Index ¶
- Variables
- type Attributes
- func (it *Attributes) AddOrUpdateAnyItem(key string, anyItem interface{}) (isNewlyAdded bool)
- func (it *Attributes) AddOrUpdateString(key, value string) (isNewlyAdded bool)
- func (it *Attributes) AnyKeyValMap() map[string]interface{}
- func (it *Attributes) AnyKeyValuePairsLength() int
- func (it Attributes) AsAttributesBinder() coreinterface.AttributesBinder
- func (it *Attributes) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *Attributes) AttachOrAppendError(err error) coreinterface.AttributesBinder
- func (it *Attributes) AttachOrAppendErrorMessage(appendingNewErrorMessage string) *Attributes
- func (it *Attributes) AuthType() string
- func (it *Attributes) Capacity() int
- func (it *Attributes) Clear()
- func (it *Attributes) Clone(isDeepClone bool) (Attributes, error)
- func (it *Attributes) ClonePtr(isDeepClone bool) (*Attributes, error)
- func (it *Attributes) CompiledError() error
- func (it *Attributes) Count() int
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloads(unmarshalToPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsMust(unmarshalToPointer interface{})
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToAttributes() (newAttr *Attributes, err error)
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrapper() (payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper, err error)
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrappersCollection() (payloadsCollection *PayloadsCollection, err error)
- func (it *Attributes) DeserializeErrorMessage(unmarshalToPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *Attributes) Dispose()
- func (it *Attributes) DynamicBytesLength() int
- func (it *Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserialize(unmarshallingPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserializeMust(unmarshallingPointer interface{})
- func (it *Attributes) Error() error
- func (it *Attributes) HandleErr()
- func (it *Attributes) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasAnyKeyValuePairs() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasAuthInfo() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasDynamicPayloads() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasError() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasItems() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasKeyValuePairs() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasPagingInfo() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasSessionInfo() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasStringKeyValuePairs() bool
- func (it *Attributes) HasUserInfo() bool
- func (it *Attributes) Hashmap() map[string]string
- func (it *Attributes) IsAnyKeyValuePairsEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsAuthInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsEmptyError() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsEqual(attributes *Attributes) bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsErrorMessageEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsInvalid() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsKeyValuePairsEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsPagingInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsSafeValid() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsSessionInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsUserInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *Attributes) IsValid() bool
- func (it Attributes) Json() corejson.Result
- func (it *Attributes) JsonModel() *Attributes
- func (it *Attributes) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *Attributes) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result) error
- func (it Attributes) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
- func (it *Attributes) JsonString() string
- func (it *Attributes) JsonStringMust() string
- func (it *Attributes) Length() int
- func (it *Attributes) MustBeEmptyError()
- func (it Attributes) NonPtr() Attributes
- func (it *Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*Attributes, error)
- func (it *Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *Attributes
- func (it *Attributes) Payloads() []byte
- func (it Attributes) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it *Attributes) ResourceName() string
- func (it *Attributes) SessionInfo() *SessionInfo
- func (it *Attributes) SessionUser() *User
- func (it Attributes) String() string
- func (it *Attributes) StringKeyValuePairsLength() int
- func (it *Attributes) SystemUser() *User
- func (it *Attributes) VirtualUser() *User
- type AuthInfo
- func (it *AuthInfo) Clone() AuthInfo
- func (it *AuthInfo) ClonePtr() *AuthInfo
- func (it *AuthInfo) HasActionType() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) HasResourceName() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) HasSessionInfo() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) HasUserInfo() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IdentifierInteger() int
- func (it *AuthInfo) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsActionTypeEmpty() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsResourceNameEmpty() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsSessionInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsUserInfoEmpty() bool
- func (it *AuthInfo) IsValid() bool
- func (it AuthInfo) Json() corejson.Result
- func (it AuthInfo) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
- func (it AuthInfo) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it AuthInfo) Ptr() *AuthInfo
- func (it AuthInfo) String() string
- type BytesCreateInstruction
- type BytesCreateInstructionStringer
- type FilterFunc
- type Formatter
- type PagingInfo
- func (it PagingInfo) Clone() PagingInfo
- func (it *PagingInfo) ClonePtr() *PagingInfo
- func (it *PagingInfo) HasCurrentPageIndex() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) HasPerPageItems() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) HasTotalItems() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) HasTotalPages() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsEqual(right *PagingInfo) bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidCurrentPageIndex() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidPerPageItems() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalItems() bool
