Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type CharCollectionDataModel
- type CharCollectionMap
- func EmptyCharCollectionMap() *CharCollectionMap
- func NewCharCollectionMap(capacity, selfCollectionCapacity int) *CharCollectionMap
- func NewCharCollectionMapUsingDataModel(dataModel *CharCollectionDataModel) *CharCollectionMap
- func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItems(items []string) *CharCollectionMap
- func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPlusCap(items *[]string, capacityOrLength int) *CharCollectionMap
- func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPtr(items *[]string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Add(str string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCharHashsetMap(charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItems(collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock(collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, onComplete OnCompleteCharCollectionMap) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddLength(lengths *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddLock(str string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddPtrStringsLock(simpleStrings *[]*string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollection(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection) *Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection) *Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameStartingCharItems(char byte, allItemsWithSameChar *[]string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtr(str *string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtrLock(str *string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStrings(items ...string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtr(items *[]string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock(largeStringsCollection *[]string, onComplete OnCompleteCharCollectionMap) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSum() int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSumLock() int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetChar(str string) byte
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCharOfPtr(str *string) byte
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCharsPtrGroups(items *[]string) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollection(strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool) *Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionByChar(char byte) *Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionLock(strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool) *Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCopyMapLock() *map[byte]*Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetMap() *map[byte]*Collection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Has(str string) bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollection(str string) (bool, *Collection)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollectionLock(str string) (bool, *Collection)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByChar(char byte) *Hashset
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByCharLock(char byte) *Hashset
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar(str string) *Hashset
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock(str string) *Hashset
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars(chars ...byte) *HashsetsCollection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringFirstChar(stringItems ...string) *HashsetsCollection
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEmpty() bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEmptyLock() bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtr(another *CharCollectionMap) bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtrLock(another *CharCollectionMap) bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtr(another *CharCollectionMap, isCaseSensitive bool) bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtrLock(another *CharCollectionMap, isCaseSensitive bool) bool
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonModel() *CharCollectionDataModel
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Length() int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthLock() int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOf(char byte) int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOfCollectionFromFirstChar(str string) int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOfLock(char byte) int
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) List() *[]string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ListLock() *[]string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*CharCollectionMap, error)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Print(isPrint bool)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) PrintLock(isPrint bool)
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Resize(newLength int) *CharCollectionMap
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) String() string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) StringLock() string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) SummaryString() string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) SummaryStringLock() string
- func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CharHashsetDataModel
- type CharHashsetMap
- func EmptyCharHashsetMap() *CharHashsetMap
- func NewCharHashsetMap(capacity, selfHashsetCapacity int) *CharHashsetMap
- func NewCharHashsetMapUsingDataModel(dataModel *CharHashsetDataModel) *CharHashsetMap
- func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItems(items []string, selfHashsetCapacity int) *CharHashsetMap
- func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPlusCap(items *[]string, capacity, selfHashsetCapacity int) *CharHashsetMap
- func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPtr(items *[]string, selfHashsetCapacity int) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Add(str string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCharCollectionMapItems(charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItems(collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock(collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItems(hashsetWithDiffStarts *Hashset) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItemsAsyncLock(hashsetWithDiffStarts *Hashset, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetLock(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Hashset) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddLock(str string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddPtrStringsLock(simpleStrings *[]*string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollection(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsHashset(str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Hashset) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameStartingCharItems(char byte, allItemsWithSameChar *[]string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtr(str *string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtrLock(str *string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStrings(items ...string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtr(items *[]string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock(largeStringsHashset *[]string, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSum() int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSumLock() int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetChar(str string) byte
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCharOfPtr(str *string) byte
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCharsPtrGroups(items *[]string) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCopyMapLock() *map[byte]*Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashset(strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetByChar(char byte) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetLock(strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetMap() *map[byte]*Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Has(str string) bool
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashset(str string) (bool, *Hashset)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashsetLock(str string) (bool, *Hashset)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByChar(char byte) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByCharLock(char byte) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar(str string) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock(str string) *Hashset
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars(chars ...byte) *HashsetsCollection
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringsFirstChar(stringItems ...string) *HashsetsCollection
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEmpty() bool
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEmptyLock() bool
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtr(another *CharHashsetMap) bool
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtrLock(another *CharHashsetMap) bool
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonModel() *CharHashsetDataModel
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Length() int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthLock() int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOf(char byte) int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOfHashsetFromFirstChar(str string) int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOfLock(char byte) int
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*CharHashsetMap, error)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *CharHashsetMap
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Print(isPrint bool)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) PrintLock(isPrint bool)
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) String() string
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) StringLock() string
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) SummaryString() string
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) SummaryStringLock() string
- func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Collection
