Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Bool(v bool) *bool
- func CreateJWTOptionalMiddleware(s *Server) negroni.HandlerFunc
- func CreateJWTRequiredMiddleware(s *Server) negroni.HandlerFunc
- func Float64(v float64) *float64
- func GetUserIdentity(r *http.Request) (identity string, ok bool)
- func InitDbWithCfg(cfg *DatabaseConfig) (*gorm.DB, error)
- func Int(v int) *int
- func Int64(v int64) *int64
- func IsBotHandler(botHandler http.Handler, userHandler http.Handler) http.Handler
- func IsError(err error, target error) bool
- func IsSQLTxError(err error) bool
- func Max(x, y int64) int64
- func Min(x, y int64) int64
- func NewContextWithLogger(ctx context.Context, logger Logger) context.Context
- func NewPaginationRequest(r *http.Request) (*PaginationRequest, *ErrMsg)
- func NewRouter() *mux.Router
- func ParseHTMLTemplate(templateFilename string, data interface{}) (string, error)
- func ParseTemplate(templateFilename string, data interface{}) (string, error)
- func RandomString(strlen int) string
- func ReadEnvVar(name string) (string, error)
- func ReadLogVerbosityEnvVar() int
- func ReadRollbarLogVerbosityEnvVar() int
- func ReadStdLogEnvVar() bool
- func SameElements(a0, b0 []string) bool
- func SendEmail(sender, recipient, subject, body string) error
- func StrToSlice(tagsStr string) []string
- func String(v string) *string
- func StringSlice(src []string) []*string
- func Trace(skip int64) string
- func Unzip(buff bytes.Buffer, size int64, dest string, verbose bool) error
- func UnzipFile(zipfile string, dest string, verbose bool) error
- func UnzipImpl(reader *zip.Reader, dest string, verbose bool) error
- func ValidateAccessToken(token string, tx *gorm.DB) (*AccessToken, *ErrMsg)
- func WithStack(base error) error
- func WritePaginationHeaders(page PaginationResult, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
- type AccessToken
- type AccessTokenCreateRequest
- type AccessTokenCreateResponse
- type AccessTokens
- type DatabaseConfig
- type Detail
- type ErrMsg
- type FormatHandler
- type FormatHandlers
- type Handler
- type HandlerWithResult
- type Header
- type JWTMiddlewareIgn
- type Logger
- func LoggerFromContext(ctx context.Context) Logger
- func LoggerFromRequest(r *http.Request) Logger
- func NewLogger(reqID string, std bool, verbosity int) Logger
- func NewLoggerNoRollbar(reqID string, verbosity int) Logger
- func NewLoggerWithRollbarVerbosity(reqID string, std bool, verbosity, rollbarVerbosity int) Logger
- type Method
- type Methods
- type PaginationRequest
- type PaginationResult
- type ProtoResult
- type Queue
- func (st *Queue) Dequeue() (interface{}, *ErrMsg)
- func (st *Queue) DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() (interface{}, *ErrMsg)
- func (st *Queue) Enqueue(value interface{})
- func (st *Queue) Find(criteria func(element interface{}) bool) []int
- func (st *Queue) FindByIDs(ids []int) []interface{}
- func (st *Queue) FindOne(target interface{}) int
- func (st *Queue) GetCap() int
- func (st *Queue) GetElement(index int) (interface{}, *ErrMsg)
- func (st *Queue) GetElements() ([]interface{}, *ErrMsg)
- func (st *Queue) GetFilteredElements(offset, limit int) ([]interface{}, *ErrMsg)
- func (st *Queue) GetLen() int
- func (st *Queue) MoveToBack(target interface{}) *ErrMsg
- func (st *Queue) MoveToFront(target interface{}) *ErrMsg
- func (st *Queue) Remove(target interface{}) *ErrMsg
- func (st *Queue) Swap(a interface{}, b interface{}) *ErrMsg
- type Repository
- type Route
- type RouterConfigurer
- type Routes
- type SecureMethods
- type Server
- func (s *Server) Auth0RsaPublicKey() string
- func (s *Server) ConfigureRouterWithRoutes(pathPrefix string, router *mux.Router, routes Routes)
- func (s *Server) IsUsingSSL() bool
- func (s *Server) Run()
- func (s *Server) SetAuth0RsaPublicKey(key string)
- func (s *Server) SetRouter(router *mux.Router) *Server
- type TypeJSONResult
Constants ¶
const ErrorAuthJWTInvalid = 4001
ErrorAuthJWTInvalid is triggered when is not possible to get a user ID from the JWT in the request
const ErrorAuthNoUser = 4000
ErrorAuthNoUser is triggered when there's no user in the database with the claimed user ID.
