Given a username and/or GitHub access token, this tool will provide a report
of the work done by the user last week. This can be useful for sharing with
your coworkers, or just for your own notes.

Installing / Quick Start
From released binary
Navigate to tags and find a recent release. Binaries are published for various linux and mac distributions.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your-token
From go install
go install
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your-token
Note: This assumes ~/go/bin (or wherever go binaries are installed on your
system) is on your path. lastweek is likely installed at ~/go/bin/lastweek
Token Scopes
While a GitHub token isn't required, it will restrict the reporting to public
activity. It also could result in issues due to GitHub rate limiting. The token
created requires the repo
scope to access private repositories.
Token and User can be provided via environment variables. Note, User can be
inferred from your GITHUB_TOKEN. Setting a token is recommended as it avoids
rate limiting issue as well as gives information about private repository
export GITHUB_USERNAME=your-username
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your-token
They can also be provided by flag, along with other settings.
Usage of lastweek:
-end_date string
The end date in ISO layout. E.g. YYYY-MM-DD
-start_date string
The start date in ISO layout. E.g. YYYY-MM-DD
-start_of_week string
The first day of your snippet week (default "Saturday")
-token string
Your GitHub access token.
-user string
Your GitHub username.
-weeks_back int
The number of weeks ago to see snippets for (default 1)
I have written various versions of this tool. This most recent rewrite though was
influenced by a version I stumbled on by RJPercival
that had went out of date (though had some ideas I liked) as well as another
by SethVargo which had a way of formatting the
output I preferred to my previous ways. In combining these various elements of
each along with elements of previous iterations of my own, I created lastweek