- func (collection *Collection) Add(str string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddCapacity(capacities *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddLock(str string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddPtr(str *string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddPtrLock(str *string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddStringsPtr(str *[]string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddStringsPtrWgLock(str *[]string, group *sync.WaitGroup) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddWithWgLock(str string, group *sync.WaitGroup) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) Adds(items ...string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddsLock(items ...string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtr(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtrLock(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddsPtr(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AddsPtrLock(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendAnys(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysLock(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilter(filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilterLock(filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendCollection(anotherCollection Collection) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendCollectionPtr(anotherCollection *Collection) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendCollectionsPtr(anotherCollectionsPtr ...*Collection) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AppendNonEmptyAnys(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
- func (collection *Collection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
- func (collection *Collection) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
- func (collection *Collection) Capacity() int
- func (collection *Collection) CharCollectionMap() *CharCollectionMap
- func (collection *Collection) Filter(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) FilterLock(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) FilterPtr(filterPtr IsStringPointerFilter) *[]*string
- func (collection *Collection) FilterPtrLock(filterPtr IsStringPointerFilter) *[]*string
- func (collection *Collection) FilteredCollection(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) FilteredCollectionLock(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) GetHashsetPlusHasAll(items *[]string) (*Hashset, bool)
- func (collection *Collection) Has(str string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) HasAll(items ...string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) HasLock(str string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) HasUsingSensitivity(str string, isCaseSensitive bool) bool
- func (collection *Collection) Hashset() *Hashset
- func (collection *Collection) HashsetLock() *Hashset
- func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAll(items ...string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAllLock(items ...string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAllPtr(items *[]string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsContainsPtr(item *string) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsEmptyLock() bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsEquals(anotherCollection Collection) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsEqualsPtr(anotherCollection *Collection) bool
- func (collection *Collection) IsEqualsWithSensitivePtr(anotherCollection *Collection, isCaseSensitive bool) bool
- func (collection *Collection) Join(separator string) string
- func (collection *Collection) Joins(separator string, items ...string) string
- func (collection *Collection) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (collection *Collection) JsonModel() *CollectionDataModel
- func (collection *Collection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (collection *Collection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
- func (collection *Collection) Length() int
- func (collection *Collection) LengthLock() int
- func (collection *Collection) List() []string
- func (collection *Collection) ListCopyPtrLock() *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) ListPtr() *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (collection *Collection) NonEmptyListPtr() *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*Collection, error)
- func (collection *Collection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) Resize(newCapacity int) *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) Sorted() *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) SortedLock() *Collection
- func (collection *Collection) String() string
- func (collection *Collection) StringLock() string
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueBoolMap() *map[string]bool
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueBoolMapLock() *map[string]bool
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueList() []string
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueListLock() []string
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueListPtr() *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) UniqueListPtrLock() *[]string
- func (collection *Collection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CollectionDataModel
- type Hashmap
- func EmptyHashmap() *Hashmap
- func NewHashmap(length int) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingCollection(keys, values *Collection) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashmapDataModel) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingKeyAnyValues(keyAnyValues *[]KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingKeyValues(keyValues *[]KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingMap(itemsMap *map[string]string, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingMapUsingAddCapacity(itemsMap *map[string]string, addCapacity int) *Hashmap
- func NewHashmapUsingStrings(keys, values *[]string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdate(key, val string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateCollection(keys, values *Collection) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyAnyValsPtr(pairs *[]KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValAny(key string, val interface{}) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValFloat(key string, val float32) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValFloat64(key string, val float64) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValInt(key string, val int) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyVal(keyVal KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValsPtr(pairs *[]KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValueAny(pair KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateLock(key, value string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateMap(itemsMap *map[string]string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdatePtr(key, val *string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdatePtrLock(key, val *string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtr(keys, values *[]string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtrLock(keys, values *[]string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtrWgLock(keys, values *[]string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateWithWgLock(key, val string, group *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdates(KeyValuePair ...KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilter(filter IsKeyAnyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilterLock(filter IsKeyAnyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesUsingFilter(filter IsKeyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Collection() *Collection
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) GetFilteredCollection(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) GetFilteredItems(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Has(key string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasAll(keys ...string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasAllCollectionItems(collection *Collection) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasAllStringsPtr(keys *[]string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasAny(keys ...string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasLock(key string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasWithLock(key string) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) IsEmpty() bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) IsEmptyLock() bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) IsEquals(another Hashmap) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) IsEqualsPtr(another *Hashmap) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) IsEqualsPtrLock(another *Hashmap) bool
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Items() *map[string]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ItemsCopyLock() *map[string]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Join(separator string) string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) JoinKeys(separator string) string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) JsonModel() *HashmapDataModel
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Keys() *[]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysCollection() *Collection
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysLock() *[]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuePairs() *[]KeyValuePair
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuesCollection() (keys, values *Collection)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuesList() (keys, values *[]string)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuesListLock() (keys, values *[]string)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Length() int
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) LengthLock() int
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*Hashmap, error)
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) Remove(key string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) RemoveWithLock(key string) *Hashmap
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) String() string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) StringLock() string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesCollection() *Collection
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesCollectionLock() *Collection
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesHashset() *Hashset
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesHashsetLock() *Hashset
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesList() []string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesListCopyPtrLock() *[]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesListPtr() *[]string
- func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesToLower() *Hashmap
- type HashmapDataModel
- type Hashset
- func EmptyHashset() *Hashset
- func NewHashset(length int) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetUsingCollection(collection *Collection, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashsetDataModel) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetUsingMap(itemsMap *map[string]bool, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetUsingStringPointersArray(inputArray *[]*string, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetUsingStrings(inputArray *[]string, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool) *Hashset
