatency ShardInfoReplicationPendingTasksTimer ShardInfoTransferActivePendingTasksTimer ShardInfoTransferStandbyPendingTasksTimer ShardInfoTimerActivePendingTasksTimer ShardInfoTimerStandbyPendingTasksTimer ShardInfoReplicationLagTimer ShardInfoTransferLagTimer ShardInfoTimerLagTimer ShardInfoTransferDiffTimer ShardInfoTimerDiffTimer ShardInfoTransferFailoverInProgressTimer ShardInfoTimerFailoverInProgressTimer ShardInfoTransferFailoverLatencyTimer ShardInfoTimerFailoverLatencyTimer SyncShardFromRemoteCounter SyncShardFromRemoteFailure MembershipChangedCounter NumShardsGauge GetEngineForShardErrorCounter GetEngineForShardLatency RemoveEngineForShardLatency CompleteWorkflowTaskWithStickyEnabledCounter CompleteWorkflowTaskWithStickyDisabledCounter WorkflowTaskHeartbeatTimeoutCounter HistoryEventNotificationQueueingLatency HistoryEventNotificationFanoutLatency HistoryEventNotificationInFlightMessageGauge HistoryEventNotificationFailDeliveryCount EmptyReplicationEventsCounter DuplicateReplicationEventsCounter StaleReplicationEventsCounter ReplicationEventsSizeTimer BufferReplicationTaskTimer UnbufferReplicationTaskTimer HistoryConflictsCounter CompleteTaskFailedCounter CacheRequests CacheFailures CacheLatency CacheMissCounter AcquireLockFailedCounter WorkflowContextCleared MutableStateSize ExecutionInfoSize ActivityInfoSize TimerInfoSize ChildInfoSize SignalInfoSize BufferedEventsSize ActivityInfoCount TimerInfoCount ChildInfoCount SignalInfoCount RequestCancelInfoCount BufferedEventsCount DeleteActivityInfoCount DeleteTimerInfoCount DeleteChildInfoCount DeleteSignalInfoCount DeleteRequestCancelInfoCount WorkflowRetryBackoffTimerCount WorkflowCronBackoffTimerCount WorkflowCleanupDeleteCount WorkflowCleanupArchiveCount WorkflowCleanupNopCount WorkflowCleanupDeleteHistoryInlineCount WorkflowSuccessCount WorkflowCancelCount WorkflowFailedCount WorkflowTimeoutCount WorkflowTerminateCount ArchiverClientSendSignalCount ArchiverClientSendSignalFailureCount ArchiverClientHistoryRequestCount ArchiverClientHistoryInlineArchiveAttemptCount ArchiverClientHistoryInlineArchiveFailureCount ArchiverClientVisibilityRequestCount ArchiverClientVisibilityInlineArchiveAttemptCount ArchiverClientVisibilityInlineArchiveFailureCount LastRetrievedMessageID LastProcessedMessageID ReplicationTasksApplied ReplicationTasksFailed ReplicationTasksLag ReplicationTasksFetched ReplicationTasksReturned ReplicationTasksAppliedLatency ReplicationDLQFailed ReplicationDLQMaxLevelGauge ReplicationDLQAckLevelGauge GetReplicationMessagesForShardLatency GetDLQReplicationMessagesLatency EventReapplySkippedCount DirectQueryDispatchLatency DirectQueryDispatchStickyLatency DirectQueryDispatchNonStickyLatency DirectQueryDispatchStickySuccessCount DirectQueryDispatchNonStickySuccessCount DirectQueryDispatchClearStickinessLatency DirectQueryDispatchClearStickinessSuccessCount DirectQueryDispatchTimeoutBeforeNonStickyCount WorkflowTaskQueryLatency ConsistentQueryTimeoutCount QueryBeforeFirstWorkflowTaskCount QueryBufferExceededCount QueryRegistryInvalidStateCount WorkerNotSupportsConsistentQueryCount WorkflowTaskTimeoutOverrideCount WorkflowRunTimeoutOverrideCount ReplicationTaskCleanupCount ReplicationTaskCleanupFailure MutableStateChecksumMismatch MutableStateChecksumInvalidated ESBulkProcessorRequests ESBulkProcessorRetries ESBulkProcessorFailures ESBulkProcessorCorruptedData ESBulkProcessorRequestLatency ESInvalidSearchAttribute NumHistoryMetrics )
History Metrics enum
const ( PollSuccessPerTaskQueueCounter = iota + NumHistoryMetrics PollTimeoutPerTaskQueueCounter PollSuccessWithSyncPerTaskQueueCounter LeaseRequestPerTaskQueueCounter LeaseFailurePerTaskQueueCounter ConditionFailedErrorPerTaskQueueCounter RespondQueryTaskFailedPerTaskQueueCounter SyncThrottlePerTaskQueueCounter BufferThrottlePerTaskQueueCounter SyncMatchLatencyPerTaskQueue AsyncMatchLatencyPerTaskQueue ExpiredTasksPerTaskQueueCounter ForwardedPerTaskQueueCounter ForwardTaskCallsPerTaskQueue ForwardTaskErrorsPerTaskQueue ForwardTaskLatencyPerTaskQueue ForwardQueryCallsPerTaskQueue ForwardQueryErrorsPerTaskQueue ForwardQueryLatencyPerTaskQueue ForwardPollCallsPerTaskQueue ForwardPollErrorsPerTaskQueue ForwardPollLatencyPerTaskQueue LocalToLocalMatchPerTaskQueueCounter LocalToRemoteMatchPerTaskQueueCounter RemoteToLocalMatchPerTaskQueueCounter RemoteToRemoteMatchPerTaskQueueCounter NumMatchingMetrics )
Matching metrics enum
const ( ReplicatorMessages = iota + NumMatchingMetrics ReplicatorFailures ReplicatorMessagesDropped ReplicatorLatency ReplicatorDLQFailures ESProcessorRequests ESProcessorRetries ESProcessorFailures ESProcessorCorruptedData ESProcessorProcessMsgLatency IndexProcessorCorruptedData IndexProcessorProcessMsgLatency ArchiverNonRetryableErrorCount ArchiverStartedCount ArchiverStoppedCount ArchiverCoroutineStartedCount ArchiverCoroutineStoppedCount ArchiverHandleHistoryRequestLatency ArchiverHandleVisibilityRequestLatency ArchiverUploadWithRetriesLatency ArchiverDeleteWithRetriesLatency ArchiverUploadFailedAllRetriesCount ArchiverUploadSuccessCount ArchiverDeleteFailedAllRetriesCount ArchiverDeleteSuccessCount ArchiverHandleVisibilityFailedAllRetiresCount ArchiverHandleVisibilitySuccessCount ArchiverBacklogSizeGauge ArchiverPumpTimeoutCount ArchiverPumpSignalThresholdCount ArchiverPumpTimeoutWithoutSignalsCount ArchiverPumpSignalChannelClosedCount ArchiverWorkflowStartedCount ArchiverNumPumpedRequestsCount ArchiverNumHandledRequestsCount ArchiverPumpedNotEqualHandledCount ArchiverHandleAllRequestsLatency ArchiverWorkflowStoppingCount TaskProcessedCount TaskDeletedCount TaskQueueProcessedCount TaskQueueDeletedCount TaskQueueOutstandingCount ExecutionsOutstandingCount StartedCount StoppedCount ScanDuration ExecutorTasksDoneCount ExecutorTasksErrCount ExecutorTasksDeferredCount ExecutorTasksDroppedCount BatcherProcessorSuccess BatcherProcessorFailures HistoryScavengerSuccessCount HistoryScavengerErrorCount HistoryScavengerSkipCount NamespaceReplicationEnqueueDLQCount ScavengerValidationRequestsCount ScavengerValidationFailuresCount AddSearchAttributesFailuresCount NumWorkerMetrics )
Worker metrics enum
const ( // NoError indicates that there is no error (error should be nil) NoError = ErrorClass(iota) // UserError indicates that this is NOT an SLA-reportable error UserError // InternalError indicates that this is an SLA-reportable error InternalError )
const (
HistoryWorkflowExecutionCacheLatency = "history_workflow_execution_cache_latency"
Values used for metrics propagation
Variables ¶
var GoRuntimeMetrics = map[MetricName]MetricType{ NumGoRoutinesGauge: Gauge, GoMaxProcsGauge: Gauge, MemoryAllocatedGauge: Gauge, MemoryHeapGauge: Gauge, MemoryHeapIdleGauge: Gauge, MemoryHeapInuseGauge: Gauge, MemoryStackGauge: Gauge, NumGCCounter: Counter, GcPauseMsTimer: Timer, }
GoRuntimeMetrics represent the runtime stats from go runtime
var MetricDefs = map[ServiceIdx]map[int]metricDefinition{ Common: { ServiceRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceCriticalFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceLatencyNoUserLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrInvalidArgumentCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrNamespaceNotActiveCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrResourceExhaustedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrNotFoundCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrCancellationAlreadyRequestedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrQueryFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrContextTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrRetryTaskCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrBadBinaryCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrClientVersionNotSupportedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrIncompleteHistoryCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrNonDeterministicCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrUnauthorizedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrAuthorizeFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrShardExistsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrShardOwnershipLostCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrConditionFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrCurrentWorkflowConditionFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrBusyCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrEntityNotExistsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceErrBadRequestCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceSampledCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientRedirectionRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientRedirectionFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClientRedirectionLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceAuthorizationLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceCachePrepareCallbacksLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceCacheCallbacksLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StateTransitionCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistorySize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventBlobSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SearchAttributesSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LockRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LockFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LockLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchivalConfigFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchErrBadRequestCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchErrBusyCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskSubmitRequest: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskSubmitRequestTaskQueueExist: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskSubmitRequestTaskQueueMissing: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskSubmitLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskQueueSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskQueueProcessingLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskTaskProcessingLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParallelTaskSubmitRequest: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParallelTaskSubmitLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParallelTaskTaskProcessingLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PriorityTaskSubmitRequest: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PriorityTaskSubmitLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverArchiveNonRetryableErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverArchiveTransientErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverArchiveSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverHistoryMutatedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverTotalUploadSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverHistorySize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverBlobExistsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverBlobSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverRunningDeterministicConstructionCheckCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverDeterministicConstructionCheckFailedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverRunningBlobIntegrityCheckCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverBlobIntegrityCheckFailedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverDuplicateArchivalsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityArchiverArchiveNonRetryableErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityArchiverArchiveTransientErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityArchiveSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VersionCheckSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VersionCheckFailedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VersionCheckRequestFailedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VersionCheckLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParentClosePolicyProcessorSuccess: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParentClosePolicyProcessorFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AddSearchAttributesWorkflowSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AddSearchAttributesWorkflowFailuresCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientForwardedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientInvalidTaskQueueName: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceReplicationTaskAckLevelGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceReplicationDLQAckLevelGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceReplicationDLQMaxLevelGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceRequestsPerTaskQueue: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceFailuresPerTaskQueue: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceLatencyPerTaskQueue: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrInvalidArgumentPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrNamespaceNotActivePerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrResourceExhaustedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrNotFoundPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrExecutionAlreadyStartedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrNamespaceAlreadyExistsPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrCancellationAlreadyRequestedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrQueryFailedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrContextTimeoutPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrRetryTaskPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrBadBinaryPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrClientVersionNotSupportedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrIncompleteHistoryPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrNonDeterministicPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrUnauthorizedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, ServiceErrAuthorizeFailedPerTaskQueueCounter: { // contains filtered or unexported fields }, }, History: { TaskRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskAttemptTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskDiscarded: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskStandbyRetryCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskNotActiveCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskLimitExceededCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskProcessingLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskQueueLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferTaskMissingEventCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskBatchCompleteCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskRedispatchQueuePendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferTaskThrottledCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerTaskThrottledCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ActivityE2ELatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AckLevelUpdateCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AckLevelUpdateFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeScheduleActivityCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeCompleteWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeFailWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeCancelWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeStartTimerCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeCancelActivityCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeCancelTimerCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeRecordMarkerCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeCancelExternalWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeContinueAsNewCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeSignalExternalWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeUpsertWorkflowSearchAttributesCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CommandTypeChildWorkflowCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EmptyCompletionCommandsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MultipleCompletionCommandsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FailedWorkflowTasksCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StaleMutableStateCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AutoResetPointsLimitExceededCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AutoResetPointCorruptionCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ConcurrencyUpdateFailureCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrShardOwnershipLostCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ServiceErrTaskAlreadyStartedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HeartbeatTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ScheduleToStartTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StartToCloseTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ScheduleToCloseTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NewTimerCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NewTimerNotifyCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AcquireShardsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AcquireShardsLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardClosedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardItemCreatedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardItemRemovedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardItemAcquisitionLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoReplicationPendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferActivePendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferStandbyPendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerActivePendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerStandbyPendingTasksTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoReplicationLagTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferLagTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerLagTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferDiffTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerDiffTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferFailoverInProgressTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerFailoverInProgressTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTransferFailoverLatencyTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoTimerFailoverLatencyTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncShardFromRemoteCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncShardFromRemoteFailure: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MembershipChangedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NumShardsGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, GetEngineForShardErrorCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, GetEngineForShardLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, RemoveEngineForShardLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CompleteWorkflowTaskWithStickyEnabledCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CompleteWorkflowTaskWithStickyDisabledCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowTaskHeartbeatTimeoutCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryEventNotificationQueueingLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryEventNotificationFanoutLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryEventNotificationInFlightMessageGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryEventNotificationFailDeliveryCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EmptyReplicationEventsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DuplicateReplicationEventsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StaleReplicationEventsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationEventsSizeTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BufferReplicationTaskTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, UnbufferReplicationTaskTimer: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryConflictsCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CompleteTaskFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CacheRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CacheFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CacheLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, CacheMissCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AcquireLockFailedCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowContextCleared: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MutableStateSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutionInfoSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ActivityInfoSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerInfoSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ChildInfoSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SignalInfoSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BufferedEventsSize: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ActivityInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ChildInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SignalInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, RequestCancelInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BufferedEventsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DeleteActivityInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DeleteTimerInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DeleteChildInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DeleteSignalInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DeleteRequestCancelInfoCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowRetryBackoffTimerCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCronBackoffTimerCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCleanupDeleteCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCleanupArchiveCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCleanupNopCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCleanupDeleteHistoryInlineCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCancelCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowFailedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowTimeoutCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowTerminateCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientSendSignalCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientSendSignalFailureCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientHistoryRequestCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientHistoryInlineArchiveAttemptCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientHistoryInlineArchiveFailureCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientVisibilityRequestCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientVisibilityInlineArchiveAttemptCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientVisibilityInlineArchiveFailureCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LastRetrievedMessageID: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LastProcessedMessageID: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksApplied: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksFailed: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksLag: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksFetched: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksReturned: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTasksAppliedLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationDLQFailed: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationDLQMaxLevelGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationDLQAckLevelGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, GetReplicationMessagesForShardLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, GetDLQReplicationMessagesLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventReapplySkippedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchStickyLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchNonStickyLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchStickySuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchNonStickySuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchClearStickinessLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchClearStickinessSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DirectQueryDispatchTimeoutBeforeNonStickyCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowTaskQueryLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ConsistentQueryTimeoutCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, QueryBeforeFirstWorkflowTaskCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, QueryBufferExceededCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, QueryRegistryInvalidStateCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkerNotSupportsConsistentQueryCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowTaskTimeoutOverrideCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowRunTimeoutOverrideCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTaskCleanupCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTaskCleanupFailure: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MutableStateChecksumMismatch: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MutableStateChecksumInvalidated: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESBulkProcessorRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESBulkProcessorRetries: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESBulkProcessorFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESBulkProcessorCorruptedData: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESBulkProcessorRequestLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESInvalidSearchAttribute: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, Matching: { PollSuccessPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PollTimeoutPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PollSuccessWithSyncPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LeaseRequestPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LeaseFailurePerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ConditionFailedErrorPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, RespondQueryTaskFailedPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncThrottlePerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BufferThrottlePerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExpiredTasksPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardedPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardTaskCallsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardTaskErrorsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardQueryCallsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardQueryErrorsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardPollCallsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardPollErrorsPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncMatchLatencyPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AsyncMatchLatencyPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardTaskLatencyPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardQueryLatencyPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ForwardPollLatencyPerTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LocalToLocalMatchPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, LocalToRemoteMatchPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, RemoteToLocalMatchPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, RemoteToRemoteMatchPerTaskQueueCounter: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, Worker: { ReplicatorMessages: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorMessagesDropped: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorDLQFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorRequests: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorRetries: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorCorruptedData: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorProcessMsgLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, IndexProcessorCorruptedData: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, IndexProcessorProcessMsgLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverNonRetryableErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverStartedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverStoppedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverCoroutineStartedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverCoroutineStoppedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverHandleHistoryRequestLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverHandleVisibilityRequestLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverUploadWithRetriesLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverDeleteWithRetriesLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverUploadFailedAllRetriesCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverUploadSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverDeleteFailedAllRetriesCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverDeleteSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverHandleVisibilityFailedAllRetiresCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverHandleVisibilitySuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverBacklogSizeGauge: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpTimeoutCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpSignalThresholdCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpTimeoutWithoutSignalsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpSignalChannelClosedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverWorkflowStartedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverNumPumpedRequestsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverNumHandledRequestsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpedNotEqualHandledCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverHandleAllRequestsLatency: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverWorkflowStoppingCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskProcessedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskDeletedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskQueueProcessedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskQueueDeletedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskQueueOutstandingCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutionsOutstandingCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StartedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, StoppedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ScanDuration: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutorTasksDoneCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutorTasksErrCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutorTasksDeferredCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutorTasksDroppedCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BatcherProcessorSuccess: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BatcherProcessorFailures: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryScavengerSuccessCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryScavengerErrorCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryScavengerSkipCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceReplicationEnqueueDLQCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ScavengerValidationRequestsCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ScavengerValidationFailuresCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AddSearchAttributesFailuresCount: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, }
MetricDefs record the metrics for all services
var ScopeDefs = map[ServiceIdx]map[int]scopeDefinition{ Common: { UnknownScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCreateShardScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetShardScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateShardScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCreateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceConflictResolveWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteCurrentWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetCurrentExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListConcreteExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceAddTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetTransferTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetTransferTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteTransferTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeCompleteTransferTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetVisibilityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetVisibilityTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteVisibilityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeCompleteVisibilityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeCompleteReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistencePutReplicationTaskToDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetReplicationTasksFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeDeleteReplicationTaskFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetTimerTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetTimerIndexTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteTimerTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeCompleteTimerTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCreateTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteTasksLessThanScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceLeaseTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceAppendHistoryEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceInitializeSystemNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCreateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteNamespaceByNameScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetMetadataScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceVisibilityDeleteWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceListWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceScanWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCountWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceAppendHistoryNodesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteHistoryNodesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceReadHistoryBranchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceForkHistoryBranchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteHistoryBranchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceTrimHistoryBranchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceCompleteForkBranchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetHistoryTreeScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetAllHistoryTreeBranchesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceEnqueueMessageScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceEnqueueMessageToDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceReadQueueMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceReadQueueMessagesFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteQueueMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceDeleteQueueMessageFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceRangeDeleteMessagesFromDLQScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateAckLevelScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetAckLevelScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpdateDLQAckLevelScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetDLQAckLevelScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceNamespaceReplicationQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetClusterMetadataScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceSaveClusterMetadataScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistencePruneClusterMembershipScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceGetClusterMembersScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, PersistenceUpsertClusterMembershipScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ClusterMetadataArchivalConfigScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientGetMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientPollMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRecordActivityTaskStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRemoveSignalMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientScheduleWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientReplicateEventsV2Scope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientSyncShardStatusScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientSyncActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientGetReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientReapplyEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientGetDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientMergeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientAddActivityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientAddWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientCancelOutstandingPollScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientDescribeTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientDeprecateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientDescribeNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientDescribeTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListNamespacesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientPollActivityTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRegisterNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientResetStickyTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientSignalWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientUpdateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientScanWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientCountWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetNamespaceReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetDLQReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientReapplyEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientGetClusterInfoScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendClientListTaskQueuePartitionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientAddSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientGetSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientDescribeHistoryHostScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientDescribeWorkflowMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientDescribeClusterScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientRefreshWorkflowTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientResendReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientCloseShardScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientGetDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientPurgeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminClientMergeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionDeprecateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionDescribeNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionDescribeTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListNamespacesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionScanWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionCountWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionGetSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionPollActivityTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRegisterNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionResetStickyTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionSignalWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionUpdateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, DCRedirectionListTaskQueuePartitionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MessagingClientPublishScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MessagingClientPublishBatchScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceCacheScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRereplicationByTransferTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRereplicationByTimerTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRereplicationByHistoryReplicationScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRereplicationByHistoryMetadataReplicationScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRereplicationByActivityReplicationScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchRecordWorkflowExecutionClosedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchUpsertWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByTypeScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListOpenWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByWorkflowIDScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListClosedWorkflowExecutionsByStatusScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchGetClosedWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchListWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchScanWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchCountWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticsearchDeleteWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SequentialTaskProcessingScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParallelTaskProcessingScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskSchedulerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryArchiverScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityArchiverScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientUploadScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientDownloadScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientGetMetadataScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientExistsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientDeleteScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BlobstoreClientDirectoryExistsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, Frontend: { AdminRemoveTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminCloseShardTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminReadDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminPurgeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminMergeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminDescribeHistoryHostScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminAddSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryV2Scope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetReplicationMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetNamespaceReplicationMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminReapplyEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminRefreshWorkflowTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AdminResendReplicationTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendPollActivityTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskCompletedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskFailedByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRespondActivityTaskCanceledByIdScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendPollWorkflowExecutionHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendGetWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendPollForWorkflowExecutionRawHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendSignalWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendSignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListArchivedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListOpenWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListClosedWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendScanWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendCountWorkflowExecutionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendRegisterNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendDescribeNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListNamespacesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendUpdateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendDeprecateNamespaceScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendListTaskQueuePartitionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendDescribeTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendResetStickyTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendGetSearchAttributesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, FrontendGetClusterInfoScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VersionCheckScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AuthorizationScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, History: { HistoryStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRecordActivityTaskHeartbeatScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRespondWorkflowTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRespondActivityTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRespondActivityTaskFailedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRespondActivityTaskCanceledScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryGetMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryPollMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryResetStickyTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryDescribeWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRecordWorkflowTaskStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRecordActivityTaskStartedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistorySignalWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistorySignalWithStartWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRemoveSignalMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryTerminateWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryResetWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryProcessDeleteHistoryEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryScheduleWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRecordChildExecutionCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRequestCancelWorkflowExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistorySyncShardStatusScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistorySyncActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryDescribeMutableStateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryGetReplicationMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryGetDLQReplicationMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReadDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryPurgeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryMergeDLQMessagesScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryShardControllerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReapplyEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryRefreshWorkflowTasksScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryHistoryRemoveTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCloseShard: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReplicateEventsV2: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryResetStickyTaskQueue: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReapplyEvents: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryDescribeHistoryHost: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskPriorityAssignerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskCloseExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskCancelExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskSignalExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskStartChildExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferActiveTaskResetWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskCloseExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskCancelExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskSignalExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskStartChildExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TransferStandbyTaskResetWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityTaskStartExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityTaskUpsertExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityTaskCloseExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, VisibilityTaskDeleteExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskActivityTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskUserTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskActivityRetryTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerActiveTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskActivityTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTaskTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskUserTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowTimeoutScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskActivityRetryTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskWorkflowBackoffTimerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TimerStandbyTaskDeleteHistoryEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryEventNotificationScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorQueueProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorTaskHistoryScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorTaskSyncActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicateHistoryEventsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ShardInfoScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowContextScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCacheGetAndCreateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCacheGetOrCreateScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCacheGetOrCreateCurrentScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryCacheGetCurrentExecutionScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventsCacheGetEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventsCachePutEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventsCacheDeleteEventScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, EventsCacheGetFromStoreScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutionSizeStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutionCountStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SessionSizeStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SessionCountStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, WorkflowCompletionStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverClientScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTaskFetcherScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationTaskCleanupScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicationDLQStatsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ElasticSearchVisibility: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncShardTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncActivityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryMetadataReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ReplicatorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, Matching: { MatchingPollWorkflowTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingPollActivityTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingAddActivityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingAddWorkflowTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingTaskQueueMgrScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingQueryWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingRespondQueryTaskCompletedScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingCancelOutstandingPollScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingDescribeTaskQueueScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, MatchingListTaskQueuePartitionsScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, Worker: { ReplicatorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, NamespaceReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryMetadataReplicationTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncShardTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, SyncActivityTaskScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ESProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, IndexProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverDeleteHistoryActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverUploadHistoryActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverArchiveVisibilityActivityScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverPumpScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ArchiverArchivalWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, TaskQueueScavengerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ExecutionsScavengerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, HistoryScavengerScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, BatcherScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, ParentClosePolicyProcessorScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, AddSearchAttributesWorkflowScope: {/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}, }, }
ScopeDefs record the scopes for all services
var ServiceMetrics = map[MetricName]MetricType{ RestartCount: Counter, }
ServiceMetrics are types for common service base metrics
Functions ¶
func ContextCounterAdd ¶ added in v1.10.0
ContextCounterAdd adds value to counter within metrics context.
func ContextCounterGet ¶ added in v1.10.0
ContextCounterGet returns value and true if successfully retrieved value
func FrontendAPIMetricsNames ¶ added in v1.5.7
func FrontendAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
func FrontendAPIMetricsScopes ¶ added in v1.5.7
func HistoryAPIMetricsNames ¶ added in v1.5.7
func HistoryAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
func HistoryAPIMetricsScopes ¶ added in v1.5.7
func MatchingAPIMetricsNames ¶ added in v1.5.7
func MatchingAPIMetricsNames() map[string]struct{}
func MatchingAPIMetricsScopes ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewClientMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewClientMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor(logger log.Logger) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor
NewClientMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor returns grpc client interceptor that injects metrics received in trailer into metrics context.
func NewServerMetricsContextInjectorInterceptor ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewServerMetricsContextInjectorInterceptor() grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
NewServerMetricsContextInjectorInterceptor returns grpc server interceptor that adds metrics context to golang context.
func NewServerMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewServerMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor(logger log.Logger) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor
NewServerMetricsTrailerPropagatorInterceptor returns grpc server interceptor that injects metrics from context into gRPC trailer.
Types ¶
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // IncCounter increments a counter metric IncCounter(scope int, counter int) // AddCounter adds delta to the counter metric AddCounter(scope int, counter int, delta int64) // StartTimer starts a timer for the given // metric name. Time will be recorded when stopwatch is stopped. StartTimer(scope int, timer int) Stopwatch // RecordTimer starts a timer for the given // metric name RecordTimer(scope int, timer int, d time.Duration) // RecordDistribution record and emit a distribution (wrapper on top of timer) for the given // metric name RecordDistribution(scope int, timer int, d int) // UpdateGauge reports Gauge type absolute value metric UpdateGauge(scope int, gauge int, value float64) // Scope return an internal scope that can be used to add additional // information to metrics Scope(scope int, tags ...Tag) Scope }
Client is the interface used to report metrics tally.
type Config ¶ added in v1.5.7
type Config struct { // M3 is the configuration for m3 metrics reporter M3 *m3.Configuration `yaml:"m3"` // Statsd is the configuration for statsd reporter Statsd *StatsdConfig `yaml:"statsd"` // Prometheus is the configuration for prometheus reporter Prometheus *PrometheusConfig `yaml:"prometheus"` // {optional} Config for Prometheus metrics reporter for SDK reported metrics. PrometheusSDK *PrometheusConfig `yaml:"prometheusSDK"` // Tags is the set of key-value pairs to be reported as part of every metric Tags map[string]string `yaml:"tags"` // Prefix sets the prefix to all outgoing metrics Prefix string `yaml:"prefix"` }
Config contains the config items for metrics subsystem
func (*Config) InitMetricReporters ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (c *Config) InitMetricReporters(logger log.Logger, customReporter interface{}) (Reporter, Reporter, error)
InitMetricReporters is a root function for initalizing metrics clients.
