RAM: 256 Mb (130 Mb is used by Argon)
Get started
.. code-block:: bash
make all
Go to http://localhost:9090
Docker images
:code:`https://registry.gitlab.com/pashinin.com/api:master` - rebuilds on each commit
:code:`https://registry.gitlab.com/pashinin.com/api:stable` - rebuilds on tags and stable branch changes
DEV username/password to login
Username: :code:`admin@localhost`
Password: :code:`password`
Argon2 of "password": :code:`$argon2id$v=19$m=1024,t=3,p=1$MTIzNDU2YXNk$6zQXmU2m3HdqXF1iof7GP+vOS+ae5o/PVtxOi8aooJE`
Use :code:`./api -help` to see options.
Environment variables
Following environment variables must be set:
:code:`AUTH_SECRET` - used to sign JWT (on login). Empty by default. API
will not start if it is empty. Automatically set to "123" while in
development mode (in Makefile).
Each tree can send an receive messages (using NATS) which are then
passed through a websocket connection to the browser.
Messages path:
:code:`Endpoint -> NATS -> subscription (websocket.go) -> websocket`
Subscription to NATS channel (inside API) exists only within established
websocket connection.
Health checks
You can view Health checks under :code:`/healthcheck`. Code is written
in router.go.
code 200 - everything is ok
code 500 - not ok
What is checked:
#. captchaStorage (created and connected)
#. JDI health
Prometheus metrics ix exported at :code:`/metrics`.