Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( ArbitraryCapacity1 = 1 ArbitraryCapacity2 = 2 ArbitraryCapacity3 = 3 ArbitraryCapacity4 = 4 ArbitraryCapacity5 = 5 ArbitraryCapacity6 = 6 ArbitraryCapacity7 = 7 ArbitraryCapacity8 = 8 ArbitraryCapacity9 = 9 ArbitraryCapacity10 = 10 ArbitraryCapacity11 = 11 ArbitraryCapacity12 = 12 ArbitraryCapacity13 = 13 ArbitraryCapacity14 = 14 ArbitraryCapacity15 = 15 ArbitraryCapacity16 = 16 ArbitraryCapacity17 = 17 ArbitraryCapacity18 = 18 ArbitraryCapacity19 = 19 ArbitraryCapacity20 = 20 ArbitraryCapacity21 = 21 ArbitraryCapacity22 = 22 ArbitraryCapacity23 = 23 ArbitraryCapacity24 = 24 ArbitraryCapacity25 = 25 ArbitraryCapacity26 = 26 ArbitraryCapacity27 = 27 ArbitraryCapacity28 = 28 ArbitraryCapacity29 = 29 ArbitraryCapacity30 = 30 ArbitraryCapacity31 = 31 ArbitraryCapacity32 = 32 ArbitraryCapacity64 = 64 ArbitraryCapacity50 = 50 ArbitraryCapacity100 = 100 ArbitraryCapacity150 = 150 ArbitraryCapacity200 = 200 ArbitraryCapacity250 = 250 ArbitraryCapacity500 = 500 ArbitraryCapacity1000 = 1000 ArbitraryCapacity1500 = 1500 ArbitraryCapacity2000 = 2000 ArbitraryCapacity2500 = 2500 ArbitraryCapacity3000 = 3000 ArbitraryCapacity5000 = 5000 ArbitraryCapacity10000 = 10000 WordCapacity8 = bitsize.Of8 WordCapacity16 = bitsize.Of16 WordCapacity32 = bitsize.Of32 WordCapacity64 = bitsize.Of64 WordCapacity128 = bitsize.Of128 WordCapacity256 = bitsize.Of256 WordCapacity512 = bitsize.Of512 WordCapacity1G = bitsize.Of1G LineCapacity8 = bitsize.Of8 LineCapacity16 = bitsize.Of16 LineCapacity32 = bitsize.Of32 LineCapacity64 = bitsize.Of64 LineCapacity128 = bitsize.Of128 LineCapacity256 = bitsize.Of256 LineCapacity512 = bitsize.Of512 LineCapacity1G = bitsize.Of1G LineCapacity2G = bitsize.Of2G LineCapacity4G = bitsize.Of4G LineCapacity8G = bitsize.Of8G LineCapacity16G = bitsize.Of16G LineCapacity32G = bitsize.Of32G LineCapacity64G = bitsize.Of64G LineCapacity128G = bitsize.Of128G LineCapacity256G = bitsize.Of256G FileCapacity8 = bitsize.Of8 FileCapacity16 = bitsize.Of16 FileCapacity32 = bitsize.Of32 FileCapacity64 = bitsize.Of64 FileCapacity128 = bitsize.Of128 FileCapacity256 = bitsize.Of256 FileCapacity512 = bitsize.Of512 FileCapacity1G = bitsize.Of1G FileCapacity2G = bitsize.Of2G FileCapacity4G = bitsize.Of4G FileCapacity8G = bitsize.Of8G FileCapacity16G = bitsize.Of16G FileCapacity32G = bitsize.Of32G FileCapacity64G = bitsize.Of64G FileCapacity128G = bitsize.Of128G FileCapacity256G = bitsize.Of256G Capacity1 = 1 Capacity2 = 2 Capacity3 = 3 Capacity4 = 4 Capacity5 = 5 Capacity6 = 6 Capacity7 = 7 Capacity8 = bitsize.Of8 Capacity10 = 10 Capacity12 = 12 Capacity16 = bitsize.Of16 Capacity32 = bitsize.Of32 Capacity64 = bitsize.Of64 Capacity128 = bitsize.Of128 Capacity256 = bitsize.Of256 Capacity512 = bitsize.Of512 Capacity1G = bitsize.Of1G Capacity2G = bitsize.Of2G Capacity4G = bitsize.Of4G Capacity8G = bitsize.Of8G Capacity16G = bitsize.Of16G Capacity32G = bitsize.Of32G Capacity64G = bitsize.Of64G Capacity128G = bitsize.Of128G Capacity256G = bitsize.Of256G )
