Index ¶
- Variables
- func BytesCloneIf(isDeepClone bool, inputBytes []byte) []byte
- func BytesDeepClone(inputBytes []byte) []byte
- type BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) Add(result []byte) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddAny(any interface{}) error
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddAnyItems(anyItems ...interface{}) error
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddBytesCollection(collection *BytesCollection) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddJsoners(isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddMapResults(mapResults *MapResults) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddNonEmpty(rawBytes []byte) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddPtr(rawBytes *[]byte) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddRawMapResults(mapResults map[string]Result) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddResult(result Result) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddResultPtr(result *Result) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddSkipOnNil(rawBytes []byte) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) Adds(rawBytesCollection ...[]byte) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AddsPtr(results ...*Result) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
- func (it *BytesCollection) Clear() *BytesCollection
- func (it BytesCollection) Clone(isDeepCloneEach bool) BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) ClonePtr(isDeepCloneEach bool) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) Dispose()
- func (it *BytesCollection) FirstOrDefault() []byte
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetAt(index int) []byte
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafe(index int) []byte
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafePtr(index int) *[]byte
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength(index, length int) *Result
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetPagedCollection(eachPageSize int) []*BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetPagesSize(eachPageSize int) int
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetResultAtSafe(index int) *Result
- func (it *BytesCollection) GetSinglePageCollection(eachPageSize int, pageIndex int) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *BytesCollection) InjectIntoAt(index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector) error
- func (it *BytesCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex(injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *BytesCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it BytesCollection) Json() Result
- func (it *BytesCollection) JsonModel() *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *BytesCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *Result) error
- func (it BytesCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
- func (it *BytesCollection) JsonResultAt(index int) *Result
- func (it *BytesCollection) LastIndex() int
- func (it *BytesCollection) LastOrDefault() []byte
- func (it *BytesCollection) Length() int
- func (it *BytesCollection) Limit(limit int) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *Result) (*BytesCollection, error)
- func (it *BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *Result) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) ShadowClone() BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) Skip(skip int) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) Strings() []string
- func (it *BytesCollection) StringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *BytesCollection) Take(limit int) *BytesCollection
- func (it *BytesCollection) UnmarshalAt(index int, any interface{}) error
- func (it *BytesCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex(anys ...interface{}) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- type JsonAnyModeler
- type JsonContractsBinder
- type JsonMarshaller
- type JsonParseSelfInjector
- type JsonStringBinder
- type JsonStringer
- type Jsoner
- type KeyAny
- type KeyWithJsoner
- type KeyWithResult
- type MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) Add(key string, result Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddAny(key string, item interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) AddAnyNonEmpty(key string, item interface{}) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddAnyNonEmptyNonError(key string, item interface{}) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddAnySkipOnNil(key string, item interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) AddJsoner(key string, jsoner Jsoner) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyInf(result KeyAny) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyInfPtr(result *KeyAny) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyItems(results ...KeyAny) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyItemsPtr(results ...*KeyAny) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithJsoner(keyWithJsoner KeyWithJsoner) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithJsonerPtr(keyWithJsoner *KeyWithJsoner) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithResult(result KeyWithResult) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithResultPtr(result *KeyWithResult) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithJsoners(keysWithJsoners ...KeyWithJsoner) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithResults(results ...KeyWithResult) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithResultsPtr(results ...*KeyWithResult) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddMapAnyItems(addOrUpdateMap map[string]interface{}) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddMapResults(mapResults *MapResults) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddMapResultsUsingCloneOption(isClone, isDeepClone bool, mapResults map[string]Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddNonEmptyNonErrorPtr(key string, result *Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddPtr(key string, result *Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AddSkipOnNil(key string, result *Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) AllErrors() (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *MapResults) AllKeys() []string
- func (it *MapResults) AllKeysSorted() []string
- func (it *MapResults) AllResults() []Result
- func (it *MapResults) AllResultsCollection() *ResultsCollection
- func (it *MapResults) AllValues() []Result
- func (it *MapResults) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *MapResults) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *MapResults) AsJsoner() Jsoner
- func (it *MapResults) Clear() *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) Deserialize(key string, any interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) DeserializeMust(key string, any interface{}) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) Dispose()
- func (it *MapResults) GetByKey(key string) *Result
