
v0.3.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 3, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 132




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const (
	EmptyArray                                = "[]"
	FirstItemEmptyStringArray                 = "[\"\"]"
	EmptyStatus                               = "Empty Status"
	FilePath                                  = "File Path"
	DirectoryPath                             = "Directory Path"
	Dot                                       = "."
	UpperCaseA                                = 'A'
	UpperCaseZ                                = 'Z'
	LowerCaseA                                = 'a'
	LowerCaseZ                                = 'z'
	LowerCase                                 = LowerCaseA - UpperCaseA // c - 'A' + 'a' (ref: a - A = 32 also works
	UpperCase                                 = UpperCaseA - LowerCaseA // c - 'a' + 'A'
	NewLineMac                                = "\n"
	NewLineUnix                               = "\n"
	NewLineWindows                            = "\r\n"
	Tab                                       = "\t"
	TabV                                      = "\v"
	Hash                                      = "#"
	DoubleHash                                = "##"
	TrippleHash                               = "###"
	HashSpace                                 = "# "
	DoubleHashSpace                           = "## "
	Space                                     = " "
	Hyphen                                    = "-"
	Semicolon                                 = ";"
	Comma                                     = ","
	CommaSpace                                = ", "
	SpaceColonSpace                           = " : "
	Pipe                                      = "|"
	QuestionMarkSymbol                        = "?"
	NilString                                 = "nil"
	SprintValueFormat                         = "%v"
	SprintNumberFormat                        = "%d"
	SprintFullPropertyNameValueFormat         = "%#v"
	SprintPropertyNameValueFormat             = "%+v"
	SprintTypeFormat                          = "%T"
	InvalidNotFoundCase                       = -1
	Zero                                      = 0
	NotImplemented                            = "Not Implemented"
	SingleQuoteSymbol                 byte    = '\''
	DoubleQuoteSymbol                 byte    = '"'
	SingleQuoteStringSymbol                   = "'"
	DoubleQuoteStringSymbol                   = "\""
	DoubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbol             = "\"\""
	ParenthesisStartSymbol            byte    = '('
	ParenthesisEndSymbol              byte    = ')'
	CurlyStartSymbol                  byte    = '{'
	CurlyEndSymbol                    byte    = '}'
	SquareStartSymbol                 byte    = '['
	SquareEndSymbol                   byte    = ']'
	ArbitraryCapacity1                        = 1
	ArbitraryCapacity2                        = 2
	ArbitraryCapacity3                        = 3
	ArbitraryCapacity4                        = 4
	ArbitraryCapacity5                        = 5
	ArbitraryCapacity6                        = 6
	ArbitraryCapacity7                        = 7
	ArbitraryCapacity8                        = 8
	ArbitraryCapacity9                        = 9
	ArbitraryCapacity10                       = 10
	ArbitraryCapacity11                       = 11
	ArbitraryCapacity12                       = 12
	ArbitraryCapacity13                       = 13
	ArbitraryCapacity14                       = 14
	ArbitraryCapacity15                       = 15
	ArbitraryCapacity30                       = 30
	ArbitraryCapacity50                       = 50
	ArbitraryCapacity100                      = 100
	ArbitraryCapacity150                      = 150
	ArbitraryCapacity200                      = 200
	ArbitraryCapacity250                      = 250
	ArbitraryCapacity500                      = 500
	ArbitraryCapacity1000                     = 1000
	ArbitraryCapacity1500                     = 1500
	ArbitraryCapacity2000                     = 2000
	ArbitraryCapacity2500                     = 2500
	ArbitraryCapacity3000                     = 3000
	ArbitraryCapacity5000                     = 5000
	ArbitraryCapacity10000                    = 10000
	LineFeedUnix                              = '\n'
	CarriageReturn                            = '\r'
	FormFeed                                  = '\f'
	SpaceByte                                 = ' '
	TabByte                                   = '\t'
	LineFeedUnixByte                          = '\n'
	CarriageReturnByte                        = '\r'
	FormFeedByte                              = '\f'
	TabVByte                                  = '\v'
	MaxUnit8                          byte    = 255
	OtherPathSeparator                        = "/"
	WindowsPathSeparator                      = "\\"
