
v0.0.0-...-ee30025 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 12, 2025 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 3 Imported by: 0



This directory contains cros-fw-provision: a service for preparing devices-under-test with specific application processor ("AP") and embedded controller ("EC") firmware ("fw") builds. Preparing devices with specific builds is called "provisioning".

See go/cft-fw-provision-v2 for background.

Input proto

The request to provision comes in as a chromiumos.test.api.InstallRequest with the metadata field populated with chromiumos.test.api.FirmwareProvisionInstallMetadata. The fields in firmware_config can be populated in these configurations:

  • main_ro_payload - The AP RO and AP RW A/B will be updated with this image. As a side effect, the EC RW will also be updated to the version embedded in the AP RW image. The EC RO will remain untouched.
  • main_rw_payload - The AP RW A/B will be updated with this image. As a side effect, the EC RW will also be updated to the version embedded in the AP RW image. The AP & EC RO will remain untouched.
  • ec_ro_payload - The EC RO will be updated with this image. The AP RO/RW & EC RW will be left untouched.
  • ec_rw_payload - The EC RW from this image will be embedded into the AP RW for A and B, and flashed to AP RW A/B.

Here are some common combinations, and where the image comes from:

Payloads AP RO EC RO AP RW EC RW Note
main_ro + ec_ro main_ro ec_ro main_ro main_ro Typical for faft tests w/o EC branch
main_ro + ec_ro + main_rw main_ro ec_ro main_rw main_rw Typical for FW Qual w/o EC branch
main_ro + ec_ro + main_rw + ec_rw main_ro ec_ro main_rw ec_rw Typical for FW Qual w/ EC branch
main_ro + ec_ro + ec_rw main_ro ec_ro main_ro ec_rw Typical for faft tests w/ EC branch
main_rw - - main_rw main_rw
main_rw + ec_rw - - main_rw ec_rw

After the firmware is updated, the version numbers will be checked to ensure the update was successful. The AP firmware version for the inactive bank (A or B) will not be checked, only the active firmware.


The paths in the payload fields above should be a gs path to the archive containing the image for the correct model. However, if the image is a firmware_from_source archive, the code will look first for a model specific file in the gs://firmware-image-archive bucket. I.e. If you are flashing a brya/omnigul DUT, then a url like gs://chromeos-image-archive/firmware-brya-14505.B-branch/R100-14505.832.0-1-8730368903603296945/brya/firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 will search for gs://firmware-image-archive/firmware-brya-14505.B/14505.832.0/omnigul.14505.832.0.tar.bz2 first, and if it is not found, extract image-omnigul.bin from the giant firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 archive.


A prebuilt cros-fw-provision will be available in the chroot. To launch it, execute, cros-fw-provision server or cros-fw-provision cli. server spins up a service and waits for a gRPC request to come over the network before provisioning starts. cli immediately executes the request, which is required to be passed in during launch.

Building locally

See also go/cft-fw-provision-local-guide.

To build and run locally:

These example assume some vars are set in your shell:

D=localhost:2222 # Forwarded ssh port

Run the cros-dut server in the chroot

~/chromiumos/src/platform/dev/ -b -o ~/go/bin/cros-dut && \
~/go/bin/cros-dut -cache_address ${CACHE_SERVER?}:8082 -dut_address ${D?} -port 8123

Run the servo-nexus server from infra repo (outside chroot)

eval `~/infra/infra/go/` && \
cd ~/infra/infra/go/src/infra && \
export CGO_ENABLED=0 && \
go install infra/cros/cmd/cft/dut/cros-servod && \
~/infra/infra/go/bin/cros-servod server -server_port 8124

If you are running with a local dut, you will need a cache server. Then set the CACHE_SERVER variable below with your IP as seen from the DUT, otherwise set the CACHE_SERVER variable to any cache server that is visible from the DUT.

docker run -d --rm -P --cap-add=NET_RAW --name visible-cache-server --expose 8082 -p 8082:8082 --volume $HOME/.config/:/root/.config --volume /tmp/local-cft/cacheserver:/tmp/cacheserver cacheserver -location /tmp/cacheserver -port 8082

Alternatively, you can build the cache server from source and run it.