- func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
- func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
- func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsStrings() []string
- func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *MapResults) GetNewMapUsingKeys(isPanicOnMissing bool, keys ...string) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) GetPagedCollection(eachPageSize int) []*MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) GetPagesSize(eachPageSize int) int
- func (it *MapResults) GetSinglePageCollection(eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, allKeys []string) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) GetStrings() []string
- func (it *MapResults) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *MapResults) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *MapResults) HasError() bool
- func (it *MapResults) InjectIntoAt(key string, injector JsonParseSelfInjector) error
- func (it *MapResults) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it MapResults) Json() Result
- func (it *MapResults) JsonModel() *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *MapResults) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *Result) error
- func (it MapResults) JsonPtr() *Result
- func (it *MapResults) LastIndex() int
- func (it *MapResults) Length() int
- func (it *MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *Result) (*MapResults, error)
- func (it *MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *Result) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) ResultCollection() *ResultsCollection
- func (it *MapResults) SafeDeserialize(key string, any interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) SafeDeserializeMust(key string, any interface{}) *MapResults
- func (it *MapResults) SafeUnmarshal(key string, any interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) Unmarshal(key string, any interface{}) error
- func (it *MapResults) UnmarshalMany(keyAnyItems ...KeyAny) error
- func (it *MapResults) UnmarshalManySafe(keyAnyItems ...KeyAny) error
- type PrettyJsonStringer
- type Result
- func (it *Result) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *Result) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *Result) AsJsoner() Jsoner
- func (it *Result) BytesError() *coredata.BytesError
- func (it Result) Clone(isDeepClone bool) Result
- func (it *Result) CloneError() error
- func (it Result) CloneIf(isClone, isDeepClone bool) Result
- func (it *Result) ClonePtr(isDeepClone bool) *Result
- func (it *Result) CombineErrorWithRef(references ...string) string
- func (it *Result) CombineErrorWithRefError(references ...string) error
- func (it *Result) Deserialize(anyPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *Result) DeserializeMust(anyPointer interface{})
- func (it *Result) Dispose()
- func (it *Result) ErrorString() string
- func (it *Result) HandleError()
- func (it *Result) HandleErrorWithMsg(msg string)
- func (it *Result) HasBytes() bool
- func (it *Result) HasError() bool
- func (it *Result) HasIssuesOrEmpty() bool
- func (it *Result) HasJson() bool
- func (it *Result) HasJsonBytes() bool
- func (it *Result) HasSafeItems() bool
- func (it *Result) InjectInto(injector JsonParseSelfInjector) error
- func (it *Result) IsAnyNull() bool
- func (it *Result) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *Result) IsEmptyError() bool
- func (it *Result) IsEmptyJson() bool
- func (it *Result) IsEmptyJsonBytes() bool
- func (it Result) IsEqual(another Result) bool
- func (it *Result) IsEqualPtr(another *Result) bool
- func (it *Result) IsErrorEqual(err error) bool
- func (it Result) Json() Result
- func (it Result) JsonModel() Result
- func (it *Result) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *Result) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResultIn *Result) error
- func (it Result) JsonPtr() *Result
- func (it Result) JsonString() string
- func (it *Result) JsonStringPtr() *string
- func (it *Result) Length() int
- func (it *Result) MeaningfulError() error
- func (it *Result) MeaningfulErrorMessage() string
- func (it *Result) MustBeSafe()
- func (it Result) NonPtr() Result
- func (it *Result) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResultIn *Result) (*Result, error)
- func (it *Result) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResultIn *Result) *Result
- func (it Result) PrettyJsonBuffer(prefix, indent string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
- func (it Result) PrettyJsonString() string
- func (it *Result) PrettyJsonStringWithErr() string
- func (it *Result) Ptr() *Result
- func (it Result) Raw() ([]byte, error)
- func (it *Result) RawErrString() (rawJsonBytes []byte, errorMsg string)
- func (it *Result) RawPrettyString() (jsonString string, err error)
- func (it *Result) RawString() (jsonString string, err error)
- func (it *Result) SafeBytes() []byte
- func (it *Result) SafeNonIssueBytes() []byte
- func (it Result) SafeString() string
- func (it *Result) SafeValues() []byte
- func (it *Result) SafeValuesPtr() *[]byte
- func (it *Result) Serialize() ([]byte, error)
- func (it *Result) SerializeMust() []byte
- func (it *Result) SerializeSkipExistingIssues() ([]byte, error)
- func (it *Result) String() string
- func (it *Result) Unmarshal(anyPointer interface{}) error
- func (it *Result) UnmarshalMust(anyPointer interface{})
- func (it *Result) UnmarshalResult() (*Result, error)
- func (it *Result) UnmarshalSkipExistingIssues(anyItem interface{}) error
- type ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Add(result Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAny(any interface{}) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAnyItems(anyItems ...interface{}) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAnyItemsSlice(anyItems []interface{}) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddJsoners(isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddMapResults(mapResults *MapResults) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr(results ...*Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddNonNilNonError(result *Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddPtr(result *Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddRawMapResults(mapResults map[string]Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddResultsCollection(collection *ResultsCollection) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddSkipOnNil(result *Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Adds(results ...Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AddsPtr(results ...*Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AllErrors() (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Clear() *ResultsCollection
- func (it ResultsCollection) Clone(isDeepCloneEach bool) ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) ClonePtr(isDeepCloneEach bool) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Dispose()
