Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, name, value string, inDays int)
- func AddSecureCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, name, value string, inDays int)
- func CheckPassword(pw string, ignore bool) bool
- func GenPassword() string
- func GenRedisQRKey(qr_id string) (rv string)
- func GenUUID() string
- func GenerateQRCodeURL(qr_id string, ty string) (qr_url string)
- func GenerateSecret() string
- func GetRedisValues(key string) (rv string, err error)
- func Handle2FADevSetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func Handle2FAGetMoreDevOtk(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func Handle2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func Handle2FAValidatePin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleAdminChangePassword(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleChangePassword(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleComplete2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleConfirmEmail(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleCreateRegistrationToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleDeleteDevUnPwOrTokenAcct(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleDevUnPwLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleIs2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleIsEmailUsed(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleIsPasswordValid(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleIsUsernameUsed(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleLogin_v2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleLogout(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleQRCodeGenerate(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleQRCodeRawGenerate(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleReValidateLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRecoverPassword_pt1(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRecoverPassword_pt2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRecoverPassword_pt3(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRegister(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRegisterDevUnPw(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleRegisterTokenUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HandleStatus(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func HaveCookie(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cookieName string) bool
- func NewAuthCheckerHandler(handler http.Handler, mux *ymux.ServeMux, out io.Writer, ...) http.Handler
- func PgCreateNewAuthTokenForUser(user_id string) (auth_token string, err error)
- func PgCreateNewAuthTokenUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ...) (user_id, raw string, err error)
- func PgCreateNewUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ...) (user_id, email_recovery_token, auth_token, setup_2fa_token, raw, qr_id string, ...)
- func PgCreateNewUserDevUnPw(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ...) (user_id, raw string, err error)
- func PgFinializeUser(user_id string)
- func PgGetUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw string) (userID, auth_token, raw string, err error)
- func PgGetUserDevUnPw(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw string) (userID, auth_token, raw string, err error)
- func PgGetUserFromAuthToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, auth_token, pw string) (userID, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
- func PgGetUserFromEmailAddr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, email string) (user_id, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
- func PgGetUserFromRecoveryToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, token string) (userID, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
- func PgUpdateUserPassword(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, user_id, un, pw string) (err error)
- func QRCodeSaveToRedis(qr_id, un, user_id, secret string)
- func SetCookie(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cookieName, value string, ...)
- func SetJsonHdr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func SetJsonPHdr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
- func SetRedisSesionState(key, data string)
- func SetSecureCookie(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, cookieName, value string, ...)
- func Setup(gcfg *ymux.BaseConfigType, dbf map[string]bool, f *os.File, base string, ...)
- func SetupCall()
- func SetupMux(mux *ymux.ServeMux)
- func SetupNoDoc(b bool)
- func SetupProcCheck()
- func Sha1String(s string) []byte
- func TestSetLogFilePtr()
- func UpdateTOMarkAs2faSetup(user_id, secret string) (err error)
- type AuthCheckHandler
- type CCreateAuthTokenUser
- type CCreateAuthTokenUserEnc