- func NewHashsetWithValues(addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool, items ...string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) Add(key string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddCapacities(capacities *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddCapacitiesLock(capacities *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddCollection(collection *Collection) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddCollections(collections ...*Collection) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddHashsetItems(hashsetAdd *Hashset) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddHashsetWgLock(hashsetAdd *Hashset, wg *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddItemsMap(itemsMap *map[string]bool) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddItemsMapWgLock(itemsMap *map[string]bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddLock(key string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddPtr(key *string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddPtrLock(key *string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddStringsPtr(keys *[]string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddStringsPtrLock(keys *[]string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddStringsPtrWgLock(keys *[]string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddWithWgLock(key string, group *sync.WaitGroup) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) Adds(keys ...string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilter(filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilterLock(filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) AddsUsingFilter(filter IsStringFilter, keys ...string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) Collection() *Collection
- func (hashset *Hashset) GetFilteredCollection(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
- func (hashset *Hashset) GetFilteredItems(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
- func (hashset *Hashset) Has(key string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasAll(keys ...string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasAllCollectionItems(collection *Collection) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasAllStringsPtr(keys *[]string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasAny(keys ...string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasLock(key string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) HasWithLock(key string) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) IsEmpty() bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) IsEmptyLock() bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) IsEquals(another Hashset) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) IsEqualsPtr(another *Hashset) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) IsEqualsPtrLock(another *Hashset) bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) Items() *map[string]bool
- func (hashset *Hashset) Join(separator string) string
- func (hashset *Hashset) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (hashset *Hashset) JsonModel() *HashsetDataModel
- func (hashset *Hashset) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (hashset *Hashset) Length() int
- func (hashset *Hashset) LengthLock() int
- func (hashset *Hashset) List() []string
- func (hashset *Hashset) ListCopyPtrLock() *[]string
- func (hashset *Hashset) ListPtr() *[]string
- func (hashset *Hashset) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (hashset *Hashset) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*Hashset, error)
- func (hashset *Hashset) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) Remove(key string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) RemoveWithLock(key string) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) Resize(capacity int) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) ResizeLock(capacity int) *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) String() string
- func (hashset *Hashset) StringLock() string
- func (hashset *Hashset) ToLowerSet() *Hashset
- func (hashset *Hashset) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type HashsetDataModel
- type HashsetsCollection
- func EmptyHashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
- func NewHashsetsCollection(hashsets *[]Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashsetsCollectionDataModel) *HashsetsCollection
- func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingLength(len, capacity int) *HashsetsCollection
- func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingPointerHashsets(hashsets *[]*Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Add(hashset *Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AddNonEmpty(hashset *Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AddNonNil(hashset *Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Adds(hashsets ...*Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) HasAll(items ...string) bool
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IndexOf(index int) *Hashset
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEqual(another HashsetsCollection) bool
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEqualPtr(another *HashsetsCollection) bool
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Join(separator string) string
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Json() *corejson.Result
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonModel() *HashsetsCollectionDataModel
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Length() int
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) List() []*Hashset
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ListDirectPtr() *[]Hashset
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ListPtr() *[]*Hashset
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson(jsonResult *corejson.Result) (*HashsetsCollection, error)
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust(jsonResult *corejson.Result) *HashsetsCollection
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) String() string
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) StringsList() *[]string
- func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type HashsetsCollectionDataModel
- type IsKeyAnyValueFilter
- type IsKeyValueFilter
- type IsStringFilter
- type IsStringPointerFilter
- type KeyAnyValuePair
- type KeyValuePair
- type OnCompleteCharCollectionMap
- type OnCompleteCharHashsetMap
Constants ¶
const ( RegularCollectionEfficiencyLimit = 1000 DoubleLimit = RegularCollectionEfficiencyLimit * 3 NoElements = " {No Elements}" )
Variables ¶
var ( StaticEmptyCollection = *EmptyCollection() StaticEmptyCollectionPtr = &StaticEmptyCollection StaticEmptyCharCollectionMap = *EmptyCharCollectionMap() StaticEmptyCharCollectionMapPtr = &StaticEmptyCharCollectionMap StaticEmptyCharHashsetMap = *EmptyCharHashsetMap() StaticEmptyCharHashsetMapPtr = &StaticEmptyCharHashsetMap StaticEmptyHashset = *EmptyHashset() StaticEmptyHashsetPtr = &StaticEmptyHashset StaticJsonError = msgtype.EmptyResultCannotMakeJson. Error(constants.EmptyString, constants.EmptyString) )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type CharCollectionDataModel ¶
type CharCollectionDataModel struct { Items *map[byte]*Collection `json:"CharacterVsStringsCollectionMap"` EachCollectionCapacity int }
func NewCharCollectionMapDataModelUsing ¶
func NewCharCollectionMapDataModelUsing(dataIn *CharCollectionMap) *CharCollectionDataModel
type CharCollectionMap ¶
func EmptyCharCollectionMap ¶
func EmptyCharCollectionMap() *CharCollectionMap
eachCollectionCapacity = 0
func NewCharCollectionMap ¶
func NewCharCollectionMap( capacity, selfCollectionCapacity int, ) *CharCollectionMap
CharCollectionMap.eachCollectionCapacity, capacity minimum 10 will be set if lower than 10 is given.
For lower than 5 use the EmptyCharCollectionMap items definition.
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingDataModel ¶
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingDataModel(dataModel *CharCollectionDataModel) *CharCollectionMap
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItems ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItems( items []string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPlusCap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPlusCap( items *[]string, capacityOrLength int, ) *CharCollectionMap
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharCollectionMapUsingItemsPtr( items *[]string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) Add ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Add( str string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddCharHashsetMap ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCharHashsetMap( charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItems ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItems( collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock( collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, onComplete OnCompleteCharCollectionMap, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddLength ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddLength( lengths, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddLock( str string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddPtrStringsLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddPtrStringsLock( simpleStrings *[]*string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollection ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollection( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection, ) *Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection, ) *Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddSameStartingCharItems ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddSameStartingCharItems( char byte, allItemsWithSameChar *[]string, ) *CharCollectionMap
Assuming all items starts with same chars
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtr ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtr( str *string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtrLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringPtrLock( str *string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddStrings ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStrings( items ...string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtr ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtr( items *[]string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock( largeStringsCollection *[]string, onComplete OnCompleteCharCollectionMap, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSum ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSum() int
All lengths sum.
