Overview ¶
Code generated file. Code is copied from http://gpaste/6461300373979136 and then modified to make sure the imports work with bare minimum of structs needed.
Package common implements an interface for all firestore API actions.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AISummarize(ctx context.Context, context string, prompt string) (string, error)
- func Abandon(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options, deviceNames []string, ...) error
- func AddFileContentsToLog(ctx context.Context, fileName string, rootDir string, msgToAdd string, ...) error
- func AddLinksToStepSummaryMarkdown(step *build.Step, testhausURL, gcsLink, antsInvocationID string, isProd bool)
- func AddTestServiceContainerToImages(images map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, name, digest string)
- func AnyStringInGerritList(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, list []string, listURL string, ...) (bool, error)
- func BBUrl(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID, bbID int64) string
- func BatchSet(ctx context.Context, collection *firestore.CollectionRef, ...) ([]*firestore.BulkWriterJob, error)
- func CIPDPackageDef(packageTemplate, version string) ensure.PackageDef
- func CheckIfFieldDefinitionExists(msg proto.Message, fieldName string) (bool, error)
- func CheckIfFileExists(filePath string) error
- func ConnectWithService(ctx context.Context, serverAddress string) (*grpc.ClientConn, error)
- func ConstructCtpFilters(ctx context.Context, defaultFilterNames []string, ...) ([]*api.CTPFilter, error)
- func ConstructKey(board string, model string, variant string) string
- func ConvertBuilderNameToVM(originalBuilderName string) string
- func CreateAuthClient(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options) (*http.Client, error)
- func CreateCIPDClient(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options, host string, root string) (cipd.Client, error)
- func CreateCTPDefaultWithContainerName(name string, digest string, build int) (*api.CTPFilter, error)
- func CreateCTPFilterWithContainerName(ctx context.Context, name string, ...) (*api.CTPFilter, error)
- func CreateContainerRequest(requestedFilter *api.CTPFilter, build int) *api.ContainerRequest
- func CreateImagePath(i *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
- func CreateNewSwarmingService(ctx context.Context) (*swarm_v1.Service, error)
- func CreateRegistryName(i *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
- func CreateStepWithStatus(ctx context.Context, stepName string, summary string, isFailure bool, ...) (err error)
- func CreateTTCPContainerRequest(requestedFilter *api.CTPFilter) *api.ContainerRequest
- func CreateTempDir(ctx context.Context, tempDirPattern string) (tempDir string, err error)
- func CreateTestServicesContainer(name, digest string) *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo
- func CreateUniquePrefixedName(pattern string) string
- func Decompress(from string) ([]byte, error)
- func DockerEnvVarsToPreserve() []string
- func DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, client *storage.Client, gsURL, destLocalPath string) error
- func DownloadGcsFileAsLocalFile(ctx context.Context, gcsPath string, localFilePath string, ...) error
- func DownloadGcsFileToLocal(ctx context.Context, gcsPath string, tempRootDir string) (string, error)
- func DutModelFromDut(dut *labapi.Dut) *labapi.DutModel
- func EncodeAnyObj(anyObj any) (string, error)
- func EnsureCIPDPackage(ctx context.Context, client cipd.Client, authOpts auth.Options, host string, ...) (*cipd.Actions, error)
- func EnsureCIPDPackages(ctx context.Context, client cipd.Client, authOpts auth.Options, host string, ...) (*cipd.Actions, error)
- func EstablishFirestoreConnection(ctx context.Context, firestoreDatabaseName, creds string) (client *firestore.Client, err error)
- func ExtractBuildRNumber(buildStr string) int
- func ExtractModulesIfSubModulesProvided(testCases []string) []string
- func ExtractPrefixUntilDelimiter(str string, delimiter string) string
- func FetchContainerInfoFromFirestore(ctx context.Context, firestoreDatabaseName, creds, tag, name string) (containerInfo *api.ContainerInfo, err error)
- func FetchContainerMetadata(ctx context.Context, containerGcsPath string) (*buildapi.ContainerMetadata, error)
- func FetchFilterFromFirestore(ctx context.Context, firestoreDatabaseName, creds, tag, name string) (filter *api.CTPFilter, err error)
- func FetchFiltersFromFirestore(ctx context.Context, creds, tag string) (filters []*api.CTPFilter, err error)
- func FetchImageData(ctx context.Context, board string, gcsPath string) (map[string]*api.ContainerImageInfo, error)
- func FindDirWithPrefix(dirPath, prefix string) (string, error)
- func FindFile(ctx context.Context, fileName string, rootDir string) (string, error)
- func FormatSwarmingTaskID(swarmingTaskID string) string
- func GCPHTTPClient(ctx context.Context, rpcOpts ...luciauth.RPCOption) (*http.Client, error)
- func GceMetadataEnvVars() []string
- func GetAtpProjectID(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) string
- func GetBoardModelDims(unit *api.SchedulingUnit) []string
- func GetBotCount(ctx context.Context, dims []string, swarmingService *swarm_v1.Service) (int64, error)
- func GetBotList(ctx context.Context, dims []string, swarmingService *swarm_v1.Service, ...) ([]*swarm_v1.SwarmingRpcsBotInfo, error)
- func GetCftLocalServerAddress(ctx context.Context, metadataFilePath string, fileLog io.Writer) (string, error)
- func GetCftServiceMetadataFromFile(ctx context.Context, metadataFilePath string, fileLog io.Writer) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetContainerImageFromMap(key string, imageMap map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
- func GetDefaultFilterContainerImageInfosMap(ctx context.Context, creds, ctpVersion string, defaultFilterNames []string, ...) map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo
- func GetDefaultFilters(ctx context.Context, defaultFilterNames []string, ...) ([]*api.CTPFilter, error)
- func GetDims(dims []string) (map[string]string, []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_RejectedTaskDimension)
- func GetFileContents(ctx context.Context, fileName string, rootDir string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetFileContentsInMap(ctx context.Context, filePath string, contentSeparator string, ...) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetFirestoreCollection(tag string) string
- func GetFlattenedTestCases(ctpTestCases []*api.TestCase_Id) []string
- func GetFreePort() uint16
- func GetGcsClickableLink(gsURL string) string
- func GetGcsURL(gsRoot string) string
- func GetHostIP() (string, error)
- func GetIPEndpoint(serverAddress string) (*labapi.IpEndpoint, error)
- func GetMajorBuildFromGCSPath(gcsPath string) string
- func GetMockedTestResultProto() *artifactpb.TestResult
- func GetPoolsFromURL(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, listURL string) ([]string, error)
- func GetPrefixBasedOnDelim(str, delim string) string
- func GetProductName(dutModel *labapi.DutModel, botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair, build string) string
- func GetSchedukeMigrationList() []string
- func GetServerAddress(endpoint *labapi.IpEndpoint) string
- func GetServerAddressFromGetContResponse(resp *testapi.GetContainerResponse) (string, error)
- func GetTaskStateVerdict(trResult *skylab_test_runner.Result) test_platform.TaskState_Verdict
- func GetTautoTestCaseNameOrDefault(tcs []*skylab_test_runner.Result_Autotest_TestCase, defaultName string) string
- func GetTesthausURL(invocationName string, gcsURL string) string
- func GetURLPath(gsURL string) (string, error)
- func GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx context.Context, cftReq *skylab_test_runner.CFTTestRequest, ...) string
- func HTTPClient(ctx context.Context) (*http.Client, error)
- func IgnoreCancel(parent context.Context) context.Context
- func InitClient(ctx context.Context, projectID, databaseID string, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*firestore.Client, error)
- func Inject(receiver protoreflect.ProtoMessage, injectionPoint string, ...) (err error)
- func InjectDependencies(receiver protoreflect.ProtoMessage, storage *InjectableStorage, ...) error
- func InvocationSealed(inv *androidbuildinternal.Invocation) bool
- func IsAndroid(board string) bool
- func IsAndroidURL(gsURL string) bool
- func IsAnyTestFailure(testResults []*testapi.TestCaseResult) bool
- func IsCqRun(testSuite []*testapi.TestSuite) bool
- func IsCros(board string) bool
- func IsDev(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
- func IsDevBoard(board string) bool
- func IsLedRun(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
- func IsProd(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
- func IsStaging(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
- func IsSupportedVMBoard(board string) bool
- func ListToJSON(list *list.List) []byte
- func LocateFile(candidates []string) (string, error)
- func LogExecutionDetails(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, cmds []string)