const ErrorCastingID = 100011
ErrorCastingID is triggered when casting an id fails.
const ErrorCollectionNotInRequest = 3020
ErrorCollectionNotInRequest is triggered when a collection name is not found in the request
const ErrorCreatingDir = 100002
ErrorCreatingDir is triggered when the server was unable to create a new directory for a resource (no space on device or a temporary server problem).
const ErrorCreatingFile = 100004
ErrorCreatingFile is triggered when the server was unable to create a new file for a resource (no space on device or a temporary server problem).
const ErrorCreatingRepo = 100003
ErrorCreatingRepo is triggered when the server was unable to create a new repository for a resource (no space on device or a temporary server problem).
const ErrorDbDelete = 1001
ErrorDbDelete is triggered when the database was unable to delete a resource
const ErrorDbSave = 1002
ErrorDbSave is triggered when the database was unable to save a resource
const ErrorFileNotFound = 1005
ErrorFileNotFound is triggered when a model's file with the specified name is not found
const ErrorFileTree = 100009
ErrorFileTree is triggered when there was a problem accessing the model's files.
const ErrorForm = 3004
ErrorForm is triggered when an expected field is missing in a multipart form request.
const ErrorFormDuplicateFile = 3014
ErrorFormDuplicateFile is triggered when the POSTed model carries duplicate file entries.
const ErrorFormDuplicateModelName = 3015
ErrorFormDuplicateModelName is triggered when the POSTed model carries duplicate model name.
const ErrorFormDuplicateWorldName = 3018
ErrorFormDuplicateWorldName is triggered when the POSTed world carries duplicate name.
const ErrorFormInvalidValue = 3013
ErrorFormInvalidValue is triggered when a given form field has an invalid value.
const ErrorFormMissingFiles = 3012
ErrorFormMissingFiles is triggered when the expected "file" field is missing in the multipart form request.
const ErrorIDNotFound = 1003
ErrorIDNotFound is triggered when a resource with the specified id is not found in the database
const ErrorIDNotInRequest = 3000
ErrorIDNotInRequest is triggered when a id is not found in the request
const ErrorIDWrongFormat = 3001
ErrorIDWrongFormat is triggered when an id is not in a valid format
const ErrorInvalidPaginationRequest = 3016
ErrorInvalidPaginationRequest is triggered when the requested pagination is invalid. eg. invalid page or per_page argument values.
const ErrorInvalidSimulationStatus = 5007
ErrorInvalidSimulationStatus is triggered when the simulation is not in a status suitable for the requested operation. This error usually has a status extra argument.
const ErrorK8Create = 5003
ErrorK8Create is triggered when there is an error creating a kubernetes resource
const ErrorK8Delete = 5004
ErrorK8Delete is triggered when there is an error deleting a kubernetes resource
const ErrorLaunchGazebo = 5000
ErrorLaunchGazebo is triggered when we cannot launch gazebo in the context of a simulation
const ErrorLaunchingCloudInstance = 5005
ErrorLaunchingCloudInstance is triggered when there is an error launching a cloud instance (eg. aws ec2)
const ErrorLaunchingCloudInstanceNotEnoughResources = 5008
ErrorLaunchingCloudInstanceNotEnoughResources is triggered when there are not enough cloud instances to launch a simulation
const ErrorMarshalJSON = 2000
ErrorMarshalJSON is triggered if there is an error marshalling data into JSON
const ErrorMarshalProto = 2500
ErrorMarshalProto is triggered if there is an error marshalling data into protobuf
const ErrorMissingField = 3009
ErrorMissingField is triggered when the JSON contained in a request does not contain one or more required fields
const ErrorModelNotInRequest = 3011
ErrorModelNotInRequest is triggered when a model is not found in the request
const ErrorNameNotFound = 1004
ErrorNameNotFound is triggered when a resource with the specified name is not found in the database
const ErrorNameWrongFormat = 3002
ErrorNameWrongFormat is triggered when a name is not in a valid format
const ErrorNoDatabase = 1000
ErrorNoDatabase is triggered when the database connection is unavailable
const ErrorNonExistentResource = 100006
ErrorNonExistentResource is triggered when the server was unable to find a resource.