func (*CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSumLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AllLengthsSumLock() int
All lengths sum.
func (*CharCollectionMap) AsJsonMarshaller ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
func (*CharCollectionMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
func (*CharCollectionMap) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetChar( str string, ) byte
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCharOfPtr ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCharOfPtr( str *string, ) byte
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCharsPtrGroups ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCharsPtrGroups( items *[]string, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCollection ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollection( strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool, ) *Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionByChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionByChar( char byte, ) *Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCollectionLock( strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool, ) *Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetCopyMapLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetCopyMapLock() *map[byte]*Collection
Sends a copy of items
func (*CharCollectionMap) GetMap ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) GetMap() *map[byte]*Collection
func (*CharCollectionMap) Has ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Has( str string, ) bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollection ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollection( str string, ) (bool, *Collection)
func (*CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollectionLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HasWithCollectionLock( str string, ) (bool, *Collection)
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetByChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByChar( char byte, ) *Hashset
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetByCharLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByCharLock( char byte, ) *Hashset
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar( str string, ) *Hashset
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock( str string, ) *Hashset
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollection ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars( chars ...byte, ) *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringFirstChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringFirstChar( stringItems ...string, ) *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEmpty ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEmpty() bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEmptyLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEmptyLock() bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtr ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtr( another *CharCollectionMap, ) bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtrLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsPtrLock( another *CharCollectionMap, ) bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtr ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtr( another *CharCollectionMap, isCaseSensitive bool, ) bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtrLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) IsEqualsWithCaseSensitivityPtrLock( another *CharCollectionMap, isCaseSensitive bool, ) bool
func (*CharCollectionMap) Json ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Json() *corejson.Result
func (*CharCollectionMap) JsonModel ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonModel() *CharCollectionDataModel
func (*CharCollectionMap) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*CharCollectionMap) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
func (*CharCollectionMap) Length ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Length() int
Returns the length of chars which is the map length.
func (*CharCollectionMap) LengthLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthLock() int
func (*CharCollectionMap) LengthOf ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOf(char byte) int
func (*CharCollectionMap) LengthOfCollectionFromFirstChar ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOfCollectionFromFirstChar( str string, ) int
Get the char of the string given and get the length of how much is there.
func (*CharCollectionMap) LengthOfLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) LengthOfLock(char byte) int
func (*CharCollectionMap) List ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) List() *[]string
func (*CharCollectionMap) ListLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ListLock() *[]string
func (*CharCollectionMap) MarshalJSON ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*CharCollectionMap, error)
func (*CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *CharCollectionMap
Panic if error
func (*CharCollectionMap) Print ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Print(isPrint bool)
func (*CharCollectionMap) PrintLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) PrintLock(isPrint bool)
func (*CharCollectionMap) Resize ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) Resize( newLength int, ) *CharCollectionMap
func (*CharCollectionMap) String ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) String() string
func (*CharCollectionMap) StringLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) StringLock() string
func (*CharCollectionMap) SummaryString ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) SummaryString() string
func (*CharCollectionMap) SummaryStringLock ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) SummaryStringLock() string
func (*CharCollectionMap) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CharHashsetDataModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
type CharHashsetDataModel struct { Items *map[byte]*Hashset `json:"CharacterVsHashsetMap"` EachHashsetCapacity int }
func NewCharHashsetMapDataModelUsing ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewCharHashsetMapDataModelUsing(dataIn *CharHashsetMap) *CharHashsetDataModel
type CharHashsetMap ¶
func NewCharHashsetMap ¶
func NewCharHashsetMap( capacity, selfHashsetCapacity int, ) *CharHashsetMap
CharHashsetMap.eachHashsetCapacity, capacity minimum 10 will be set if lower than 10 is given.
For lower than 5 use the EmptyCharHashsetMap hashset definition.
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingDataModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingDataModel(dataModel *CharHashsetDataModel) *CharHashsetMap
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItems ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItems( items []string, selfHashsetCapacity int, ) *CharHashsetMap
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPlusCap ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPlusCap( items *[]string, capacity, selfHashsetCapacity int, ) *CharHashsetMap
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.5
func NewCharHashsetMapUsingItemsPtr( items *[]string, selfHashsetCapacity int, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) Add ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Add( str string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddCharCollectionMapItems ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCharCollectionMapItems( charCollectionMap *CharCollectionMap, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItems ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItems( collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddCollectionItemsAsyncLock( collectionWithDiffStarts *Collection, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItems ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItems( hashsetWithDiffStarts *Hashset, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItemsAsyncLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetItemsAsyncLock( hashsetWithDiffStarts *Hashset, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddHashsetLock( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Hashset, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddLock( str string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddPtrStringsLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddPtrStringsLock( simpleStrings *[]*string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollection ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollection( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsCollectionLock( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Collection, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsHashset ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameCharsHashset( str string, stringsWithSameStartChar *Hashset, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddSameStartingCharItems ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddSameStartingCharItems( char byte, allItemsWithSameChar *[]string, ) *CharHashsetMap
Assuming all items starts with same chars
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtr ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtr( str *string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtrLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringPtrLock( str *string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddStrings ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStrings( items ...string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtr ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtr( items *[]string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AddStringsPtrAsyncLock( largeStringsHashset *[]string, onComplete OnCompleteCharHashsetMap, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSum ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSum() int
All lengths sum.
func (*CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSumLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AllLengthsSumLock() int
All lengths sum.
