Gitaly-ssh is a helper executable that enables Git data traffic
(git fetch
) between Gitaly servers within a single GitLab
installation. It acts as a plugin to git fetch
using the
environment variable.
We created gitaly-ssh because we needed a way to pull Git data from one Gitaly server to another, without going through one of the "front doors" of GitLab: gitlab-shell (Git SSH) or gitlab-workhorse (Git HTTP). To avoid building a special RPC for this, we re-used the SSHUploadPack RPC that Gitaly already had. By connecting directly to the Gitaly server we avoided the need to create some kind of service account in GitLab itself: to go through the front door we would need a service account.
The implementation shares code with how gitlab-shell handles Git SSH traffic from real users, but it cuts out SSH itself.
Note for Git experts: in retrospect, we should have used git-remote-ext for this, but we didn't know that mechanism existed at the time.
How gitlab-shell does it
A normal git fetch
over SSH goes through these steps. Note that here
git fetch
runs on the computer of a GitLab user.
participant User as User
participant UserGit as git fetch
participant SSHClient as User's SSH Client
participant SSHD as GitLab SSHD
participant GitLabShell as gitlab-shell
participant GitalyServer as Gitaly
participant GitalyGit as git upload-pack
User ->> UserGit: Runs git fetch
UserGit ->> SSHClient: Spawns SSH client
Note over User,SSHClient: On user's local machine
SSHClient ->> SSHD: SSH session
Note over SSHClient,SSHD: Session over Internet
SSHD ->> GitLabShell: spawns gitlab-shell
GitLabShell ->> GitalyServer: gRPC SSHUploadPack
GitalyServer ->> GitalyGit: spawns git upload-pack
Note over GitalyServer,GitalyGit: On Gitaly server
Note over SSHD,GitalyGit: On GitLab server
How gitaly-ssh does it
In contrast, with gitaly-ssh
, git fetch
is run by one Gitaly server
('gitaly 1') that wants to fetch data from another ('gitaly 2'). Note
that there is no SSH client or server in this chain.
participant Gitaly1 as Gitaly 1
participant Gitaly1Git as git fetch
participant GitalySSH as gitaly-ssh
participant Gitaly2 as Gitaly 2
participant Gitaly2Git as git upload-pack
Gitaly1 ->> Gitaly1Git: Spawns git-fetch
Gitaly1Git ->> GitalySSH: Spawns gitaly-ssh
Note over Gitaly1,GitalySSH: On Gitaly server 1
GitalySSH ->> Gitaly2: grpc SSHUploadPack
Note over GitalySSH,Gitaly2: Internal network (TCP/Unix)
Gitaly2 ->> Gitaly2Git: Spawns git upload-pack
Note over Gitaly2,Gitaly2Git: On Gitaly server 2
There is no documentation for this package.