Path | Synopsis |
Package about contains and generates meta information about Mechane including dependencies and their licenses.
Package about contains and generates meta information about Mechane including dependencies and their licenses. |
Package mechrun sets up a Mechane server and runs a Mechane world on it.
Package mechrun sets up a Mechane server and runs a Mechane world on it. |
Package mechserver provides a Mechane server which performs various essential low level tasks for a Mechane world.
Package mechserver provides a Mechane server which performs various essential low level tasks for a Mechane world. |
Package mechcamera distributes available camera names along with shutterbug-to-camera associations to clients and receives camera association requests from clients.
Package mechcamera distributes available camera names along with shutterbug-to-camera associations to clients and receives camera association requests from clients. |
Package mechdevoir collects certain high level UI commands from clients and distributes some associated world state affected by these commands.
Package mechdevoir collects certain high level UI commands from clients and distributes some associated world state affected by these commands. |
Package mechoverlayer dispenses HTML elements which overlay the scene associated with a particular shutterbug.
Package mechoverlayer dispenses HTML elements which overlay the scene associated with a particular shutterbug. |
Package mechpixel dispenses drawings of scenes associated with a particular shutterbug.
Package mechpixel dispenses drawings of scenes associated with a particular shutterbug. |
Package mechraster provides a rasteriser that can draw scenes.
Package mechraster provides a rasteriser that can draw scenes. |
Package mechshutterbug helps manage shutterbugs which are needed to connect to a Mechane server.
Package mechshutterbug helps manage shutterbugs which are needed to connect to a Mechane server. |
Package mechuievent collects certain UI events from clients such as keyboard key events, mouse move events, and ShutterbugPixels' overlayer clicks.
Package mechuievent collects certain UI events from clients such as keyboard key events, mouse move events, and ShutterbugPixels' overlayer clicks. |
Package mechtree implements a hierarchical tree structure of nodes in 3D space that ultimately form the visual content of a Mechane world.
Package mechtree implements a hierarchical tree structure of nodes in 3D space that ultimately form the visual content of a Mechane world. |
Package mechui provides the HTML, JS, and other such files needed by a Mechane server to display the browser based UI.
Package mechui provides the HTML, JS, and other such files needed by a Mechane server to display the browser based UI. |
Package asciidoc converts AsciiDoc to HTML by sending the AsciiDoc to a Node.js process that uses the Asciidoctor.js Processor API.
Package asciidoc converts AsciiDoc to HTML by sending the AsciiDoc to a Node.js process that uses the Asciidoctor.js Processor API. |
Download the default fonts used by Asciidoctor and create a modified stylesheet with the fonts' local URLs.
Download the default fonts used by Asciidoctor and create a modified stylesheet with the fonts' local URLs. |
Generate the index.html file under the web directory.
Generate the index.html file under the web directory. |
Package motif contains the Mechane themes.
Package motif contains the Mechane themes. |
Package world helps developers implement a Mechane world.
Package world helps developers implement a Mechane world. |
Package dolly maps user input to camera movements.
Package dolly maps user input to camera movements. |
Package test3d is for the Mechane developer to manually test Mechane.
Package test3d is for the Mechane developer to manually test Mechane. |
Package model aggregates the various sub models into one model.
Package model aggregates the various sub models into one model. |
Package cams provides models which simulate cameras being added and removed, sometimes in an erratic manner.
Package cams provides models which simulate cameras being added and removed, sometimes in an erratic manner. |
Package shape models various shapes for testing the rendering abilities of Mechane.
Package shape models various shapes for testing the rendering abilities of Mechane. |
Package style contains some commonly used colours and colour gradients.
Package style contains some commonly used colours and colour gradients. |
Package txtinput provides textfield inputs.
Package txtinput provides textfield inputs. |
Package veneer implements a navigation panel that uses the veneer to stay visually above the rest of the world.
Package veneer implements a navigation panel that uses the veneer to stay visually above the rest of the world. |
Package update modifies the model in response to UI events and the relentless passage of time.
Package update modifies the model in response to UI events and the relentless passage of time. |
Package ellipse computes properties of the ellipse.
Package ellipse computes properties of the ellipse. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.