Usage pattern serverReporter, sdkReporter, err := c.InitMetricReporters(logger, customReporter) metricsClient := serverReporter.newClient(logger, serviceIdx)
customReporter Provide this argument if you want to report metrics to a custom metric platform, otherwise use nil.
returns SeverReporter, SDKReporter, error
func (*Config) NewCustomReporterScope ¶ added in v1.5.7
type ErrorClass ¶
type ErrorClass uint8
ErrorClass is an enum to help with classifying SLA vs. non-SLA errors (SLA = "service level agreement")
type HistogramObjective ¶ added in v1.9.0
type HistogramObjective struct {
Upper float64 `yaml:"upper"`
Deprecated. HistogramObjective is a Prometheus histogram bucket. Added for backwards compatibility.
type MetricName ¶
type MetricName string
MetricName is the name of the metric
func (MetricName) Empty ¶ added in v0.27.0
func (mn MetricName) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the metricName is an empty string
func (MetricName) String ¶ added in v0.27.0
func (mn MetricName) String() string
String returns string representation of this metric name
type MetricType ¶
type MetricType int
MetricType is the type of the metric
const ( Counter MetricType = iota Timer Gauge )
MetricTypes which are supported
type MockClient ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClient is a mock of Client interface.
func NewMockClient ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewMockClient(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClient
NewMockClient creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockClient) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) AddCounter(scope, counter int, delta int64)
AddCounter mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) EXPECT() *MockClientMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockClient) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) IncCounter(scope, counter int)
IncCounter mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) RecordDistribution(scope, timer, d int)
RecordDistribution mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) RecordTimer(scope, timer int, d time.Duration)
RecordTimer mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) Scope ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) Scope(scope int, tags ...Tag) Scope
Scope mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) StartTimer(scope, timer int) Stopwatch
StartTimer mocks base method.
func (*MockClient) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockClient) UpdateGauge(scope, gauge int, value float64)
UpdateGauge mocks base method.
type MockClientMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockClientMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockClientMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClient.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) AddCounter(scope, counter, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddCounter indicates an expected call of AddCounter.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) IncCounter(scope, counter interface{}) *gomock.Call
IncCounter indicates an expected call of IncCounter.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RecordDistribution(scope, timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
RecordDistribution indicates an expected call of RecordDistribution.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) RecordTimer(scope, timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
RecordTimer indicates an expected call of RecordTimer.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) Scope ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) Scope(scope interface{}, tags ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Scope indicates an expected call of Scope.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) StartTimer(scope, timer interface{}) *gomock.Call
StartTimer indicates an expected call of StartTimer.
func (*MockClientMockRecorder) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockClientMockRecorder) UpdateGauge(scope, gauge, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateGauge indicates an expected call of UpdateGauge.
type MockReporter ¶ added in v1.9.0
type MockReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockReporter is a mock of Reporter interface.
func NewMockReporter ¶ added in v1.9.0
func NewMockReporter(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockReporter
NewMockReporter creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockReporter) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *MockReporter) EXPECT() *MockReporterMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockReporter) NewClient ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *MockReporter) NewClient(logger log.Logger, serviceIdx ServiceIdx) (Client, error)
NewClient mocks base method.
func (*MockReporter) Stop ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *MockReporter) Stop(logger log.Logger)
Stop mocks base method.
type MockReporterMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.9.0
type MockReporterMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockReporterMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockReporter.
func (*MockReporterMockRecorder) NewClient ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (mr *MockReporterMockRecorder) NewClient(logger, serviceIdx interface{}) *gomock.Call
NewClient indicates an expected call of NewClient.
func (*MockReporterMockRecorder) Stop ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (mr *MockReporterMockRecorder) Stop(logger interface{}) *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
type MockScope ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockScope struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockScope is a mock of Scope interface.
func NewMockScope ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewMockScope(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockScope
NewMockScope creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockScope) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
AddCounter mocks base method.
func (*MockScope) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockScope) EXPECT() *MockScopeMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockScope) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
IncCounter mocks base method.
func (*MockScope) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.5.7
RecordDistribution mocks base method.
func (*MockScope) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
RecordTimer mocks base method.
func (*MockScope) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
StartTimer mocks base method.
func (*MockScope) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.5.7
UpdateGauge mocks base method.
type MockScopeMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockScopeMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockScopeMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockScope.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) AddCounter(counter, delta interface{}) *gomock.Call
AddCounter indicates an expected call of AddCounter.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) IncCounter(counter interface{}) *gomock.Call
IncCounter indicates an expected call of IncCounter.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordDistribution(id, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
RecordDistribution indicates an expected call of RecordDistribution.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) RecordTimer(timer, d interface{}) *gomock.Call
RecordTimer indicates an expected call of RecordTimer.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) StartTimer(timer interface{}) *gomock.Call
StartTimer indicates an expected call of StartTimer.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) Tagged ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) Tagged(tags ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tagged indicates an expected call of Tagged.
func (*MockScopeMockRecorder) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockScopeMockRecorder) UpdateGauge(gauge, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateGauge indicates an expected call of UpdateGauge.
type MockStopwatch ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockStopwatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStopwatch is a mock of Stopwatch interface.
func NewMockStopwatch ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewMockStopwatch(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockStopwatch
NewMockStopwatch creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockStopwatch) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m *MockStopwatch) EXPECT() *MockStopwatchMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockStopwatch) Subtract ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (m *MockStopwatch) Subtract(d time.Duration)
Subtract mocks base method.
type MockStopwatchMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.5.7
type MockStopwatchMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockStopwatchMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockStopwatch.
func (*MockStopwatchMockRecorder) Stop ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (mr *MockStopwatchMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop.