- func LogWarningIfErr(ctx context.Context, err error)
- func MakeDefaultFilters(ctx context.Context, suiteReq *api.SuiteRequest, experiments []string, ...) []string
- func NewBBClient(ctx context.Context) (buildbucketpb.BuildsClient, error)
- func NewStorageClientWithDefaultAccount(ctx context.Context, clientOpts ...option.ClientOption) (*storage.Client, error)
- func PatchContainerMetadata(images map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, buildStr string)
- func PickStdFormat(w io.Writer) string
- func PrejobStepsToTestCaseResult(pjs []*skylab_test_runner.Result_Prejob_Step) []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_TestCaseResult
- func ProcessContainerPath(ctx context.Context, commonParams *server.CommonFilterParams, ...) (processedPath string, err error)
- func ProcessDoneLro(ctx context.Context, lro *longrunning.Operation) (*anypb.Any, error)
- func PublishToPubSub(ctx context.Context, client *pubsub.Client, topicID string, msgBytes []byte) (string, error)
- func PublishToTestJobEventPubSub(ctx context.Context, client *pubsub.Client, msg *TestJobEventMessage) (string, error)
- func Read(ctx context.Context, client *storage.Client, gsObject GSObject, ...) (retErr error)
- func ReadProtoJSONFile(ctx context.Context, filePath string, outputProto proto.Message) (retErr error)
- func ResolvePlaceholders(str string, lookup PlaceholderLookup) string
- func RunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, cmdName string, input proto.Message, ...) (stdout string, stderr string, err error)
- func RunCommandWithCustomWriter(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, cmdName string, writer io.Writer) error
- func SanitizeGCSPrefix(prefix string) string
- func SetSchedukeMigrationList(list []string) error
- func ShortBBUrl(bbID int64) string
- func ShouldUseDM(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, pool string, dmPools ...string) (bool, error)
- func ShouldUseScheduke(ctx context.Context, pool string, authOpts auth.Options) (bool, error)
- func SilentLoginHTTPClient(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options) (*http.Client, error)
- func StreamLogAsync(ctx context.Context, rootDir string, writer io.Writer) (chan<- bool, *sync.WaitGroup, error)
- func TestCasesToTestCaseResult(trResult *skylab_test_runner.Result) []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_TestCaseResult
- func TestRunnerBuilderID(conf *config.Config) *buildbucketpb.BuilderID
- func TranslateSliceToInterface(slice interface{}) []interface{}
- func ValidateTestPlans(input *api.InternalTestplan, output *api.InternalTestplan) error
- func WaitDutVMBoot(ctx context.Context, ip string)
- func WaitLro(ctx context.Context, lroClient longrunning.OperationsClient, ...) (*anypb.Any, error)
- func WriteAnyObjectToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, obj any, logText string)
- func WriteContainerLogToStepLog(ctx context.Context, container interfaces.ContainerInterface, step *build.Step, ...) error
- func WriteFileContentsToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, fileName string, rootDir string, ...) error
- func WriteFromFile(ctx context.Context, fi *os.File, writer io.Writer, taskDone <-chan bool, ...)
- func WriteProtoToJSONFile(ctx context.Context, dirPath string, fileName string, inputProto proto.Message) (string, error)
- func WriteProtoToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, proto proto.Message, logText string)
- func WriteStringToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, data, logText string)
- func WriteToExistingFile(ctx context.Context, filePath string, contents string) error
- type BuildMessage
- type ContainerInfoItem
- type DeviceIdentifier
- func (id *DeviceIdentifier) AddPostfix(postfix string) *DeviceIdentifier
- func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetCrosDutServer() string
- func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetDevice(innerValueCallChain ...string) string
- func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetDeviceMetadata(innerValueCallChain ...string) string
- func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetUpdateFirmware() string
- type DeviceInfo
- type Environment
- type FirestoreItem
- type GSObject
- type InjectablePlaceholderLookup
- type InjectableStorage
- type KeyValuesMessage
- type LeaseInfo
- type LoggerConfig
- type PlaceholderLookup
- type ResourceUsage
- type SchedukeClient
- func (s *SchedukeClient) AdminTaskReqToSchedukeReq(bbReq *buildbucketpb.ScheduleBuildRequest, deviceName, pool string) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
- func (s *SchedukeClient) CancelTasks(taskStateIDs []int64, users, deviceNames []string) error
- func (s *SchedukeClient) LeaseRequest(schedukeDims *schedukeapi.SwarmingDimensions, pool, deviceName, user string, ...) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
- func (s *SchedukeClient) ReadTaskStates(taskStateIDs []int64, users, deviceNames []string) (*schedukeapi.ReadTaskStatesResponse, error)
- func (s *SchedukeClient) ScheduleExecution(req *schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents) (*schedukeapi.CreateTaskStatesResponse, error)
- func (s *SchedukeClient) TestRunnerBBReqToSchedukeReq(bbReq *buildbucketpb.ScheduleBuildRequest) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
- type Step
- type StepLog
- type SwarmingBotProvider
- type TaskIdentifier
- type TestBenchMessage
- type TestConfigMessage
- type TestJobEventMessage
- type TestJobMessage
- type TestRunnerError
- type TestTaskAttemptMessage
- type TestTaskMessage
Constants ¶
const ( ServiceConnectionTimeout = 30 * time.Minute CtrCipdPackage = "chromiumos/infra/cros-tool-runner/${platform}" ContainerDefaultNetwork = "host" LabDockerKeyFileLocation = "/creds/service_accounts/skylab-drone.json" VMLabDockerKeyFileLocation = "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-chromeos.json" VMLabDutHostName = "vm" GceProject = "chromeos-gce-tests" GceNetwork = "global/networks/chromeos-gce-tests" GceMachineTypeN14 = "n1-standard-4" GceMachineTypeN18 = "n1-standard-8" GceMinCPUPlatform = "Intel Haswell" DockerImagePathShaFmt = "%s/%s/%s@%s" DockerImageCacheServer = "" DefaultDockerHost = "" DefaultDockerProject = "cros-registry/test-services" PartnerDockerProject = "cros-registry/partner-test-services" LroTimeout = 1 * time.Minute GcsPublishTestArtifactsDir = "/tmp/gcs-publish-test-artifacts/" TKOPublishTestArtifactsDir = "/tmp/tko-publish-test-artifacts/" CpconPublishTestArtifactsDir = "/tmp/cpcon-publish-test-artifacts/" RdbPublishTestArtifactDir = "/tmp/rdb-publish-test-artifacts/" CrosTestCqLight = "cros-test-cq-light" TesthausURLPrefix = "" GcsURLPrefix = "" HwTestCtrInputPropertyName = "$chromeos/cros_tool_runner" HwTestTrInputPropertyName = "$chromeos/cros_test_runner" HwTestCtpv2InputPropertyName = "$chromeos/ctpv2" SchedukeDisallowListPropertyName = "$chromeos/migration" SchedukeDisallowListMapKey = "not_scheduke_pools_list" CftServiceMetadataFileName = ".cftmeta" CftServiceMetadataLineContentSeparator = "=" CftServiceMetadataServicePortKey = "SERVICE_PORT" TestDidNotRunErr = "Test did not run" CtrCancelingCmdErrString = "canceling Cmd" UfsServiceURL = "" TkoParseScriptPath = "/usr/local/autotest/tko/parse" DutConnectionPort = 22 VMLeaserExperimentStr = "chromeos.cros_infra_config.vmleaser.launch" VMLabMachineTypeExperiment = "chromeos.cros_infra_config.vmlab.machine_type_n1" SwarmingBasePath = "" SwarmingMaxLimitForEachQuery = 1000 ContainerMetadataPath = "/metadata/containers.jsonpb" TestPlatformDataProjectID = "chromeos-test-platform-data" TestPlatformFireStore = "test-platform-store" PartnerTestPlatformFireStore = "partner-test-platform-store" FireStoreContainersStagingCollection = "containers-staging" FireStoreContainersProdCollection = "containers-prod" LabelStaging = "staging" LabelProd = "prod" LabelPool = "label-pool" LabelSuite = "label-suite" Suite = "suite" AnalyticsName = "analytics_name" BotParamsRejectedErrKey = "Bot Params Rejected" EnumerationErrKey = "Enumeration Error" SuiteLimitsErrKey = "Suite Limits Cancellation" OtherErrKey = "Other Error" CTPBucket = "testplatform" CTPBucketShadow = "testplatform.shadow" AndroidBuildPrefix = "android-build/build_explorer/artifacts_list/" AndroidBuildPathFormat = AndroidBuildPrefix + "%s/%s/" InvocationDataFlag = "invocation-data" CbIngestionValue = "invocation-property=crystalball_ingest:yes" AncestorsPropName = "ancestor_buildbucket_ids" CbPropName = "crystalball_ingest" CbMetricsPropName = "crystalball_has_data" // SourceMetadataPath is the path in the build output directory that // details the code sources compiled into the build. The path is // specified relative to the root of the build output directory. SourceMetadataPath = "/metadata/sources.jsonpb" // OS file constants // OWNER: Execute, Read, Write // GROUP: Execute, Read // OTHER: Execute, Read DirPermission = 0755 // OWNER: Read, Write // GROUP: Read // OTHER: Read FilePermission = 0644 // Experiments DynamicExperiment = "chromeos.cros_infra_config.dynamic_trv2" )
All common constants used throughout the service.
const ( ATPSupportedTimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000" ATPSwitcherProjectIDAlpha = "" ATPSwitcherProjectIDStaging = "" ATPSwitcherProjectIDProd = "" ATPSwitcherTestJobEventTopicID = "test_job_event" TaskCanceledState = "CANCELED" TaskCompletedState = "COMPLETED" TaskErrorState = "ERROR" TaskFatalState = "FATAL" TaskQueuedState = "QUEUED" TaskRunningState = "RUNNING" TaskUnknownState = "UNKNOWN" )
AL related constants
const ( // Base task identifiers and image metadata keys. CrosProvision = "cros-provision" AndroidProvision = "android-provision" FwProvision = "cros-fw-provision" CrosDut = "cros-dut" CrosTest = "cros-test" CrosPublish = "cros-publish" RdbPublish = "rdb-publish" GcsPublish = "gcs-publish" CpconPublish = "cpcon-publish" PostProcess = "post-process" ServoNexus = "servo-nexus" // Device base identifiers. Primary = "primary" Companion = "companion" // Commonly used Dynamic Dependecy keys. ServiceAddress = "serviceAddress" CrosDutCacheServer = "crosDut.cacheServer" CrosDutDutAddress = "crosDut.dutAddress" CrosProvisionMetadataUpdateFirmware = "installRequest.metadata.updateFirmware" ProvisionStartupDut = "startupRequest.dut" ProvisionStartupDutServer = "startupRequest.dutServer" TestRequestTestSuites = "testRequest.testSuites" TestRequestPrimary = "testRequest.primary" TestRequestCompanions = "testRequest.companions" RequestTestSuites = "req.params.testSuites" CacheServer = "cache-server" TestDynamicDeps = "test.dynamicDeps" HostIP = "host-ip" PcqQsAccount = "pcq" ATILink = "" PoolConfigsDirURL = "" BlockedPoolsURL = PoolConfigsDirURL + "blocked_pools.txt?format=text" DmPoolsURL = PoolConfigsDirURL + "dm_pools.txt?format=text" SchedukePoolsURL = PoolConfigsDirURL + "ctp2_pools.txt?format=text" // Build Experiments EnableXTSArchiverExperiment = "chromeos.cros_infra_config.enable_xts_archiver" // Injectables XTSArchiverResultsGCS = "xts-archiver-results-gcs" XTSArchiverAPFEGCS = "xts-archiver-apfe-gcs" )
Constants relating to dynamic dependency storage.
const ( DefaultCrosFwProvisionSha = "36c32627ae54429d861d0df0fbc4d883170f01d83976ef5be9a0b4e719111aa0" DefaultPostProcessSha = "e790463305397ba157cdfd836a23fc385d37cf9a72709f511a7e1973f64291c2" )
const ( GceMetadataHost = "GCE_METADATA_HOST" GceMetadataIP = "GCE_METADATA_IP" GceMetadataRoot = "GCE_METADATA_ROOT" )
GCE Metadata server environment variables.
const ( ATPBlockingQuotaAccount = "atp-blocking" // DefaultQuotaPool is the main Swarming pool, and the default for leases. DefaultQuotaPool = "DUT_POOL_QUOTA" OSType = "os_type" // SchedukeTaskRequestKey is the key all Scheduke tasks are launched with. // Scheduke supports batch task creation, but we send individually for now, so // we use this key. SchedukeTaskRequestKey int64 = 1 )
const (
ModelGemini15Flash = "gemini-1.5-flash"
const PlaceholderRegex = `\${[\w\d\-_.]+}`
PlaceholderRegex provides the format for how to find placeholders within the dynamic updates. Placeholders take the form of `${<placeholder>}` in which the named placeholder is wrapped by `${}`
The only valid characters for the placeholder will be a combination of any letter, any number, and the `-` and `_` special characters.
const (
// SchedukeDevPool is the pool that the Scheduke dev instance schedules on.
SchedukeDevPool = "schedukeTest"
const ( // SchedukeTaskKey is the key used for a singleton Scheduke task request in // request/response protos. SchedukeTaskKey = 1 )
const StdFormat = `[%{level:.1s}%{time:2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00} ` +
`%{pid} 0 %{shortfile}] %{message}`
StdFormat is a preferred logging format to use.
It is compatible with logging format used by luci-py. The zero after %{pid} is "thread ID" which is unavailable in go.
const StdFormatWithColor = `%{color}[%{level:.1s}%{time:2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000Z07:00} ` +
`%{pid} 0 %{shortfile}]%{color:reset} %{message}`
StdFormatWithColor is same as StdFormat, except with fancy colors.
Use it when logging to terminal. Note that StdConfig will pick it automatically if it detects that given io.Writer is an os.File and it is a terminal. See PickStdFormat().
const (
StepKey = "build.step"
Variables ¶
var ( PrimaryDevice = NewPrimaryDeviceIdentifier().GetDevice() CompanionDevices = NewCompanionDeviceIdentifier("all").GetDevice() CompanionDevicesMetadata = NewCompanionDeviceIdentifier("all").GetDeviceMetadata() )
var ( TtcpContainerName = "cros-ddd-filter" // ttcp-demo LegacyHWContainerName = "cros-legacy-hw-filter" ProvisionContainerName = "provision-filter" TestFinderContainerName = "cros-test-finder" UseFlagFilterContainerName = "use_flag_filter" PreProcessFilterContainerName = "pre_process_filter" AutoVMTestShifterFilterContainerName = "autovm_test_shifter_filter" PartnerStagingContainerName = "partner-staging" // DefaultKarbonFilterNames defines Default karbon filters (SetDefaultFilters may add/remove) DefaultKarbonFilterNames = []string{TestFinderContainerName, ProvisionContainerName, hwPlaceHolder} // DefaultKoffeeFilterNames defines Default koffee filters (SetDefaultFilters may add/remove) // Deprecated: Falls under KarbonFilters. DefaultKoffeeFilterNames = []string{} )
var (
AnyRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^ANY\((?<type>.+)\)=`)
var BotCountCache sync.Map
var ContainerMetadataCache sync.Map
ContainerMetadataCache already fetched container metadata info from gcs
var ErrBucketNotExist = errors.New("bucket does not exist")
var ErrObjectNotExist = errors.New("object does not exist")
var GerritAuthScopes = []string{auth.OAuthScopeEmail, gitiles.OAuthScope}
GerritAuthScopes provides auth scopes to authorize to Gerrit.
var (
GlobalNonInfraError error
var GlobalTempDir = os.Getenv("TEMPDIR")
Functions ¶
func AISummarize ¶
AISummarize takes a context text and a prompt and returns a generative ai summary.
func Abandon ¶
func Abandon(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options, deviceNames []string, taskStateIDs []int64, dev bool) error
Abandon sends a cancellation request to Scheduke for the given device names, releasing all leased devices for the current user if no devices are specified.
func AddFileContentsToLog ¶
func AddFileContentsToLog( ctx context.Context, fileName string, rootDir string, msgToAdd string, writer io.Writer) error
AddFileContentsToLog adds contents of the file of fileName to log
func AddLinksToStepSummaryMarkdown ¶
func AddLinksToStepSummaryMarkdown( step *build.Step, testhausURL, gcsLink, antsInvocationID string, isProd bool)
AddLinksToStepSummaryMarkdown adds provided links to provided step summary.
func AddTestServiceContainerToImages ¶
func AddTestServiceContainerToImages(images map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, name, digest string)
AddTestServiceContainerToImages Set name within images to be a test service container with given name and digest.
func AnyStringInGerritList ¶
func AnyStringInGerritList(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, list []string, listURL string, pools []string) (bool, error)
AnyStringInGerritList checks for any overlap between the given list of strings, and the list at the given Gerrit URL.
func BBUrl ¶
func BBUrl(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID, bbID int64) string
BBUrl returns the Buildbucket URL of the task.
