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Published: Aug 7, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 30 Imported by: 19,569



Package options defines the optional configurations for the MongoDB Go Driver.




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const (
	// ServerMonitoringModeAuto indicates that the client will behave like "poll"
	// mode when running on a FaaS (Function as a Service) platform, or like
	// "stream" mode otherwise. The client detects its execution environment by
	// following the rules for generating the "client.env" handshake metadata field
	// as specified in the MongoDB Handshake specification. This is the default
	// mode.
	ServerMonitoringModeAuto = connstring.ServerMonitoringModeAuto

	// ServerMonitoringModePoll indicates that the client will periodically check
	// the server using a hello or legacy hello command and then sleep for
	// heartbeatFrequencyMS milliseconds before running another check.
	ServerMonitoringModePoll = connstring.ServerMonitoringModePoll

	// ServerMonitoringModeStream indicates that the client will use a streaming
	// protocol when the server supports it. The streaming protocol optimally
	// reduces the time it takes for a client to discover server state changes.
	ServerMonitoringModeStream = connstring.ServerMonitoringModeStream
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const (
	QueryTypeEquality string = "equality"

These constants specify valid values for QueryType QueryType is used for Queryable Encryption.


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var DefaultCausalConsistency = true

DefaultCausalConsistency is the default value for the CausalConsistency option.

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var DefaultChunkSize int32 = 255 * 1024

DefaultChunkSize is the default size of each file chunk in bytes (255 KiB).

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var DefaultName = "fs"

DefaultName is the default name for a GridFS bucket.

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var DefaultOrdered = true

DefaultOrdered is the default value for the Ordered option in BulkWriteOptions.

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var DefaultRevision int32 = -1

DefaultRevision is the default revision number for a download by name operation.


func BuildTLSConfig added in v1.8.0

func BuildTLSConfig(tlsOpts map[string]interface{}) (*tls.Config, error)

BuildTLSConfig specifies tls.Config options for each KMS provider to use to configure TLS on all connections created to the KMS provider. The input map should contain a mapping from each KMS provider to a document containing the necessary options, as follows:

		"kmip": {
			"tlsCertificateKeyFile": "foo.pem",
			"tlsCAFile": "fooCA.pem"

Currently, the following TLS options are supported:

1. "tlsCertificateKeyFile" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyFile"): The "tlsCertificateKeyFile" option specifies a path to the client certificate and private key, which must be concatenated into one file.

2. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyPassword"): Specify the password to decrypt the client private key file (e.g. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword=password").

3. "tlsCaFile" (or "sslCertificateAuthorityFile"): Specify the path to a single or bundle of certificate authorities to be considered trusted when making a TLS connection (e.g. "tlsCaFile=/path/to/caFile").

This should only be used to set custom TLS options. By default, the connection will use an empty tls.Config{} with MinVersion set to tls.VersionTLS12.


type AggregateOptions added in v0.1.0

type AggregateOptions struct {
	// If true, the operation can write to temporary files in the _tmp subdirectory of the database directory path on
	// the server. The default value is false.
	AllowDiskUse *bool

	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// The maximum amount of time that the server should wait for new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions.
	MaxAwaitTime *time.Duration

	// A string that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace the operation.
	// The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment *string

	// The index to use for the aggregation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. The hint does not apply to $lookup and $graphLookup aggregation stages. The driver will return an
	// error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil, which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Specifies parameters for the aggregate expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

	// Custom options to be added to aggregate expression. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should correlate with desired
	// option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom options may conflict with non-custom options, and custom
	// options bypass client-side validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.
	Custom bson.M

AggregateOptions represents options that can be used to configure an Aggregate operation.

func Aggregate added in v0.1.0

func Aggregate() *AggregateOptions

Aggregate creates a new AggregateOptions instance.

func MergeAggregateOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeAggregateOptions(opts ...*AggregateOptions) *AggregateOptions

MergeAggregateOptions combines the given AggregateOptions instances into a single AggregateOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetAllowDiskUse added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetAllowDiskUse(b bool) *AggregateOptions

SetAllowDiskUse sets the value for the AllowDiskUse field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetBatchSize added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *AggregateOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *AggregateOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *AggregateOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetComment added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetComment(s string) *AggregateOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetCustom added in v1.9.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetCustom(c bson.M) *AggregateOptions

SetCustom sets the value for the Custom field. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should correlate with desired option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom options may conflict with non-custom options, and custom options bypass client-side validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetHint added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetHint(h interface{}) *AggregateOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetLet added in v1.6.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *AggregateOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime(d time.Duration) *AggregateOptions

SetMaxAwaitTime sets the value for the MaxAwaitTime field.

func (*AggregateOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (ao *AggregateOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *AggregateOptions

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type ArrayFilters added in v0.1.0

type ArrayFilters struct {
	// Registry is the registry to use for converting filters. Defaults to bson.DefaultRegistry.
	// Deprecated: Marshaling ArrayFilters to BSON will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.
	Registry *bsoncodec.Registry

	Filters []interface{} // The filters to apply

ArrayFilters is used to hold filters for the array filters CRUD option. If a registry is nil, bson.DefaultRegistry will be used when converting the filter interfaces to BSON.

func (*ArrayFilters) ToArray deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (af *ArrayFilters) ToArray() ([]bson.Raw, error)

ToArray builds a []bson.Raw from the provided ArrayFilters.

Deprecated: Marshaling ArrayFilters to BSON will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.

func (*ArrayFilters) ToArrayDocument deprecated added in v1.1.0

func (af *ArrayFilters) ToArrayDocument() (bson.Raw, error)

ToArrayDocument builds a BSON array for the array filters CRUD option. If the registry for af is nil, bson.DefaultRegistry will be used when converting the filter interfaces to BSON.

Deprecated: Marshaling ArrayFilters to BSON will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.

type AutoEncryptionOptions added in v1.2.0

type AutoEncryptionOptions struct {
	KeyVaultClientOptions *ClientOptions
	KeyVaultNamespace     string
	KmsProviders          map[string]map[string]interface{}
	SchemaMap             map[string]interface{}
	BypassAutoEncryption  *bool
	ExtraOptions          map[string]interface{}
	TLSConfig             map[string]*tls.Config
	HTTPClient            *http.Client
	EncryptedFieldsMap    map[string]interface{}
	BypassQueryAnalysis   *bool

AutoEncryptionOptions represents options used to configure auto encryption/decryption behavior for a mongo.Client instance.

Automatic encryption is an enterprise only feature that only applies to operations on a collection. Automatic encryption is not supported for operations on a database or view, and operations that are not bypassed will result in error. Too bypass automatic encryption for all operations, set BypassAutoEncryption=true.

Auto encryption requires the authenticated user to have the listCollections privilege action.

If automatic encryption fails on an operation, use a MongoClient configured with bypassAutoEncryption=true and use ClientEncryption.encrypt() to manually encrypt values.

Enabling Client Side Encryption reduces the maximum document and message size (using a maxBsonObjectSize of 2MiB and maxMessageSizeBytes of 6MB) and may have a negative performance impact.

func AutoEncryption added in v1.2.0

func AutoEncryption() *AutoEncryptionOptions

AutoEncryption creates a new AutoEncryptionOptions configured with default values.

func MergeAutoEncryptionOptions deprecated added in v1.2.0

func MergeAutoEncryptionOptions(opts ...*AutoEncryptionOptions) *AutoEncryptionOptions

MergeAutoEncryptionOptions combines the argued AutoEncryptionOptions in a last-one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetBypassAutoEncryption added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetBypassAutoEncryption(bypass bool) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetBypassAutoEncryption specifies whether or not auto encryption should be done.

If this is unset or false and target mongo.Client being configured has an unlimited connection pool size (i.e. maxPoolSize=0), it is reused in the process of auto encryption. Otherwise, if the target mongo.Client has a limited connection pool size, a separate internal mongo.Client is used (and created if necessary). The internal mongo.Client may be shared for key vault operations (if KeyVaultClient is unset). The internal mongo.Client is configured with the same options as the target mongo.Client except minPoolSize is set to 0 and AutoEncryptionOptions is omitted.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetBypassQueryAnalysis added in v1.10.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetBypassQueryAnalysis(bypass bool) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetBypassQueryAnalysis specifies whether or not query analysis should be used for automatic encryption. Use this option when using explicit encryption with Queryable Encryption.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetEncryptedFieldsMap added in v1.10.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetEncryptedFieldsMap(ef map[string]interface{}) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetEncryptedFieldsMap specifies a map from namespace to local EncryptedFieldsMap document. EncryptedFieldsMap is used for Queryable Encryption.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetExtraOptions added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetExtraOptions(extraOpts map[string]interface{}) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetExtraOptions specifies a map of options to configure the mongocryptd process or mongo_crypt shared library.

Supported Extra Options

"mongocryptdURI" - The mongocryptd URI. Allows setting a custom URI used to communicate with the mongocryptd process. The default is "mongodb://localhost:27020", which works with the default mongocryptd process spawned by the Client. Must be a string.

"mongocryptdBypassSpawn" - If set to true, the Client will not attempt to spawn a mongocryptd process. Must be a bool.

"mongocryptdSpawnPath" - The path used when spawning mongocryptd. Defaults to empty string and spawns mongocryptd from system path. Must be a string.

"mongocryptdSpawnArgs" - Command line arguments passed when spawning mongocryptd. Defaults to ["--idleShutdownTimeoutSecs=60"]. Must be an array of strings.

"cryptSharedLibRequired" - If set to true, Client creation will return an error if the crypt_shared library is not loaded. If unset or set to false, Client creation will not return an error if the crypt_shared library is not loaded. The default is unset. Must be a bool.

"cryptSharedLibPath" - The crypt_shared library override path. This must be the path to the crypt_shared dynamic library file (for example, a .so, .dll, or .dylib file), not the directory that contains it. If the override path is a relative path, it will be resolved relative to the working directory of the process. If the override path is a relative path and the first path component is the literal string "$ORIGIN", the "$ORIGIN" component will be replaced by the absolute path to the directory containing the linked libmongocrypt library. Setting an override path disables the default system library search path. If an override path is specified but the crypt_shared library cannot be loaded, Client creation will return an error. Must be a string.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultClientOptions added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultClientOptions(opts *ClientOptions) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetKeyVaultClientOptions specifies options for the client used to communicate with the key vault collection.

If this is set, it is used to create an internal mongo.Client. Otherwise, if the target mongo.Client being configured has an unlimited connection pool size (i.e. maxPoolSize=0), it is reused to interact with the key vault collection. Otherwise, if the target mongo.Client has a limited connection pool size, a separate internal mongo.Client is used (and created if necessary). The internal mongo.Client may be shared during automatic encryption (if BypassAutomaticEncryption is false). The internal mongo.Client is configured with the same options as the target mongo.Client except minPoolSize is set to 0 and AutoEncryptionOptions is omitted.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultNamespace added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultNamespace(ns string) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetKeyVaultNamespace specifies the namespace of the key vault collection. This is required.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKmsProviders added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetKmsProviders(providers map[string]map[string]interface{}) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetKmsProviders specifies options for KMS providers. This is required.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetSchemaMap added in v1.2.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetSchemaMap(schemaMap map[string]interface{}) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetSchemaMap specifies a map from namespace to local schema document. Schemas supplied in the schemaMap only apply to configuring automatic encryption for client side encryption. Other validation rules in the JSON schema will not be enforced by the driver and will result in an error.

Supplying a schemaMap provides more security than relying on JSON Schemas obtained from the server. It protects against a malicious server advertising a false JSON Schema, which could trick the client into sending unencrypted data that should be encrypted.

func (*AutoEncryptionOptions) SetTLSConfig added in v1.8.0

func (a *AutoEncryptionOptions) SetTLSConfig(tlsOpts map[string]*tls.Config) *AutoEncryptionOptions

SetTLSConfig specifies tls.Config instances for each KMS provider to use to configure TLS on all connections created to the KMS provider.

This should only be used to set custom TLS configurations. By default, the connection will use an empty tls.Config{} with MinVersion set to tls.VersionTLS12.

type BSONOptions added in v1.12.0

type BSONOptions struct {
	// UseJSONStructTags causes the driver to fall back to using the "json"
	// struct tag if a "bson" struct tag is not specified.
	UseJSONStructTags bool

	// ErrorOnInlineDuplicates causes the driver to return an error if there is
	// a duplicate field in the marshaled BSON when the "inline" struct tag
	// option is set.
	ErrorOnInlineDuplicates bool

	// IntMinSize causes the driver to marshal Go integer values (int, int8,
	// int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, or uint64) as the
	// minimum BSON int size (either 32 or 64 bits) that can represent the
	// integer value.
	IntMinSize bool

	// NilMapAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go maps as empty BSON
	// documents instead of BSON null.
	// Empty BSON documents take up slightly more space than BSON null, but
	// preserve the ability to use document update operations like "$set" that
	// do not work on BSON null.
	NilMapAsEmpty bool

	// NilSliceAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go slices as empty BSON
	// arrays instead of BSON null.
	// Empty BSON arrays take up slightly more space than BSON null, but
	// preserve the ability to use array update operations like "$push" or
	// "$addToSet" that do not work on BSON null.
	NilSliceAsEmpty bool

	// NilByteSliceAsEmpty causes the driver to marshal nil Go byte slices as
	// empty BSON binary values instead of BSON null.
	NilByteSliceAsEmpty bool

	// OmitZeroStruct causes the driver to consider the zero value for a struct
	// (e.g. MyStruct{}) as empty and omit it from the marshaled BSON when the
	// "omitempty" struct tag option is set.
	OmitZeroStruct bool

	// StringifyMapKeysWithFmt causes the driver to convert Go map keys to BSON
	// document field name strings using fmt.Sprint instead of the default
	// string conversion logic.
	StringifyMapKeysWithFmt bool

	// AllowTruncatingDoubles causes the driver to truncate the fractional part
	// of BSON "double" values when attempting to unmarshal them into a Go
	// integer (int, int8, int16, int32, or int64) struct field. The truncation
	// logic does not apply to BSON "decimal128" values.
	AllowTruncatingDoubles bool

	// BinaryAsSlice causes the driver to unmarshal BSON binary field values
	// that are the "Generic" or "Old" BSON binary subtype as a Go byte slice
	// instead of a primitive.Binary.
	BinaryAsSlice bool

	// DefaultDocumentD causes the driver to always unmarshal documents into the
	// primitive.D type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as
	// "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
	DefaultDocumentD bool

	// DefaultDocumentM causes the driver to always unmarshal documents into the
	// primitive.M type. This behavior is restricted to data typed as
	// "interface{}" or "map[string]interface{}".
	DefaultDocumentM bool

	// UseLocalTimeZone causes the driver to unmarshal time.Time values in the
	// local timezone instead of the UTC timezone.
	UseLocalTimeZone bool

	// ZeroMaps causes the driver to delete any existing values from Go maps in
	// the destination value before unmarshaling BSON documents into them.
	ZeroMaps bool

	// ZeroStructs causes the driver to delete any existing values from Go
	// structs in the destination value before unmarshaling BSON documents into
	// them.
	ZeroStructs bool

BSONOptions are optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behaviors.

type BucketOptions added in v0.1.0

type BucketOptions struct {
	// The name of the bucket. The default value is "fs".
	Name *string

	// The number of bytes in each chunk in the bucket. The default value is 255 KiB.
	ChunkSizeBytes *int32

	// The write concern for the bucket. The default value is the write concern of the database from which the bucket
	// is created.
	WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern

	// The read concern for the bucket. The default value is the read concern of the database from which the bucket
	// is created.
	ReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern

	// The read preference for the bucket. The default value is the read preference of the database from which the
	// bucket is created.
	ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

BucketOptions represents options that can be used to configure GridFS bucket.

func GridFSBucket added in v0.1.0

func GridFSBucket() *BucketOptions

GridFSBucket creates a new BucketOptions instance.

func MergeBucketOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeBucketOptions(opts ...*BucketOptions) *BucketOptions

MergeBucketOptions combines the given BucketOptions instances into a single BucketOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*BucketOptions) SetChunkSizeBytes added in v0.1.0

func (b *BucketOptions) SetChunkSizeBytes(i int32) *BucketOptions

SetChunkSizeBytes sets the value for the ChunkSize field.

func (*BucketOptions) SetName added in v0.1.0

func (b *BucketOptions) SetName(name string) *BucketOptions

SetName sets the value for the Name field.

func (*BucketOptions) SetReadConcern added in v0.1.0

func (b *BucketOptions) SetReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *BucketOptions

SetReadConcern sets the value for the ReadConcern field.

func (*BucketOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (b *BucketOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *BucketOptions

SetReadPreference sets the value for the ReadPreference field.

func (*BucketOptions) SetWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

func (b *BucketOptions) SetWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *BucketOptions

SetWriteConcern sets the value for the WriteConcern field.

type BulkWriteOptions added in v0.1.0

type BulkWriteOptions struct {
	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// If true, no writes will be executed after one fails. The default value is true.
	Ordered *bool

	// Specifies parameters for all update and delete commands in the BulkWrite. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 5.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping
	// parameter names to values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields.
	// Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

BulkWriteOptions represents options that can be used to configure a BulkWrite operation.

func BulkWrite added in v0.1.0

func BulkWrite() *BulkWriteOptions

BulkWrite creates a new *BulkWriteOptions instance.

func MergeBulkWriteOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeBulkWriteOptions(opts ...*BulkWriteOptions) *BulkWriteOptions

MergeBulkWriteOptions combines the given BulkWriteOptions instances into a single BulkWriteOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*BulkWriteOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (b *BulkWriteOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(bypass bool) *BulkWriteOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*BulkWriteOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (b *BulkWriteOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *BulkWriteOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*BulkWriteOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (b *BulkWriteOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *BulkWriteOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field. Let specifies parameters for all update and delete commands in the BulkWrite. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values. Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").

func (*BulkWriteOptions) SetOrdered added in v0.1.0

func (b *BulkWriteOptions) SetOrdered(ordered bool) *BulkWriteOptions

SetOrdered sets the value for the Ordered field.

type ChangeStreamOptions added in v0.1.0

type ChangeStreamOptions struct {
	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace the operation.
	// The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment *string

	// Specifies how the updated document should be returned in change notifications for update operations. The default
	// is options.Default, which means that only partial update deltas will be included in the change notification.
	FullDocument *FullDocument

	// Specifies how the pre-update document should be returned in change notifications for update operations. The default
	// is options.Off, which means that the pre-update document will not be included in the change notification.
	FullDocumentBeforeChange *FullDocument

	// The maximum amount of time that the server should wait for new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
	MaxAwaitTime *time.Duration

	// A document specifying the logical starting point for the change stream. Only changes corresponding to an oplog
	// entry immediately after the resume token will be returned. If this is specified, StartAtOperationTime and
	// StartAfter must not be set.
	ResumeAfter interface{}

	// ShowExpandedEvents specifies whether the server will return an expanded list of change stream events. Additional
	// events include: createIndexes, dropIndexes, modify, create, shardCollection, reshardCollection and
	// refineCollectionShardKey. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 6.0.
	ShowExpandedEvents *bool

	// If specified, the change stream will only return changes that occurred at or after the given timestamp. This
	// option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.0. If this is specified, ResumeAfter and StartAfter must not be
	// set.
	StartAtOperationTime *primitive.Timestamp

	// A document specifying the logical starting point for the change stream. This is similar to the ResumeAfter
	// option, but allows a resume token from an "invalidate" notification to be used. This allows a change stream on a
	// collection to be resumed after the collection has been dropped and recreated or renamed. Only changes
	// corresponding to an oplog entry immediately after the specified token will be returned. If this is specified,
	// ResumeAfter and StartAtOperationTime must not be set. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.1.1.
	StartAfter interface{}

	// Custom options to be added to the initial aggregate for the change stream. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should
	// correlate with desired option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom options may conflict with
	// non-custom options, and custom options bypass client-side validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.
	Custom bson.M

	// Custom options to be added to the $changeStream stage in the initial aggregate. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should
	// correlate with desired option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom pipeline options bypass client-side
	// validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.
	CustomPipeline bson.M

ChangeStreamOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Watch operation.

func ChangeStream added in v0.1.0

func ChangeStream() *ChangeStreamOptions

ChangeStream creates a new ChangeStreamOptions instance.

func MergeChangeStreamOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeChangeStreamOptions(opts ...*ChangeStreamOptions) *ChangeStreamOptions

MergeChangeStreamOptions combines the given ChangeStreamOptions instances into a single ChangeStreamOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetBatchSize added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetCollation(c Collation) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetComment(comment string) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetCustom added in v1.9.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetCustom(c bson.M) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetCustom sets the value for the Custom field. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should correlate with desired option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom options may conflict with non-custom options, and custom options bypass client-side validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetCustomPipeline added in v1.9.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetCustomPipeline(cp bson.M) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetCustomPipeline sets the value for the CustomPipeline field. Key-value pairs of the BSON map should correlate with desired option names and values. Values must be Marshalable. Custom pipeline options bypass client-side validation. Prefer using non-custom options where possible.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetFullDocument added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetFullDocument(fd FullDocument) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetFullDocument sets the value for the FullDocument field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetFullDocumentBeforeChange added in v1.10.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetFullDocumentBeforeChange(fdbc FullDocument) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetFullDocumentBeforeChange sets the value for the FullDocumentBeforeChange field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime(d time.Duration) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetMaxAwaitTime sets the value for the MaxAwaitTime field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetResumeAfter added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetResumeAfter(rt interface{}) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetResumeAfter sets the value for the ResumeAfter field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetShowExpandedEvents added in v1.10.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetShowExpandedEvents(see bool) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetShowExpandedEvents sets the value for the ShowExpandedEvents field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetStartAfter added in v1.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetStartAfter(sa interface{}) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetStartAfter sets the value for the StartAfter field.

func (*ChangeStreamOptions) SetStartAtOperationTime added in v0.1.0

func (cso *ChangeStreamOptions) SetStartAtOperationTime(t *primitive.Timestamp) *ChangeStreamOptions

SetStartAtOperationTime sets the value for the StartAtOperationTime field.

type ClientEncryptionOptions added in v1.2.0

type ClientEncryptionOptions struct {
	KeyVaultNamespace string
	KmsProviders      map[string]map[string]interface{}
	TLSConfig         map[string]*tls.Config
	HTTPClient        *http.Client

ClientEncryptionOptions represents all possible options used to configure a ClientEncryption instance.

func ClientEncryption added in v1.2.0

func ClientEncryption() *ClientEncryptionOptions

ClientEncryption creates a new ClientEncryptionOptions instance.

func MergeClientEncryptionOptions deprecated added in v1.2.0

func MergeClientEncryptionOptions(opts ...*ClientEncryptionOptions) *ClientEncryptionOptions

MergeClientEncryptionOptions combines the argued ClientEncryptionOptions in a last-one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ClientEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultNamespace added in v1.2.0

func (c *ClientEncryptionOptions) SetKeyVaultNamespace(ns string) *ClientEncryptionOptions

SetKeyVaultNamespace specifies the namespace of the key vault collection. This is required.

func (*ClientEncryptionOptions) SetKmsProviders added in v1.2.0

func (c *ClientEncryptionOptions) SetKmsProviders(providers map[string]map[string]interface{}) *ClientEncryptionOptions

SetKmsProviders specifies options for KMS providers. This is required.

func (*ClientEncryptionOptions) SetTLSConfig added in v1.8.0

func (c *ClientEncryptionOptions) SetTLSConfig(tlsOpts map[string]*tls.Config) *ClientEncryptionOptions

SetTLSConfig specifies tls.Config instances for each KMS provider to use to configure TLS on all connections created to the KMS provider.

This should only be used to set custom TLS configurations. By default, the connection will use an empty tls.Config{} with MinVersion set to tls.VersionTLS12.

type ClientOptions added in v0.1.0

type ClientOptions struct {
	AppName                  *string
	Auth                     *Credential
	AutoEncryptionOptions    *AutoEncryptionOptions
	ConnectTimeout           *time.Duration
	Compressors              []string
	Dialer                   ContextDialer
	Direct                   *bool
	DisableOCSPEndpointCheck *bool
	HeartbeatInterval        *time.Duration
	Hosts                    []string
	HTTPClient               *http.Client
	LoadBalanced             *bool
	LocalThreshold           *time.Duration
	LoggerOptions            *LoggerOptions
	MaxConnIdleTime          *time.Duration
	MaxPoolSize              *uint64
	MinPoolSize              *uint64
	MaxConnecting            *uint64
	PoolMonitor              *event.PoolMonitor
	Monitor                  *event.CommandMonitor
	ServerMonitor            *event.ServerMonitor
	ReadConcern              *readconcern.ReadConcern
	ReadPreference           *readpref.ReadPref
	BSONOptions              *BSONOptions
	Registry                 *bsoncodec.Registry
	ReplicaSet               *string
	RetryReads               *bool
	RetryWrites              *bool
	ServerAPIOptions         *ServerAPIOptions
	ServerMonitoringMode     *string
	ServerSelectionTimeout   *time.Duration
	SRVMaxHosts              *int
	SRVServiceName           *string
	Timeout                  *time.Duration
	TLSConfig                *tls.Config
	WriteConcern             *writeconcern.WriteConcern
	ZlibLevel                *int
	ZstdLevel                *int

	// AuthenticateToAnything skips server type checks when deciding if authentication is possible.
	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set. It may be changed or removed in any
	// release.
	AuthenticateToAnything *bool

	// Crypt specifies a custom driver.Crypt to be used to encrypt and decrypt documents. The default is no
	// encryption.
	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set (see GODRIVER-2149). It may be
	// changed or removed in any release.
	Crypt driver.Crypt

	// Deployment specifies a custom deployment to use for the new Client.
	// Deprecated: This option is for internal use only and should not be set. It may be changed or removed in any
	// release.
	Deployment driver.Deployment

	// SocketTimeout specifies the timeout to be used for the Client's socket reads and writes.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): SocketTimeout will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option
	// may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning
	// an error. Setting SocketTimeout and Timeout on a single client will result in undefined behavior.
	SocketTimeout *time.Duration
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClientOptions contains options to configure a Client instance. Each option can be set through setter functions. See documentation for each setter function for an explanation of the option.

func Client added in v0.1.0

func Client() *ClientOptions

Client creates a new ClientOptions instance.

func MergeClientOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeClientOptions(opts ...*ClientOptions) *ClientOptions

MergeClientOptions combines the given *ClientOptions into a single *ClientOptions in a last one wins fashion. The specified options are merged with the existing options on the client, with the specified options taking precedence.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ClientOptions) ApplyURI added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) ApplyURI(uri string) *ClientOptions

ApplyURI parses the given URI and sets options accordingly. The URI can contain host names, IPv4/IPv6 literals, or an SRV record that will be resolved when the Client is created. When using an SRV record, TLS support is implicitly enabled. Specify the "tls=false" URI option to override this.

If the connection string contains any options that have previously been set, it will overwrite them. Options that correspond to multiple URI parameters, such as WriteConcern, will be completely overwritten if any of the query parameters are specified. If an option is set on ClientOptions after this method is called, that option will override any option applied via the connection string.

If the URI format is incorrect or there are conflicting options specified in the URI an error will be recorded and can be retrieved by calling Validate.

For more information about the URI format, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/connection-string/. See mongo.Connect documentation for examples of using URIs for different Client configurations.

func (*ClientOptions) GetURI added in v1.3.1

func (c *ClientOptions) GetURI() string

GetURI returns the original URI used to configure the ClientOptions instance. If ApplyURI was not called during construction, this returns "".

func (*ClientOptions) SetAppName added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetAppName(s string) *ClientOptions

SetAppName specifies an application name that is sent to the server when creating new connections. It is used by the server to log connection and profiling information (e.g. slow query logs). This can also be set through the "appName" URI option (e.g "appName=example_application"). The default is empty, meaning no app name will be sent.

func (*ClientOptions) SetAuth added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetAuth(auth Credential) *ClientOptions

SetAuth specifies a Credential containing options for configuring authentication. See the options.Credential documentation for more information about Credential fields. The default is an empty Credential, meaning no authentication will be configured.

func (*ClientOptions) SetAutoEncryptionOptions added in v1.2.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetAutoEncryptionOptions(opts *AutoEncryptionOptions) *ClientOptions

SetAutoEncryptionOptions specifies an AutoEncryptionOptions instance to automatically encrypt and decrypt commands and their results. See the options.AutoEncryptionOptions documentation for more information about the supported options.

func (*ClientOptions) SetBSONOptions added in v1.12.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetBSONOptions(opts *BSONOptions) *ClientOptions

SetBSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behavior.

func (*ClientOptions) SetCompressors added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetCompressors(comps []string) *ClientOptions

SetCompressors sets the compressors that can be used when communicating with a server. Valid values are:

1. "snappy" - requires server version >= 3.4

2. "zlib" - requires server version >= 3.6

3. "zstd" - requires server version >= 4.2, and driver version >= 1.2.0 with cgo support enabled or driver version >= 1.3.0 without cgo.

If this option is specified, the driver will perform a negotiation with the server to determine a common list of compressors and will use the first one in that list when performing operations. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#cmdoption-mongod-networkmessagecompressors for more information about configuring compression on the server and the server-side defaults.

This can also be set through the "compressors" URI option (e.g. "compressors=zstd,zlib,snappy"). The default is an empty slice, meaning no compression will be enabled.

func (*ClientOptions) SetConnectTimeout added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetConnectTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetConnectTimeout specifies a timeout that is used for creating connections to the server. This can be set through ApplyURI with the "connectTimeoutMS" (e.g "connectTimeoutMS=30") option. If set to 0, no timeout will be used. The default is 30 seconds.

func (*ClientOptions) SetDialer added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetDialer(d ContextDialer) *ClientOptions

SetDialer specifies a custom ContextDialer to be used to create new connections to the server. This method overrides the default net.Dialer, so dialer options such as Timeout, KeepAlive, Resolver, etc can be set. See https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Dialer for more information about the net.Dialer type.

func (*ClientOptions) SetDirect added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetDirect(b bool) *ClientOptions

SetDirect specifies whether or not a direct connect should be made. If set to true, the driver will only connect to the host provided in the URI and will not discover other hosts in the cluster. This can also be set through the "directConnection" URI option. This option cannot be set to true if multiple hosts are specified, either through ApplyURI or SetHosts, or an SRV URI is used.

As of driver version 1.4, the "connect" URI option has been deprecated and replaced with "directConnection". The "connect" URI option has two values:

1. "connect=direct" for direct connections. This corresponds to "directConnection=true".

2. "connect=automatic" for automatic discovery. This corresponds to "directConnection=false"

If the "connect" and "directConnection" URI options are both specified in the connection string, their values must not conflict. Direct connections are not valid if multiple hosts are specified or an SRV URI is used. The default value for this option is false.

func (*ClientOptions) SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck added in v1.4.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck(disableCheck bool) *ClientOptions

SetDisableOCSPEndpointCheck specifies whether or not the driver should reach out to OCSP responders to verify the certificate status for certificates presented by the server that contain a list of OCSP responders.

