Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CombineFlags(flags ...[]cli.Flag) []cli.Flag
- func EditCliFlag[Flag any](flags []cli.Flag, fn func(f Flag) bool, apply func(f Flag) Flag) []cli.Flag
- func InlineTemplate[Ctx any](tmpl string, ctx Ctx, funcs ...template.FuncMap) (string, error)
- func InlineTemplates[Ctx any](tmpls []string, ctx Ctx, funcs ...template.FuncMap) ([]string, error)
- func OverwriteCliFlag[Flag any](flags []cli.Flag, fn func(f Flag) bool, apply func(f Flag) Flag)
- func ParseEnvironmentVariablesToMap() map[string]string
- func TemplateFuncMap() template.FuncMap
- type AppChannel
- type AppEnvironment
- type Command
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentTask(pt *Task[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheTask() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) AppendArgs(args ...string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) AppendDirectEnvironment(environment ...string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) AppendEnvironment(environment map[string]string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) EnableStreamRecording() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) EnableTerminator() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) EnsureIsAlive() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) GetCombinedStream() []string
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) GetFormattedCommand() string
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) GetStderrStream() []string
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) GetStdoutStream() []string
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) HasExited() bool
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) HasFailed() bool
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) IsDisabled() bool
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) Job() Job
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) Run() error
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) Set(fn CommandFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetCredential(fn CommandCredentialFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetDir(dir string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetIgnoreError() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetJobWrapper(fn CommandJobWrapperFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetLogLevel(stdout LogLevel, stderr LogLevel, lifetime LogLevel) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetMaskOsEnvironment() *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetOnTerminator(fn CommandFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetPath(dir string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetRetries(retry *CommandRetry) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetScript(fn CommandScriptFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetStdin(fn CommandStdinFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) ShouldDisable(fn TaskPredicateFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter(fn CommandFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore(fn CommandFn[Pipe]) *Command[Pipe]
- func (c *Command[Pipe]) ToCtx() *CommandCtx
- type CommandCredentialFn
- type CommandCtx
- type CommandFn
- type CommandJobWrapperFn
- type CommandOptions
- type CommandRetry
- type CommandScript
- type CommandScriptFn
- type CommandStatus
- type CommandStdinFn
- type DeprecationNotice
- type DocumentationOptions
- type ErrorWithLogger
- type GuardHandlerFn
- type Job
- type JobFn
- type JobPredicate
- type LogLevel
- type Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) AppendFlags(flags ...[]cli.Flag) []cli.Flag
- func (p *Plumber) AppendSecrets(secrets ...string) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) DeregisterTerminator() *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) DisableGreeter() *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) EnableTerminator() *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) New(fn PlumberNewFn) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) RegisterTerminated() *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) RegisterTerminator() *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) Run()
- func (p *Plumber) SendCustomError(log *logrus.Entry, err error) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SendCustomFatal(log *logrus.Entry, err error) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SendError(err error) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SendExit(code int) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SendFatal(err error) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SendTerminate(sig os.Signal, code int)
- func (p *Plumber) Set(fn PlumberFn) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetDelimiter(delimiter string) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetDeprecationNotices(notices ...[]DeprecationNotice) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetDocumentationOptions(options DocumentationOptions) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetFormatter(formatter *logger.Formatter) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetGreeter(fn PlumberFn) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetOnTerminate(fn PlumberOnTerminateFn) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) SetTerminatorTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Plumber
- func (p *Plumber) Terminate(code int)
- type PlumberFn
- type PlumberNewFn
- type PlumberOnTerminateFn
- type PlumberOptions
- type Result
- type ResultMask
- type StatusStopCases
- type SubtaskExtendFn
- type Task
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) AddCommands(commands ...*Command[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParent(fn SubtaskExtendFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentAsParallel() *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentAsSequence() *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) CreateCommand(command string, args ...string) *Command[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) CreateSubtask(name ...string) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) EnableTerminator() *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ExtendSubtask(fn JobFn) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobAsJobParallel() Job
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobAsJobSequence() Job
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobs() []Job
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) GetCommands() []*Command[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) GetSubtasks() Job
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) HasParent() bool
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) IsDisabled() bool
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) IsSkipped() bool
