Information Hub service is responsible for exporting and importing policy data
wrapped in Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations.
It is developed using the Goa v3 framework.
While the service is up and running, you can see a live Swagger API
description at servicehost:serviceport/swagger-ui
. In the local docker-compose
environment, the Swagger URL is available at http://localhost:8084/swagger-ui/
An export must be defined by Export Configuration stored in a MongoDB collection named exports
Clients trigger an export by making an HTTP GET request using the name of the export as path
parameter. No other parameters are necessary to perform an export except its name.
Export returns JSON data wrapped as Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations.
The data itself is the result of one or more policy executions and is always taken from
the Cache service. If data for a given export is not found in the Cache, then policy evaluation
is triggered so that the data can be placed in Cache for future exports.
After the data is retrieved from Cache, it is wrapped in VC/VP
and is given to the Signer service for adding a VP proof.
flowchart LR
A([client]) -- GET --> B["/v1/export/{name}"]
subgraph infohub
B --> C[(Export\nConfiguration)]
subgraph data
D[Policy] --> E[Cache]
infohub --> data
data --> F
An import can put arbitrary external JSON data into the TSA Cache.
The data must be wrapped as Verifiable Presentation, similar to exports.
If VP proofs are verified successfully, the data is inserted into the Cache
and the cache key by which the data can later be retrieved is returned
in the response to the import request.
flowchart LR
A([client]) -- POST --> B["/v1/import"]
subgraph infohub
B --> C[/Verify Proofs/]
C --valid--> D[Cache]
Dependencies and Vendor
The project uses Go modules for managing dependencies and we commit the vendor directory.
When you add/change dependencies, be sure to clean and update the vendor directory before
submitting your Merge Request for review.
go mod tidy
go mod vendor
Tests and Linters
To execute the units tests for the service go to the root project directory and run:
go test -race ./...
To run the linters go to the root project directory and run:
golangci-lint run
Apache 2.0 license