Postmoogle is an actual SMTP server that allows you to send and receive emails on your matrix server.
It can't be used with arbitrary email providers, because it acts as an actual email provider itself,
so you can use it to send emails from your apps and scripts as well.
SMTP server (plaintext and SSL)
Matrix bot
Configuration in room's account data
Receive emails to matrix rooms
Receive attachments
Catch-all mailbox
Map email threads to matrix threads
Multi-domain support
SMTP verification
DKIM verification
SPF verification
MX verification
Spamlist of emails (wildcards supported)
Spamlist of hosts (per server only)
Greylisting (per server only)
SMTP client
SMTP server (you can use Postmoogle as general purpose SMTP server to send emails from your scripts or apps)
Send a message to matrix room with special format to send a new email, even to multiple email addresses at once
Reply to matrix thread sends reply into email thread
POSTMOOGLE_LOGIN - user login/localpart, eg: moogle
POSTMOOGLE_DOMAINS - space separated list of SMTP domains to listen for new emails. The first domain acts as the default domain, all other as aliases
other optional config parameters
POSTMOOGLE_PORT - SMTP port to listen for new emails
POSTMOOGLE_PROXIES - space separated list of IP addresses considered as trusted proxies, thus never banned
POSTMOOGLE_TLS_PORT - secure SMTP port to listen for new emails. Requires valid cert and key as well
POSTMOOGLE_TLS_CERT - space separated list of paths to the SSL certificates (chain) of your domains, note that position in the cert list must match the position of the cert's key in the key list
POSTMOOGLE_TLS_KEY - space separated list of paths to the SSL certificates' private keys of your domains, note that position on the key list must match the position of cert in the cert list
POSTMOOGLE_TLS_REQUIRED - require TLS connection, even on the non-TLS port (POSTMOOGLE_PORT). TLS connections are always required on the TLS port (POSTMOOGLE_TLS_PORT) regardless of this setting.
POSTMOOGLE_DATA_SECRET - secure key (password) to encrypt account data, must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long
POSTMOOGLE_NOENCRYPTION - disable matrix encryption (libolm) support
POSTMOOGLE_STATUSMSG - presence status message
POSTMOOGLE_MONITORING_SENTRY_RATE - sentry sample rate, from 0 to 100 (default: 20)
Invite the bot into a room you want to use as mailbox
Read the bot's introduction
Set mailbox using !pm mailbox NAME where NAME is part of email (e.g.
Done. Mailbox owner and other options will be set automatically when you configure mailbox.
If you want to change them - check available options in the help message (!pm help)
Full list of available commands
!pm help - Show help message
!pm stop - Disable bridge for the room and clear all configuration
!pm mailbox - Get or set mailbox of the room
!pm domain - Get or set default domain of the room
!pm owner - Get or set owner of the room
!pm password - Get or set SMTP password of the room's mailbox
!pm nosender - Get or set nosender of the room (true - hide email sender; false - show email sender)
!pm norecipient - Get or set norecipient of the room (true - hide recipient; false - show recipient)
!pm nocc - Get or set nocc of the room (true - hide CC; false - show CC)
!pm nosubject - Get or set nosubject of the room (true - hide email subject; false - show email subject)
!pm nohtml - Get or set nohtml of the room (true - ignore HTML in email; false - parse HTML in emails)
!pm nothreads - Get or set nothreads of the room (true - ignore email threads; false - convert email threads into matrix threads)
!pm nofiles - Get or set nofiles of the room (true - ignore email attachments; false - upload email attachments)
!pm spamcheck:mx - only accept email from servers which seem prepared to receive it (those having valid MX records) (true - enable, false - disable)
!pm spamcheck:spf - only accept email from senders which authorized to send it (those matching SPF records) (true - enable, false - disable)
!pm spamcheck:dkim - only accept correctly authorized emails (without DKIM signature at all or with valid DKIM signature) (true - enable, false - disable)
!pm spamcheck:smtp - only accept email from servers which seem prepared to receive it (those listening on an SMTP port) (true - enable, false - disable)
!pm spamlist - Get or set spamlist of the room (comma-separated list), eg:,*,noreply@*
!pm adminroom - Get or set admin room
!pm dkim - Get DKIM signature
!pm catch-all - Configure catch-all mailbox
!pm queue:batch - max amount of emails to process on each queue check
!pm queue:retries - max amount of tries per email in queue before removal
!pm users - Get or set allowed users patterns
!pm mailboxes - Show the list of all mailboxes
!pm delete <mailbox> - Delete specific mailbox
!pm greylist - Set automatic greylisting duration in minutes (0 - disabled)
!pm banlist - Enable/disable banlist and show current values