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) Job() Job
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) Run() error
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJob(fn TaskJobParserFn[Pipe]) error
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJobAsJobParallel() error
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJobAsJobSequence() error
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) RunSubtasks() error
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SendError(err error) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SendExit(code int) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SendFatal(err error) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) Set(fn TaskFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SetJobWrapper(fn TaskJobWrapperFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SetOnTerminator(fn TaskFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) SetSubtask(job Job) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ShouldDisable(fn TaskPredicateFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter(fn TaskFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore(fn TaskFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ShouldSkip(fn TaskPredicateFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ToCtx() *TaskCtx
- func (t *Task[Pipe]) ToParent(parent *Task[Pipe], fn SubtaskExtendFn[Pipe]) *Task[Pipe]
- type TaskCtx
- type TaskFn
- type TaskJobParserFn
- type TaskJobWrapperFn
- type TaskList
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) CreateBasicJob(fn func() error) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) CreateJob(fn func(tl *TaskList[Pipe]) error) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) CreateTask(name ...string) *Task[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardAlways(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardIgnorePanic(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnPanic(job Job, fn GuardHandlerFn[Pipe]) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnTimeout(job Job, fn GuardHandlerFn[Pipe], timeout time.Duration) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardPanic(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardResume(job Job, mask Result) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardTimeout(job Job, timeout time.Duration) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) IsDisabled() bool
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) IsSkipped() bool
- func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) Job() Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobBackground(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobDelay(job Job, delay time.Duration) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobElse(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobIf(predicate JobPredicate, jobs ...Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobIfNot(predicate JobPredicate, jobs ...Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobLoop(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobLoopWithWaitAfter(job Job, delay time.Duration) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobParallel(jobs ...Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobRepeat(job Job, times int) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobSequence(jobs ...Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobThen(job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobWait(predicate JobPredicate, sleep time.Duration) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobWaitForTerminator() Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobWhile(predicate JobPredicate, job Job) Job
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) New(p *Plumber) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) NewResultMask(mask Result) ResultMask
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) Predicate(fn TaskListPredicateFn[Pipe]) JobPredicate
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateAnd(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateNot(predicate JobPredicate) JobPredicate
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateOr(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateXor(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
- func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) Run() error
- func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) RunJobs(job Job) error
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) Set(fn TaskListJobFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) SetCliContext(ctx *cli.Context) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) SetRuntimeDepth(depth int) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldDisable(fn TaskListPredicateFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter(fn TaskListFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore(fn TaskListFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldSkip(fn TaskListPredicateFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
- func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) ToCtx() *TaskListCtx
- func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) Validate(data TaskListData) error
- type TaskListCtx
- type TaskListData
- type TaskListFn
- type TaskListJobFn
- type TaskListOptions
- type TaskListPredicateFn
- type TaskOptions
- type TaskPredicateFn
- type TaskStatus
- type Terminator
Constants ¶
const ( LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT LogLevel = 0 LOG_LEVEL_PANIC LogLevel = logrus.PanicLevel LOG_LEVEL_FATAL LogLevel = logrus.FatalLevel LOG_LEVEL_ERROR LogLevel = logrus.ErrorLevel LOG_LEVEL_WARN LogLevel = logrus.WarnLevel LOG_LEVEL_INFO LogLevel = logrus.InfoLevel LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG LogLevel = logrus.DebugLevel LOG_LEVEL_TRACE LogLevel = logrus.TraceLevel LOG_FIELD_CONTEXT string = "context" LOG_FIELD_STATUS string = "status" )
const (
COMMAND_RETRY_DELAY time.Duration = time.Second
Variables ¶
var CliDefaultFlags = []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Category: CLI_FLAGS_CATEGORY, Name: "ci", Usage: "Sets whether this is running inside a CI/CD environment.", Hidden: true, EnvVars: []string{"CI"}, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Category: CLI_FLAGS_CATEGORY, Name: "debug", Usage: "Enable debugging for the application.", EnvVars: []string{"DEBUG"}, Hidden: true, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Category: CLI_FLAGS_CATEGORY, Name: "log-level", Usage: `Define the log level for the application. enum("panic", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace")`, EnvVars: []string{"LOG_LEVEL"}, Value: logrus.InfoLevel.String(), }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Category: CLI_FLAGS_CATEGORY, Name: "env-file", Usage: "Environment files to inject.", EnvVars: []string{"ENV_FILE"}, }, }
flags for a Plumber application.