const ErrorOwnerNotInRequest = 3010
ErrorOwnerNotInRequest is triggered when an owner is not found in the request
const ErrorPaginationPageNotFound = 3017
ErrorPaginationPageNotFound is triggered when the requested page is empty / not found.
const ErrorPayloadEmpty = 3003
ErrorPayloadEmpty is triggered when payload is expected but is not found in the request
const ErrorQueueEmpty = 6000
ErrorQueueEmpty is triggered when a queue is empty
const ErrorQueueIndexOutOfBounds = 6001
ErrorQueueIndexOutOfBounds is triggered when there is an attempt to access an index that does not exist.
const ErrorQueueInternalChannelClosed = 6002
ErrorQueueInternalChannelClosed is triggered when the queue's internal channel is closed.
const ErrorQueueMoveIndexBackPosition = 6005
ErrorQueueMoveIndexBackPosition is triggered when there is an attempt to move the back element to the back position
const ErrorQueueMoveIndexFrontPosition = 6004
ErrorQueueMoveIndexFrontPosition is triggered when there is an attempt to move the front element to the front position
const ErrorQueueSwapIndexesMatch = 6003
ErrorQueueSwapIndexesMatch is triggered when there is an attempt to swap the same element.
const ErrorQueueTooManyListeners = 6006
ErrorQueueTooManyListeners is triggered when there are too many listeners waiting for the next element from the queue.
const ErrorRemovingDir = 100008
ErrorRemovingDir is triggered when the server was unable to remove a directory.
const ErrorRepo = 100007
ErrorRepo is triggered when the server was unable to handle repo command.
const ErrorResourceExists = 100001
ErrorResourceExists is triggered when the server cannot create a new resource because the requested id already exists. E.g.: When the creation of a new model is requested but the server already has a model with the same id.
const ErrorScheduler = 100012
ErrorScheduler is triggered initializing a scheduler fails.
const ErrorShutdownGazebo = 5001
ErrorShutdownGazebo is triggered when there is an error during the process of shutting down gazebo.
const ErrorSimGroupNotFound = 5002
ErrorSimGroupNotFound is triggered when a simulation Group ID is not found.
const ErrorStoppingCloudInstance = 5006
ErrorStoppingCloudInstance is triggered when there is an error stopping or terminating a cloud instance (eg. aws ec2)
ErrorUnauthorized is triggered when a user is not authorized to perform a given action.
const ErrorUnexpected = 150000
ErrorUnexpected is used to represent unexpected or still uncategorized errors.
const ErrorUnexpectedID = 3005
ErrorUnexpectedID is triggered when the id of a file attached in a request is not expected. E.g.: When the attached world file does not end in ".world" during a world creation request.
const ErrorUnknownSuffix = 3006
ErrorUnknownSuffix is triggered when a suffix for content negotiation is not recognized.
const ErrorUnmarshalJSON = 2001
ErrorUnmarshalJSON is triggered if there is an error unmarshalling JSON
const ErrorUnzipping = 100005
ErrorUnzipping is triggered when the server was unable to unzip a zipped file
const ErrorUserNotInRequest = 3007
ErrorUserNotInRequest is triggered when the user/team is not found in the request.