func (*CharHashsetMap) AsJsonMarshaller ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
func (*CharHashsetMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
func (*CharHashsetMap) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetChar( str string, ) byte
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetCharOfPtr ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCharOfPtr( str *string, ) byte
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetCharsPtrGroups ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCharsPtrGroups( items *[]string, ) *CharHashsetMap
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetCopyMapLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetCopyMapLock() *map[byte]*Hashset
Sends a copy of items
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetHashset ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashset( strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetByChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetByChar( char byte, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetHashsetLock( strFirstChar string, isAddNewOnEmpty bool, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) GetMap ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) GetMap() *map[byte]*Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) Has ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Has( str string, ) bool
func (*CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashset ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashset( str string, ) (bool, *Hashset)
func (*CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashsetLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HasWithHashsetLock( str string, ) (bool, *Hashset)
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetByChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByChar( char byte, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetByCharLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByCharLock( char byte, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstChar( str string, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetByStringFirstCharLock( str string, ) *Hashset
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollection ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByChars( chars ...byte, ) *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringsFirstChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) HashsetsCollectionByStringsFirstChar( stringItems ...string, ) *HashsetsCollection
func (*CharHashsetMap) IsEmpty ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEmpty() bool
func (*CharHashsetMap) IsEmptyLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEmptyLock() bool
func (*CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtr ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtr( another *CharHashsetMap, ) bool
func (*CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtrLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) IsEqualsPtrLock( another *CharHashsetMap, ) bool
func (*CharHashsetMap) Json ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Json() *corejson.Result
func (*CharHashsetMap) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonModel() *CharHashsetDataModel
func (*CharHashsetMap) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*CharHashsetMap) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
func (*CharHashsetMap) Length ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Length() int
func (*CharHashsetMap) LengthLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthLock() int
func (*CharHashsetMap) LengthOf ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOf(char byte) int
func (*CharHashsetMap) LengthOfHashsetFromFirstChar ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOfHashsetFromFirstChar( str string, ) int
Get the char of the string given and get the length of how much is there.
func (*CharHashsetMap) LengthOfLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) LengthOfLock(char byte) int
func (*CharHashsetMap) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*CharHashsetMap, error)
func (*CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *CharHashsetMap
Panic if error
func (*CharHashsetMap) Print ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) Print(isPrint bool)
func (*CharHashsetMap) PrintLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) PrintLock(isPrint bool)
func (*CharHashsetMap) String ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) String() string
func (*CharHashsetMap) StringLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) StringLock() string
func (*CharHashsetMap) SummaryString ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) SummaryString() string
func (*CharHashsetMap) SummaryStringLock ¶
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) SummaryStringLock() string
func (*CharHashsetMap) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (charHashsetMap *CharHashsetMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Collection ¶
func EmptyCollection ¶
func EmptyCollection() *Collection
func NewCollection ¶
func NewCollection(capacity int) *Collection
func NewCollectionDataModelUsingDataModel ¶
func NewCollectionDataModelUsingDataModel(dataModel *CollectionDataModel) *Collection
func NewCollectionUsingLength ¶
func NewCollectionUsingLength(len, capacity int) *Collection
func NewCollectionUsingStrings ¶
func NewCollectionUsingStrings(stringItems *[]string) *Collection
func (*Collection) Add ¶
func (collection *Collection) Add(str string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddCapacity ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddCapacity( capacities, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddLock(str string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddPtr(str *string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddPtrLock(str *string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddStringsPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddStringsPtr(str *[]string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddStringsPtrWgLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddStringsPtrWgLock( str *[]string, group *sync.WaitGroup, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddWithWgLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddWithWgLock( str string, group *sync.WaitGroup, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) Adds ¶
func (collection *Collection) Adds(items ...string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddsLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddsLock(items ...string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtr(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddsNonEmptyPtrLock(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AddsPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddsPtr(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
Skip on nil
func (*Collection) AddsPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AddsPtrLock(itemsPtr ...*string) *Collection
func (*Collection) AppendAnys ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendAnys(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
Continue on nil
func (*Collection) AppendAnysLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysLock(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
Continue on nil
func (*Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilter ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilter( filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}, ) *Collection
Skip on nil
func (*Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilterLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendAnysUsingFilterLock( filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}, ) *Collection
Skip on nil
func (*Collection) AppendCollection ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendCollection( anotherCollection Collection, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) AppendCollectionPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendCollectionPtr( anotherCollection *Collection, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) AppendCollectionsPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendCollectionsPtr( anotherCollectionsPtr ...*Collection, ) *Collection
func (*Collection) AppendNonEmptyAnys ¶
func (collection *Collection) AppendNonEmptyAnys(anys ...interface{}) *Collection
Continue on nil
func (*Collection) AsJsonMarshaller ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (collection *Collection) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
func (*Collection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (collection *Collection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
func (*Collection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (collection *Collection) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
func (*Collection) Capacity ¶
func (collection *Collection) Capacity() int
func (*Collection) CharCollectionMap ¶
func (collection *Collection) CharCollectionMap() *CharCollectionMap
func (*Collection) Filter ¶
func (collection *Collection) Filter(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
must return a slice
func (*Collection) FilterLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) FilterLock(filter IsStringFilter) *[]string
must return a slice
func (*Collection) FilterPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) FilterPtr(filterPtr IsStringPointerFilter) *[]*string
must return a slice
func (*Collection) FilterPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) FilterPtrLock(filterPtr IsStringPointerFilter) *[]*string
must return a slice
func (*Collection) FilteredCollection ¶
func (collection *Collection) FilteredCollection(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
must return a items
func (*Collection) FilteredCollectionLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) FilteredCollectionLock(filter IsStringFilter) *Collection
must return a items
func (*Collection) GetHashsetPlusHasAll ¶
func (collection *Collection) GetHashsetPlusHasAll(items *[]string) (*Hashset, bool)
nil will return false.