sudo ufw allow 8082 # Open the port in the linux firewall.
~/chromiumos/src/platform/dev/ -b -o ~/go/bin/cacheserver && ~/go/bin/cacheserver -port 8082

To find the cache server on a lab machine:

ssh $DUT_HOSTNAME 'for devserver in; do if curl -f --connect-timeout 3 "http://${devserver?}:8082/check_health" >/dev/null ; then echo CACHE_SERVER=${devserver?} ; fi; done'

Run cros-fw-provision inside chroot

FW_IMAGE=$(gsutil ls -l gs://chromeos-image-archive/firmware-{brya,glados,oak,reef,${BOARD?}}*-branch/*/${BOARD?}/firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 | grep -v TOTAL | sort -k2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')
EC_BRANCH=$(gsutil ls -d gs://firmware-image-archive/firmware-ec-R* | tail -1)
EC_IMAGE=$(gsutil ls -l ${EC_BRANCH}*/${BOARD}/firmware_from_source.tar.bz2 | grep -v TOTAL | sort -k2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}')
cat >startup.json <<STARTUP
        "dut": {
                "chromeos": {
                        "dut_model": {
                                "build_target": "${BOARD?}",
                                "model_name": "${MODEL?}"
                        "servo": {
                                "present": true,
                                "servodAddress": {
                                        "address": "localhost:${LOCAL_SERVO_SSH_PORT?}",
                                        "port": ${SERVO_PORT?}
                                "serial": "${SERVO_SERIAL?}"
                "cache_server": {
                        "address": {
                                "address": "${CACHE_SERVER?}",
                                "port": 8082
        "dut_server": {
                "address": "localhost",
                "port": 8123
        "servoNexusAddr": {
                "address": "localhost",
                "port": 8124
# Typical case for tip of branch testing
cat >install.json <<INSTALL
        "metadata": {
                "@type": "chromiumos.test.api.FirmwareProvisionInstallMetadata",
                "firmware_config": {
                        "mainRoPayload": {
                                "firmwareImagePath": {
                                        "hostType": "GS",
                                        "path": "${FW_IMAGE?}"
                        "ecRoPayload": {
                                "firmwareImagePath": {
                                        "hostType": "GS",
                                        "path": "${EC_IMAGE?}"
                        "ecRwPayload": {
                                "firmwareImagePath": {
                                        "hostType": "GS",
                                        "path": "${EC_IMAGE?}"
# Typical case for legacy devices
cat >install.json <<INSTALL
        "metadata": {
                "@type": "chromiumos.test.api.FirmwareProvisionInstallMetadata",
                "firmware_config": {
                        "mainRoPayload": {
                                "firmwareImagePath": {
                                        "hostType": "GS",
                                        "path": "${FW_IMAGE?}"
                        "ecRoPayload": {
                                "firmwareImagePath": {
                                        "hostType": "GS",
                                        "path": "${FW_IMAGE?}"
~/chromiumos/src/platform/dev/ -b \
        -o ~/go/bin/cros-fw-provision && \
        ~/go/bin/cros-fw-provision cli -startup startup.json -install install.json

If you want to test specific versions like a firmware qual would, this command should help you find the path:

gsutil ls -d gs://{firmware,chromeos}-image-archive/firmware-{ec,${BOARD}}*/*${VERSION}*


cros-fw-provision expects cros-cache, and either cros-dut or cros-servod, to be running.

In the lab, the cache server should already be up. Local runs of cros-fw-provision will need the cache server started.

cros-dut is needed if provisioning directly.

cros-servod is needed if provisioning over servo.


Run the test with

~/chromiumos/src/platform/dev/ -t
Generate coverage report

Build the ebuild with coverage enabled:

cros workon --host start cros-fw-provision
sudo USE="coverage" FEATURES="test noclean" emerge cros-fw-provision

Then open the html file at /var/lib/chromeos/package-artifacts/dev-util/cros-fw-provision-9999/cros-artifacts/coverage_logs/cros-fw-provision.html


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Responsible for the abstraction layer representing each command grouping
Responsible for the abstraction layer representing each command grouping
Last step of FirmwareService State Machine.
Last step of FirmwareService State Machine.

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