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const ( EmptyString = "" EmptyArray = "[]" FirstItemEmptyStringArray = "[\"\"]" EmptyStatus = "Empty Status" FilePath = "File Path" DirectoryPath = "Directory Path" Dot = "." UpperCaseA = 'A' UpperCaseZ = 'Z' LowerCaseA = 'a' LowerCaseZ = 'z' LowerCase = LowerCaseA - UpperCaseA // c - 'A' + 'a' (ref: UpperCase = UpperCaseA - LowerCaseA // c - 'a' + 'A' NewLineMac = "\n" NewLineUnix = "\n" DefaultLine = "\n" NewLineHyphenSpace = DefaultLine + HyphenSpace NewLineEqualSpace = DefaultLine + "= " NewLineWindows = "\r\n" Tab = "\t" TabV = "\v" Hash = "#" DoubleHash = "##" TripleHash = "###" HashSpace = "# " DoubleHashSpace = "## " Space = " " Hyphen = "-" Semicolon = ";" Comma = "," CommaUnixNewLine = ",\n" CommaSpace = ", " CsvJoiner = CommaSpace SpaceColonSpace = " : " Pipe = "|" QuestionMarkSymbol = "?" NilString = "nil" EqualSymbol = "=" DoubleEqualSymbol = "==" TripleEqualSymbol = "===" NotEqualSymbol = "!=" JsNotEqualSymbol = "!==" SqlNotEqualSymbol = "<>" LeftLessSymbol = "<" LeftLessEqualSymbol = "<=" LeftGreaterSymbol = ">" LeftGreaterEqualSymbol = ">=" InvalidNotFoundCase = -1 Zero = 0 NotImplemented = "Not Implemented" SingleQuoteSymbol byte = '\'' DoubleQuoteSymbol byte = '"' SingleQuoteStringSymbol = "'" DoubleQuoteStringSymbol = "\"" DoubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbol = "\"\"" ParenthesisStartSymbol byte = '(' ParenthesisEndSymbol byte = ')' CurlyStartSymbol byte = '{' CurlyEndSymbol byte = '}' SquareStartSymbol byte = '[' SquareEndSymbol byte = ']' LineFeedUnix = '\n' CarriageReturn = '\r' FormFeed = '\f' SpaceByte = ' ' TabByte = '\t' LineFeedUnixByte = '\n' CarriageReturnByte = '\r' FormFeedByte = '\f' TabVByte = '\v' MaxUnit8 byte = 255 OtherPathSeparator = "/" WindowsPathSeparator = "\\" WindowsOS = "windows" LowerCaseFileColon = "file:" DoubleBackSlash = "\\\\" TripleBackSlash = "\\\\\\" BackSlash = "\\" DoubleForwardSlash = "//" TripleForwardSlash = "///" BackwardAndForwardSlashes = "\\//" ForwardSlash = "/" UriSchemePrefixStandard = "file:///" UriSchemePrefixTwoSlashes = "file://" Underscore = "_" Colon = ":" Dash = "-" DoubleDash = "--" DoubleUnderscore = "__" HyphenAngelRight = "->" GoPath = "GOPATH" GoBinPath = "GOBIN" Go111ModuleEnvironment = "GO111MODULE" On = "on" PathSeparator = string(os.PathSeparator) DoublePathSeparator = PathSeparator + PathSeparator Dollar = "$" DoubleDollar = "$$" Percent = "%" DoublePercent = "%%" One = 1 SemiColon = ";" Path = "PATH" Unix = "Unix OS" Windows = "Windows OS" SymbolicLinkCreationCommandName = "ln" SymbolicLinkCreationArgument = "-s" Architecture64 = "X64" Architecture32 = "X32" LongPathUncPrefix = `\\?\UNC\` LongPathQuestionMarkPrefix = `\\?\` SingleHash = "#" EndOfBlock = "}" EndOfLineMark = ";" StartOfBlock = "{" MinusOne = -1 InvalidValue = -1 InvalidIndex = -1 InvalidLineNumber = -1 TakeAllMinusOne = -1 NoLimits = -1 DontCompare = -1 WildcardSymbol = "*" WildcardChar = '*' WildcardRune rune = '*' ParenthesisStart = "(" ParenthesisEnd = ")" CurlyStart = "{" CurlyEnd = "}" SquareStart = "[" SquareEnd = "]" ZeroChar byte = '0' NineChar byte = '9' HyphenChar byte = '-' MaxUnit8Rune rune = 255 MaxUnit8AsInt16 int16 = 255 MaxUnit8AsInt int = 255 MaxInt16 = math.MaxUint16 MaxInt16AsInt int = math.MaxUint16 MaxUnit8AsFloat32 float32 = 255 ParenthesisStartRune rune = '(' ParenthesisEndRune rune = ')' CurlyStartRune rune = '{' CurlyEndRune rune = '}' SquareStartRune rune = '[' SquareEndRune rune = ']' ZeroRune rune = '0' NineRune rune = '9' HyphenRune rune = '-' UpperCaseARune rune = 'A' UpperCaseZRune rune = 'Z' LowerCaseARune rune = 'a' LowerCaseZRune rune = 'z' LowerCaseRune rune = LowerCaseA - UpperCaseA // c - 'A' + 'a' (ref: a - A = 32 also works UpperCaseRune = UpperCaseARune - LowerCaseARune // c - 'a' + 'A' NoElements = "{No Element}" NoItems = "{No Items}" NoItemsSquare = "[No Items]" NoElementsSquare = "[No Element]" DoubleNewLine = "\n\n" DefaultLineByte byte = '\n' DotSymbol = "." DotChar byte = '.' ForwardChar byte = '/' BackwardChar byte = '\\' AndChar byte = '&' PipeChar byte = '|' ParenthesisStartChar byte = '(' ParenthesisEndChar byte = ')' CurlyBraceStartChar byte = '{' CurlyBraceEndChar byte = '}' SquareBraceStartChar byte = '[' SquareBraceEndChar byte = ']' AngleStartChar byte = '<' AngleEndChar byte = '>' QuestionChar byte = '?' CommaChar byte = ',' ExclamationChar byte = '!' HashChar byte = '#' DollarChar byte = '$' AsteriskChar byte = '*' WildcardStarChar byte = '*' PlusChar byte = '+' MinusChar byte = '-' UnderscoreChar byte = '_' SingleQuoteChar byte = '\'' DoubleQuoteChar byte = '"' ColonChar byte = ':' SemicolonChar byte = ';' SpaceChar byte = ' ' AtChar byte = '@' EqualChar byte = '=' LeftLessChar byte = '<' LeftGreaterChar byte = '>' DotRune rune = '.' ForwardRune rune = '/' BackwardRune rune = '\\' AndRune rune = '&' PipeRune rune = '|' CurlyBraceStartRune rune = '{' CurlyBraceEndRune rune = '}' SquareBraceStartRune rune = '[' SquareBraceEndRune rune = ']' AngleStartRune rune = '<' AngleEndRune rune = '>' QuestionRune rune = '?' CommaRune rune = ',' ExclamationRune rune = '!' HashRune rune = '#' DollarRune rune = '$' AsteriskRune rune = '*' PlusRune rune = '+' MinusRune rune = '-' UnderscoreRune rune = '_' SingleQuoteRune rune = '\'' DoubleQuoteRune rune = '"' AtRune rune = '@' ColonRune rune = ':' SemicolonRune rune = ';' SpaceRune rune = ' ' EqualRune rune = '=' LeftLessRune rune = '<' LeftGreaterRune rune = '>' MinusTwo = -2 MinusThree = -3 MinusFour = -4 Two = 2 Three = 3 Four = 4 Five = 5 Six = 6 Seven = 7 Eight = 8 Nine = 9 Ten = 10 AsteriskSymbol = "*" PlusSymbol = "+" TildeSymbol = "~" TildeChar byte = '~' TildeRune rune = '~' BrokenLongPathUncPrefix = `\?\UNC\` BrokenLongPathQuestionMarkPrefix = `\?\` N0 = 0 N1 = 1 N2 = 2 N3 = 3 N4 = 4 N5 = 5 N6 = 6 N7 = 7 N8 = 8 N9 = 9 N10 = 10 N11 = 11 N12 = 12 N13 = 13 N14 = 14 N15 = 15 N16 = 16 N17 = 17 N18 = 18 N19 = 19 N20 = 20 N21 = 21 N22 = 22 N23 = 23 N24 = 24 N25 = 25 N26 = 26 N27 = 27 N28 = 28 N29 = 29 N30 = 30 N31 = 31 N32 = 32 DistributorID = "Distributor ID" Description = "Description" Release = "Release" Codename = "Codename" HyphenA = "-a" UnameArgForReleaseInfo = "-r" ArgumentForReleaseDate = "-v" LsbCommand = "lsb_release" UnameCommand = "uname" Shell = "sh" Bash = "bash" BinShellCmd = "/bin/sh" Etc = "/etc/" ShellCmdline = "sh" PerlCmdline = "perl" MakeCmdline = "make" Pwsh = "pwsh" Cmd = "cmd" HypenC = "-c" Cd = "cd" Pwd = "pwd" BashDefaultPath = "/bin/bash" BashCommandline = "bash" NonInteractiveFlag = "-c" NonInteractiveCmdFlag = "/c" NonInteractivePerlFlag = "-e" ChmodCommand = "chmod" RecursiveCommandFlag = "-R" VersionCommandForCmd = "ver.exe" CompareEqual = 0 CompareLess = -1 CompareGreater = 1 NilAngelBracket = "<nil>" CommaRawValueColonSpace = ", value: " IndexColonSpace = "index: " CommaIndexColonSpace = ", index: " N0String = "0" // N refers to number N1String = "1" N2String = "2" N3String = "3" N4String = "4" N5String = "5" N6String = "6" N7String = "7" N8String = "8" N9String = "9" N10String = "10" MaxUint = ^uint(0) // MinUint = 0 MaxInt = int(MaxUint >> 1) //, 64 bit 9223372036854775807, 32bit, 2147483647 MinInt = -MaxInt - 1 NewLineUnixChar byte = '\n' NewLineUnixRune rune = '\n' DefaultRangesJoiner = ", " DoubleQuotationStartEnd = `""` DoubleQuotation = `"` SingleQuotationStartEnd = `''` SingleQuotation = `'` Backtick = "`" BacktickStartEnd = "``" BacktickSymbol = '`' BacktickRuneSymbol rune = '`' CodeQuotation = "`" CodeQuotationStartEnd = "``" SpaceWithColon = " : " CurrentDirDot = Dot InQuerySuffix = " IN (?)" SslPort = 443 PublicPort = 80 Common8080Port = 8080 SpaceHyphenSpace = " - " HyphenSpace = "- " SpaceEqualSpace = " = " SpacePipeSpace = " | " SpaceUnderscoreSpace = " _ " SpaceColonEqualSpace = " := " SpaceCommaSpace = " , " NewLineSpaceHyphenSpace = "\n - " NewLineSpaceEqualSpace = "\n = " NewLineSpacePlusSpace = "\n + " SpaceHyphenAngelBracketSpace = " -> " NonAsyncSafeRangeSmall = 15 NonAsyncSafeRangeMedium = 50 NonAsyncSafeRangeLarge = 100 FileInfoEachLineJoiner = ",\n - " IndentFileInfoEachLineJoiner = "\n - " PrefixKeyword = "prefix" RelativeKeyword = "relative" IdKeyword = "id" OnKeyword = "on" OffKeyword = "off" FileKeyword = "file" LogFileKeyword = "log-file" HomeKeyword = "home" UserKeyword = "user" AppKeyword = "app" TmpKeyword = "tmp" WrappedTemplate = "{wrapped}" BracketsWrappedTemplate = "{brackets-wrapped}" QuotesWrappedTemplate = "{quotes-wrapped}" SingleQuotesWrappedTemplate = "{single-quotes-wrapped}" DoubleQuotesWrappedTemplate = "{double-quotes-wrapped}" BacktickQuotesWrappedTemplate = "{backtick-quotes-wrapped}" ParenthesisWrappedTemplate = "{parenthesis-wrapped}" SquareWrappedTemplate = "{square-wrapped}" CurlyWrappedTemplate = "{curly-wrapped}" DynamicTemplate = "{dynamic}" DynamicTemplateTemplate = "{dynamic-template}" RandomTemplate = "{random}" InjectTemplate = "{inject-template}" ValueTemplate = "{value}" ValueWithFieldsTemplate = "{value-fields}" ValueJsonTemplate = "{value-json}" ValueYamlTemplate = "{value-yaml}" PathPrefixTemplate = "{prefix}" PathRelativeTemplate = "{relative}" PathIdTemplate = "{id}" PathLogFileTemplate = "{log-file}" PathFileTemplate = "{file}" PathRootTemplate = "{root}" PathHomeTemplate = "{home}" PathUserTemplate = "{user}" PathRootPrefixTemplate = "{root}/{prefix}/" PathHomeUserTemplate = "{home}/{user}" PathHomeUserAppTemplate = "{home}/{user}/{app}" PathTempDirTemplate = "{tmp}/{app}/{pkg}/" PathTempTestDirTemplate = "{tmp}/{app}/{pkg}/{test}" PathVarAppDirTemplate = "/var/{app}" // app PathVarAppDirFileTemplate = PathVarAppDirTemplate + "/{file}" // app, file PathVarLogDirTemplate = "/var/log" PathVarAppLogDirTemplate = "/var/log/{app}/{log-file}" // app, log-filename PrefixRelativeTemplate = "{prefix}/{relative}" // prefix, relative PrefixRelativeIdTemplate = "{prefix}/{relative}/{id}" // prefix, relative, id PrefixRelativeIdFileTemplate = "{prefix}/{relative}/{id}/{file}" // prefix, relative, id, file PrefixRelativeFormat = "%v/%v" // prefix, relative PrefixRelativeIdFormat = "%v/%v/%v" // prefix, relative, id PrefixRelativeIdFileFormat = "%v/%v/%v/%v" // prefix, relative, id, file KeyValShortFormat = "%s = %v" // Key, Value any KeyValJsonFormat = "{key: %s, val: %v}" // Key, Value any KeyValQuotationWrapJsonFormat = "\"%v\":\"%v\"" // Key, Value any KeyStringValAnyWrapJsonFormat = "\"%v\":%v" // Key, Value any EnumNameValueFormat = "%s[%d]" // name, value any EnumDoubleQuoteNameValueFormat = "\"%s\"[%d]" // name, value any StringEnumNameValueFormat = "%s" // name, value any LikeQuerySuffix = " LIKE ?" SpaceStartedExclamation = " started!" SpaceEndedExclamation = " ended!" SpaceFailedExclamation = " failed!" SpaceErrorColon = " error:" AndJoiner = " AND " WhereClauseStart = " WHERE " DoubleStars = "**" Export = "export" ProductName = "Cimux" ProductNameLower = "cimux" RedisDefaultAddress = "localhost:6379" DefaultConcurrency = 10 DefaultMaxTrySmall = 3 DefaultMaxTry = 5 DefaultMaxTryLarge = 