- func (it *ResultsCollection) FirstOrDefault() *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAt(index int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAtSafe(index int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength(index, length int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStrings() []string
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetPagedCollection(eachPageSize int) []*ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetPagesSize(eachPageSize int) int
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection(eachPageSize int, pageIndex int) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetStrings() []string
- func (it *ResultsCollection) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *ResultsCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *ResultsCollection) HasError() bool
- func (it *ResultsCollection) InjectIntoAt(index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector) error
- func (it *ResultsCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex(injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *ResultsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it ResultsCollection) Json() Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonModel() *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *Result) error
- func (it ResultsCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) LastIndex() int
- func (it *ResultsCollection) LastOrDefault() *Result
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Length() int
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Limit(limit int) *ResultsCollection
- func (it ResultsCollection) NonPtr() ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *Result) (*ResultsCollection, error)
- func (it *ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *Result) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Ptr() *ResultsCollection
- func (it ResultsCollection) ShadowClone() ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Skip(skip int) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) Take(limit int) *ResultsCollection
- func (it *ResultsCollection) UnmarshalAt(index int, any interface{}) error
- func (it *ResultsCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex(anys ...interface{}) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- type ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Add(result *Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddAny(any interface{}) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddAnyItems(anys ...interface{}) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddJsoners(isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItems(results ...*Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr(results ...*Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilNonError(result *Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddResult(result Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddResultsCollection(collection *ResultsPtrCollection) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddSkipOnNil(result *Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Adds(results ...*Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AllErrors() (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Clear() *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Clone(isDeepCloneEach bool) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Dispose()
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) FirstOrDefault() *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAt(index int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafe(index int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength(index, length int) *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStrings() []string
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagedCollection(eachPageSize int) []*ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagesSize(eachPageSize int) int
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetSinglePageCollection(eachPageSize int, pageIndex int) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetStrings() []string
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) HasError() bool
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoAt(index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector) error
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex(injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it ResultsPtrCollection) Json() Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModel() *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *Result) error
- func (it ResultsPtrCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) LastIndex() int
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) LastOrDefault() *Result
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Length() int
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Limit(limit int) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it ResultsPtrCollection) NonPtr() ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *Result) (*ResultsPtrCollection, error)
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *Result) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Ptr() *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Skip(skip int) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Take(limit int) *ResultsPtrCollection
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalAt(index int, any interface{}) error
- func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex(anys ...interface{}) (errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool)
- type SimpleJsonBinder
- type SimpleJsoner
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var ( Empty = emptyCreator{} Serialize = serializerLogic{} // deals with json.Marshal Deserialize = deserializerLogic{} // deals with json.Unmarshal NewResult = newResultCreator{} NewResultsCollection = newResultsCollectionCreator{} NewBytesCollection = newBytesCollectionCreator{} NewResultsPtrCollection = newResultsPtrCollectionCreator{} NewMapResults = newMapResultsCreator{} StaticJsonError = errcore. EmptyResultCannotMakeJsonType. ErrorNoRefs(constants.EmptyString) )
Functions ¶
func BytesCloneIf ¶ added in v0.9.8
func BytesDeepClone ¶ added in v1.1.3
Types ¶
type BytesCollection ¶ added in v0.9.8
type BytesCollection struct {
Items [][]byte `json:"JsonBytesCollection"`
func (*BytesCollection) Add ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Add( result []byte, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AddAny ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddAny( any interface{}, ) error
func (*BytesCollection) AddAnyItems ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddAnyItems( anyItems ...interface{}, ) error
func (*BytesCollection) AddBytesCollection ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddBytesCollection( collection *BytesCollection, ) *BytesCollection
AddBytesCollection skip on nil items
func (*BytesCollection) AddJsoners ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddJsoners( isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner, ) *BytesCollection
AddJsoners skip on nil