func BatchSet ¶
func BatchSet(ctx context.Context, collection *firestore.CollectionRef, client *firestore.Client, items []*FirestoreItem, opts ...firestore.SetOption) ([]*firestore.BulkWriterJob, error)
func CIPDPackageDef ¶
func CIPDPackageDef(packageTemplate, version string) ensure.PackageDef
func CheckIfFieldDefinitionExists ¶
CheckIfFieldDefinitionExists checks if a field definition exist in the provided msg type
func CheckIfFileExists ¶
CheckIfFileExists checks if file exists at the provided path.
func ConnectWithService ¶
ConnectWithService connects with the service at the provided server address.
func ConstructCtpFilters ¶
func ConstructCtpFilters(ctx context.Context, defaultFilterNames []string, contMetadataMap map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, filtersToAdd []*api.CTPFilter, build int) ([]*api.CTPFilter, error)
ConstructCtpFilters constructs default and non-default ctp filters.
func ConvertBuilderNameToVM ¶
ConvertBuilderNameToVM converts the original test runner name to corresponding name of the VMLab version. See configs at http://shortn/_86vxOQ0XC6 test_runner[-env] -> test_runner_gce[-env]
func CreateAuthClient ¶
CreateAuthClient creates new auth client.
func CreateCIPDClient ¶
func CreateCIPDClient( ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options, host string, root string) (cipd.Client, error)
CreateCIPDClient creates new cipd client.
func CreateCTPFilterWithContainerName ¶
func CreateCTPFilterWithContainerName(ctx context.Context, name string, contMetadataMap map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, build int, buildCheck bool) (*api.CTPFilter, error)
CreateCTPFilterWithContainerName creates ctp filter for provided container name through provided container metadata.
func CreateContainerRequest ¶
func CreateContainerRequest(requestedFilter *api.CTPFilter, build int) *api.ContainerRequest
CreateContainerRequest creates container request from provided ctp filter.
func CreateImagePath ¶
func CreateImagePath(i *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
CreateImagePath creates image path from container image info. Ex:<tag>
func CreateNewSwarmingService ¶
CreateNewSwarmingService creates new swarming service.
func CreateRegistryName ¶
func CreateRegistryName(i *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
CreateRegistryName creates the Registry name used for authing to docker.
func CreateStepWithStatus ¶
func CreateStepWithStatus( ctx context.Context, stepName string, summary string, isFailure bool, failParentStep bool) (err error)
CreateStepWithStatus creates a new step and sets step status based on provided flags. If failParent is true, the returned error will have build failure status attached to it for caller to bubble up appropriately.
func CreateTTCPContainerRequest ¶
func CreateTTCPContainerRequest(requestedFilter *api.CTPFilter) *api.ContainerRequest
CreateTTCPContainerRequest creates container request from provided ctp filter. TODO (azrahman): Merge this into a generic container request creator that will work for all containers.
func CreateTempDir ¶
CreateTempDir creates temp dir in global TEMPDIR(luci for builders) location.
func CreateTestServicesContainer ¶
func CreateTestServicesContainer(name, digest string) *buildapi.ContainerImageInfo
CreateTestServicesContainer create container with provided name and digest, setting repository to the hostname `` and project `cros-registry/test-services`.
func CreateUniquePrefixedName ¶
CreateUniquePrefixedName creates a unique name with provided pattern
func Decompress ¶
func DockerEnvVarsToPreserve ¶
func DockerEnvVarsToPreserve() []string
DockerEnvVarsToPreserve gets all env vars that are required for hw test execution configs.
func DownloadFile ¶
DownloadFile downloads a file from a designated gsURL to a given path on the local file system. If the bucket does not exist, returns ErrBucketNotExist. If the object does not exist, returns ErrObjectNotExist.
func DownloadGcsFileAsLocalFile ¶
func DownloadGcsFileAsLocalFile(ctx context.Context, gcsPath string, localFilePath string, clientOpts ...option.ClientOption) error
DownloadGcsFileAsLocalFile downloads gcs file as specific local file if it doesn't exist.
func DownloadGcsFileToLocal ¶
func DownloadGcsFileToLocal(ctx context.Context, gcsPath string, tempRootDir string) (string, error)
DownloadGcsFileToLocal downloads gcs file to local if it doesn't exist.
func DutModelFromDut ¶
DutModelFromDut gets dutModel from provided dut.
func EncodeAnyObj ¶
EncodeAnyObj encodes any type object using URL-safe base64 json encoding
func EnsureCIPDPackage ¶
func EnsureCIPDPackage( ctx context.Context, client cipd.Client, authOpts auth.Options, host string, packageTemplate string, version string, subdir string) (*cipd.Actions, error)
EnsureCIPDPackage ensures the provided cipd package.
func EnsureCIPDPackages ¶
func EstablishFirestoreConnection ¶
func EstablishFirestoreConnection(ctx context.Context, firestoreDatabaseName, creds string) (client *firestore.Client, err error)
EstablishFirestoreConnection uses provided credentials to establish a connection to the test platform firestore database.
func ExtractBuildRNumber ¶
ExtractBuildRNumber takes any build string and extracts the major digits found within the R#. If no R number match found, return -1.
func ExtractPrefixUntilDelimiter ¶
ExtractPrefixUntilDelimiter Extracts a prefix until a delimiter is found.
func FetchContainerMetadata ¶
func FetchContainerMetadata(ctx context.Context, containerGcsPath string) (*buildapi.ContainerMetadata, error)
FetchContainerMetadata retrieves the container metadata from the provided gcs path.
func FetchFiltersFromFirestore ¶
func FetchFiltersFromFirestore(ctx context.Context, creds, tag string) (filters []*api.CTPFilter, err error)
FetchFiltersFromFirestore grabs every filter stored within the the firestore database.
func FetchImageData ¶
func FetchImageData(ctx context.Context, board string, gcsPath string) (map[string]*api.ContainerImageInfo, error)
FetchImageData fetches container image metadata from provided gcs path
func FindDirWithPrefix ¶
FindDirWithPrefix walks the dirPath until it finds a dir with prefix.
func FormatSwarmingTaskID ¶
FormatSwarmingTaskID does... # A swarming task may have multiple attempts ("runs"). # The swarming task ID always ends in "0", e.g. "123456789abcdef0". # The corresponding runs will have IDs ending in "1", "2", etc., e.g. "123456789abcdef1". # All attempts should be recorded under same job ending with 0.
func GCPHTTPClient ¶
GCPHTTPClient initializes an HTTP client for use in a GCP environment.
func GceMetadataEnvVars ¶
func GceMetadataEnvVars() []string
GceMetadataEnvVars returns environment variables related to the GCE Metadata server. These should be set when making GCP requests from containers.
func GetAtpProjectID ¶
func GetAtpProjectID(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) string
func GetBoardModelDims ¶
func GetBoardModelDims(unit *api.SchedulingUnit) []string
GetBoardModelDims gets board, model dims from scheduling unit.
func GetBotCount ¶
func GetBotCount(ctx context.Context, dims []string, swarmingService *swarm_v1.Service) (int64, error)
GetBotCount gets total bot count for provided dims. dims example: {"label-board:zork", "label-model:morphius", "dut_state:ready"}
func GetBotList ¶
func GetBotList(ctx context.Context, dims []string, swarmingService *swarm_v1.Service, isBuysVal string, isDeadVal string, inMaintenanceVal string, quarantinedVal string) ([]*swarm_v1.SwarmingRpcsBotInfo, error)
GetBotList gets bot list for provided dims and properties. dims example: {"label-board:zork", "label-model:morphius", "dut_state:ready"}
func GetCftLocalServerAddress ¶
func GetCftLocalServerAddress(ctx context.Context, metadataFilePath string, fileLog io.Writer) (string, error)
GetCftLocalServerAddress waits for the service metadata file and retrieves server address for localhost.
func GetCftServiceMetadataFromFile ¶
func GetCftServiceMetadataFromFile(ctx context.Context, metadataFilePath string, fileLog io.Writer) (map[string]string, error)
GetCftServiceMetadataFromFile waits for the service metadata and returns metadata if found.
func GetContainerImageFromMap ¶
func GetContainerImageFromMap(key string, imageMap map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo) (string, error)
GetContainerImageFromMap retrieves the container image from provided map.
func GetDefaultFilters ¶
func GetDefaultFilters(ctx context.Context, defaultFilterNames []string, contMetadataMap map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, build int) ([]*api.CTPFilter, error)
GetDefaultFilters constructs ctp filters for provided default filters.
func GetDims ¶
func GetDims(dims []string) (map[string]string, []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_RejectedTaskDimension)
func GetFileContents ¶
GetFileContents finds the file and return the file contents.
func GetFileContentsInMap ¶
func GetFileContentsInMap(ctx context.Context, filePath string, contentSeparator string, writer io.Writer) (map[string]string, error)
GetFileContentsInMap returns a map of file contents where the contents on each line is separated by provided separator. Will return error if each line is not formatted like 'key<separator>value'. If writer provided, file contents will be written to writer simultaneously.