func (*MockStopwatchMockRecorder) Subtract ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (mr *MockStopwatchMockRecorder) Subtract(d interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subtract indicates an expected call of Subtract.
type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric is a mock of openTelemetryStopwatchMetric interface.
func NewMockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric ¶ added in v1.10.0
func NewMockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric
NewMockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric) EXPECT ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (m *MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric) EXPECT() *MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder ¶ added in v1.10.0
type MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetric.
func (*MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder) Record ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (mr *MockopenTelemetryStopwatchMetricMockRecorder) Record(ctx, value interface{}) *gomock.Call
Record indicates an expected call of Record.
type NoopMetricsClient ¶ added in v1.5.7
type NoopMetricsClient struct{}
func NewNoopMetricsClient ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewNoopMetricsClient() *NoopMetricsClient
func (NoopMetricsClient) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) AddCounter(scope int, counter int, delta int64)
func (NoopMetricsClient) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) IncCounter(scope int, counter int)
func (NoopMetricsClient) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) RecordDistribution(scope int, timer int, d int)
func (NoopMetricsClient) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) RecordTimer(scope int, timer int, d time.Duration)
func (NoopMetricsClient) Scope ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) Scope(scope int, tags ...Tag) Scope
func (NoopMetricsClient) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) StartTimer(scope int, timer int) Stopwatch
func (NoopMetricsClient) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (m NoopMetricsClient) UpdateGauge(scope int, gauge int, value float64)
type OpentelemetryListener ¶ added in v1.9.0
type OpentelemetryListener struct { }
type OpentelemetryReporter ¶ added in v1.9.0
type OpentelemetryReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OpentelemetryReporter is a base class for reporting metrics to opentelemetry.
func (*OpentelemetryReporter) GetMeter ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (r *OpentelemetryReporter) GetMeter() metric.Meter
func (*OpentelemetryReporter) GetMeterMust ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (r *OpentelemetryReporter) GetMeterMust() metric.MeterMust
func (*OpentelemetryReporter) NewClient ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (r *OpentelemetryReporter) NewClient(logger log.Logger, serviceIdx ServiceIdx) (Client, error)
func (*OpentelemetryReporter) Stop ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (r *OpentelemetryReporter) Stop(logger log.Logger)
type PrometheusConfig ¶ added in v1.5.7
type PrometheusConfig struct { // Metric framework: Tally/OpenTelemetry Framework string `yaml:framework` // Address for prometheus to serve metrics from. ListenAddress string `yaml:"listenAddress"` // DefaultHistogramBoundaries defines the default histogram bucket // boundaries. DefaultHistogramBoundaries []float64 `yaml:"defaultHistogramBoundaries"` // HandlerPath if specified will be used instead of using the default // HTTP handler path "/metrics". HandlerPath string `yaml:"handlerPath"` // Deprecated. ListenNetwork if specified will be used instead of using tcp network. // Supported networks: tcp, tcp4, tcp6 and unix. ListenNetwork string `yaml:"listenNetwork"` // Deprecated. TimerType is the default Prometheus type to use for Tally timers. TimerType string `yaml:"timerType"` // Deprecated. DefaultHistogramBuckets if specified will set the default histogram // buckets to be used by the reporter. DefaultHistogramBuckets []HistogramObjective `yaml:"defaultHistogramBuckets"` // Deprecated. DefaultSummaryObjectives if specified will set the default summary // objectives to be used by the reporter. DefaultSummaryObjectives []SummaryObjective `yaml:"defaultSummaryObjectives"` // Deprecated. OnError specifies what to do when an error either with listening // on the specified listen address or registering a metric with the // Prometheus. By default the registerer will panic. OnError string `yaml:"onError"` }
PrometheusConfig is a new format for config for prometheus metrics.
type Reporter ¶ added in v1.9.0
type Reporter interface { NewClient(logger log.Logger, serviceIdx ServiceIdx) (Client, error) Stop(logger log.Logger) }
Reporter is an interface for base constructor for metrics client.
type RuntimeMetricsReporter ¶
type RuntimeMetricsReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RuntimeMetricsReporter A struct containing the state of the RuntimeMetricsReporter.
func NewRuntimeMetricsReporter ¶
func NewRuntimeMetricsReporter( scope tally.Scope, reportInterval time.Duration, logger log.Logger, instanceID string, ) *RuntimeMetricsReporter
NewRuntimeMetricsReporter Creates a new RuntimeMetricsReporter.
func (*RuntimeMetricsReporter) Start ¶
func (r *RuntimeMetricsReporter) Start()
Start Starts the reporter thread that periodically emits metrics.
func (*RuntimeMetricsReporter) Stop ¶
func (r *RuntimeMetricsReporter) Stop()
Stop Stops reporting of runtime metrics. The reporter cannot be started again after it's been stopped.
type Scope ¶ added in v0.5.7
type Scope interface { // IncCounter increments a counter metric IncCounter(counter int) // AddCounter adds delta to the counter metric AddCounter(counter int, delta int64) // StartTimer starts a timer for the given metric name. // Time will be recorded when stopwatch is stopped. StartTimer(timer int) Stopwatch // RecordTimer records a timer for the given metric name RecordTimer(timer int, d time.Duration) // RecordDistribution records a distribution (wrapper on top of timer) for the given // metric name RecordDistribution(id int, d int) // UpdateGauge reports Gauge type absolute value metric UpdateGauge(gauge int, value float64) // Tagged return an internal scope that can be used to add additional // information to metrics Tagged(tags ...Tag) Scope }
Scope is an interface for metric.