	WindowsOS                                 = "windows"
	LowerCaseFileColon                        = "file:"
	DoubleBackSlash                           = "\\\\"
	TripleBackSlash                           = "\\\\\\"
	BackSlash                                 = "\\"
	DoubleForwardSlash                        = "//"
	TripleForwardSlash                        = "///"
	BackwardAndForwardSlashes                 = "\\//"
	ForwardSlash                              = "/"
	UriSchemePrefixStandard                   = "file:///"
	UriSchemePrefixTwoSlashes                 = "file://"
	Underscore                                = "_"
	Colon                                     = ":"
	Dash                                      = "-"
	DoubleDash                                = "--"
	DoubleUnderscore                          = "__"
	GoPath                                    = "GOPATH"
	GoBinPath                                 = "GOBIN"
	Go111ModuleEnvironment                    = "GO111MODULE"
	On                                        = "on"
	PathSeparator                             = string(os.PathSeparator)
	DoublePathSeparator                       = PathSeparator + PathSeparator
	Dollar                                    = "$"
	DoubleDollar                              = "$$"
	Percent                                   = "%"
	DoublePercent                             = "%%"
	One                                       = 1
	SemiColon                                 = ";"
	Path                                      = "PATH"
	Unix                                      = "Unix OS"
	Windows                                   = "Windows OS"
	SymbolicLinkCreationCommandName           = "ln"
	SymbolicLinkCreationArgument              = "-s"
	Architecture64                            = "X64"
	Architecture32                            = "X32"
	LongPathUncPrefix                         = `\\?\UNC\`
	LongPathQuestionMarkPrefix                = `\\?\`
	SingleHash                                = "#"
	EmptyString                               = ""
	EndOfBlock                                = "}"
	EndOfLineMark                             = ";"
	StartOfBlock                              = "{"
	MinusOne                                  = -1
	InvalidValue                              = -1
	WildCardSymbol                            = "*"
	ParenthesisStart                          = "("
	ParenthesisEnd                            = ")"
	CurlyStart                                = "{"
	CurlyEnd                                  = "}"
	SquareStart                               = "["
	SquareEnd                                 = "]"
	ZeroChar                          byte    = '0'
	NineChar                          byte    = '9'
	HyphenChar                        byte    = '-'
	MaxUnit8Rune                      rune    = 255
	MaxUnit8AsInt16                   int16   = 255
	MaxUnit8AsInt                     int     = 255
	MaxUnit8AsFloat32                 float32 = 255
	ParenthesisStartRune              rune    = '('
	ParenthesisEndRune                rune    = ')'
	CurlyStartRune                    rune    = '{'
	CurlyEndRune                      rune    = '}'
	SquareStartRune                   rune    = '['
	SquareEndRune                     rune    = ']'
	ZeroRune                          rune    = '0'
	NineRune                          rune    = '9'
	HyphenRune                        rune    = '-'
	UpperCaseARune                    rune    = 'A'
	UpperCaseZRune                    rune    = 'Z'
	LowerCaseARune                    rune    = 'a'
	LowerCaseZRune                    rune    = 'z'
	LowerCaseRune                     rune    = LowerCaseA - UpperCaseA         // c - 'A' + 'a' (ref: a - A = 32 also works
	UpperCaseRune                     rune    = UpperCaseARune - LowerCaseARune // c - 'a' + 'A'
	NoElements                                = "{No Element}"
	NoItems                                   = "{No Items}"
	NoItemsSqaure                             = "[No Items]"
	NoElementsSqaure                          = "[No Element]"
	DoubleNewLine                             = "\n\n"
	DotChar                           byte    = '.'
	ForwardChar                       byte    = '/'
	BackwardChar                      byte    = '\\'
	AndChar                           byte    = '&'
	PipeChar                          byte    = '|'
	ParenthesisStartChar              byte    = '('
	ParenthesisEndChar                byte    = ')'
	CurlyBraceStartChar               byte    = '{'
	CurlyBraceEndChar                 byte    = '}'
	SqaureBraceStartChar              byte    = '['
	SqaureBraceEndChar                byte    = ']'
	AngleStartChar                    byte    = '<'
	AngleEndChar                      byte    = '>'
	QuestionChar                      byte    = '?'