Functions ¶
func CombineFlags ¶ added in v5.6.3
func CombineFlags(flags ...[]cli.Flag) []cli.Flag
Combine flags together.
func EditCliFlag ¶
func InlineTemplate ¶
func InlineTemplates ¶ added in v5.3.0
func OverwriteCliFlag ¶
func TemplateFuncMap ¶
Types ¶
type AppChannel ¶
type AppChannel struct { // to communicate the errors while not blocking Err chan error // to communicate the errors while not blocking CustomErr chan ErrorWithLogger // Fatal errors Fatal chan error // to communicate the errors while not blocking CustomFatal chan ErrorWithLogger // terminate channel Interrupt chan os.Signal // exit channel Exit *broadcaster.Broadcaster[int] }
type AppEnvironment ¶
type Command ¶
type Command[Pipe TaskListData] struct { Plumber *Plumber T *Task[Pipe] TL *TaskList[Pipe] Log *logrus.Entry Command *exec.Cmd // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCommand ¶
func NewCommand[Pipe TaskListData]( task *Task[Pipe], command string, args ...string, ) *Command[Pipe]
NewCommand Creates a new command to be run as a job.
func (*Command[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentTask ¶
Adds the current command to the task with a wrapper.
func (*Command[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheTask ¶
Adds the current command to the parent task.
func (*Command[Pipe]) AppendArgs ¶
Appends arguments to the command.
func (*Command[Pipe]) AppendDirectEnvironment ¶
Appends environment variables to command directly.
func (*Command[Pipe]) AppendEnvironment ¶
Appends environment variables to command as map.
func (*Command[Pipe]) EnableStreamRecording ¶
Sets the option where this command will save its output to be later accessed in the shouldRunAfterFn.
func (*Command[Pipe]) EnableTerminator ¶
Enables global plumber terminator on this command to terminate the current command when the application is terminated.
func (*Command[Pipe]) EnsureIsAlive ¶
Sets the option where it will raise an error if the underlying command stops.
func (*Command[Pipe]) GetCombinedStream ¶
Fetches the saved streams that is recorded. Should have the Command.options.recordStream enabled.
func (*Command[Pipe]) GetFormattedCommand ¶
Fetches the name of this command, that is formatted for the logger.
func (*Command[Pipe]) GetStderrStream ¶
Fetches the saved stderr stream that is recorded. Should have the Command.options.recordStream enabled.
func (*Command[Pipe]) GetStdoutStream ¶
Fetches the saved stdout stream that is recorded. Should have the Command.options.recordStream enabled.
func (*Command[Pipe]) IsDisabled ¶
Checks whether current command is disabled.
func (*Command[Pipe]) Set ¶
Sets the function that should manipulate the command depending on the pipe variables.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetCredential ¶ added in v5.1.0
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetIgnoreError ¶
Sets the option to ignore errors raised by this command therefore a failing command will not fail the application.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetJobWrapper ¶
Extend the job of the current task.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetLogLevel ¶
func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetLogLevel( stdout LogLevel, stderr LogLevel, lifetime LogLevel, ) *Command[Pipe]
Sets the log level specific to this command.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetMaskOsEnvironment ¶
Sets the option where underlying environment variables are not passed to the command.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetOnTerminator ¶
Sets a function that fires on when the application is globally terminated through plumber.
