= muserv
image:https://goreportcard.com/badge/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv[link="https://goreportcard.com/report/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv",title="Go Report Card"]
image:https://api.reuse.software/badge/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv[link="https://api.reuse.software/info/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv", title="REUSE status"]
Simple command line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Plug_and_Play[UPnP] music server for Linux that allows a flexible structuring of your music in content hierarchies. Supported music file types include https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3[MP3], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLAC[FLAC], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorbis[Ogg Vorbis], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opus_(audio_format)[Opus], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Audio_Coding[AAC], https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Lossless[Alac] and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4_Part_14[MP4/M4a]. In addition muserve can read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U[M3U playlists] in simple and extended format.
muserv contains link:doc/checks.adoc[checks] that can be executed to detect potential inconsistencies in the music database.
== Installation
=== Installation with Package Managers
For https://archlinux.org/[Arch Linux] (and other Linux distros that can install packages from the Arch User Repository) there's a https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/muserv-git/[muserv package in AUR].
=== Manual Installation
==== Build muserv
muserv is written in https://golang.org/[Golang] and thus requires the installation of https://golang.org/project/[Go]. Make sure that you've set the environment variable `GOPATH` accordingly, and make also sure that https://git-scm.com/[git] is installed.
To download muserv and all dependencies, open a terminal and enter
$ go get gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv
After that, build muserv by executing
$ cd $GOPATH/src/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv
$ make
Finally, execute
$ make install
as `root` to copy the muserv binary to `/usr/bin`.
==== Create the muserv system user
muserv requires the system user `muserv`. To create it with systemd, just execute
$ cp $GOPATH/src/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv/cfg/sysusers.conf /usr/lib/sysusers.d/muserv.conf
$ systemd-sysusers
as `root`. Without systemd, create the user with the corresponding command of your distribution. The user does neither require a home directory nor a shell.
Make sure that the muserv system user has read access to your music directory.
==== Create directories
Create a cache and a log directory for muserv (per default, that's `/var/cache/muserv` and `/var/log/muserv`):
$ mkdir /var/cache/muserv
$ mkdir /var/log/muserv
Make sure that the muserv system user has write access to both directories.
==== Copy configuration files
To copy the muserv configuration files, execute
$ mkdir /etc/muserv
$ cd $GOPATH/src/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv/cfg
$ cp config-default.json /etc/muserv
$ cp ConnectionManager.xml /etc/muserv
$ cp ContentDirectory.xml /etc/muserv
as `root`.
== Configuration
Copy the default configuration by executing
$ cp /etc/muserv/config-default.json /etc/muserv/config.json
as `root`.
The only required change is to set the music directory/ies. Therefore, edit `/etc/muserv/config.json` as `root` and set the absolute paths of your music directories in `music_dirs`. link:doc/configuration.adoc[Here] you find a more detailed description of the configuration options.
## Run muserv
$ muserv test
to check if the muserv configuration is complete and consistent.
muserv comes with a systemd service. Start it by executing
$ systemctl start muserv.service
as `root`. If you did not install muserv via package manager, you have to copy the service file prior to that by executing
$ cp $GOPATH/src/gitlab.com/mipimipi/muserv/systemd/muserv.service /etc/systemd/system/muserv.service
as `root`.
Now, you can see the muserv status by entering the URL <IP-address-of-your-server:8008> in a browser.
Have fun with muserv :)
## Limitations
So far, muserv does not support the following features:
* searching for music
* creation of playlists
* manipulation of tag values (for display or sorting, for example)
* UPnP "tracking changes option" - However, muserv keeps track of changes in your music library.