const ErrorUserUnknown = 3008
ErrorUserUnknown is triggered when the user/team does not exist on the server
const ErrorVersionNotFound = 100010
ErrorVersionNotFound is triggered when the requested version of a resource is not available
const ErrorWorldNotInRequest = 3019
ErrorWorldNotInRequest is triggered when a world is not found in the request
const ErrorZipNotAvailable = 100000
ErrorZipNotAvailable is triggered when the server does not have a zip file for the requested resource
const VerbosityCritical = 0
VerbosityCritical - Critical verbosity level Output will include Critical
const VerbosityDebug = 4
VerbosityDebug - Debug verbosity level Output will include Critical + Error + Warning + Info + Debug
const VerbosityError = 1
VerbosityError - Error verbosity level Output will include Critical + Error
const VerbosityInfo = 3
VerbosityInfo - Info verbosity level Output will include Critical + Error + Warning + Info
const VerbosityWarning = 2
VerbosityWarning - Warning verbosity level Output will include Critical + Error + Warning
const (
// WaitForNextElementChanCapacity is being used to set the maximum capacity of listeners
WaitForNextElementChanCapacity = 1000
Variables ¶
var AuthHeadersOptional = []Header{ { Name: "authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_TOKEN>", HeaderDetails: Detail{ Required: false, }, }, }
AuthHeadersOptional is an array of Headers needed when authentication is optional.
var AuthHeadersRequired = []Header{ { Name: "authorization: Bearer <YOUR_JWT_TOKEN>", HeaderDetails: Detail{ Required: true, }, }, }
AuthHeadersRequired is an array of Headers needed when authentication is required.
Functions ¶
func CreateJWTOptionalMiddleware ¶
func CreateJWTOptionalMiddleware(s *Server) negroni.HandlerFunc
CreateJWTOptionalMiddleware creates and returns a middleware that allows requests with optional JWT tokens.
func CreateJWTRequiredMiddleware ¶
func CreateJWTRequiredMiddleware(s *Server) negroni.HandlerFunc
CreateJWTRequiredMiddleware creates and returns a middleware that rejects requests that do not have a JWT token.
func GetUserIdentity ¶
GetUserIdentity returns the user identity found in the http request's JWT token.
func InitDbWithCfg ¶
func InitDbWithCfg(cfg *DatabaseConfig) (*gorm.DB, error)
InitDbWithCfg initialize the database connection based on the given cfg.
func IsBotHandler ¶
IsBotHandler decides which handler to use whether the request was made by a bot or a user.
func IsSQLTxError ¶
IsSQLTxError checks if the given error is a sqlTx error. Note: we need to do that by testing its error message.
func Max ¶
Max is an implementation of "int" Max See
func Min ¶
Min is an implementation of "int" Min See
func NewContextWithLogger ¶
NewContextWithLogger - configures the context with a new ign Logger,
func NewPaginationRequest ¶
func NewPaginationRequest(r *http.Request) (*PaginationRequest, *ErrMsg)
NewPaginationRequest creates a new PaginationRequest from the given http request.
func ParseHTMLTemplate ¶
ParseHTMLTemplate opens an HTML template and replaces placeholders with values.
func ParseTemplate ¶
ParseTemplate opens a template and replaces placeholders with values.
func RandomString ¶
RandomString creates a random string of a given length. Ref:
func ReadEnvVar ¶
ReadEnvVar reads an environment variable and return an error if not present
func ReadLogVerbosityEnvVar ¶
func ReadLogVerbosityEnvVar() int
ReadLogVerbosityEnvVar reads the IGN_LOGGER_VERBOSITY env var and returns its bool value.
func ReadRollbarLogVerbosityEnvVar ¶
func ReadRollbarLogVerbosityEnvVar() int
ReadRollbarLogVerbosityEnvVar reads the IGN_LOGGER_ROLLBAR_VERBOSITY env var and returns its bool value.
func ReadStdLogEnvVar ¶
func ReadStdLogEnvVar() bool
ReadStdLogEnvVar reads the IGN_LOGGER_LOG_STDOUT env var and returns its bool value.
func SameElements ¶
SameElements returns True if the two given string slices contain the same elements, even in different order.