If set to true, the driver will verify the status of the certificate using a response stapled by the server, if there is one, but will not send an HTTP request to any responders if there is no staple. In this case, the driver will continue the connection even though the certificate status is not known.

This can also be set through the tlsDisableOCSPEndpointCheck URI option. Both this URI option and tlsInsecure must not be set at the same time and will error if they are. The default value is false.

func (*ClientOptions) SetHTTPClient added in v1.11.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *ClientOptions

SetHTTPClient specifies the http.Client to be used for any HTTP requests.

This should only be used to set custom HTTP client configurations. By default, the connection will use an httputil.DefaultHTTPClient.

func (*ClientOptions) SetHeartbeatInterval added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetHeartbeatInterval(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetHeartbeatInterval specifies the amount of time to wait between periodic background server checks. This can also be set through the "heartbeatIntervalMS" URI option (e.g. "heartbeatIntervalMS=10000"). The default is 10 seconds.

func (*ClientOptions) SetHosts added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetHosts(s []string) *ClientOptions

SetHosts specifies a list of host names or IP addresses for servers in a cluster. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. IPv6 literals must be enclosed in '[]' following RFC-2732 syntax.

Hosts can also be specified as a comma-separated list in a URI. For example, to include "localhost:27017" and "localhost:27018", a URI could be "mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018". The default is ["localhost:27017"]

func (*ClientOptions) SetLoadBalanced added in v1.6.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetLoadBalanced(lb bool) *ClientOptions

SetLoadBalanced specifies whether or not the MongoDB deployment is hosted behind a load balancer. This can also be set through the "loadBalanced" URI option. The driver will error during Client configuration if this option is set to true and one of the following conditions are met:

1. Multiple hosts are specified, either via the ApplyURI or SetHosts methods. This includes the case where an SRV URI is used and the SRV record resolves to multiple hostnames. 2. A replica set name is specified, either via the URI or the SetReplicaSet method. 3. The options specify whether or not a direct connection should be made, either via the URI or the SetDirect method.

The default value is false.

func (*ClientOptions) SetLocalThreshold added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetLocalThreshold(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetLocalThreshold specifies the width of the 'latency window': when choosing between multiple suitable servers for an operation, this is the acceptable non-negative delta between shortest and longest average round-trip times. A server within the latency window is selected randomly. This can also be set through the "localThresholdMS" URI option (e.g. "localThresholdMS=15000"). The default is 15 milliseconds.

func (*ClientOptions) SetLoggerOptions added in v1.12.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetLoggerOptions(opts *LoggerOptions) *ClientOptions

SetLoggerOptions specifies a LoggerOptions containing options for configuring a logger.

Example (CustomLogger)
package main

import (


type CustomLogger struct {
	mu sync.Mutex

func (logger *CustomLogger) Info(level int, msg string, _ ...interface{}) {
	defer logger.mu.Unlock()

	fmt.Fprintf(logger, "level=%d msg=%s\n", level, msg)

func (logger *CustomLogger) Error(err error, msg string, _ ...interface{}) {
	defer logger.mu.Unlock()

	fmt.Fprintf(logger, "err=%v msg=%s\n", err, msg)

func main() {
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	sink := &CustomLogger{Writer: buf}

	// Create a client with our logger options.
	loggerOptions := options.
		SetComponentLevel(options.LogComponentCommand, options.LogLevelDebug)

	clientOptions := options.

	client, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), clientOptions)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("error connecting to MongoDB: %v", err)

	defer func() { _ = client.Disconnect(context.TODO()) }()

	// Make a database request to test our logging solution.
	coll := client.Database("test").Collection("test")

	_, err = coll.InsertOne(context.TODO(), map[string]string{"foo": "bar"})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("InsertOne failed: %v", err)

	// Print the logs.

func (*ClientOptions) SetMaxConnIdleTime added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxConnIdleTime(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetMaxConnIdleTime specifies the maximum amount of time that a connection will remain idle in a connection pool before it is removed from the pool and closed. This can also be set through the "maxIdleTimeMS" URI option (e.g. "maxIdleTimeMS=10000"). The default is 0, meaning a connection can remain unused indefinitely.

func (*ClientOptions) SetMaxConnecting added in v1.8.2

func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxConnecting(u uint64) *ClientOptions

SetMaxConnecting specifies the maximum number of connections a connection pool may establish simultaneously. This can also be set through the "maxConnecting" URI option (e.g. "maxConnecting=2"). If this is 0, the default is used. The default is 2. Values greater than 100 are not recommended.

func (*ClientOptions) SetMaxPoolSize added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetMaxPoolSize(u uint64) *ClientOptions

SetMaxPoolSize specifies that maximum number of connections allowed in the driver's connection pool to each server. Requests to a server will block if this maximum is reached. This can also be set through the "maxPoolSize" URI option (e.g. "maxPoolSize=100"). If this is 0, maximum connection pool size is not limited. The default is 100.

func (*ClientOptions) SetMinPoolSize added in v1.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetMinPoolSize(u uint64) *ClientOptions

SetMinPoolSize specifies the minimum number of connections allowed in the driver's connection pool to each server. If this is non-zero, each server's pool will be maintained in the background to ensure that the size does not fall below the minimum. This can also be set through the "minPoolSize" URI option (e.g. "minPoolSize=100"). The default is 0.

func (*ClientOptions) SetMonitor added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetMonitor(m *event.CommandMonitor) *ClientOptions

SetMonitor specifies a CommandMonitor to receive command events. See the event.CommandMonitor documentation for more information about the structure of the monitor and events that can be received.

func (*ClientOptions) SetPoolMonitor added in v1.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetPoolMonitor(m *event.PoolMonitor) *ClientOptions

SetPoolMonitor specifies a PoolMonitor to receive connection pool events. See the event.PoolMonitor documentation for more information about the structure of the monitor and events that can be received.

func (*ClientOptions) SetReadConcern added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *ClientOptions

SetReadConcern specifies the read concern to use for read operations. A read concern level can also be set through the "readConcernLevel" URI option (e.g. "readConcernLevel=majority"). The default is nil, meaning the server will use its configured default.

func (*ClientOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *ClientOptions

SetReadPreference specifies the read preference to use for read operations. This can also be set through the following URI options:

1. "readPreference" - Specify the read preference mode (e.g. "readPreference=primary").

2. "readPreferenceTags": Specify one or more read preference tags (e.g. "readPreferenceTags=region:south,datacenter:A").

3. "maxStalenessSeconds" (or "maxStaleness"): Specify a maximum replication lag for reads from secondaries in a replica set (e.g. "maxStalenessSeconds=10").

The default is readpref.Primary(). See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#read-preference for more information about read preferences.

func (*ClientOptions) SetRegistry added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetRegistry(registry *bsoncodec.Registry) *ClientOptions

SetRegistry specifies the BSON registry to use for BSON marshalling/unmarshalling operations. The default is bson.DefaultRegistry.

func (*ClientOptions) SetReplicaSet added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetReplicaSet(s string) *ClientOptions

SetReplicaSet specifies the replica set name for the cluster. If specified, the cluster will be treated as a replica set and the driver will automatically discover all servers in the set, starting with the nodes specified through ApplyURI or SetHosts. All nodes in the replica set must have the same replica set name, or they will not be considered as part of the set by the Client. This can also be set through the "replicaSet" URI option (e.g. "replicaSet=replset"). The default is empty.

func (*ClientOptions) SetRetryReads added in v1.2.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetRetryReads(b bool) *ClientOptions

SetRetryReads specifies whether supported read operations should be retried once on certain errors, such as network errors.

Supported operations are Find, FindOne, Aggregate without a $out stage, Distinct, CountDocuments, EstimatedDocumentCount, Watch (for Client, Database, and Collection), ListCollections, and ListDatabases. Note that operations run through RunCommand are not retried.

This option requires server version >= 3.6 and driver version >= 1.1.0. The default is true.

func (*ClientOptions) SetRetryWrites added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetRetryWrites(b bool) *ClientOptions

SetRetryWrites specifies whether supported write operations should be retried once on certain errors, such as network errors.

Supported operations are InsertOne, UpdateOne, ReplaceOne, DeleteOne, FindOneAndDelete, FindOneAndReplace, FindOneAndDelete, InsertMany, and BulkWrite. Note that BulkWrite requests must not include UpdateManyModel or DeleteManyModel instances to be considered retryable. Unacknowledged writes will not be retried, even if this option is set to true.

This option requires server version >= 3.6 and a replica set or sharded cluster and will be ignored for any other cluster type. This can also be set through the "retryWrites" URI option (e.g. "retryWrites=true"). The default is true.

func (*ClientOptions) SetSRVMaxHosts added in v1.8.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetSRVMaxHosts(srvMaxHosts int) *ClientOptions

SetSRVMaxHosts specifies the maximum number of SRV results to randomly select during polling. To limit the number of hosts selected in SRV discovery, this function must be called before ApplyURI. This can also be set through the "srvMaxHosts" URI option.

func (*ClientOptions) SetSRVServiceName added in v1.8.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetSRVServiceName(srvName string) *ClientOptions

SetSRVServiceName specifies a custom SRV service name to use in SRV polling. To use a custom SRV service name in SRV discovery, this function must be called before ApplyURI. This can also be set through the "srvServiceName" URI option.

func (*ClientOptions) SetServerAPIOptions added in v1.6.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerAPIOptions(opts *ServerAPIOptions) *ClientOptions

SetServerAPIOptions specifies a ServerAPIOptions instance used to configure the API version sent to the server when running commands. See the options.ServerAPIOptions documentation for more information about the supported options.

func (*ClientOptions) SetServerMonitor added in v1.5.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerMonitor(m *event.ServerMonitor) *ClientOptions

SetServerMonitor specifies an SDAM monitor used to monitor SDAM events.

func (*ClientOptions) SetServerMonitoringMode added in v1.13.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerMonitoringMode(mode string) *ClientOptions

SetServerMonitoringMode specifies the server monitoring protocol to use. See the helper constants ServerMonitoringModeAuto, ServerMonitoringModePoll, and ServerMonitoringModeStream for more information about valid server monitoring modes.

func (*ClientOptions) SetServerSelectionTimeout added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetServerSelectionTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetServerSelectionTimeout specifies how long the driver will wait to find an available, suitable server to execute an operation. This can also be set through the "serverSelectionTimeoutMS" URI option (e.g. "serverSelectionTimeoutMS=30000"). The default value is 30 seconds.

func (*ClientOptions) SetSocketTimeout added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetSocketTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetSocketTimeout specifies how long the driver will wait for a socket read or write to return before returning a network error. This can also be set through the "socketTimeoutMS" URI option (e.g. "socketTimeoutMS=1000"). The default value is 0, meaning no timeout is used and socket operations can block indefinitely.

NOTE(benjirewis): SocketTimeout will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. Setting SocketTimeout and Timeout on a single client will result in undefined behavior.

func (*ClientOptions) SetTLSConfig added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetTLSConfig(cfg *tls.Config) *ClientOptions

SetTLSConfig specifies a tls.Config instance to use use to configure TLS on all connections created to the cluster. This can also be set through the following URI options:

1. "tls" (or "ssl"): Specify if TLS should be used (e.g. "tls=true").

2. Either "tlsCertificateKeyFile" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyFile") or a combination of "tlsCertificateFile" and "tlsPrivateKeyFile". The "tlsCertificateKeyFile" option specifies a path to the client certificate and private key, which must be concatenated into one file. The "tlsCertificateFile" and "tlsPrivateKey" combination specifies separate paths to the client certificate and private key, respectively. Note that if "tlsCertificateKeyFile" is used, the other two options must not be specified. Only the subject name of the first certificate is honored as the username for X509 auth in a file with multiple certs.

3. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword" (or "sslClientCertificateKeyPassword"): Specify the password to decrypt the client private key file (e.g. "tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword=password").

4. "tlsCaFile" (or "sslCertificateAuthorityFile"): Specify the path to a single or bundle of certificate authorities to be considered trusted when making a TLS connection (e.g. "tlsCaFile=/path/to/caFile").

5. "tlsInsecure" (or "sslInsecure"): Specifies whether or not certificates and hostnames received from the server should be validated. If true (e.g. "tlsInsecure=true"), the TLS library will accept any certificate presented by the server and any host name in that certificate. Note that setting this to true makes TLS susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks and should only be done for testing.

The default is nil, meaning no TLS will be enabled.

func (*ClientOptions) SetTimeout added in v1.10.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetTimeout(d time.Duration) *ClientOptions

SetTimeout specifies the amount of time that a single operation run on this Client can execute before returning an error. The deadline of any operation run through the Client will be honored above any Timeout set on the Client; Timeout will only be honored if there is no deadline on the operation Context. Timeout can also be set through the "timeoutMS" URI option (e.g. "timeoutMS=1000"). The default value is nil, meaning operations do not inherit a timeout from the Client.

If any Timeout is set (even 0) on the Client, the values of MaxTime on operation options, TransactionOptions.MaxCommitTime and SessionOptions.DefaultMaxCommitTime will be ignored. Setting Timeout and SocketTimeout or WriteConcern.wTimeout will result in undefined behavior.

NOTE(benjirewis): SetTimeout represents unstable, provisional API. The behavior of the driver when a Timeout is specified is subject to change.

func (*ClientOptions) SetWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *ClientOptions

SetWriteConcern specifies the write concern to use to for write operations. This can also be set through the following URI options:

1. "w": Specify the number of nodes in the cluster that must acknowledge write operations before the operation returns or "majority" to specify that a majority of the nodes must acknowledge writes. This can either be an integer (e.g. "w=10") or the string "majority" (e.g. "w=majority").

2. "wTimeoutMS": Specify how long write operations should wait for the correct number of nodes to acknowledge the operation (e.g. "wTimeoutMS=1000").

3. "journal": Specifies whether or not write operations should be written to an on-disk journal on the server before returning (e.g. "journal=true").

The default is nil, meaning the server will use its configured default.

func (*ClientOptions) SetZlibLevel added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetZlibLevel(level int) *ClientOptions

SetZlibLevel specifies the level for the zlib compressor. This option is ignored if zlib is not specified as a compressor through ApplyURI or SetCompressors. Supported values are -1 through 9, inclusive. -1 tells the zlib library to use its default, 0 means no compression, 1 means best speed, and 9 means best compression. This can also be set through the "zlibCompressionLevel" URI option (e.g. "zlibCompressionLevel=-1"). Defaults to -1.

func (*ClientOptions) SetZstdLevel added in v1.2.0

func (c *ClientOptions) SetZstdLevel(level int) *ClientOptions

SetZstdLevel sets the level for the zstd compressor. This option is ignored if zstd is not specified as a compressor through ApplyURI or SetCompressors. Supported values are 1 through 20, inclusive. 1 means best speed and 20 means best compression. This can also be set through the "zstdCompressionLevel" URI option. Defaults to 6.

func (*ClientOptions) Validate added in v1.0.0

func (c *ClientOptions) Validate() error

Validate validates the client options. This method will return the first error found.

type Collation added in v0.1.0

type Collation struct {
	Locale          string `bson:",omitempty"` // The locale
	CaseLevel       bool   `bson:",omitempty"` // The case level
	CaseFirst       string `bson:",omitempty"` // The case ordering
	Strength        int    `bson:",omitempty"` // The number of comparison levels to use
	NumericOrdering bool   `bson:",omitempty"` // Whether to order numbers based on numerical order and not collation order
	Alternate       string `bson:",omitempty"` // Whether spaces and punctuation are considered base characters
	MaxVariable     string `bson:",omitempty"` // Which characters are affected by alternate: "shifted"
	Normalization   bool   `bson:",omitempty"` // Causes text to be normalized into Unicode NFD
	Backwards       bool   `bson:",omitempty"` // Causes secondary differences to be considered in reverse order, as it is done in the French language

Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.

func (*Collation) ToDocument deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (co *Collation) ToDocument() bson.Raw

ToDocument converts the Collation to a bson.Raw.

