Download the binaries (for Windows) here.
Or install them via
go install gitlab.com/gomidi/midi/tools/midicat@latest
When using windows, run the commands inside cmd.exe
Usage / Examples
get the list of MIDI in ports
midicat ins
get the list of MIDI out ports
midicat outs
pass the MIDI data from in port 11 to out port 12
midicat in -i=11 | midicat out -i=12
pass the MIDI data from in port 11 to out port 12 while logging it to stderr
midicat in -i=11 | midicat log | midicat out -i=12
log the input from MIDI in port 11 without printing the raw MIDI bytes to stdout
midicat in -i=11 | midicat log --nopass
get help
midicat help