func SendEmail ¶
SendEmail using AWS Simple Email Service (SES) The following environment variables must be set:
func StrToSlice ¶
StrToSlice returns the slice of strings with all tags parsed from the input string. It will trim leading and trailing whitespace, and reduce middle whitespaces to 1 space. It will also remove 'empty' tags (ie. whitespaces enclosed with commas, ', ,') The input string contains tags separated with commas. E.g. input string: " tag1, tag2, tag3 , , " E.g. output: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
func StringSlice ¶
StringSlice converts a slice of string values into a slice of string pointers
func Trace ¶
Trace returns the filename, line and function name of its caller. The skip parameter is the number of stack frames to skip, with 1 identifying the Trace frame itself. Skip will be set to 1 if the passed in value is <= 0. Ref:
func ValidateAccessToken ¶
func ValidateAccessToken(token string, tx *gorm.DB) (*AccessToken, *ErrMsg)
ValidateAccessToken checks a token string against tokens that exist in the provided database. If the access token is validated, then it is returned as the first return value.
func WritePaginationHeaders ¶
func WritePaginationHeaders(page PaginationResult, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error
WritePaginationHeaders writes the 'next', 'last', 'first', and 'prev' Link headers to the given ResponseWriter.
Types ¶
type AccessToken ¶
type AccessToken struct { // ID is the primary key for access tokens. ID uint `gorm:"primary_key" json:"-"` // CreatedAt is the time when the access token was created CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` // UserID is the user that owns this token. UserID uint `json:"-"` // Name is a string given to a token by the user. The name does not have to be unique. Name string `json:"name"` // Prefix is the first set of characters in the token. The prefix is used to identify the user // and help a user keep track of their tokens. We use 'latin1_general_cs` collation to enforce // case-senstive queries. Prefix string `sql:"type:VARCHAR(64) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs" json:"prefix"` // Key is the second set of characters in the token, following the Prefix. The key is used to // authenticate the user. We use 'latin1_general_cs` collation to enforce case-senstive queries. The key is omitted from json to prevent it from being transmitted over the wire. Key string `sql:"type:VARCHAR(512) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs" json:"-"` // Last used time. LastUsed *time.Time `json:"last_used"` // For future use, when we add in the ability to expire tokens. Expires *time.Time `json:"expires"` }
AccessToken is a single personal access token for a user.
type AccessTokenCreateRequest ¶
type AccessTokenCreateRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required,min=3,alphanum"`
AccessTokenCreateRequest contains information required to create a new access token.
func (*AccessTokenCreateRequest) Create ¶
func (createReq *AccessTokenCreateRequest) Create(tx *gorm.DB) (*AccessTokenCreateResponse, *AccessToken, *ErrMsg)
Create instantiates a new unique random access token. The first return value is the full access token, which can be passed along to a user. Be careful with the full access token since it is a full-access key. The second return value is a salted token, which is suitable for storage in a database. The third return value is an error, or nil.
type AccessTokenCreateResponse ¶
type AccessTokenCreateResponse struct { // Name is a string given to a token by the user. Name string `json:"name"` // Prefix is the first set of characters in the token. The prefix is used to identify the user // and help a user keep track of their tokens. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // Key is the second set of characters in the token, following the Prefix. The key is used to // authenticate the user. Key string `json:"key"` }
AccessTokenCreateResponse contains information about a newly created access token.
type DatabaseConfig ¶
type DatabaseConfig struct { // Username to login to a database. UserName string // Password to login to a database. Password string // Address of the database. Address string // Name of the database. Name string // Allowed Max Open Connections. // A value <= 0 means unlimited connections. // See '' MaxOpenConns int // True to enable database logging. This will cause all database transactions // to output messages to standard out, which could create large log files in // docker. It is recommended to use this only during development and testing. // Logging can be controlled via the IGN_DB_LOG environment variable. // // By default logging is enabled only in tests with verbose flag. EnableLog bool }
DatabaseConfig contains information about a database connection
func NewDatabaseConfigFromEnvVars ¶
func NewDatabaseConfigFromEnvVars() (DatabaseConfig, error)
NewDatabaseConfigFromEnvVars returns a DatabaseConfig object from the following env vars: - IGN_DB_USERNAME - IGN_DB_PASSWORD - IGN_DB_ADDRESS - IGN_DB_NAME - IGN_DB_MAX_OPEN_CONNS - (Optional) You run the risk of getting a 'too many connections' error if this is not set.
type Detail ¶
type Detail struct { Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required"` }
Detail stores information about a paramter.