- type CCreateAuthTokenUserEncError
- type CCreateAuthTokenUserEncSuccess
- type CCreateAuthTokenUserError
- type CCreateAuthTokenUserSuccess
- type CCreateDevUnPwUser
- type CCreateDevUnPwUserEnc
- type CCreateDevUnPwUserEncError
- type CCreateDevUnPwUserEncSuccess
- type CCreateDevUnPwUserError
- type CCreateDevUnPwUserSuccess
- type CGetConfig
- type CGetConfigSuccess
- type CLoginUser
- type CLoginUserEnc
- type CLoginUserEncError
- type CLoginUserEncSuccess
- type CLoginUserError
- type CLoginUserSuccess
- type CRandomString
- type CRandomStringError
- type CRandomStringSuccess
- type CRegisterUser
- type CRegisterUserEnc
- type CRegisterUserEncError
- type CRegisterUserEncSuccess
- type CRegisterUserError
- type CRegisterUserSuccess
- type CSetup2FaTables
- type CSetup2FaTablesError
- type CSetup2FaTablesSuccess
- type CValidate2FaPin
- type CValidate2FaPinEnc
- type CValidate2FaPinEncError
- type CValidate2FaPinEncSuccess
- type CValidate2FaPinError
- type CValidate2FaPinSuccess
- type QRData
- type SCheckPriv
- type SCheckPrivError
- type SCheckPrivSuccess
Constants ¶
const NIterations = 25000
NIterations is the number of iterations that pbkdf2 hasing will use
Variables ¶
var BaseServerUrl string
var DB *sql.DB
var DbFlag = make(map[string]bool)
var GitCommit string
var QueryConfig = []ymux.CrudQueryConfig{ { CrudBaseConfig: ymux.CrudBaseConfig{ URIPath: "/api/v2/list-sub-acct", AuthKey: false, JWTKey: true, TableNameList: []string{"t_ymux_user"}, AuthPrivs: []string{"user:admin"}, ParameterList: []ymux.ParamListItem{ {ReqVar: "user_id"}, }, DocTag: "<h2>/api/v2/list-sub-acct", }, QueryString: ` select "id", "username", "acct_expire", "acct_type", "auth_token", "config", "created", "default_image", "default_title", "email", "org_user_id", "parent_user_id", "real_name", "realm", "user_role", "roles_privs" from "t_ymux_user" where "parent_user_id" = $1 order by "real_name" `, }, { CrudBaseConfig: ymux.CrudBaseConfig{ URIPath: "/api/v2/list-registration-tokens", AuthKey: false, JWTKey: true, TableNameList: []string{"t_ymux_registration_token"}, AuthPrivs: []string{"user"}, ParameterList: []ymux.ParamListItem{}, DocTag: "<h2>/api/v2/list-registration-tokens", }, QueryString: ` select * from "t_ymux_registration_token" order by "created" `, }, }
var StoredProcConfig = []ymux.CrudStoredProcConfig{}
var TableConfig = []ymux.CrudConfig{}
Functions ¶
func AddCookie ¶
func AddCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, name, value string, inDays int)
addCookie will apply a new cookie to the response of a http request, with the key/value this method is passed.
func AddSecureCookie ¶
func AddSecureCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, name, value string, inDays int)
func CheckPassword ¶
CheckPassword if ignore is false will use remote site to validate password. ignore should be true for things like the old password when chaning passwords (so you can upgrade a password).
Documented: GET{first 5 hash chars}
Examlple Call:
if CheckPassword(newPhrase, isOldPassword) == false { Fatalf(3, "Password is a known to be leaked (pwned) password - you will need to use a different password\n") }
func GenPassword ¶
func GenPassword() string
func GenRedisQRKey ¶
func GenerateQRCodeURL ¶
convert from a qr_id to the URL for the QR image.
func GenerateSecret ¶
func GenerateSecret() string
func GetRedisValues ¶
GetRedisValue looks in redis for the `key` and gets back the value from that key or it returns an error.
func Handle2FADevSetup ¶
func Handle2FADevSetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func Handle2FAGetMoreDevOtk ¶
func Handle2FAGetMoreDevOtk(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
xyzzy555 - Implement this - mux.Handle("/api/v2/2fa-get-more-dev-otk", http.HandlerFunc(Handle2FAGetMoreDevOtk)).DocTag("<h2>/api/v2/2fa-get-more-dev-otk").Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{
func Handle2FASetup ¶
func Handle2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
Handle2FASetup takes the email_token and returns the .PNG and the set of one-time-keys (OTK) to the client to display for the user.
func Handle2FAValidatePin ¶
func Handle2FAValidatePin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/2fa-validate-pin", http.HandlerFunc(Handle2FAValidatePin)).DocTag("<h2>/api/v2/2fa-setup").Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ "username" : g_username , "user_id" : g_user_id , "pin2fa" : $("#pin2fa").val()
func HandleAdminChangePassword ¶
func HandleAdminChangePassword(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/admin-change-password", http.HandlerFunc(HandleChangePassword)).Method("GET", "POST").AuthRequired().NoDoc().Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ change password - from an admin account. user_id has to be passed.
