A CLI tool that joins the room and exports last N messages to the file you specified.
Get messages from any matrix room with pagination (if limit greather than page, to prevent timeout errors) or without it (if limit less or equals page)
Export messages to one file for all messages
Export each message in separate file
Custom templates supported (contrib contains an example of hugo post template, etke.cc/webite can be used as reference)
Delegation and aliases supported
Anyone/world_readable access supported without invite
Usage of emm:
-hs string
Homeserver URL (supports delegation)
-l int
Messages limit
-o string
Output filename. If it contains %s, it will be replaced with event ID (one message per file)
-p string
Password of the matrix user
-r string
Room ID or alias
-t string
Template file. Default is JSON message struct
-u string
Username/Login of the matrix user