type ErrMsg ¶
type ErrMsg struct { // Internal error code. ErrCode int `json:"errcode"` // HTTP status code. StatusCode int `json:"-"` // Error message. Msg string `json:"msg"` // Extra information/arguments associated to Error message. Extra []string `json:"extra"` // The root cause error BaseError error `json:"-"` // Generated ID for easy tracking in server logs ErrID string `json:"errid"` // Associated request Route, if applicable Route string `json:"route"` // Associated request User-Agent, if applicable UserAgent string `json:"user-agent"` // Associated request remote address, if applicable RemoteAddress string `json:"remote-address"` }
ErrMsg is serialized as JSON, and returned if the request does not succeed TODO: consider making ErrMsg an 'error'
func ErrorMessage ¶
ErrorMessage receives an error code and generate an error message response
func ErrorMessageOK ¶
func ErrorMessageOK() ErrMsg
ErrorMessageOK creates an ErrMsg initialized with OK (default) values.
func NewErrorMessage ¶
NewErrorMessage is a convenience function that receives an error code and returns a pointer to an ErrMsg.
func NewErrorMessageWithArgs ¶
NewErrorMessageWithArgs receives an error code, a root error, and a slice of extra arguments, and returns a pointer to an ErrMsg.
func NewErrorMessageWithBase ¶
NewErrorMessageWithBase receives an error code and a root error and returns a pointer to an ErrMsg.
type FormatHandler ¶
type FormatHandler struct { // Format (eg: .json, .proto, .html) Extension string `json:"extension"` // Processor for the url pattern Handler http.Handler `json:"-"` }
FormatHandler represents a format type string, and handler function pair. Handlers are called in response to a route request.
type FormatHandlers ¶
type FormatHandlers []FormatHandler
FormatHandlers is a slice of FormatHandler values.
type Handler ¶
Handler represents an HTTP Handler that can also return a ErrMsg See
type HandlerWithResult ¶
type HandlerWithResult func(tx *gorm.DB, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (interface{}, *ErrMsg)
HandlerWithResult represents an HTTP Handler that that has a result
type JWTMiddlewareIgn ¶
type JWTMiddlewareIgn struct {
JWTMiddlewareIgn wraps jwtmiddleware.JWTMiddleware so that we can create a custom AccessTokenHandler that first checks for a Private-Token and then checks for a JWT if the Private-Token doesn't exist.
func (*JWTMiddlewareIgn) AccessTokenHandler ¶
func (m *JWTMiddlewareIgn) AccessTokenHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc)
AccessTokenHandler first checks for a Private-Token and then checks for a JWT if the Private-Token doesn't exist.
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { // Output when verbosity => 4 Debug(interfaces ...interface{}) // Output when verbosity => 3 Info(interfaces ...interface{}) // Output when verbosity => 2 Warning(interfaces ...interface{}) // Output when verbosity => 1 Error(interfaces ...interface{}) // Output when verbosity => 0 Critical(interfaces ...interface{}) // Clone this logger and returns a copy. Clone(reqID string) Logger }
Logger - interface for any ign logger.
func LoggerFromContext ¶
LoggerFromContext - gets an ign logger from the given context.
func LoggerFromRequest ¶
LoggerFromRequest - gets an ign logger from the given http request.
func NewLogger ¶
NewLogger - creates a new logger implementation associated to the given request ID.
func NewLoggerNoRollbar ¶
NewLoggerNoRollbar - creates a new logger implementation associated to the given request ID, which does not log to rollbar
func NewLoggerWithRollbarVerbosity ¶
NewLoggerWithRollbarVerbosity - creates a new logger implementation associated to the given request ID and also configures a minimum verbosity to send logs to Rollbar.
type Method ¶
type Method struct { // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE // \todo: Make this an enum Type string `json:"type"` // Description of the method Description string `json:"description"` // A slice of hanlders used to process this method. Handlers FormatHandlers `json:"handler"` }
Method associates an HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) with a list of handlers.