func (*BytesCollection) AddMapResults ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddMapResults( mapResults *MapResults, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AddNonEmpty ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddNonEmpty( rawBytes []byte, ) *BytesCollection
skip on empty
func (*BytesCollection) AddPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddPtr( rawBytes *[]byte, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AddRawMapResults ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddRawMapResults( mapResults map[string]Result, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AddResult ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddResult( result Result, ) *BytesCollection
skip on empty or has issue
func (*BytesCollection) AddResultPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddResultPtr( result *Result, ) *BytesCollection
skip on empty or has issue
func (*BytesCollection) AddSkipOnNil ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddSkipOnNil( rawBytes []byte, ) *BytesCollection
AddSkipOnNil skip on nil
func (*BytesCollection) Adds ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Adds( rawBytesCollection ...[]byte, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AddsPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AddsPtr( results ...*Result, ) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
func (*BytesCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*BytesCollection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
func (*BytesCollection) Clear ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Clear() *BytesCollection
func (BytesCollection) Clone ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it BytesCollection) Clone(isDeepCloneEach bool) BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) ClonePtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) ClonePtr(isDeepCloneEach bool) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) Dispose ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Dispose()
func (*BytesCollection) FirstOrDefault ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) FirstOrDefault() []byte
func (*BytesCollection) GetAt ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetAt( index int, ) []byte
func (*BytesCollection) GetAtSafe ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafe( index int, ) []byte
func (*BytesCollection) GetAtSafePtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafePtr( index int, ) *[]byte
func (*BytesCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength( index, length int, ) *Result
func (*BytesCollection) GetPagedCollection ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetPagedCollection( eachPageSize int, ) []*BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) GetPagesSize ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetPagesSize( eachPageSize int, ) int
func (*BytesCollection) GetResultAtSafe ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetResultAtSafe( index int, ) *Result
func (*BytesCollection) GetSinglePageCollection ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) GetSinglePageCollection( eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, ) *BytesCollection
GetSinglePageCollection PageIndex is one based index. Should be above or equal 1
func (*BytesCollection) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*BytesCollection) InjectIntoAt ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) InjectIntoAt( index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector, ) error
func (*BytesCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex( injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
InjectIntoSameIndex any nil skip
func (*BytesCollection) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (BytesCollection) Json ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it BytesCollection) Json() Result
func (*BytesCollection) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) JsonModel() *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*BytesCollection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *Result, ) error
func (BytesCollection) JsonPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it BytesCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
func (*BytesCollection) JsonResultAt ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) JsonResultAt( index int, ) *Result
func (*BytesCollection) LastIndex ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) LastIndex() int
func (*BytesCollection) LastOrDefault ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) LastOrDefault() []byte
func (*BytesCollection) Length ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Length() int
func (*BytesCollection) Limit ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Limit(limit int) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *Result, ) (*BytesCollection, error)
ParseInjectUsingJson It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *Result, ) *BytesCollection
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*BytesCollection) ShadowClone ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) ShadowClone() BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) Skip ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Skip(skip int) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) Strings ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Strings() []string
func (*BytesCollection) StringsPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) StringsPtr() *[]string
func (*BytesCollection) Take ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) Take(limit int) *BytesCollection
func (*BytesCollection) UnmarshalAt ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) UnmarshalAt( index int, any interface{}, ) error
func (*BytesCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (it *BytesCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex( anys ...interface{}, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
UnmarshalIntoSameIndex any nil skip
type JsonAnyModeler ¶ added in v0.9.5
type JsonAnyModeler interface {
JsonModelAny() interface{}
type JsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.4.1
type JsonContractsBinder interface { SimpleJsoner AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder }
type JsonMarshaller ¶
type JsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.4.0
type JsonStringBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
type JsonStringBinder interface { JsonStringer PrettyJsonStringer AsJsonStringBinder() JsonStringBinder }
type JsonStringer ¶ added in v0.9.5
type JsonStringer interface {
JsonString() string
type KeyWithJsoner ¶ added in v0.8.3
type KeyWithResult ¶ added in v0.8.3
type MapResults ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (*MapResults) Add ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) Add( key string, result Result, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddAny ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddAny( key string, item interface{}, ) error
AddAny returns error if any during marshalling it.
func (*MapResults) AddAnyNonEmpty ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddAnyNonEmpty( key string, item interface{}, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddAnyNonEmptyNonError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddAnyNonEmptyNonError( key string, item interface{}, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddAnySkipOnNil ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddAnySkipOnNil( key string, item interface{}, ) error
AddAnySkipOnNil returns error if any during marshalling it.
func (*MapResults) AddJsoner ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddJsoner( key string, jsoner Jsoner, ) *MapResults
AddJsoner skip on nil
func (*MapResults) AddKeyAnyInf ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyInf( result KeyAny, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyAnyInfPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyInfPtr( result *KeyAny, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyAnyItems ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyItems( results ...KeyAny, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyAnyItemsPtr ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyAnyItemsPtr( results ...*KeyAny, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyWithJsoner ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithJsoner( keyWithJsoner KeyWithJsoner, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyWithJsonerPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithJsonerPtr( keyWithJsoner *KeyWithJsoner, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyWithResult ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithResult( result KeyWithResult, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeyWithResultPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeyWithResultPtr( result *KeyWithResult, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeysWithJsoners ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithJsoners( keysWithJsoners ...KeyWithJsoner, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeysWithResults ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithResults( results ...KeyWithResult, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddKeysWithResultsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddKeysWithResultsPtr( results ...*KeyWithResult, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddMapAnyItems ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) AddMapAnyItems( addOrUpdateMap map[string]interface{}, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddMapResults ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddMapResults( mapResults *MapResults, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddMapResultsUsingCloneOption ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) AddMapResultsUsingCloneOption( isClone, isDeepClone bool, mapResults map[string]Result, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddNonEmptyNonErrorPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddNonEmptyNonErrorPtr( key string, result *Result, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddPtr( key string, result *Result, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) AddSkipOnNil ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AddSkipOnNil( key string, result *Result, ) *MapResults
AddSkipOnNil skip on nil
func (*MapResults) AllErrors ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AllErrors() ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
func (*MapResults) AllKeys ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AllKeys() []string
func (*MapResults) AllKeysSorted ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) AllKeysSorted() []string
func (*MapResults) AllResults ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AllResults() []Result
func (*MapResults) AllResultsCollection ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AllResultsCollection() *ResultsCollection
func (*MapResults) AllValues ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AllValues() []Result
func (*MapResults) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (it *MapResults) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
func (*MapResults) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*MapResults) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) AsJsoner() Jsoner
func (*MapResults) Clear ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) Clear() *MapResults
func (*MapResults) Deserialize ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) Deserialize( key string, any interface{}, ) error
func (*MapResults) DeserializeMust ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) DeserializeMust( key string, any interface{}, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) Dispose ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (it *MapResults) Dispose()
func (*MapResults) GetByKey ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) GetByKey( key string, ) *Result
func (*MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingle ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
func (*MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingleString ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
func (*MapResults) GetErrorsStrings ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsStrings() []string
func (*MapResults) GetErrorsStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*MapResults) GetNewMapUsingKeys ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) GetNewMapUsingKeys( isPanicOnMissing bool, keys ...string, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) GetPagedCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) GetPagedCollection( eachPageSize int, ) []*MapResults