Deprecated: Marshaling a Collation to BSON will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0.

type CollectionOptions added in v0.1.0

type CollectionOptions struct {
	// ReadConcern is the read concern to use for operations executed on the Collection. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read concern of the Database used to configure the Collection will be used.
	ReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern

	// WriteConcern is the write concern to use for operations executed on the Collection. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the write concern of the Database used to configure the Collection will be used.
	WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern

	// ReadPreference is the read preference to use for operations executed on the Collection. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read preference of the Database used to configure the Collection will be used.
	ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

	// BSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling
	// behavior.
	BSONOptions *BSONOptions

	// Registry is the BSON registry to marshal and unmarshal documents for operations executed on the Collection. The default value
	// is nil, which means that the registry of the Database used to configure the Collection will be used.
	Registry *bsoncodec.Registry

CollectionOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Collection.

func Collection added in v0.1.0

func Collection() *CollectionOptions

Collection creates a new CollectionOptions instance.

func MergeCollectionOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeCollectionOptions(opts ...*CollectionOptions) *CollectionOptions

MergeCollectionOptions combines the given CollectionOptions instances into a single *CollectionOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*CollectionOptions) SetBSONOptions added in v1.12.0

func (c *CollectionOptions) SetBSONOptions(opts *BSONOptions) *CollectionOptions

SetBSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behavior.

func (*CollectionOptions) SetReadConcern added in v0.1.0

SetReadConcern sets the value for the ReadConcern field.

func (*CollectionOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (c *CollectionOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *CollectionOptions

SetReadPreference sets the value for the ReadPreference field.

func (*CollectionOptions) SetRegistry added in v0.1.0

SetRegistry sets the value for the Registry field.

func (*CollectionOptions) SetWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

SetWriteConcern sets the value for the WriteConcern field.

type ContextDialer added in v0.1.0

type ContextDialer interface {
	DialContext(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)

ContextDialer is an interface that can be implemented by types that can create connections. It should be used to provide a custom dialer when configuring a Client.

DialContext should return a connection to the provided address on the given network.

type CountOptions added in v0.1.0

type CountOptions struct {
	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment *string

	// The index to use for the aggregation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil,
	// which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// The maximum number of documents to count. The default value is 0, which means that there is no limit and all
	// documents matching the filter will be counted.
	Limit *int64

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there is
	// no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in
	// its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is
	// ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// The number of documents to skip before counting. The default value is 0.
	Skip *int64

CountOptions represents options that can be used to configure a CountDocuments operation.

func Count added in v0.1.0

func Count() *CountOptions

Count creates a new CountOptions instance.

func MergeCountOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeCountOptions(opts ...*CountOptions) *CountOptions

MergeCountOptions combines the given CountOptions instances into a single CountOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*CountOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *CountOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*CountOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetComment(c string) *CountOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*CountOptions) SetHint added in v0.1.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetHint(h interface{}) *CountOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*CountOptions) SetLimit added in v0.1.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetLimit(i int64) *CountOptions

SetLimit sets the value for the Limit field.

func (*CountOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *CountOptions

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*CountOptions) SetSkip added in v0.1.0

func (co *CountOptions) SetSkip(i int64) *CountOptions

SetSkip sets the value for the Skip field.

type CreateCollectionOptions added in v1.4.0

type CreateCollectionOptions struct {
	// Specifies if the collection is capped (see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/capped-collections/). If true,
	// the SizeInBytes option must also be specified. The default value is false.
	Capped *bool

	// Specifies the default collation for the new collection. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.4.
	// For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The default value is nil.
	Collation *Collation

	// Specifies how change streams opened against the collection can return pre- and post-images of updated
	// documents. The value must be a document in the form {<option name>: <options>}. This option is only valid for
	// MongoDB versions >= 6.0. The default value is nil, which means that change streams opened against the collection
	// will not return pre- and post-images of updated documents in any way.
	ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages interface{}

	// Specifies a default configuration for indexes on the collection. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions
	// >= 3.4. The default value is nil, meaning indexes will be configured using server defaults.
	DefaultIndexOptions *DefaultIndexOptions

	// Specifies the maximum number of documents allowed in a capped collection. The limit specified by the SizeInBytes
	// option takes precedence over this option. If a capped collection reaches its size limit, old documents will be
	// removed, regardless of the number of documents in the collection. The default value is 0, meaning the maximum
	// number of documents is unbounded.
	MaxDocuments *int64

	// Specifies the maximum size in bytes for a capped collection. The default value is 0.
	SizeInBytes *int64

	// Specifies the storage engine to use for the index. The value must be a document in the form
	// {<storage engine name>: <options>}. The default value is nil, which means that the default storage engine
	// will be used.
	StorageEngine interface{}

	// Specifies what should happen if a document being inserted does not pass validation. Valid values are "error" and
	// "warn". See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/#accept-or-reject-invalid-documents for more
	// information. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2. The default value is "error".
	ValidationAction *string

	// Specifies how strictly the server applies validation rules to existing documents in the collection during update
	// operations. Valid values are "off", "strict", and "moderate". See
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/#existing-documents for more information. This option is
	// only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2. The default value is "strict".
	ValidationLevel *string

	// A document specifying validation rules for the collection. See
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about schema validation. This option
	// is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2. The default value is nil, meaning no validator will be used for the
	// collection.
	Validator interface{}

	// Value indicating after how many seconds old time-series data should be deleted. See
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/create/ for supported options, and
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/ for more information on time-series
	// collections.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0
	ExpireAfterSeconds *int64

	// Options for specifying a time-series collection. See
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/create/ for supported options, and
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/timeseries-collections/ for more information on time-series
	// collections.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0
	TimeSeriesOptions *TimeSeriesOptions

	// EncryptedFields configures encrypted fields.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 6.0
	EncryptedFields interface{}

	// ClusteredIndex is used to create a collection with a clustered index.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.3
	ClusteredIndex interface{}

CreateCollectionOptions represents options that can be used to configure a CreateCollection operation.

func CreateCollection added in v1.4.0

func CreateCollection() *CreateCollectionOptions

CreateCollection creates a new CreateCollectionOptions instance.

func MergeCreateCollectionOptions deprecated added in v1.4.0

func MergeCreateCollectionOptions(opts ...*CreateCollectionOptions) *CreateCollectionOptions

MergeCreateCollectionOptions combines the given CreateCollectionOptions instances into a single CreateCollectionOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetCapped added in v1.4.0

SetCapped sets the value for the Capped field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetChangeStreamPreAndPostImages added in v1.10.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetChangeStreamPreAndPostImages(csppi interface{}) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetChangeStreamPreAndPostImages sets the value for the ChangeStreamPreAndPostImages field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetClusteredIndex added in v1.10.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetClusteredIndex(clusteredIndex interface{}) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetClusteredIndex sets the value for the ClusteredIndex field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetCollation added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetDefaultIndexOptions added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetDefaultIndexOptions(opts *DefaultIndexOptions) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetDefaultIndexOptions sets the value for the DefaultIndexOptions field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetEncryptedFields added in v1.10.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetEncryptedFields(encryptedFields interface{}) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetEncryptedFields sets the encrypted fields for encrypted collections.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetExpireAfterSeconds added in v1.6.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetExpireAfterSeconds(eas int64) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetExpireAfterSeconds sets the value for the ExpireAfterSeconds field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetMaxDocuments added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetMaxDocuments(max int64) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetMaxDocuments sets the value for the MaxDocuments field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetSizeInBytes added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetSizeInBytes(size int64) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetSizeInBytes sets the value for the SizeInBytes field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetStorageEngine added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetStorageEngine(storageEngine interface{}) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetStorageEngine sets the value for the StorageEngine field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetTimeSeriesOptions added in v1.6.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetTimeSeriesOptions(timeSeriesOpts *TimeSeriesOptions) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetTimeSeriesOptions sets the options for time-series collections.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidationAction added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidationAction(action string) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetValidationAction sets the value for the ValidationAction field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidationLevel added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidationLevel(level string) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetValidationLevel sets the value for the ValidationLevel field.

func (*CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidator added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateCollectionOptions) SetValidator(validator interface{}) *CreateCollectionOptions

SetValidator sets the value for the Validator field.

type CreateIndexesOptions added in v0.1.0

type CreateIndexesOptions struct {
	// The number of data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, that must complete the index builds
	// successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. This should either be a string or int32 value. The
	// semantics of the values are as follows:
	// 1. String: specifies a tag. All members with that tag must complete the build.
	// 2. int: the number of members that must complete the build.
	// 3. "majority": A special value to indicate that more than half the nodes must complete the build.
	// 4. "votingMembers": A special value to indicate that all voting data-bearing nodes must complete.
	// This option is only available on MongoDB versions >= 4.4. A client-side error will be returned if the option
	// is specified for MongoDB versions <= 4.2. The default value is nil, meaning that the server-side default will be
	// used. See dochub.mongodb.org/core/index-commit-quorum for more information.
	CommitQuorum interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

CreateIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure IndexView.CreateOne and IndexView.CreateMany operations.

func CreateIndexes added in v0.1.0

func CreateIndexes() *CreateIndexesOptions

CreateIndexes creates a new CreateIndexesOptions instance.

func MergeCreateIndexesOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeCreateIndexesOptions(opts ...*CreateIndexesOptions) *CreateIndexesOptions

MergeCreateIndexesOptions combines the given CreateIndexesOptions into a single CreateIndexesOptions in a last one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumInt added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumInt(quorum int32) *CreateIndexesOptions

SetCommitQuorumInt sets the value for the CommitQuorum field as an int32.

func (*CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumMajority added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumMajority() *CreateIndexesOptions

SetCommitQuorumMajority sets the value for the CommitQuorum to special "majority" value.

func (*CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumString added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumString(quorum string) *CreateIndexesOptions

SetCommitQuorumString sets the value for the CommitQuorum field as a string.

func (*CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumVotingMembers added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateIndexesOptions) SetCommitQuorumVotingMembers() *CreateIndexesOptions

SetCommitQuorumVotingMembers sets the value for the CommitQuorum to special "votingMembers" value.

func (*CreateIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type CreateSearchIndexesOptions added in v1.13.0

type CreateSearchIndexesOptions struct {

CreateSearchIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure a SearchIndexView.CreateOne or SearchIndexView.CreateMany operation.

type CreateViewOptions added in v1.4.0

type CreateViewOptions struct {
	// Specifies the default collation for the new collection. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.4.
	// For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The default value is nil.
	Collation *Collation

CreateViewOptions represents options that can be used to configure a CreateView operation.

func CreateView added in v1.4.0

func CreateView() *CreateViewOptions

CreateView creates an new CreateViewOptions instance.

func MergeCreateViewOptions deprecated added in v1.4.0

func MergeCreateViewOptions(opts ...*CreateViewOptions) *CreateViewOptions

MergeCreateViewOptions combines the given CreateViewOptions instances into a single CreateViewOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*CreateViewOptions) SetCollation added in v1.4.0

func (c *CreateViewOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *CreateViewOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

type Credential added in v0.1.0

type Credential struct {
	AuthMechanism           string
	AuthMechanismProperties map[string]string
	AuthSource              string
	Username                string
	Password                string
	PasswordSet             bool

Credential can be used to provide authentication options when configuring a Client.

AuthMechanism: the mechanism to use for authentication. Supported values include "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-1", "MONGODB-CR", "PLAIN", "GSSAPI", "MONGODB-X509", and "MONGODB-AWS". This can also be set through the "authMechanism" URI option. (e.g. "authMechanism=PLAIN"). For more information, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/authentication-mechanisms/.

AuthMechanismProperties can be used to specify additional configuration options for certain mechanisms. They can also be set through the "authMechanismProperites" URI option (e.g. "authMechanismProperties=SERVICE_NAME:service,CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME:true"). Supported properties are:

1. SERVICE_NAME: The service name to use for GSSAPI authentication. The default is "mongodb".

2. CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME: If "true", the driver will canonicalize the host name for GSSAPI authentication. The default is "false".

3. SERVICE_REALM: The service realm for GSSAPI authentication.

4. SERVICE_HOST: The host name to use for GSSAPI authentication. This should be specified if the host name to use for authentication is different than the one given for Client construction.

4. AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: The AWS token for MONGODB-AWS authentication. This is optional and used for authentication with temporary credentials.

The SERVICE_HOST and CANONICALIZE_HOST_NAME properties must not be used at the same time on Linux and Darwin systems.

AuthSource: the name of the database to use for authentication. This defaults to "$external" for MONGODB-X509, GSSAPI, and PLAIN and "admin" for all other mechanisms. This can also be set through the "authSource" URI option (e.g. "authSource=otherDb").

Username: the username for authentication. This can also be set through the URI as a username:password pair before the first @ character. For example, a URI for user "user", password "pwd", and host "localhost:27017" would be "mongodb://user:pwd@localhost:27017". This is optional for X509 authentication and will be extracted from the client certificate if not specified.

Password: the password for authentication. This must not be specified for X509 and is optional for GSSAPI authentication.

PasswordSet: For GSSAPI, this must be true if a password is specified, even if the password is the empty string, and false if no password is specified, indicating that the password should be taken from the context of the running process. For other mechanisms, this field is ignored.

type CursorType

type CursorType int8

CursorType specifies whether a cursor should close when the last data is retrieved. See NonTailable, Tailable, and TailableAwait.

const (
	// NonTailable specifies that a cursor should close after retrieving the last data.
	NonTailable CursorType = iota
	// Tailable specifies that a cursor should not close when the last data is retrieved and can be resumed later.
	// TailableAwait specifies that a cursor should not close when the last data is retrieved and
	// that it should block for a certain amount of time for new data before returning no data.

type DataKeyOptions added in v1.2.0

type DataKeyOptions struct {
	MasterKey   interface{}
	KeyAltNames []string

	// KeyMaterial is used to encrypt data. If omitted, keyMaterial is generated form a cryptographically secure random
	// source. "Key Material" is used interchangeably with "dataKey" and "Data Encryption Key" (DEK).
	KeyMaterial []byte

DataKeyOptions represents all possible options used to create a new data key.

func DataKey added in v1.2.0

func DataKey() *DataKeyOptions

DataKey creates a new DataKeyOptions instance.

func MergeDataKeyOptions deprecated added in v1.2.0

func MergeDataKeyOptions(opts ...*DataKeyOptions) *DataKeyOptions

MergeDataKeyOptions combines the argued DataKeyOptions in a last-one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*DataKeyOptions) SetKeyAltNames added in v1.2.0

func (dk *DataKeyOptions) SetKeyAltNames(keyAltNames []string) *DataKeyOptions

SetKeyAltNames specifies an optional list of string alternate names used to reference a key. If a key is created' with alternate names, encryption may refer to the key by a unique alternate name instead of by _id.

func (*DataKeyOptions) SetKeyMaterial added in v1.10.0

func (dk *DataKeyOptions) SetKeyMaterial(keyMaterial []byte) *DataKeyOptions

SetKeyMaterial will set a custom keyMaterial to DataKeyOptions which can be used to encrypt data.

func (*DataKeyOptions) SetMasterKey added in v1.2.0

func (dk *DataKeyOptions) SetMasterKey(masterKey interface{}) *DataKeyOptions

SetMasterKey specifies a KMS-specific key used to encrypt the new data key.