10 DefaultMaxDepth = 50 DefaultMaxDepthSmall = 10 DefaultRecursiveMaxDepth = 255 DefaultRecursiveMaxDepthLarge = 2048 DefaultMaxLevel = 8 DefaultMaxLevelLarge = 64 DefaultWait = 800 * time.Millisecond DefaultWaitLong = 1 * time.Minute DefaultWaitLongLong = 2 * time.Minute DefaultWaitFast = 500 * time.Millisecond DefaultWaitFastest = 300 * time.Millisecond DurationDay = 24 * time.Hour DurationWeek = 7 * DurationDay DurationMinute = 1 * time.Minute DurationMonth = 30 * DurationDay DurationYear = 365 * DurationDay SourceLower = "source" Source = "Source" DestinationLower = "destination" Destination = "Destination" FromLower = "from" ToLower = "to" From = "From" To = "To" Left = "Left" Right = "Right" LeftLower = "left" RightLower = "right" List = "List" ListLower = "list" ListsLower = "lists" HistoryLower = "history" VerboseLower = "verbose" DoubleHyphen = "--" VerboseFlagName = DoubleHyphen + VerboseLower IncludesString = "Includes" IncludeString = "Include" DebugLowerString = "debug" LogLowerString = "log" JsonLowerString = "json" AvailableLowerString = "available" DefaultString = "Default" AllCapitalDefaultString = "DEFAULT" Localhost = "localhost" LocalhostPublicPort = "localhost:80" NewLineTabTab = "\n\t\t" UnknownType = "Unknown type" DotString = ".string" DotStringTitleCase = ".String" UnknownStringType = "Unknown type.String" PayloadsFieldName = "Payloads" )
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const ( SprintValueFormat = "%v" SprintValueDoubleQuotationFormat = "\"%v\"" SprintNumberFormat = "%d" SprintFullPropertyNameValueFormat = "%#v" SprintPropertyNameValueFormat = "%+v" SprintPropertyValueWithTypeFormat = "%+v (%T)" SprintTypeFormat = "%T" SprintTypeInParenthesisFormat = "(type : %T)" SprintNilValueTypeInParenthesisFormat = "<nil> (type : %T)" SprintValueWithTypeFormat = "%v " + SprintTypeInParenthesisFormat SprintDoubleQuoteFormat = "%q" SprintSingleQuoteFormat = "'%s'" SprintStringFormat = "%s" SprintThirdBracketQuoteFormat = "[\"%v\"]" KeyValuePariSimpleFormat = "{ Key (Type - %T): %v} - { Value (Type - %T) : %v }" SprintFormatNumberWithColon = "%d:%d" SprintFormatAnyValueWithColon = "%v:%v" TitleValueFormat = "%s : %v" CurlyTitleWrapFormat = "%v: {%v}" // Title, Value QuotationTitleWrapFormat = "%v: \"%v\"" // Title, Value QuotationTitleMetaWrapFormat = "%v: \"%v\" (%v)" // Title, Value, Meta CurlyTitleMetaWrapFormat = "%v: {%v} (%v)" // Title, Value, Meta SquareTitleWrapFormat = "%v: [%v]" // Title, Value SquareTitleMetaWrapFormat = "%v: [%v] (%v)" // Title, Value, Meta SprintFormatAnyValueWithComma = "%v,%v" SprintFormatWithNewLine = "%v\n%v" SprintFormatAnyValueWithPipe = "%v|%v" SprintFormatAnyNameValueWithColon = "%#v:%#v" SprintFormatAnyNameValueWithPipe = "%#v|%#v" SprintFormatNumberWithHyphen = "%d-%d" SprintFormatNumberWithPipe = "%d|%d" ThreeValueNewLineJoin = "%v\n%v\n%v" ThreeValueNewLineSpaceJoin = " %v\n %v\n %v" BracketWrapFormat = "[%v]" BracketQuotationWrapFormat = "[\"%v\"]" CurlyWrapFormat = "{%v}" SquareWrapFormat = "[%v]" ParenthesisWrapFormat = "(%v)" CurlyQuotationWrapFormat = "{\"%v\"}" ParenthesisQuotationWrap = "(\"%v\")" ReferenceWrapFormat = "Ref (s) { %v }" MessageReferenceWrapFormat = "%s Ref (s) { %v }" StringWithBracketWrapNumberFormat = "%s[%d]" DoubleQuoteStringWithBracketWrapNumberFormat = "\"%s\"[%d]" SpaceHyphenAngelBracketSpaceRefWrapFormat = " -> Ref(%v)" ValueWithDoubleQuoteFormat = "\"%v\"" ValueWithSingleQuoteFormat = "'%v'" StringWithDoubleQuoteFormat = "\"%s\"" StringWithSingleQuoteFormat = "'%s'" MessageWrapMessageFormat = "%s (%s)" FromToFormat = "{From : %q, To: %q}" // From, To name SourceDestinationFormat = "{Source : %q, Destination: %q}" // source, destination RenameFormat = "{Existing : %q, New: %q}" // existing, new ValueWrapValueFormat = "%v (%v)" FilePathEmpty = "File path was empty(\"\")." EnumOnlySupportedFormat = "enum: %T, " + "not supported (\"%s\") | only supported { %s }" // enumSelf, enumSelf, csv-support EnumOnlySupportedWithMessageFormat = "enum: %T, " + "not supported (\"%s\") | %s | only supported { %s }" // enumSelf, enumSelf, message, csv-support )
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const ( // Reference: // Operating system based newline, for unix it is "\n" // For Windows Operating system, "\r\n" NewLine = NewLineUnix )
Variables ¶
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var ( // Copied from golang strings AsciiSpace = [256]uint8{ TabByte: One, LineFeedUnixByte: One, TabVByte: One, FormFeedByte: One, CarriageReturnByte: One, SpaceByte: One, 0x85: One, 0xA0: One, } // FormFeed \f is also marked as newline here. AsciiNewLinesChars = [256]uint8{ LineFeedUnix: One, FormFeed: One, CarriageReturn: One, } SpecialChars = [256]uint8{ '!': One, '@': One, '#': One, '$': One, '%': One, '^': One, '&': One, '*': One, '(': One, ')': One, } BracketChars = [256]uint8{ '[': One, ']': One, '{': One, '}': One, '(': One, ')': One, '<': One, '>': One, } EmptyStrings []string EmptyPtrStrings []*string EmptyInts []int EmptyBytes []byte EmptyFloats []float32 EmptyFloat64s []float64 EmptyInterfaces []interface{} EmptyIntToPtrIntsMap map[int]*[]int EmptyIntToIntsMap map[int][]int EmptyIntToBytesMap map[int][]byte EmptyIntToPtrBytesMap map[int]*[]byte EmptyStringMap map[string]string EmptyStrToIntsMap map[string][]int EmptyStrToPtrIntsMap map[string]*[]int EmptyStrToPtrBytesMap map[string]*[]byte EmptyStringsMap map[string][]string EmptyPtrStringsMap map[string]*[]string )
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var ( AsciiSpacePtr = &AsciiSpace AsciiNewLinesCharsPtr = &AsciiNewLinesChars EmptyStringsPtr = &EmptyStrings EmptyPtrStringsPtr = &EmptyPtrStrings EmptyIntsPtr = &EmptyInts EmptyBytesPtr = &EmptyBytes EmptyFloatsPtr = &EmptyFloats EmptyFloat64sPtr = &EmptyFloat64s EmptyInterfacesPtr = &EmptyInterfaces EmptyIntToPtrIntsMapPtr = &EmptyIntToPtrIntsMap EmptyIntToIntsMapPtr = &EmptyIntToIntsMap EmptyIntToBytesMapPtr = &EmptyIntToBytesMap EmptyIntToPtrBytesMapPtr = &EmptyIntToPtrBytesMap EmptyStringMapPtr = &EmptyStringMap EmptyStrToIntsMapPtr = &EmptyStrToIntsMap EmptyStrToPtrIntsMapPtr = &EmptyStrToPtrIntsMap EmptyStrToPtrBytesMapPtr = &EmptyStrToPtrBytesMap EmptyStringsMapPtr = &EmptyStringsMap EmptyPtrStringsMapPtr = &EmptyPtrStringsMap )
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var ( NewLineBytes = []byte(NewLine) NewLineUnixBytes = []byte(NewLineUnix) DefaultLineBytes = []byte(DefaultLine) NewLineWindowsBytes = []byte(NewLineWindows) CpuNumber = runtime.NumCPU() ProcessorCount = CpuNumber MaxWorker = CpuNumber * 5 SafeWorker = CpuNumber * 3 SafestWorker = CpuNumber * 2 UnsafeNullPointer = unsafe.Pointer(nil) // Reference: NullPointerUintPtr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nil)) // Reference: )