func NoopScope ¶ added in v0.5.7
func NoopScope(serviceIdx ServiceIdx) Scope
NoopScope returns a noop scope of metrics
type ServiceIdx ¶
type ServiceIdx int
ServiceIdx is an index that uniquely identifies the service
func GetMetricsServiceIdx ¶ added in v0.27.0
func GetMetricsServiceIdx(serviceName string, logger log.Logger) ServiceIdx
GetMetricsServiceIdx returns service id corresponding to serviceName
type StatsdConfig ¶ added in v1.5.7
type StatsdConfig struct { // The host and port of the statsd server HostPort string `yaml:"hostPort" validate:"nonzero"` // The prefix to use in reporting to statsd Prefix string `yaml:"prefix" validate:"nonzero"` // FlushInterval is the maximum interval for sending packets. // If it is not specified, it defaults to 1 second. FlushInterval time.Duration `yaml:"flushInterval"` // FlushBytes specifies the maximum udp packet size you wish to send. // If FlushBytes is unspecified, it defaults to 1432 bytes, which is // considered safe for local traffic. FlushBytes int `yaml:"flushBytes"` }
StatsdConfig contains the config items for statsd metrics reporter
type Stopwatch ¶ added in v0.5.9
type Stopwatch interface { // Stop records time elapsed from time of creation. Stop() // Subtract adds value to subtract from recorded duration. Subtract(d time.Duration) }
Stopwatch is an interface tracking of elapsed time, use the Stop() method to report time elapsed since its created back to the timer or histogram.
func NewStopwatch ¶ added in v0.5.9
NewStopwatch creates a new immutable stopwatch for recording the start time to a stopwatch reporter.
func NewTestStopwatch ¶ added in v0.5.9
func NewTestStopwatch() Stopwatch
NewTestStopwatch returns a new test stopwatch
func NopStopwatch ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NopStopwatch() Stopwatch
NopStopwatch return a fake tally stop watch
type SummaryObjective ¶ added in v1.9.0
type SummaryObjective struct { Percentile float64 `yaml:"percentile"` AllowedError float64 `yaml:"allowedError"` }
Deprecated. SummaryObjective is a Prometheus summary objective. Added for backwards compatibility.
type Tag ¶ added in v0.5.7
Tag is an interface to define metrics tags
func ActivityTypeTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
ActivityTypeTag returns a new activity type tag.
func CommandTypeTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
CommandTypeTag returns a new command type tag.
func InstanceTag ¶ added in v0.5.9
InstanceTag returns a new instance tag
func NamespaceTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
NamespaceTag returns a new namespace tag. For timers, this also ensures that we dual emit the metric with the all tag. If a blank namespace is provided then this converts that to an unknown namespace.
func NamespaceUnknownTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
func NamespaceUnknownTag() Tag
NamespaceUnknownTag returns a new namespace:unknown tag-value
func ServiceRoleTag ¶ added in v1.4.0
Returns a new service role tag.
func StatsTypeTag ¶ added in v1.4.0
Returns a new stats type tag
func TargetClusterTag ¶ added in v0.6.0
TargetClusterTag returns a new target cluster tag.
func TaskQueueTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
TaskQueueTag returns a new task queue tag.
func TaskQueueUnknownTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
func TaskQueueUnknownTag() Tag
TaskQueueUnknownTag returns a new taskqueue:unknown tag-value
func WorkflowTypeTag ¶ added in v0.27.0
WorkflowTypeTag returns a new workflow type tag.
type TallyClient ¶ added in v1.9.0
type TallyClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TallyClient is used for reporting metrics by various Temporal services
func (*TallyClient) AddCounter ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) AddCounter(scopeIdx int, counterIdx int, delta int64)
AddCounter adds delta to the counter and emits to the metrics backend
func (*TallyClient) IncCounter ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) IncCounter(scopeIdx int, counterIdx int)
IncCounter increments one for a counter and emits to metrics backend
func (*TallyClient) RecordDistribution ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) RecordDistribution(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int, d int)
RecordDistribution record and emit a distribution (wrapper on top of timer) for the given metric name
func (*TallyClient) RecordTimer ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) RecordTimer(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int, d time.Duration)
RecordTimer record and emit a timer for the given metric name
func (*TallyClient) Scope ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) Scope(scopeIdx int, tags ...Tag) Scope
Scope return a new internal metrics scope that can be used to add additional information to the metrics emitted
func (*TallyClient) StartTimer ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) StartTimer(scopeIdx int, timerIdx int) Stopwatch
StartTimer starts a timer for the given metric name
func (*TallyClient) UpdateGauge ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (m *TallyClient) UpdateGauge(scopeIdx int, gaugeIdx int, value float64)
UpdateGauge reports Gauge type metric
type TallyReporter ¶ added in v1.9.0
type TallyReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TallyReporter is a base class for reporting metrics to Tally.
func (*TallyReporter) GetScope ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (tr *TallyReporter) GetScope() tally.Scope
func (*TallyReporter) NewClient ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (tr *TallyReporter) NewClient(logger log.Logger, serviceIdx ServiceIdx) (Client, error)
func (*TallyReporter) Stop ¶ added in v1.9.0
func (tr *TallyReporter) Stop(logger log.Logger)
type TallyStopwatch ¶ added in v1.5.7
type TallyStopwatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TallyStopwatch is a helper for simpler tracking of elapsed time, use the Stop() method to report time elapsed since its created back to the timer or histogram.
func (*TallyStopwatch) Stop ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sw *TallyStopwatch) Stop()
Stop reports time elapsed since the stopwatch start to the recorder.
func (*TallyStopwatch) Subtract ¶ added in v1.10.0
func (sw *TallyStopwatch) Subtract(toSubstract time.Duration)
Substract records time to substract from resulting value.
Source Files
- api_metrics.go
- common.go
- config.go
- defs.go
- grpc.go
- interfaces.go
- interfaces_mock.go
- noop_metrics_client.go
- nop.go
- opentelemetery_client.go
- opentelemetery_reporter.go
- opentelemetery_scope.go
- opentelemetry_stopwatch.go
- opentelemetry_stopwatch_mocks.go
- runtime.go
- tags.go
- tally_client.go
- tally_reporter.go
- tally_scope.go
- tally_stopwatch.go