func (*Collection) Has ¶
func (collection *Collection) Has(str string) bool
func (*Collection) HasAll ¶
func (collection *Collection) HasAll(items ...string) bool
func (*Collection) HasLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) HasLock(str string) bool
func (*Collection) HasUsingSensitivity ¶
func (collection *Collection) HasUsingSensitivity(str string, isCaseSensitive bool) bool
func (*Collection) Hashset ¶
func (collection *Collection) Hashset() *Hashset
func (*Collection) HashsetLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) HashsetLock() *Hashset
func (*Collection) IsContainsAll ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAll(items ...string) bool
nil will return false.
func (*Collection) IsContainsAllLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAllLock(items ...string) bool
nil will return false.
func (*Collection) IsContainsAllPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsContainsAllPtr(items *[]string) bool
nil will return false.
func (*Collection) IsContainsPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsContainsPtr(item *string) bool
func (*Collection) IsEmpty ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsEmpty() bool
func (*Collection) IsEmptyLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsEmptyLock() bool
func (*Collection) IsEquals ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsEquals( anotherCollection Collection, ) bool
func (*Collection) IsEqualsPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsEqualsPtr( anotherCollection *Collection, ) bool
func (*Collection) IsEqualsWithSensitivePtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) IsEqualsWithSensitivePtr( anotherCollection *Collection, isCaseSensitive bool, ) bool
func (*Collection) Join ¶
func (collection *Collection) Join( separator string, ) string
func (*Collection) Joins ¶
func (collection *Collection) Joins( separator string, items ...string, ) string
func (*Collection) Json ¶
func (collection *Collection) Json() *corejson.Result
func (*Collection) JsonModel ¶
func (collection *Collection) JsonModel() *CollectionDataModel
func (*Collection) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (collection *Collection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*Collection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (collection *Collection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
Panic if error
func (*Collection) Length ¶
func (collection *Collection) Length() int
func (*Collection) LengthLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) LengthLock() int
func (*Collection) List ¶
func (collection *Collection) List() []string
func (*Collection) ListCopyPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) ListCopyPtrLock() *[]string
returns a copy of the items
must return a slice
func (*Collection) ListPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) ListPtr() *[]string
direct return pointer
func (*Collection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (collection *Collection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Collection) NonEmptyListPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) NonEmptyListPtr() *[]string
must return a slice
func (*Collection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
func (collection *Collection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*Collection, error)
func (*Collection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
func (collection *Collection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *Collection
Panic if error
func (*Collection) Resize ¶
func (collection *Collection) Resize( newCapacity int, ) *Collection
Only resize if capacity is bigger than the current one
func (*Collection) Sorted ¶
func (collection *Collection) Sorted() *Collection
func (*Collection) SortedLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) SortedLock() *Collection
func (*Collection) String ¶
func (collection *Collection) String() string
func (*Collection) StringLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) StringLock() string
func (*Collection) UniqueBoolMap ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueBoolMap() *map[string]bool
func (*Collection) UniqueBoolMapLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueBoolMapLock() *map[string]bool
func (*Collection) UniqueList ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueList() []string
func (*Collection) UniqueListLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueListLock() []string
func (*Collection) UniqueListPtr ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueListPtr() *[]string
func (*Collection) UniqueListPtrLock ¶
func (collection *Collection) UniqueListPtrLock() *[]string
func (*Collection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (collection *Collection) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CollectionDataModel ¶
type CollectionDataModel struct {
Items *[]string `json:"StringsCollection"`
func NewCollectionDataModelUsing ¶
func NewCollectionDataModelUsing(collection *Collection) *CollectionDataModel
type Hashmap ¶ added in v0.1.6
func EmptyHashmap ¶ added in v0.1.6
func EmptyHashmap() *Hashmap
func NewHashmap ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapUsingCollection ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapUsingCollection(keys, values *Collection) *Hashmap
func NewHashmapUsingDataModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashmapDataModel) *Hashmap
func NewHashmapUsingKeyAnyValues ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapUsingKeyAnyValues(keyAnyValues *[]KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
func NewHashmapUsingKeyValues ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapUsingKeyValues(keyValues *[]KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
func NewHashmapUsingMap ¶ added in v0.1.6
isMakeClone : copies itemsMap or else use the same one as pointer assign.
func NewHashmapUsingMapUsingAddCapacity ¶ added in v0.1.6
always returns the clone of the items.
func NewHashmapUsingStrings ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdate ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateCollection ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateCollection( keys, values *Collection, ) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyAnyValsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyAnyValsPtr( pairs *[]KeyAnyValuePair, ) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValFloat ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValFloat64 ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyStrValInt ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyVal ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyVal(keyVal KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValsPtr( pairs *[]KeyValuePair, ) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValueAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddOrUpdateKeyValueAny(pair KeyAnyValuePair) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateMap ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdatePtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdatePtrLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtrLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateStringsPtrWgLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddOrUpdateWithWgLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) AddsOrUpdates ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdates(KeyValuePair ...KeyValuePair) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilter ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilter( filter IsKeyAnyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyAnyValuePair, ) *Hashmap
Keep result from filter.
func (*Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilterLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesAnyUsingFilterLock( filter IsKeyAnyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyAnyValuePair, ) *Hashmap
Keep result from filter.
func (*Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesUsingFilter ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AddsOrUpdatesUsingFilter( filter IsKeyValueFilter, pairs ...KeyValuePair, ) *Hashmap
func (*Hashmap) AsJsonMarshaller ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
func (*Hashmap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
func (*Hashmap) Collection ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) Collection() *Collection
func (*Hashmap) GetFilteredCollection ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) GetFilteredCollection( filter IsStringFilter, ) *Collection
must return items.
func (*Hashmap) GetFilteredItems ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) GetFilteredItems( filter IsStringFilter, ) *[]string
must return slice.
func (*Hashmap) HasAllCollectionItems ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) HasAllCollectionItems(collection *Collection) bool
return false on items is nil or empty.
func (*Hashmap) HasAllStringsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) HasWithLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) IsEmptyLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) IsEqualsPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) IsEqualsPtrLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) ItemsCopyLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) JsonModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) JsonModel() *HashmapDataModel
func (*Hashmap) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*Hashmap) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) KeysCollection ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysCollection() *Collection
func (*Hashmap) KeysValuePairs ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuePairs() *[]KeyValuePair
func (*Hashmap) KeysValuesCollection ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (hashmap *Hashmap) KeysValuesCollection() (keys, values *Collection)
func (*Hashmap) KeysValuesList ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) KeysValuesListLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) LengthLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶ added in v0.1.6
It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*Hashmap) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶ added in v0.1.6
Panic if error
func (*Hashmap) RemoveWithLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) StringLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) ValuesCollection ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesCollection() *Collection
func (*Hashmap) ValuesCollectionLock ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (hashmap *Hashmap) ValuesCollectionLock() *Collection
func (*Hashmap) ValuesHashset ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (*Hashmap) ValuesHashsetLock ¶ added in v0.1.8
func (*Hashmap) ValuesList ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) ValuesListCopyPtrLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
a slice must returned
func (*Hashmap) ValuesListPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (*Hashmap) ValuesToLower ¶ added in v0.1.6
Create a new items with all lower strings
type HashmapDataModel ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapsDataModelUsing ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashmapsDataModelUsing(collection *Hashmap) *HashmapDataModel
type Hashset ¶
func EmptyHashset ¶
func EmptyHashset() *Hashset
func NewHashset ¶
func NewHashsetUsingCollection ¶
func NewHashsetUsingCollection( collection *Collection, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool, ) *Hashset
addCapacity will not work if it is not a clone.
func NewHashsetUsingDataModel ¶
func NewHashsetUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashsetDataModel) *Hashset
func NewHashsetUsingMap ¶
addCapacity will not work if it is not a clone.
func NewHashsetUsingStringPointersArray ¶ added in v0.1.6
func NewHashsetUsingStringPointersArray( inputArray *[]*string, addCapacity int, isMakeClone bool, ) *Hashset
addCapacity will not work if it is not a clone.
func NewHashsetUsingStrings ¶
addCapacity will not work if it is not a clone.
func NewHashsetWithValues ¶
addCapacity will not work if it is not a clone.
func (*Hashset) AddCapacities ¶ added in v0.1.6
Changing capacity creates new map and points to it. There is memory copy and loop is performed.
func (*Hashset) AddCapacitiesLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
Changing capacity creates new map and points to it. There is memory copy and loop is performed.
func (*Hashset) AddCollection ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) AddCollection( collection *Collection, ) *Hashset
func (*Hashset) AddCollections ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) AddCollections( collections ...*Collection, ) *Hashset
func (*Hashset) AddHashsetItems ¶
func (*Hashset) AddHashsetWgLock ¶
func (*Hashset) AddItemsMap ¶ added in v0.1.6
only add if the value is true
func (*Hashset) AddItemsMapWgLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashset *Hashset) AddItemsMapWgLock( itemsMap *map[string]bool, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ) *Hashset
only add if the value is true Assume that wg already enqueued the job as wg.Add(...) done already.
func (*Hashset) AddPtrLock ¶
func (*Hashset) AddStringsPtr ¶
func (*Hashset) AddStringsPtrLock ¶
func (*Hashset) AddStringsPtrWgLock ¶
func (*Hashset) AddWithWgLock ¶
func (*Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilter ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilter( filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}, ) *Hashset
func (*Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilterLock ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) AddsAnyUsingFilterLock( filter IsStringFilter, anys ...interface{}, ) *Hashset
func (*Hashset) AddsUsingFilter ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) AddsUsingFilter( filter IsStringFilter, keys ...string, ) *Hashset
func (*Hashset) Collection ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) Collection() *Collection
func (*Hashset) GetFilteredCollection ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) GetFilteredCollection( filter IsStringFilter, ) *Collection
must return items.
func (*Hashset) GetFilteredItems ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) GetFilteredItems( filter IsStringFilter, ) *[]string
must return slice.
func (*Hashset) HasAllCollectionItems ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) HasAllCollectionItems(collection *Collection) bool
return false on items is nil or empty.
func (*Hashset) HasAllStringsPtr ¶
func (*Hashset) HasWithLock ¶
func (*Hashset) IsEmptyLock ¶
func (*Hashset) IsEqualsPtr ¶
func (*Hashset) IsEqualsPtrLock ¶
func (*Hashset) JsonModel ¶
func (hashset *Hashset) JsonModel() *HashsetDataModel
func (*Hashset) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashset *Hashset) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*Hashset) LengthLock ¶
func (*Hashset) ListCopyPtrLock ¶
a slice must returned
func (*Hashset) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Hashset) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
It will not update the self but creates a new one.
func (*Hashset) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
Panic if error
func (*Hashset) RemoveWithLock ¶
func (*Hashset) Resize ¶ added in v0.1.6
Changing capacity creates new map and points to it. There is memory copy and loop is performed.
func (*Hashset) ResizeLock ¶ added in v0.1.6
Changing capacity creates new map and points to it. There is memory copy and loop is performed.
func (*Hashset) StringLock ¶
func (*Hashset) ToLowerSet ¶
Create a new items with all lower strings
func (*Hashset) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type HashsetDataModel ¶
func NewHashsetsDataModelUsing ¶
func NewHashsetsDataModelUsing(collection *Hashset) *HashsetDataModel
type HashsetsCollection ¶
type HashsetsCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func EmptyHashsetsCollection ¶
func EmptyHashsetsCollection() *HashsetsCollection
func NewHashsetsCollection ¶
func NewHashsetsCollection(hashsets *[]Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingDataModel ¶
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingDataModel(dataModel *HashsetsCollectionDataModel) *HashsetsCollection
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingLength ¶
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingLength(len, capacity int) *HashsetsCollection
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingPointerHashsets ¶
func NewHashsetsCollectionUsingPointerHashsets(hashsets *[]*Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
func (*HashsetsCollection) Add ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Add(hashset *Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
func (*HashsetsCollection) AddNonEmpty ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AddNonEmpty( hashset *Hashset, ) *HashsetsCollection
func (*HashsetsCollection) AddNonNil ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AddNonNil(hashset *Hashset) *HashsetsCollection
func (*HashsetsCollection) Adds ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Adds( hashsets ...*Hashset, ) *HashsetsCollection
nil will be skipped
func (*HashsetsCollection) AsJsonMarshaller ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsonMarshaller() *corejson.JsonMarshaller
func (*HashsetsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsonParseSelfInjector() *corejson.ParseSelfInjector
func (*HashsetsCollection) AsJsoner ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) AsJsoner() *corejson.Jsoner
func (*HashsetsCollection) HasAll ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) HasAll(items ...string) bool
items returns false hashsetsCollection empty returns false
func (*HashsetsCollection) IndexOf ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IndexOf(index int) *Hashset
func (*HashsetsCollection) IsEmpty ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEmpty() bool
func (*HashsetsCollection) IsEqual ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEqual(another HashsetsCollection) bool
func (*HashsetsCollection) IsEqualPtr ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) IsEqualPtr(another *HashsetsCollection) bool
func (*HashsetsCollection) Join ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Join( separator string, ) string
func (*HashsetsCollection) Json ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Json() *corejson.Result
func (*HashsetsCollection) JsonModel ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonModel() *HashsetsCollectionDataModel
func (*HashsetsCollection) JsonModelAny ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonModelAny() interface{}
func (*HashsetsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) JsonParseSelfInject(jsonResult *corejson.Result)
func (*HashsetsCollection) Length ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) Length() int
func (*HashsetsCollection) List ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) List() []*Hashset
func (*HashsetsCollection) ListDirectPtr ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ListDirectPtr() *[]Hashset
func (*HashsetsCollection) ListPtr ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ListPtr() *[]*Hashset
func (*HashsetsCollection) MarshalJSON ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJson( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) (*HashsetsCollection, error)
func (*HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) ParseInjectUsingJsonMust( jsonResult *corejson.Result, ) *HashsetsCollection
Panic if error
func (*HashsetsCollection) String ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) String() string
func (*HashsetsCollection) StringsList ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) StringsList() *[]string
func (*HashsetsCollection) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (hashsetsCollection *HashsetsCollection) UnmarshalJSON( data []byte, ) error
type HashsetsCollectionDataModel ¶
type HashsetsCollectionDataModel struct {
Items *[]*Hashset `json:"HashsetsCollections"`
func NewHashsetsCollectionDataModelUsing ¶
func NewHashsetsCollectionDataModelUsing(collection *HashsetsCollection) *HashsetsCollectionDataModel
type IsKeyAnyValueFilter ¶ added in v0.1.6
type IsKeyAnyValueFilter func(pair KeyAnyValuePair) (result string, isKeep bool)
type IsKeyValueFilter ¶ added in v0.1.6
type IsKeyValueFilter func(pair KeyValuePair) (result string, isKeep bool)
type IsStringFilter ¶
type IsStringPointerFilter ¶
type KeyAnyValuePair ¶ added in v0.1.6
type KeyAnyValuePair struct { Key string Value interface{} // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*KeyAnyValuePair) HasNonNull ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (keyAnyValuePair *KeyAnyValuePair) HasNonNull() bool
func (*KeyAnyValuePair) IsValueNull ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (keyAnyValuePair *KeyAnyValuePair) IsValueNull() bool
func (*KeyAnyValuePair) ValueString ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (keyAnyValuePair *KeyAnyValuePair) ValueString() string
func (*KeyAnyValuePair) ValueStringPtr ¶ added in v0.1.6
func (keyAnyValuePair *KeyAnyValuePair) ValueStringPtr() *string
type KeyValuePair ¶ added in v0.1.6
type KeyValuePair struct {
Key, Value string
type OnCompleteCharCollectionMap ¶
type OnCompleteCharCollectionMap func(charCollection *CharCollectionMap)
type OnCompleteCharHashsetMap ¶
type OnCompleteCharHashsetMap func(charHashset *CharHashsetMap)
Source Files
- CharCollectionDataModel.go
- CharCollectionMap.go
- CharHashsetDataModel.go
- CharHashsetMap.go
- Collection.go
- CollectionDataModel.go
- Hashmap.go
- HashmapDataModel.go
- Hashset.go
- HashsetDataModel.go
- HashsetsCollection.go
- HashsetsCollectionDataModel.go
- KeyAnyValuePair.go
- KeyValuePair.go
- constructors.go
- consts.go
- funcs.go
- vars.go