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var ( // Better to use NewLineUnix NewLinePtr = &newline EmptyArrayPtr = &emptyArray FirstItemEmptyStringArrayPtr = &firstItemEmptyStringArray EmptyStatusPtr = &emptyStatus FilePathPtr = &filePath DirectoryPathPtr = &directoryPath DotPtr = &dot UpperCaseAPtr = &upperCaseA UpperCaseZPtr = &upperCaseZ LowerCaseAPtr = &lowerCaseA LowerCaseZPtr = &lowerCaseZ LowerCasePtr = &lowerCase UpperCasePtr = &upperCase NewLineMacPtr = &newLineMac NewLineUnixPtr = &newLineUnix NewLineWindowsPtr = &newLineWindows TabPtr = &tab TabVPtr = &tabV HashPtr = &hash DoubleHashPtr = &doubleHash TrippleHashPtr = &trippleHash HashSpacePtr = &hashSpace DoubleHashSpacePtr = &doubleHashSpace SpacePtr = &space HyphenPtr = &hyphen SemicolonPtr = &semicolon CommaPtr = &comma CommaSpacePtr = &commaSpace SpaceColonSpacePtr = &spaceColonSpace PipePtr = &pipe QuestionMarkSymbolPtr = &questionMarkSymbol NilStringPtr = &nilString SprintValueFormatPtr = &sprintValueFormat SprintNumberFormatPtr = &sprintNumberFormat SprintFullPropertyNameValueFormatPtr = &sprintFullPropertyNameValueFormat SprintPropertyNameValueFormatPtr = &sprintPropertyNameValueFormat SprintTypeFormatPtr = &sprintTypeFormat InvalidNotFoundCasePtr = &invalidNotFoundCase ZeroPtr = &zero NotImplementedPtr = ¬Implemented SingleQuoteSymbolPtr = &singleQuoteSymbol DoubleQuoteSymbolPtr = &doubleQuoteSymbol SingleQuoteStringSymbolPtr = &singleQuoteStringSymbol DoubleQuoteStringSymbolPtr = &doubleQuoteStringSymbol DoubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbolPtr = &doubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbol ParenthesisStartSymbolPtr = &parenthesisStartSymbol ParenthesisEndSymbolPtr = &parenthesisEndSymbol CurlyStartSymbolPtr = &curlyStartSymbol CurlyEndSymbolPtr = &curlyEndSymbol SquareStartSymbolPtr = &squareStartSymbol SquareEndSymbolPtr = &squareEndSymbol ArbitraryCapacity1Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity1 ArbitraryCapacity2Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity2 ArbitraryCapacity3Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity3 ArbitraryCapacity4Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity4 ArbitraryCapacity5Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity5 ArbitraryCapacity6Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity6 ArbitraryCapacity7Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity7 ArbitraryCapacity8Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity8 ArbitraryCapacity9Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity9 ArbitraryCapacity10Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity10 ArbitraryCapacity11Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity11 ArbitraryCapacity12Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity12 ArbitraryCapacity13Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity13 ArbitraryCapacity14Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity14 ArbitraryCapacity15Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity15 ArbitraryCapacity30Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity30 ArbitraryCapacity50Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity50 ArbitraryCapacity100Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity100 ArbitraryCapacity150Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity150 ArbitraryCapacity200Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity200 ArbitraryCapacity250Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity250 ArbitraryCapacity500Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity500 ArbitraryCapacity1000Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity1000 ArbitraryCapacity1500Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity1500 