type PaginationRequest ¶
type PaginationRequest struct { // Flag that indicates if the request included a "page" argument. PageRequested bool // The requested page number (value >= 1) Page int64 // The requested number of items per page. PerPage int64 // The original request URL URL string }
PaginationRequest represents the pagination values requested in the URL query (eg. ?page=2&per_page=10)
type PaginationResult ¶
type PaginationResult struct { // Page number Page int64 // Page size PerPage int64 // Original request' url URL string // Query "total" count (ie. this is NOT the "page" count) QueryCount int64 // A page is considered "found" if it is within the range of valid pages, // OR if it is the first page and the DB query is empty. In this empty scenario, // we want to return status OK with zero elements, rather than a 404 status. PageFound bool }
PaginationResult represents the actual pagination output.
func PaginateQuery ¶
func PaginateQuery(q *gorm.DB, result interface{}, p PaginationRequest) (*PaginationResult, error)
PaginateQuery applies a pagination request to a GORM query and executes it. Param[in] q gorm.DB The query to be paginated Param[out] result [interface{}] The paginated list of items Param[in] p The pagination request Returns a PaginationResult describing the returned page.
type ProtoResult ¶
type ProtoResult HandlerWithResult
ProtoResult provides protobuf serialization for handler results
func (ProtoResult) ServeHTTP ¶
func (fn ProtoResult) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
type Queue ¶
type Queue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Queue is a thread-safe data type that uses an underlying slice as a queue. It provides a set of methods to modify the elements of the queue. It was created to replace a go channel since channels don't let you modify their elements order. You can push elements inside the queue using Enqueue method. They will be pushed to the back of the queue. You can pop elements from the queue using both Dequeue() and DequeueOrWaitForNextElement(). DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() waits until the queue has any element inside to pop it out.
func (*Queue) DequeueOrWaitForNextElement ¶
DequeueOrWaitForNextElement dequeues an element (if exist) or waits until the next element gets enqueued and returns it. Multiple calls to DequeueOrWaitForNextElement() would enqueue multiple "listeners" for future enqueued elements.
func (*Queue) Find ¶
Find returns a list of ids of the elements that match the given criteria. Returns an empty slice if there are not elements that match.
func (*Queue) FindByIDs ¶
FindByIDs returns a list of elements of the given ids. Returns an empty slice if there are no elements in the queue.
func (*Queue) FindOne ¶
FindOne returns the id from a given element. Returns -1 if the element does not exist in the queue.
func (*Queue) GetElement ¶
GetElement returns an element's value and keeps the element at the queue
func (*Queue) GetElements ¶
GetElements returns the entire list of elements from the queue
func (*Queue) GetFilteredElements ¶
GetFilteredElements returns a subset list from the queue
func (*Queue) MoveToBack ¶
MoveToBack moves an element to the back of the queue
func (*Queue) MoveToFront ¶
MoveToFront moves an element to the front of the queue
type Repository ¶
type Repository interface { Add(entity interface{}) (interface{}, *ErrMsg) Get(id interface{}) (interface{}, *ErrMsg) GetAll(offset, limit *int) ([]interface{}, *ErrMsg) Update(id interface{}, entity interface{}) (interface{}, *ErrMsg) Remove(id interface{}) (interface{}, *ErrMsg) Find(criteria func(element interface{}) bool) ([]interface{}, *ErrMsg) FindByIDs(ids []interface{}) ([]interface{}, *ErrMsg) FindOne(criteria func(element interface{}) bool) (interface{}, *ErrMsg) Clear() *ErrMsg Count(criteria func(element interface{}) bool) int }
Repository represents a set of methods of a generic repository. It is based in the Repository pattern, and allows to a system to change the underlying data structure without changing anything else. It could be used to provide an abstraction layer between a service and an ORM.
type Route ¶
type Route struct { // Name of the route Name string `json:"name"` // Description of the route Description string `json:"description"` // URI pattern URI string `json:"uri"` // Headers required by the route Headers []Header `json:"headers"` // HTTP methods supported by the route Methods Methods `json:"methods"` // Secure HTTP methods supported by the route SecureMethods SecureMethods `json:"secure_methods"` }
Route is a definition of a route
type RouterConfigurer ¶
type RouterConfigurer struct { // Embedded type mux.Router // See *mux.Router // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RouterConfigurer is used to configure a mux.Router with declared routes and middlewares. It also adds support for default global OPTIONS handler based on the route declarations.
func NewRouterConfigurer ¶
func NewRouterConfigurer(r *mux.Router, monitoring monitoring.Provider) *RouterConfigurer
NewRouterConfigurer creates a new RouterConfigurer, used to configure a mux.Router with routes declarations.
func (*RouterConfigurer) ConfigureRouter ¶
func (rc *RouterConfigurer) ConfigureRouter(pathPrefix string, routes Routes) *RouterConfigurer
ConfigureRouter - given an array of Route declarations, this method confifures the router to handle them. This is the main method to invoke with a RouterConfigurer.