If being used with a local KMS provider, this option is not applicable and should not be specified.

For the AWS, Azure, and GCP KMS providers, this option is required and must be a document. For each, the value of the "endpoint" or "keyVaultEndpoint" must be a host name with an optional port number (e.g. "foo.com" or "foo.com:443").

When using AWS, the document must have the format:

  region: <string>,
  key: <string>,             // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the AWS customer master key (CMK).
  endpoint: Optional<string> // An alternate host identifier to send KMS requests to.

If unset, the "endpoint" defaults to "kms.<region>.amazonaws.com".

When using Azure, the document must have the format:

  keyVaultEndpoint: <string>,  // A host identifier to send KMS requests to.
  keyName: <string>,
  keyVersion: Optional<string> // A specific version of the named key.

If unset, "keyVersion" defaults to the key's primary version.

When using GCP, the document must have the format:

  projectId: <string>,
  location: <string>,
  keyRing: <string>,
  keyName: <string>,
  keyVersion: Optional<string>, // A specific version of the named key.
  endpoint: Optional<string>    // An alternate host identifier to send KMS requests to.

If unset, "keyVersion" defaults to the key's primary version and "endpoint" defaults to "cloudkms.googleapis.com".

type DatabaseOptions added in v0.1.0

type DatabaseOptions struct {
	// ReadConcern is the read concern to use for operations executed on the Database. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read concern of the Client used to configure the Database will be used.
	ReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern

	// WriteConcern is the write concern to use for operations executed on the Database. The default value is nil, which means that the
	// write concern of the Client used to configure the Database will be used.
	WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern

	// ReadPreference is the read preference to use for operations executed on the Database. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read preference of the Client used to configure the Database will be used.
	ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

	// BSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling
	// behavior.
	BSONOptions *BSONOptions

	// Registry is the BSON registry to marshal and unmarshal documents for operations executed on the Database. The default value
	// is nil, which means that the registry of the Client used to configure the Database will be used.
	Registry *bsoncodec.Registry

DatabaseOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Database.

func Database added in v0.1.0

func Database() *DatabaseOptions

Database creates a new DatabaseOptions instance.

func MergeDatabaseOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeDatabaseOptions(opts ...*DatabaseOptions) *DatabaseOptions

MergeDatabaseOptions combines the given DatabaseOptions instances into a single DatabaseOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*DatabaseOptions) SetBSONOptions added in v1.12.0

func (d *DatabaseOptions) SetBSONOptions(opts *BSONOptions) *DatabaseOptions

SetBSONOptions configures optional BSON marshaling and unmarshaling behavior.

func (*DatabaseOptions) SetReadConcern added in v0.1.0

func (d *DatabaseOptions) SetReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *DatabaseOptions

SetReadConcern sets the value for the ReadConcern field.

func (*DatabaseOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (d *DatabaseOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *DatabaseOptions

SetReadPreference sets the value for the ReadPreference field.

func (*DatabaseOptions) SetRegistry added in v0.1.0

func (d *DatabaseOptions) SetRegistry(r *bsoncodec.Registry) *DatabaseOptions

SetRegistry sets the value for the Registry field.

func (*DatabaseOptions) SetWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

func (d *DatabaseOptions) SetWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *DatabaseOptions

SetWriteConcern sets the value for the WriteConcern field.

type DefaultIndexOptions added in v1.4.0

type DefaultIndexOptions struct {
	// Specifies the storage engine to use for the index. The value must be a document in the form
	// {<storage engine name>: <options>}. The default value is nil, which means that the default storage engine
	// will be used.
	StorageEngine interface{}

DefaultIndexOptions represents the default options for a collection to apply on new indexes. This type can be used when creating a new collection through the CreateCollectionOptions.SetDefaultIndexOptions method.

func DefaultIndex added in v1.4.0

func DefaultIndex() *DefaultIndexOptions

DefaultIndex creates a new DefaultIndexOptions instance.

func (*DefaultIndexOptions) SetStorageEngine added in v1.4.0

func (d *DefaultIndexOptions) SetStorageEngine(storageEngine interface{}) *DefaultIndexOptions

SetStorageEngine sets the value for the StorageEngine field.

type DeleteOptions added in v0.1.0

type DeleteOptions struct {
	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. Server versions >= 3.4 will return an error
	// if this option is specified. For server versions < 3.4, the driver will return a client-side error if this option
	// is specified. The driver will return an error if this option is specified during an unacknowledged write
	// operation. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil,
	// which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Specifies parameters for the delete expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

DeleteOptions represents options that can be used to configure DeleteOne and DeleteMany operations.

func Delete added in v0.1.0

func Delete() *DeleteOptions

Delete creates a new DeleteOptions instance.

func MergeDeleteOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeDeleteOptions(opts ...*DeleteOptions) *DeleteOptions

MergeDeleteOptions combines the given DeleteOptions instances into a single DeleteOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*DeleteOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (do *DeleteOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *DeleteOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*DeleteOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (do *DeleteOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *DeleteOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*DeleteOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (do *DeleteOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *DeleteOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*DeleteOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (do *DeleteOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *DeleteOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

type DistinctOptions added in v0.1.0

type DistinctOptions struct {
	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation. The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be
	// used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error.
	// MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

DistinctOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Distinct operation.

func Distinct added in v0.1.0

func Distinct() *DistinctOptions

Distinct creates a new DistinctOptions instance.

func MergeDistinctOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeDistinctOptions(opts ...*DistinctOptions) *DistinctOptions

MergeDistinctOptions combines the given DistinctOptions instances into a single DistinctOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*DistinctOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (do *DistinctOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *DistinctOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*DistinctOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (do *DistinctOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *DistinctOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*DistinctOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (do *DistinctOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *DistinctOptions

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type DropIndexesOptions added in v0.1.0

type DropIndexesOptions struct {
	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

DropIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure IndexView.DropOne and IndexView.DropAll operations.

func DropIndexes added in v0.1.0

func DropIndexes() *DropIndexesOptions

DropIndexes creates a new DropIndexesOptions instance.

func MergeDropIndexesOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeDropIndexesOptions(opts ...*DropIndexesOptions) *DropIndexesOptions

MergeDropIndexesOptions combines the given DropIndexesOptions into a single DropIndexesOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*DropIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (d *DropIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime(duration time.Duration) *DropIndexesOptions

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type DropSearchIndexOptions added in v1.13.0

type DropSearchIndexOptions struct {

DropSearchIndexOptions represents options that can be used to configure a SearchIndexView.DropOne operation.

type EncryptOptions added in v1.2.0

type EncryptOptions struct {
	KeyID            *primitive.Binary
	KeyAltName       *string
	Algorithm        string
	QueryType        string
	ContentionFactor *int64
	RangeOptions     *RangeOptions

EncryptOptions represents options to explicitly encrypt a value.

func Encrypt added in v1.2.0

func Encrypt() *EncryptOptions

Encrypt creates a new EncryptOptions instance.

func MergeEncryptOptions deprecated added in v1.2.0

func MergeEncryptOptions(opts ...*EncryptOptions) *EncryptOptions

MergeEncryptOptions combines the argued EncryptOptions in a last-one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*EncryptOptions) SetAlgorithm added in v1.2.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetAlgorithm(algorithm string) *EncryptOptions

SetAlgorithm specifies an algorithm to use for encryption. This should be one of the following: - AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic - AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random - Indexed - Unindexed This is required. Indexed and Unindexed are used for Queryable Encryption.

func (*EncryptOptions) SetContentionFactor added in v1.10.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetContentionFactor(contentionFactor int64) *EncryptOptions

SetContentionFactor specifies the contention factor. It is only valid to set if algorithm is "Indexed". ContentionFactor is used for Queryable Encryption.

func (*EncryptOptions) SetKeyAltName added in v1.2.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetKeyAltName(keyAltName string) *EncryptOptions

SetKeyAltName identifies a key vault document by 'keyAltName'.

func (*EncryptOptions) SetKeyID added in v1.2.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetKeyID(keyID primitive.Binary) *EncryptOptions

SetKeyID specifies an _id of a data key. This should be a UUID (a primitive.Binary with subtype 4).

func (*EncryptOptions) SetQueryType added in v1.10.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetQueryType(queryType string) *EncryptOptions

SetQueryType specifies the intended query type. It is only valid to set if algorithm is "Indexed". This should be one of the following: - equality QueryType is used for Queryable Encryption.

func (*EncryptOptions) SetRangeOptions added in v1.12.0

func (e *EncryptOptions) SetRangeOptions(ro RangeOptions) *EncryptOptions

SetRangeOptions specifies the options to use for explicit encryption with range. It is only valid to set if algorithm is "rangePreview". Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

type EstimatedDocumentCountOptions added in v0.1.0

type EstimatedDocumentCountOptions struct {
	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

EstimatedDocumentCountOptions represents options that can be used to configure an EstimatedDocumentCount operation.

func EstimatedDocumentCount added in v0.1.0

func EstimatedDocumentCount() *EstimatedDocumentCountOptions

EstimatedDocumentCount creates a new EstimatedDocumentCountOptions instance.

func MergeEstimatedDocumentCountOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeEstimatedDocumentCountOptions(opts ...*EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) *EstimatedDocumentCountOptions

MergeEstimatedDocumentCountOptions combines the given EstimatedDocumentCountOptions instances into a single EstimatedDocumentCountOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (eco *EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *EstimatedDocumentCountOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type FindOneAndDeleteOptions added in v0.1.0

type FindOneAndDeleteOptions struct {
	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// A document describing which fields will be included in the document returned by the operation. The default value
	// is nil, which means all fields will be included.
	Projection interface{}

	// A document specifying which document should be replaced if the filter used by the operation matches multiple
	// documents in the collection. If set, the first document in the sorted order will be selected for replacement.
	// The driver will return an error if the sort parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil.
	Sort interface{}

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. MongoDB version 4.2 will report an error if
	// this option is specified. For server versions < 4.2, the driver will return an error if this option is specified.
	// The driver will return an error if this option is used with during an unacknowledged write operation. The driver
	// will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil, which means that no hint
	// will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Specifies parameters for the find one and delete expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

FindOneAndDeleteOptions represents options that can be used to configure a FindOneAndDelete operation.

func FindOneAndDelete added in v0.1.0

func FindOneAndDelete() *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

FindOneAndDelete creates a new FindOneAndDeleteOptions instance.

func MergeFindOneAndDeleteOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeFindOneAndDeleteOptions(opts ...*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

MergeFindOneAndDeleteOptions combines the given FindOneAndDeleteOptions instances into a single FindOneAndDeleteOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetProjection added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetProjection(projection interface{}) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetProjection sets the value for the Projection field.

func (*FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndDeleteOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *FindOneAndDeleteOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

type FindOneAndReplaceOptions added in v0.1.0

type FindOneAndReplaceOptions struct {
	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// A document describing which fields will be included in the document returned by the operation. The default value
	// is nil, which means all fields will be included.
	Projection interface{}

	// Specifies whether the original or replaced document should be returned by the operation. The default value is
	// Before, which means the original document will be returned from before the replacement is performed.
	ReturnDocument *ReturnDocument

	// A document specifying which document should be replaced if the filter used by the operation matches multiple
	// documents in the collection. If set, the first document in the sorted order will be replaced. The driver will
	// return an error if the sort parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil.
	Sort interface{}

	// If true, a new document will be inserted if the filter does not match any documents in the collection. The
	// default value is false.
	Upsert *bool

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. MongoDB version 4.2 will report an error if
	// this option is specified. For server versions < 4.2, the driver will return an error if this option is specified.
	// The driver will return an error if this option is used with during an unacknowledged write operation. The driver
	// will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil, which means that no hint
	// will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Specifies parameters for the find one and replace expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

FindOneAndReplaceOptions represents options that can be used to configure a FindOneAndReplace instance.

func FindOneAndReplace added in v0.1.0

func FindOneAndReplace() *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

FindOneAndReplace creates a new FindOneAndReplaceOptions instance.

func MergeFindOneAndReplaceOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeFindOneAndReplaceOptions(opts ...*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

MergeFindOneAndReplaceOptions combines the given FindOneAndReplaceOptions instances into a single FindOneAndReplaceOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetProjection added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetProjection(projection interface{}) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetProjection sets the value for the Projection field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetReturnDocument added in v0.1.0

SetReturnDocument sets the value for the ReturnDocument field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *FindOneAndReplaceOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

func (*FindOneAndReplaceOptions) SetUpsert added in v0.1.0

SetUpsert sets the value for the Upsert field.

type FindOneAndUpdateOptions added in v0.1.0

type FindOneAndUpdateOptions struct {
	// A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.6. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the update will apply to all array elements.
	ArrayFilters *ArrayFilters

	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is
	// ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// A document describing which fields will be included in the document returned by the operation. The default value
	// is nil, which means all fields will be included.
	Projection interface{}

	// Specifies whether the original or replaced document should be returned by the operation. The default value is
	// Before, which means the original document will be returned before the replacement is performed.
	ReturnDocument *ReturnDocument

	// A document specifying which document should be updated if the filter used by the operation matches multiple
	// documents in the collection. If set, the first document in the sorted order will be updated. The driver will
	// return an error if the sort parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil.
	Sort interface{}

	// If true, a new document will be inserted if the filter does not match any documents in the collection. The
	// default value is false.
	Upsert *bool

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. MongoDB version 4.2 will report an error if
	// this option is specified. For server versions < 4.2, the driver will return an error if this option is specified.
	// The driver will return an error if this option is used with during an unacknowledged write operation. The driver
	// will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil, which means that no hint
	// will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Specifies parameters for the find one and update expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

FindOneAndUpdateOptions represents options that can be used to configure a FindOneAndUpdate options.

func FindOneAndUpdate added in v0.1.0

func FindOneAndUpdate() *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

FindOneAndUpdate creates a new FindOneAndUpdateOptions instance.

func MergeFindOneAndUpdateOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeFindOneAndUpdateOptions(opts ...*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

MergeFindOneAndUpdateOptions combines the given FindOneAndUpdateOptions instances into a single FindOneAndUpdateOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetArrayFilters added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetArrayFilters(filters ArrayFilters) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetArrayFilters sets the value for the ArrayFilters field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetProjection added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetProjection(projection interface{}) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetProjection sets the value for the Projection field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetReturnDocument added in v0.1.0

SetReturnDocument sets the value for the ReturnDocument field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *FindOneAndUpdateOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

func (*FindOneAndUpdateOptions) SetUpsert added in v0.1.0

SetUpsert sets the value for the Upsert field.

type FindOneOptions added in v0.1.0

type FindOneOptions struct {
	// If true, an operation on a sharded cluster can return partial results if some shards are down rather than
	// returning an error. The default value is false.
	AllowPartialResults *bool

	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	// Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.
	BatchSize *int32

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace the operation.
	// The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment *string

	// Specifies the type of cursor that should be created for the operation. The default is NonTailable, which means
	// that the cursor will be closed by the server when the last batch of documents is retrieved.
	// Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.
	CursorType *CursorType

	// The index to use for the aggregation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil,
	// which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// A document specifying the exclusive upper bound for a specific index. The default value is nil, which means that
	// there is no maximum value.
	Max interface{}

	// The maximum amount of time that the server should wait for new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query.
	// This option is only valid for tailable await cursors (see the CursorType option for more information) and
	// MongoDB versions >= 3.2. For other cursor types or previous server versions, this option is ignored.
	// Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.
	MaxAwaitTime *time.Duration

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// A document specifying the inclusive lower bound for a specific index. The default value is 0, which means that
	// there is no minimum value.
	Min interface{}

	// If true, the cursor created by the operation will not timeout after a period of inactivity. The default value
	// is false.
	// Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.
	NoCursorTimeout *bool

	// This option is for internal replication use only and should not be set.
	// Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.4 and will be ignored by the server if it is
	// set.
	OplogReplay *bool

	// A document describing which fields will be included in the document returned by the operation. The default value
	// is nil, which means all fields will be included.
	Projection interface{}

	// If true, the document returned by the operation will only contain fields corresponding to the index used. The
	// default value is false.
	ReturnKey *bool

	// If true, a $recordId field with a record identifier will be included in the document returned by the operation.
	// The default value is false.
	ShowRecordID *bool

	// The number of documents to skip before selecting the document to be returned. The default value is 0.
	Skip *int64

	// If true, the cursor will not return a document more than once because of an intervening write operation. The
	// default value is false.
	// Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 3.6 and removed in MongoDB version 4.0.
	Snapshot *bool

	// A document specifying the sort order to apply to the query. The first document in the sorted order will be
	// returned. The driver will return an error if the sort parameter is a multi-key map.
	Sort interface{}

FindOneOptions represents options that can be used to configure a FindOne operation.

func FindOne added in v0.1.0

func FindOne() *FindOneOptions

FindOne creates a new FindOneOptions instance.

func MergeFindOneOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeFindOneOptions(opts ...*FindOneOptions) *FindOneOptions

MergeFindOneOptions combines the given FindOneOptions instances into a single FindOneOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetAllowPartialResults added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetAllowPartialResults(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetAllowPartialResults sets the value for the AllowPartialResults field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetBatchSize deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *FindOneOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *FindOneOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetComment added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetComment(comment string) *FindOneOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetCursorType deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetCursorType(ct CursorType) *FindOneOptions

SetCursorType sets the value for the CursorType field.

Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetHint added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *FindOneOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetMax added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetMax(max interface{}) *FindOneOptions

SetMax sets the value for the Max field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime(d time.Duration) *FindOneOptions

SetMaxAwaitTime sets the value for the MaxAwaitTime field.

Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *FindOneOptions

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetMin added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetMin(min interface{}) *FindOneOptions

SetMin sets the value for the Min field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetNoCursorTimeout sets the value for the NoCursorTimeout field.

Deprecated: This option is not valid for a findOne operation, as no cursor is actually created.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetOplogReplay deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetOplogReplay(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetOplogReplay sets the value for the OplogReplay field.

Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.4 and will be ignored by the server if it is set.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetProjection added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetProjection(projection interface{}) *FindOneOptions

SetProjection sets the value for the Projection field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetReturnKey added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetReturnKey(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetReturnKey sets the value for the ReturnKey field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetShowRecordID added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetShowRecordID(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetShowRecordID sets the value for the ShowRecordID field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetSkip added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetSkip(i int64) *FindOneOptions

SetSkip sets the value for the Skip field.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetSnapshot deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetSnapshot(b bool) *FindOneOptions

SetSnapshot sets the value for the Snapshot field.

Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 3.6 and removed in MongoDB version 4.0.

func (*FindOneOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOneOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *FindOneOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

type FindOptions added in v0.1.0

type FindOptions struct {
	// AllowDiskUse specifies whether the server can write temporary data to disk while executing the Find operation.
	// This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. Server versions >= 3.2 will report an error if this option
	// is specified. For server versions < 3.2, the driver will return a client-side error if this option is specified.
	// The default value is false.
	AllowDiskUse *bool

	// AllowPartial results specifies whether the Find operation on a sharded cluster can return partial results if some
	// shards are down rather than returning an error. The default value is false.
	AllowPartialResults *bool

	// BatchSize is the maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// Collation specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for
	// MongoDB versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace the operation.
	// The default is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment *string

	// CursorType specifies the type of cursor that should be created for the operation. The default is NonTailable, which
	// means that the cursor will be closed by the server when the last batch of documents is retrieved.
	CursorType *CursorType

	// Hint is the index to use for the Find operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index
	// specification as a document. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default
	// value is nil, which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// Limit is the maximum number of documents to return. The default value is 0, which means that all documents matching the
	// filter will be returned. A negative limit specifies that the resulting documents should be returned in a single
	// batch. The default value is 0.
	Limit *int64

	// Max is a document specifying the exclusive upper bound for a specific index. The default value is nil, which means that
	// there is no maximum value.
	Max interface{}

	// MaxAwaitTime is the maximum amount of time that the server should wait for new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor
	// query. This option is only valid for tailable await cursors (see the CursorType option for more information) and
	// MongoDB versions >= 3.2. For other cursor types or previous server versions, this option is ignored.
	MaxAwaitTime *time.Duration

	// MaxTime is the maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its
	// place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if
	// Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// Min is a document specifying the inclusive lower bound for a specific index. The default value is 0, which means that
	// there is no minimum value.
	Min interface{}

	// NoCursorTimeout specifies whether the cursor created by the operation will not timeout after a period of inactivity.
	// The default value is false.
	NoCursorTimeout *bool

	// OplogReplay is for internal replication use only and should not be set.
	// Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.4 and will be ignored by the server if it is
	// set.
	OplogReplay *bool

	// Project is a document describing which fields will be included in the documents returned by the Find operation. The
	// default value is nil, which means all fields will be included.
	Projection interface{}

	// ReturnKey specifies whether the documents returned by the Find operation will only contain fields corresponding to the
	// index used. The default value is false.
	ReturnKey *bool

	// ShowRecordID specifies whether a $recordId field with a record identifier will be included in the documents returned by
	// the Find operation. The default value is false.
	ShowRecordID *bool

	// Skip is the number of documents to skip before adding documents to the result. The default value is 0.
	Skip *int64

	// Snapshot specifies whether the cursor will not return a document more than once because of an intervening write operation.
	// The default value is false.
	// Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 3.6 and removed in MongoDB version 4.0.
	Snapshot *bool

	// Sort is a document specifying the order in which documents should be returned.  The driver will return an error if the
	// sort parameter is a multi-key map.
	Sort interface{}

	// Let specifies parameters for the find expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

FindOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Find operation.

func Find added in v0.1.0

func Find() *FindOptions

Find creates a new FindOptions instance.

func MergeFindOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeFindOptions(opts ...*FindOptions) *FindOptions

MergeFindOptions combines the given FindOptions instances into a single FindOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*FindOptions) SetAllowDiskUse added in v1.4.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetAllowDiskUse(b bool) *FindOptions

SetAllowDiskUse sets the value for the AllowDiskUse field.

func (*FindOptions) SetAllowPartialResults added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetAllowPartialResults(b bool) *FindOptions

SetAllowPartialResults sets the value for the AllowPartialResults field.

func (*FindOptions) SetBatchSize added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *FindOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*FindOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *FindOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*FindOptions) SetComment added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetComment(comment string) *FindOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*FindOptions) SetCursorType added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetCursorType(ct CursorType) *FindOptions

SetCursorType sets the value for the CursorType field.

func (*FindOptions) SetHint added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetHint(hint interface{}) *FindOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*FindOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetLet(let interface{}) *FindOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*FindOptions) SetLimit added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetLimit(i int64) *FindOptions

SetLimit sets the value for the Limit field.

func (*FindOptions) SetMax added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetMax(max interface{}) *FindOptions

SetMax sets the value for the Max field.

func (*FindOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetMaxAwaitTime(d time.Duration) *FindOptions

SetMaxAwaitTime sets the value for the MaxAwaitTime field.

func (*FindOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetMaxTime(d time.Duration) *FindOptions

SetMaxTime specifies the max time to allow the query to run.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*FindOptions) SetMin added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetMin(min interface{}) *FindOptions

SetMin sets the value for the Min field.

func (*FindOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout(b bool) *FindOptions

SetNoCursorTimeout sets the value for the NoCursorTimeout field.

func (*FindOptions) SetOplogReplay deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetOplogReplay(b bool) *FindOptions

SetOplogReplay sets the value for the OplogReplay field.

Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.4 and will be ignored by the server if it is set.

func (*FindOptions) SetProjection added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetProjection(projection interface{}) *FindOptions

SetProjection sets the value for the Projection field.

func (*FindOptions) SetReturnKey added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetReturnKey(b bool) *FindOptions

SetReturnKey sets the value for the ReturnKey field.

func (*FindOptions) SetShowRecordID added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetShowRecordID(b bool) *FindOptions

SetShowRecordID sets the value for the ShowRecordID field.

func (*FindOptions) SetSkip added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetSkip(i int64) *FindOptions

SetSkip sets the value for the Skip field.

func (*FindOptions) SetSnapshot deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetSnapshot(b bool) *FindOptions

SetSnapshot sets the value for the Snapshot field.

Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 3.6 and removed in MongoDB version 4.0.

func (*FindOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *FindOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *FindOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

type FullDocument added in v0.1.0

type FullDocument string

FullDocument specifies how a change stream should return the modified document.

const (
	// Default does not include a document copy.
	Default FullDocument = "default"
	// Off is the same as sending no value for fullDocumentBeforeChange.
	Off FullDocument = "off"
	// Required is the same as WhenAvailable but raises a server-side error if the post-image is not available.
	Required FullDocument = "required"
	// UpdateLookup includes a delta describing the changes to the document and a copy of the entire document that
	// was changed.
	UpdateLookup FullDocument = "updateLookup"
	// WhenAvailable includes a post-image of the modified document for replace and update change events
	// if the post-image for this event is available.
	WhenAvailable FullDocument = "whenAvailable"

type GridFSFindOptions added in v0.1.0

type GridFSFindOptions struct {
	// If true, the server can write temporary data to disk while executing the find operation. The default value
	// is false. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. For previous server versions, the server will
	// return an error if this option is used.
	AllowDiskUse *bool

	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// The maximum number of documents to return. The default value is 0, which means that all documents matching the
	// filter will be returned. A negative limit specifies that the resulting documents should be returned in a single
	// batch. The default value is 0.
	Limit *int32

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

	// If true, the cursor created by the operation will not timeout after a period of inactivity. The default value
	// is false.
	NoCursorTimeout *bool

	// The number of documents to skip before adding documents to the result. The default value is 0.
	Skip *int32

	// A document specifying the order in which documents should be returned.  The driver will return an error if the
	// sort parameter is a multi-key map.
	Sort interface{}

GridFSFindOptions represents options that can be used to configure a GridFS Find operation.

func GridFSFind added in v0.1.0

func GridFSFind() *GridFSFindOptions

GridFSFind creates a new GridFSFindOptions instance.

func MergeGridFSFindOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeGridFSFindOptions(opts ...*GridFSFindOptions) *GridFSFindOptions

MergeGridFSFindOptions combines the given GridFSFindOptions instances into a single GridFSFindOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetAllowDiskUse added in v1.4.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetAllowDiskUse(b bool) *GridFSFindOptions

SetAllowDiskUse sets the value for the AllowDiskUse field.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetBatchSize added in v0.1.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *GridFSFindOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetLimit added in v0.1.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetLimit(i int32) *GridFSFindOptions

SetLimit sets the value for the Limit field.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout added in v0.1.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetNoCursorTimeout(b bool) *GridFSFindOptions

SetNoCursorTimeout sets the value for the NoCursorTimeout field.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetSkip added in v0.1.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetSkip(i int32) *GridFSFindOptions

SetSkip sets the value for the Skip field.

func (*GridFSFindOptions) SetSort added in v0.1.0

func (f *GridFSFindOptions) SetSort(sort interface{}) *GridFSFindOptions

SetSort sets the value for the Sort field.

type IndexOptions added in v0.2.0

type IndexOptions struct {
	// If true, the index will be built in the background on the server and will not block other tasks. The default
	// value is false.
	// Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.2.
	Background *bool

	// The length of time, in seconds, for documents to remain in the collection. The default value is 0, which means
	// that documents will remain in the collection until they're explicitly deleted or the collection is dropped.
	ExpireAfterSeconds *int32

	// The name of the index. The default value is "[field1]_[direction1]_[field2]_[direction2]...". For example, an
	// index with the specification {name: 1, age: -1} will be named "name_1_age_-1".
	Name *string

	// If true, the index will only reference documents that contain the fields specified in the index. The default is
	// false.
	Sparse *bool

	// Specifies the storage engine to use for the index. The value must be a document in the form
	// {<storage engine name>: <options>}. The default value is nil, which means that the default storage engine
	// will be used. This option is only applicable for MongoDB versions >= 3.0 and is ignored for previous server
	// versions.
	StorageEngine interface{}

	// If true, the collection will not accept insertion or update of documents where the index key value matches an
	// existing value in the index. The default is false.
	Unique *bool

	// The index version number, either 0 or 1.
	Version *int32

	// The language that determines the list of stop words and the rules for the stemmer and tokenizer. This option
	// is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is "english".
	DefaultLanguage *string

	// The name of the field in the collection's documents that contains the override language for the document. This
	// option is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is the value
	// of the DefaultLanguage option.
	LanguageOverride *string

	// The index version number for a text index. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/index-text/#text-versions for
	// information about different version numbers.
	TextVersion *int32

	// A document that contains field and weight pairs. The weight is an integer ranging from 1 to 99,999, inclusive,
	// indicating the significance of the field relative to the other indexed fields in terms of the score. This option
	// is only applicable for text indexes and is ignored for other index types. The default value is nil, which means
	// that every field will have a weight of 1.
	Weights interface{}

	// The index version number for a 2D sphere index. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/2dsphere/#dsphere-v2 for
	// information about different version numbers.
	SphereVersion *int32

	// The precision of the stored geohash value of the location data. This option only applies to 2D indexes and is
	// ignored for other index types. The value must be between 1 and 32, inclusive. The default value is 26.
	Bits *int32

	// The upper inclusive boundary for longitude and latitude values. This option is only applicable to 2D indexes and
	// is ignored for other index types. The default value is 180.0.
	Max *float64

	// The lower inclusive boundary for longitude and latitude values. This option is only applicable to 2D indexes and
	// is ignored for other index types. The default value is -180.0.
	Min *float64

	// The number of units within which to group location values. Location values that are within BucketSize units of
	// each other will be grouped in the same bucket. This option is only applicable to geoHaystack indexes and is
	// ignored for other index types. The value must be greater than 0.
	BucketSize *int32

	// A document that defines which collection documents the index should reference. This option is only valid for
	// MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions.
	PartialFilterExpression interface{}

	// The collation to use for string comparisons for the index. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.4.
	// For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A document that defines the wildcard projection for the index.
	WildcardProjection interface{}

	// If true, the index will exist on the target collection but will not be used by the query planner when executing
	// operations. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.4. The default value is false.
	Hidden *bool

IndexOptions represents options that can be used to configure a new index created through the IndexView.CreateOne or IndexView.CreateMany operations.

func Index added in v0.2.0

func Index() *IndexOptions

Index creates a new IndexOptions instance.

func MergeIndexOptions deprecated added in v0.2.0

func MergeIndexOptions(opts ...*IndexOptions) *IndexOptions

MergeIndexOptions combines the given IndexOptions into a single IndexOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*IndexOptions) SetBackground deprecated added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetBackground(background bool) *IndexOptions

SetBackground sets value for the Background field.