	CommaChar                         byte    = ','
	ExclaimanationChar                byte    = '!'
	HashChar                          byte    = '#'
	DollarChar                        byte    = '$'
	AstrekChar                        byte    = '*'
	PlusChar                          byte    = '+'
	MinusChar                         byte    = '-'
	UnderscoreChar                    byte    = '_'
	SingleQuoteChar                   byte    = '\''
	DoubleQuoteChar                   byte    = '"'
	ColonChar                         byte    = ':'
	SemicolonChar                     byte    = ';'
	SpaceChar                         byte    = ' '
	AtChar                            byte    = '@'
	DotRune                           rune    = '.'
	ForwardRune                       rune    = '/'
	BackwardRune                      rune    = '\\'
	AndRune                           rune    = '&'
	PipeRune                          rune    = '|'
	CurlyBraceStartRune               rune    = '{'
	CurlyBraceEndRune                 rune    = '}'
	SqaureBraceStartRune              rune    = '['
	SqaureBraceEndRune                rune    = ']'
	AngleStartRune                    rune    = '<'
	AngleEndRune                      rune    = '>'
	QuestionRune                      rune    = '?'
	CommaRune                         rune    = ','
	ExclaimanationRune                rune    = '!'
	HashRune                          rune    = '#'
	DollarRune                        rune    = '$'
	AstrekRune                        rune    = '*'
	PlusRune                          rune    = '+'
	MinusRune                         rune    = '-'
	UnderscoreRune                    rune    = '_'
	SingleQuoteRune                   rune    = '\''
	DoubleQuoteRune                   rune    = '"'
	AtRune                            rune    = '@'
	ColonRune                         rune    = ':'
	SemicolonRune                     rune    = ';'
	SpaceRune                         rune    = ' '
	MinusTwo                                  = -2
	MinusThree                                = -3
	MinusFour                                 = -4
	Two                                       = 2
	Three                                     = 3
	Four                                      = 4
	Five                                      = 5
	Six                                       = 6
	Seven                                     = 7
	Eight                                     = 8
	Nine                                      = 9
	Ten                                       = 10
	AstrekSymbol                              = "*"
	PlusSymbol                                = "+"
	TeldaSymbol                               = "~"
	TeldaChar                         byte    = '~'
	TeldaRune                         rune    = '~'
	BrokenLongPathUncPrefix                   = `\?\UNC\`
	BrokenLongPathQuestionMarkPrefix          = `\?\`
	Shell                                     = "sh"
	Bash                                      = "bash"
	Pwsh                                      = "pwsh"
	Cmd                                       = "cmd"
	HypenC                                    = "-c"
	Cd                                        = "cd"
	Pwd                                       = "pwd"
	N0                                        = 0
	N1                                        = 1
	N2                                        = 2
	N3                                        = 3
	N4                                        = 4
	N5                                        = 5
	N6                                        = 6
	N7                                        = 7
	N8                                        = 8
	N9                                        = 9
	N10                                       = 10
	N11                                       = 11
	N12                                       = 12
	N13                                       = 13
	N14                                       = 14
	N15                                       = 15
	N16                                       = 16
	N17                                       = 17
	N18                                       = 18
	N19                                       = 19
	N20                                       = 20
	N21                                       = 21
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const (
	// Reference:
	// Operating system based newline, for unix it is "\n"
	// For Windows Operating system, "\r\n"
	NewLine = NewLineUnix
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const (
	// Reference:
	// Operating system based newline, for unix it is "\n"
	// For Windows Operating system, "\r\n"
	NewLine = NewLineWindows


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var (
	// Copied from golang strings
	AsciiSpace = [256]uint8{
		TabByte:            One,
		LineFeedUnixByte:   One,
		TabVByte:           One,
		FormFeedByte:       One,
		CarriageReturnByte: One,
		SpaceByte:          One,
		0x85:               One,
		0xA0:               One,

	// FormFeed \f is also marked as newline here.
	AsciiNewLinesChars = [256]uint8{
		LineFeedUnix:   One,
		FormFeed:       One,
		CarriageReturn: One,

	SpecialChars = [256]uint8{
		'!': One,
		'@': One,
		'#': One,
		'$': One,
		'%': One,
		'^': One,
		'&': One,
		'*': One,
		'(': One,
		')': One,

	BracketChars = [256]uint8{
		'[': One,
		']': One,
		'{': One,
		'}': One,
		'(': One,
		')': One,
		'<': One,
		'>': One,

	EmptyStrings          []string
	EmptyPtrStrings       []*string
	EmptyInts             []int
	EmptyBytes            []byte
	EmptyFloats           []float32
	EmptyFloat64s         []float64
	EmptyInterfaces       []interface{}
	EmptyIntToPtrIntsMap  map[int]*[]int
	EmptyIntToIntsMap     map[int][]int
	EmptyIntToBytesMap    map[int][]byte
	EmptyIntToPtrBytesMap map[int]*[]byte
	EmptyStringMap        map[string]string
	EmptyStrToIntsMap     map[string][]int
	EmptyStrToPtrIntsMap  map[string]*[]int
	EmptyStrToPtrBytesMap map[string]*[]byte
	EmptyStringsMap       map[string][]string
	EmptyPtrStringsMap    map[string]*[]string
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var (
	AsciiSpacePtr            = &AsciiSpace
	AsciiNewLinesCharsPtr    = &AsciiNewLinesChars
	EmptyStringsPtr          = &EmptyStrings
	EmptyPtrStringsPtr       = &EmptyPtrStrings
	EmptyIntsPtr             = &EmptyInts
	EmptyBytesPtr            = &EmptyBytes
	EmptyFloatsPtr           = &EmptyFloats
	EmptyFloat64sPtr         = &EmptyFloat64s
	EmptyInterfacesPtr       = &EmptyInterfaces
	EmptyIntToPtrIntsMapPtr  = &EmptyIntToPtrIntsMap
	EmptyIntToIntsMapPtr     = &EmptyIntToIntsMap
	EmptyIntToBytesMapPtr    = &EmptyIntToBytesMap
	EmptyIntToPtrBytesMapPtr = &EmptyIntToPtrBytesMap
	EmptyStringMapPtr        = &EmptyStringMap
	EmptyStrToIntsMapPtr     = &EmptyStrToIntsMap
	EmptyStrToPtrIntsMapPtr  = &EmptyStrToPtrIntsMap
	EmptyStrToPtrBytesMapPtr = &EmptyStrToPtrBytesMap
	EmptyStringsMapPtr       = &EmptyStringsMap
	EmptyPtrStringsMapPtr    = &EmptyPtrStringsMap
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var (
	// Better to use NewLineUnix
	NewLinePtr                           = &newline
	EmptyArrayPtr                        = &emptyArray
	FirstItemEmptyStringArrayPtr         = &firstItemEmptyStringArray
	EmptyStatusPtr                       = &emptyStatus
	FilePathPtr                          = &filePath
	DirectoryPathPtr                     = &directoryPath
	DotPtr                               = &dot
	UpperCaseAPtr                        = &upperCaseA
	UpperCaseZPtr                        = &upperCaseZ
	LowerCaseAPtr                        = &lowerCaseA
	LowerCaseZPtr                        = &lowerCaseZ
	LowerCasePtr                         = &lowerCase
	UpperCasePtr                         = &upperCase
	NewLineMacPtr                        = &newLineMac
	NewLineUnixPtr                       = &newLineUnix
	NewLineWindowsPtr                    = &newLineWindows
	TabPtr                               = &tab
	TabVPtr                              = &tabV
	HashPtr                              = &hash
	DoubleHashPtr                        = &doubleHash
	TrippleHashPtr                       = &trippleHash
	HashSpacePtr                         = &hashSpace
	DoubleHashSpacePtr                   = &doubleHashSpace
	SpacePtr                             = &space
	HyphenPtr                            = &hyphen
	SemicolonPtr                         = &semicolon
	CommaPtr                             = &comma
	CommaSpacePtr                        = &commaSpace
	SpaceColonSpacePtr                   = &spaceColonSpace
	PipePtr                              = &pipe
	QuestionMarkSymbolPtr                = &questionMarkSymbol
	NilStringPtr                         = &nilString
	SprintValueFormatPtr                 = &sprintValueFormat
	SprintNumberFormatPtr                = &sprintNumberFormat
	SprintFullPropertyNameValueFormatPtr = &sprintFullPropertyNameValueFormat
	SprintPropertyNameValueFormatPtr     = &sprintPropertyNameValueFormat
	SprintTypeFormatPtr                  = &sprintTypeFormat
	InvalidNotFoundCasePtr               = &invalidNotFoundCase
	ZeroPtr                              = &zero
	NotImplementedPtr                    = &notImplemented
	SingleQuoteSymbolPtr                 = &singleQuoteSymbol
	DoubleQuoteSymbolPtr                 = &doubleQuoteSymbol
	SingleQuoteStringSymbolPtr           = &singleQuoteStringSymbol
	DoubleQuoteStringSymbolPtr           = &doubleQuoteStringSymbol
	DoubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbolPtr     = &doubleDoubleQuoteStringSymbol
	ParenthesisStartSymbolPtr            = &parenthesisStartSymbol
	ParenthesisEndSymbolPtr              = &parenthesisEndSymbol
	CurlyStartSymbolPtr                  = &curlyStartSymbol
	CurlyEndSymbolPtr                    = &curlyEndSymbol
	SquareStartSymbolPtr                 = &squareStartSymbol
	SquareEndSymbolPtr                   = &squareEndSymbol
	ArbitraryCapacity1Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity1
	ArbitraryCapacity2Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity2
	ArbitraryCapacity3Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity3
	ArbitraryCapacity4Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity4
	ArbitraryCapacity5Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity5
	ArbitraryCapacity6Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity6
	ArbitraryCapacity7Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity7
	ArbitraryCapacity8Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity8
	ArbitraryCapacity9Ptr                = &arbitraryCapacity9
	ArbitraryCapacity10Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity10
	ArbitraryCapacity11Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity11
	ArbitraryCapacity12Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity12
	ArbitraryCapacity13Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity13
	ArbitraryCapacity14Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity14
	ArbitraryCapacity15Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity15
	ArbitraryCapacity30Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity30
	ArbitraryCapacity50Ptr               = &arbitraryCapacity50
	ArbitraryCapacity100Ptr              = &arbitraryCapacity100
	ArbitraryCapacity150Ptr              = &arbitraryCapacity150
	ArbitraryCapacity200Ptr              = &arbitraryCapacity200
	ArbitraryCapacity250Ptr              = &arbitraryCapacity250
	ArbitraryCapacity500Ptr              = &arbitraryCapacity500
	ArbitraryCapacity1000Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity1000
	ArbitraryCapacity1500Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity1500
	ArbitraryCapacity2000Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity2000
	ArbitraryCapacity2500Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity2500
	ArbitraryCapacity3000Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity3000
	ArbitraryCapacity5000Ptr             = &arbitraryCapacity5000
	ArbitraryCapacity10000Ptr            = &arbitraryCapacity10000
	LineFeedUnixPtr                      = &lineFeedUnix
	CarriageReturnPtr                    = &carriageReturn
	FormFeedPtr                          = &formFeed
	SpaceBytePtr                         = &spaceByte
	TabBytePtr                           = &tabByte
	LineFeedUnixBytePtr                  = &lineFeedUnixByte
	CarriageReturnBytePtr                = &carriageReturnByte
	FormFeedBytePtr                      = &formFeedByte
	TabVBytePtr                          = &tabVByte
	MaxUnit8Ptr                          = &maxUnit8
	OtherPathSeparatorPtr                = &otherPathSeparator
	WindowsPathSeparatorPtr              = &windowsPathSeparator
	WindowsOSPtr                         = &windowsOS
	LowerCaseFileColonPtr                = &lowerCaseFileColon
	DoubleBackSlashPtr                   = &doubleBackSlash
	TripleBackSlashPtr                   = &tripleBackSlash
	BackSlashPtr                         = &backSlash
	DoubleForwardSlashPtr                = &doubleForwardSlash
	TripleForwardSlashPtr                = &tripleForwardSlash
	BackwardAndForwardSlashesPtr         = &backwardAndForwardSlashes
	ForwardSlashPtr                      = &forwardSlash
	UriSchemePrefixStandardPtr           = &uriSchemePrefixStandard
	UriSchemePrefixTwoSlashesPtr         = &uriSchemePrefixTwoSlashes
	UnderscorePtr                        = &underscore
	ColonPtr                             = &colon
	DashPtr                              = &dash
	DoubleDashPtr                        = &doubleDash
	DoubleUnderscorePtr                  = &doubleUnderscore
	GoPathPtr                            = &goPath
	GoBinPathPtr                         = &goBinPath
	Go111ModuleEnvironmentPtr            = &go111ModuleEnvironment
	OnPtr                                = &on
	PathSeparatorPtr                     = &pathSeparator
	DoublePathSeparatorPtr               = &doublePathSeparator
	DollarPtr                            = &dollar
	DoubleDollarPtr                      = &doubleDollar
	PercentPtr                           = &percent
	DoublePercentPtr                     = &doublePercent
	OnePtr                               = &one
	SemiColonPtr                         = &semiColon
	PathPtr                              = &path
	UnixPtr                              = &unix
	WindowsPtr                           = &windows
	SymbolicLinkCreationCommandNamePtr   = &symbolicLinkCreationCommandName
	SymbolicLinkCreationArgumentPtr      = &symbolicLinkCreationArgument
	Architecture64Ptr                    = &architecture64
	Architecture32Ptr                    = &architecture32
	LongPathUncPrefixPtr                 = &longPathUncPrefix
	LongPathQuestionMarkPrefixPtr        = &longPathQuestionMarkPrefix
	SingleHashPtr                        = &singleHash
	EmptyStringPtr                       = &emptyString
	EndOfBlockPtr                        = &endOfBlock
	EndOfLineMarkPtr                     = &endOfLineMark
	StartOfBlockPtr                      = &startOfBlock
	MinusOnePtr                          = &minusOne
	InvalidValuePtr                      = &invalidValue
	WildCardSymbolPtr                    = &wildCardSymbol
	ParenthesisStartPtr                  = &parenthesisStart
	ParenthesisEndPtr                    = &parenthesisEnd
	CurlyStartPtr                        = &curlyStart
	CurlyEndPtr                          = &curlyEnd
	SquareStartPtr                       = &squareStart
	SquareEndPtr                         = &squareEnd
	ZeroCharPtr                          = &zeroChar
	NineCharPtr                          = &nineChar
	HyphenCharPtr                        = &hyphenChar
	MaxUnit8RunePtr                      = &maxUnit8Rune
	MaxUnit8AsInt16Ptr                   = &maxUnit8AsInt16
	ParenthesisStartRunePtr              = &parenthesisStartRune
	ParenthesisEndRunePtr                = &parenthesisEndRune
	CurlyStartRunePtr                    = &curlyStartRune
	CurlyEndRunePtr                      = &curlyEndRune
	SquareStartRunePtr                   = &squareStartRune
	SquareEndRunePtr                     = &squareEndRune
	ZeroRunePtr                          = &zeroRune
	NineRunePtr                          = &nineRune
	HyphenRunePtr                        = &hyphenRune
	UpperCaseARunePtr                    = &upperCaseARune
	UpperCaseZRunePtr                    = &upperCaseZRune
	LowerCaseARunePtr                    = &lowerCaseARune
	LowerCaseZRunePtr                    = &lowerCaseZRune
	LowerCaseRunePtr                     = &lowerCaseRune
	UpperCaseRunePtr                     = &upperCaseRune
	NoElementsPtr                        = &noElements
	NoItemsPtr                           = &noItems
	NoItemsSqaurePtr                     = &noItemsSqaure
	NoElementsSqaurePtr                  = &noElementsSqaure
	DoubleNewLinePtr                     = &doubleNewLine


This section is empty.


This section is empty.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL