Index ¶
- Constants
- func Combine(genericMsg, otherMsg, reference string) string
- func CombineWithMsgType(genericMsg Variation, otherMsg string, reference interface{}) string
- func EnumRangeNotMeet(rangeStart interface{}, rangeEnd interface{}, wholeRange interface{}) string
- func ErrPrint(err error)
- func ErrPrintWithTestIndex(caseIndex int, err error)
- func ErrorToSplitLines(err error) []string
- func ErrorToSplitNonEmptyLines(err error) []string
- func ErrorWithCompiledTraceRef(err error, compiledTraces string, reference interface{}) string
- func ErrorWithCompiledTraceRefToError(err error, compiledTraces string, reference interface{}) error
- func ErrorWithRef(err error, reference interface{}) string
- func ErrorWithRefToError(err error, reference interface{}) error
- func ErrorWithTracesRefToError(err error, traces []string, reference interface{}) error
- func Expecting(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
- func ExpectingErrorSimpleNoType(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) error
- func ExpectingNotEqualSimpleNoType(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
- func ExpectingSimple(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
- func ExpectingSimpleNoType(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
- func FailedPrint(isFailed bool, items ...interface{})
- func FmtDebug(format string, items ...interface{})
- func FmtDebugIf(isDebug bool, format string, items ...interface{})
- func GetActualAndExpectProcessedMessage(counter int, actual interface{}, expected interface{}, ...) string
- func GetSearchLineNumberExpectationMessage(counter int, lineNumberExpect int, lineNumberActualContent int, ...) string
- func GetSearchTermExpectationMessage(counter int, expectationMessage string, lineProcessingIndex int, ...) string
- func GetSearchTermExpectationSimpleMessage(counter int, expectationErrorMessage string, processingIndex int, ...) string
- func GetWhenActualAndExpectProcessedMessage(actual interface{}, expectationMessageDef *ExpectationMessageDef) string
- func GherkinsString(testCaseIndex int, feature, given, when, then interface{}) string
- func GherkinsStringWithExpectation(testCaseIndex int, feature, given, when, then, actual, expectation interface{}) string
- func ManyErrorToSingle(errorItems []error) error
- func ManyErrorToSingleDirect(errorItems ...error) error
- func MeaningfulError(msgType Variation, funcName string, err error) error
- func MeaningfulErrorHandle(msgType Variation, funcName string, err error)
- func MeaningfulErrorWithData(msgType Variation, funcName string, err error, data interface{}) error
- func MeaningfulMessageError(msgType Variation, funcName string, err error, message string) error
- func MergeErr(errorItems ...error) error
- func MergeErrorString(joiner string, errorItems ...error) string
- func MergeErrorStringDefault(errorItems ...error) string
- func MessageNameValues(message string, nameValues ...NameVal) string
- func MessageVar2(message string, var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, val2 interface{}) string
- func MessageVar3(message string, var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, val2 interface{}, ...) string
- func MessageVarMap(message string, mappedItems map[string]interface{}) string
- func MessageWithRef(msg string, reference interface{}) string
- func MessageWithRefToError(msg string, reference interface{}) error
- func MsgHeader(items ...interface{}) string
- func MsgHeaderIf(isHeader bool, items ...interface{}) string
- func MsgHeaderPlusEnding(header, message interface{}) string
- func PanicOnIndexOutOfRange(length int, indexes []int)
- func PanicRangeNotMeet(otherMsg string, rangeStart interface{}, rangeEnd interface{}, ...) string
- func PathMeaningFulError(msgType Variation, funcName string, err error, location string) error
- func PathMeaningFulMessage(msgType Variation, funcName string, location string, messages ...string) error
- func RangeNotMeet(otherMsg string, rangeStart interface{}, rangeEnd interface{}, ...) string
- func Ref(reference interface{}) string
- func RefToError(reference interface{}) error
- func SimpleHandleErr(err error, msg string)
- func SimpleHandleErrMany(msg string, errorItems ...error)
- func SliceError(sep string, slice *[]string) error
- func SliceErrorDefault(slice *[]string) error
- func SliceErrorsToStrings(errorItems ...error) []string
- func SliceToError(errorSlice []string) error
- func SliceToErrorPtr(errorSlice *[]string) error
- func StackTracesCompiled(traces []string) string
- func StringLinesToQuoteLines(lines []string) []string
- func StringLinesToQuoteLinesToSingle(lines []string) string