It supports an optional pathPrefix used to differentiate API versions (eg. "/2.0/").
func (*RouterConfigurer) SetAuthHandlers ¶
func (rc *RouterConfigurer) SetAuthHandlers(optionalJWT, requiredJWT negroni.HandlerFunc) *RouterConfigurer
SetAuthHandlers - set the JWT handlers to be used by the router for secure and unsecure routes.
func (*RouterConfigurer) SetCustomHandlers ¶
func (rc *RouterConfigurer) SetCustomHandlers(handlers ...negroni.Handler) *RouterConfigurer
SetCustomHandlers - allows to set a list of optional middlewares that will be injected between the common middlewares and the final route handler.
type SecureMethods ¶
type SecureMethods []Method
SecureMethods is a slice of Method that require authentication.
type Server ¶
type Server struct { /// Global database interface Db *gorm.DB /// Global database to the user database interface UsersDb *gorm.DB Router *mux.Router // Port used for non-secure requests HTTPPort string // SSLport used for secure requests SSLport string // SSLCert is the path to the SSL certificate. SSLCert string // SSLKey is the path to the SSL private key. SSLKey string // DbConfig contains information about the database DbConfig DatabaseConfig // IsTest is true when tests are running. IsTest bool // Google Analytics tracking ID. The format is UA-XXXX-Y GaTrackingID string // Google Analytics Application Name GaAppName string // (optional) A string to use as a prefix to GA Event Category. GaCategoryPrefix string // Should the Server log to stdout/err? Can be configured using IGN_LOGGER_LOG_STDOUT env var. LogToStd bool // Verbosity level of the Ign Logger - 4 debug, 3 info, 2 warning, 1 error, 0 critical LogVerbosity int // Verbosity level of the Ign Logger, to send to Rollbar - 4 debug, 3 info, 2 warning, 1 error, 0 critical RollbarLogVerbosity int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Server encapsulates information needed by a downstream application
func Init ¶
func Init(auth0RSAPublicKey string, dbNameSuffix string, monitoring monitoring.Provider) (server *Server, err error)
Init initialize this package. Note: This method does not configure the Server's Router. You will later need to configure the router and set it to the server.
func (*Server) Auth0RsaPublicKey ¶
Auth0RsaPublicKey return the Auth0 public key
func (*Server) ConfigureRouterWithRoutes ¶
ConfigureRouterWithRoutes takes a given mux.Router and configures it with a set of declared routes. The router is configured with default middlewares. If a monitoring provider was set on the server, the router will include an additional middleware to track server metrics and add a monitoring route defined by the provider. If the router is a mux subrouter gotten by PathPrefix().Subrouter() then you need to pass the pathPrefix as argument here too (eg. "/2.0/")
func (*Server) IsUsingSSL ¶
IsUsingSSL returns true if the server was configured to use SSL.
func (*Server) SetAuth0RsaPublicKey ¶
SetAuth0RsaPublicKey sets the server's Auth0 RSA public key
type TypeJSONResult ¶
type TypeJSONResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TypeJSONResult represents a function result that can be exported to JSON
func JSONListResult ¶
func JSONListResult(wrapper string, handler HandlerWithResult) TypeJSONResult
JSONListResult provides JSON serialization for handler results that are slices of objects.
func JSONResult ¶
func JSONResult(handler HandlerWithResult) TypeJSONResult
JSONResult provides JSON serialization for handler results
func JSONResultNoTx ¶
func JSONResultNoTx(handler HandlerWithResult) TypeJSONResult
JSONResultNoTx provides JSON serialization for handler results
func (TypeJSONResult) ServeHTTP ¶
func (t TypeJSONResult) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)