Bazel Project Exporter
Skia's authoritative build system is moving to Bazel. For users needing to use other build system, this tool will export a subset of the Bazel build targets to other build systems.
Bazel to CMake
Note: This is not meant for any purpose beyond development.
At the root level of the Skia workspace:
make -C bazel generate_cmake
This will write to a single CMakeLists.txt
file a valid CMake project with
targets to build the artifacts covered by the Bazel //:core target
and all dependent targets.
Current limitations
- External dependencies are not supported.
- Only the
rule is supported. Other rules may work.
Bazel to *.gni
Generating the predefined *.gni
files is done by running the following
at the root level of the Skia workspace:
make -C bazel generate_gni
This will update the *.gni
files that reside in //gn
that contain
file lists necessary for a GN build. The exporter tool is hardcoded
with the Bazel rules to be exported, and to which GNI file and
file list they should be mapped. As Bazel project rules are
refactored it may be necessary to update the exporter tool to reflect
those changes.
Bazel Rule to GNI File List Mapping
The GNI export process is platform agnostic and generates the GNI files with the same file lists on all platforms. Let's describe the mapping process using a fictitious example program:
In //include/example/BUILD.bazel
exists a rule defining the header
name = "public_hdrs",
srcs = [ "example.h" ],
Note: Bazel visibility rules are ignored. The exporter tool can export private files.
In //src/example/BUILD.bazel
a rule to define the example
name = "example_srcs",
srcs = [
] + select({
":is_windows": [ "draw_win.cpp" ]
The rule → file list mapping in the exporter tool looks like:
var gniExportDescs = []exporter.GNIExportDesc{
// ... Other GNI definitions.
{GNI: "gn/example.gni", Vars: []exporter.GNIFileListExportDesc{
{Var: "example_headers",
Rules: []string{"//include/example:public_hdrs"}},
{Var: "example_sources",
Rules: []string{"//src/example:example_srcs"}}},
// ... Other GNI definitions.
When the exporter tool is run, it will create the following
definitions in //gn/example.gni
# DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file.
_src = get_path_info("../src", "abspath")
_include = get_path_info("../include", "abspath")
example_headers = [ "$_include/example/example.h" ]
example_sources = [
Note: The exporter always includes the contents of all select()
calls. This may be desired -- if not the solution is to pull
the files in a select into a new Bazel filegroup. For example:
name = "win_example_srcs",
srcs = [ "draw_win.cpp" ],
name = "example_srcs",
srcs = [
srcs = select({
":is_windows": [ ":win_example_srcs" ]
Or alternatively:
name = "win_example_srcs",
srcs = select({
":is_windows": [ "draw_win.cpp" ]
name = "example_srcs",
srcs = [
":win_example_srcs", # Not recursively followed.
In each case the referenced rule (win_example_srcs
) is not
followed and only files directly listed in a rule are exported
to a GNI file.
There is no documentation for this package.