Deprecated: This option has been deprecated in MongoDB version 4.2.

func (*IndexOptions) SetBits added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetBits(bits int32) *IndexOptions

SetBits sets the value for the Bits field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetBucketSize added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetBucketSize(bucketSize int32) *IndexOptions

SetBucketSize sets the value for the BucketSize field

func (*IndexOptions) SetCollation added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetCollation(collation *Collation) *IndexOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetDefaultLanguage added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetDefaultLanguage(language string) *IndexOptions

SetDefaultLanguage sets the value for the DefaultLanguage field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetExpireAfterSeconds added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetExpireAfterSeconds(seconds int32) *IndexOptions

SetExpireAfterSeconds sets value for the ExpireAfterSeconds field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetHidden added in v1.4.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetHidden(hidden bool) *IndexOptions

SetHidden sets the value for the Hidden field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetLanguageOverride added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetLanguageOverride(override string) *IndexOptions

SetLanguageOverride sets the value of the LanguageOverride field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetMax added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetMax(max float64) *IndexOptions

SetMax sets the value for the Max field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetMin added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetMin(min float64) *IndexOptions

SetMin sets the value for the Min field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetName added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetName(name string) *IndexOptions

SetName sets the value for the Name field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetPartialFilterExpression added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetPartialFilterExpression(expression interface{}) *IndexOptions

SetPartialFilterExpression sets the value for the PartialFilterExpression field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetSparse added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetSparse(sparse bool) *IndexOptions

SetSparse sets the value of the Sparse field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetSphereVersion added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetSphereVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions

SetSphereVersion sets the value for the SphereVersion field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetStorageEngine added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetStorageEngine(engine interface{}) *IndexOptions

SetStorageEngine sets the value for the StorageEngine field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetTextVersion added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetTextVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions

SetTextVersion sets the value for the TextVersion field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetUnique added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetUnique(unique bool) *IndexOptions

SetUnique sets the value for the Unique field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetVersion added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetVersion(version int32) *IndexOptions

SetVersion sets the value for the Version field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetWeights added in v0.2.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetWeights(weights interface{}) *IndexOptions

SetWeights sets the value for the Weights field.

func (*IndexOptions) SetWildcardProjection added in v1.1.0

func (i *IndexOptions) SetWildcardProjection(wildcardProjection interface{}) *IndexOptions

SetWildcardProjection sets the value for the WildcardProjection field.

type InsertManyOptions added in v0.1.0

type InsertManyOptions struct {
	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// If true, no writes will be executed after one fails. The default value is true.
	Ordered *bool

InsertManyOptions represents options that can be used to configure an InsertMany operation.

func InsertMany added in v0.1.0

func InsertMany() *InsertManyOptions

InsertMany creates a new InsertManyOptions instance.

func MergeInsertManyOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeInsertManyOptions(opts ...*InsertManyOptions) *InsertManyOptions

MergeInsertManyOptions combines the given InsertManyOptions instances into a single InsertManyOptions in a last one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*InsertManyOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (imo *InsertManyOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *InsertManyOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*InsertManyOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (imo *InsertManyOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *InsertManyOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*InsertManyOptions) SetOrdered added in v0.1.0

func (imo *InsertManyOptions) SetOrdered(b bool) *InsertManyOptions

SetOrdered sets the value for the Ordered field.

type InsertOneOptions added in v0.1.0

type InsertOneOptions struct {
	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

InsertOneOptions represents options that can be used to configure an InsertOne operation.

func InsertOne added in v0.1.0

func InsertOne() *InsertOneOptions

InsertOne creates a new InsertOneOptions instance.

func MergeInsertOneOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeInsertOneOptions(opts ...*InsertOneOptions) *InsertOneOptions

MergeInsertOneOptions combines the given InsertOneOptions instances into a single InsertOneOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*InsertOneOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (ioo *InsertOneOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *InsertOneOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*InsertOneOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (ioo *InsertOneOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *InsertOneOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

type ListCollectionsOptions added in v0.1.0

type ListCollectionsOptions struct {
	// If true, each collection document will only contain a field for the collection name. The default value is false.
	NameOnly *bool

	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// If true, and NameOnly is true, limits the documents returned to only contain collections the user is authorized to use. The default value
	// is false. This option is only valid for MongoDB server versions >= 4.0. Server versions < 4.0 ignore this option.
	AuthorizedCollections *bool

ListCollectionsOptions represents options that can be used to configure a ListCollections operation.

func ListCollections added in v0.1.0

func ListCollections() *ListCollectionsOptions

ListCollections creates a new ListCollectionsOptions instance.

func MergeListCollectionsOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeListCollectionsOptions(opts ...*ListCollectionsOptions) *ListCollectionsOptions

MergeListCollectionsOptions combines the given ListCollectionsOptions instances into a single *ListCollectionsOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ListCollectionsOptions) SetAuthorizedCollections added in v1.9.0

func (lc *ListCollectionsOptions) SetAuthorizedCollections(b bool) *ListCollectionsOptions

SetAuthorizedCollections sets the value for the AuthorizedCollections field. This option is only valid for MongoDB server versions >= 4.0. Server versions < 4.0 ignore this option.

func (*ListCollectionsOptions) SetBatchSize added in v1.5.0

func (lc *ListCollectionsOptions) SetBatchSize(size int32) *ListCollectionsOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*ListCollectionsOptions) SetNameOnly added in v0.1.0

SetNameOnly sets the value for the NameOnly field.

type ListDatabasesOptions added in v0.1.0

type ListDatabasesOptions struct {
	// If true, only the Name field of the returned DatabaseSpecification objects will be populated. The default value
	// is false.
	NameOnly *bool

	// If true, only the databases which the user is authorized to see will be returned. For more information about
	// the behavior of this option, see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#find. The default
	// value is true.
	AuthorizedDatabases *bool

ListDatabasesOptions represents options that can be used to configure a ListDatabases operation.

func ListDatabases added in v0.1.0

func ListDatabases() *ListDatabasesOptions

ListDatabases creates a new ListDatabasesOptions instance.

func MergeListDatabasesOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeListDatabasesOptions(opts ...*ListDatabasesOptions) *ListDatabasesOptions

MergeListDatabasesOptions combines the given ListDatabasesOptions instances into a single *ListDatabasesOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ListDatabasesOptions) SetAuthorizedDatabases added in v1.4.0

func (ld *ListDatabasesOptions) SetAuthorizedDatabases(b bool) *ListDatabasesOptions

SetAuthorizedDatabases sets the value for the AuthorizedDatabases field.

func (*ListDatabasesOptions) SetNameOnly added in v0.1.0

func (ld *ListDatabasesOptions) SetNameOnly(b bool) *ListDatabasesOptions

SetNameOnly sets the value for the NameOnly field.

type ListIndexesOptions added in v0.1.0

type ListIndexesOptions struct {
	// The maximum number of documents to be included in each batch returned by the server.
	BatchSize *int32

	// The maximum amount of time that the query can run on the server. The default value is nil, meaning that there
	// is no time limit for query execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used
	// in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime
	// is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxTime *time.Duration

ListIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure an IndexView.List operation.

func ListIndexes added in v0.1.0

func ListIndexes() *ListIndexesOptions

ListIndexes creates a new ListIndexesOptions instance.

func MergeListIndexesOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeListIndexesOptions(opts ...*ListIndexesOptions) *ListIndexesOptions

MergeListIndexesOptions combines the given ListIndexesOptions instances into a single *ListIndexesOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*ListIndexesOptions) SetBatchSize added in v0.1.0

func (l *ListIndexesOptions) SetBatchSize(i int32) *ListIndexesOptions

SetBatchSize sets the value for the BatchSize field.

func (*ListIndexesOptions) SetMaxTime added in v0.1.0

SetMaxTime sets the value for the MaxTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

type ListSearchIndexesOptions added in v1.13.0

type ListSearchIndexesOptions struct {
	AggregateOpts *AggregateOptions

ListSearchIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure a SearchIndexView.List operation.

type LogComponent added in v1.12.0

type LogComponent int

LogComponent is an enumeration representing the "components" which can be logged against. A LogLevel can be configured on a per-component basis.

const (
	// LogComponentAll enables logging for all components.
	LogComponentAll LogComponent = LogComponent(logger.ComponentAll)

	// LogComponentCommand enables command monitor logging.
	LogComponentCommand LogComponent = LogComponent(logger.ComponentCommand)

	// LogComponentTopology enables topology logging.
	LogComponentTopology LogComponent = LogComponent(logger.ComponentTopology)

	// LogComponentServerSelection enables server selection logging.
	LogComponentServerSelection LogComponent = LogComponent(logger.ComponentServerSelection)

	// LogComponentConnection enables connection services logging.
	LogComponentConnection LogComponent = LogComponent(logger.ComponentConnection)

type LogLevel added in v1.12.0

type LogLevel int

LogLevel is an enumeration representing the supported log severity levels.

const (
	// LogLevelInfo enables logging of informational messages. These logs
	// are high-level information about normal driver behavior.
	LogLevelInfo LogLevel = LogLevel(logger.LevelInfo)

	// LogLevelDebug enables logging of debug messages. These logs can be
	// voluminous and are intended for detailed information that may be
	// helpful when debugging an application.
	LogLevelDebug LogLevel = LogLevel(logger.LevelDebug)

type LogSink added in v1.12.0

type LogSink interface {
	// Info logs a non-error message with the given key/value pairs. This
	// method will only be called if the provided level has been defined
	// for a component in the LoggerOptions.
	// Here are the following level mappings for V = "Verbosity":
	//  - V(0): off
	//  - V(1): informational
	//  - V(2): debugging
	// This level mapping is taken from the go-logr/logr library
	// specifications, specifically:
	// "Level V(0) is the default, and logger.V(0).Info() has the same
	// meaning as logger.Info()."
	Info(level int, message string, keysAndValues ...interface{})

	// Error logs an error message with the given key/value pairs
	Error(err error, message string, keysAndValues ...interface{})

LogSink is an interface that can be implemented to provide a custom sink for the driver's logs.

type LoggerOptions added in v1.12.0

type LoggerOptions struct {
	// ComponentLevels is a map of LogComponent to LogLevel. The LogLevel
	// for a given LogComponent will be used to determine if a log message
	// should be logged.
	ComponentLevels map[LogComponent]LogLevel

	// Sink is the LogSink that will be used to log messages. If this is
	// nil, the driver will use the standard logging library.
	Sink LogSink

	// MaxDocumentLength is the maximum length of a document to be logged.
	// If the underlying document is larger than this value, it will be
	// truncated and appended with an ellipses "...".
	MaxDocumentLength uint

LoggerOptions represent options used to configure Logging in the Go Driver.

func Logger added in v1.12.0

func Logger() *LoggerOptions

Logger creates a new LoggerOptions instance.

func (*LoggerOptions) SetComponentLevel added in v1.12.0

func (opts *LoggerOptions) SetComponentLevel(component LogComponent, level LogLevel) *LoggerOptions

SetComponentLevel sets the LogLevel value for a LogComponent.

func (*LoggerOptions) SetMaxDocumentLength added in v1.12.0

func (opts *LoggerOptions) SetMaxDocumentLength(maxDocumentLength uint) *LoggerOptions

SetMaxDocumentLength sets the maximum length of a document to be logged.

func (*LoggerOptions) SetSink added in v1.12.0

func (opts *LoggerOptions) SetSink(sink LogSink) *LoggerOptions

SetSink sets the LogSink to use for logging.

type MarshalError deprecated added in v0.1.0

type MarshalError struct {
	Value interface{}
	Err   error

MarshalError is returned when attempting to transform a value into a document results in an error.

Deprecated: MarshalError is unused and will be removed in Go Driver 2.0.

func (MarshalError) Error deprecated added in v0.1.0

func (me MarshalError) Error() string

Error implements the error interface.

Deprecated: MarshalError is unused and will be removed in Go Driver 2.0.

type NameOptions added in v0.1.0

type NameOptions struct {
	// Specifies the revision of the file to retrieve. Revision numbers are defined as follows:
	// * 0 = the original stored file
	// * 1 = the first revision
	// * 2 = the second revision
	// * etc..
	// * -2 = the second most recent revision
	// * -1 = the most recent revision.
	// The default value is -1
	Revision *int32

NameOptions represents options that can be used to configure a GridFS DownloadByName operation.

func GridFSName added in v0.1.0

func GridFSName() *NameOptions

GridFSName creates a new NameOptions instance.

func MergeNameOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeNameOptions(opts ...*NameOptions) *NameOptions

MergeNameOptions combines the given NameOptions instances into a single *NameOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*NameOptions) SetRevision added in v0.1.0

func (n *NameOptions) SetRevision(r int32) *NameOptions

SetRevision sets the value for the Revision field.

type RangeOptions added in v1.12.0

type RangeOptions struct {
	Min       *bson.RawValue
	Max       *bson.RawValue
	Sparsity  int64
	Precision *int32

RangeOptions specifies index options for a Queryable Encryption field supporting "rangePreview" queries. Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

func (*RangeOptions) SetMax added in v1.12.0

func (ro *RangeOptions) SetMax(max bson.RawValue) *RangeOptions

SetMax sets the range index maximum value. Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

func (*RangeOptions) SetMin added in v1.12.0

func (ro *RangeOptions) SetMin(min bson.RawValue) *RangeOptions

SetMin sets the range index minimum value. Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

func (*RangeOptions) SetPrecision added in v1.12.0

func (ro *RangeOptions) SetPrecision(precision int32) *RangeOptions

SetPrecision sets the range index precision. Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

func (*RangeOptions) SetSparsity added in v1.12.0

func (ro *RangeOptions) SetSparsity(sparsity int64) *RangeOptions

SetSparsity sets the range index sparsity. Beta: The Range algorithm is experimental only. It is not intended for public use. It is subject to breaking changes.

type ReplaceOptions added in v0.1.0

type ReplaceOptions struct {
	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.2. Server versions >= 3.4 will return an error
	// if this option is specified. For server versions < 3.4, the driver will return a client-side error if this option
	// is specified. The driver will return an error if this option is specified during an unacknowledged write
	// operation. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil,
	// which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// If true, a new document will be inserted if the filter does not match any documents in the collection. The
	// default value is false.
	Upsert *bool

	// Specifies parameters for the aggregate expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

ReplaceOptions represents options that can be used to configure a ReplaceOne operation.

func MergeReplaceOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeReplaceOptions(opts ...*ReplaceOptions) *ReplaceOptions

MergeReplaceOptions combines the given ReplaceOptions instances into a single ReplaceOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func Replace added in v0.1.0

func Replace() *ReplaceOptions

Replace creates a new ReplaceOptions instance.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *ReplaceOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *ReplaceOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *ReplaceOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetHint(h interface{}) *ReplaceOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetLet(l interface{}) *ReplaceOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*ReplaceOptions) SetUpsert added in v0.1.0

func (ro *ReplaceOptions) SetUpsert(b bool) *ReplaceOptions

SetUpsert sets the value for the Upsert field.

type ReturnDocument

type ReturnDocument int8

ReturnDocument specifies whether a findAndUpdate operation should return the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update.

const (
	// Before specifies that findAndUpdate should return the document as it was before the update.
	Before ReturnDocument = iota
	// After specifies that findAndUpdate should return the document as it is after the update.

type RewrapManyDataKeyOptions added in v1.10.0

type RewrapManyDataKeyOptions struct {
	// Provider identifies the new KMS provider. If omitted, encrypting uses the current KMS provider.
	Provider *string

	// MasterKey identifies the new masterKey. If omitted, rewraps with the current masterKey.
	MasterKey interface{}

RewrapManyDataKeyOptions represents all possible options used to decrypt and encrypt all matching data keys with a possibly new masterKey.

func MergeRewrapManyDataKeyOptions deprecated added in v1.10.0

func MergeRewrapManyDataKeyOptions(opts ...*RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions

MergeRewrapManyDataKeyOptions combines the given RewrapManyDataKeyOptions instances into a single RewrapManyDataKeyOptions in a last one wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func RewrapManyDataKey added in v1.10.0

func RewrapManyDataKey() *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions

RewrapManyDataKey creates a new RewrapManyDataKeyOptions instance.

func (*RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) SetMasterKey added in v1.10.0

func (rmdko *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) SetMasterKey(masterKey interface{}) *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions

SetMasterKey sets the value for the MasterKey field.

func (*RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) SetProvider added in v1.10.0

func (rmdko *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions) SetProvider(provider string) *RewrapManyDataKeyOptions

SetProvider sets the value for the Provider field.

type RunCmdOptions added in v0.1.0

type RunCmdOptions struct {
	// The read preference to use for the operation. The default value is nil, which means that the primary read
	// preference will be used.
	ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

RunCmdOptions represents options that can be used to configure a RunCommand operation.

func MergeRunCmdOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeRunCmdOptions(opts ...*RunCmdOptions) *RunCmdOptions

MergeRunCmdOptions combines the given RunCmdOptions instances into one *RunCmdOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func RunCmd added in v0.1.0

func RunCmd() *RunCmdOptions

RunCmd creates a new RunCmdOptions instance.

func (*RunCmdOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (rc *RunCmdOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *RunCmdOptions

SetReadPreference sets value for the ReadPreference field.

type SearchIndexesOptions added in v1.13.0

type SearchIndexesOptions struct {
	Name *string
	Type *string

SearchIndexesOptions represents options that can be used to configure a SearchIndexView.

func SearchIndexes added in v1.13.0

func SearchIndexes() *SearchIndexesOptions

SearchIndexes creates a new SearchIndexesOptions instance.

func (*SearchIndexesOptions) SetName added in v1.13.0

func (sio *SearchIndexesOptions) SetName(name string) *SearchIndexesOptions

SetName sets the value for the Name field.

func (*SearchIndexesOptions) SetType added in v1.16.0

SetType sets the value for the Type field.

type ServerAPIOptions added in v1.6.0

type ServerAPIOptions struct {
	ServerAPIVersion  ServerAPIVersion
	Strict            *bool
	DeprecationErrors *bool

ServerAPIOptions represents options used to configure the API version sent to the server when running commands.

