THORChain is a decentralised liquidity network built with CosmosSDK and TSS-lib
Learn how to be a Node Operator:
THORChain offers various features that wallets, exchanges, services and individuals can interact with.
There is no frontend to THORChain; THORChain responds only to layer-1 transactions posted to the following addresses, which churn regularly:
Learn how to integrate THORChain here:
Learn about the ecosystem here:
Install dependencies, you may skip packages you already have.
apt-get update
apt-get install -y git make golang-go protobuf-compiler
brew install golang coreutils binutils diffutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk grep make git protobuf
# Follow post-setup instructions...
# Your $PATH should look something like this
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:opt/homebrew/opt/libpq/bin:/opt/homebrew/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
On recent Mac machines, you may need to set a higher-priority path to replace awk
with gawk
ln -sf $(which gawk) /usr/local/bin/awk
Install Docker and Docker Compose V2.
Ensure you have a recent version of go (scripts/check-env.sh) and enabled go modules.
to your PATH
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
Automated Install Locally
Clone repo
git clone https://gitlab.com/thorchain/thornode.git
cd thornode
Install via this make
make go-generate openapi proto-gen install
Once you've installed thornode
, check that they are there.
thornode help
Start Standalone Full Stack
For development and running a full chain locally (your own separate network), use the following command on the project root folder:
make run-mocknet
See build/docker/README.md for more detailed documentation on the THORNode images and local mocknet environment.
Simulate Local Churn
# reset mocknet cluster
make reset-mocknet-cluster
# increase churn interval as desired from the default 60 blocks
make cli-mocknet
> thornode tx thorchain mimir CHURNINTERVAL 1000 --from dog $TX_FLAGS
# bootstrap vaults from simulation test add liquidity transactions
make bootstrap-mocknet
# verify vault balances
curl -s localhost:1317/thorchain/vaults/asgard | jq '.[0].coins'
# watch logs for churn
make logs-mocknet
# verify active nodes
curl -s localhost:1317/thorchain/nodes | jq '[.[]|select(.status=="Active")]|length'
# disable future churns if desired
make cli-mocknet
> thornode tx thorchain mimir CHURNINTERVAL 1000000 --from dog $TX_FLAGS
See build/docker/README.md for more detailed documentation on the THORNode images and local mocknet environment.
Simulation Tests
More details on simulation tests can be found in the Simulation Test README.
make test-simulation
make format
Run tests
make test
By default, computationally-expensive tests like those for go-tss
are excluded from this target. To fully test the entire codebase, leverage:
make test-all
To tests only go-tss
make test-go-tss
Regression Tests
We expose a testing framework that allows the definition of test cases and suites using a DSL in YAML. Providing a regular expression to the RUN
environment variable will match against files in test/regression/suites
to filter tests to run.
make test-regression
# with more detailed logs
DEBUG=1 make test-regression
# with specific test filters
RUN=core make test-regression
RUN=mimir/deprecate-ilp test-regression
# overwrite export state
EXPORT=1 make test-regression
Ledger CLI Support
cd cmd/thornode
go build -tags cgo,ledger
./thornode keys add ledger1 --ledger
- Create an issue or find an existing issue on https://gitlab.com/thorchain/thornode/-/issues
- About to work on an issue? Start a conversation at #thornode-dev channel on discord
- Assign the issue to yourself
- Create a branch using the issue id, for example if the issue you are working on is 600, then create a branch call
, this way, GitLab will link your PR with the issue
- Raise a PR, Once your PR is ready for review, post a message in #thornode-dev channel in discord, tag
for review
- If you do not have the required permissions, the pipeline will not be able to run. In this instance you will need to setup & register a local runner
- If you have completed this step (or have the required permissions to use the shared runners) make sure the pipeline completes and all is green
- Once the PR gets all required approvals by other contributors, it can be merged
Current active branch is develop
, so when you open PR, make sure your target branch is develop
THORChain follows a Architectural Decision Record process outlined here:
The network soft-forks once a month (asynchronous upgrades), and hard-forks once a year (synchronous upgrade).
Vulnerabilities and Bug Bounties
If you find a vulnerability in THORNode, please submit it for a bounty according to these guidelines.
the semantic version and release
THORNode manage changelog entry the same way like Gitlab, refer to (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/changelog.html) for more detail. Once a merge request get merged into master branch,
if the merge request upgrades the version, then a new release will be created automatically, and the repository will be tagged with
the new version by the release tool.
New Chain Integrations
The process to integrate a new chain into THORChain is multifaceted. As it requires changes to multiple repos in multiple languages (golang
, python
, and javascript
To learn more about how to add a new chain, follow this doc
To learn more about creating your own private chain as a testing and development environment, follow this doc