func (*Command[Pipe]) SetRetries ¶
func (c *Command[Pipe]) SetRetries(retry *CommandRetry) *Command[Pipe]
Sets the option to retry the command if failed.
func (*Command[Pipe]) ShouldDisable ¶
Adds a predicate to check whether this command should be disabled depending on the pipe variables.
func (*Command[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter ¶
Sets a function that should run after the main command has exited successfully.
func (*Command[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore ¶
Sets a function that should run after the main command has exited successfully.
func (*Command[Pipe]) ToCtx ¶ added in v5.6.0
func (c *Command[Pipe]) ToCtx() *CommandCtx
Converts the command to a command context.
type CommandCredentialFn ¶ added in v5.2.4
type CommandCredentialFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(c *Command[Pipe], credential *syscall.Credential) *syscall.Credential
type CommandCtx ¶ added in v5.5.0
type CommandFn ¶
type CommandFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(*Command[Pipe]) error
type CommandJobWrapperFn ¶ added in v5.1.3
type CommandJobWrapperFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(job Job, c *Command[Pipe]) Job
type CommandOptions ¶
type CommandOptions[Pipe TaskListData] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type CommandRetry ¶ added in v5.1.8
type CommandScript ¶ added in v5.1.0
type CommandScriptFn ¶ added in v5.2.2
type CommandScriptFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(c *Command[Pipe]) *CommandScript
type CommandStatus ¶
type CommandStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CommandStdinFn ¶ added in v5.2.2
type CommandStdinFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(c *Command[Pipe]) io.Reader
type DeprecationNotice ¶
type DocumentationOptions ¶
type ErrorWithLogger ¶
type GuardHandlerFn ¶
type GuardHandlerFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(*TaskList[Pipe])
type JobPredicate ¶
type JobPredicate = floc.Predicate
type Plumber ¶
type Plumber struct { Cli *cli.App Log *logrus.Logger Environment AppEnvironment Channel AppChannel Terminator Validator *validator.Validate // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPlumber ¶
func NewPlumber(fn PlumberNewFn) *Plumber
Creates a new Plumber instance and initiates it.
func (*Plumber) AppendFlags ¶
func (p *Plumber) AppendFlags(flags ...[]cli.Flag) []cli.Flag
Appends flags together. @deprecated.
func (*Plumber) AppendSecrets ¶
Adds sensitive information so that the logger will not log out the given secrets.
func (*Plumber) DeregisterTerminator ¶ added in v5.1.6
func (*Plumber) DisableGreeter ¶ added in v5.1.0
Disables the greeter function to print out the CLI name and version.
func (*Plumber) EnableTerminator ¶
Enables terminator globally for the current application.
If terminator functions are going to be used inside task lists, tasks and commands, terminator should be globally enabled. The terminate information will be propagated through the channels to the subcomponents.
func (*Plumber) RegisterTerminated ¶
Register a component as successfully terminated.
func (*Plumber) RegisterTerminator ¶
Registers a new component that should be handled by the terminator.
func (*Plumber) SendCustomError ¶
Sends an error with its custom instance of logger through the channel.
func (*Plumber) SendCustomFatal ¶
Sends an fatal error with its custom instance of logger through the channel.
func (*Plumber) SendTerminate ¶
Sends a terminate request to the application via interruption signal.
func (*Plumber) SetDelimiter ¶
Sets delimiter for the application.
func (*Plumber) SetDeprecationNotices ¶
func (p *Plumber) SetDeprecationNotices(notices ...[]DeprecationNotice) *Plumber
Sets the deprecation notices for the application.
func (*Plumber) SetDocumentationOptions ¶
func (p *Plumber) SetDocumentationOptions(options DocumentationOptions) *Plumber
Sets documentation options of the application.
func (*Plumber) SetFormatter ¶
sets formatter for the plumber.
func (*Plumber) SetGreeter ¶ added in v5.1.0
Sets the greeter function to print out the CLI name and version.
func (*Plumber) SetOnTerminate ¶
func (p *Plumber) SetOnTerminate(fn PlumberOnTerminateFn) *Plumber
Sets the action that would be executed on terminate.
