Kube Secreto 🤐
Manage your Kubernetes Secrets🔒 with one simple API
made just for secrets. With Kube Secreto you'll be able to:
- Create a Generic Secret
- List Secrets by NameSpace
- View Secret Payload
- Delete Secrets
For more information checkout the api documentation as well
as the development guide.
Note: This microservice has been made with learning
in mind. Please see the following blogs to learn more about
building applications with Kubernetes client-go.
The documentation includes reasons on why I designed the application this
way. I was inspired by Shubham Chadokar's blog on Build a Todo App in Golang, MongoDB, and React
and just for fun the label used for the secret data (shhh) was inspired by
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The Gang Gets Shushed
Deployment and Usage
You can deploy this application in different ways. There's out-of-cluster
for running the application on your local machine, as well as in-cluster
which allows you to deploy and access the application from Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes Cluster: You can create a local cluster using minikube or
use one of the several public offerings.
- Go: You must have GoLang installed in order to run this locally.
In order to use this application locally, you must pass the -local
flag. This allows us to use our local KUBECONFIG for connecting to
the cluster.
$ make build
# Launch the Secreto Server
$ ./secreto-server -local
In order to change the port, set the SECRETO_PORT environment
variable to the desired port.
This application can be hosted within a cluster and accessed from
anywhere with the correct configuration. In order to do this, you
can use the helm chart I created here.
Disclaimer: This should not be run in production since
secret data is exposed. In a production app, a login would
be required.
Project Avatar by Kristina Flour on Unsplash