func HandleChangePassword ¶
func HandleChangePassword(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/change-password", http.HandlerFunc(HandleChangePassword)).Method("GET", "POST").AuthRequired().NoDoc().Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ change password
func HandleComplete2FASetup ¶
func HandleComplete2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/complete-2fa-setup", http.HandlerFunc(HandleComplete2FASetup)).DocTag("<h2>/api/v2/complete-2fa-setup").Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ {Name: "email_token", Required: true, Lable: "Email Token", MinLen: 1, Type: "s"}, {Name: "callback", Required: false, Lable: "(optional) Callback", MinLen: 1, Type: "s"}, })
Purpose - set the "setup_2fa_complete" for this user to 'y'
func HandleConfirmEmail ¶
func HandleConfirmEmail(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleConfirmEmail takes an email confirmation token and updates the user to mark that they have confirmed the email address.
Request Inputs:
token Requred - and must not be expired.
func HandleCreateRegistrationToken ¶
func HandleCreateRegistrationToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/create-registration-token", http.HandlerFunc(HandleCreateRegistrationToken)).DocTag("<h2>/api/v2/create-registration-token").NoDoc(setDocFlag).Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ {Name: "email_to", Required: true, Lable: "Email Adddress", MinLen: 1, Type: "s"}, })
nfcauth=# \d t_ymux_registration_token
Table "public.t_ymux_registration_token" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | character varying(40) | | not null | uuid_generate_v4() user_id | character varying(40) | | | token | character varying(40) | | not null | updated | timestamp without time zone | | | created | timestamp without time zone | | not null | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
"t_ymux_registration_token_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "t_ymux_registration_token_p1" btree (token)
t_ymux_registration_token_trig BEFORE UPDATE ON t_ymux_registration_token FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE t_ymux_registration_token_upd()
func HandleDeleteDevUnPwOrTokenAcct ¶
func HandleDeleteDevUnPwOrTokenAcct(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleDevUnPwLogin ¶
func HandleDevUnPwLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleDevUnPwLogin is a login handler for dev-un-pw-acct types. It checks the username/password and if the hashed password matches then success is achieved. This type of an account will not use 2fa - so a jwt_token is returned. This is most likely aliased to /api/v2/token API end point.
This calls `PgGetUser` and that will call the stored procedure `c_login_user` to acces the database info on this user.
func HandleIs2FASetup ¶
func HandleIs2FASetup(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleIs2FASetup will return success - this is for a call after registation to get the rest of login.
func HandleIsEmailUsed ¶
func HandleIsEmailUsed(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleIsPasswordValid ¶
func HandleIsPasswordValid(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleIsUsernameUsed ¶
func HandleIsUsernameUsed(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleLogin ¶
func HandleLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleLogin is a login handler. It checks the username/password and if the hashed password matches then success is achieved. If 2FA is enabled then this will not return a jwt_token. The 2fa device must be activated before the token is returned.
This calls `PgGetUser` and that will call the stored procedure `c_login_user` to acces the database info on this user.
func HandleLogin_v2 ¶
func HandleLogin_v2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleLogin is a login handler. It checks the username/password and if the hashed password matches then success is achieved. If 2FA is enabled then this will not return a jwt_token. The 2fa device must be activated before the token is returned.
This calls `PgGetUser` and that will call the stored procedure `c_login_user_enc` to acces the database info on this user.
func HandleLogout ¶
func HandleLogout(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleLogout is the server side of a logout operation. The `auth_token` is deleted. This will invalidate any JWT tokens that depend on it.
func HandleQRCodeGenerate ¶
func HandleQRCodeGenerate(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleQRCodeRawGenerate ¶
func HandleQRCodeRawGenerate(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleReValidateLogin ¶
func HandleReValidateLogin(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
mux.Handle("/api/v2/validate-login", http.HandlerFunc(HandleReValidateLogin)).DocTag("<h2>/api/v2/is-password-valid").NoDoc(setDocFlag).Inputs([]*ymux.MuxInput{ // xyzzy - re-validate a login and update (after 1 week)
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt1 ¶
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt1(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
recover password pt1/pt2/pt3 Request Recovery Email, Set token and timeout in d.b.