func (*Plumber) SetTerminatorTimeout ¶
Sets timeout for terminator of the application.
type PlumberNewFn ¶
type PlumberNewFn func(p *Plumber) *cli.App
type PlumberOnTerminateFn ¶
type PlumberOnTerminateFn func() error
type PlumberOptions ¶
type PlumberOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ResultMask ¶
type ResultMask = floc.ResultMask
type StatusStopCases ¶
type StatusStopCases struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SubtaskExtendFn ¶ added in v5.1.0
type SubtaskExtendFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(pt *Task[Pipe], st *Task[Pipe])
type Task ¶
type Task[Pipe TaskListData] struct { Plumber *Plumber TL *TaskList[Pipe] Log *logrus.Entry Channel *AppChannel Pipe *Pipe Control floc.Control Name string Lock *sync.RWMutex // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTask ¶
func NewTask[Pipe TaskListData](tl *TaskList[Pipe], name ...string) *Task[Pipe]
NewTask Creates a new task to be run as a job.
func (*Task[Pipe]) AddCommands ¶
Attaches existing commands to this task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParent ¶
func (t *Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParent( fn SubtaskExtendFn[Pipe], ) *Task[Pipe]
Attaches this task to the parent task with a wrapper.
func (*Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentAsParallel ¶
Attaches this task to the parent task in parallel.
func (*Task[Pipe]) AddSelfToTheParentAsSequence ¶
Attaches this task to the parent task in sequence.
func (*Task[Pipe]) CreateCommand ¶
Creates a NewCommand attached to the current task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) CreateSubtask ¶
Creates a subtask that is attached to the current task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) EnableTerminator ¶
Enables global plumber terminator on this task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) ExtendSubtask ¶
Extends the subtask of the current task with a wrapper.
func (*Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobAsJobParallel ¶
Returns the attached commands to this task as a job to run as parallel depending on their definition order.
func (*Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobAsJobSequence ¶
Returns the attached commands to this task as a job to run as sequence depending on their definition order.
func (*Task[Pipe]) GetCommandJobs ¶
Returns the attached commands to this task as a slice of jobs.
func (*Task[Pipe]) GetCommands ¶
Returns the attached commands to this task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) GetSubtasks ¶
Returns the subtasks of this task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) IsDisabled ¶
Checks whether the current task is disabled or not.
func (*Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJob ¶ added in v5.1.0
Runs the commands that are attached to this task as parallel with the given wrapper.
func (*Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJobAsJobParallel ¶
Runs the commands that are attached to this task as parallel.
func (*Task[Pipe]) RunCommandJobAsJobSequence ¶
Runs the commands that are attached to this task as sequence.
func (*Task[Pipe]) RunSubtasks ¶
Runs the subtasks of the current task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) SendFatal ¶
Send the fatal error message to plumber while running inside a routine.
func (*Task[Pipe]) SetJobWrapper ¶
Extend the job of the current task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) SetOnTerminator ¶
Sets the function that should fire whenever the application is globally terminated.
func (*Task[Pipe]) SetSubtask ¶
Sets the subtask of this task directly.
func (*Task[Pipe]) ShouldDisable ¶
Sets the predicate that should conditionally disable the task depending on the pipe variables.
func (*Task[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter ¶
Sets the function that should run after the task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore ¶
Sets the function that should run before the task.
func (*Task[Pipe]) ShouldSkip ¶
Sets the predicate that should conditionally skip the task depending on the pipe variables.
type TaskFn ¶
type TaskFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(t *Task[Pipe]) error
type TaskJobParserFn ¶ added in v5.1.3
type TaskJobParserFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(t *Task[Pipe]) Job
type TaskJobWrapperFn ¶ added in v5.1.3
type TaskJobWrapperFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(job Job, t *Task[Pipe]) Job
type TaskList ¶
type TaskList[Pipe TaskListData] struct { Plumber *Plumber CliContext *cli.Context Pipe Pipe Channel *AppChannel Control floc.Control Name string Lock *sync.RWMutex Log *logrus.Entry // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTaskList ¶
func NewTaskList[Pipe TaskListData](p *Plumber) *TaskList[Pipe]
Creates a new task list and initiates it.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) CreateBasicJob ¶
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) CreateTask ¶
Creates a new task.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardAlways ¶
Always run this job!
