Rancher CLI provides tools for configuring Rancher projects and RBAC.
The subcommand configure-project creates a Rancher project using a specification in a YAML file. If the YAML file specifies namespaces, the subcommand will create these namespaces with resource quota as well.
The subcommand configure-global-roles creates global roles in Rancher. This command should only to be used while bootstrapping the Rancher environment.
The subcommand manage-service-account creates a K8s service account in the services namespace and saves this in the GitLab group.
Each customer has a namespace with the name <customer>-services.
In this namespace a service account is created with the name <customer>-deployer.
The service account gets rolebindings in each namespaces of the customer, to the clusterrole as specified in param cluster-role. With these rolebindings the serviceaccount has sufficient permissions to perform rollout of applications. The cluster role is managed by Rancher as a global project role.
The token for the service account is saved in a Kubernetes environment in the GitLab group(s) of the customer. This facilitates the pipelines for authorization to the clusters.
The token for the service account is rotated. The lifetime is specified in the param token-lifetime with a default of 60 minutes. After expiry of the lifetime a new token is created. Older tokens are removed, but only if a new token was issued at least for the duration of lifetime. This is to make sure running pipelines keep working. The token rotation assumes the command manage-service-account is run as a scheduled task at least every hour.
Design a global role model and implement that in this tool. Currently only one global role will vbe created.
Test if all preconditions are met to make the Rancher project operational.