The environment-cli is a command line interface to create a Kubernetes environment for customers of CNO-based Kubernetes clusters and to integrate it with other CNO components such as GitLab and Harbor.
In case integration with other components is configured, make sure that an environment is already created in those components using e.g. gitlab-cli, harbor-cli.
The configure-environment
command creates:
- One or more namespaces in one or more Kubernetes clusters with specific labels (also enables Crunchy Postgres operator in the namespace when configured)
- Service accounts, secrets, role bindings, network policies, resource quota in the namespaces
- Impersonation
- Kubernetes integration with the clusters configured in GitLab group
- Harbor integration with the customer's project(s) configured in a
secret in the namespaces
The configure-cluster
command creates:
- A set of cluster roles that can later be bound to service accounts and users in the namespaces
GitLab to Kubernetes
The environment-cli creates a service account deployer
which is bound to a cluster role that is defined in the configuration and must be created on beforehand with the configure-cluster
Kubernetes to Harbor
The environment-cli creates a secret named harbor-puller
with credentials for the account that can be found in GitLab variables as defined in the configuration.
Users in Kubernetes
The environment-cli creates role bindings between LDAP groups and cluster roles in the namespaces, as specified in the configuration. The cluster roles must be created on beforehand with the configure-cluster
Postgres Operator
The environment-cli creates a number of service accounts for use by the Postgres Operator, plus role bindings. It also creates a secret pgo-user-admin
with credentials that can be used for the PGO API for actions in that namespace.
Impersonator Clusterrole
The environment-cli creates a clusterrole and clusterrolebinding for impersonation, plus a rolebinding per namespace where the impersonation is needed. To enable the impersonation clusterrole please use the following config:
- stage: OT
user: sample_user
group: sample_group
- name: sample-ontwikkel
- clusterrole: tenant-readwrite
user: sample-user
Feature add harbor-puller secret in customer namespace
This feature creates harbor puller secrets in the customer namespaces.
To enable this feature add section harbor_pullers at the environment section.
- stage: OT
- name: harbor-puller
registry: harbor.localhost
group_path: customer
The harbor robot credentials will be looked up from gitlab customer group variables with name CUSTOMER_HARBOR_ROBOT_NAME and CUSTOMER_HARBOR_ROBOT_SECRET.