Opens a new window with list of versions in this module.
Published: Jul 21, 2022
License: Apache-2.0
Opens a new window with license information.
Imports: 8
Opens a new window with list of imports.
Imported by: 0
Opens a new window with list of known importers.
Authentication Security Collection Module
A collection service to gather information on an OAuth 2.0/2.1 / OpenID Connect AuthN/AuthZ service.
Gathers the following information:
- Supported Authorization Grants and Server Metadata in general
- Implemented SecBCP Mitigations for the above
- Feasibility of basic Authorization Flows for the above grants (As long as no user interaction is required)
- Implementation of a range of optional features
- Issuer identifier
- Discovery: (Pick one)
- Automated Discovery (Boolean)
- If the Identifier contains a path, an indication whether legacy OpenID Connect Discovery should be used to locate the Metadata Document. (Bool)
- Server Metadata Document (URL, Can be inferred from the above, if implemented according to standards)
- Explicit Configuration: (Not recommended, may expand, Implies no checks for Discovery)
- List of Grants to check (Array of Strings)
- Token Endpoint (URL, if any grants need it)
- Authorization Endpoint (URL, if any grants need it)
- JWKS Location (URL, if the server supports any signing algorithms)
- PAR Endpoint (URL, if supported)
- Userinfo Endpoint (URL, if supported)
- Client Registration: (Pick one)
- Dynamic Registration (Boolean)
- Explicit Configuration (Possibly one for each Auth method, Must be registered at the service):
- Client ID (String)
- Authentication Method (String)
- If
: The Secret (String)
- If
: The private key (Key)
There is no documentation for this package.
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