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardIgnorePanic ¶
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnPanic ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnPanic(job Job, fn GuardHandlerFn[Pipe]) Job
OnPanic protects the job from falling into panic. In addition it takes PanicTrigger func which is called in case of panic. Guarding the job from falling into panic is effective only if the job runs in the current goroutine.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnTimeout ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) GuardOnTimeout( job Job, fn GuardHandlerFn[Pipe], timeout time.Duration, ) Job
OnTimeout protects the job from taking too much time on execution. In addition it takes TimeoutTrigger func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) which called if time is out. The job is run in it's own goroutine while the current goroutine waits until the job finished or time went out or the flow is finished.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardPanic ¶
Panic protects the job from falling into panic. On panic the flow will be canceled with the ErrPanic result. Guarding the job from falling into panic is effective only if the job runs in the current goroutine.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardResume ¶
Resume resumes execution of the flow possibly finished by the job. If the mask is empty execution will be resumed regardless the reason it was finished. Otherwise execution will be resumed if the reason it finished with is masked.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) GuardTimeout ¶
GuardTimeout protects the job from taking too much time on execution. The job is run in it's own goroutine while the current goroutine waits until the job finished or time went out or the flow is finished.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) IsDisabled ¶
Checks whether the current task is disabled or not.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobBackground ¶
JobBackground starts the job in it's own goroutine. The function does not track the lifecycle of the job started and does no synchronization with it therefore the job running in background may remain active even if the flow is finished. The function assumes the job is aware of the flow state and/or synchronization and termination of it is implemented outside.
floc.Run(run.Background( func(ctx floc.Context, ctrl floc.Control) error { for !ctrl.IsFinished() { fmt.Println(time.Now()) } return nil } })
- Run jobs in goroutines : YES
- Wait all jobs finish : NO
- Run order : SINGLE
--+-----------> | +-->[JOB]
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobDelay ¶
JobDelay does delay before starting the job.
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobElse ¶
JobElse just returns the job unmodified. Else is used for expressiveness and can be omitted.
- Run jobs in goroutines : N/A
- Wait all jobs finish : N/A
- Run order : N/A
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobIf ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobIf(predicate JobPredicate, jobs ...Job) Job
JobIf runs the first job if the condition is met and runs the second job, if it's passed, if the condition is not met. The function panics if no or more than two jobs are given.
For expressiveness Then() and Else() can be used.
flow := run.If(testSomething, run.Then(doSomething), run.Else(doSomethingElse), )
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
+----->[JOB_1]---+ | YES | --(CONDITION MET?)--+ +--> | NO | +----->[JOB_2]---+
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobIfNot ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobIfNot(predicate JobPredicate, jobs ...Job) Job
JobIfNot runs the first job if the condition is not met and runs the second job, if it's passed, if the condition is met. The function panics if no or more than two jobs are given.
For expressiveness Then() and Else() can be used.
flow := run.IfNot(testSomething, run.Then(doSomething), run.Else(doSomethingElse), )
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
+----->[JOB_1]---+ | NO | --(CONDITION MET?)--+ +--> | YES | +----->[JOB_2]---+
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobLoop ¶
JobLoop repeats running the job forever.
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
+----------+ | | V | ----->[JOB]--+
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobLoopWithWaitAfter ¶
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobParallel ¶
JobParallel runs jobs in their own goroutines and waits until all of them finish.
- Run jobs in goroutines : YES
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : PARALLEL
+-->[JOB_1]--+ | | --+--> .. --+--> | | +-->[JOB_N]--+
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobRepeat ¶
JobRepeat repeats running the job for N times.
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
NO +-----------[JOB]<---------+ | | V | YES ----(ITERATED COUNT TIMES?)--+---->
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobSequence ¶
JobSequence runs jobs sequentially, one by one.
