Quick start
This service is configured using environment variables using github.com/kelseyhightower/envconfig
Envconfig supports the use of struct tags to specify alternate, default, and required environment variables.
Given the following config struct
var cfg struct {
Env string `default:"dev" envconfig:"ENV"`
Service struct {
Name string `default:"web-api" envconfig:"SERVICE_NAME"`
envPrefix := "WEB_API"
if err := envconfig.Process(envPrefix, &cfg); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("main : Parsing Config : %+v", err)
Envconfig will process value for cfg.Env
by first trying to populate it with the value for WEB_API_ENV
is not set, it will then check for ENV
. If envconfig can't find an environment variable value for either key, it will
populate it with "dev" as the default value.
will be populated by checking for the environment variable using the following using WEB_API_SERVICE_NAME
If that is not set, it will then check SERVICE_NAME
or set the default value to "web-api".
This service uses a multi-stage Dockerfile.
Since most projects will have additional packages that are contained in a parent directory from the service itself, the
service must be built from the project root directory and reference the Dockerfile for the target service.
docker build -f examples/aws-ecs-go-web-api/Dockerfile .
Hot reloads
When using docker-compose to run the services, it's a pain to manually stop/start the service to see your code changes.
This service using a multi-stage docker build and uses github.com/gravityblast/fresh
as the entrypoint for the target layer dev
. The docker-compose.yaml
config file references layer with target: dev
and mounts the source code for the project as a volume. Fresh with then monitor your code base and (re)starts your
service everytime you save a Go or template file.
Fresh using the configuration file fresh-auto-reload.conf