Pyth Network Prometheus Exporter
Prometheus Exporter for Pyth Network on-chain metrics about a publisher.
Building from source
The Go 1.17 toolchain or newer is required to build from source.
To pull dependencies and build the publisher program, run the following:
go build -o ./pyth_exporter .
Docker image
This program is also available as a Docker image based on Alpine Linux.
To build the Docker image from source:
docker build -t db-pyth .
The GitLab CI integration builds Docker images for every branch and release:
# Latest master build
docker pull
# Latest tagged release
docker pull
Usage of pyth_exporter:
Run in development mode
-env string
Pyth env (devnet, testnet, mainnet) (default "mainnet")
-listen string
Address where to serve debug info and metrics HTTP server (default ":8080")
-log-level value
Log level
-products value
Pyth product keys (default all)
-program value
Pyth program key (derived from env)
-publishers value
Pyth publishers (default all)
-rpc string
Solana RPC URL
-ws string
Solana WebSocket RPC URL
% curl http://localhost:8080/metrics
# HELP pyth_exporter_rpc_requests_total Number of outgoing RPC requests from pyth_exporter to RPC nodes
# TYPE pyth_exporter_rpc_requests_total counter
pyth_exporter_rpc_requests_total 24
# HELP pyth_exporter_ws_active_conns Number of active WebSockets between pyth_exporter and RPC nodes
# TYPE pyth_exporter_ws_active_conns gauge
pyth_exporter_ws_active_conns 1
# HELP pyth_exporter_ws_events_total Number of WebSocket events delivered from RPC nodes to pyth_exporter
# TYPE pyth_exporter_ws_events_total counter
pyth_exporter_ws_events_total 14408
# HELP pyth_oracle_aggregated_conf_amount Last aggregated conf of Pyth product
# TYPE pyth_oracle_aggregated_conf_amount gauge
pyth_oracle_aggregated_conf_amount{pyth_product="EWxGfxoPQSNA2744AYdAKmsQZ8F9o9M7oKkvL3VM1dko"} 2e-05
# HELP pyth_oracle_aggregated_price Last aggregated price of Pyth product
# TYPE pyth_oracle_aggregated_price gauge
pyth_oracle_aggregated_price{pyth_product="EWxGfxoPQSNA2744AYdAKmsQZ8F9o9M7oKkvL3VM1dko"} 1.1326100000000001
# HELP pyth_oracle_publisher_conf_amount Last published product confidence by Pyth publisher
# TYPE pyth_oracle_publisher_conf_amount gauge
pyth_oracle_publisher_conf_amount{pyth_product="EWxGfxoPQSNA2744AYdAKmsQZ8F9o9M7oKkvL3VM1dko",pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT"} 0.00014000000000000001
# HELP pyth_oracle_publisher_price Last published product price by Pyth publisher
# TYPE pyth_oracle_publisher_price gauge
pyth_oracle_publisher_price{pyth_product="EWxGfxoPQSNA2744AYdAKmsQZ8F9o9M7oKkvL3VM1dko",pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT"} 1.1326500000000002
# HELP pyth_oracle_publisher_slot Last observed slot for Pyth publisher
# TYPE pyth_oracle_publisher_slot gauge
pyth_oracle_publisher_slot{pyth_product="EWxGfxoPQSNA2744AYdAKmsQZ8F9o9M7oKkvL3VM1dko",pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT"} 1.16427278e+08
# HELP pyth_solana_publish_account_balance SOL balance of Pyth publish account in lamports
# TYPE pyth_solana_publish_account_balance gauge
pyth_solana_publish_account_balance{pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT"} 4.950539e+10
# HELP pyth_txs_total Approximate number of Pyth transactions sent
# TYPE pyth_txs_total counter
pyth_txs_total{pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT",tx_status="failed"} 10
pyth_txs_total{pyth_publisher="AKPWGLY5KpxbTx7DaVp4Pve8JweMjKbb1A19MyL2nrYT",tx_status="success"} 67