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Published: May 6, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 27 Imported by: 0


Introduction to bbolt command line

bbolt provides a command line utility for inspecting and manipulating bbolt database files. To install bbolt command-line please refer here

Note: etcd uses bbolt as its backend storage engine. In this document, we take etcd as an example to demonstrate the usage of bbolt commands. Refer to install etcd for installing etcd.

  1. Start a single member etcd cluster with this command below:


    It will create a directory default.etcd by default under current working directory, and the directory structure will look like this:

    $tree default.etcd
    └── member
        ├── snap
        │   └── db // this is bbolt database file
        └── wal
            └── 0000000000000000-0000000000000000.wal
    3 directories, 2 files
  2. Put some dummy data using etcdctl.

  3. Stop the etcd instance. Note a bbolt database file can only be opened by one read-write process, because it is exclusively locked when opened.


  • bbolt command [arguments]
  • help will print information about that command

    $bbolt help
    The commands are:
        version     prints the current version of bbolt
        bench       run synthetic benchmark against bbolt
        buckets     print a list of buckets
        check       verifies integrity of bbolt database
        compact     copies a bbolt database, compacting it in the process
        dump        print a hexadecimal dump of a single page
        get         print the value of a key in a bucket
        info        print basic info
        keys        print a list of keys in a bucket
        help        print this screen
        page        print one or more pages in human readable format
        pages       print list of pages with their types
        page-item   print the key and value of a page item.
        stats       iterate over all pages and generate usage stats
        surgery     perform surgery on bbolt database
  • you can use help with any command: bbolt [command] -h for more information about command.

Analyse bbolt database with bbolt command line

  • version print the current version information of bbolt command-line.

  • usage: bbolt version


    $bbolt version
    bbolt version: 1.3.7
    Go Version: go1.21.6
    Go OS/Arch: darwin/arm64
  • info print the basic information about the given Bbolt database.

  • usage: bbolt info [path to the bbolt database]


    $bbolt info ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    Page Size: 4096
    • note: page size is given in bytes
    • Bbolt database is using page size of 4KB
  • buckets print a list of buckets of Bbolt database is currently having. Find more information on buckets here

  • usage: bbolt buckets [path to the bbolt database]


    $bbolt buckets ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    • It means when you start an etcd, it creates these 10 buckets using bbolt database.
  • check opens a database at a given [PATH] and runs an exhaustive check to verify that all pages are accessible or are marked as freed. It also verifies that no pages are double referenced.

  • usage: bbolt check [path to the bbolt database]


    $bbolt check ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    • It returns ok as our database file db is not corrupted.
  • To gather essential statistics about the bbolt database: stats performs an extensive search of the database to track every page reference. It starts at the current meta page and recursively iterates through every accessible bucket.

  • usage: bbolt stats [path to the bbolt database]


    $bbolt stats ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    Aggregate statistics for 10 buckets
    Page count statistics
        Number of logical branch pages: 0
        Number of physical branch overflow pages: 0
        Number of logical leaf pages: 0
        Number of physical leaf overflow pages: 0
    Tree statistics
        Number of keys/value pairs: 11
        Number of levels in B+tree: 1
    Page size utilization
        Bytes allocated for physical branch pages: 0
        Bytes actually used for branch data: 0 (0%)
        Bytes allocated for physical leaf pages: 0
        Bytes actually used for leaf data: 0 (0%)
    Bucket statistics
        Total number of buckets: 10
        Total number on inlined buckets: 10 (100%)
        Bytes used for inlined buckets: 780 (0%)
  • inspect inspect the structure of the database.

  • Usage: bbolt inspect [path to the bbolt database]


$ ./bbolt inspect ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    "name": "root",
    "keyN": 0,
    "buckets": [
            "name": "alarm",
            "keyN": 0
            "name": "auth",
            "keyN": 2
            "name": "authRoles",
            "keyN": 1
            "name": "authUsers",
            "keyN": 1
            "name": "cluster",
            "keyN": 1
            "name": "key",
            "keyN": 1285
            "name": "lease",
            "keyN": 2
            "name": "members",
            "keyN": 1
            "name": "members_removed",
            "keyN": 0
            "name": "meta",
            "keyN": 3
  • Pages prints a table of pages with their type (meta, leaf, branch, freelist).

  • The meta will store the metadata information of database.