- func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalPages() bool
- type PayloadCreateInstruction
- type PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer
- type PayloadTypeExpander
- type PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) AnyAttributes() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) AsStandardTaskEntityDefinerContractsBinder() entityinf.StandardTaskEntityDefinerContractsBinder
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) BytesConverter() *coredynamic.BytesConverter
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Clear()
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Clone(isDeepClone bool) (PayloadWrapper, error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) ClonePtr(isDeepClone bool) (*PayloadWrapper, error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Count() int
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Deserialize(unmarshallingPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializeMust(unmarshallingPointer interface{})
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapper() (payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper, err error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapperMust() (payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadsCollection() (payloadsCollection *PayloadsCollection, err error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Dispose()
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Error() error
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAnyNil() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAttributes() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasError() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasIssuesOrEmpty() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasItems() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasSingleRecord() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdInteger() int
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdString() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdentifierInteger() int
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsCategory(category string) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyAttributes() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyError() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEntityType(entityType string) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEqual(right *PayloadWrapper) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsIdentifier(id string) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsName(name string) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsNull() bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsPayloadsEqual(nextPayloads []byte) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsStandardTaskEntityEqual(entity entityinf.StandardTaskEntityDefiner) bool
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsTaskTypeName(taskType string) bool
- func (it PayloadWrapper) Json() corejson.Result
- func (it PayloadWrapper) JsonModel() PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result) error
- func (it PayloadWrapper) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonString() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonStringMust() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Length() int
- func (it PayloadWrapper) NonPtr() PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*PayloadWrapper, error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserialize(unmarshallingPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserializeMust(unmarshallingPointer interface{})
- func (it PayloadWrapper) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) ReflectSetAttributes(toPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) SerializeMust() []byte
- func (it PayloadWrapper) String() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Username() string
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) Value() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadWrapper) ValueReflectSet(setterPtr interface{}) error
- type PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Add(payloadWrapper PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Adds(payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsIf(isAdd bool, payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsOptions(isSkipHasIssuedPayloads bool, payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsPtr(payloadWrappers ...*PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsPtrOptions(isSkipHasIssuedPayloads bool, payloadWrappers ...*PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() corejson.JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsoner() corejson.Jsoner
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Clear() *PayloadsCollection
- func (it PayloadsCollection) Clone() PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) ClonePtr() *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) ConcatNew(additionalItems ...PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) ConcatNewPtr(additionalItemsPtr ...*PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Count() int
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) CsvStrings() []string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Dispose()
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Filter(filterFunc FilterFunc) []*PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCategoryCollection(categoryName string) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCollection(filterFunc FilterFunc) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCollectionByIds(ids ...string) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterEntityTypeCollection(entityTypeName string) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterNameCollection(name string) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterTaskTypeCollection(taskType string) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterWithLimit(limit int, filterFunc FilterFunc) []*PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) First() *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByCategory(category string) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByEntityType(entityType string) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByFilter(findByFunc func(payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper) (isFound bool)) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstById(id string) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByTaskType(taskType string) *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstDynamic() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefault() *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefaultDynamic() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetPagedCollection(eachPageSize int) []*PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetPagesSize(eachPageSize int) int
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection(eachPageSize int, pageIndex int) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) HasIndex(index int) bool
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) InsertAt(index int, item PayloadWrapper) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEqual(another *PayloadsCollection) bool
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEqualItems(lines ...*PayloadWrapper) bool
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Join(joiner string) string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinCsv() string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinCsvLine() string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinJsonStrings(joiner string) string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinUsingFmt(formatter Formatter, joiner string) string
- func (it PayloadsCollection) Json() corejson.Result
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result) error
- func (it PayloadsCollection) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonString() string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonStrings() []string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Last() *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastDynamic() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastIndex() int
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefault() *PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefaultDynamic() interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Length() int
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Limit(limit int) []*PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LimitCollection(limit int) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) LimitDynamic(limit int) interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*PayloadsCollection, error)
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Reverse() *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) SafeLimitCollection(limit int) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Skip(skippingItemsCount int) []*PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipCollection(skippingItemsCount int) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipDynamic(skippingItemsCount int) interface{}
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipFilterCollection(skipFilterFunc SkipFilterFunc) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) String() string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Strings() []string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) StringsUsingFmt(formatter Formatter) []string
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) Take(takeDynamicItems int) []*PayloadWrapper
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) TakeCollection(takeDynamicItems int) *PayloadsCollection
- func (it *PayloadsCollection) TakeDynamic(takeDynamicItems int) interface{}
- type SessionInfo
- func (it SessionInfo) Clone() SessionInfo
- func (it *SessionInfo) ClonePtr() *SessionInfo
- func (it *SessionInfo) HasUser() bool
- func (it *SessionInfo) IdentifierInteger() int
- func (it *SessionInfo) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
- func (it *SessionInfo) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *SessionInfo) IsUserEmpty() bool
- func (it *SessionInfo) IsUserNameEmpty() bool
- func (it *SessionInfo) IsUsernameEqual(name string) bool
- func (it *SessionInfo) IsValid() bool
- func (it SessionInfo) Ptr() *SessionInfo
- type SkipFilterFunc
- type User
- func (it User) Clone() User
- func (it *User) ClonePtr() *User
- func (it *User) Deserialize(rawJsonBytes []byte) error
- func (it *User) HasAuthToken() bool
- func (it *User) HasPasswordHash() bool
- func (it *User) HasType() bool
- func (it *User) IdentifierInteger() int
- func (it *User) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
- func (it *User) IsAuthTokenEmpty() bool
- func (it *User) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *User) IsNameEmpty() bool
- func (it *User) IsNameEqual(name string) bool
- func (it *User) IsNotSystemUser() bool
- func (it *User) IsPasswordHashEmpty() bool
- func (it *User) IsTypeEmpty() bool
- func (it *User) IsValidUser() bool
- func (it *User) IsVirtualUser() bool
- func (it User) Json() corejson.Result
- func (it User) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
- func (it User) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it User) Ptr() *User
- func (it User) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (it User) String() string
- type UserInfo
- func (it *UserInfo) Clone() UserInfo
- func (it *UserInfo) ClonePtr() *UserInfo
- func (it *UserInfo) HasSystemUser() bool
- func (it *UserInfo) HasUser() bool
- func (it *UserInfo) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *UserInfo) IsSystemUserEmpty() bool
- func (it *UserInfo) IsUserEmpty() bool
- func (it UserInfo) Ptr() *UserInfo
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( Empty = emptyCreator{} New = newCreator{} )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Attributes ¶
type Attributes struct { ErrorMessage string `json:"ErrorMessage,omitempty"` AuthInfo *AuthInfo `json:"AuthInfo,omitempty"` PagingInfo *PagingInfo `json:"PagingInfo,omitempty"` KeyValuePairs *corestr.Hashmap `json:"KeyValuePairs,omitempty"` AnyKeyValuePairs *coredynamic.MapAnyItems `json:"AnyKeyValuePairs,omitempty"` DynamicPayloads []byte `json:"DynamicPayloads,omitempty"` }