Sending a specified server API version causes the server to behave in a manner compatible with that API version. It also causes the driver to behave in a manner compatible with the driver’s behavior as of the release when the driver first started to support the specified server API version.

The user must specify a ServerAPIVersion if including ServerAPIOptions in their client. That version must also be currently supported by the driver. This version of the driver supports API version "1".

func ServerAPI added in v1.6.0

func ServerAPI(serverAPIVersion ServerAPIVersion) *ServerAPIOptions

ServerAPI creates a new ServerAPIOptions configured with the provided serverAPIversion.

func (*ServerAPIOptions) SetDeprecationErrors added in v1.6.0

func (s *ServerAPIOptions) SetDeprecationErrors(deprecationErrors bool) *ServerAPIOptions

SetDeprecationErrors specifies whether the server should return errors for deprecated features.

func (*ServerAPIOptions) SetStrict added in v1.6.0

func (s *ServerAPIOptions) SetStrict(strict bool) *ServerAPIOptions

SetStrict specifies whether the server should return errors for features that are not part of the API version.

type ServerAPIVersion added in v1.6.0

type ServerAPIVersion string

ServerAPIVersion represents an API version that can be used in ServerAPIOptions.

const (
	// ServerAPIVersion1 is the first API version.
	ServerAPIVersion1 ServerAPIVersion = "1"

func (ServerAPIVersion) Validate added in v1.6.0

func (sav ServerAPIVersion) Validate() error

Validate determines if the provided ServerAPIVersion is currently supported by the driver.

type SessionOptions added in v0.1.0

type SessionOptions struct {
	// If true, causal consistency will be enabled for the session. This option cannot be set to true if Snapshot is
	// set to true. The default value is true unless Snapshot is set to true. See
	// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#sessions for more information.
	CausalConsistency *bool

	// The default read concern for transactions started in the session. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read concern of the client used to start the session will be used.
	DefaultReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern

	// The default read preference for transactions started in the session. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the read preference of the client used to start the session will be used.
	DefaultReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

	// The default write concern for transactions started in the session. The default value is nil, which means that
	// the write concern of the client used to start the session will be used.
	DefaultWriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern

	// The default maximum amount of time that a CommitTransaction operation executed in the session can run on the
	// server. The default value is nil, which means that that there is no time limit for execution.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): DefaultMaxCommitTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option
	// may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an
	// error. DefaultMaxCommitTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	DefaultMaxCommitTime *time.Duration

	// If true, all read operations performed with this session will be read from the same snapshot. This option cannot
	// be set to true if CausalConsistency is set to true. Transactions and write operations are not allowed on
	// snapshot sessions and will error. The default value is false.
	Snapshot *bool

SessionOptions represents options that can be used to configure a Session.

func MergeSessionOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeSessionOptions(opts ...*SessionOptions) *SessionOptions

MergeSessionOptions combines the given SessionOptions instances into a single SessionOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func Session added in v0.1.0

func Session() *SessionOptions

Session creates a new SessionOptions instance.

func (*SessionOptions) SetCausalConsistency added in v0.1.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetCausalConsistency(b bool) *SessionOptions

SetCausalConsistency sets the value for the CausalConsistency field.

func (*SessionOptions) SetDefaultMaxCommitTime added in v1.1.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetDefaultMaxCommitTime(mct *time.Duration) *SessionOptions

SetDefaultMaxCommitTime sets the value for the DefaultMaxCommitTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): DefaultMaxCommitTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. DefaultMaxCommitTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*SessionOptions) SetDefaultReadConcern added in v0.1.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetDefaultReadConcern(rc *readconcern.ReadConcern) *SessionOptions

SetDefaultReadConcern sets the value for the DefaultReadConcern field.

func (*SessionOptions) SetDefaultReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetDefaultReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *SessionOptions

SetDefaultReadPreference sets the value for the DefaultReadPreference field.

func (*SessionOptions) SetDefaultWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetDefaultWriteConcern(wc *writeconcern.WriteConcern) *SessionOptions

SetDefaultWriteConcern sets the value for the DefaultWriteConcern field.

func (*SessionOptions) SetSnapshot added in v1.7.0

func (s *SessionOptions) SetSnapshot(b bool) *SessionOptions

SetSnapshot sets the value for the Snapshot field.

type TimeSeriesOptions added in v1.6.0

type TimeSeriesOptions struct {
	// TimeField is the top-level field to be used for time. Inserted documents must have this field,
	// and the field must be of the BSON UTC datetime type (0x9).
	TimeField string

	// MetaField is the name of the top-level field describing the series. This field is used to group
	// related data and may be of any BSON type, except for array. This name may not be the same
	// as the TimeField or _id. This field is optional.
	MetaField *string

	// Granularity is the granularity of time-series data. Allowed granularity options are
	// "seconds", "minutes" and "hours". This field is optional.
	Granularity *string

	// BucketMaxSpan is the maximum range of time values for a bucket. The
	// time.Duration is rounded down to the nearest second and applied as
	// the command option: "bucketRoundingSeconds". This field is optional.
	BucketMaxSpan *time.Duration

	// BucketRounding is used to determine the minimum time boundary when
	// opening a new bucket by rounding the first timestamp down to the next
	// multiple of this value. The time.Duration is rounded down to the
	// nearest second and applied as the command option:
	// "bucketRoundingSeconds". This field is optional.
	BucketRounding *time.Duration

TimeSeriesOptions specifies options on a time-series collection.

func TimeSeries added in v1.6.0

func TimeSeries() *TimeSeriesOptions

TimeSeries creates a new TimeSeriesOptions instance.

func (*TimeSeriesOptions) SetBucketMaxSpan added in v1.12.0

func (tso *TimeSeriesOptions) SetBucketMaxSpan(dur time.Duration) *TimeSeriesOptions

SetBucketMaxSpan sets the value for BucketMaxSpan.

func (*TimeSeriesOptions) SetBucketRounding added in v1.12.0

func (tso *TimeSeriesOptions) SetBucketRounding(dur time.Duration) *TimeSeriesOptions

SetBucketRounding sets the value for BucketRounding.

func (*TimeSeriesOptions) SetGranularity added in v1.6.0

func (tso *TimeSeriesOptions) SetGranularity(granularity string) *TimeSeriesOptions

SetGranularity sets the value for Granularity.

func (*TimeSeriesOptions) SetMetaField added in v1.6.0

func (tso *TimeSeriesOptions) SetMetaField(metaField string) *TimeSeriesOptions

SetMetaField sets the value for the MetaField.

func (*TimeSeriesOptions) SetTimeField added in v1.6.0

func (tso *TimeSeriesOptions) SetTimeField(timeField string) *TimeSeriesOptions

SetTimeField sets the value for the TimeField.

type TransactionOptions added in v0.1.0

type TransactionOptions struct {
	// The read concern for operations in the transaction. The default value is nil, which means that the default
	// read concern of the session used to start the transaction will be used.
	ReadConcern *readconcern.ReadConcern

	// The read preference for operations in the transaction. The default value is nil, which means that the default
	// read preference of the session used to start the transaction will be used.
	ReadPreference *readpref.ReadPref

	// The write concern for operations in the transaction. The default value is nil, which means that the default
	// write concern of the session used to start the transaction will be used.
	WriteConcern *writeconcern.WriteConcern

	// The maximum amount of time that a CommitTransaction operation can executed in the transaction can run on the
	// server. The default value is nil, which means that the default maximum commit time of the session used to
	// start the transaction will be used.
	// NOTE(benjirewis): MaxCommitTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may
	// be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error.
	// MaxCommitTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.
	MaxCommitTime *time.Duration

TransactionOptions represents options that can be used to configure a transaction.

func MergeTransactionOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeTransactionOptions(opts ...*TransactionOptions) *TransactionOptions

MergeTransactionOptions combines the given TransactionOptions instances into a single TransactionOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func Transaction added in v0.1.0

func Transaction() *TransactionOptions

Transaction creates a new TransactionOptions instance.

func (*TransactionOptions) SetMaxCommitTime added in v1.1.0

func (t *TransactionOptions) SetMaxCommitTime(mct *time.Duration) *TransactionOptions

SetMaxCommitTime sets the value for the MaxCommitTime field.

NOTE(benjirewis): MaxCommitTime will be deprecated in a future release. The more general Timeout option may be used in its place to control the amount of time that a single operation can run before returning an error. MaxCommitTime is ignored if Timeout is set on the client.

func (*TransactionOptions) SetReadConcern added in v0.1.0

SetReadConcern sets the value for the ReadConcern field.

func (*TransactionOptions) SetReadPreference added in v0.1.0

func (t *TransactionOptions) SetReadPreference(rp *readpref.ReadPref) *TransactionOptions

SetReadPreference sets the value for the ReadPreference field.

func (*TransactionOptions) SetWriteConcern added in v0.1.0

SetWriteConcern sets the value for the WriteConcern field.

type UpdateOptions added in v0.1.0

type UpdateOptions struct {
	// A set of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.6. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the update will apply to all array elements.
	ArrayFilters *ArrayFilters

	// If true, writes executed as part of the operation will opt out of document-level validation on the server. This
	// option is valid for MongoDB versions >= 3.2 and is ignored for previous server versions. The default value is
	// false. See https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/ for more information about document
	// validation.
	BypassDocumentValidation *bool

	// Specifies a collation to use for string comparisons during the operation. This option is only valid for MongoDB
	// versions >= 3.4. For previous server versions, the driver will return an error if this option is used. The
	// default value is nil, which means the default collation of the collection will be used.
	Collation *Collation

	// A string or document that will be included in server logs, profiling logs, and currentOp queries to help trace
	// the operation.  The default value is nil, which means that no comment will be included in the logs.
	Comment interface{}

	// The index to use for the operation. This should either be the index name as a string or the index specification
	// as a document. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 4.2. Server versions >= 3.4 will return an error
	// if this option is specified. For server versions < 3.4, the driver will return a client-side error if this option
	// is specified. The driver will return an error if this option is specified during an unacknowledged write
	// operation. The driver will return an error if the hint parameter is a multi-key map. The default value is nil,
	// which means that no hint will be sent.
	Hint interface{}

	// If true, a new document will be inserted if the filter does not match any documents in the collection. The
	// default value is false.
	Upsert *bool

	// Specifies parameters for the update expression. This option is only valid for MongoDB versions >= 5.0. Older
	// servers will report an error for using this option. This must be a document mapping parameter names to values.
	// Values must be constant or closed expressions that do not reference document fields. Parameters can then be
	// accessed as variables in an aggregate expression context (e.g. "$$var").
	Let interface{}

UpdateOptions represents options that can be used to configure UpdateOne and UpdateMany operations.

func MergeUpdateOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeUpdateOptions(opts ...*UpdateOptions) *UpdateOptions

MergeUpdateOptions combines the given UpdateOptions instances into a single UpdateOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func Update added in v0.1.0

func Update() *UpdateOptions

Update creates a new UpdateOptions instance.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetArrayFilters added in v0.1.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetArrayFilters(af ArrayFilters) *UpdateOptions

SetArrayFilters sets the value for the ArrayFilters field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation added in v0.1.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetBypassDocumentValidation(b bool) *UpdateOptions

SetBypassDocumentValidation sets the value for the BypassDocumentValidation field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetCollation added in v0.1.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetCollation(c *Collation) *UpdateOptions

SetCollation sets the value for the Collation field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetComment added in v1.10.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetComment(comment interface{}) *UpdateOptions

SetComment sets the value for the Comment field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetHint added in v1.4.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetHint(h interface{}) *UpdateOptions

SetHint sets the value for the Hint field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetLet added in v1.9.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetLet(l interface{}) *UpdateOptions

SetLet sets the value for the Let field.

func (*UpdateOptions) SetUpsert added in v0.1.0

func (uo *UpdateOptions) SetUpsert(b bool) *UpdateOptions

SetUpsert sets the value for the Upsert field.

type UpdateSearchIndexOptions added in v1.13.0

type UpdateSearchIndexOptions struct {

UpdateSearchIndexOptions represents options that can be used to configure a SearchIndexView.UpdateOne operation.

type UploadOptions added in v0.1.0

type UploadOptions struct {
	// The number of bytes in each chunk in the bucket. The default value is DefaultChunkSize (255 KiB).
	ChunkSizeBytes *int32

	// Additional application data that will be stored in the "metadata" field of the document in the files collection.
	// The default value is nil, which means that the document in the files collection will not contain a "metadata"
	// field.
	Metadata interface{}

	// The BSON registry to use for converting filters to BSON documents. The default value is bson.DefaultRegistry.
	Registry *bsoncodec.Registry

UploadOptions represents options that can be used to configure a GridFS upload operation.

func GridFSUpload added in v0.1.0

func GridFSUpload() *UploadOptions

GridFSUpload creates a new UploadOptions instance.

func MergeUploadOptions deprecated added in v0.1.0

func MergeUploadOptions(opts ...*UploadOptions) *UploadOptions

MergeUploadOptions combines the given UploadOptions instances into a single UploadOptions in a last-one-wins fashion.

Deprecated: Merging options structs will not be supported in Go Driver 2.0. Users should create a single options struct instead.

func (*UploadOptions) SetChunkSizeBytes added in v0.1.0

func (u *UploadOptions) SetChunkSizeBytes(i int32) *UploadOptions

SetChunkSizeBytes sets the value for the ChunkSize field.

func (*UploadOptions) SetMetadata added in v0.1.0

func (u *UploadOptions) SetMetadata(doc interface{}) *UploadOptions

SetMetadata sets the value for the Metadata field.

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