This tool comes from my need not to leave my terminal and that, although there is the hub client, you can not create a pull request for any git host you'd like from your terminal
So this binary creates pull request from terminal, it has been thought so that it doesn't have your specific host, you can add it easily
Its behavior is trying to be as close as possible to the git commands behavior and its default values try to follow the github pull request defaults
go get -u
mergo --help
mergo [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-v, --verbose Add logs, you can have more logs by calling it more times
-d, --head= The head branch you want to merge into the base (default: the actual checked out branch)
-b, --base= The base branch you want to merge into (default: master)
-m, --message= The pull request message (default: If you have only one commit, it takes this commit's message)
-f, --force Force the pull request, doesn't ask you if you have unstaged changes or things like that
-c, --clipboard Copy the URLs of your merge requests to your clipboard
--remote= The remote to use (default: origin)
-r, --remote-url= The remote URLs to use. Note that this overwrite the "remote" option
-e, --force-edition Force the edition of the message event it already have a value
--delete-creds= Use this option when you want to delete the credentials of an host
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
# placed in a repository on a branch you want to pull into master
mergo -m "My first pull request with mergo !"
You can configure the default behavior of the binary through the git config by writing to the mergo
For example suppose the default branch you want to merge into is not master but staging you can write
git config add mergo.base staging
After that all the pull requests you are going to create with mergo are going to be merged into staging and not master
All the configurable values are:
- head
- base
- force
- clipboard
- remote
- remote-urls
- force-edition
- verbose
Note that if you want to configure verbose for a certain level (from 1 to 5) you must give an array of boolean and not an int, because of how the argument parsing lib works:
# set log level to 3
git config add mergo.verbose true,true,true
Personal config
In order to use it as any other git command I made an alias of it in git like that
git config --global '!mergo'
So that I can then run
git pr
Mergo actually support:
Do not hesitate to propose pull request to support more git hosts