  • The leaf and branch pages will show a key count in the items column.

  • The freelist will show the number of free pages, which are free for writing again.

  • The overflow column shows the number of blocks that the page spills over into.

  • usage: bbolt pages [path to the bbolt database]


    $bbolt pages ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    ID       TYPE       ITEMS  OVRFLW
    ======== ========== ====== ======
    0        meta       0
    1        meta       0
    2        free
    3        leaf       10
    4        freelist   2
    5        free
  • Page prints one or more pages in human readable format.

  • usage:

    bolt page [path to the bbolt database] pageid [pageid...]
    or: bolt page --all [path to the bbolt database]
    Additional options include:
      prints all pages (only skips pages that were considered successful overflow pages)
    --format-value=auto|ascii-encoded|hex|bytes|redacted (default: auto)
      prints values (on the leaf page) using the given format


    $bbolt page ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db 3
    Page ID:    3
    Page Type:  leaf
    Total Size: 4096 bytes
    Overflow pages: 0
    Item Count: 10
    "alarm": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "auth": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "authRoles": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "authUsers": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "cluster": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "key": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "lease": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "members": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "members_removed": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    "meta": <pgid=0,seq=0>
    • It prints information of page page ID: 3
  • page-item prints a page item's key and value.

  • usage:

    bolt page-item [options] [path to the bbolt database] <pageId> <itemId>
    Additional options include:
            Print only the key
            Print only the value
            Output format. One of: auto|ascii-encoded|hex|bytes|redacted (default=auto)


    $bbolt page-item --key-only ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db 3 7
    • It returns the key as --key-only flag is passed of pageID: 3 and itemID: 7
  • Dump prints a hexadecimal dump of one or more given pages.
  • usage: bolt dump [path to the bbolt database] [pageid...]
  • Print a list of keys in the given bucket.

  • usage:

    bolt keys [path to the bbolt database] [BucketName]
    Additional options include:
      Output format. One of: auto|ascii-encoded|hex|bytes|redacted (default=auto)

    Example 1:

    $bbolt keys ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db meta
    • It list all the keys in bucket: meta

    Example 2:

    $bbolt keys ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db members
    • It list all the keys in members bucket which is a memberId of etcd cluster member.
    • In this case we are running a single member etcd cluster, hence only one memberId is present. If we would have run a 3 member etcd cluster then it will return a 3 memberId as 3 cluster members would have been present in members bucket.
  • Print the value of the given key in the given bucket.

  • usage:

    bolt get [path to the bbolt database] [BucketName] [Key]
    Additional options include:
      Output format. One of: auto|ascii-encoded|hex|bytes|redacted (default=auto)
      Input format (of key). One of: ascii-encoded|hex (default=ascii-encoded)"

    Example 1:

    $bbolt get --format=hex ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db meta term
    • It returns the value present in bucket: meta for key: term in hexadecimal format.

    Example 2:

    $bbolt get ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db members 8e9e05c52164694d
    • It returns the value present in bucket: members for key: 8e9e05c52164694d.
  • Compact opens a database at given [Source Path] and walks it recursively, copying keys as they are found from all buckets, to a newly created database at [Destination Path]. The original database is left untouched.

  • usage:

    bbolt compact [options] -o [Destination Path] [Source Path]
    Additional options include:
    -tx-max-size NUM
      Specifies the maximum size of individual transactions.
      Defaults to 64KB


    $bbolt compact -o ~/db.compact ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db
    16805888 -> 32768 bytes (gain=512.88x)
    • It will create a compacted database file: db.compact at given path.
  • run synthetic benchmark against bbolt database.

  • usage:

    -batch-size int
    -blockprofile string
    -count int
            (default 1000)
    -cpuprofile string
    -fill-percent float
            (default 0.5)
    -key-size int
            (default 8)
    -memprofile string
    -path string
    -profile-mode string
            (default "rw")
    -read-mode string
            (default "seq")
    -value-size int
            (default 32)
    -write-mode string
            (default "seq")


    $bbolt bench ~/default.etcd/member/snap/db -batch-size 400 -key-size 16
    # Write	68.523572ms	(68.523µs/op)	(14593 op/sec)
    # Read	1.000015152s	(11ns/op)	(90909090 op/sec)
    • It runs a benchmark with batch size of 400 and with key size of 16 while for others parameters default value is taken.


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