- func ToString(err error) string
- func ToStringPtr(err error) *string
- func ToValueString(reference interface{}) string
- func ValidPrint(isValid bool, items ...interface{})
- func Var2(isIncludeType bool, var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, ...) string
- func Var2NoType(var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, val2 interface{}) string
- func Var3(isIncludeType bool, var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, ...) string
- func Var3NoType(var1 string, val1 interface{}, var2 string, val2 interface{}, var3 string, ...) string
- func VarMap(mappedItems map[string]interface{}) string
- func VarMapStrings(mappedItems map[string]interface{}) []string
- func VarNameValues(nameValues ...NameVal) string
- func VarNameValuesJoiner(joiner string, nameValues ...NameVal) string
- func VarNameValuesStrings(nameValues ...NameVal) []string
- type ErrAnyFunc
- type ErrAnyItemsFunc
- type ErrBytesFunc
- type ErrFunc
- type ErrInAnyFunc
- type ErrStringFunc
- type ErrStringsFunc
- type ExpectationMessageDef
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedSafeString() string
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedString() string
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedStringTrim() string
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) Print(actual interface{})
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIf(isPrint bool, actual interface{})
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIfFailed(isPrintOnFail, isFailed bool, actual interface{})
- func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ToString(actual interface{}) string
- type ExpectingRecord
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) Error(actual interface{}) error
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimple(actual interface{}) error
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimpleNoType(actual interface{}) error
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) Message(actual interface{}) string
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) MessageSimple(actual interface{}) string
- func (it *ExpectingRecord) MessageSimpleNoType(actual interface{}) string
- type NameVal
- type RawErrCollection
- func (it *RawErrCollection) Add(err error)
- func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithCompiledTraceRef(err error, compiledTrace string, referenceItem interface{})
- func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithRef(err error, referenceItem interface{})
- func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithTraceRef(err error, traces []string, referenceItem interface{})
- func (it *RawErrCollection) Adds(errorItems ...error)
- func (it *RawErrCollection) Clear()
- func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledError() error
- func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoiner(joiner string) error
- func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoinerAdditionalMessage(joiner, additionalMessage string) error
- func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingStackTraces(joiner string, stackTraces []string) error
- func (it *RawErrCollection) Dispose()
- func (it *RawErrCollection) HasError() bool
- func (it *RawErrCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (it *RawErrCollection) Length() int
- func (it RawErrCollection) String() string
- func (it RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoiner(joiner string) string
- func (it RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoinerAdditional(joiner, additionalMessage string) string
- func (it RawErrCollection) StringWithAdditionalMessage(additionalMessage string) string
- func (it RawErrCollection) Strings() []string
- type TaskWithErrFunc
- type Variation
- func (variation Variation) Combine(otherMsg string, reference interface{}) string
- func (variation Variation) CombineWithAnother(another Variation, otherMsg string, reference interface{}) Variation
- func (variation Variation) Error(otherMsg string, reference interface{}) error
- func (variation Variation) ErrorNoRefs(otherMsg string) error
- func (variation Variation) ErrorRefOnly(reference interface{}) error
- func (variation Variation) Expecting(expecting, actual interface{}) error
- func (variation Variation) HandleUsingPanic(otherMsg string, reference interface{})
- func (variation Variation) String() string
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( ReferenceStart = "Reference(s) (" ReferenceEnd = ")" ReferenceFormat = " Reference(s) { \"%v\" }" CannotConvertStringToByteForLessThanZero = "Cannot convert string to byte. String cannot be less than 0 for byte." CannotConvertStringToByteForMoreThan255 = "Cannot convert string to byte. String is a number " + "but larger than byte size. At max it could be 255." CannotConvertStringToByte = "Cannot convert string to byte." PrefixStackTrace = constants.Hyphen + constants.Space PrefixStackTraceNewLine = constants.NewLineUnix + PrefixStackTrace NewLineCodeStacksHeader = "\nCode Stacks :\n" CodeStacksHeaderNewLine = "Code Stacks :\n" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CombineWithMsgType ¶
func EnumRangeNotMeet ¶
func EnumRangeNotMeet( rangeStart interface{}, rangeEnd interface{}, wholeRange interface{}, ) string
func ErrPrintWithTestIndex ¶
func ErrorToSplitLines ¶
func ErrorWithRef ¶
func ErrorWithRefToError ¶
func Expecting ¶
func Expecting(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
"%s - expecting (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"], but received or actual (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"]"
func ExpectingErrorSimpleNoType ¶
func ExpectingErrorSimpleNoType( title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}, ) error
func ExpectingNotEqualSimpleNoType ¶
func ExpectingNotEqualSimpleNoType( title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}, ) string
func ExpectingSimple ¶
func ExpectingSimple(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
"%s - Expect (type:\"%T\")[\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"](type:\"%T\") Actual"
func ExpectingSimpleNoType ¶
func ExpectingSimpleNoType(title, wasExpecting, actual interface{}) string
"%s - Expect [\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"] Actual"
func FailedPrint ¶
func FailedPrint( isFailed bool, items ...interface{}, )
func FmtDebugIf ¶
func GetWhenActualAndExpectProcessedMessage ¶
func GetWhenActualAndExpectProcessedMessage( actual interface{}, expectationMessageDef *ExpectationMessageDef, ) string
func GherkinsString ¶
func ManyErrorToSingle ¶
func ManyErrorToSingleDirect ¶
func MeaningfulErrorHandle ¶
func MeaningfulErrorWithData ¶
func MeaningfulMessageError ¶
func MergeErrorString ¶
func MergeErrorStringDefault ¶
func MessageNameValues ¶
func MessageVar2 ¶
func MessageVar3 ¶
func MessageVarMap ¶
func MessageWithRef ¶
func MessageWithRefToError ¶
func MsgHeaderIf ¶
func MsgHeaderPlusEnding ¶
func MsgHeaderPlusEnding( header, message interface{}, ) string
func PanicOnIndexOutOfRange ¶
func PanicRangeNotMeet ¶
func PathMeaningFulError ¶
func PathMeaningFulMessage ¶
func PathMeaningFulMessage( msgType Variation, funcName string, location string, messages ...string, ) error
PathMeaningFulMessage skip error if messages empty or length 0
func RangeNotMeet ¶
func RefToError ¶
func RefToError(reference interface{}) error
func SimpleHandleErr ¶
func SimpleHandleErrMany ¶
func SliceError ¶
func SliceErrorDefault ¶
func SliceErrorsToStrings ¶
func SliceToError ¶
func SliceToErrorPtr ¶
func StackTracesCompiled ¶
func StringLinesToQuoteLines ¶
Each line will be wrapped with "\"%s\", quotation and comma
func StringLinesToQuoteLinesToSingle ¶
Each line will be wrapped with "\"%s\", quotation and comma
func ToStringPtr ¶
func ToValueString ¶
func ToValueString(reference interface{}) string
func ValidPrint ¶
func ValidPrint( isValid bool, items ...interface{}, )
func Var2NoType ¶
func Var3NoType ¶
func VarMapStrings ¶
func VarNameValues ¶
func VarNameValuesJoiner ¶
func VarNameValuesStrings ¶
Types ¶
type ErrAnyFunc ¶
type ErrAnyFunc func() (anyItem interface{}, err error)
type ErrAnyItemsFunc ¶
type ErrAnyItemsFunc func() (anyItems []interface{}, err error)
type ErrBytesFunc ¶
type ErrInAnyFunc ¶
type ErrInAnyFunc func(anyItem interface{}) (err error)
type ErrStringFunc ¶
type ErrStringsFunc ¶
type ExpectationMessageDef ¶
type ExpectationMessageDef struct { CaseIndex int FuncName string TestCaseName string When string Expected interface{} ActualProcessed interface{} ExpectedProcessed interface{} IsNonWhiteSort bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedSafeString ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedSafeString() string
func (ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedString ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedString() string
func (ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedStringTrim ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ExpectedStringTrim() string
func (ExpectationMessageDef) Print ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) Print(actual interface{})
func (ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIf ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIf( isPrint bool, actual interface{}, )
func (ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIfFailed ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) PrintIfFailed( isPrintOnFail, isFailed bool, actual interface{}, )
func (ExpectationMessageDef) ToString ¶
func (it ExpectationMessageDef) ToString(actual interface{}) string
type ExpectingRecord ¶
type ExpectingRecord struct { ExpectingTitle string WasExpecting interface{} }
func ExpectingFuture ¶
func ExpectingFuture(title string, wasExpecting interface{}) *ExpectingRecord
returns ExpectingRecord which will print
"%s - expecting (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"], but received or actual (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"]"
func (*ExpectingRecord) Error ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) Error(actual interface{}) error
Error Expecting
"%s - expecting (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"], but received or actual (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"]"
func (*ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimple ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimple(actual interface{}) error
ErrorSimple Expecting
"%s - Expect (type:\"%T\")[\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"](type:\"%T\") Actual"
func (*ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimpleNoType ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) ErrorSimpleNoType(actual interface{}) error
ErrorSimpleNoType Expecting
"%s - Expect [\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"] Actual"
func (*ExpectingRecord) Message ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) Message(actual interface{}) string
Message Expecting
"%s - expecting (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"], but received or actual (type:[%T]) : [\"%v\"]"
func (*ExpectingRecord) MessageSimple ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) MessageSimple(actual interface{}) string
MessageSimple Expecting
"%s - Expect (type:\"%T\")[\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"](type:\"%T\") Actual"
func (*ExpectingRecord) MessageSimpleNoType ¶
func (it *ExpectingRecord) MessageSimpleNoType(actual interface{}) string
"%s - Expect [\"%v\"] != [\"%v\"] Actual"
type NameVal ¶
type NameVal struct { Name string Value interface{} }
type RawErrCollection ¶
type RawErrCollection struct {
Items []error
func (*RawErrCollection) Add ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) Add(err error)
func (*RawErrCollection) AddWithCompiledTraceRef ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithCompiledTraceRef( err error, compiledTrace string, referenceItem interface{}, )
func (*RawErrCollection) AddWithRef ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithRef( err error, referenceItem interface{}, )
func (*RawErrCollection) AddWithTraceRef ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) AddWithTraceRef( err error, traces []string, referenceItem interface{}, )
func (*RawErrCollection) Adds ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) Adds(errorItems ...error)
func (*RawErrCollection) Clear ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) Clear()
func (RawErrCollection) CompiledError ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledError() error
func (RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoiner ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoiner(joiner string) error
func (RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoinerAdditionalMessage ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingJoinerAdditionalMessage(joiner, additionalMessage string) error
func (RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingStackTraces ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) CompiledErrorUsingStackTraces(joiner string, stackTraces []string) error
func (*RawErrCollection) Dispose ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) Dispose()
func (*RawErrCollection) HasError ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) HasError() bool
func (*RawErrCollection) IsEmpty ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (*RawErrCollection) Length ¶
func (it *RawErrCollection) Length() int
func (RawErrCollection) String ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) String() string
func (RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoiner ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoiner(joiner string) string
func (RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoinerAdditional ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) StringUsingJoinerAdditional(joiner, additionalMessage string) string
func (RawErrCollection) StringWithAdditionalMessage ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) StringWithAdditionalMessage(additionalMessage string) string
func (RawErrCollection) Strings ¶
func (it RawErrCollection) Strings() []string
type TaskWithErrFunc ¶
type TaskWithErrFunc func() error
type Variation ¶
type Variation string
const ( InvalidRequest Variation = "Invalid : request, cannot process it." InvalidNullPointer Variation = "Invalid : null pointer, cannot process it." InvalidEmptyValue Variation = "Invalid : empty value given, cannot process it." OutOfRange Variation = "Out of range : given value, cannot process it." OutOfRangeLength Variation = "Out of range : given data length, cannot process it." InvalidEmptyPathErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : empty path given, cannot process it." InvalidStringErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : string cannot process it." InvalidIntegerErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : integer cannot process it." InvalidFloatErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : float cannot process it." InvalidTypeErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : type cannot process it." InvalidPointerErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : pointer cannot process it." InvalidValueErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : value cannot process it." InvalidCharErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : character cannot process it." InvalidArgumentsErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : arguments or argument cannot process it." InvalidAnyPathEmptyErrorMessage Variation = "Invalid : any of the given path was empty, thus cannot process it." UnsupportedOperatingSystem Variation = "Unsupported : given operating system is not supported by the executable or system!" UnsupportedArchitecture Variation = "Unsupported : given operating system architecture is not supported by the executable or system!" UnsupportedCategory Variation = "Unsupported : given category or type or variant is not supported by the executable or system!" UnsupportedVersion Variation = "Unsupported : given version request is not supported by the executable or system!" UnsupportedInLinux Variation = "Unsupported : given request is not supported in Linux!" UnsupportedInUnix Variation = "Unsupported : given request is not supported in any of Unix (including Linux, macOs, CentOS etc) operating versions!" UnsupportedInWindows Variation = "Unsupported : given request is not supported in any of Windows operating system versions!" FailedToExecute Variation = "Failed : request failed to execute!" FailedToCreateCmd Variation = "Failed : To create cmd, command process call. Nil pointer! Cannot proceed further." FailedToParse Variation = "Failed : request failed to parse!" FailedToConvert Variation = "Failed : request failed to convert!" CannotRemoveIndexesFromEmptyCollection Variation = "Invalid operation: cannot remove indexes (either indexes are nil) or cannot remove indexes from the empty collection." CannotBeNegativeIndex Variation = "Invalid operation / index: index cannot be negative, operations canceled." CannotBeNegativeMessage Variation = "Values or value cannot be negative value." CannotBeNilOrEmptyMessage Variation = "Values or value cannot be nil or null or empty." AlreadyInitialized Variation = "Value is already initialized." KeyNotExistInMap Variation = "Key doesn't exist in map." CannotBeNilMessage Variation = "Values or value cannot be nil or null." ShouldBePointer Variation = "Reference or Input needs to be a pointer!" CannotConvertToRwxWhereVarRwxPossible Variation = "Cannot convert Rwx, it had wildcards in type. It can only be converted to VarRwx." ShouldBeNilMessage Variation = "Values or value should be nil or null." ShouldBeLessThanMessage Variation = "Values or value should be less than the reference." ShouldBeGreaterThanMessage Variation = "Values or value should be greater than the reference." ShouldBeLessThanEqualMessage Variation = "Values or value should be less or equal to the reference." ShouldBeEqualToMessage Variation = "Values or value should be equal to the reference." LengthShouldBeEqualToMessage Variation = "Values' or value's length should be equal to the reference." EmptyStatusMessage Variation = "Empty status found." NullResultMessage Variation = "Null or null or nil pointer, which is unexpected." EmptyArrayMessage Variation = "Empty array, which is unexpected." EmptyItemsMessage Variation = "Empty items, which is unexpected." PathErrorMessage Variation = "Path error, which is unexpected." PathRemoveFailedMessage Variation = "Path remove failed." PathCreateFailedMessage Variation = "Path create failed." FileCloseFailedMessage Variation = "File close failed." PathExpandFailedMessage Variation = "Path expand failed." PathChmodMismatchErrorMessage Variation = "Path chmod doesn't match as expected. IsMatchesExpectation mismatch error." PathInvalidErrorMessage Variation = "Path is missing or have permission issues in the location given." PathChmodApplyMessage Variation = "Path chmod apply error." PathChmodConvertFailedMessage Variation = "Path chmod convert failed to octal." UnexpectedValueErrorMessage Variation = "Unexpected value error, which is unexpected." UnexpectedTypeErrorMessage Variation = "Unexpected type error, which is unexpected." IntegerOutOfRangeMessage Variation = "Integer out of range. Range, which is unexpected." FloatOutOfRangeMessage Variation = "Float out of range. Range, which is unexpected." StringOutOfRangeMessage Variation = "ToFileModeString out of range. Range, which is unexpected." ShouldBeGreaterThanEqualMessage Variation = "Values or value should be greater or equal to the reference." UnixIgnoreMessage Variation = "Windows tests ignored in Unix." WindowsIgnoreMessage Variation = "Unix tests ignored in Windows." ComparatorShouldBeWithinRange Variation = "Comparator should be within the range." CannotModifyCompleteResource Variation = "Cannot modify complete or frozen resource." EnumValuesOutOfRange Variation = "Out of Range / Invalid Range: Enum values are are not within the range as per the expectation." SearchInputEmpty Variation = "Search Input is either null or empty." SearchInputOrSearchTermEmpty Variation = "Search Input or search term either null or empty." EmptyResultCannotMakeJson Variation = "Empty result, cannot make json out of it." MarshallingFailed Variation = "Failed to marshal / parse / serialize." UnMarshallingFailed Variation = "Failed to unmarshal / parse / deserialize." ParsingFailed Variation = "Failed to parse." TypeMismatch Variation = "TypeMismatch: Type is not as expected." NotImplemented Variation = "Not Implemented: Feature / method is not implemented yet." NotSupported Variation = "Not Supported: Feature / method is not supported yet." RangesOnlySupported Variation = "Only Ranges: Only selected ranges supported for the function / feature." PathsMissingOrHavingIssues Variation = "Path missing or having other access issues!" JsonResultBytesAreNilOrEmpty Variation = "Json Result: Bytes data either nil or empty, cannot process the data for the given resource." ValidataionFailed Variation = "Validation failed!" LengthIssue Variation = "Length Issue!" )
func GetSetVariant ¶
func (Variation) CombineWithAnother ¶
func (Variation) ErrorNoRefs ¶
func (Variation) ErrorRefOnly ¶
func (Variation) HandleUsingPanic ¶
Source Files
- CombineWithMsgType.go
- ConditionalNameValAppend.go
- ConditionalNameValPrepends.go
- EnumRangeNotMeet.go
- ErrPrint.go
- ErrPrintWithTestIndex.go
- ErrorToSplitLines.go
- ErrorToSplitNonEmptyLines.go
- ErrorWithCompiledTraceRef.go
- ErrorWithCompiledTraceRefToError.go
- ErrorWithRef.go
- ErrorWithRefToError.go
- ErrorWithTracesRefToError.go
- ExpectationMessageDef.go
- Expecting.go
- ExpectingError.go
- ExpectingFuture.go
- ExpectingNotEqualSimpleNoType.go
- ExpectingRecord.go
- ExpectingSimple.go
- ExpectingSimpleNoType.go
- FmtDebug.go
- FmtDebugIf.go
- GetActualAndExpectProcessedMessage.go
- GetActualAndExpectSortedMessage.go
- GetSearchLineNumberExpectationMessage.go
- GetSearchTermExpectationMessage.go
- GetSearchTermExpectationSimpleMessage.go
- GherkinsString.go
- GherkinsStringWithExpectation.go
- MeaningFulError.go
- MeaningFulErrorHandle.go
- MeaningFulErrorWithData.go
- MeaningfulMessageError.go
- MergeErr.go
- MergeErrorString.go
- MergeErrorStringDefault.go
- MessageNameValues.go
- MessageVar2.go
- MessageVar3.go
- MessageVarMap.go
- MessageWithRef.go
- MessageWithRefToError.go
- MsgHeader.go
- MsgHeaderIf.go
- MsgHeaderPlusEnding.go
- NameVal.go
- PanicOnIndexOutOfRange.go
- PanicRangeNotMeet.go
- PathMeaningFulError.go
- PathMeaningFulMessage.go
- RangeNotMeet.go
- RawErrCollection.go
- Ref.go
- RefToError.go
- SimpleHandleErr.go
- SliceError.go
- SliceErrorDefault.go
- SliceErrorsToStrings.go
- SliceToError.go
- SliceToErrorPtr.go
- StackTracesCompiled.go
- StringLinesToQuoteLines.go
- StringLinesToQuoteLinesToSingle.go
- ToString.go
- ToStringPtr.go
- ToValueString.go
- Var2.go
- Var2NoType.go
- Var3.go
- Var3NoType.go
- VarMap.go
- VarMapStrings.go
- VarNameValues.go
- VarNameValuesJoiner.go
- VarNameValuesStrings.go
- Variation.go
- combine.go
- consts.go
- funcs.go
- getReferenceMessage.go
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