ArbitraryCapacity2000Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity2000 ArbitraryCapacity2500Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity2500 ArbitraryCapacity3000Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity3000 ArbitraryCapacity5000Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity5000 ArbitraryCapacity10000Ptr = &arbitraryCapacity10000 LineFeedUnixPtr = &lineFeedUnix CarriageReturnPtr = &carriageReturn FormFeedPtr = &formFeed SpaceBytePtr = &spaceByte TabBytePtr = &tabByte LineFeedUnixBytePtr = &lineFeedUnixByte CarriageReturnBytePtr = &carriageReturnByte FormFeedBytePtr = &formFeedByte TabVBytePtr = &tabVByte MaxUnit8Ptr = &maxUnit8 OtherPathSeparatorPtr = &otherPathSeparator WindowsPathSeparatorPtr = &windowsPathSeparator WindowsOSPtr = &windowsOS LowerCaseFileColonPtr = &lowerCaseFileColon DoubleBackSlashPtr = &doubleBackSlash TripleBackSlashPtr = &tripleBackSlash BackSlashPtr = &backSlash DoubleForwardSlashPtr = &doubleForwardSlash TripleForwardSlashPtr = &tripleForwardSlash BackwardAndForwardSlashesPtr = &backwardAndForwardSlashes ForwardSlashPtr = &forwardSlash UriSchemePrefixStandardPtr = &uriSchemePrefixStandard UriSchemePrefixTwoSlashesPtr = &uriSchemePrefixTwoSlashes UnderscorePtr = &underscore ColonPtr = &colon DashPtr = &dash DoubleDashPtr = &doubleDash DoubleUnderscorePtr = &doubleUnderscore GoPathPtr = &goPath GoBinPathPtr = &goBinPath Go111ModuleEnvironmentPtr = &go111ModuleEnvironment OnPtr = &on PathSeparatorPtr = &pathSeparator DoublePathSeparatorPtr = &doublePathSeparator DollarPtr = &dollar DoubleDollarPtr = &doubleDollar PercentPtr = &percent DoublePercentPtr = &doublePercent OnePtr = &one SemiColonPtr = &semiColon PathPtr = &path UnixPtr = &unix WindowsPtr = &windows SymbolicLinkCreationCommandNamePtr = &symbolicLinkCreationCommandName SymbolicLinkCreationArgumentPtr = &symbolicLinkCreationArgument Architecture64Ptr = &architecture64 Architecture32Ptr = &architecture32 LongPathUncPrefixPtr = &longPathUncPrefix LongPathQuestionMarkPrefixPtr = &longPathQuestionMarkPrefix SingleHashPtr = &singleHash EmptyStringPtr = &emptyString EndOfBlockPtr = &endOfBlock EndOfLineMarkPtr = &endOfLineMark StartOfBlockPtr = &startOfBlock MinusOnePtr = &minusOne InvalidValuePtr = &invalidValue WildCardSymbolPtr = &wildCardSymbol ParenthesisStartPtr = &parenthesisStart ParenthesisEndPtr = &parenthesisEnd CurlyStartPtr = &curlyStart CurlyEndPtr = &curlyEnd SquareStartPtr = &squareStart SquareEndPtr = &squareEnd ZeroCharPtr = &zeroChar NineCharPtr = &nineChar HyphenCharPtr = &hyphenChar MaxUnit8RunePtr = &maxUnit8Rune MaxUnit8AsInt16Ptr = &maxUnit8AsInt16 ParenthesisStartRunePtr = &parenthesisStartRune ParenthesisEndRunePtr = &parenthesisEndRune CurlyStartRunePtr = &curlyStartRune CurlyEndRunePtr = &curlyEndRune SquareStartRunePtr = &squareStartRune SquareEndRunePtr = &squareEndRune ZeroRunePtr = &zeroRune NineRunePtr = &nineRune HyphenRunePtr = &hyphenRune UpperCaseARunePtr = &upperCaseARune UpperCaseZRunePtr = &upperCaseZRune LowerCaseARunePtr = &lowerCaseARune LowerCaseZRunePtr = &lowerCaseZRune LowerCaseRunePtr = &lowerCaseRune UpperCaseRunePtr = &upperCaseRune NoElementsPtr = &noElements NoItemsPtr = &noItems NoItemsSquarePtr = &noItemsSquare NoElementsSquarePtr = &noElementsSquare DoubleNewLinePtr = &doubleNewLine FalseBoolPtr = &falseBool TrueBoolPtr = &trueBool ZeroBytePtr = &zeroByte )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
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