func (*Attributes) AddOrUpdateAnyItem ¶
func (it *Attributes) AddOrUpdateAnyItem( key string, anyItem interface{}, ) (isNewlyAdded bool)
func (*Attributes) AddOrUpdateString ¶
func (it *Attributes) AddOrUpdateString( key, value string, ) (isNewlyAdded bool)
func (*Attributes) AnyKeyValMap ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it *Attributes) AnyKeyValMap() map[string]interface{}
func (*Attributes) AnyKeyValuePairsLength ¶
func (it *Attributes) AnyKeyValuePairsLength() int
func (Attributes) AsAttributesBinder ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it Attributes) AsAttributesBinder() coreinterface.AttributesBinder
func (*Attributes) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶
func (it *Attributes) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
func (*Attributes) AttachOrAppendError ¶
func (it *Attributes) AttachOrAppendError( err error, ) coreinterface.AttributesBinder
func (*Attributes) AttachOrAppendErrorMessage ¶
func (it *Attributes) AttachOrAppendErrorMessage( appendingNewErrorMessage string, ) *Attributes
func (*Attributes) AuthType ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) AuthType() string
func (*Attributes) Capacity ¶
func (it *Attributes) Capacity() int
func (*Attributes) Clear ¶
func (it *Attributes) Clear()
func (*Attributes) Clone ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *Attributes) Clone( isDeepClone bool, ) (Attributes, error)
func (*Attributes) ClonePtr ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *Attributes) ClonePtr( isDeepClone bool, ) (*Attributes, error)
func (*Attributes) CompiledError ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it *Attributes) CompiledError() error
func (*Attributes) Count ¶
func (it *Attributes) Count() int
func (*Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloads ¶
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloads( unmarshalToPointer interface{}, ) error
func (*Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsMust ¶
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsMust( unmarshalToPointer interface{}, )
func (*Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToAttributes ¶
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToAttributes() ( newAttr *Attributes, err error, )
func (*Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrapper ¶
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrapper() ( payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper, err error, )
func (*Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrappersCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeDynamicPayloadsToPayloadWrappersCollection() ( payloadsCollection *PayloadsCollection, err error, )
func (*Attributes) DeserializeErrorMessage ¶
func (it *Attributes) DeserializeErrorMessage( unmarshalToPointer interface{}, ) error
Expectation Attributes.ErrorMessage needs to be in json format and unmarshalToPointer should match reflection types
func (*Attributes) Dispose ¶
func (it *Attributes) Dispose()
func (*Attributes) DynamicBytesLength ¶
func (it *Attributes) DynamicBytesLength() int
func (*Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserialize ¶
func (it *Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserialize( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, ) error
func (*Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserializeMust ¶
func (it *Attributes) DynamicPayloadsDeserializeMust( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, )
func (*Attributes) Error ¶
func (it *Attributes) Error() error
func (*Attributes) HandleErr ¶
func (it *Attributes) HandleErr()
func (*Attributes) HasAnyItem ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*Attributes) HasAnyKeyValuePairs ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasAnyKeyValuePairs() bool
func (*Attributes) HasAuthInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) HasAuthInfo() bool
func (*Attributes) HasDynamicPayloads ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasDynamicPayloads() bool
func (*Attributes) HasError ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasError() bool
func (*Attributes) HasItems ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasItems() bool
func (*Attributes) HasKeyValuePairs ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasKeyValuePairs() bool
func (*Attributes) HasPagingInfo ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasPagingInfo() bool
func (*Attributes) HasSessionInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) HasSessionInfo() bool
func (*Attributes) HasStringKeyValuePairs ¶
func (it *Attributes) HasStringKeyValuePairs() bool
func (*Attributes) HasUserInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) HasUserInfo() bool
func (*Attributes) Hashmap ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it *Attributes) Hashmap() map[string]string
func (*Attributes) IsAnyKeyValuePairsEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsAnyKeyValuePairsEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsAuthInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsAuthInfoEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsEmpty ¶
func (it *Attributes) IsEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsEmptyError ¶
func (it *Attributes) IsEmptyError() bool
func (*Attributes) IsEqual ¶
func (it *Attributes) IsEqual(attributes *Attributes) bool
func (*Attributes) IsErrorMessageEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsErrorMessageEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsInvalid ¶
func (it *Attributes) IsInvalid() bool
func (*Attributes) IsKeyValuePairsEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsKeyValuePairsEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsPagingInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsPagingInfoEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsSafeValid ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it *Attributes) IsSafeValid() bool
func (*Attributes) IsSessionInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsSessionInfoEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsUserInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) IsUserInfoEmpty() bool
