server_name_override If set to a non-empty string, it will override the virtual host name
of authority (e.g. :authority header field) in requests (typically used for testing).
balancer_name(default = pick_first): Sets the balancer in grpclb_policy to discover the servers.
See grpc loadbalancing example.
timeout (default = 5s): Is the timeout for every attempt to send data to the backend.
enabled (default = true)
initial_interval (default = 5s): Time to wait after the first failure before retrying; ignored if enabled is false
max_interval (default = 30s): Is the upper bound on backoff; ignored if enabled is false
max_elapsed_time (default = 120s): Is the maximum amount of time spent trying to send a batch; ignored if enabled is false
enabled (default = false)
num_consumers (default = 10): Number of consumers that dequeue batches; ignored if enabled is false
queue_size (default = 5000): Maximum number of batches kept in memory before data; ignored if disabled is false;
User should calculate this as num_seconds * requests_per_second where:
num_seconds is the number of seconds to buffer in case of a backend outage
requests_per_second is the average number of requests per seconds.