func (*MapResults) GetPagesSize ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) GetPagesSize( eachPageSize int, ) int
func (*MapResults) GetSinglePageCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) GetSinglePageCollection( eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, allKeys []string, ) *MapResults
GetSinglePageCollection PageIndex is one based index. Should be above or equal 1
func (*MapResults) GetStrings ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetStrings() []string
func (*MapResults) GetStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*MapResults) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*MapResults) HasError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) HasError() bool
HasError has any error
func (*MapResults) InjectIntoAt ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) InjectIntoAt( key string, injector JsonParseSelfInjector, ) error
func (*MapResults) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) IsEmpty() bool
func (MapResults) Json ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it MapResults) Json() Result
func (*MapResults) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) JsonModel() *MapResults
func (*MapResults) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*MapResults) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *Result, ) error
func (MapResults) JsonPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it MapResults) JsonPtr() *Result
func (*MapResults) LastIndex ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) LastIndex() int
func (*MapResults) Length ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) Length() int
func (*MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *Result, ) (*MapResults, error)
ParseInjectUsingJson It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *MapResults) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *Result, ) *MapResults
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*MapResults) ResultCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *MapResults) ResultCollection() *ResultsCollection
func (*MapResults) SafeDeserialize ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) SafeDeserialize( key string, any interface{}, ) error
func (*MapResults) SafeDeserializeMust ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) SafeDeserializeMust( key string, any interface{}, ) *MapResults
func (*MapResults) SafeUnmarshal ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) SafeUnmarshal( key string, any interface{}, ) error
func (*MapResults) Unmarshal ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *MapResults) Unmarshal( key string, any interface{}, ) error
func (*MapResults) UnmarshalMany ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) UnmarshalMany( keyAnyItems ...KeyAny, ) error
func (*MapResults) UnmarshalManySafe ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *MapResults) UnmarshalManySafe( keyAnyItems ...KeyAny, ) error
type PrettyJsonStringer ¶ added in v0.9.5
type PrettyJsonStringer interface {
PrettyJsonString() string
type Result ¶
type Result struct { Bytes []byte Error error TypeName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Result) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (it *Result) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
func (*Result) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *Result) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*Result) BytesError ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (it *Result) BytesError() *coredata.BytesError
func (*Result) CloneError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (*Result) CombineErrorWithRef ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (*Result) CombineErrorWithRefError ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (*Result) DeserializeMust ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *Result) DeserializeMust( anyPointer interface{}, )
Same as UnmarshalMust, just alias
func (*Result) ErrorString ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (*Result) HandleError ¶
func (it *Result) HandleError()
func (*Result) HandleErrorWithMsg ¶
func (*Result) HasBytes ¶
Invert of Result.IsEmptyJsonBytes()
Represents has at least valid json data other than length 0 or "{}"
func (*Result) HasIssuesOrEmpty ¶ added in v0.7.7
Returns true if Result is null or has any error or has empty json (length 0 or "{}")
Result.IsAnyNull() || Result.HasError() || Result.IsEmptyJsonBytes()
func (*Result) HasJsonBytes ¶ added in v1.1.0
Invert of Result.IsEmptyJsonBytes()
Represents has at least valid json data other than length 0 or "{}"
func (*Result) HasSafeItems ¶ added in v0.7.7
Returns true if Result is not null and has NO error and has non-Empty json (other than length 0 or "{}")
Invert of HasIssuesOrEmpty
func (*Result) InjectInto ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *Result) InjectInto( injector JsonParseSelfInjector, ) error
func (*Result) IsAnyNull ¶ added in v0.9.8
Returns true if Result is null or Bytes is null
func (*Result) IsEmptyError ¶
func (*Result) IsEmptyJson ¶
func (*Result) IsEqualPtr ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (*Result) IsErrorEqual ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (*Result) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *Result) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*Result) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (Result) JsonString ¶
func (*Result) JsonStringPtr ¶
func (*Result) MeaningfulError ¶ added in v0.4.1
MeaningfulError create error even if results are nil.