func (*Attributes) IsValid ¶
func (it *Attributes) IsValid() bool
func (Attributes) Json ¶
func (it Attributes) Json() corejson.Result
func (*Attributes) JsonModel ¶
func (it *Attributes) JsonModel() *Attributes
func (*Attributes) JsonModelAny ¶
func (it *Attributes) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*Attributes) JsonParseSelfInject ¶
func (it *Attributes) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) error
func (Attributes) JsonPtr ¶
func (it Attributes) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
func (*Attributes) JsonString ¶
func (it *Attributes) JsonString() string
func (*Attributes) JsonStringMust ¶
func (it *Attributes) JsonStringMust() string
func (*Attributes) Length ¶
func (it *Attributes) Length() int
func (*Attributes) MustBeEmptyError ¶
func (it *Attributes) MustBeEmptyError()
func (Attributes) NonPtr ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it Attributes) NonPtr() Attributes
func (*Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
func (it *Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*Attributes, error)
func (*Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
func (it *Attributes) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *Attributes
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*Attributes) Payloads ¶ added in v1.3.8
func (it *Attributes) Payloads() []byte
func (Attributes) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it Attributes) PrettyJsonString() string
func (*Attributes) ResourceName ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) ResourceName() string
func (*Attributes) SessionInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) SessionInfo() *SessionInfo
func (*Attributes) SessionUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) SessionUser() *User
func (Attributes) String ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it Attributes) String() string
func (*Attributes) StringKeyValuePairsLength ¶
func (it *Attributes) StringKeyValuePairsLength() int
func (*Attributes) SystemUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) SystemUser() *User
func (*Attributes) VirtualUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *Attributes) VirtualUser() *User
type AuthInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
type AuthInfo struct { Identifier string `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` ActionType string `json:"ActionType,omitempty"` ResourceName string `json:"ResourceName,omitempty"` // can be url or any name SessionInfo *SessionInfo `json:"SessionInfo,omitempty"` UserInfo *UserInfo `json:"UserInfo,omitempty"` }
func (*AuthInfo) HasActionType ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) HasResourceName ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) HasSessionInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) HasUserInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) IdentifierInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
Invalid value returns constants.InvalidValue
func (*AuthInfo) IdentifierUnsignedInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
Invalid value returns constants.Zero
func (*AuthInfo) IsActionTypeEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) IsResourceNameEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) IsSessionInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*AuthInfo) IsUserInfoEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (AuthInfo) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v1.1.6
type BytesCreateInstruction ¶ added in v1.1.1
type BytesCreateInstructionStringer ¶ added in v1.1.6
type FilterFunc ¶ added in v1.1.4
type FilterFunc func(payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper) (isTake, isBreak bool)
type Formatter ¶ added in v1.1.4
type Formatter func(payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper) (out string)
type PagingInfo ¶
type PagingInfo struct { CurrentPageIndex int // -- 1 based index TotalPages, PerPageItems, TotalItems int }
func (PagingInfo) Clone ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it PagingInfo) Clone() PagingInfo
func (*PagingInfo) ClonePtr ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PagingInfo) ClonePtr() *PagingInfo
func (*PagingInfo) HasCurrentPageIndex ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PagingInfo) HasCurrentPageIndex() bool
func (*PagingInfo) HasPerPageItems ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PagingInfo) HasPerPageItems() bool
func (*PagingInfo) HasTotalItems ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PagingInfo) HasTotalItems() bool
func (*PagingInfo) HasTotalPages ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PagingInfo) HasTotalPages() bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *PagingInfo) IsEmpty() bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsEqual ¶
func (it *PagingInfo) IsEqual(right *PagingInfo) bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsInvalidCurrentPageIndex ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidCurrentPageIndex() bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsInvalidPerPageItems ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidPerPageItems() bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalItems ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalItems() bool
func (*PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalPages ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PagingInfo) IsInvalidTotalPages() bool
type PayloadCreateInstruction ¶
type PayloadCreateInstruction struct {
Name, Identifier string
TaskTypeName string
EntityType string // for any type no need to entity type it will be collected by reflection.
CategoryName string
HasManyRecords bool
Payloads interface{} // for any type no need to entity type it will be collected by reflection.
Attributes *Attributes
type PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer ¶ added in v1.1.6
type PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer struct {
Name, Identifier string
TaskTypeNameStringer fmt.Stringer
CategoryNameStringer fmt.Stringer
HasManyRecords bool
Payloads interface{} // for any type no need to entity type it will be collected by reflection.
Attributes *Attributes
func (PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer) PayloadCreateInstruction ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer) PayloadCreateInstruction() *PayloadCreateInstruction
type PayloadTypeExpander ¶ added in v1.1.6
type PayloadWrapper ¶
type PayloadWrapper struct { Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` Identifier string `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` TaskTypeName string `json:"TaskTypeName,omitempty"` EntityType string `json:"EntityType,omitempty"` CategoryName string `json:"CategoryName,omitempty"` HasManyRecords bool `json:"HasManyRecords,omitempty"` Payloads []byte `json:"Payloads,omitempty"` Attributes *Attributes `json:"AnyAttributes,omitempty"` }
func (*PayloadWrapper) AnyAttributes ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) AnyAttributes() interface{}
func (*PayloadWrapper) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
func (*PayloadWrapper) AsStandardTaskEntityDefinerContractsBinder ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) AsStandardTaskEntityDefinerContractsBinder() entityinf.StandardTaskEntityDefinerContractsBinder
func (*PayloadWrapper) BytesConverter ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) BytesConverter() *coredynamic.BytesConverter
func (*PayloadWrapper) Clear ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Clear()
func (*PayloadWrapper) Clone ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Clone( isDeepClone bool, ) (PayloadWrapper, error)
func (*PayloadWrapper) ClonePtr ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it *PayloadWrapper) ClonePtr( isDeepClone bool, ) (*PayloadWrapper, error)
func (*PayloadWrapper) Count ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Count() int
func (*PayloadWrapper) Deserialize ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Deserialize( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, ) error
func (*PayloadWrapper) DeserializeMust ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializeMust( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, )
func (*PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapper ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapper() ( payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper, err error, )
func (*PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapperMust ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadWrapperMust() ( payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper, )
func (*PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadsCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadWrapper) DeserializePayloadsToPayloadsCollection() ( payloadsCollection *PayloadsCollection, err error, )
func (*PayloadWrapper) Dispose ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Dispose()
func (*PayloadWrapper) Error ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Error() error
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasAnyItem ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasAnyNil ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAnyNil() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasAttributes ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasAttributes() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasError ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasError() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasIssuesOrEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasIssuesOrEmpty() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasItems ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasItems() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) HasSingleRecord ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) HasSingleRecord() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IdInteger ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdInteger() int
func (*PayloadWrapper) IdString ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdString() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) IdentifierInteger ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdentifierInteger() int
Invalid value returns constants.InvalidValue
func (*PayloadWrapper) IdentifierUnsignedInteger ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
Invalid value returns constants.Zero
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsCategory ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsCategory(category string) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsEmpty ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmpty() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyAttributes ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyAttributes() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyError ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEmptyError() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsEntityType ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEntityType(entityType string) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsEqual ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsEqual(right *PayloadWrapper) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsIdentifier ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsIdentifier(id string) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsName ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsName(name string) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsNull ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsNull() bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsPayloadsEqual ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsPayloadsEqual(nextPayloads []byte) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsStandardTaskEntityEqual ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsStandardTaskEntityEqual( entity entityinf.StandardTaskEntityDefiner, ) bool
func (*PayloadWrapper) IsTaskTypeName ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) IsTaskTypeName(taskType string) bool
func (PayloadWrapper) Json ¶
func (it PayloadWrapper) Json() corejson.Result
func (PayloadWrapper) JsonModel ¶
func (it PayloadWrapper) JsonModel() PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadWrapper) JsonModelAny ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*PayloadWrapper) JsonParseSelfInject ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) error
func (PayloadWrapper) JsonPtr ¶
func (it PayloadWrapper) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
func (*PayloadWrapper) JsonString ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonString() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) JsonStringMust ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) JsonStringMust() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) Length ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Length() int
func (PayloadWrapper) NonPtr ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it PayloadWrapper) NonPtr() PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*PayloadWrapper, error)
func (*PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *PayloadWrapper
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserialize ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserialize( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, ) error
func (*PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserializeMust ¶
func (it *PayloadWrapper) PayloadDeserializeMust( unmarshallingPointer interface{}, )
func (PayloadWrapper) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it PayloadWrapper) PrettyJsonString() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) ReflectSetAttributes ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) ReflectSetAttributes( toPointer interface{}, ) error
func (*PayloadWrapper) Serialize ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
func (*PayloadWrapper) SerializeMust ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) SerializeMust() []byte
func (PayloadWrapper) String ¶ added in v1.1.3
func (it PayloadWrapper) String() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) Username ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Username() string
func (*PayloadWrapper) Value ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) Value() interface{}
func (*PayloadWrapper) ValueReflectSet ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *PayloadWrapper) ValueReflectSet( setterPtr interface{}, ) error
type PayloadsCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
type PayloadsCollection struct {
Items []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) Add ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Add( payloadWrapper PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) Adds ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Adds( payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) AddsIf ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsIf( isAdd bool, payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) AddsOptions ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsOptions( isSkipHasIssuedPayloads bool, payloadWrappers ...PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) AddsPtr ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsPtr( payloadWrappers ...*PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) AddsPtrOptions ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AddsPtrOptions( isSkipHasIssuedPayloads bool, payloadWrappers ...*PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() corejson.JsonContractsBinder
func (*PayloadsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() corejson.JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*PayloadsCollection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) AsJsoner() corejson.Jsoner
func (*PayloadsCollection) Clear ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Clear() *PayloadsCollection
func (PayloadsCollection) Clone ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it PayloadsCollection) Clone() PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) ClonePtr ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) ClonePtr() *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) ConcatNew ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) ConcatNew( additionalItems ...PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) ConcatNewPtr ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) ConcatNewPtr( additionalItemsPtr ...*PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) Count ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Count() int
func (*PayloadsCollection) CsvStrings ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) CsvStrings() []string
func (*PayloadsCollection) Dispose ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Dispose()
func (*PayloadsCollection) Filter ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Filter( filterFunc FilterFunc, ) []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterCategoryCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCategoryCollection( categoryName string, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCollection( filterFunc FilterFunc, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterCollectionByIds ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterCollectionByIds( ids ...string, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterEntityTypeCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterEntityTypeCollection( entityTypeName string, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterNameCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterNameCollection( name string, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterTaskTypeCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterTaskTypeCollection( taskType string, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) FilterWithLimit ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FilterWithLimit( limit int, filterFunc FilterFunc, ) []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) First ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) First() *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstByCategory ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByCategory( category string, ) *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstByEntityType ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByEntityType( entityType string, ) *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstByFilter ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByFilter( findByFunc func(payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper) (isFound bool), ) *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstById ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstById( id string, ) *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstByTaskType ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstByTaskType( taskType string, ) *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstDynamic() interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefault ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefault() *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefaultDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) FirstOrDefaultDynamic() interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) GetPagedCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetPagedCollection( eachPageSize int, ) []*PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) GetPagesSize ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetPagesSize( eachPageSize int, ) int
func (*PayloadsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection( eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, ) *PayloadsCollection
GetSinglePageCollection PageIndex is one based index. Should be above or equal 1
func (*PayloadsCollection) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*PayloadsCollection) HasIndex ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) HasIndex(index int) bool
func (*PayloadsCollection) InsertAt ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) InsertAt( index int, item PayloadWrapper, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) IsEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (*PayloadsCollection) IsEqual ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEqual(another *PayloadsCollection) bool
func (*PayloadsCollection) IsEqualItems ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) IsEqualItems(lines ...*PayloadWrapper) bool
func (*PayloadsCollection) Join ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Join(joiner string) string
func (*PayloadsCollection) JoinCsv ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinCsv() string
func (*PayloadsCollection) JoinCsvLine ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinCsvLine() string
func (*PayloadsCollection) JoinJsonStrings ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinJsonStrings(joiner string) string
func (*PayloadsCollection) JoinUsingFmt ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JoinUsingFmt(formatter Formatter, joiner string) string
func (PayloadsCollection) Json ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it PayloadsCollection) Json() corejson.Result
func (*PayloadsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) error
func (PayloadsCollection) JsonPtr ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it PayloadsCollection) JsonPtr() *corejson.Result
func (*PayloadsCollection) JsonString ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonString() string
func (*PayloadsCollection) JsonStrings ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) JsonStrings() []string
func (*PayloadsCollection) Last ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Last() *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) LastDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastDynamic() interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) LastIndex ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastIndex() int
func (*PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefault ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefault() *PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefaultDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LastOrDefaultDynamic() interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) Length ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Length() int
func (*PayloadsCollection) Limit ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Limit(limit int) []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) LimitCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LimitCollection(limit int) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) LimitDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) LimitDynamic(limit int) interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*PayloadsCollection, error)
func (*PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *PayloadsCollection
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*PayloadsCollection) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) PrettyJsonString() string
func (*PayloadsCollection) Reverse ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Reverse() *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) SafeLimitCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) SafeLimitCollection(limit int) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) Skip ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Skip(skippingItemsCount int) []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) SkipCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipCollection(skippingItemsCount int) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) SkipDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipDynamic(skippingItemsCount int) interface{}
func (*PayloadsCollection) SkipFilterCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) SkipFilterCollection( skipFilterFunc SkipFilterFunc, ) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) String ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) String() string
func (*PayloadsCollection) Strings ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Strings() []string
func (*PayloadsCollection) StringsUsingFmt ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) StringsUsingFmt(formatter Formatter) []string
func (*PayloadsCollection) Take ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) Take(takeDynamicItems int) []*PayloadWrapper
func (*PayloadsCollection) TakeCollection ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) TakeCollection(takeDynamicItems int) *PayloadsCollection
func (*PayloadsCollection) TakeDynamic ¶ added in v1.1.4
func (it *PayloadsCollection) TakeDynamic(takeDynamicItems int) interface{}
type SessionInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
type SessionInfo struct { Id string `json:"Id,omitempty"` User *User `json:"User,omitempty"` SessionPath string `json:"SessionPath,omitempty"` }
func (SessionInfo) Clone ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it SessionInfo) Clone() SessionInfo
func (*SessionInfo) ClonePtr ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) ClonePtr() *SessionInfo
func (*SessionInfo) HasUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) HasUser() bool
func (*SessionInfo) IdentifierInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IdentifierInteger() int
Invalid value returns constants.InvalidValue
func (*SessionInfo) IdentifierUnsignedInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IdentifierUnsignedInteger() uint
Invalid value returns constants.Zero
func (*SessionInfo) IsEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IsEmpty() bool
func (*SessionInfo) IsUserEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IsUserEmpty() bool
func (*SessionInfo) IsUserNameEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IsUserNameEmpty() bool
func (*SessionInfo) IsUsernameEqual ¶ added in v1.1.9
func (it *SessionInfo) IsUsernameEqual( name string, ) bool
func (*SessionInfo) IsValid ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it *SessionInfo) IsValid() bool
func (SessionInfo) Ptr ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (it SessionInfo) Ptr() *SessionInfo
type SkipFilterFunc ¶ added in v1.1.4
type SkipFilterFunc func(payloadWrapper *PayloadWrapper) (isSkip, isBreak bool)
type User ¶ added in v1.1.6
type User struct { Identifier string `json:"Identifier,omitempty"` Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` AuthToken string `json:"AuthToken,omitempty"` PasswordHash string `json:"PasswordHash,omitempty"` IsSystemUser bool `json:"IsSystemUser"` }
func (*User) Deserialize ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) HasAuthToken ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) HasPasswordHash ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IdentifierInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
Invalid value returns constants.InvalidValue
func (*User) IdentifierUnsignedInteger ¶ added in v1.1.6
Invalid value returns constants.Zero
func (*User) IsAuthTokenEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsNameEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsNameEqual ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsNotSystemUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsPasswordHashEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsTypeEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsValidUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*User) IsVirtualUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (User) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v1.1.6
type UserInfo ¶ added in v1.1.6
type UserInfo struct { User *User `json:"User,omitempty"` // refers to control panel or any kinds of virtual user SystemUser *User `json:"SystemUser,omitempty"` // System or OS user }
func (*UserInfo) HasSystemUser ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*UserInfo) IsSystemUserEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (*UserInfo) IsUserEmpty ¶ added in v1.1.6
Source Files
- Attributes.go
- AuthInfo.go
- BytesCreateInstruction.go
- BytesCreateInstructionStringer.go
- PagingInfo.go
- PayloadCreateInstruction.go
- PayloadCreateInstructionTypeStringer.go
- PayloadTypeExpander.go
- PayloadWrapper.go
- PayloadsCollection.go
- SessionInfo.go
- User.go
- UserInfo.go
- emptyCreator.go
- funcs.go
- newAttributesCreator.go
- newCreator.go
- newPayloadWrapperCreator.go
- newPayloadsCollectionCreator.go
- newUserCreator.go
- vars.go