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt2 ¶
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleRecoverPassword_pt2 takes you to the page with the input boxes for the new password.
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt3 ¶
func HandleRecoverPassword_pt3(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
Using Token - and new password - update password, Send email that it is being changed gCfg.RecoverPW_pt3_URI
func HandleRegister ¶
func HandleRegister(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleRegister registered a new user.
Request Inputs:
username password again real_name email
Debug Flag: "HandleRegister"
func HandleRegisterDevUnPw ¶
func HandleRegisterDevUnPw(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func HandleRegisterTokenUser ¶
func HandleRegisterTokenUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
Description: Create an account that logins with a single token. The only identificaiton for the account is the token. The token should be kept secret - it is the password.
Request Inputs:
user_id is form the login/authenciation JWT token and can not be passed in. app_name is a user specificad application name string - it serves to identify the account but is not used in the login process to the account.
func HandleStatus ¶
func HandleStatus(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
HandleStatus - server to respond with a working message if up.
func HaveCookie ¶
func NewAuthCheckerHandler ¶
func NewAuthCheckerHandler(handler http.Handler, mux *ymux.ServeMux, out io.Writer, cfg *ymux.BaseConfigType) http.Handler
NewAuthCheckerHandler returns a new http.Handler that checks authenticaiton.
func PgCreateNewAuthTokenForUser ¶
claims["auth_token"] = PgCreateNewAuthTokenForUser ( user_id )
func PgCreateNewUser ¶
func PgCreateNewUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw, real_name, email_addr, registration_token string) (user_id, email_recovery_token, auth_token, setup_2fa_token, raw, qr_id string, err error)
func PgCreateNewUser(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw, real_name, email_addr string) (user_id, email_recovery_token, auth_token, setup_2fa_token, raw string, qq ymux.QRMsGetQrDataType, err error) {
func PgCreateNewUserDevUnPw ¶
func PgFinializeUser ¶
func PgFinializeUser(user_id string)
func PgGetUserDevUnPw ¶
func PgGetUserDevUnPw(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw string) (userID, auth_token, raw string, err error)
user_id, auth_token, raw, err := PgGetUserDevUnPw(www, req, gCfg.AuthRealm, un, pw)
func PgGetUserFromAuthToken ¶
func PgGetUserFromAuthToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, auth_token, pw string) (userID, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
user_id, un, err := PgGetUserFromAuthToken(www, req, gCfg.AuthRealm, auth_token, old_pw)
func PgGetUserFromEmailAddr ¶
func PgGetUserFromEmailAddr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, email string) (user_id, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
PgGetUserFromEmailAddr looks up a user and returns information on that user iff the user is email_conirmed and if 2fa setup in use and complete.
func PgGetUserFromRecoveryToken ¶
func PgGetUserFromRecoveryToken(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, token string) (userID, un, real_name, emailaddr string, err error)
user_id, un, err := PgGetUserFromAuthToken(www, req, gCfg.AuthRealm, auth_token, old_pw)
func PgUpdateUserPassword ¶
func QRCodeSaveToRedis ¶
func QRCodeSaveToRedis(qr_id, un, user_id, secret string)
QRCodeSaveToRedis will push the QR data to redis with TTL
func SetJsonHdr ¶
func SetJsonHdr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func SetJsonPHdr ¶
func SetJsonPHdr(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
func SetRedisSesionState ¶
func SetRedisSesionState(key, data string)
SetRedisSesionState Sets `key` to value `data` in redis.
func SetSecureCookie ¶
func SetupProcCheck ¶
func SetupProcCheck()
func Sha1String ¶
Sha1String takes the sha1 has of a string and returns it.