func GetFirestoreCollection ¶
GetFirestoreCollection returns the collection name based on whether its the prod or staging environment.
func GetFlattenedTestCases ¶
func GetFlattenedTestCases(ctpTestCases []*api.TestCase_Id) []string
func GetFreePort ¶
func GetFreePort() uint16
GetFreePort finds an available port on the running OS to prevent collisions between services
func GetGcsClickableLink ¶
GetGcsClickableLink constructs the gcs cliclable link from provided gs url.
func GetIPEndpoint ¶
func GetIPEndpoint(serverAddress string) (*labapi.IpEndpoint, error)
GetIPEndpoint creates IpEndpoint from provided server address. Server address example: (address:port) -> localhost:8080.
func GetMajorBuildFromGCSPath ¶
GetMajorBuildFromGCSPath parses the major build from gcs path
func GetMockedTestResultProto ¶
func GetMockedTestResultProto() *artifactpb.TestResult
GetMockedTestResultProto returns a mock result proto that can be used for testing.
func GetPoolsFromURL ¶
func GetPoolsFromURL(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, listURL string) ([]string, error)
GetPoolsFromURL fetches a gerrit url having csv pool values and returns the array of pools
func GetPrefixBasedOnDelim ¶
func GetProductName ¶
func GetProductName(dutModel *labapi.DutModel, botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair, build string) string
GetProductName gets the product/device name in the following format: <board>.<model>-<board_variant> expected by the XTS result pipeline. The board and model info is obtained from dutModel falling back to labels in botDims, and the board variant is extracted from the build. If any of the properties is missing, it will be left out of the product. TODO: b/379711782 - Verify and update this logic for AL
func GetSchedukeMigrationList ¶
func GetSchedukeMigrationList() []string
func GetServerAddress ¶
func GetServerAddress(endpoint *labapi.IpEndpoint) string
GetServerAddress creates a string from provided IpEndpoint. Example: IpEndpoint{Address:localhost, port:8080} -> localhost:8080.
func GetServerAddressFromGetContResponse ¶
func GetServerAddressFromGetContResponse(resp *testapi.GetContainerResponse) (string, error)
GetServerAddressFromGetContResponse gets the server address from get container response.
func GetTaskStateVerdict ¶
func GetTaskStateVerdict(trResult *skylab_test_runner.Result) test_platform.TaskState_Verdict
func GetTautoTestCaseNameOrDefault ¶
func GetTautoTestCaseNameOrDefault(tcs []*skylab_test_runner.Result_Autotest_TestCase, defaultName string) string
func GetTesthausURL ¶
GetTesthausURL gets testhaus log viewer url based on the invocation name. If invocation name is empty, it constructs the URL based on gcs URL instead.
func GetURLPath ¶
func GetValueFromRequestKeyvals ¶
func GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx context.Context, cftReq *skylab_test_runner.CFTTestRequest, ctrrReq *testapi.CrosTestRunnerDynamicRequest, key string) string
GetValueFromRequestKeyvals gets value from provided keyvals based on key.
func HTTPClient ¶
HTTPClient creates a http client.
func IgnoreCancel ¶
IgnoreCancel returns a new Context that takes its values from parent but ignores any cancelation or deadline on parent.
IgnoreCancel must only be used synchronously. To detach a Context for use in an asynchronous API, use Go instead.
You can create fail-safe cleanup functions in case the parent context is cancelled. Example:
func New(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Publisher, error) { client := buildClient(ctx) if err := validate(id); err != nil { client.Close(detach.IgnoreCancel(ctx)) return nil, err } return &Publisher{client: client}, nil }
func InitClient ¶
func InitClient(ctx context.Context, projectID, databaseID string, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*firestore.Client, error)
InitClient returns a firestore client set to access the given project and database. A databaseID is required as the default database (default) requires a separate process.
func Inject ¶
func Inject(receiver protoreflect.ProtoMessage, injectionPoint string, storage *InjectableStorage, injectionKey string) (err error)
Inject implements the logic for which Dependency Injection is based on. Dependency injection is the process in which an incoming ProtoMessage can have a placeholder replaced with a value found within some provided map[string]interface{} which contains all the exposed values for dependency injection.
Functionality: * Keys are split by "." * Keys should be camelCase * Keys can be a string or a number. Numbers would represent indexing an array. * If the injection_point is an array and the injectable is also an array of the same type, then it will override the array. * If the injection_point is an array and the injectable is not an array of the same type, then it will append into the array.
message Example { IpEndpoint endpoint = 1; } injectables := map[string]interface{} injectables["example_endpoint"] = IpEndpoint { address: "localhost", port: 12345 } receiver := Example {endpoint: {address: "localhost"}} Inject(receiever, "endpoint.port", injectables, "example_endpoint.port")
func InjectDependencies ¶
func InjectDependencies(receiver protoreflect.ProtoMessage, storage *InjectableStorage, deps []*api.DynamicDep) error
InjectDependencies handles loading the storage's injectables and injecting the dependencies into the receiver.
func InvocationSealed ¶
func InvocationSealed(inv *androidbuildinternal.Invocation) bool
func IsAndroidURL ¶
func IsAnyTestFailure ¶
func IsAnyTestFailure(testResults []*testapi.TestCaseResult) bool
IsAnyTestFailure returns if there is any failed tests in test results
func IsDev ¶
func IsDev(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
func IsDevBoard ¶
func IsLedRun ¶
func IsLedRun(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
func IsProd ¶
func IsProd(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
func IsStaging ¶
func IsStaging(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) bool
func IsSupportedVMBoard ¶
func ListToJSON ¶
ListToJSON creates json bytes from provided list.
func LocateFile ¶
LocateFile locates file from multiple possible locations where the file may exist. Return the located file as soon as the first one is found, or an error if none of the candidates exists.
func LogExecutionDetails ¶
LogExecutionDetails logs provided cmds to build step.
func LogWarningIfErr ¶
func MakeDefaultFilters ¶
func MakeDefaultFilters(ctx context.Context, suiteReq *api.SuiteRequest, experiments []string, isPartner, isAlRun bool) []string
MakeDefaultFilters sets/appends proper default filters; in their required order.
func NewBBClient ¶
func NewBBClient(ctx context.Context) (buildbucketpb.BuildsClient, error)
NewBBClient creates new bb client.
func PatchContainerMetadata ¶
func PatchContainerMetadata(images map[string]*buildapi.ContainerImageInfo, buildStr string)
func PickStdFormat ¶
PickStdFormat returns StdFormat for non terminal-backed files or StdFormatWithColor for io.Writers that are io.Files backed by a terminal.
Used by default StdConfig.
func PrejobStepsToTestCaseResult ¶
func PrejobStepsToTestCaseResult(pjs []*skylab_test_runner.Result_Prejob_Step) []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_TestCaseResult
func ProcessContainerPath ¶
func ProcessContainerPath(ctx context.Context, commonParams *server.CommonFilterParams, creds, path, firestoreName string) (processedPath string, err error)
ProcessContainerPath processes a provided path and determines whether it needs to pull from the firestoreDatabase provided.
func ProcessDoneLro ¶
ProcessDoneLro process a long running operation that is done and parses the result to a proto. Don't use this, use WaitLro instead.
func PublishToPubSub ¶
func PublishToPubSub(ctx context.Context, client *pubsub.Client, topicID string, msgBytes []byte) (string, error)
PublishToPubSub publishes provided input to provided topic and client
func PublishToTestJobEventPubSub ¶
func PublishToTestJobEventPubSub(ctx context.Context, client *pubsub.Client, msg *TestJobEventMessage) (string, error)
PublishToTestJobEventPubSub publishes provided test job event msg to ATP pubsub
func Read ¶
func Read(ctx context.Context, client *storage.Client, gsObject GSObject, destFilePath string) (retErr error)
Read downloads a file from GCS to the given local path. If the bucket does not exist in GCS, the method returns ErrBucketNotExist. If the object does not exist in GCS, the method returns ErrObjectNotExist.
func ReadProtoJSONFile ¶
func ReadProtoJSONFile(ctx context.Context, filePath string, outputProto proto.Message) (retErr error)
ReadProtoJSONFile reads a protocol buffer from the given file.
func ResolvePlaceholders ¶
func ResolvePlaceholders(str string, lookup PlaceholderLookup) string
ResolvePlaceholders searches the provided string for any placeholders and replaces them with the values corresponding in the lookup table.
Placeholders should be a combination of letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
func RunCommand ¶
func RunCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, cmdName string, input proto.Message, block bool) (stdout string, stderr string, err error)
RunCommand supports running any cli command
func RunCommandWithCustomWriter ¶
func RunCommandWithCustomWriter(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, cmdName string, writer io.Writer) error
RunCommandWithCustomWriter runs a command with custom writer
func SanitizeGCSPrefix ¶
SanitizeGCSPrefix sanitizes the GCS path prefix to ensure it does not contain trailing "/".
func ShortBBUrl ¶
func ShouldUseDM ¶
func ShouldUseDM(ctx context.Context, c clientThatSendsRequests, pool string, dmPools ...string) (bool, error)
ShouldUseDM returns a bool indicating whether a task request with the given pool should enable the Device Manager experiment.
func ShouldUseScheduke ¶
ShouldUseScheduke returns a bool indicating whether a lease request in the pool should use this Scheduke API.
func SilentLoginHTTPClient ¶
SilentLoginHTTPClient initializes a silent-login HTTP client with the given auth options. It is not compatible with code running in an App Engine environment.
func StreamLogAsync ¶
func StreamLogAsync(ctx context.Context, rootDir string, writer io.Writer) (chan<- bool, *sync.WaitGroup, error)
StreamLogAsync starts an async reading of log file.
func TestCasesToTestCaseResult ¶
func TestCasesToTestCaseResult(trResult *skylab_test_runner.Result) []*steps.ExecuteResponse_TaskResult_TestCaseResult
func TestRunnerBuilderID ¶
func TestRunnerBuilderID(conf *config.Config) *buildbucketpb.BuilderID
TestRunnerBuilderID returns builderid for test_runner.
func TranslateSliceToInterface ¶
func TranslateSliceToInterface(slice interface{}) []interface{}
TranslateSliceToInterface expects a slice object in. The slice then gets forcefully casted into []interface{} which is a generic slice form that can be interacted with by dependency injection.
func ValidateTestPlans ¶
func ValidateTestPlans(input *api.InternalTestplan, output *api.InternalTestplan) error
func WaitDutVMBoot ¶
WaitDutVMBoot uses a blocking SSH call to wait for a DUT VM to become ready. It doesn't care about the output. If the connection is successful, it executes `true` that returns nothing. If permission denied, it means SSH is ready. If timeout, we leave it to the following step to detect the error.
func WaitLro ¶
func WaitLro(ctx context.Context, lroClient longrunning.OperationsClient, lro *longrunning.Operation) (*anypb.Any, error)
WaitLro waits for a long running operation to complete and parses the result to a proto
func WriteAnyObjectToStepLog ¶
WriteAnyObjectToStepLog writes provided obj to build step.
func WriteContainerLogToStepLog ¶
func WriteContainerLogToStepLog(ctx context.Context, container interfaces.ContainerInterface, step *build.Step, logTitle string) error
WriteContainerLogToStepLog writes container log contents to step log.
func WriteFileContentsToStepLog ¶
func WriteFileContentsToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, fileName string, rootDir string, logText string) error
WriteFileContentsToStepLog writes provided fileName contents at rootDir to build step log.
func WriteFromFile ¶
func WriteFromFile( ctx context.Context, fi *os.File, writer io.Writer, taskDone <-chan bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup, poll time.Duration)
WriteFromFile writes contents from a file to a provided writer.
func WriteProtoToJSONFile ¶
func WriteProtoToJSONFile( ctx context.Context, dirPath string, fileName string, inputProto proto.Message) (string, error)
WriteProtoToJSONFile writes provided proto to a json file.
func WriteProtoToStepLog ¶
func WriteProtoToStepLog(ctx context.Context, step *build.Step, proto proto.Message, logText string)
WriteProtoToStepLog writes provided proto to build step.
func WriteStringToStepLog ¶
WriteStringToStepLog writes provided string to build step.
Types ¶
type BuildMessage ¶
type BuildMessage struct { AttemptId string `json:"attemptId,omitempty"` Branch string `json:"branch,omitempty"` BuildAlias string `json:"buildAlias,omitempty"` BuildFlavor string `json:"buildFlavor,omitempty"` BuildId string `json:"buildId,omitempty"` BuildOs string `json:"buildOs,omitempty"` BuildPlatform string `json:"buildPlatform,omitempty"` BuildTarget string `json:"buildTarget,omitempty"` BuildType string `json:"buildType,omitempty"` CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AttemptId") to // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or // default values are omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AttemptId") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
BuildMessage: Build message. This is a map to the build info comes from the build pubsub. It includes a build's information.
func (*BuildMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BuildMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ContainerInfoItem ¶
type ContainerInfoItem struct { TimeRecord time.Time RepositoryHostname string RepositoryProject string Digest string ContainerName string BinaryName string }
ContainerInfoItem represents an Uprev record for containers built during this program's execution.
func FetchContainerInfoFromFirestoreDoc ¶
func FetchContainerInfoFromFirestoreDoc(ctx context.Context, docRef *firestore.DocumentRef) []*ContainerInfoItem
FetchContainerInfoFromFirestoreDoc grabs the ContainerInfoItems from the provided firestore document reference.
func NewContainerInfoItem ¶
func NewContainerInfoItem(host, project, digest, name, binary string) *ContainerInfoItem
type DeviceIdentifier ¶
type DeviceIdentifier struct {
ID string
func DeviceIdentifierFromString ¶
func DeviceIdentifierFromString(str string) *DeviceIdentifier
func NewCompanionDeviceIdentifier ¶
func NewCompanionDeviceIdentifier(board string) *DeviceIdentifier
func NewPrimaryDeviceIdentifier ¶
func NewPrimaryDeviceIdentifier() *DeviceIdentifier
func (*DeviceIdentifier) AddPostfix ¶
func (id *DeviceIdentifier) AddPostfix(postfix string) *DeviceIdentifier
func (*DeviceIdentifier) GetCrosDutServer ¶
func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetCrosDutServer() string
func (*DeviceIdentifier) GetDevice ¶
func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetDevice(innerValueCallChain ...string) string
func (*DeviceIdentifier) GetDeviceMetadata ¶
func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetDeviceMetadata(innerValueCallChain ...string) string
func (*DeviceIdentifier) GetUpdateFirmware ¶
func (id *DeviceIdentifier) GetUpdateFirmware() string
type DeviceInfo ¶
type DeviceInfo struct { Name string LabSetup *ufspb.MachineLSE Machine *ufspb.Machine }
DeviceInfo contains details about the physical lab setup and machine of a particular Swarming device.
func UFSDeviceInfo ¶
func UFSDeviceInfo(ctx context.Context, deviceName string, authOpts auth.Options) (*DeviceInfo, error)
UFSDeviceInfo returns device information from UFS for the device with the given name.
type Environment ¶
type Environment int
const ( Unknown Environment = iota Prod Staging Dev )
func GetCTPEnvironment ¶
func GetCTPEnvironment(builderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID) Environment
func (Environment) String ¶
func (e Environment) String() string
type FirestoreItem ¶
type FirestoreItem struct { DocName string Datum interface{} }
FirestoreItem wraps the interface item with it's intended document name.
type InjectablePlaceholderLookup ¶
type InjectablePlaceholderLookup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type InjectableStorage ¶
type InjectableStorage struct { // Cached Injectables map Injectables map[string]interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InjectableStorage is an object that dictates how to interact with the dictionary of injectable objects for dependency injection.
func NewInjectableStorage ¶
func NewInjectableStorage() *InjectableStorage
func (*InjectableStorage) Get ¶
func (storage *InjectableStorage) Get(key string) (interface{}, error)
Get searches through the Storage and returns an error if the object is not found.
func (*InjectableStorage) LoadInjectables ¶
func (storage *InjectableStorage) LoadInjectables() error
LoadInjectables takes the dictionary of injectable objects and converts them into json interactable `interface{}`s.
func (*InjectableStorage) LogStorageToBuild ¶
func (storage *InjectableStorage) LogStorageToBuild(ctx context.Context, buildState *build.State)
LogStorageToBuild writes the json structure of the storage as a log in a step.
func (*InjectableStorage) Set ¶
func (storage *InjectableStorage) Set(key string, obj interface{}) error
Set stores any proto workable object into the storage.
type KeyValuesMessage ¶
type KeyValuesMessage struct { Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` Values []string `json:"values,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Key") to unconditionally // include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or default values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Key") to include in API requests // with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are omitted // from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
KeyValuesMessage: Key values message.
func (*KeyValuesMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *KeyValuesMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type LeaseInfo ¶
type LeaseInfo struct { Device *DeviceInfo Build *buildbucketpb.Build }
LeaseInfo contains details about a particular lease of a Swarming device.
func Lease ¶
func Lease(ctx context.Context, authOpts auth.Options, dims map[string][]string, mins int64, leaseIDChan chan int64) (*LeaseInfo, bool, error)
Lease leases a device from Scheduke and returns information about the device, and a bool indicating whether full device information was retrieved.
type LoggerConfig ¶
type LoggerConfig struct { Out io.Writer // where to write the log to, required Format string // how to format the log, default is PickStdFormat(Out) Logger *gol.Logger // if set, will be used as is, overrides everything else // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LoggerConfig) DumpStepsToFolder ¶
func (lc *LoggerConfig) DumpStepsToFolder(basePath string)
DumpStepsToFolder cleans and writes the step information gathered during execution to a designated path.
func (*LoggerConfig) NewLogger ¶
func (lc *LoggerConfig) NewLogger(c context.Context, lctx *logging.LogContext) logging.Logger
NewLogger returns new go-logging based logger bound to the given context.
type PlaceholderLookup ¶
PlaceholderLookup defines an interface for getting a value that resolves the placeholder key.
type ResourceUsage ¶
type ResourceUsage struct { // Possible values: // "CPU" // "DEVICE" // "DISK_IO" // "UNKNOWN" Measure string `json:"measure,omitempty"` Value int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Measure") to unconditionally // include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or default values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Measure") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
ResourceUsage: ResourceUsage message. It contains information regarding the usage of a specific resource.
func (*ResourceUsage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *ResourceUsage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type SchedukeClient ¶
type SchedukeClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSchedukeClientForCLI ¶
func NewSchedukeClientForCLI(ctx context.Context, dev bool, authOpts auth.Options) (*SchedukeClient, error)
NewSchedukeClientForCLI returns a Scheduke client that can be called from a CLI that talks to the given Scheduke environment (dev/prod), and uses the given auth info to determine whether the CLI is being used by a human or not.
func NewSchedukeClientForGCP ¶
func NewSchedukeClientForGCP(ctx context.Context, pool string) (*SchedukeClient, error)
NewSchedukeClientForGCP returns a Scheduke client that can be called from a GCP environment.
func NewSchedukeClientForLUCIExe ¶
func NewSchedukeClientForLUCIExe(ctx context.Context, pool string) (*SchedukeClient, error)
NewSchedukeClientForLUCIExe returns a Scheduke client that can be called from luciexe code running on a Buildbucket build.
func (*SchedukeClient) AdminTaskReqToSchedukeReq ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) AdminTaskReqToSchedukeReq(bbReq *buildbucketpb.ScheduleBuildRequest, deviceName, pool string) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
AdminTaskReqToSchedukeReq converts a ScheduleBuildRequest for a lab admin task BB build to a Scheduke request.
func (*SchedukeClient) CancelTasks ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) CancelTasks(taskStateIDs []int64, users, deviceNames []string) error
CancelTasks calls Scheduke to cancel tasks for the given task state IDs, users, and/or device names.
func (*SchedukeClient) LeaseRequest ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) LeaseRequest(schedukeDims *schedukeapi.SwarmingDimensions, pool, deviceName, user string, mins int64, t time.Time) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
LeaseRequest constructs a keyed TaskRequestEvent to request a lease from Scheduke with the given dimensions and lease length in minutes, for the given user, at the given time.
func (*SchedukeClient) ReadTaskStates ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) ReadTaskStates(taskStateIDs []int64, users, deviceNames []string) (*schedukeapi.ReadTaskStatesResponse, error)
ReadTaskStates calls Scheduke to read task states for the given task state IDs, users, and/or device names.
func (*SchedukeClient) ScheduleExecution ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) ScheduleExecution(req *schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents) (*schedukeapi.CreateTaskStatesResponse, error)
ScheduleExecution will schedule TR executions via scheduke.
func (*SchedukeClient) TestRunnerBBReqToSchedukeReq ¶
func (s *SchedukeClient) TestRunnerBBReqToSchedukeReq(bbReq *buildbucketpb.ScheduleBuildRequest) (*schedukeapi.KeyedTaskRequestEvents, error)
TestRunnerBBReqToSchedukeReq converts a ScheduleBuildRequest for a test_runner BB build to a Scheduke request.
type SwarmingBotProvider ¶
type SwarmingBotProvider string
SwarmingBotProvider is the host that runs a swarming bot, e.g. GCE or Drone.
const ( // List of supported SwarmingBotProvider types. // TODO(mingkong): consider moving these values to a proto enum BotProviderGce SwarmingBotProvider = "GCE" BotProviderDrone SwarmingBotProvider = "Drone" BotProviderPVS SwarmingBotProvider = "PVS" BotProviderUnknown SwarmingBotProvider = "Unknown" )
func GetBotProvider ¶
func GetBotProvider() SwarmingBotProvider
GetBotProvider detects the SwarmingBotProvider by examining env variable.
type TaskIdentifier ¶
type TaskIdentifier struct {
ID string
func NewTaskIdentifier ¶
func NewTaskIdentifier(taskBaseIdentifier string) *TaskIdentifier
func (*TaskIdentifier) AddDeviceID ¶
func (id *TaskIdentifier) AddDeviceID(deviceID *DeviceIdentifier) *TaskIdentifier
func (*TaskIdentifier) GetRPCRequest ¶
func (id *TaskIdentifier) GetRPCRequest(rpc string, innerValueCallChain ...string) string
func (*TaskIdentifier) GetRPCResponse ¶
func (id *TaskIdentifier) GetRPCResponse(rpc string, innerValueCallChain ...string) string
type TestBenchMessage ¶
type TestBenchMessage struct { Attributes []string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` Cluster string `json:"cluster,omitempty"` // Properties: Key values message. Properties []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"properties,omitempty"` RunTarget string `json:"runTarget,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "ANDROIDX_FTL" // "ANDROIDX_PLAYGROUND" // "ANDROID_EMU" // "ANDROID_G3" // "AUTOTEST" // "BATCAVE" // "CTP" // "MOBILE_HARNESS" // "NO_OP" // "PIXEL_CAMERA_FLEXTAPE" // "PIXEL_CAMERA_PRESIL" // "SWARMING" // "TRADEFED" // "UNITY_INTEGRATION" // "UNKNOWN_RUNNER" // "VERSIONED_TF" Scheduler string `json:"scheduler,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Attributes") to // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or // default values are omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Attributes") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestBenchMessage: TestBench message. TestBench is where actually the test should be run.
func (*TestBenchMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestBenchMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TestConfigMessage ¶
type TestConfigMessage struct { // Args: Key values message. Args []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"args,omitempty"` Command string `json:"command,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PrimaryBuildDevice string `json:"primaryBuildDevice,omitempty"` RunCount int64 `json:"runCount,omitempty"` Shards int64 `json:"shards,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Args") to unconditionally // include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or default values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Args") to include in API requests // with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are omitted // from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestConfigMessage: TestConfig message. TestConfig is the basic config for a TestJob.
func (*TestConfigMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestConfigMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TestJobEventMessage ¶
type TestJobEventMessage struct { DeviceLostDetected int64 `json:"deviceLostDetected,omitempty"` EventTimestamp string `json:"eventTimestamp,omitempty"` FailedTestCount int64 `json:"failedTestCount"` FailedTestRunCount int64 `json:"failedTestRunCount"` ResultLinks []string `json:"resultLinks,omitempty"` // Deprecated/Unused // Possible values: // "CANCELED" // "COMPLETED" // "ERROR" // "FATAL" // "QUEUED" // "RUNNING" // "UNKNOWN" State string `json:"state,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty"` // TestJob: TestJob message. TestJob is a test job running in the test runner. // This message has information about test job's config, state and result. A // TestJob can be executed by creating one or multiple TestTasks based on the // test's configuration. Attributes: id: a test job ID. user: an email of a // user who created the test job. runner: a test job runner type. test: a // TestConfigMessage object. build: a BuildMessage object. testBench: a // TestBenchMessage object. testJobState: a state of a test job. // creationTimestamp: time when a test job was created. startTimestamp: time // when a test job was started. updateTimestamp: time when a test job was last // updated. endTimestamp: time when a test job was ended. tasks: a list of // TestTaskMessage objects. jobInfo: extra information about a test job. // priority: a priority of a test job. Must be in range [0, 1000]. // runnerOptions: test runner options. context: context for the test job // context has gerrit_cl and test_result_id. stateReason: a state reason of a // test job when error/cancel happen. extra_builds: a list of extra builds. // plugin_data: a list of KeyValuesMessage for plugin data. utilization: a list // of ResourceUsage resultLinks: a list of result links TestJob *TestJobMessage `json:"testJob,omitempty"` TestJobId string `json:"testJobId,omitempty"` TotalRunTimeSec int64 `json:"totalRunTimeSec,omitempty"` TotalTestCount int64 `json:"totalTestCount"` // Possible values: // "STATE_CHANGED" Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "DeviceLostDetected") to // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or // default values are omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "DeviceLostDetected") to include // in API requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty // values are omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestJobEventMessage: TestJobEvent message. TestJobEvent is a TestJob event. Every time the status of a TestJob changes, the test runner should report a TestJobEvent back.
func (*TestJobEventMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestJobEventMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TestJobMessage ¶
type TestJobMessage struct { // Build: Build message. This is a map to the build info comes from the build // pubsub. It includes a build's information. Build *BuildMessage `json:"build,omitempty"` // Context: Key values message. Context []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"context,omitempty"` CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp,omitempty"` EndTimestamp string `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"` // ExtraBuilds: Build message. This is a map to the build info comes from the // build pubsub. It includes a build's information. ExtraBuilds []*BuildMessage `json:"extraBuilds,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // JobInfo: Key values message. JobInfo []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"jobInfo,omitempty"` // PluginData: Key values message. PluginData []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"plugin_data,omitempty"` Priority int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` ResultLinks []string `json:"resultLinks,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "ANDROIDX_FTL" // "ANDROIDX_PLAYGROUND" // "ANDROID_EMU" // "ANDROID_G3" // "AUTOTEST" // "BATCAVE" // "CTP" // "MOBILE_HARNESS" // "NO_OP" // "PIXEL_CAMERA_FLEXTAPE" // "PIXEL_CAMERA_PRESIL" // "SPELUNKY" // "SWARMING" // "TRADEFED" // "UNITY_INTEGRATION" // "UNKNOWN_RUNNER" // "VERSIONED_TF" Runner string `json:"runner,omitempty"` // RunnerOptions: Key values message. RunnerOptions []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"runnerOptions,omitempty"` StartTimestamp string `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"` StateMessage string `json:"stateMessage,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "ASSOCIATED_TEST_LABEL_REMOVED" // "CANARY_TEST_FAILED" // "CANCELED_BY_REQUEST_API" // "CANCELED_BY_TEST_RUN_API" // "EXTRA_BUILD_FAILED" // "INFRA_ERROR" // "MISSING_INVOCATION_FROM_RUNNER" // "OBSOLETED" // "OUT_OF_QUOTA" // "QUEUE_TIMEOUT" // "RUNNER_INTERNAL_FAILURE" // "TEST_ERROR" // "TEST_RUN_CONFIG_BLOCKLISTED" // "TEST_RUN_CONFIG_SUSPENDED" // "UNKNOWN" StateReason string `json:"stateReason,omitempty"` // Tasks: TestTask message. A single TestJob will create one or multiple // TestTasks. TestTaskMessage has information about a TestTask. A TestTask can // be executed one or multiple times. Tasks []*TestTaskMessage `json:"tasks,omitempty"` // Test: TestConfig message. TestConfig is the basic config for a TestJob. Test *TestConfigMessage `json:"test,omitempty"` // TestBench: TestBench message. TestBench is where actually the test should be // run. TestBench *TestBenchMessage `json:"testBench,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "CANCELED" // "COMPLETED" // "ERROR" // "FATAL" // "QUEUED" // "RUNNING" // "UNKNOWN" TestJobState string `json:"testJobState,omitempty"` UpdateTimestamp string `json:"updateTimestamp,omitempty"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` // Utilization: ResourceUsage message. It contains information regarding the // usage of a specific resource. Utilization []*ResourceUsage `json:"utilization,omitempty"` // ServerResponse contains the HTTP response code and headers from the server. googleapi.ServerResponse `json:"-"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Build") to unconditionally // include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or default values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Build") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestJobMessage: TestJob message. TestJob is a test job running in the test runner. This message has information about test job's config, state and result. A TestJob can be executed by creating one or multiple TestTasks based on the test's configuration. Attributes: id: a test job ID. user: an email of a user who created the test job. runner: a test job runner type. test: a TestConfigMessage object. build: a BuildMessage object. testBench: a TestBenchMessage object. testJobState: a state of a test job. creationTimestamp: time when a test job was created. startTimestamp: time when a test job was started. updateTimestamp: time when a test job was last updated. endTimestamp: time when a test job was ended. tasks: a list of TestTaskMessage objects. jobInfo: extra information about a test job. priority: a priority of a test job. Must be in range [0, 1000]. runnerOptions: test runner options. context: context for the test job context has gerrit_cl and test_result_id. stateReason: a state reason of a test job when error/cancel happen. extra_builds: a list of extra builds. plugin_data: a list of KeyValuesMessage for plugin data. utilization: a list of ResourceUsage
func DecodeTestJobMsg ¶
func DecodeTestJobMsg(ctx context.Context, encodedMsg string) (*TestJobMessage, error)
func (*TestJobMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestJobMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TestRunnerError ¶
type TestRunnerError struct { Type skylab_test_runner.TestRunnerErrorType Err error }
TestRunnerError implements the error interface for Test Runner errors.
func (*TestRunnerError) Error ¶
func (t *TestRunnerError) Error() string
func (*TestRunnerError) Unwrap ¶
func (t *TestRunnerError) Unwrap() error
type TestTaskAttemptMessage ¶
type TestTaskAttemptMessage struct { // AttemptInfo: Key values message. AttemptInfo []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"attemptInfo,omitempty"` CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp,omitempty"` EndTimestamp string `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"` FailedTestCount int64 `json:"failedTestCount"` FailedTestRunCount int64 `json:"failedTestRunCount"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` StartTimestamp string `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "CANCELED" // "COMPLETED" // "ERROR" // "FATAL" // "QUEUED" // "RUNNING" // "UNKNOWN" TestTaskAttemptState string `json:"testTaskAttemptState,omitempty"` TotalTestCount int64 `json:"totalTestCount"` UpdateTimestamp string `json:"updateTimestamp,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AttemptInfo") to // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or // default values are omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "AttemptInfo") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestTaskAttemptMessage: TestTaskAttempt message. A TestTaskAttempt is a single attempt for a TestTask. TestTask can be executed multiple times and each TestTaskAttemptMessage will have the information about each TestTaskAttempt.
func (*TestTaskAttemptMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestTaskAttemptMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TestTaskMessage ¶
type TestTaskMessage struct { // Attempts: TestTaskAttempt message. A TestTaskAttempt is a single attempt for // a TestTask. TestTask can be executed multiple times and each // TestTaskAttemptMessage will have the information about each TestTaskAttempt. Attempts []*TestTaskAttemptMessage `json:"attempts,omitempty"` CreationTimestamp string `json:"creationTimestamp,omitempty"` EndTimestamp string `json:"endTimestamp,omitempty"` Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` ShardIndex int64 `json:"shardIndex,omitempty"` Shards int64 `json:"shards,omitempty"` StartTimestamp string `json:"startTimestamp,omitempty"` // TaskInfo: Key values message. TaskInfo []*KeyValuesMessage `json:"taskInfo,omitempty"` // Possible values: // "CANCELED" // "COMPLETED" // "ERROR" // "FATAL" // "QUEUED" // "RUNNING" // "UNKNOWN" TestTaskState string `json:"testTaskState,omitempty"` UpdateTimestamp string `json:"updateTimestamp,omitempty"` // ForceSendFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Attempts") to // unconditionally include in API requests. By default, fields with empty or // default values are omitted from API requests. See // for more // details. ForceSendFields []string `json:"-"` // NullFields is a list of field names (e.g. "Attempts") to include in API // requests with the JSON null value. By default, fields with empty values are // omitted from API requests. See // for more details. NullFields []string `json:"-"` }
TestTaskMessage: TestTask message. A single TestJob will create one or multiple TestTasks. TestTaskMessage has information about a TestTask. A TestTask can be executed one or multiple times.
func (*TestTaskMessage) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *TestTaskMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
Source Files
- ai.go
- atp_switcher_proto.go
- buildbucket.go
- cipd.go
- cli_cmd.go
- constants.go
- containers.go
- context.go
- dependency_identifiers.go
- dependency_injection.go
- dependency_injection_helper.go
- device_type.go
- errors.go
- file.go
- filters.go
- filters_firestore.go
- firestore.go
- gce_metadata.go
- gcs.go
- http_helper.go
- leases.go
- leases_helper.go
- logger.go
- logging.go
- lro.go
- network.go
- placeholder.go
- proto_helper.go
- pubsub.go
- scheduke_client.go
- scheduke_conversions.go
- server.go
- step.go
- swarming.go
- test_result.go
- validations.go
- vmlab.go
- work_units.go