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SEQUENCE
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobThen ¶
Then just returns the job unmodified. Then is used for expressiveness and can be omitted.
- Run jobs in goroutines : N/A
- Wait all jobs finish : N/A
- Run order : N/A
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobWait ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobWait(predicate JobPredicate, sleep time.Duration) Job
JobWait waits until the condition is met. The function falls into sleep with the duration given between condition checks. The function does not run any job actually and just repeatedly checks predicate's return value. When the predicate returns true the function finishes.
- Run jobs in goroutines : N/A
- Wait all jobs finish : N/A
- Run order : N/A
NO +------(SLEEP)------+ | | V | YES ----(CONDITION MET?)--+----->
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobWaitForTerminator ¶
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) JobWhile ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) JobWhile(predicate JobPredicate, job Job) Job
JobWhile repeats running the job while the condition is met.
- Run jobs in goroutines : NO
- Wait all jobs finish : YES
- Run order : SINGLE
YES +-------[JOB]<------+ | | V | NO ----(CONDITION MET?)--+---->
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) NewResultMask ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) NewResultMask(mask Result) ResultMask
NewResultMask constructs new instance from the mask given.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) Predicate ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) Predicate(fn TaskListPredicateFn[Pipe]) JobPredicate
Creates a new floc predicate out of the given conditions.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateAnd ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateAnd(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
PredicateAnd returns a predicate which chains multiple predicates into a condition with AND logic. The result predicate finishes calculation of the condition as fast as the result is known. The function panics if the number of predicates is less than 2.
The result predicate tests the condition as follows.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateNot ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateNot(predicate JobPredicate) JobPredicate
PredicateNot returns the negated value of the predicate.
The result predicate tests the condition as follows.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateOr ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateOr(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
PredicateOr returns a predicate which chains multiple predicates into a condition with OR logic. The result predicate finishes calculation of the condition as fast as the result is known.
The result predicate tests the condition as follows.
[PRED_1] OR ... OR [PRED_N]
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateXor ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) PredicateXor(predicates ...JobPredicate) JobPredicate
Xor returns a predicate which chains multiple predicates into a condition with XOR logic. The result predicate finishes calculation of the condition as fast as the result is known.
The result predicate tests the condition as follows.
(([PRED_1] XOR [PRED_2]) ... XOR [PRED_N])
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) SetCliContext ¶
Sets the CLI context for urfave/cli that is coming from the action function.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) SetRuntimeDepth ¶
Sets the runtime depth for the logger.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldDisable ¶
Sets the predicate that should conditionally disable the task list depending on the pipe variables.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunAfter(fn TaskListFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
Sets the function that should run after the task list.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore ¶
func (tl *TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldRunBefore(fn TaskListFn[Pipe]) *TaskList[Pipe]
Sets the function that should run before the task list.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) ShouldSkip ¶
Sets the predicate that should conditionally skip the task list depending on the pipe variables.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) ToCtx ¶ added in v5.6.0
func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) ToCtx() *TaskListCtx
Returns the context of the current task list.
func (*TaskList[Pipe]) Validate ¶
func (t *TaskList[Pipe]) Validate(data TaskListData) error
Validates the current pipe of the task list.
type TaskListCtx ¶ added in v5.6.0
type TaskListData ¶
type TaskListData interface { any }
type TaskListFn ¶
type TaskListFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(tl *TaskList[Pipe]) error
type TaskListJobFn ¶
type TaskListJobFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(tl *TaskList[Pipe]) Job
type TaskListOptions ¶
type TaskListOptions[Pipe TaskListData] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TaskListPredicateFn ¶
type TaskListPredicateFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(tl *TaskList[Pipe]) bool
type TaskOptions ¶
type TaskOptions[Pipe TaskListData] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type TaskPredicateFn ¶
type TaskPredicateFn[Pipe TaskListData] func(t *Task[Pipe]) bool
type TaskStatus ¶
type TaskStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields