RTS test mapping analysis CLI
This CLI makes use of the evaluation built into the RTS framework to analyze the expected results of using a test similarity json file to analyze the impact of remove several test cases.
The json file is structured as {test_id_1: [test_id_2, test_id_3]} based on the test mapping clustering result.
Before attempting to build, should be run as described in infra/go/
You will also need IAM permissions for the chrome-rts
Fetch a sample of rejections, e.g. for the past month of
on builderlinux-rel
.go run ./cmd/rts-test-mapping fetch-rejections \ -from 2024-08-01 -to 2024-08-31 \ -builder linux-rel -test_suite browser_tests \ -out samples.rej
Fetch a sample of test durations, e.g. for for the past month of
on builderlinux-rel
.go run ./cmd/rts-test-mapping fetch-durations \ -from 2024-08-01 -to 2024-08-31 \ -builder linux-rel -test_suite browser_tests \ -out samples.dur
Note: These records are expensive to collect/analyze. To reduce this cost only a fraction of the applicable durations will be collected. By default this optional
flag hold .1 (10%) over the given time period and savings are estimated based this fraction (the durations don't need to be over the same time period as rejections to function as this is an estimate, as long as the average test in the suite hasn't changed dramatically the estimate should still be accurate)-ignore-file
is necessary for any builder/test suite that doesn't include its filename when uploaded to rdb. This should be passed when using rts-test-mapping.The savings provided later by this tool is based on all durations gathered in this step. If you're more curious about savings for a particular builder or set of builders you can provide the
arg with a regex to match specific builders -
Run the analysis on the rejections and durations which you created from -out in the previous steps, note the ChangeRecall/Savings:
go run ./cmd/rts-test-mapping analyze \ -rejections samples.rej \ -durations samples.dur \ -builder linux-rel \ -similarity_json test_mapping.json
Output will look something like:
ChangeRecall | Savings ---------------------- 99.78% | 14.45% based on 6878 rejections, 8066798 test failures, 913690h51m52.584049s testing time
The ChangeRecall being the expected number of failed CLs in the given time period that would still have failed if the test cases were not run on the builder (successful CLs do not factor into this number). The savings is how much estimated time would have been saved for that tradeoff in recall. For the period of time the rejections were collected the ChangeRecall percentage is the number that would still have been caught. The rate can then be estimated as (1 - ChangeRecall) * rejections per period of reject collection. For example, the output above shows that there were 6878 rejections in August 2024. Of these, 99.78% of those rejections would have been preserved. This means that running this test cluster based strategy from
would have allowed .22% of rejections through, or about 15 CLs over the course of a month. (6878 rejections * .22% rejections in August).Also note the number of rejections as this will match the number of rejections collected in the fetch-rejections step and can help confirm the values are reasonable.
Example rejects will be printed after the run and before the previous table. For example:
Rejection: Most affected test: +Inf distance //some/ more files... //these/can/be/ignored/for/rts-analysis.c Failed and not selected tests: - builder:linux_chromium_asan_rel_ng | os:linux | test_suite:browser_tests in <unknown file> ninja://test/case/unique/id
Up to 10 missed rejects will be printed by default. The "Most affected test" and changed files for each reject does not have any meaning with this application of the evaluation and can be ignored. If the recall is very high this list can be very short. It is a good idea to investigate these using the provided link since the analysis cannot know which rejects were a false reject and these failures can be builder flakes where it should not have been rejected in the first place.
Rejection and duration data can take a long time to collect (you will likely not want to go over a months worth of data as the results tend to stay consistent while the collection time can be very long) but are reusable for testing different builder/test suite combinations and only the last step needs to be repeated for different tests.
To avoid having to fetch all the durations and rejections for a long period of time the flag -append can be added to the command. This will add the new records from this run to any existing data in the out dir. Caution needs to be taken to make sure that a day is not fetched twice. These rejections can be found in the output directory. To remove old data from the records you can directly remove the .jsonl.gz files with the "from" and "to" prepended to the file.
After a builder has a specific test suite removed it invalidates the rejection and duration data since there could have been overlapping coverage of tests. To perform a new analysis on the same rejection/duration data or time period all removed builder/suite combinations should be included in a file in the format:
and added to a file as a new line. That file's name can then be included like:
go run ./cmd/rts-test-mapping analyze \
-rejections samples.rej \
-durations samples.dur \
-builder linux_chromium_asan_rel_ng \
-similarity_json test_mapping.json
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