func TestSetLogFilePtr ¶
func TestSetLogFilePtr()
func UpdateTOMarkAs2faSetup ¶
update user to mark as 2fa Setup complete
Types ¶
type AuthCheckHandler ¶
type AuthCheckHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AuthCheckHandler) IsAuthRequired ¶
func (h *AuthCheckHandler) IsAuthRequired(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) (bool, []string)
IsAuthRequired will return true if the mux has AuthRequired set to true.
func (*AuthCheckHandler) ServeHTTP ¶
func (h *AuthCheckHandler) ServeHTTP(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)
ServeHTTP is a standard http.Handler that checks to see if this path requires authentication. If authentication is required then it is checked before going to the next layer down.
type CCreateAuthTokenUser ¶
type CCreateAuthTokenUser struct { Status string Success *CCreateAuthTokenUserSuccess Error *CCreateAuthTokenUserError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCCreateAuthTokenUser ¶
func CallCCreateAuthTokenUser(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CCreateAuthTokenUser, err error)
CallCCreateAuthTokenUser calls c_create_auth_token_user stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CCreateAuthTokenUserEnc ¶
type CCreateAuthTokenUserEnc struct { Status string Success *CCreateAuthTokenUserEncSuccess Error *CCreateAuthTokenUserEncError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCCreateAuthTokenUserEnc ¶
func CallCCreateAuthTokenUserEnc(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CCreateAuthTokenUserEnc, err error)
CallCCreateAuthTokenUserEnc calls c_create_auth_token_user_enc stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CCreateAuthTokenUserEncSuccess ¶
type CCreateAuthTokenUserEncSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CCreateAuthTokenUserSuccess ¶
type CCreateAuthTokenUserSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CCreateDevUnPwUser ¶
type CCreateDevUnPwUser struct { Status string Success *CCreateDevUnPwUserSuccess Error *CCreateDevUnPwUserError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCCreateDevUnPwUser ¶
func CallCCreateDevUnPwUser(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CCreateDevUnPwUser, err error)
CallCCreateDevUnPwUser calls c_create_dev_un_pw_user stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CCreateDevUnPwUserEnc ¶
type CCreateDevUnPwUserEnc struct { Status string Success *CCreateDevUnPwUserEncSuccess Error *CCreateDevUnPwUserEncError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCCreateDevUnPwUserEnc ¶
func CallCCreateDevUnPwUserEnc(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CCreateDevUnPwUserEnc, err error)
CallCCreateDevUnPwUserEnc calls c_create_dev_un_pw_user_enc stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CCreateDevUnPwUserEncSuccess ¶
type CCreateDevUnPwUserEncSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CCreateDevUnPwUserError ¶
type CCreateDevUnPwUserSuccess ¶
type CCreateDevUnPwUserSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CGetConfig ¶
type CGetConfig struct { Status string Success *CGetConfigSuccess Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCGetConfig ¶
func CallCGetConfig(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CGetConfig, err error)
CallCGetConfig calls c_get_config stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CGetConfigSuccess ¶
type CGetConfigSuccess struct { }
type CLoginUser ¶
type CLoginUser struct { Status string Success *CLoginUserSuccess Error *CLoginUserError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCLoginUser ¶
func CallCLoginUser(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CLoginUser, err error)
CallCLoginUser calls c_login_user stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CLoginUserEnc ¶
type CLoginUserEnc struct { Status string Success *CLoginUserEncSuccess Error *CLoginUserEncError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCLoginUserEnc ¶
func CallCLoginUserEnc(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CLoginUserEnc, err error)
CallCLoginUserEnc calls c_login_user_enc stored procedure and returns typed data.