func (*Result) MeaningfulErrorMessage ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*Result) MustBeSafe ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (it *Result) MustBeSafe()
MustBeSafe alias for HandleError
func (*Result) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.3.4
ParseInjectUsingJson It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*Result) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.3.4
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (Result) PrettyJsonBuffer ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (Result) PrettyJsonString ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (*Result) PrettyJsonStringWithErr ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (*Result) RawErrString ¶ added in v1.1.1
func (*Result) RawPrettyString ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (*Result) SafeNonIssueBytes ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (Result) SafeString ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (*Result) SafeValues ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (*Result) SafeValuesPtr ¶ added in v0.9.8
func (*Result) SerializeMust ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*Result) SerializeSkipExistingIssues ¶ added in v1.1.0
Ignores and returns nil if HasIssuesOrEmpty satisfied
func (*Result) UnmarshalMust ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *Result) UnmarshalMust( anyPointer interface{}, )
func (*Result) UnmarshalResult ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (*Result) UnmarshalSkipExistingIssues ¶ added in v1.1.0
Ignores and returns nil if HasIssuesOrEmpty satisfied
type ResultsCollection ¶ added in v0.3.4
type ResultsCollection struct {
Items []Result `json:"JsonResultsCollection"`
func (*ResultsCollection) Add ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) Add( result Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddAny ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAny( any interface{}, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddAnyItems ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAnyItems( anyItems ...interface{}, ) *ResultsCollection
AddAnyItems Skip on nil
func (*ResultsCollection) AddAnyItemsSlice ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddAnyItemsSlice( anyItems []interface{}, ) *ResultsCollection
Skip on nil
func (*ResultsCollection) AddJsoners ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddJsoners( isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner, ) *ResultsCollection
AddJsoners skip on nil
func (*ResultsCollection) AddMapResults ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddMapResults( mapResults *MapResults, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr( results ...*Result, ) *ResultsCollection
AddNonNilItemsPtr skip on nil
func (*ResultsCollection) AddNonNilNonError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddNonNilNonError( result *Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddPtr( result *Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddRawMapResults ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddRawMapResults( mapResults map[string]Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddResultsCollection ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddResultsCollection( collection *ResultsCollection, ) *ResultsCollection
skip on nil items
func (*ResultsCollection) AddSkipOnNil ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddSkipOnNil( result *Result, ) *ResultsCollection
AddSkipOnNil skip on nil
func (*ResultsCollection) Adds ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) Adds( results ...Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AddsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) AddsPtr( results ...*Result, ) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) AllErrors ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) AllErrors() ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
func (*ResultsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
func (*ResultsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*ResultsCollection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
func (*ResultsCollection) Clear ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) Clear() *ResultsCollection
func (ResultsCollection) Clone ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it ResultsCollection) Clone(isDeepCloneEach bool) ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) ClonePtr ¶ added in v0.8.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) ClonePtr(isDeepCloneEach bool) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) Dispose ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) Dispose()
func (*ResultsCollection) FirstOrDefault ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) FirstOrDefault() *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) GetAt ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAt( index int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) GetAtSafe ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAtSafe( index int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength( index, length int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
func (*ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
func (*ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStrings ¶ added in v0.3.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStrings() []string
func (*ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*ResultsCollection) GetPagedCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetPagedCollection( eachPageSize int, ) []*ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) GetPagesSize ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetPagesSize( eachPageSize int, ) int
func (*ResultsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetSinglePageCollection( eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, ) *ResultsCollection
GetSinglePageCollection PageIndex is one based index. Should be above or equal 1
func (*ResultsCollection) GetStrings ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetStrings() []string
func (*ResultsCollection) GetStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsCollection) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*ResultsCollection) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*ResultsCollection) HasError ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) HasError() bool
HasError has any error
func (*ResultsCollection) InjectIntoAt ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) InjectIntoAt( index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector, ) error
func (*ResultsCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex( injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
InjectIntoSameIndex any nil skip
func (*ResultsCollection) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (ResultsCollection) Json ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it ResultsCollection) Json() Result
func (*ResultsCollection) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonModel() *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*ResultsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *Result, ) error
func (ResultsCollection) JsonPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it ResultsCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) LastIndex ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) LastIndex() int
func (*ResultsCollection) LastOrDefault ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) LastOrDefault() *Result
func (*ResultsCollection) Length ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) Length() int
func (*ResultsCollection) Limit ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) Limit(limit int) *ResultsCollection
func (ResultsCollection) NonPtr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (it ResultsCollection) NonPtr() ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *Result, ) (*ResultsCollection, error)
ParseInjectUsingJson It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *Result, ) *ResultsCollection
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*ResultsCollection) Ptr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (it *ResultsCollection) Ptr() *ResultsCollection
func (ResultsCollection) ShadowClone ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it ResultsCollection) ShadowClone() ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) Skip ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) Skip(skip int) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) Take ¶ added in v0.7.7
func (it *ResultsCollection) Take(limit int) *ResultsCollection
