The host takes local disk storage and makes it available to the Sia network. It will do so by announcing itself, and its settings, to the network. Renters transact with the host through a number of RPC calls.
In order for data to be uploaded and stored, the renter and host must agree on a file contract. Once they have negotiated the terms of the file contract, it is signed and put on chain. Any further action related to the data is reflected in the file contract by means of contract revisions that get signed by both parties. The host is responsible for managing these contracts, and making sure the data is safely stored. The host proves that it is storing the data by providing a segment of the file and a list of hashes from the file's merkletree.
Aside from storage, the host offers another service called ephemeral accounts. These accounts serve as an alternative payment method to file contracts. Users can deposit money into them and then later use those funds to transact with the host. The most common transactions are uploading and downloading data, however any RPC that requires payment will support receiving payment from an ephemeral account.
The Host implements the Alert
interface and thus registers several alerts in
the global Alert system. These alerts are returned by the daemon and notify the
user of potentially critical events.
The host might register the following alerts:
- AlertIDHostDiskTrouble
registered when the host is encountering problems interacting with one or more of his disks - AlertIDHostInsufficientCollateral
registered if the host has insufficient collateral budget left to form or renew a contract
The ContractManager is responsible for managing contracts that the host has with renters, including storing the data, submitting storage proofs, and deleting the data when a contract is complete.
The Host has the following subsystems that help carry out its responsibilities.
AccountManager Subsystem
Key Files
The AccountManager subsystem manages all of the ephemeral accounts on the host.
Ephemeral accounts are a service offered by hosts that allow users to connect a balance to a pubkey. Users can deposit funds into an ephemeral account with a host and then later use the funds to transact with the host.
The account owner fully entrusts the money with the host, they have no recourse at all if the host decides to steal the funds. For this reason, users should only keep tiny balances in ephemeral accounts and users should refill the ephemeral accounts frequently, even on the order of multiple times per minute.
To increase performance, the host will allow a user to withdraw from an
ephemeral account without requiring the user to wait until the host has
persisted the withdrawal to complete a transaction. This allows the user to
perform actions such as downloading with significantly less latency. This also
means that if the host loses power at that exact moment, the host will forget
that the user has spent money and the user will be able to spend that money
again. The host can configure the amount of money it is willing to risk due to
this asynchronous persist model through the maxephemeralaccountrisk
Ephemeral accounts that have been inactive for a long period of time will be pruned from the account list. This will effectively expire the account, along with all the money that was associated to it. The host can configure this period through the ephemeralaccountexpiry setting. The default is set to a period of 7 days.
AccountsPersister Subsystem
Key Files
The AccountsPersister subsystem will persist all ephemeral account data to disk. This data consists of two parts, the account balance and the fingerprints. Fingerprints are derived from the withdrawal message the user used to perform a withdrawal. They ensure that the same withdrawal can not be withdrawn twice, thus preventing a replay attack on the host.
The account balances together with the corresponding publickey are persisted in a single accounts file. The fingerprints are persisted across two files, the current and the next fingerprint bucket. The expiry blockheight of the withdrawal message decide if the fingerprint belongs to either the current or the next bucket.
Overview ¶
Package host is an implementation of the host module, and is responsible for participating in the storage ecosystem, turning available disk space an internet bandwidth into profit for the user.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type ErrorCommunication
- type ErrorConnection
- type ErrorConsensus
- type ErrorInternal
- type Host
- func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, tpool modules.TransactionPool, ...) (*Host, error)
- func NewCustomHost(deps modules.Dependencies, cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, ...) (*Host, error)
- func NewCustomTestHost(deps modules.Dependencies, smDeps modules.Dependencies, ...) (*Host, error)
- func (h *Host) Alerts() (crit, err, warn, info []modules.Alert)
- func (h *Host) Announce() error
- func (h *Host) AnnounceAddress(addr modules.NetAddress) error
- func (h *Host) BandwidthCounters() (uint64, uint64, time.Time, error)
- func (h *Host) BlockHeight() types.BlockHeight
- func (h *Host) Close() error
- func (h *Host) ConnectabilityStatus() modules.HostConnectabilityStatus
- func (h *Host) ExternalSettings() modules.HostExternalSettings
- func (h *Host) FinancialMetrics() modules.HostFinancialMetrics
- func (h *Host) InternalSettings() modules.HostInternalSettings
- func (h *Host) NetAddress() modules.NetAddress
- func (h *Host) NetworkMetrics() modules.HostNetworkMetrics
- func (h *Host) PriceTable() modules.RPCPriceTable
- func (h *Host) ProcessConsensusChange(cc modules.ConsensusChange)
- func (h *Host) ProcessPayment(stream siamux.Stream, bh types.BlockHeight) (modules.PaymentDetails, error)
- func (h *Host) PruneStaleStorageObligations() error
- func (h *Host) PublicKey() types.SiaPublicKey
- func (h *Host) RegistryGet(sid modules.RegistryEntryID) (types.SiaPublicKey, modules.SignedRegistryValue, bool)
- func (h *Host) RegistryUpdate(rv modules.SignedRegistryValue, pubKey types.SiaPublicKey, ...) (modules.SignedRegistryValue, error)
- func (h *Host) SetInternalSettings(settings modules.HostInternalSettings) error
- func (h *Host) StorageObligation(obligationID types.FileContractID) (modules.StorageObligation, error)
- func (h *Host) StorageObligations() (sos []modules.StorageObligation)
- func (h *Host) WorkingStatus() modules.HostWorkingStatus
- type StorageObligationSnapshot
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) ContractSize() uint64
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) MerkleRoot() crypto.Hash
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) ProofDeadline() types.BlockHeight
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) RecentRevision() types.FileContractRevision
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) RevisionTxn() types.Transaction
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) SectorRoots() []crypto.Hash
- func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) UnallocatedCollateral() types.Currency
Constants ¶
const ( // AlertMSGHostInsufficientCollateral indicates that a host has insufficient // collateral budget remaining AlertMSGHostInsufficientCollateral = "host has insufficient collateral budget" )
Constants related to the host's alerts.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrAccountPersist occurs when an ephemeral account could not be persisted // to disk. ErrAccountPersist = errors.New("ephemeral account could not be persisted to disk") // ErrAccountExpired occurs when a blocked action can not complete because // the account has expired in the meantime. ErrAccountExpired = errors.New("ephemeral account expired") // ErrBalanceInsufficient occurs when a withdrawal could not be successfully // completed because the account balance was insufficient. ErrBalanceInsufficient = errors.New("ephemeral account balance was insufficient") // ErrBalanceMaxExceeded occurs when a deposit would push the account's // balance over the maximum allowed ephemeral account balance. ErrBalanceMaxExceeded = errors.New("ephemeral account maximum balance exceeded") // ErrDepositCancelled occurs when the host was willingly or unwillingly // stopped in the midst of a deposit process. ErrDepositCancelled = errors.New("ephemeral account deposit cancelled due to a shutdown") // ErrWithdrawalCancelled occurs when the host was willingly or unwillingly // stopped in the midst of a withdrawal process. ErrWithdrawalCancelled = errors.New("ephemeral account withdrawal cancelled due to a shutdown") // ErrWithdrawalSpent occurs when a withdrawal is requested using a // withdrawal message that has been spent already. ErrWithdrawalSpent = errors.New("withdrawal message was already spent") // ErrZeroAccountID occurs when an account is opened with the ZeroAccountID. ErrZeroAccountID = errors.New("can't open an account with an empty account id") )
var ( // ErrBadContractOutputCounts is returned if the presented file contract // revision has the wrong number of outputs for either the valid or the // missed proof outputs. ErrBadContractOutputCounts = ErrorCommunication("rejected for having an unexpected number of outputs") // ErrBadContractParent is returned when a file contract revision is // presented which has a parent id that doesn't match the file contract // which is supposed to be getting revised. ErrBadContractParent = ErrorCommunication("could not find contract's parent") // ErrBadFileMerkleRoot is returned if the renter incorrectly updates the // file merkle root during a file contract revision. ErrBadFileMerkleRoot = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad file merkle root") // ErrBadFileSize is returned if the renter incorrectly download and // changes the file size during a file contract revision. ErrBadFileSize = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad file size") // ErrBadModificationIndex is returned if the renter requests a change on a // sector root that is not in the file contract. ErrBadModificationIndex = ErrorCommunication("renter has made a modification that points to a nonexistent sector") // ErrBadParentID is returned if the renter incorrectly download and // provides the wrong parent id during a file contract revision. ErrBadParentID = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad parent id") // ErrBadPayoutUnlockHashes is returned if the renter incorrectly sets the // payout unlock hashes during contract formation. ErrBadPayoutUnlockHashes = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad unlock hashes in the payout") // ErrBadRevisionNumber number is returned if the renter incorrectly // download and does not increase the revision number during a file // contract revision. ErrBadRevisionNumber = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad revision number") // ErrBadSectorSize is returned if the renter provides a sector to be // inserted that is the wrong size. ErrBadSectorSize = ErrorCommunication("renter has provided an incorrectly sized sector") // ErrBadUnlockConditions is returned if the renter incorrectly download // and does not provide the right unlock conditions in the payment // revision. ErrBadUnlockConditions = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad unlock conditions") // ErrBadUnlockHash is returned if the renter incorrectly updates the // unlock hash during a file contract revision. ErrBadUnlockHash = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad new unlock hash") // ErrBadWindowEnd is returned if the renter incorrectly download and // changes the window end during a file contract revision. ErrBadWindowEnd = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad new window end") // ErrBadWindowStart is returned if the renter incorrectly updates the // window start during a file contract revision. ErrBadWindowStart = ErrorCommunication("rejected for bad new window start") // ErrEarlyWindow is returned if the file contract provided by the renter // has a storage proof window that is starting too near in the future. ErrEarlyWindow = ErrorCommunication("rejected for a window that starts too soon") // ErrEmptyObject is returned if the renter sends an empty or nil object // unexpectedly. ErrEmptyObject = ErrorCommunication("renter has unexpectedly send an empty/nil object") // ErrHighRenterMissedOutput is returned if the renter incorrectly download // and deducts an insufficient amount from the renter missed outputs during // a file contract revision. ErrHighRenterMissedOutput = ErrorCommunication("rejected for high paying renter missed output") // ErrHighRenterValidOutput is returned if the renter incorrectly download // and deducts an insufficient amount from the renter valid outputs during // a file contract revision. ErrHighRenterValidOutput = ErrorCommunication("rejected for high paying renter valid output") // ErrIllegalOffsetAndLength is returned if the renter tries perform a // modify operation that uses a troublesome combination of offset and // length. ErrIllegalOffsetAndLength = ErrorCommunication("renter is trying to do a modify with an illegal offset and length") // ErrInvalidPayoutSums is returned if a revision doesn't sum up to the same // total payout as the previous revision or contract. ErrInvalidPayoutSums = ErrorCommunication("renter provided a revision with an invalid total payout") // ErrLargeSector is returned if the renter sends a RevisionAction that has // data which creates a sector that is larger than what the host uses. ErrLargeSector = ErrorCommunication("renter has sent a sector that exceeds the host's sector size") // ErrLateRevision is returned if the renter is attempting to revise a // revision after the revision deadline. The host needs time to submit the // final revision to the blockchain to guarantee payment, and therefore // will not accept revisions once the window start is too close. ErrLateRevision = ErrorCommunication("renter is requesting revision after the revision deadline") // ErrLongDuration is returned if the renter proposes a file contract with // an expiration that is too far into the future according to the host's // settings. ErrLongDuration = ErrorCommunication("renter proposed a file contract with a too-long duration") // ErrLowHostMissedOutput is returned if the renter incorrectly updates the // host missed proof output during a file contract revision. ErrLowHostMissedOutput = ErrorCommunication("rejected for low paying host missed output") // ErrLowHostValidOutput is returned if the renter incorrectly updates the // host valid proof output during a file contract revision. ErrLowHostValidOutput = ErrorCommunication("rejected for low paying host valid output") // ErrLowTransactionFees is returned if the renter provides a transaction // that the host does not feel is able to make it onto the blockchain. ErrLowTransactionFees = ErrorCommunication("rejected for including too few transaction fees") // ErrLowVoidOutput is returned if the renter has not allocated enough // funds to the void output. ErrLowVoidOutput = ErrorCommunication("rejected for low value void output") // ErrMismatchedHostPayouts is returned if the renter incorrectly sets the // host valid and missed payouts to different values during contract // formation. ErrMismatchedHostPayouts = ErrorCommunication("rejected because host valid and missed payouts are not the same value") // ErrNotAcceptingContracts is returned if the host is currently not // accepting new contracts. ErrNotAcceptingContracts = ErrorCommunication("host is not accepting new contracts") // ErrSmallWindow is returned if the renter suggests a storage proof window // that is too small. ErrSmallWindow = ErrorCommunication("rejected for small window size") // ErrUnknownModification is returned if the host receives a modification // action from the renter that it does not understand. ErrUnknownModification = ErrorCommunication("renter is attempting an action that the host does not understand") // ErrValidHostOutputAddressChanged is returned when the host's valid output // address changed even though it shouldn't. ErrValidHostOutputAddressChanged = ErrorCommunication("valid host output address changed") // ErrMissedHostOutputAddressChanged is returned when the host's missed // payout address changed even though it shouldn't. ErrMissedHostOutputAddressChanged = ErrorCommunication("missed host output address changed") // ErrVoidAddressChanged is returned if the void output address changed. ErrVoidAddressChanged = ErrorCommunication("lost collateral address was changed") // ErrValidRenterPayoutChanged is returned if the renter's valid payout // changed even though it shouldn't. ErrValidRenterPayoutChanged = ErrorCommunication("valid renter payout changed") // ErrMissedRenterPayoutChanged is returned if the renter's missed payout // changed even though it shouldn't. ErrMissedRenterPayoutChanged = ErrorCommunication("missed renter payout changed") // ErrValidHostPayoutChanged is returned if the host's valid payout changed // even though it shouldn't. ErrValidHostPayoutChanged = ErrorCommunication("valid host payout changed") // ErrVoidPayoutChanged is returned if the void payout changed even though // it wasn't expected to. ErrVoidPayoutChanged = ErrorCommunication("void payout shouldn't change") )
var ( // ErrContractNotFound occurs when a contract id was not found in the host db ErrContractNotFound = errors.New("contract not found") )
var ( // ErrInsufficientRenterFee is the error returned when the renter provided // less txn fees than specified in the price table. ErrInsufficientRenterFee = errors.New("renter proposed a txn with less fees than specified in the price table") )
var ( // ErrObligationLocked is returned if the file contract being requested is // currently locked. The lock can be in place if there is a storage proof // being submitted, if there is another renter altering the contract, or if // there have been network connections with have not resolved yet. ErrObligationLocked = errors.New("the requested file contract is currently locked") )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ErrorCommunication ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ErrorCommunication string
ErrorCommunication errors are meant to be returned if the host and the renter seem to be miscommunicating. For example, if the renter attempts to pay an insufficient price, there has been a communication error.
func (ErrorCommunication) Error ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ec ErrorCommunication) Error() string
Error satisfies the Error interface for the ErrorCommunication type.
type ErrorConnection ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ErrorConnection string
ErrorConnection is meant to be used on errors where the network is returning unexpected errors. For example, sudden disconnects or connection write failures.
func (ErrorConnection) Error ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ec ErrorConnection) Error() string
Error satisfies the Error interface for the ErrorConnection type.
type ErrorConsensus ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ErrorConsensus string
ErrorConsensus errors are meant to be used when there are problems related to consensus, such as an inability to submit a storage proof to the blockchain, or an inability to get a file contract revision on to the blockchain.
func (ErrorConsensus) Error ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ec ErrorConsensus) Error() string
Error satisfies the Error interface for the ErrorConsensus type.
type ErrorInternal ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ErrorInternal string
ErrorInternal errors are meant to be used if an internal process in the host is malfunctioning, for example if the disk is failing.
func (ErrorInternal) Error ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ec ErrorInternal) Error() string
Error satisfies the Error interface for the ErrorInternal type.
type Host ¶
type Host struct { modules.StorageManager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A Host contains all the fields necessary for storing files for clients and performing the storage proofs on the received files.
func New ¶
func New(cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, tpool modules.TransactionPool, wallet modules.Wallet, mux *siamux.SiaMux, address string, persistDir string) (*Host, error)
New returns an initialized Host.
func NewCustomHost ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewCustomHost(deps modules.Dependencies, cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, tpool modules.TransactionPool, wallet modules.Wallet, mux *siamux.SiaMux, address string, persistDir string) (*Host, error)
NewCustomHost returns an initialized Host using the provided dependencies.
func NewCustomTestHost ¶ added in v1.5.7
func NewCustomTestHost(deps modules.Dependencies, smDeps modules.Dependencies, cs modules.ConsensusSet, g modules.Gateway, tpool modules.TransactionPool, wallet modules.Wallet, mux *siamux.SiaMux, address string, persistDir string) (*Host, error)
NewCustomTestHost allows passing in both host dependencies and storage manager dependencies. Used solely for testing purposes, to allow dependency injection into the host's submodules.
func (*Host) AnnounceAddress ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) AnnounceAddress(addr modules.NetAddress) error
AnnounceAddress submits a host announcement to the blockchain to announce a specific address. If there is no error, the host's address will be updated to the supplied address.
func (*Host) BandwidthCounters ¶ added in v1.5.7
BandwidthCounters returns the Hosts's upload and download bandwidth
func (*Host) BlockHeight ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) BlockHeight() types.BlockHeight
BlockHeight returns the host's current blockheight.
func (*Host) ConnectabilityStatus ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (h *Host) ConnectabilityStatus() modules.HostConnectabilityStatus
ConnectabilityStatus returns the connectability state of the host, whether the host can connect to itself on its configured netaddress.
func (*Host) ExternalSettings ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) ExternalSettings() modules.HostExternalSettings
ExternalSettings returns the hosts external settings. These values cannot be set by the user (host is configured through InternalSettings), and are the values that get displayed to other hosts on the network.
func (*Host) FinancialMetrics ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) FinancialMetrics() modules.HostFinancialMetrics
FinancialMetrics returns information about the financial commitments, rewards, and activities of the host.
func (*Host) InternalSettings ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) InternalSettings() modules.HostInternalSettings
InternalSettings returns the settings of a host.
func (*Host) NetAddress ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) NetAddress() modules.NetAddress
NetAddress returns the address at which the host can be reached.
func (*Host) NetworkMetrics ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) NetworkMetrics() modules.HostNetworkMetrics
NetworkMetrics returns information about the types of rpc calls that have been made to the host.
func (*Host) PriceTable ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) PriceTable() modules.RPCPriceTable
PriceTable returns the host's current price table.
func (*Host) ProcessConsensusChange ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) ProcessConsensusChange(cc modules.ConsensusChange)
ProcessConsensusChange will be called by the consensus set every time there is a change to the blockchain.
func (*Host) ProcessPayment ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) ProcessPayment(stream siamux.Stream, bh types.BlockHeight) (modules.PaymentDetails, error)
ProcessPayment reads a payment request from the stream. Depending on the type of payment it will either update the file contract or call upon the ephemeral account manager to process the payment. It will return the account id, the amount paid and an error in case of failure. The account id will only be valid if the payment method is PayByEphemeralAccount, it will be an empty string otherwise.
func (*Host) PruneStaleStorageObligations ¶ added in v1.4.0
PruneStaleStorageObligations will delete storage obligations from the host that, for whatever reason, did not make it on the block chain. As these stale storage obligations have an impact on the host financial metrics, this method updates the host financial metrics to show the correct values.
func (*Host) PublicKey ¶ added in v1.1.1
func (h *Host) PublicKey() types.SiaPublicKey
PublicKey returns the public key of the host that is used to facilitate relationships between the host and renter.
func (*Host) RegistryGet ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) RegistryGet(sid modules.RegistryEntryID) (types.SiaPublicKey, modules.SignedRegistryValue, bool)
RegistryGet retrieves a value from the registry.
func (*Host) RegistryUpdate ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) RegistryUpdate(rv modules.SignedRegistryValue, pubKey types.SiaPublicKey, expiry types.BlockHeight) (modules.SignedRegistryValue, error)
RegistryUpdate updates a value in the registry.
func (*Host) SetInternalSettings ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (h *Host) SetInternalSettings(settings modules.HostInternalSettings) error
SetInternalSettings updates the host's internal HostInternalSettings object.
func (*Host) StorageObligation ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (h *Host) StorageObligation(obligationID types.FileContractID) (modules.StorageObligation, error)
StorageObligation returns the storage obligation matching the id or an error if it does not exist
func (*Host) StorageObligations ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (h *Host) StorageObligations() (sos []modules.StorageObligation)
StorageObligations fetches the set of storage obligations in the host and returns metadata on them.
func (*Host) WorkingStatus ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (h *Host) WorkingStatus() modules.HostWorkingStatus
WorkingStatus returns the working state of the host, where working is defined as having received more than workingStatusThreshold settings calls over the period of workingStatusFrequency.
type StorageObligationSnapshot ¶ added in v1.5.7
type StorageObligationSnapshot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StorageObligationSnapshot is a snapshot of a StorageObligation. A snapshot is a deep-copy and can be accessed without locking at the cost of being a frozen readonly representation of an SO which only exists in memory. Note that this snapshot only contains the properties required by the MDM to execute a program. This can be extended in the future to support other use cases.
func ZeroStorageObligationSnapshot ¶ added in v1.5.7
func ZeroStorageObligationSnapshot() StorageObligationSnapshot
ZeroStorageObligationSnapshot returns the storage obligation snapshot of an empty contract. All fields are set to the defaults.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) ContractSize ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) ContractSize() uint64
ContractSize returns the size of the underlying contract, which is static and is the value of the contract size at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) MerkleRoot ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) MerkleRoot() crypto.Hash
MerkleRoot returns the merkle root, which is static and is the value of the merkle root at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) ProofDeadline ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) ProofDeadline() types.BlockHeight
ProofDeadline returns the proof deadline of the underlying contract.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) RecentRevision ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) RecentRevision() types.FileContractRevision
RecentRevision returns the recent revision at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) RevisionTxn ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) RevisionTxn() types.Transaction
RevisionTxn returns the txn containing the filecontract revision.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) SectorRoots ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) SectorRoots() []crypto.Hash
SectorRoots returns a static list of the sector roots present at the time the snapshot was taken.
func (StorageObligationSnapshot) UnallocatedCollateral ¶ added in v1.5.7
func (sos StorageObligationSnapshot) UnallocatedCollateral() types.Currency
UnallocatedCollateral returns the remaining collateral within the contract that hasn't been allocated yet. This means it is not yet moved to the void in case of a missed storage proof.
Source Files
- accountmanager.go
- accountspersister.go
- alert.go
- announce.go
- consts.go
- dependencies.go
- errors.go
- host.go
- negotiate.go
- negotiatedownload.go
- negotiateformcontract.go
- negotiaterecentrevision.go
- negotiaterenewcontract.go
- negotiaterevisecontract.go
- negotiatesettings.go
- network.go
- newrpc.go
- payment.go
- persist.go
- persist_compat_1.2.0.go
- persist_compat_1.4.3.go
- persist_compat_1.5.1.go
- rpcaccountbalance.go
- rpcexecuteprogram.go
- rpcfundephemeralaccount.go
- rpclatestrevision.go
- rpcloop.go
- rpcrenewcontract.go
- rpcsubscribe.go
- rpcupdatepricetable.go
- storageobligations.go
- storageobligationslock.go
- update.go
- upnp.go