func PgGetUser_v2 ¶
func PgGetUser_v2(www http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, realm, un, pw string) (Ty CLoginUserEnc, err error)
type CLoginUserEncError ¶
type CLoginUserEncSuccess ¶
type CLoginUserEncSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` EmailConfirmed string `json:"email_confirmed"` Email string `json:"email"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` Pwh string `json:"pwh"` Salt string `json:"salt"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` AcctType string `json:"acct_type"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` RFC6238Secret string `json:"RFC6238Secret"` }
type CLoginUserError ¶
type CLoginUserSuccess ¶
type CLoginUserSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` EmailConfirmed string `json:"email_confirmed"` Email string `json:"email"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` Pwh string `json:"pwh"` Salt string `json:"salt"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` AcctType string `json:"acct_type"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` RFC6238Secret string `json:"RFC6238Secret"` }
type CRandomString ¶
type CRandomString struct { Status string Success *CRandomStringSuccess Error *CRandomStringError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCRandomString ¶
func CallCRandomString(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CRandomString, err error)
CallCRandomString calls c_random_string stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CRandomStringError ¶
type CRandomStringSuccess ¶
type CRegisterUser ¶
type CRegisterUser struct { Status string Success *CRegisterUserSuccess Error *CRegisterUserError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCRegisterUser ¶
func CallCRegisterUser(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CRegisterUser, err error)
CallCRegisterUser calls c_register_user stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CRegisterUserEnc ¶
type CRegisterUserEnc struct { Status string Success *CRegisterUserEncSuccess Error *CRegisterUserEncError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCRegisterUserEnc ¶
func CallCRegisterUserEnc(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CRegisterUserEnc, err error)
CallCRegisterUserEnc calls c_register_user_enc stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CRegisterUserEncError ¶
type CRegisterUserEncSuccess ¶
type CRegisterUserEncSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CRegisterUserError ¶
type CRegisterUserSuccess ¶
type CRegisterUserSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Setup2FaToken string `json:"setup_2fa_token"` X2FaId string `json:"x2fa_id"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CSetup2FaTables ¶
type CSetup2FaTables struct { Status string Success *CSetup2FaTablesSuccess Error *CSetup2FaTablesError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCSetup2FaTables ¶
func CallCSetup2FaTables(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CSetup2FaTables, err error)
CallCSetup2FaTables calls c_setup_2fa_tables stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CSetup2FaTablesError ¶
type CSetup2FaTablesSuccess ¶
type CSetup2FaTablesSuccess struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
type CValidate2FaPin ¶
type CValidate2FaPin struct { Status string Success *CValidate2FaPinSuccess Error *CValidate2FaPinError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCValidate2FaPin ¶
func CallCValidate2FaPin(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CValidate2FaPin, err error)
CallCValidate2FaPin calls c_validate_2fa_pin stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CValidate2FaPinEnc ¶
type CValidate2FaPinEnc struct { Status string Success *CValidate2FaPinEncSuccess Error *CValidate2FaPinEncError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallCValidate2FaPinEnc ¶
func CallCValidate2FaPinEnc(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet CValidate2FaPinEnc, err error)
CallCValidate2FaPinEnc calls c_validate_2fa_pin_enc stored procedure and returns typed data.
type CValidate2FaPinEncError ¶
type CValidate2FaPinEncSuccess ¶
type CValidate2FaPinEncSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` FoundOtk string `json:"found_otk"` Secret string `json:"secret"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type CValidate2FaPinError ¶
type CValidate2FaPinSuccess ¶
type CValidate2FaPinSuccess struct { Status string `json:"status"` UserId string `json:"user_id"` FoundOtk string `json:"found_otk"` Secret string `json:"secret"` AuthToken string `json:"auth_token"` Auth2FaEnabled string `json:"Auth2faEnabled"` AuthLoginOnRegister string `json:"AuthLoginOnRegister"` AuthEmailConfirm string `json:"AuthEmailConfirm"` }
type QRData ¶
func QRCodeGetFromRedis ¶
QRCodeGetFromRedis fetches back the data from Redis for the specified qr_id. Data is parsed and returned.
type SCheckPriv ¶
type SCheckPriv struct { Status string Success *SCheckPrivSuccess Error *SCheckPrivError Raw string MapOf map[string]interface{} }
func CallSCheckPriv ¶
func CallSCheckPriv(plist ...interface{}) (TyRet SCheckPriv, err error)
CallSCheckPriv calls s_check_priv stored procedure and returns typed data.