wa2tgbot is a simple Telegram bot to convert the formatting of messages copied from Whatsapp to the Telegram formatting.
Currently there are two types of operation:
- use the bot in inline mode, you can simply do this be prefixing your message with the bots username (be aware that inline mode just works for messages up to 256 characters)
- user the bot via direct message, just send the bot a direct message and it will answer back with two types of your text. One of them is plain but with the characters for formatting so you can just copy it to the message box. The other message is already formated so you could simply forward it.
$ go get -u gitlab.com/fff-bots/wa2tgbot
$ go install gitlab.com/fff-bots/wa2tgbot
Then you will find the binary in $GOPATH/bin.
without docker-compose
sudo docker build . -t wa2tg
sudo docker run -e WA2TG_TOKEN=TOKEN --rm wa2tg
Set your bot token via the $WA2TG_TOKEN environment variable.
Clone the source and modify it if you want.
To run and test your changes do the following:
$ WA2TG_TOKEN="yourtgtokenhere" go run .