func (*ResultsCollection) UnmarshalAt ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) UnmarshalAt( index int, any interface{}, ) error
func (*ResultsCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.3.4
func (it *ResultsCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex( anys ...interface{}, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
UnmarshalIntoSameIndex any nil skip
type ResultsPtrCollection ¶ added in v0.8.3
type ResultsPtrCollection struct {
Items []*Result `json:"JsonResultsCollection"`
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Add ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Add( result *Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddAny ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddAny( any interface{}, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddAnyItems ¶ added in v1.0.8
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddAnyItems( anys ...interface{}, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddAnyItems Skip on nil
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddJsoners ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddJsoners( isIgnoreNilOrError bool, jsoners ...Jsoner, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddJsoners skip on nil
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItems ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItems( results ...*Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddNonNilItems skip on nil
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilItemsPtr( results ...*Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddNonNilItemsPtr skip on nil
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilNonError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddNonNilNonError( result *Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddResult ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddResult( result Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddResultsCollection ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddResultsCollection( collection *ResultsPtrCollection, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddResultsCollection skip on nil items
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AddSkipOnNil ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AddSkipOnNil( result *Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
AddSkipOnNil skip on nil
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Adds ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Adds( results ...*Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AllErrors ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AllErrors() ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonContractsBinder() JsonContractsBinder
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() JsonParseSelfInjector
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) AsJsoner() Jsoner
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Clear ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Clear() *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Clone ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Clone( isDeepCloneEach bool, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Dispose ¶ added in v0.9.4
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Dispose()
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) FirstOrDefault ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) FirstOrDefault() *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetAt ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAt( index int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafe ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafe( index int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetAtSafeUsingLength( index, length int, ) *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingle() error
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsAsSingleString() string
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStrings ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStrings() []string
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetErrorsStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagedCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagedCollection( eachPageSize int, ) []*ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagesSize ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetPagesSize( eachPageSize int, ) int
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetSinglePageCollection ¶ added in v0.8.5
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetSinglePageCollection( eachPageSize int, pageIndex int, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
GetSinglePageCollection PageIndex is one based index. Should be above or equal 1
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetStrings ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetStrings() []string
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) GetStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) GetStringsPtr() *[]string
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) HasAnyItem ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) HasAnyItem() bool
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) HasError ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) HasError() bool
HasError has any error
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoAt ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoAt( index int, injector JsonParseSelfInjector, ) error
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) InjectIntoSameIndex( injectors ...JsonParseSelfInjector, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
InjectIntoSameIndex any nil skip
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (ResultsPtrCollection) Json ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it ResultsPtrCollection) Json() Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModel() *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) JsonParseSelfInject( jsonResult *Result, ) error
func (ResultsPtrCollection) JsonPtr ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it ResultsPtrCollection) JsonPtr() *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) LastIndex ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) LastIndex() int
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) LastOrDefault ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) LastOrDefault() *Result
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Length ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Length() int
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Limit ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Limit(limit int) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (ResultsPtrCollection) NonPtr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (it ResultsPtrCollection) NonPtr() ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *Result, ) (*ResultsPtrCollection, error)
ParseInjectUsingJson It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *Result, ) *ResultsPtrCollection
ParseInjectUsingJsonMust Panic if error
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Ptr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Ptr() *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Skip ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Skip(skip int) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) Take ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) Take(limit int) *ResultsPtrCollection
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalAt ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalAt( index int, any interface{}, ) error
func (*ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex ¶ added in v0.8.3
func (it *ResultsPtrCollection) UnmarshalIntoSameIndex( anys ...interface{}, ) ( errListPtr []error, hasAnyError bool, )
UnmarshalIntoSameIndex any nil skip
type SimpleJsonBinder ¶ added in v0.9.5
type SimpleJsonBinder interface { Jsoner AsSimpleJsonBinder() SimpleJsonBinder }
type SimpleJsoner ¶ added in v0.9.5
type SimpleJsoner interface { Jsoner JsonParseSelfInjector }
Source Files
- BytesCloneIf.go
- BytesCollection.go
- BytesDeepClone.go
- JsonAnyModeler.go
- JsonContractsBinder.go
- JsonMarshaller.go
- JsonParseSelfInjector.go
- JsonStringBinder.go
- JsonStringer.go
- Jsoner.go
- KeyAny.go
- KeyWithJsoner.go
- KeyWithResult.go
- MapResults.go
- New.go
- NewPtr.go
- PrettyJsonStringer.go
- Result.go
- ResultCollection.go
- ResultsPtrCollection.go
- SimpleJsonBinder.go
- SimpleJsoner.go
- deserializeFromBytesTo.go
- deserializeFromResultTo.go
- deserializerLogic.go
- emptyCreator.go
- newBytesCollectionCreator.go
- newMapResultsCreator.go
- newResultCreator.go
- newResultsCollectionCreator.go
- newResultsPtrCollectionCreator.go
- serializerLogic.go
- vars.go